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作者 孙文善 《东北亚外语研究》 1996年第9期50-50,共1页
茶道形式的完成者──千利休上海中医药大学孙文善「茶道」是日本最富有代表性的文化之一。茶道最初称作「茶の汤」「安土桃山时代」(1573──1598年),「茶の汤」才逐渐演变为茶道,千利休则是茶道形式的完成者。「千利休」... 茶道形式的完成者──千利休上海中医药大学孙文善「茶道」是日本最富有代表性的文化之一。茶道最初称作「茶の汤」「安土桃山时代」(1573──1598年),「茶の汤」才逐渐演变为茶道,千利休则是茶道形式的完成者。「千利休」1522年出生于「和泉国」(今大阪... 展开更多
关键词 完成者 丰臣秀吉 茶道 安土桃山时代 上海中医药大学 心理境界 室町时代 浓厚的兴趣 传播开 影响力
作者 刘健 《山东农业(农村经济)》 1996年第6期1-1,共1页
曹县楼庄乡党委书记王明杰的事迹,已经逐渐传播开来,引起社会各界的关注。 一般读者读到关于王明杰的报道,第一反应都是:真的吗?当今还有这样的基层干部? 应该说,到楼庄去采访过的记者,心中也大都曾带有这样的疑问。但当地群众的反映把... 曹县楼庄乡党委书记王明杰的事迹,已经逐渐传播开来,引起社会各界的关注。 一般读者读到关于王明杰的报道,第一反应都是:真的吗?当今还有这样的基层干部? 应该说,到楼庄去采访过的记者,心中也大都曾带有这样的疑问。但当地群众的反映把这一疑问彻底化解了。到群众中间走一走,听听楼庄农民的讲述,我们才懂得。 展开更多
关键词 王明 基层干部队伍 小城镇建设 传播开 民主与法制 农民收入增长 农业发展 农村问题 先进科学技术 财政收入增长
作者 王长宗 《社会》 北大核心 1995年第2期40-40,共1页
关键词 典史 《沙家浜》 财政补贴 新方案 刮地皮 传播开 直接接触 祖师爷 工作岗位 发工资
作者 范祥 《职业教育研究》 1996年第9期36-36,共1页
某日,吝先生与啬先生相约于子虚山乌有亭饮酒赏月,原说好吝先生带酒,啬先生备菜。但两人都十分小气,不肯多花一分钱。 中秋佳节到了,两人都按约准时来到子虚山乌有亭。
关键词 子虚 荒唐可笑 传播开 人嘴 山珍 互敬 杜康
作者 乔斯普.玛丽亚.卡潘尼多 吴黎明 《出版参考》 2003年第35期24-24,共1页
只有人类才具备真正的技术。而动物的所谓“技术”是以它们使用工具劳动的能力来衡量的。这种劳动可能会十分艰苦,或者不可能靠动物本身的器官完成。工具可以是诸如未经加工的石头、木棒、刀片等。也可以改进工具,改进得越大,说明动物... 只有人类才具备真正的技术。而动物的所谓“技术”是以它们使用工具劳动的能力来衡量的。这种劳动可能会十分艰苦,或者不可能靠动物本身的器官完成。工具可以是诸如未经加工的石头、木棒、刀片等。也可以改进工具,改进得越大,说明动物的技术越高超。众所周知,猴子会在树上朝它们的敌人掷果子和树枝。鹫能用石子砸鸵鸟蛋。 另一种类型的技术表现在很多鸟类、昆虫、蜘蛛和河狸中,它们的兽穴窝巢的筑造已经达到了相当复杂的程度。 展开更多
关键词 技术与文化 文化差异 改进工具 学习现象 猕猴 技术表现 甘薯 觅食行为 传播开 国家公园
《南京高师学报(社会科学版)》 1998年第2期92-92,共1页
宋释洪惠《冷斋夜话》卷四《满城风雨近重阳》:“黄州潘大入工诗,多佳句,然甚贫,东坡、山谷尤喜之.临川谢天逸以出问有新作否,潘答出曰:‘秋来景物,件件是佳句,恨为俗气蔽翳.昨日闲卧,闻搅林风雨声,欣然起,题其壁曰:“满城风雨近重阳”... 宋释洪惠《冷斋夜话》卷四《满城风雨近重阳》:“黄州潘大入工诗,多佳句,然甚贫,东坡、山谷尤喜之.临川谢天逸以出问有新作否,潘答出曰:‘秋来景物,件件是佳句,恨为俗气蔽翳.昨日闲卧,闻搅林风雨声,欣然起,题其壁曰:“满城风雨近重阳”;忽催租人至,遂败意,止此一顺奉寄.’闻者笑其迂阔.” 展开更多
关键词 《冷斋夜话》 传播开 黄州 临川 入工 东坡 景物 无逸 沸沸 众口
Automatically positioning microseismic sources in mining by the stereo tomographic method using full wavefields 被引量:3
作者 缪华祥 姜福兴 +3 位作者 宋雪娟 宋建勇 杨淑华 焦俊如 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期168-176,234,235,共11页
For microseisimic monitoring it is difficult to determine wave modes and their propagation velocity. In this paper, we propose a new method for automatically inverting in real time the source characteristics of micros... For microseisimic monitoring it is difficult to determine wave modes and their propagation velocity. In this paper, we propose a new method for automatically inverting in real time the source characteristics of microseismic events in mine engineering without wave mode identification and velocities. Based on the wave equation in a spherical coordinate system, we derive a tomographic imaging equation and formulate a scanning parameter selection criterion by which the microseisimic event maximum energy and corresponding parameters can be determined. By determining the maximum energy positions inside a given risk district, we can indentify microseismic events inside or outside the risk districts. The synthetic and field examples demonstrate that the proposed tomographic imaging method can automatically position microseismic events by only knowing the risk district dimensions and range of velocities without identifying the wavefield modes and accurate velocities. Therefore, the new method utilizes the full wavefields to automatically monitor microseismic events. 展开更多
关键词 microseismic full wavefields wavefield mode identification tomographic image source parameters automatic positioning
作者 李克因 《华人时刊》 2001年第3期52-52,共1页
不论清代的君主们如何顽固地抱残守缺、闭关锁国,但大势所趋,被动也罢,主动也罢,横竖是出现了一条弯弯的渠道,挤进了一些西方的精神文明和物质文明。应该感谢当时译学馆内那些著名和无名的译员们,不知费了多少心血,才把从未听过、见过... 不论清代的君主们如何顽固地抱残守缺、闭关锁国,但大势所趋,被动也罢,主动也罢,横竖是出现了一条弯弯的渠道,挤进了一些西方的精神文明和物质文明。应该感谢当时译学馆内那些著名和无名的译员们,不知费了多少心血,才把从未听过、见过的西方“玩意儿”摆弄成方块字,且不谈是否“信、达、雅”,单是译得准确,使国人接受并传播开来,就是很了不起的事。 展开更多
关键词 自来水 精神文明 物质文明 闭关锁国 传播开 私人秘书 翻字典 方块字 译学 译员
作者 王长宗 《探索与求是》 1994年第10期47-48,共2页
