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芝加哥:从传统城市化典型到新型城市化典型 被引量:9
作者 王旭 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期84-90,共7页
美国第三大城市芝加哥,曾经是以集中发展为主要特征的传统城市化时期的典型城市。进入20世纪后,在郊区长足发展的带动下,相对分散化和多中心格局成为城市发展的主导趋势,即所谓大都市区化或新型城市化,后来居上的洛杉矶成为代表性城市... 美国第三大城市芝加哥,曾经是以集中发展为主要特征的传统城市化时期的典型城市。进入20世纪后,在郊区长足发展的带动下,相对分散化和多中心格局成为城市发展的主导趋势,即所谓大都市区化或新型城市化,后来居上的洛杉矶成为代表性城市。但是,20世纪中叶以后,芝加哥也完成了从传统城市到新型城市的转变,具备了新型城市化的典型特征,与洛杉矶殊途同归。这种转变在美国和世界范围内,都有典型意义。而且,由于芝加哥在美国城市中所处的显要地位,更增添了这种典型意义的分量。 展开更多
关键词 芝加哥 传统城市化 新型城市化 城市 大都市区
马克思论传统城市化模式的历史功绩与历史局限性 被引量:1
作者 余戎 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期12-18,共7页
本文认为典型的传统城市化模式是以英国为代表的西方主流城市化模式。马克思曾以历史唯物主义为武器,对这种城市化模式进行过全面、深刻的辩证分析。马克思认为,这种城市化是资本主义工业化过程的必然产物,它的根本特性是以物为本,即以... 本文认为典型的传统城市化模式是以英国为代表的西方主流城市化模式。马克思曾以历史唯物主义为武器,对这种城市化模式进行过全面、深刻的辩证分析。马克思认为,这种城市化是资本主义工业化过程的必然产物,它的根本特性是以物为本,即以资本积累和发财致富为根本目的。它一方面为物质生产力和人的生产力的发展做出了巨大贡献;另一方面又具有加深城乡对立、扩大贫富差距以及使生态环境恶化等历史局限性。坚持以人为本,吸取和利用传统城市化模式的一切积极成果,批判和避免传统城市化模式的消极影响,是我国沿着新型城镇化道路前进中一项重大课题。 展开更多
关键词 传统城市化模式 以物为本 资本积累 以人为本 新型城镇化
从传统城市化到新型城市化——我国城市化道路的未来选择 被引量:46
作者 王鹤 尹来盛 冯邦彦 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期17-21,共5页
新型城市化是一种以科学发展观为指导,强调以人为本的城市化战略,是以"集约、和谐、公平、可持续"为特征的城市化发展道路,其本质是农民的市民化,重点是提高城市化的质量。传统城市化是一种"化地不化人"的粗放型城... 新型城市化是一种以科学发展观为指导,强调以人为本的城市化战略,是以"集约、和谐、公平、可持续"为特征的城市化发展道路,其本质是农民的市民化,重点是提高城市化的质量。传统城市化是一种"化地不化人"的粗放型城市化,其弊端,一是粗放型发展模式较突出;二是城市管理水平严重滞后;三是城乡二元结构仍未改变。这些弊端直接影响到我国经济的可持续发展和社会的和谐稳定。为此,我国城市化发展必须走新型城市化发展道路。要在充分尊重历史和资源环境的基础上,从国家的层面和历史的视角来制定我国新型城市化道路的顶层设计,从城市布局、城市形态、城乡统筹和城市治理等4个方面来谋划我国的新型城市化道路,并辅以空间政策、土地政策、人口政策和财税政策等方面的改革,最终实现"区域协调、位序合理、城乡统筹、城市良治"的新型城市化发展格局。 展开更多
关键词 传统城市化 新型城市化 公共服务均等化 城市治理
沙船商人与上海传统城市化和近代社会变迁 被引量:3
作者 易惠莉 《国家航海》 2016年第1期150-166,共17页
伴随江海关的设立和江苏的海运出海口由太仓浏河南移上海,不断成长和富裕起来的沙船商人,在上海传统城市化进程中发挥了主导性的作用。而当1843年上海开埠之后,他们又在上海逐步成为中外贸易的商品集散地和最大的商业港口城市的发展... 伴随江海关的设立和江苏的海运出海口由太仓浏河南移上海,不断成长和富裕起来的沙船商人,在上海传统城市化进程中发挥了主导性的作用。而当1843年上海开埠之后,他们又在上海逐步成为中外贸易的商品集散地和最大的商业港口城市的发展中,作出了重大贡献。正是在上海开埠之后的1840年代后半期以及之后的整整十年,沙船商人迎来了事业发展的黄金时期。当1860年代初西方的蒸汽轮船运输业和保险业在上海兴盛发展起来之后,沙船商人遭遇了巨大挑战,一面是沙船商人继续顽强地经营沙船业,一面是在沙船业的黄金时期培养出来的沙船商人大家族后裔,虽然开始走上与父辈完全不同的近代性的政治、文化、教育和外交等职业道路,但却又继承了父辈关心参与地方事务的精神,对上海近代社会的变迁发挥了重大作用。 展开更多
关键词 上海沙船商人 传统城市化 近代社会变迁
传统农业区城市化与区域创新战略研究 被引量:2
作者 李尽法 《中国农机化》 北大核心 2010年第5期56-58,67,共4页
不同于西方经典城市化道路,中国传统农业区的发展,其重点要实施中小城市化群战略,把农村人口向城市转移,实现人与土地剥离,改变农村劳动力当作"役力"使用的局面,促使生产力浓缩和提高。文章结合传统农业区域创新与城市化理论... 不同于西方经典城市化道路,中国传统农业区的发展,其重点要实施中小城市化群战略,把农村人口向城市转移,实现人与土地剥离,改变农村劳动力当作"役力"使用的局面,促使生产力浓缩和提高。文章结合传统农业区域创新与城市化理论提出:建立小城市组团、建设人口聚集区和"安居、培训、创业"三园互动模式,为全国的传统农业区经济发展和区域崛起提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 区域创新传统农业区城市化
新型城市化:研究述评、内涵及路径 被引量:8
作者 王晓玲 《学习与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期46-54,共9页
