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中国传统“病德”观及其对当前医患关系的启示 被引量:1
作者 刘涛 《南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期45-47,共3页
中国传统"病德"观具有丰富的理论内容,它和医德观共同构成了医患双方应遵循的道德内容。在择医问诊方面,中国传统病德观强调患者在择医时首先要搜集相关医疗信息,选择一位好的医生,且应将病情详尽地告知医生,不能有所隐瞒。... 中国传统"病德"观具有丰富的理论内容,它和医德观共同构成了医患双方应遵循的道德内容。在择医问诊方面,中国传统病德观强调患者在择医时首先要搜集相关医疗信息,选择一位好的医生,且应将病情详尽地告知医生,不能有所隐瞒。在遵医治疗方面,患者应该及时、及早进行治疗;在治疗过程中要信任医生,做到用医不疑;对医生开出的药方和其他治疗措施,要遵照医嘱。在病情康复过程中,患者应戒除烦恼抑郁等负面的心理情绪,养成良好的生活习惯,坚持有益的调养之道。中国传统医论中对"病德"十分重视,如今也应该大力倡导广大患者遵循一定的道德观念,将中华传统病德观转化为现代病德观,为缓和与根治当前紧张的医患关系作出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 病德 传统医论 患关系
作者 鲁萍 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2024年第5期181-192,共12页
清季民初,在西方医学影响之下,中国医者开始关注到医学知识传承中的不足。传统中医基本通过阅读经典医籍来学习,习医者除家传师授外基本是主动找书来读;西式医学的知识传授则更注重学校教育,不少人主张通过编辑教科书来改良中医、增进... 清季民初,在西方医学影响之下,中国医者开始关注到医学知识传承中的不足。传统中医基本通过阅读经典医籍来学习,习医者除家传师授外基本是主动找书来读;西式医学的知识传授则更注重学校教育,不少人主张通过编辑教科书来改良中医、增进中医的竞争力,并有实际的行动。中医教科书(讲义)从形式到内容都与传统医书有很大差异,是医学传承的一种创造性革新,既反映了西学影响下自我认知的变迁,也是传统中医走向近代不可忽视的一环。 展开更多
关键词 改良 传统 教科书 学讲义
《中华医学写作杂志》 2003年第18期1699-1699,共1页
关键词 种类 传统 总结式 交待式
作者 杨宇洋 谭源生 《中医药国际参考》 2006年第11期44-44,共1页
关键词 世界针灸学会联合会 马来西亚 国际传统研究院 国际交流 针灸科
作者 牙合甫江·买合苏木 阿布都热合曼·麦麦提 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2021年第8期48-48,50,共2页
讨论急性踝关节扭伤以传统维医外固定治疗的临床效果。方法:择2020年2月-2021年2月我院急性踝关节扭伤患者90例,随机归为:对照组(45例)、研究组(45例)。对照组以常规西医治疗,研究组则以传统维医治疗,比较两组的治疗情况。结果:研究组... 讨论急性踝关节扭伤以传统维医外固定治疗的临床效果。方法:择2020年2月-2021年2月我院急性踝关节扭伤患者90例,随机归为:对照组(45例)、研究组(45例)。对照组以常规西医治疗,研究组则以传统维医治疗,比较两组的治疗情况。结果:研究组的治疗有效度高于对照组(P<0.05);关节功能评分高于对照组,疼痛评分低于对照组(P<0.05);功能恢复时间、住院时间短于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:急性踝关节扭伤疾病患者采用传统维医外固定技术实施治疗,可以在短时间内恢复关节功能,大幅度减轻疼痛,减少不良反应,使治疗的有效性和安全性显著提升。 展开更多
关键词 传统 外固定治疗 急性踝关节扭伤 临床效果
作者 热斯古丽.热合木 库丽亚.胡马尔汗 《中国民族医药杂志》 2016年第6期78-79,共2页
近年来我国越来越加大中医民族医药事业的发展,通过近3年的研究对哈萨克医传统护理学的核心内容哈萨克医基础护理技能操作进行多发面的整理、临床应用等反复分析和论证,编制常用哈萨克医传统护理技能的操作步骤、操作流程图和考核评分标... 近年来我国越来越加大中医民族医药事业的发展,通过近3年的研究对哈萨克医传统护理学的核心内容哈萨克医基础护理技能操作进行多发面的整理、临床应用等反复分析和论证,编制常用哈萨克医传统护理技能的操作步骤、操作流程图和考核评分标准,使其更加完善和规范,以便进一步学习和推广哈萨克医传统护理操作技能,使其更好地为人类的健康服务,最终达到弘扬和发展哈萨克医传统护理的目的。 展开更多
关键词 哈萨克传统护理 操作技术 规范化
谈《疏五过论》的五种过错对当今医生的教育意义 被引量:3
作者 李锦绣 郭福玲 尹学东 《医学与哲学(B)》 2014年第3期95-96,F0003,共3页
传统的医学道德观认为:"医乃仁术"、"生命至贵"等就是"大医精诚"。医者要做到"大医精诚",就要避免《疏五过论》中医者的五种过错,使患者保持健康的生命。所以,医生要以严谨认真的工作态度,充... 传统的医学道德观认为:"医乃仁术"、"生命至贵"等就是"大医精诚"。医者要做到"大医精诚",就要避免《疏五过论》中医者的五种过错,使患者保持健康的生命。所以,医生要以严谨认真的工作态度,充分了解患者的病情;以生物心理社会医学模式来处理患者;不能急功近利,追求名誉,应常怀仁爱之心建立和谐的医患关系。医生处理患者的态度及自身的道德修养直接影响患者的健康和生命,这种理念应该成为医生终生追求的目标,这样才能顺应新医改的要求。 展开更多
关键词 精诚 传统德观 疏五过论
作者 康琳 《中国经贸》 2021年第1期114-116,共3页
医院在以往传统的管理和发展中.一般会把科室的工作量指标和经济效益指标作为医院内部的绩效管理考核标准.这样的管理方式往往会导致医院忽略了对临床科室医疗服务质量和医疗技术水平的重视。随着我国医疗改革事业的发展.DRG医保支付逐... 医院在以往传统的管理和发展中.一般会把科室的工作量指标和经济效益指标作为医院内部的绩效管理考核标准.这样的管理方式往往会导致医院忽略了对临床科室医疗服务质量和医疗技术水平的重视。随着我国医疗改革事业的发展.DRG医保支付逐渐在各个医院开始运营.为了应对医保改革的发展,医院应该在传统医保绩效管理的基础上.因地制宜的研究出适合医院自身发展的绩效考核管理方式.使得医院在DRG医保支付的影响下能够可持续地更好的发展。因此,本文就研究传统医保绩效管理体系的基础上,并对DRG医保支付对医院的绩效管理的相关的影响做了有关的分析论述.旨在能够希望通过在DRG医保支付的方式下构建新的绩效考核指标,以此保障医院的医疗服务质量和医疗技术水平有所提高.促进医院的综合效益的增强.进而使得能够为医院未来的创新发展奠定一定的经济基础,从而帮助医院能够更好地向前发展。 展开更多
关键词 DRG保支付 传统 绩效管理 构建策略
作者 瞿绍双 瞿继刚 《中国民族医药杂志》 2007年第2期19-21,共3页
土家医传统医认为胃痛与饮食、伤食、食积、胃气虚弱、肝郁气带、火郁毒气、瘀血阻络有关;故治疗以“赶火、败毒、调理”六字方针,中医为清热解毒,西医认为螺旋杆菌侵袭干忧,治疗以抗菌消炎、止痛;或疏肝理气,健脾和中,活血化瘀,合理膳... 土家医传统医认为胃痛与饮食、伤食、食积、胃气虚弱、肝郁气带、火郁毒气、瘀血阻络有关;故治疗以“赶火、败毒、调理”六字方针,中医为清热解毒,西医认为螺旋杆菌侵袭干忧,治疗以抗菌消炎、止痛;或疏肝理气,健脾和中,活血化瘀,合理膳食,气味合参,调理脾胃功能。 展开更多
