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作者 张盛楠 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第8期46-50,共5页
本文以新古典结构功能论为理论视角,以世界重要农业文化遗产—敖汉旱作农业系统为例,综合运用文献研究法和实地研究法,重点分析农业文化遗产由对立趋同的外部探索向并存联结的内部发展历程,逐渐总结出一套农业文化遗产与地方经济发展相... 本文以新古典结构功能论为理论视角,以世界重要农业文化遗产—敖汉旱作农业系统为例,综合运用文献研究法和实地研究法,重点分析农业文化遗产由对立趋同的外部探索向并存联结的内部发展历程,逐渐总结出一套农业文化遗产与地方经济发展相融合的方法,以期为农业文化遗产的传承保护与发展提供借鉴,进而为实现内蒙古地区高质量发展贡献一份力量。 展开更多
关键词 农业文化遗产 传统—现代 敖汉旱作农业系统
对文艺类文化遗产“传统—现代”转型的新古典结构—功能分析 被引量:1
作者 刘丽珺 张继焦 《创新》 2021年第2期73-83,共11页
文化遗产既是传统文化遗留下来的经验与智慧,也可以成为现代社会生活中的重要组成部分。运用新古典结构—功能分析方法,剖析文艺类文化遗产在传统与现代的转型中呈现出来的多种结构转变和功能变化。在现代社会语境中,文艺类文化遗产的... 文化遗产既是传统文化遗留下来的经验与智慧,也可以成为现代社会生活中的重要组成部分。运用新古典结构—功能分析方法,剖析文艺类文化遗产在传统与现代的转型中呈现出来的多种结构转变和功能变化。在现代社会语境中,文艺类文化遗产的传承形式多元化,如在城市复兴、特色小镇、文旅演艺、节庆庙会等不同场景或经济社会结构中均有存在,并以原生型、关联型、碎片型等不同的“结构—功能”形式,传承和发展着文艺类文化遗产的多元化价值。 展开更多
关键词 新古典结构—功能分析 文艺类文化遗产 传统—现代”转型
民族八省区的文旅融合发展——以历史文化名城的“传统—现代”转型为例 被引量:12
作者 张继焦 吴玥 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第7期113-120,共8页
我国经济已经从高速增长转变为高质量发展,历史文化名城的经济社会发展也越发注重质量,利用文旅融合之力进行现代转型成为重要的发展方向。从“传统—现代”转型的“四分法”来看,文化遗产与历史文化名城在“传统—现代”转型中不仅处... 我国经济已经从高速增长转变为高质量发展,历史文化名城的经济社会发展也越发注重质量,利用文旅融合之力进行现代转型成为重要的发展方向。从“传统—现代”转型的“四分法”来看,文化遗产与历史文化名城在“传统—现代”转型中不仅处于对立或融合两个极端,在很多时候往往是处于两者之间的趋同、并存、联结等多种状态。从新古典“结构—功能论”来看,西部民族地区可通过文化遗产之间的相互联结与强化,形成民族地区独有、东部地区难以模仿的城市竞争优势;而在当今的经济社会结构转型中,历史文化遗产与各类民族文化传统在西部地区的历史文化名城中不仅可以形成新的结构,也可以相应地产生新功能,文旅深度融合发展的趋势日益明显,出现了新的结构转变与功能转型,并通过传统与现代的并存与联结推动了资源配置以及历史文化名城的内源性可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 文旅融合 历史文化名城 传统—现代”转型 新古典“结构—功能论” 四分法
历史视域下的社区文化建设新趋势 被引量:14
作者 杨敏 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期29-37,共9页
社会治理及其体制创新正广受关注。在构建社区共同性、利益共同性、意义共同性、秩序共同性的过程中,传统的回归与复兴不断在社区建设中激发出新的活力。对于迅速迈向现代性纵深的当代中国,"传统的发明"也越为频繁,传统的回... 社会治理及其体制创新正广受关注。在构建社区共同性、利益共同性、意义共同性、秩序共同性的过程中,传统的回归与复兴不断在社区建设中激发出新的活力。对于迅速迈向现代性纵深的当代中国,"传统的发明"也越为频繁,传统的回归与复兴尤其引人关注。在历史视域中和"传统—现代"论的视角下,通过"传统—现代"、"大传统—小传统"、"大社会—小地方"关系的探讨,凸显社区文化建设中传统的重构与新构的重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 历史长程视域 传统—现代 “大传统—传统 社区文化建设 重构
作者 谢海涛 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2010年第5期132-136,共5页
第二次世界大战后,在欧洲中心观笼罩下的美国中国史研究,先后兴起了三种史观或分析框架,分别是"冲击—回应"、"传统—现代"、"帝国主义"。这三种史观在特定的历史阶段对美国人认识理解中国曾起到过一定帮... 第二次世界大战后,在欧洲中心观笼罩下的美国中国史研究,先后兴起了三种史观或分析框架,分别是"冲击—回应"、"传统—现代"、"帝国主义"。这三种史观在特定的历史阶段对美国人认识理解中国曾起到过一定帮助,但是由于其自身所处位置的特殊性以及那种天然的"种族优越感",使得这三种史观都对中国历史有一定程度的误识。柯文在上世纪80年代撰写《从中国发现历史——中国中心观在美国的兴起》一书,对此进行了深刻的反思,并在此基础上提出了"中国中心观"的构想。这无疑对美国中国研究起到了纠偏作用,也对我们的近代史研究起到了积极的警示作用。但是,我们却不能因此从一个极端走向另一个极端,只找中国历史的特殊性,而全然无视西方在近代对中国的深刻影响。 展开更多
关键词 柯文 “冲击—回应” 传统—现代 “帝国主义” 中国中心观
Research on Beautiful Countryside Planning in Underdeveloped Areas from Perspective of Traditional and Modern Integration——a Case Study of Jiangjia Village, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province 被引量:2
作者 李小云 胡思琦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1468-1470,共3页
In context of building beautiful countryside nationwide, underdeveloped areas are confronted by many problems, such as monotonous industry structure, simi- lar rural landscape and loss of characteristics. With a case ... In context of building beautiful countryside nationwide, underdeveloped areas are confronted by many problems, such as monotonous industry structure, simi- lar rural landscape and loss of characteristics. With a case of Jiangjia Village, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province, the research explored rural pattern, cultural characteristics, building style, development value and potential and analyzed regional cooperation, urban-rural integration, and planning first, from the perspectives of economy, culture and building in order to protect traditional economy and highlight local characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Tradition and modern INTEGRATION Underdeveloped areas Beautiful Countryside