本文梳理了国内阐释新型城市化内涵的各种观点,将其分为新型工业化伴生型、结构转换型、以人为本型、内涵发展型,且对每一类观点加以评述,认为中国的新型城市化是对传统城市化的拨乱反正。然而,新型城市化并不只是对传统城市化导致的错... 本文梳理了国内阐释新型城市化内涵的各种观点,将其分为新型工业化伴生型、结构转换型、以人为本型、内涵发展型,且对每一类观点加以评述,认为中国的新型城市化是对传统城市化的拨乱反正。然而,新型城市化并不只是对传统城市化导致的错误进行纠正,在新的历史条件和时代背景下,新的生产力和科技水平下,新型城市化必然具有一些新的内涵,本文从时间、空间、经济、环境、社会、管理、文化七个维度解读新型城市化的内涵,指出新型城市化的现实路径。 展开更多
关键词 传统城市化 新型城市化 多维内涵 路径
新型城市化的意义和推进重点 被引量:6
作者 贾艳慧 《中国城市经济》 2011年第14期9-9,11,共2页
近年来中国城市化快速推进,但是传统城市化在推动经济社会快速发展的同时,也带来诸多问题。为适应经济社会进一步发展需要,新型城市化出现。新型城市化有别于传统城市化,既强调内涵式、集约式发展,又包含外延式发展的内容,其核心是城乡... 近年来中国城市化快速推进,但是传统城市化在推动经济社会快速发展的同时,也带来诸多问题。为适应经济社会进一步发展需要,新型城市化出现。新型城市化有别于传统城市化,既强调内涵式、集约式发展,又包含外延式发展的内容,其核心是城乡统筹发展。通过积极发展中小城镇、大力发展中小企业以及妥善做好失地农民的安置工作等途径,积极推进城市化进程。 展开更多
关键词 传统城市化 新型城市化 城乡统筹
构建厦漳泉大都市区的理论思考和个案比照 被引量:4
作者 王旭 姬康 《东南学术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期198-208,共11页
在世界范围内,城市的发展经历了从传统城市化向新城市化过渡的结构性转型,在此过程中,出现以城乡统筹发展为主要特征的大都市区。本文从把握区域城市化发展一般规律的角度入手,选取在大都市区发展中较为典型而成熟的美国旧金山湾区和荷... 在世界范围内,城市的发展经历了从传统城市化向新城市化过渡的结构性转型,在此过程中,出现以城乡统筹发展为主要特征的大都市区。本文从把握区域城市化发展一般规律的角度入手,选取在大都市区发展中较为典型而成熟的美国旧金山湾区和荷兰兰斯塔德地区进行个案分析,再与我国的闽南地区进行比较研究,最后得出结论认为,闽南地区即将进入以大都市区为主的新城市化阶段,要尽早划定厦漳泉大都市区,从城乡统筹的角度规划整个区域的发展。 展开更多
关键词 传统城市化 城市化 城市 大都市区 厦漳泉大都市区
Musical Urbanism between Radicalism and Tradition: A Reflection on the Architectural Discourse of the 1920s
作者 Florian Edler 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第6期767-780,共14页
In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the me... In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the medium of music. With the rendering of poetic and esoteric moods unrelated to practical life considered outdated, musical preoccupation with modem architecture mostly concemed social aspects, such as people's circumstances, their emotional rootedness to bygone conditions and the search for orientation in an environment characterized by technology. There is a parallel here with contemporary architectural debates in which tension between modernism and traditionalism also played a key role. 展开更多
关键词 Modernist architecture machine music musical urbanism 1920s Antheil Hindemith Prokofiev.
Research on the protection and Inheritance of the intangible cultural heritage -Taking Hebei Province as an example
作者 Zhiyong Chi Jinfang Shang Peishan Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期37-39,共3页
Hebei, a traditional culturally grand province, enjoys a profound and varied intangible cultural heritage. However, as the process of social urbanization accelerating, ethnic and cultural intangible cultural heritage ... Hebei, a traditional culturally grand province, enjoys a profound and varied intangible cultural heritage. However, as the process of social urbanization accelerating, ethnic and cultural intangible cultural heritage of the original ecology has changed dramatically, thus many non-material cultural heritages are losing conditions for survival and development, facing extinction