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“宗”:格萨尔史诗的叙事程式、传统法则与故事范型 被引量:3
作者 央吉卓玛(藏族) 《民族文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期13-27,共15页
“宗”作为格萨尔史诗传统中的关键术语之一,学界对其讨论由来已久。文章立足于民族志诗学,对史诗语域下“宗”的意义和功能进行解析。从语词层面来讲,“宗”当被释义为“城堡”,围绕“宗”,史诗中形成了大量的程式化表达,通过解析“宗... “宗”作为格萨尔史诗传统中的关键术语之一,学界对其讨论由来已久。文章立足于民族志诗学,对史诗语域下“宗”的意义和功能进行解析。从语词层面来讲,“宗”当被释义为“城堡”,围绕“宗”,史诗中形成了大量的程式化表达,通过解析“宗”及其特性修饰语,可以解码演述人构筑诗行的技巧和法则;作为典型场景,史诗中对“宗”的描述和铺排,不仅向受众传达了包括战争起因、经过和结果在内的情节要素,还侧面传达了包括善恶、敌友和信仰在内的重要信息;脱胎于藏族传统建筑的“宗”,其建制符合藏族“宇宙三分”的世界观,而宇宙三分观,恰恰点明了格萨尔史诗“上方天界遣使下凡,中间世上各种纷争,下方地狱完成业果”的叙事结构。基于上述分析,笔者认为“宗”在史诗语域中当被释解为“城堡”,但是其指涉范围远远超出了物质的“城堡”,而具有统摄整个叙事传统的重要功能。 展开更多
关键词 程式语词 特性修饰语 典型场景 传统法则
论当代陶瓷雕塑中的中国传统审美法则体现 被引量:4
作者 王阿梅 《陶瓷》 CAS 2022年第1期17-18,21,共3页
中国当代陶瓷雕塑艺术站在传统与革新、本土与西方的文化交汇路口,如何权衡二者关系是当前无法回避的问题。结合当前实际,挖掘传统思想的现实意义无疑成了中国当代陶塑雕塑艺术家的难题与使命。所幸的是,中华民族的传统文化内涵及艺术... 中国当代陶瓷雕塑艺术站在传统与革新、本土与西方的文化交汇路口,如何权衡二者关系是当前无法回避的问题。结合当前实际,挖掘传统思想的现实意义无疑成了中国当代陶塑雕塑艺术家的难题与使命。所幸的是,中华民族的传统文化内涵及艺术精神有其自我传承性。笔者基于陶瓷雕塑文化传承与创新权衡问题的思考,从我国传统审美法则于当代陶瓷雕塑中的表现入手,探讨当代陶瓷雕塑的中国传统文化内涵。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷雕塑 传统审美法则 文化内涵
网络漫画插图视觉设计中传统美术法则应用 被引量:1
作者 刘洋 《湖南包装》 2020年第6期29-31,35,共4页
网络漫画是集娱乐性、艺术性、商业性为一体的复合艺术,插图设计尤为重要。在迎合用户兴趣和发挥自身文化魅力之间寻求平衡,是当下国漫创作的重要命题。文章结合具有传统艺术特色的网络漫画,从形象塑造、色彩运用、画面布局等方面剖析... 网络漫画是集娱乐性、艺术性、商业性为一体的复合艺术,插图设计尤为重要。在迎合用户兴趣和发挥自身文化魅力之间寻求平衡,是当下国漫创作的重要命题。文章结合具有传统艺术特色的网络漫画,从形象塑造、色彩运用、画面布局等方面剖析传统美术理念在漫画创作中的应用规律,找到更适用于中国网络漫画的插图创意设计方法,使中国网络漫画在满足国际趋势和流行美学的同时表达出自己独特的民族特色。 展开更多
关键词 网络漫画 插图 视觉设计 传统美术法则
作者 李明 《西部皮革》 2021年第10期32-33,共2页
信息化时代的到来,促使人们网络空间得到无限扩大,而网络漫画的发展与创新,突显出了艺术性、娱乐性以及商业性,属于一种复合型艺术,其中插图视觉设计在其中起到了重要作用。如何在网络漫画插图视觉设计中融合传统美术,在不影响受众兴趣... 信息化时代的到来,促使人们网络空间得到无限扩大,而网络漫画的发展与创新,突显出了艺术性、娱乐性以及商业性,属于一种复合型艺术,其中插图视觉设计在其中起到了重要作用。如何在网络漫画插图视觉设计中融合传统美术,在不影响受众兴趣的条件下,发挥出传统文化魅力,成为了当下业内人士需要思考的问题。对此,从插图设计入手,着重分析了网络漫画插图视觉设计中传统美术法则的意境,旨在寻求适合中国网络漫画插图设计的创新方法,从而更为广泛地传递民族特色。 展开更多
关键词 网络漫画 插图 视觉设计 传统美术法则
作者 王菁华 卢胜利 《制造业自动化》 北大核心 2010年第2期62-65,共4页
农业严峻缺水的现实使得节水农业的发展成为必然。准确获取叶水势是实现节水农业的关键技术,其首要条件则是保证农作物微环境采样数据的精确性。首先在封闭环境下获取理想数据,然后通过人工混入各类噪声,对混合信号应用3-delta传统法则... 农业严峻缺水的现实使得节水农业的发展成为必然。准确获取叶水势是实现节水农业的关键技术,其首要条件则是保证农作物微环境采样数据的精确性。首先在封闭环境下获取理想数据,然后通过人工混入各类噪声,对混合信号应用3-delta传统法则剔除噪声,针对其局限性,又提出了一种新的去噪方法——MMD算法,对两种算法在matlab下进行了仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析,总结了各种算法的特点及各自的局限性。这对以后应用于大田环境采集的微环境信息数据处理具有一定的指导意义和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 节水农业 叶水势 微环境信息 传统法则 最小平均距离算法 数据处理