从儒学大传统视角对社会治理现代化的思考 被引量:1
作者 杨敏 《国际儒学(中英文)》 2022年第1期39-43,167,共6页
从中国大历史进程看,社会的运行秩序及其规律性一直是国家治理和社会治理的核心内容。先秦诸子百家以不同的思想和话语建构了“天下”景观,特别是早期儒家,怀抱“以天下为己任”的使命感,力行实现“家—国—天下”的良好秩序和“天下大... 从中国大历史进程看,社会的运行秩序及其规律性一直是国家治理和社会治理的核心内容。先秦诸子百家以不同的思想和话语建构了“天下”景观,特别是早期儒家,怀抱“以天下为己任”的使命感,力行实现“家—国—天下”的良好秩序和“天下大同”的社会理想。儒家的初心及其使命感和责任感对传统中国的政治思想和政治实践产生了深刻影响。这其中也折射出了儒家的深沉隐忧。事实上,“治乱盛衰”轮回的“历史周期律”,是原始儒家和新儒家难以破解的“历史大问”。传统中国迫于“大国小农”的基本国情,一遍遍地重复着这一历史宿命。在此意义上,从“大国小农”转向“天下为公”,提供了理解近现代中国一系列社会革命和社会变革的一把钥匙。在此进程中,彻底改造农户经济,挣脱“大国小农”的历史宿命;改造基层社会和基层组织,根除传统社会治理的积弊沉疴;持续开放变革推进高品质发展,走向更加现代的中国。 展开更多
关键词 传统—现代”关系 儒学大传统 社会治理现代
作者 熊小青 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期51-58,共8页
乡村建筑及其技术的现代转向,以其具体的、感性而鲜活的方式诠释着"传统"与"现代"间矛盾与冲突。作为长期乡村生存实践而累积的建筑技术传统,以其所具有的地方性、经验性认知方式及其显性的、公共性的物质方式,展... 乡村建筑及其技术的现代转向,以其具体的、感性而鲜活的方式诠释着"传统"与"现代"间矛盾与冲突。作为长期乡村生存实践而累积的建筑技术传统,以其所具有的地方性、经验性认知方式及其显性的、公共性的物质方式,展现它的乡土的人文气息、生存智慧,以致沉淀为生存于此的人的集体记忆。技术化运用使得以乡土技术表现的乡村建筑迅速消亡,乡村建筑这一"活"的乡土技术文化及由此形成的集体记忆在现代技术作用下被肢解、毁坏,包含着乡土精神、乡愁慰藉的另一种人类生存智慧与传统将失去。因此,乡村建筑现代建构及技术选择应该通过乡村规划、建立乡土建筑保护和工匠培养等措施,赋予乡土建筑及技术更丰富的现代性内涵,并使之对接并呈现于现代乡村建筑建设中,实现科技文化多样意义上的乡土传统自信与现代智慧自觉的融汇。 展开更多
关键词 乡土建筑与技术 传统—现代”关系与认知 乡土技术传承与创新
Coping with Pressures of Modernization by Traditional Farmers: a Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development in Yunnan, China 被引量:2
作者 SHIRO Chikamatsu Jose Ireneu Furtad +1 位作者 SHEN Lixin YAN Mei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期57-70,共14页
Traditional farming practices conform to sustainable rural livelihoods, while agricultural modernisation tends to undermine these practices through various perturbations. A case study in Tengchong County (western Yunn... Traditional farming practices conform to sustainable rural livelihoods, while agricultural modernisation tends to undermine these practices through various perturbations. A case study in Tengchong County (western Yunnan, China) shows that transformation of traditional alder (Alnus nepalensis) and dry rice (upland rice) rotational farming to introduced Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.) plantations leads to localised water scarcity and soil fertility decline. While farmers are aware of ecological sustainability of traditional farming, they prefer Chinese fir forestry because it is less labour-intensive, has a high market value, and releases time for profitable off-farm work. Farmers adapt to economic liberalization by planting high value crops and trees. However, alternatives to make local agricultural production more profitable through competitive business strategies, cooperative approaches, innovations in integrating high value crops and 'downstream' processingfor sustainable rural livelihoods have been overlooked largely due to poor information availability and lack of organisational framework. 展开更多
关键词 AGROBIODIVERSITY sustainable rural development capital assets traditional knowledge tra-ditional fanning YUNNAN alderupland rice Chinese fir
Study on the linguistic schools in the west
作者 李敏 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第7期33-35,共3页
This paper discusses the history of linguistics in the west, as well as the features, the spokesmen and the contributions of different schools in different times. The learners can understand the linguistic schools in ... This paper discusses the history of linguistics in the west, as well as the features, the spokesmen and the contributions of different schools in different times. The learners can understand the linguistic schools in the west by analyzing them and then improve their ability to analyze languages. 展开更多
关键词 traditional grammar the beginning of modern linguistic structural grammar transformational and generative grammar
Flexible Application of Traditional Landscape Elements in Modern Landscape Design
