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当代藏族文学中传统文体的文化内涵——以“歌谣”和“叙事伦理”为例 被引量:5
作者 胡沛萍 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第2期110-115,共6页
关键词 当代藏族文学 传统文体 文化内涵
论传统小说文体在民初的通变 被引量:2
作者 孙超 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期83-93,共11页
古体小说在民初呈繁荣之势。笔记体小说大多沿随笔杂录与讲求实录的固有轨辙前行,部分作品出现与传奇体合流的趋向;稗官故事类和野史笔记类作品居于主流,具有消遣与补史功能。尊体意识下的传奇体小说以婚恋、侠义、神怪题材为主,讲求辞... 古体小说在民初呈繁荣之势。笔记体小说大多沿随笔杂录与讲求实录的固有轨辙前行,部分作品出现与传奇体合流的趋向;稗官故事类和野史笔记类作品居于主流,具有消遣与补史功能。尊体意识下的传奇体小说以婚恋、侠义、神怪题材为主,讲求辞章结构,追求诗意美;破体意识下的作品拓展了新内涵,形成了新的叙事模式和诗化、心理化特征。话本体小说以说话虚拟情境演述社会万象,充满世俗性、娱乐性和民间性;体式上变异很大,其抒情、评判的个人化与新体白话短篇小说日渐趋同,“说话人”隐形成为必然。白话章回体小说面向市民写作,具有很强的通俗性,在语言、题材、适应报刊及类型化等方面呈现新变;文言章回体分诗骈化与古文化两类,其文体风格与主题题材相得益彰,变白话章回体的情节中心为写人中心。在遭到“五四”新文学家批判后,诸种古体小说或黯然退场,或顶风坚守。历史证明,民初古体小说的守正出新为避免与阻挡中国小说文体的“全盘西化”起到过重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 传统小说文体 民初小说 通变
古典小说文体传统的重释与“十七年”小说文体理论的建构 被引量:2
作者 周新民 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期159-165,188,共8页
“十七年”小说文体理论建设与重释中国古代文体传统紧密相结合。通过对古典小说故事传统的承续,“十七年”短篇小说体现对“故事”这一文体的重视。对古代章回小说、评书传统的重新阐释与转化,形成了“新评书体”小说。基于现代小说传... “十七年”小说文体理论建设与重释中国古代文体传统紧密相结合。通过对古典小说故事传统的承续,“十七年”短篇小说体现对“故事”这一文体的重视。对古代章回小说、评书传统的重新阐释与转化,形成了“新评书体”小说。基于现代小说传统基础,阐释古典小说文体在结构、人物形象刻画上的特征,形成了比外国小说“粗”比中国小说“细”的小说文体规范。通过重释古典小说文体传统,“十七年”小说文体理论建立起了民族性与现代性兼备的文体理论风貌。 展开更多
关键词 古典小说 文体传统 故事 新评书体 现代视野
作者 何诗海 《文艺理论研究》 北大核心 2023年第2期34-44,65,共12页
中国文体学历史悠久,根基深厚,长期居于文学学术的核心地位。但在晚清民国西学浪潮的冲击下,文体学传统逐渐被遮蔽和边缘化,直到20世纪80年代,才开始复苏,并迅速发展为最富学术生长点、最为学界瞩目的学术前沿领域。就整体研究格局言,... 中国文体学历史悠久,根基深厚,长期居于文学学术的核心地位。但在晚清民国西学浪潮的冲击下,文体学传统逐渐被遮蔽和边缘化,直到20世纪80年代,才开始复苏,并迅速发展为最富学术生长点、最为学界瞩目的学术前沿领域。就整体研究格局言,学界对文体形态和文体史关注较多,相关成果极其丰富,而文体观念和文体学理论探讨则较为薄弱。总结、反思近代以来一百多年的文体学理论研究,对于推动古代文体学进一步发展,建设富有新时代中国特色的文学理论话语体系,具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 文体传统 理论研究 现代学术
中国散文文体的近现代嬗变 被引量:2
作者 付建舟 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期81-86,共6页
清末民初,中国散文文体发生巨大嬗变,这主要体现在传统的应用性散文文体严重衰退,文学性散文文体也今非昔比;而近现代散文文体如严复、章太炎和章士钊等人的"逻辑文体",谭嗣同、梁启超的报章体,周作人等人的美文文体,林语堂... 清末民初,中国散文文体发生巨大嬗变,这主要体现在传统的应用性散文文体严重衰退,文学性散文文体也今非昔比;而近现代散文文体如严复、章太炎和章士钊等人的"逻辑文体",谭嗣同、梁启超的报章体,周作人等人的美文文体,林语堂等人的"小品文"文体等,异军突起,逐渐取代传统散文文体,并在文坛产生广泛而深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 传统散文文体 现代散文文体 嬗变
作者 郭丽萍 《教育教学论坛》 2014年第19期179-180,共2页
区别于传统文体分析的主观性,计量文体学基于语料库的研究,以计量的方式定量地分析文本。本文通过展示计量文体学在判定作家文体风格、确定作品的作者身份、了解小说主题及情节发展和翻译研究中的应用,以突显计量文体学在文体分析中不... 区别于传统文体分析的主观性,计量文体学基于语料库的研究,以计量的方式定量地分析文本。本文通过展示计量文体学在判定作家文体风格、确定作品的作者身份、了解小说主题及情节发展和翻译研究中的应用,以突显计量文体学在文体分析中不可替代的作用。由于研究方法不够系统、研究体裁过于单一、计量软件有待升级等等原因,计量文体学还未受到广泛关注,但是作为与前沿科技相结合的一种新的文体研究方法,计量文体学必然会在文体研究中发挥巨大作用。 展开更多
关键词 传统文体分析 计量文体 定量 文体研究