钱典史其无后乎王长宗《官场现形记》第二回《钱典史同行说官趣》中,有一段写钱典史向将涉仕途的赵温传授升官发财之道。钱典史说:"一年之内,我一个生日,我们贱内一个生日,这两个生日是刻板要做的,下来老太爷生日,老太太生日,... 钱典史其无后乎王长宗《官场现形记》第二回《钱典史同行说官趣》中,有一段写钱典史向将涉仕途的赵温传授升官发财之道。钱典史说:"一年之内,我一个生日,我们贱内一个生日,这两个生日是刻板要做的,下来老太爷生日,老太太生日,少爷做亲,姑娘出嫁,一年上总有好几... 展开更多
关键词 典史 《官场现形记》 《沙家浜》 机关干部 财政补贴 新方案 刮地皮 除党籍 自费生 传播开
《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1998年第2期22-22,共1页
关键词 托儿所 玩具 巴西利亚 放时间 特殊情况 解决办法 专业人员 传播开 录像机 生活节奏
Structure and design method for pulse-triggered flip-flops at switch level 被引量:2
作者 戴燕云 沈继忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第6期1279-1284,共6页
A kind of structure and a design method using transmission voltage-switch theory for pulse-triggered flip-flops were proposed,which are suitable for all kinds of pulse-triggered flip-flops and no extra techniques are ... A kind of structure and a design method using transmission voltage-switch theory for pulse-triggered flip-flops were proposed,which are suitable for all kinds of pulse-triggered flip-flops and no extra techniques are needed to eliminate the switching activities of internal nodes.Based on the proposed structure and design technique,two pulsed flip-flops were implemented and simulated.The proposed pulsed flip-flops have simple circuit structures.HSPICE simulation shows that the proposed pulsed D flip-flop outperforms the conventional pulsed D flip-flop by 17.2% in delay and 30.1% in power-delay-product(PDP) and the proposed pulsed JK flip-flop has low power and small PDP compared with pulsed D pulsed flip-flops,confirming that the proposed structure and design technique are simple and practical. 展开更多
关键词 FLIP-FLOP pulse-triggered transmission voltage-switch theory low power
Two Dimensional Fully Nonlinear Numerical Wave Tank Based on the BEM
作者 Zhe Sun Yongjie Pang Hongwei Li 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第4期437-446,共10页
The development of a two dimensional numerical wave tank (NWT) with a rocker or piston type wavemaker based on the high order boundary element method (BEM) and mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian (MEL) is examined. The ca... The development of a two dimensional numerical wave tank (NWT) with a rocker or piston type wavemaker based on the high order boundary element method (BEM) and mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian (MEL) is examined. The cauchy principle value (CPV) integral is calculated by a special Gauss type quadrature and a change of variable. In addition the explicit truncated Taylor expansion formula is employed in the time-stepping process. A modified double nodes method is assumed to tackle the comer problem, as well as the damping zone technique is used to absorb the propagation of the free surface wave at the end of the tank. A variety of waves are generated by the NWT, for example; a monochromatic wave, solitary wave and irregular wave. The results confirm the NWT model is efficient and stable. 展开更多
关键词 numerical wave tank (NWT) boundary element method (BEM) nonlinear free surface condition mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian damping zone cauchy principle value(CPV)
作者 杨玉田 《文明与宣传》 1998年第10期28-28,共1页
经商开店办企业,有赚也有赔。可是,面对“赔”与“赚”,上海某鞋厂经过权衡,别出心裁采取了“以赔促赚”的经营策略。收到了较好的效果 事情是这样的:该厂与日本某株式会社做成一笔价值160万日元的布鞋生意,因日方市场预测失误,布鞋抵... 经商开店办企业,有赚也有赔。可是,面对“赔”与“赚”,上海某鞋厂经过权衡,别出心裁采取了“以赔促赚”的经营策略。收到了较好的效果 事情是这样的:该厂与日本某株式会社做成一笔价值160万日元的布鞋生意,因日方市场预测失误,布鞋抵日后造成积压,日方请求退货。按惯例这显然是行不通的。但中方为稳定贸易伙伴,竟原则上同意了。这使日方对中方的合作十分钦佩与感谢,答应以后再购货首先考虑此鞋厂产品。中方趁热打铁,按日方要求很快赶制出一批同等价值的新款式鞋运抵日本,使日方大赚其钱,名声大振。中方信誉也由此传播开去,日本几家客户立即来函洽谈生意,鞋厂于是身价倍增, 展开更多
关键词 西瓜 芝麻 经营策略 市场预测 身价倍增 热打铁 传播开 贸易伙伴 中方 鞋厂
作者 周颖 《小作家选刊(小学生版)》 2005年第4期17-17,共1页
"昏天又暗地,忍不住的流星……"一听到这歌声,就知道我们班的"三高"又开始表演了。为什么叫他们"三高"?不就是因为他们最喜欢纵情"高"歌吗? "三高"一号名叫何凯,二号是崔亚奇,三号... "昏天又暗地,忍不住的流星……"一听到这歌声,就知道我们班的"三高"又开始表演了。为什么叫他们"三高"?不就是因为他们最喜欢纵情"高"歌吗? "三高"一号名叫何凯,二号是崔亚奇,三号叫崔小祥。他们不但在我们班名头响当当。 展开更多
关键词 “三高” 流星 耗子 少年儿童 无人不知 富安镇 江苏省 文学社 传播开 演唱会
作者 谭忠心 《冶金企业文化》 1999年第4期39-39,共1页
关键词 21世纪 封建迷信 脱贫致富 人的素质 家贫如洗 成都无缝 坏风气 死灰复燃 传播开 外出打工