or endangered. In this context, the fate of the traditional culture of ethnic minorities in Hebei Province and the issues of ethnic heritage intangible cultural heritage are attracting more and more attention by people. Therefore, we shall get to know and understand the protection of ethnic minorities' Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hebei in urbanization vision. Traditional culture is the sum of the creation of a cultural history of the nation, while the traditional culture heritage handed down is the most essential part, which is the legacy of the history of each nation worth protecting material and spiritual wealth. Traditional culture can be variate, innovate, reconstmcte, but cultural heritage can only be reserved its original form instead of re- creating.In succession on the basis of traditional culture, new culture can be reconstructed ; But after cultural heritage disappear, it is unsustainable. Tangible cultural heritage is in that way, let alone intangible cultural heritage. 展开更多
关键词 Intangible cultural heritage PROTECTION Development
Stormwater Surface Solution in the Urban Planning
作者 Goran Sekuli Ivana Ciprani Pero Vujovi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第1期7-14,共8页
The traditional methods of storm sewers design must be supplemented by a precise and systematic analysis of the consequences of urbanization. This will ensure the reduction of the negative effects of urbanization in t... The traditional methods of storm sewers design must be supplemented by a precise and systematic analysis of the consequences of urbanization. This will ensure the reduction of the negative effects of urbanization in the process of stormwater sewer system normal functioning. As the urbanization of rural areas has been in constant progress, there was a need for the development of infrastructure system of urban planning documents that accompany urbanization. Surface storage appears to be one of the solutions that can have positive effects on the consequences of rapid urbanization in terms of preserving water quality of recipients, as well as opportunities to reduce the diameter of drain pipes downstream of surface storage. The necessary investments do not exceed the values of conventional technologies and procedures that are used for this purpose. The restriction of application of these methods is reflected in the limited space, especially in the smaller urban areas, where urbanization was a sudden and uncontrolled process. Future planning documents must contain alternatives like these, while the reservation of required space must be included in the planning documents in which the treatment of further development of the city will be found. 展开更多
关键词 Urban planning retention basin storm sewer malfunction.