作者 周军 《教育传媒研究》 2019年第2期17-19,共3页
本文认为,学术论文能指层面的高度程式化、代码的深奥极大地妨碍了意义的传达。重新梳理语言符号学的基本观点,有助于澄清文体表述的困境,同时,我国古代丰富的文体表达也给我们提供了必要的借鉴。明确文体表述在语用中的职能,并吸收传... 本文认为,学术论文能指层面的高度程式化、代码的深奥极大地妨碍了意义的传达。重新梳理语言符号学的基本观点,有助于澄清文体表述的困境,同时,我国古代丰富的文体表达也给我们提供了必要的借鉴。明确文体表述在语用中的职能,并吸收传统文体简洁的表述方式,将有利于意义的呈现。 展开更多
关键词 文体表述 语言符号 传统文体表述
论中国古代的文体学传统——兼论古代文学文体研究的对象与方法 被引量:38
作者 钱志熙 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期92-99,共8页
近年来学术界普遍关注古代文学研究中的文体学问题 ,但对文体学的基本理论与方法的探讨还很不够。从侧重于语体功能的语言学的文体学与侧重于体裁功能的文学文体学这两者之间的差异来看 ,目前古代文学研究将文体问题简单化为体裁问题有... 近年来学术界普遍关注古代文学研究中的文体学问题 ,但对文体学的基本理论与方法的探讨还很不够。从侧重于语体功能的语言学的文体学与侧重于体裁功能的文学文体学这两者之间的差异来看 ,目前古代文学研究将文体问题简单化为体裁问题有其不足之处。中国古代存在着丰富的文体学传统 ,文体学是整个古代文学理论与批评的核心。传统的文体学内涵与方法 ,正是包括了目前学术界使用的语言学的文体学与文学文体学两方面的内涵 ,是真正完整意义上的文体学。古代文学的文体学研究应该充分汲取这一传统与方法。 展开更多
关键词 文体 古代文学文体 传统文体
对汉语语篇重言外之意的文化分析 被引量:2
作者 吴慧坚 《广东社会科学》 2003年第3期51-56,共6页
汉语语篇有重言外之意的特点,国内外不少语言学者的论述多归因于中国长期的封建礼教、专制统治这一历史因素的影响。相对于语言文化现象所具有的复杂性,这种解释还很不够。本文试从中西民族语言文化的比较研究这一视角作些初步的探讨,... 汉语语篇有重言外之意的特点,国内外不少语言学者的论述多归因于中国长期的封建礼教、专制统治这一历史因素的影响。相对于语言文化现象所具有的复杂性,这种解释还很不够。本文试从中西民族语言文化的比较研究这一视角作些初步的探讨,以期说明汉语语篇特点同时也是汉语民族审关文化心理的表现,而这种审关文化心理的形成,除了受中国传统社会政治影响之外,也与汉语民族的思维模式、语言特点及诗学传统诸因素分不开。 展开更多
关键词 汉语语篇 文体传统 语言哲学 诗学传统
作者 孙昌武 《骈文研究》 2022年第1期209-219,共11页
唐代“古文运动”是文体、文风、文学语言全面革新的“运动”,《唐代古文运动通论》对其性质、内容、成就、历史意义与影响进行综合研究。韩愈是“古文运动”的倡导者及其成就的集大成者,专著《韩愈散文艺术论》和论文《韩愈的儒学与文... 唐代“古文运动”是文体、文风、文学语言全面革新的“运动”,《唐代古文运动通论》对其性质、内容、成就、历史意义与影响进行综合研究。韩愈是“古文运动”的倡导者及其成就的集大成者,专著《韩愈散文艺术论》和论文《韩愈的儒学与文学》等将韩愈作为“古文运动”的典型个案进行深入探讨。编注四个韩愈作品选本(两个中型的,两个普及性的,其中包含数篇关于韩愈的长篇综合评述,对所选作品有详细思想与艺术成就的分析)。这些论著讨论了有关唐代“古文”理论与创作中重大的、有些是长期争执不决的课题:“古文运动”的“儒学复古”与唐代儒学的新变(特别是啖助、赵匡、陆质“新《春秋》学”)的关系;“儒学复古”和文体“复古”的关系(不同于主张“文体复古”与反佛兴儒思潮相表里的一般传统看法);“古文”创作对诸传统写作文体(碑志、书序等)的影响、现代意义的文学“散文”的艺术创新与成就;韩愈倡导“文以明道”,文、道兼重;古文家们反对、批判六朝骈文雕绣藻绘的文风而创作实践实则能够积极吸收包括六朝骈文的艺术创作成果,骈、散兼行,体现对秦汉以来的散文艺术遗产采取取精用弘、广取博收而又勇于创新的恢宏精神与辩证态度,从而创造中国文学散文艺术发展的一大高峰。 展开更多
关键词 传统写作文体 文学散文 “文以明道” 骈散间行 集大成
作者 张达 《理论学刊》 CSSCI 1997年第5期84-87,共4页
关键词 杂文创作 文学性 议论文 文学传统 社会转型 文体传统 文学作品 文体特征 《我的失恋》 比兴
The Conformity Utilization of Ceramic Culture Native Digital Resources Based On the Concept of WEB3.0
作者 Ning Chen 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期97-99,共3页
In Chinese traditional culture, ceramic culture is a very special cultural system, With the advent of the era of network and the particularity of ceramic culture, Make the network native digital resources development ... In Chinese traditional culture, ceramic culture is a very special cultural system, With the advent of the era of network and the particularity of ceramic culture, Make the network native digital resources development and utilization is especially important. The idea of Web3.0 make important ceramic culture network native digital resources "reasonable configuration", t o be more embody the value of academic research. In this paper, we'll discuss the conformity utilization of ceramic culture native digital resources based on the concept of WEB3.0. 展开更多