作者 张谦 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期5-6,10,共3页
Through comparing differences between modern and traditional gardens, analyzing traditional landscaping elements and design ideas, combining with the multiple manifestation forms of modern designs, it is proposed that... Through comparing differences between modern and traditional gardens, analyzing traditional landscaping elements and design ideas, combining with the multiple manifestation forms of modern designs, it is proposed that the essence of traditional Chinese and overseas garden designs should be inherited and developed, modern design concepts should be utilized to create diversified landscapes that satisfy the demands of modern society, so as to conclude flexible landscape design techniques with the essence of both traditional and contemporary garden designs. 展开更多
关键词 Modern landscape DESIGN Flexible application Traditional garden
Soil chemical properties under modern and traditional farming systems at Khagrachari,Chittagong Hill Tracts,Bangladesh
作者 Shampa Biswas Mark E.Swanson +1 位作者 Jalal Uddin Md.Shoaib S.M.S.Sirajul 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期451-456,523,共7页
Land degradation in Chittagong hill tracts has been taking place due to shrinkage of forest cover, policy weakness, population explosion, and inappropriate hill farming system. Modem farming system in the Chittagong h... Land degradation in Chittagong hill tracts has been taking place due to shrinkage of forest cover, policy weakness, population explosion, and inappropriate hill farming system. Modem farming system in the Chittagong hill tracts like Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) is practiced to provide a new strategy for developing lands for economic productivity and bio-diversity conservation through establishment of ecological community rather than traditional shifting cultivation which is no longer sustainable according to the carrying capacity of ecosystem of Chittagong hill tracts. This study is to find out changing trends of soil chemical properties of sites under modem and traditional farming systems at Khagrachari district of Chittagong hill tracts. The result of the research shows that Sloping Agricultural Land Technology has significantly higher capacity of production due to the presence of the highest percentage of organic carbon, organic matter, compared with shifting cultivated site. The study recommends that shifting cultivation may be changed into a relatively stable semi-permanent farming system through developing participatory integrated farming systems to establish stable production environment in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. 展开更多
关键词 sloping agricultural land Technology sustainable hill farming system modem and traditional farming system chemical properties
Technology Embedded Imagination for Arab Women
作者 Muqeem Khan 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第6期351-360,共10页
With advancing channels of communication easing the availability of technological tools, the young minds of women in the Arabian Peninsula are ready to adopt forthcoming challenges. The embrace of storytelling in the ... With advancing channels of communication easing the availability of technological tools, the young minds of women in the Arabian Peninsula are ready to adopt forthcoming challenges. The embrace of storytelling in the digital realm by these young minds reflects the interplay of traditional culture, western modernism, and changes brought about by media industries. These women have adopted and used new media as a vehicle to maneuver their interesting and fresh ideas and have seen the rectilinear screen of a computer as an exit through which to come out and say something to the masses. The thinking methodology has culminated