Propagation of flexural waves in phononic crystal thin plates with linear defects 被引量:2
作者 Zong-jian YAO Gui-lan YU +2 位作者 Yue-sheng WANG Zhi-fei SHI Jian-bao LI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第10期827-834,共8页
The band structures of flexural waves in a phononic crystal thin plate with straight, bending or branching linear defects are theoretically investigated using the supercell technique based on the improved plane wave e... The band structures of flexural waves in a phononic crystal thin plate with straight, bending or branching linear defects are theoretically investigated using the supercell technique based on the improved plane wave expansion method. We show the existence of an absolute band gap of the perfect phononic crystal and linear defect modes inside the gap caused by localization of flexural waves at or near the defects. The displacement distributions show that flexural waves can transmit well along the straight linear defect created by removing one row of cylinders from the perfect phononic crystals for almost all the frequencies falling in the band gap, which indicates that this structure can act as a high efficiency waveguide. However, for bending or branching linear defects, there exist both guided and localized modes, and therefore the phononic crystals could be served as waveguides or filters. 展开更多
关键词 Phononic crystal Thin plates Linear defects Flexural waves
Propagation of elastic wave in nanoporous material with distributed cylindrical nanoholes 被引量:3
作者 QIANG FangWei WEI PeiJun LIU XiQiang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第8期1542-1550,共9页
The effective propagation constants of plane longitudinal and shear waves in nanoporous material with random distributed parallel cylindrical nanoholes are studied. The surface elastic theory is used to consider the s... The effective propagation constants of plane longitudinal and shear waves in nanoporous material with random distributed parallel cylindrical nanoholes are studied. The surface elastic theory is used to consider the surface stress effects and to derive the nontraditional boundary condition on the surface of nanoholes. The plane wave expansion method is used to obtain the scattering waves from the single nanohole. The multiple scattering effects are taken into consideration by summing the scat- tered waves from all scatterers and performing the configuration averaging of random distributed scatterers. The effective propagation constants of coherent waves along with the associated dynamic effective elastic modulus are numerically evaluat- ed. The influences of surface stress are discussed based on the numerical results. 展开更多
关键词 multiple scattering NANOHOLE coherent wave effective velocity effective modulus
Evolutionary ecology of chemosensation and its role in sensory drive 被引量:2
作者 Laurel R. YOHE Philipp BRAND 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期525-533,共9页
All behaviors of an organism are rooted in sensory processing of signals from its environment, and nat ural selection shapes sensory adaptations to ensure successful detection of cues that maximize fitness. Sensory dr... All behaviors of an organism are rooted in sensory processing of signals from its environment, and nat ural selection shapes sensory adaptations to ensure successful detection of cues that maximize fitness. Sensory drive, or divergent selection for efficient signal transmission among heterogeneous environ ments, has been a useful hypothesis for describing sensory adaptations, but its current scope has pri marily focused on visual and acoustic sensory modalities. Chemosensation, the most widespread sensory modality in animals that includes the senses of smell and taste, is characterized by rapid evolu tion and has been linked to sensory adaptations to new environments in numerous lineages. Yet, olfac tion and gustation have been largely underappreciated in light of the sensory drive hypothesis. Here, we examine why chemosensory systems have been overlooked and discuss the potential of chemo sensation to shed new insight on the sensory drive hypothesis and vice versa. We provide suggestions for developing a framework to better incorporate studies of chemosensory adaptation that have the po tential to shape a more complete, coherent, and holistic interpretation of the sensory drive. 展开更多