关键词 WEB3.0 Ceramic Culture Network Native Digital Resources Conformity Utilization
The inheritance and development of traditional Wushu culture under the background of globalization
作者 Li Guoqiang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期30-31,共2页
On the background of the globalization, Chinese traditional martial arts facing a squeeze of strong Western culture is very difficult to develop. To actively explore a new development idea based on the Chinese traditi... On the background of the globalization, Chinese traditional martial arts facing a squeeze of strong Western culture is very difficult to develop. To actively explore a new development idea based on the Chinese traditional sports culture in new era, has become an urgent task to us. The traditional martial arts culture impacts on the global sports culture positively, however, crisis also exists because the technology effect and times' advantages by the modern civilization. To inherit and develop the Chinese Traditional Wushu culture, we' d better to make it popular in China, publicize and promote all over the world.. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION the traditional martial arts inheritance and development
Influence on Sport Industry from Traditional Chinese sport's Application for the Status of National Intangible Cultural Heritage
作者 Jianjun Wang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期46-49,共4页
Traditional Chinese sport conveys China's millenniums' culture, which can be taken as symbol of China's culture. Therefore, the application for the status of national intangible cultural heritage becomes unavoidabl... Traditional Chinese sport conveys China's millenniums' culture, which can be taken as symbol of China's culture. Therefore, the application for the status of national intangible cultural heritage becomes unavoidable. No matter it will be successful or not, the process will boost its industry. This paper argued its push to traditional Chinese sport industry from the point of traveling, sporting goods, culture industry and entertainment and relaxation. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese Sport Application for the Status of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Sport Industry