关键词 土家 传统 赶火败毒 调理 治胃病
作者 关祥祖 《中国民族民间医药》 1994年第2期42-44,共3页
关键词 图书出版 传统药学 科技出版社 传统方药志 彝族药 药工作者 彝族药学 精要 迪庆藏药 档哈雅
试论内劲一指禅功法功能特点 被引量:1
作者 余同元 《武术研究》 2018年第2期55-57,共3页
内劲一指禅功法动静结合、内外兼修、阴阳平衡、自成体系,既是气功百花园中的绚丽花朵,又是中医宝库中的瑰丽明珠。它不同于一般意守功法,在功法修炼和传承上别开生面,强调顺乎自然,体现自由自在的禅功理念。其严谨的结构,考究的桩架,... 内劲一指禅功法动静结合、内外兼修、阴阳平衡、自成体系,既是气功百花园中的绚丽花朵,又是中医宝库中的瑰丽明珠。它不同于一般意守功法,在功法修炼和传承上别开生面,强调顺乎自然,体现自由自在的禅功理念。其严谨的结构,考究的桩架,分明的层次,系统的程序,显示出功法的系统、完整、安全、实效且简易的性格风貌。文章重点讨论了内劲一指禅的功法内容、功能特点和功理渊源,说明内劲自然生发、轻松简明、老少皆宜,在众多动养保健功法中最具大众性、便捷性和实用性,认为它既是长期流传于江南民间的优秀传统体育项目,又是吴门医派动养卫生功法的杰出代表。 展开更多
关键词 内劲一指禅 传统结合项目 功法内容 功能特点 功理渊源
作者 靳昊 吕发明 +1 位作者 董豪杰 傅卫燕 《中国中医骨伤科杂志》 CAS 2012年第5期46-47,共2页
踝关节作为下肢三大关节之一,负重中期所承受的压应力约为体重的两倍,而在负重后期推进时则高达5倍[1]。急性踝关节损伤(Acute sprains to the ankle joint)是外科临床上最常见的疾患,踝关节的损伤中韧带损伤最常见,据统计在整个运动... 踝关节作为下肢三大关节之一,负重中期所承受的压应力约为体重的两倍,而在负重后期推进时则高达5倍[1]。急性踝关节损伤(Acute sprains to the ankle joint)是外科临床上最常见的疾患,踝关节的损伤中韧带损伤最常见,据统计在整个运动中约占6%~12%[2],在关节韧带损伤中占第一位[3]。 展开更多
关键词 急性踝关节扭伤 石膏固定 传统外固定 AOFAS评分
傣药内服结合体外震波碎石治疗62例泌尿系结石 被引量:7
作者 玉腊波 《中国民族医药杂志》 2008年第10期16-17,共2页
目的:观察傣医传统经方雅拢牛哈占波(五淋化石胶囊)结合体外震波碎石的方法治疗泌尿系结石的疗效;方法:体外震波碎石后,采用傣药“雅拢牛哈占波”(五淋化石胶囊)内服,5~7天为1个疗程,进行治疗。结果:治愈38例,好转21例,无... 目的:观察傣医传统经方雅拢牛哈占波(五淋化石胶囊)结合体外震波碎石的方法治疗泌尿系结石的疗效;方法:体外震波碎石后,采用傣药“雅拢牛哈占波”(五淋化石胶囊)内服,5~7天为1个疗程,进行治疗。结果:治愈38例,好转21例,无效3例,总有效率95%。结论:傣药“雅拢牛哈占波”(五淋化石胶囊)结合体外震波碎石的方法,疗效满意,无副作用。 展开更多
关键词 传统经方 雅拢牛哈占波 体外震波碎石 泌尿系结石
土家医传统松解疗法治疗肩周炎临床研究 被引量:4
作者 王小军 赵向平 《按摩与康复医学》 2016年第8期26-27,共2页
目的:观察土家医传统松解疗法治疗肩周炎的疗效。方法:150例肩周炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各75例,治疗组采用土家医传统松解疗法,对照组采用常规推拿手法,观察两组患者疼痛评分、肩关节活动评分及临床疗效。结果:治疗组总有... 目的:观察土家医传统松解疗法治疗肩周炎的疗效。方法:150例肩周炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各75例,治疗组采用土家医传统松解疗法,对照组采用常规推拿手法,观察两组患者疼痛评分、肩关节活动评分及临床疗效。结果:治疗组总有效率为100.00%,显著高于对照组的86.67%(P〈0.01);治疗后治疗组疼痛评分、肩关节活动评分均优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论:土家医传统松解疗法治疗肩周炎疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 肩周炎 土家传统松解疗法 疼痛评分 肩关节活动评分
The combination of disease and Zheng (syndrome) on the basic of differentiation of six channels:a new pattern of disease diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine
作者 Xue Yang Xiong-Zhi Wu 《Traditional Medicine Research》 2017年第2期100-104,共5页
Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)was formed two thousand years ago,and developed in the following centuries.TCM has a unique way of looking at health and illness.Zheng(syndrome)is the basic unit and key term in TCM th... Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)was formed two thousand years ago,and developed in the following centuries.TCM has a unique way of looking at health and illness.Zheng(syndrome)is the basic unit and key term in TCM theory.Zheng is the pathological generalization of a certain stage in the development of disease.Treatment based on syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation of TCM is the basic principle to know and treat diseases,and a kind of special method to study diseases in TCM.In Han Dynasty(200 AD),doctor Zhang Zhongjing proposed Liujing Bianzheng(the differential diagnosis in accordance with the theory of six channels)to diagnose and treat diseases in Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases.In other words,he divided diseases into six channels diseases based on patient's Zhengs.Six channels diseases almost include all of the disease according to his classification standards.In addition,there are development rules in the progress of six channels diseases.Therefore,we hypothesized that combination of six channels disease and Zheng on the basic of differentiation of six channels is a new pattern of diagnosis and treatment diseases in TCM,which is beneficial to the understanding of a certain disease and makes disease treatment more convenient,fast and effective. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine Zheng(syndrome) Differentiation of six channels Treatment based on syndrome differentiation
弘扬中医文化 心系百姓健康——省政协携手南京中医药大学博士团赴句容为民服务纪实
作者 陈蓉 《江苏政协》 2013年第8期15-16,共2页
7月的句容,烈日炎炎,热浪袭人。在全省上下深入开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动之际,省政协医卫体育委员会携手南京中医药大学博士团来到这里,开展中医知名专家义诊、举办健康知识讲座、送医送药到基层等一系... 7月的句容,烈日炎炎,热浪袭人。在全省上下深入开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动之际,省政协医卫体育委员会携手南京中医药大学博士团来到这里,开展中医知名专家义诊、举办健康知识讲座、送医送药到基层等一系列为民服务活动。 展开更多
关键词 文化 百姓健康 南京中药大学 句容 健康知识讲座 体育委员会 义诊活动 药科学 祖国传统
Understanding association of spleen system with earth on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 被引量:7
作者 Xiaoyuan Yang Chunhua Jia 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期134-136,共3页
OBJECTIVE: The association of spleen system including both spleen and stomach with earth, one of the five elements, is a part of the theory of five elements. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used th... OBJECTIVE: The association of spleen system including both spleen and stomach with earth, one of the five elements, is a part of the theory of five elements. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used the theory as a reasoning tool to illustrate the Zang-Fu organs' physiological functions and the interaction among them.The exploration of how the theory of that spleen system is associated with earth was created may provide insights into how five-element theory is applied to TCM practice. METHODS: Using analogism as a method to explore the relationship between earth and spleen system inTCM. RESULTS: Chinese ancestors experienced and observed the features of earth from agricultural practice and used the knowledge for the explanation ofspleen system functions including physiological functions, pathological characteristics and for the treatment of related illnesses. CONCLUSION: The theory of the five elements in TCM is a kind of metaphor, which depends on observation and exploration of the natural world and experience of human beings. 展开更多
关键词 EARTH Spleen system METAPHOR COGNITION Source domain Target domain
Mathematical Analysis of Yin-Yang Wu-Xing Model in TCM 被引量:5
作者 丁光宏 王涛 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2008年第5期269-270,共2页
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the functional structure of human body is composed of five functional subsystems which are based on the five-organs concept, and the relationship between them could be expati... According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the functional structure of human body is composed of five functional subsystems which are based on the five-organs concept, and the relationship between them could be expatiated with Wu-Xing (Five-Elements) theory. Wu-Xing system is taken as our research object. The dynamic model has the