Identity, Traditions and Lack of Environmental Behaviour
作者 C. Arcidiacono F. Procentese M.G. Paolillo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第3期365-380,共16页
Place memories (traditions), transmitted through art and the stories of a community, are key elements for the construction of individual and collective identity, connected to specific places. In this regard the auth... Place memories (traditions), transmitted through art and the stories of a community, are key elements for the construction of individual and collective identity, connected to specific places. In this regard the authors examined how the representation of traditions affects place identity and in what ways the cultural heritage of the town might influence environmental forms of behaviour such as plans and projects. To this end the authors investigated the small town of Pagani in southern Italy, which has many ancient cultural traditions linked to specific locations and their rituals such as the festival of Our Lady of the Hens. Our contribution favours a qualitative approach in examining the data gathered and a participative methodology. The statistical analysis of the vocabulary distribution within 83 texts concerning town and its traditions, written by local citizens (52% male and 48% female) of different ages (range: 18-78) revealed a strong place identity. Narrative interviews (14) with key people were then analysed by means of grounded theory. In the perspective of conservation psychology the authors finally focussed on how feelings of impotence and social distrust influence relations between citizens and their local environment. 展开更多
关键词 Traditions place identity place attachment environmental behaviour community trust.
Impacts of Rapid Urbanization to Traditional Living Environment and Community Linkage in Historic Old Quarters of Vietnam: A Case Study on Gia Hoi Area in Hue City, Central Vietnam
作者 Miki Yoshizumi Tung Ngoc Nguyen Hirohide Kobayashi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第5期555-565,共11页
Though with slight ups and downs, Vietnamese economies have been flourishing for recent decades. Just like other remaining historical districts in Asia, those of Vietnam have been going through rapid urbanization and ... Though with slight ups and downs, Vietnamese economies have been flourishing for recent decades. Just like other remaining historical districts in Asia, those of Vietnam have been going through rapid urbanization and transformation. The rapid urbanization impacts on traditional living environment. This paper examines the impacts of rapid urbanization to traditional living environment and community linkage, illustrating a case study of the Gia Hoi area of the historic old district in the city of Hue in Central Vietnam. To identify the impacts, a comparative analysis is conducted between neighbors along a main street which were more impacted by urbanization and those along a small alley which were less impacted. Through the analysis of field and questionnaire surveys, it found out that socioeconomic conditions, in particular, community linkage of households along main street and small ally varied significantly. It argues that in historical district, social capital is not well-spread, but rather concentrated along small allies, and small allies play an important role for sustainable community. 展开更多
关键词 Community linkage impact of urbanization traditional living environment historical city.
中国的美国城市史研究述评 被引量:10
作者 王旭 王洋 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期133-142,共10页
美国城市史研究起步于20世纪80年代中期,进入新世纪后,呈现井喷式发展局面,并形成了一批从事专门研究的中坚力量。这是美国史研究整体水平提高的结果,更是中国城市化发展日趋迅速所产生的巨大需求所致。这些研究成果对美国城市发展史的... 美国城市史研究起步于20世纪80年代中期,进入新世纪后,呈现井喷式发展局面,并形成了一批从事专门研究的中坚力量。这是美国史研究整体水平提高的结果,更是中国城市化发展日趋迅速所产生的巨大需求所致。这些研究成果对美国城市发展史的很多层面都有了基本的思考,部分研究成果也产生了很大影响,可圈可点,但也存在选题重复、宽泛的问题。为了使研究进一步升华和深化,并及时避免简单重复的现象,有必要对中国的美国城市史研究进行阶段性总结。 展开更多
关键词 美国 城市 传统城市化 城市化
On the Inheritance of Ancient Architecture Decoration in the Residential Construction of Urbanization
作者 Shulan WANG Pinfeng TAN Lan LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期48-50,共3页