The Conformity Utilization of Ceramic Culture Native Digital Resources Based On the Concept of WEB3.0
作者 Ning Chen 《International English Education Research》 2014年第6期55-57,共3页
In Chinese traditional culture, ceramic culture is a very special cultural system With the advent of the era of network and the particularity of ceramic culture, Make the network native digital resources development a... In Chinese traditional culture, ceramic culture is a very special cultural system With the advent of the era of network and the particularity of ceramic culture, Make the network native digital resources development and utilization is especially important. The idea of Web3.0 make important ceramic culture network native digital resources "reasonable configuration", t o be more embody the value of academic research. In this paper, we'll discuss the conformity utilization of ceramic culture native digital resources based on the concept of WEB3.0. 展开更多
关键词 WEB3.0 Ceramic Culture Network Native Digital Resources Conformity Utilization
Influence of Cropping Systems on Soil Properties in Semi-arid Conditions of Setif, Algeria
作者 Abdelhamid Mekhlouf Noureddine Rouag +3 位作者 Rabah Boukhadra Selma Chenni Mohamed Fenni Mahfoud Makhlouf 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第8期653-658,共6页
The effects of two culture systems, conventional and no-till combined the previous crop (lentil and wheat) on soil properties were studied in the experimental site of the station Technical Institute for Field Crops ... The effects of two culture systems, conventional and no-till combined the previous crop (lentil and wheat) on soil properties were studied in the experimental site of the station Technical Institute for Field Crops (ITGC) Setif (Algeria) during the crop year 2011/2012. The results indicate that the no-till system affects positively the variables of soil properties and the organic matter has a rate of 2.89% compared to 2.44% in conventional tillage. If the conventional system has an infiltration of moisture relatively higher than that observed for no-till throughout the cycle, the no-tillage is distinguished by a higher storage of moisture at the end of cycle wheat cultivation. The results also indicate that the density (1.44 g/cm), permeability (22.79 cm/h) and soil compaction (12.51 kg/cm) in no-till were significantly higher compared to conventional tillage 1.35 g/cm, 14.13 cm/h, 7.40 kg/cm, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Conventional tillage no-ill preceding crop bulk density INFILTRATION COMPACTION organic matter.