in pragmatic and dynamic visuals in order to celebrate, inform, and create awareness about the issues that they see in the region and among the people. With this freedom of expression, they are creating a new visual culture and transforming themselves into a meaningful workforce. With emerging technological tools, they blend intuitive, pragmatic, emotional, and contextual imagination with a highly-sophisticated production pipeline in order to incorporate the challenges of synthesizing "dialect" and "codes" that have traditionally been segregated in the culture. Their work is an amalgamation of arts/design, animation, life footage, and meaningful communication. With cyclical evaluation, they entwine the two elements, creativity, and technicality with massive exposure of Digital Assists Management (DAM). This paper explains how current technological tools and contextualized teaching instructions foster meaningful content with the elicitation and mergence of Arab anthropological characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 COMMUNICATION ANIMATION PEDAGOGY digital media visual culture
Interpretation and Application of Traditional Chinese Architectural Elements "Brick and Tile" in the Modem Interior Design Context
作者 Hao ZHANG Xue WU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期122-124,共3页
Brick and tile were originally the building components for meeting a certain function, and have been widely applied to the field of the interior design today through designer' s unique understanding and constant desi... Brick and tile were originally the building components for meeting a certain function, and have been widely applied to the field of the interior design today through designer' s unique understanding and constant design thinking, so that they are developed into the symbolic signs with the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture. However, "function is converted to symbolic sign" as a model of thinking is a reflection and return of the traditional culture to the spirit of the times, and it carries forward the essence of the nation. 展开更多
关键词 Brick and Tile Function SIGN Traditional Culture
作者 钱建生 徐钊 +2 位作者 吴建新 刘燕 曹国清 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1995年第2期97-100,共4页
This paper introduces a new-developed mine fire-resistant optical fiber cable (OFC)KL5004,its structural characteristics, main feature, the theory about fire resistance and its application in high output and efficienc... This paper introduces a new-developed mine fire-resistant optical fiber cable (OFC)KL5004,its structural characteristics, main feature, the theory about fire resistance and its application in high output and efficiency mine. 展开更多
关键词 optical fiber communication fire-resistant optical fiber cable
On Chinese New School in portrait sculpture
作者 Yueming Zeng Ming Yang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期126-128,共3页
"The new academic portrait sculpture" is the mainstream style of Chinese contemporary portrait sculpture, it attempts to rethink traditional and contemporary cultural on the basis of the traditional realism College.... "The new academic portrait sculpture" is the mainstream style of Chinese contemporary portrait sculpture, it attempts to rethink traditional and contemporary cultural on the basis of the traditional realism College. Perhaps this attempt was coordinated with Chinese traditional " eclectic, absorbing " idea, and soon was unanimously affirmed. Parts of the second generation of sculptors have begun to " adapt to the times," the vast majority of third-generation sculptors completed the transition very quickly, and therefore produced various works, such as Li Xiangqun' s "Guo Moruo ", Jiang Jie ' s " classmates series "etc. 展开更多
关键词 ACADEMIC PORTRAIT sculpture.