characteristic of self-organization. There is only one stable point with local stability in the five-dimensional space. There exists an instability domain in the five-dimensional space. The stability domain is unbounded; it contains some special subdomains, including rectilineal subdomains, ray subdomains and line subdomains. In some ray subdomains, there exists "comeback summits", the peak value of the comeback summit is comeback threshold. The existence of the comeback threshold means that, if the human body wants to go back to the healthy state from a certain special state which corresponded to the initial conditions located in a domain with comeback summit, it has to get across the comeback threshold. The comeback threshold is the division of the healthy state and the sub-healthy state. Some research work is done to investigate the response of the Wu-Xing dynamic model to the impact stimulation, and results in the decrease of the system's comeback threshold. There are 3 manners to achieve this goal, and they tally with the principle of the Wu-Xing system and the experimental rules in clinic. 展开更多
关键词 Five-Elements Traditional Medicine. Chinese Models. Theoretical
Features analysis of five-element theory and its basal effects on construction of visceral manifestation theory 被引量:3
作者 Zimi Ma Chunhua Jia +2 位作者 Jin Guo Haorong Gu Yanhuan Miao 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期115-121,共7页
OBJECTIVE:To study the Chinese ancient five-element theory,one of the philosophical foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)theory construction,from the perspective of comtemporary cognitive science,and to rev... OBJECTIVE:To study the Chinese ancient five-element theory,one of the philosophical foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)theory construction,from the perspective of comtemporary cognitive science,and to reveal the important functions of five-element theory in the construction of TCM theory.METHODS:The basic effects of five-element theory in the construction of TCM theory are intensively expounded and proved from the following aspects:embodiment of five-element theory in cognizing the world,quasi axiom of five-element theory in essence,classification thery of family resemblance and deductive inference pattern of five-element theory,and the openness and expansibility of five-element theory.RESULTS:If five-element theory is considered acognitive pattern or cognitive system related to culture,then there should be features of cognitive embodiment in the cognitive system.If five-element theory is regarded as a symbolic system,however,then there should be a quasi-axiom for the system,and inferential deduction.If,however,five-element theory is taken as a theoretical constructive metaphor,then there should be features of opening and expansibility for the metaphor.CONCLUSION:Based on five-element theory,this study provides a cognitive frame for the construction of TCM(a medicine that originated in China,and is characterized by holism and treatment based on pattern identification differentiation)theory with the function of constructing a concept base,thereby implying further research strategies.Useful information may be produced from the creative inferences obtained from the incorporation of five-element theory. 展开更多