The Four Different Aspects of Man-World Relations and the Ontological Nature of Culture
作者 Salahaddin Khalilov 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第5期245-254,共10页
In traditional philosophy, man is usually treated as a subject of knowledge, not as a subject of activity. This naturally led to an ignorance of his creative side and had its echoes in the models of the world put forw... In traditional philosophy, man is usually treated as a subject of knowledge, not as a subject of activity. This naturally led to an ignorance of his creative side and had its echoes in the models of the world put forward. Thus, when the world was mentioned the world meant was that perceived by man and the world man created or planned to create himself was given either a secondary treatment or else it was completely forgotten. But, as man is carrier of active spirit, the things he creates have their place in this world along those created by God. It is without doubt that things created by man are not produced against God's will. Still, human creativity is the corruption of the original creation, of the harmony of the world, of the book of nature. Man brings order, so to speak, to the world. He achieves this however at the cost of corrupting the Great Order within some narrow limits. Man himself is among the many highly interesting books written before and there exist as many variations of this book as there are human beings. What is the most difficult for man is though, to read his own book, to understand himself. In this article, the concept of the culture as a human creation is analyzed in the light of Man-World and Man-Nature-God relations. In this case, the author firstly explains the four different world models and then determines the boundaries of science and culture, as well as the individual and social strata of culture. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE ontology Man-Nature-God world models knowledge
Study on a Heritage Town in the Northern Badia of JordanmAI Aqeb
作者 Mohannad Tarrad 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第2期221-230,共10页
This field study in AI aqeb town and its surroundings is a result of joint research between two scientific fields: anthropology and architecture, where the researchers interested in the local community in terms of so... This field study in AI aqeb town and its surroundings is a result of joint research between two scientific fields: anthropology and architecture, where the researchers interested in the local community in terms of social, stability method, patterns of production and its transformations, as well as in physical culture for population in traditional, heritage and modern housing, and the reason to choose AI aqeb is to test the stability of the nature of pastoral groups in A1 aqeb basin and valley which are available on pastures and water sources and the remains of ancient centers of human settlement which provides building materials to create traditional dwellings made up of basalt stones and mud where the researcher use the field surveys methodology in the target area through field trips and description of heritage sites and architectural field studies methodology in terms of description, analysis and measuring and drawing. And study populations and pastoral aspects, features of the surface and material evidence. The Bedouin human interacts with its environment depending on its own style in simple techniques to meet his basic needs of physical, cultural and the need for shelter and housing. 展开更多
关键词 Housing pastoral Badia of Jordan local Jordanian community racialist history.
Discussion about cultural commonalities of Chinese martial arts and kickboxing in a developing perspective
作者 Lei Song 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期73-75,共3页
With five thousand years of civilization, the profound traditional culture of China has cultivated generations of Chinese people to possess the spirit of manner, patience, humility, perseverance and self-improvement, ... With five thousand years of civilization, the profound traditional culture of China has cultivated generations of Chinese people to possess the spirit of manner, patience, humility, perseverance and self-improvement, which especially are expressed in the sports industry, let alone in taekwondo. Taekwondo emphasizes morality and respect for teachers. It requires practices to love the motherland, love the people, respect opponents and abide by good faith; to emphasis on inner training and spiritual cultivation; to develop noble moral characters like courtesy, patience, self-denial, humility and tolerance. Because taekwondo take footwork as the main means of attack, the atmosphere of competition will be intense and the two sides battle with wits and physical fighting with amazing destructive power and lethality. So practitioner' s inner practice and morality is particularly emphasized. Chinese traditional culture plays a vital role among it. 展开更多
关键词 cultural commonalities ARTS kickboxing
On the fitness value and Promotion model of traditional national sports
作者 Yan Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期1-3,共3页
Traditional national sports are the representatives of traditional Chinese historic culture. With features like strong universality, nationality and involvement, they are deeply loved by the people. And after thousand... Traditional national sports are the representatives of traditional Chinese historic culture. With features like strong universality, nationality and involvement, they are deeply loved by the people. And after thousands of years of development, the constant evolution and precipitation, they have become not only the outstanding distinctive culture but also the spiritual wealth of Chinese nation. National fitness programs are mainly for improving the standards of people' s physical and mental health to serve for the enhancement of people' s overall quality. Traditional national sports are the fertile soil of the social culture and modem sports, as well as the inexhaustible material of popularizing the national fitness programs. With abundant life interest and great sport leisure, the people-oriented traditional national sports are in line with the national fitness programs. 展开更多
关键词 FITNESS PHYSICAL traditional national sports.
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