Chinese traditional architectural paintings are more drawn to the interior and exterior painting walls, canopies, beams, Fang, stigma, brackets and interior ceilings, caisson, the architectural art of building compone... Chinese traditional architectural paintings are more drawn to the interior and exterior painting walls, canopies, beams, Fang, stigma, brackets and interior ceilings, caisson, the architectural art of building components were processed and formed their rich colors, making the Chinese ancient architecture even more magnificent. It has two kinds of practical effects, one is to decorate building, and the second is to protect the individual masonry wood components and parts them from wind and rain erosion. In other words, functional and aesthetic painting set in one. Most Chinese ancient buildings are wooden structures, for aesthetics and durability wooden structural parts, are generally required to cover color to paint the cover, so the Chinese ancient buildings, whether internal walls, ceiling, doors, windows, roofs, etc. are painted with colors, sculpturing patterns and patterns to enhance the expressive power of art architecture, it can be said that the ancient Chinese architecture buildings are colorized architecture. From afar to go, the overall color of ancient Chinese architecture makes people' s hearts worship must be generated by the primary function of psychological respected. Ancient architectural decoration can be summarized into three categories: gold, color ornaments and carvings, color ornaments which include brush color decoration ornaments, painting and murals are as one of the three categories, the color was given such a high mission in the world, yet there are no countries can be comparable with it, the reason is not just the appearance of color can achieve architectural beauty, but also to show people' s color sustenance and beliefs in a certain extent. Ancient architectural sculpture was created by people in the production practice activities, and it is a product of the interaction between material and spiritual civilization and has a very high social value and artistic value. It carries historical and cultural information, expresses people' s spiritual and cultural pursuits and beliefs and through different art forms, reflects the beauty of different materials, expresses a different artistic content. 展开更多
公有制视角的新型城镇化问题研究 被引量:1
作者 曹雷 《《资本论》研究》 2013年第1期88-94,共7页
中国传统城市化模式的最大特点在于,并非伴随工业化而自然发生,反而其后果是越来越成为工业化进程的障碍,这不仅导致经济结构越来越畸形,而且社会结构也越来越畸形。中国传统城市化模式及其弊端形成的浅层直接原因,一是土地财政驱动地... 中国传统城市化模式的最大特点在于,并非伴随工业化而自然发生,反而其后果是越来越成为工业化进程的障碍,这不仅导致经济结构越来越畸形,而且社会结构也越来越畸形。中国传统城市化模式及其弊端形成的浅层直接原因,一是土地财政驱动地方政府大跃进“造城”运动并不断推高楼市、房价;二是政府“GDP崇拜”职能错位和城市结构层级制导致“经营城市”和“做大城市”。但其深层制度原因是中国土地公有制,是土地的公有产权制度导致土地的买卖和交易,主要由各级政府主导。公有制是社会主义制度的经济基础和优势,尤其是土地公有制必须坚持。要让全体农民获得相应份额公有土地级差收益,不能由部分被拆迁农民“代表”全体农民来获得公有土地增值收益,要改革政府体制机制,特别是改革地方政府土地财政机制。 展开更多
关键词 新型城镇化 中国传统城市化模式 土地财政 土地公有制
Epidemic transition of environmental health risk during China's urbanization 被引量:9
作者 Miaomiao Liu Xingyu Liu +2 位作者 Yining Huang Zongwei Ma Jun Bi 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期92-98,共7页
China has experienced rapid urbanization in recent decades along with dramatic economic growth. Previous studies have shown that urbanization has both positive and negative effects on health. However, there is a lack ... China has experienced rapid urbanization in recent decades along with dramatic economic growth. Previous studies have shown that urbanization has both positive and negative effects on health. However, there is a lack of research on the overall effects of urbanization on the epidemic transition of environmental health risks considering various pathways in China. In the present study, we studied the contributions of different aspects of urbanization in China to epidemic transitions using provincial and multi-year (1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010) panel data. Statistical models with fixed and random effects were developed to explore the impacts of different urbanization indicators on the overall epidemic tran- sition of environmental health (general model) and the changes in cause-specific mortality rates of typ- ical diseases (cause-specific models). The results show that the impacts of non-communicable diseases continue to grow during the urbanization process in China. The ratio of communicable disease-related mortality to non-communicable disease-related mortality continues to decrease over time. The general model shows that the improved medical conditions (coefficient =-0.0011, P= 0.037), the improved urban infrastructure (e.g., tap water supply) (coefficient = -0.00065, P 〈 0,001), and the rise in income (coefficient = -0.00027, P = 0.047) during the urbanization process are important factors that promote this overall epidemic transition. The cause-specific models show that the mechanisms behind the general model are complicated. More attention should be paid to non-communicable diseases in urban health management. Specific health policies for different diseases should incorporate the considerations of dif- ferent impact pathwavs of urbanization, 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION HEALTH Epidemic transition
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