关键词 chemical signaling CHEMORECEPTOR CHEMOSENSATION sensory drive OLFACTION
Analysis of transient responses in a laminated piezoelectric cylindrical shell
作者 HAN Xu GONG Shuang +1 位作者 HE XiaoQiao JIANG Chao 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期143-149,共7页
A hybrid numerical method is proposed for analysis of transient responses in a multilayered piezoelectric cylindrical shell.In the present method,the associated equations of the displacement field and the electro-pote... A hybrid numerical method is proposed for analysis of transient responses in a multilayered piezoelectric cylindrical shell.In the present method,the associated equations of the displacement field and the electro-potential field are developed using an analytical-numerical method.The piezoelectric cylindrical shell is discretized into layered annular elements along the wall thickness direction.The governing equations are determined by Hamilton's Principle considering the coupling between the elastic and electric field in each element.The modal analysis and Fourier transformation with respect to the spatial cylindrical polar coordinates in the direction of wave propagation are introduced to formulate the displacement field and electro-potential field in the wave-number domain.The results of transient responses at any location can be obtained by performing an inverse Fourier transformation.The transient responses of an actual piezoelectric cylindrical shell excited by a coupled electro-mechanical circular line load are investigated as a numerical example.The computational results demonstrate the efficiency of the present method. 展开更多
关键词 transient response piezoelectric material cylindrical shell
The effective propagation constants of SH wave in composites reinforced by dispersive parallel nanofibers 被引量:2
作者 QIANG FangWei WEI PeiJun LI Li 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1172-1177,共6页
In the present paper, the effective propagation constants of elastic SH waves in composites with randomly distributed parallel cylindrical nanofibers are studied. The surface stress effects are considered based on the... In the present paper, the effective propagation constants of elastic SH waves in composites with randomly distributed parallel cylindrical nanofibers are studied. The surface stress effects are considered based on the surface elasticity theory and non-classical interfacial conditions between the nanofiber and the host are derived. The scattering waves from individual nanofibers embedded in an infinite elastic host are obtained by the plane wave expansion method. The scattering waves from all fibers are summed up to obtain the multiple scattering waves. The interactions among random dispersive nanofibers are taken into account by the effective field approximation. The effective propagation constants are obtained by the configurational average of the multiple scattering waves. The effective speed and attenuation of the averaged wave and the associated dynamical effective shear modulus of composites are numerically calculated. Based on the numerical results, the size effects of the nanofibers on the effective propagation constants and the effective modulus are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 multiple scattering averaged wave NANOFIBER surface elasticity size effects
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