关键词 Five phases theory COGNITION Meta-phor Visceral manifestations
Case studies of Chinese acupuncture's comprehensive effectiveness on knee pain 被引量:1
作者 Stevenson Xutian Jo Ann Wozniak +2 位作者 Ju Ling John Junion Shusheng Tai 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2017年第4期270-276,共7页
Conventional Western medicine(CWM) and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) have different approaches and lead to different practices in experimental design, research methodology, regulation, and standards. TCM empha... Conventional Western medicine(CWM) and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) have different approaches and lead to different practices in experimental design, research methodology, regulation, and standards. TCM emphasizes on the optimal or holistic health. In contrast, CWM is an allopathic medicine primarily based on anatomy, biology, biochemistry,molecular biology and modern technology, and rejects the concept of invisible substances and quantum entanglement.Consequently, CWM emphasizes on abnormal lab tests or obvious diseases. In the early 1970 s, TCM and acupuncture quickly emerged as an alternative to CWM as Westerners explored new TCM concepts while questioning the side effects of CWM. Many countries accept traditional acupuncture as a legal alternative medical practice. Some CWM physicians nowadays are more enthusiastic and are receptive to learning and practicing acupuncture. The common goal of CWM and TCM is to enhance human health, but problems arise over differences in approach. As a response to some Western journal papers that failed to validate the real acupuncture effect because of their incorrect methodologies and their ignorance of the holistic acupuncture approaches, the authors hereby present a group of case studies to demonstrate the real and unique effects of genuine acupuncture. The objective was to explore the clinical effects of acupuncture for knee pain.Thirty-six patients with knee pain were divided into five groups based on age. Holistic TCM diagnosis was performed at the beginning of each case and then made a personalized acupuncture treatment prescription according to the root of illness found by the diagnosis. The symptoms and signs were recorded before and after every treatment, and the treatment effects were assessed based upon the self-reported feeling and the observed changes of the patient following the numeric rating scale(NRS). The results were summarized after the completion of the minimal 5 acupuncture treatments or the standard 10 acupuncture treatments. Among the 36 patients who participated in the cases studies, 17 patients reported a complete healing for knee pain(47.2%). About 60 kinds of illness other than knee pain were improved(98.9%) and the complete healing rate was about 44.2%. This leads to the conclusion that TCM acupuncture is remarkably effective in treating knee pain. TCM and CWM share a common goal in promoting the health of human being. The efficacy of TCM acupuncture in treating knee pain shouldn't be denied or distorted. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment based on Pattern Identification Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Knee Pain Westernized Needle Stimulate Therapy QI Pain Measurement
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