Application of Traditional Building Materials in Modern Architecture
作者 Yajie Zhang Xiangdong Zhu Chongen Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期134-137,共4页
This paper elaborates the application value of traditional building materials in modem architecture and analyzes the specific application modes of traditional building materials in modem architecture, so as to make tr... This paper elaborates the application value of traditional building materials in modem architecture and analyzes the specific application modes of traditional building materials in modem architecture, so as to make traditional building materials advance with the times, better express their unique value, serve modem architecture, and realize combined application with modem architecture. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional building material modem architecture COMBINATION
The Major Western Cultural Influences on the Incubating Process of Ezra Pound's Early Poetics
作者 WEI Shu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期213-223,共11页
This paper intends to study Ezra Pound's early poetics and his modernist poetry through a close research of the various elements in the shaping process of his poetics, and the significance and influence of his poetic... This paper intends to study Ezra Pound's early poetics and his modernist poetry through a close research of the various elements in the shaping process of his poetics, and the significance and influence of his poetic thoughts on the American New Poetry Movement. It studies firstly the early translations and romantic lyrics of Pound, trying to demonstrate that part of the influence on his early poetics is from the Western traditional cultural inheritance and that the emphasis on musicality that Pound inherited from traditional forms of poetry turns out to be one of the major principles that Pound advocates in his early poetics; then it comes to the discussion of the new translation concepts and poetics in "The Seafarer" (1911), which is a great work Pound translated based on an Old English poem; next this paper will focus on the influence of Robert Browning's dramatic monologues and Yeats' Symbolism on Pound's transition from subjectivity to objectivity. 展开更多
关键词 Ezra Pound early poetics American New Poetry Movement
A View of Research on English Polysemous Phrasal Verbs
作者 LU Zhi SUN Juan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期649-659,共11页
Phrasal verbs, accounting for a large proportion in modem language, pose numerous challenges to foreign language learners of English, who usually view verb + particle combinations random. The issue of unpredictabilit... Phrasal verbs, accounting for a large proportion in modem language, pose numerous challenges to foreign language learners of English, who usually view verb + particle combinations random. The issue of unpredictability is obviously a problem for English learners. Making things worse, many phrasal verbs are polysemous. For one thing, one phrasal verb may have multiple meanings; for another, several phrasal verbs may have the same or similar meanings. While the fast development of cognitive linguistics theory provides a new perspective for the study of English polysemous phrasal verbs. Researchers apply cognitive linguistic theory into second language acquisition and find that the multiple senses of phrasal verbs are actually systematic and motivated. The present study summarizes studies of polysemous phrasal verbs from the perspective of traditional approaches and cognitive approaches as well as the empirical studies based on it and analyzes the shortage of traditional approaches on phrasal verbs. Lastly, this paper illustrates some drawbacks of empirical study based on the assessment of Boers (2011) and points out some suggestions on further studies. 展开更多
关键词 polysemous phrasal verbs cognitive linguistics theory second language acquisition
The Research of Value of Female Costume in Ethnic Group Construction Based on the Social Gender
作者 TAO Hui CHEN Dong-sheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期20-24,共5页
The social gender theory is a historical analysis method which is benificial to explore the system of human organization activities around "male"or "female" activities. Historically, the process of human socializa... The social gender theory is a historical analysis method which is benificial to explore the system of human organization activities around "male"or "female" activities. Historically, the process of human socialization is also a process of social gender institutionalization. Therefore, the paper tried to analyze the connotation of ethnic women's costume from the social gender perspective to help people realize further the women's state in sexism society and value in ethnic group constructing and developing. Firstly, the paper sets forth the characteristic of "group" of ethnic people female costumes. The next, the paper explored the costume how to set up a system of ethic standard in inner group so as to maintain the social order. Subsequently, the paper points out, with the rapid evolution of society, more and more ethnic people men participate cities construction and outer social activities Consequently, most of minority men wear modem clothing instead of their traditional clothing, only women still insist in wearing the traditional clothing. Finally, according to research above, the authors consider that ethnic people female costumes emerge strong gender content which reflects more constraints rather than equality between men and women. Besides, it is certain that women have irreplaceable value in ethinc group construction and development. 展开更多
关键词 ethnic group female clothing social gender development
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