电视剧平实化的美学探求 被引量:3
作者 吕乐平 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期47-51,共5页
平实化是传统美学的重要法则。依托电子媒介、技巧性很强的电视剧艺术能否顺利贯彻这一法则?以平民和家庭伦理为题材的国产电视剧的实践对此做出了肯定的回答。平实化在电视剧中的应用体现在题材、叙事、节奏、表演、摄法、声音等众多方... 平实化是传统美学的重要法则。依托电子媒介、技巧性很强的电视剧艺术能否顺利贯彻这一法则?以平民和家庭伦理为题材的国产电视剧的实践对此做出了肯定的回答。平实化在电视剧中的应用体现在题材、叙事、节奏、表演、摄法、声音等众多方面,并在此与其它风格的电视剧形成明显的区别。平实化与生活(自然)、平实化与通俗化、平实与渲染有各自的疆界和相融关系,美学的辨析有助于廓清人们的认识。电视剧平实化意识的自觉是对中国传统美学的承继,有利于打造电视剧的民族文化品牌。 展开更多
关键词 电视剧 平实化 传统美学法则 通用性 美学内涵 美学辨析 题材 叙事模式 表演艺术 拍摄手法
“观念”与“技术”的纠结——对当代美术学专业油画课程教学的思考 被引量:1
作者 阙佼 《美术教育研究》 2012年第13期112-113,共2页
在当代艺术迅猛发展的今天,传统油画教学面临前所未有的挑战,是坚守传统油画教学之底线,还是采用开放式的当代艺术教学观,是我们面临的两难选择。文章通过对当代油画教学是"重观念"还是"重技术"的探讨,试图梳理出... 在当代艺术迅猛发展的今天,传统油画教学面临前所未有的挑战,是坚守传统油画教学之底线,还是采用开放式的当代艺术教学观,是我们面临的两难选择。文章通过对当代油画教学是"重观念"还是"重技术"的探讨,试图梳理出更加清晰的当代美术学专业油画教学思路。 展开更多
关键词 传统造型法则 当代艺术观念 油画教学体系
浅析埃舍尔错视空间艺术对图形设计思维的启示 被引量:1
作者 苏琴 《普洱学院学报》 2020年第3期111-112,共2页
埃舍尔错视空间的艺术作品兼具艺术的视觉审美与数学、哲学的理性审美,其艺术理念与思维的多元化对图形设计思维有一定启示。以埃舍尔错视空间艺术为研究对象,分析其艺术理念的产生,解读其艺术表现手法,从而探究埃舍尔错视空间艺术中的... 埃舍尔错视空间的艺术作品兼具艺术的视觉审美与数学、哲学的理性审美,其艺术理念与思维的多元化对图形设计思维有一定启示。以埃舍尔错视空间艺术为研究对象,分析其艺术理念的产生,解读其艺术表现手法,从而探究埃舍尔错视空间艺术中的创新思维能力、数学理性与艺术智性等,这有助于图形设计思维的拓展。 展开更多
关键词 传统透视法则 数学法则 错视空间 图形设计思维
A flexible lag definition for experimental variogram calculation 被引量:3
作者 Cuba Miguel 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期207-211,共5页
Inferring the experimental variogram used in geostatistics commonly relies on the method-of-moments approach.Ideally,the available data-set used for calculating the experimental variogram should be drawn from a regula... Inferring the experimental variogram used in geostatistics commonly relies on the method-of-moments approach.Ideally,the available data-set used for calculating the experimental variogram should be drawn from a regular pattern.However,in practice the available data-set is typically sampled over a sparse pattern at irregularly spaced locations.Hence,some binning of the variogram cloud is required to obtain fair estimates of the experimental variogram.Grouping of the variogram data pairs as a result of conventional binning depends on parameters such as the main anisotropic directions and a regular definition of the lag vectors.These parameters are not based on the configuration of the variogram data pairs in the variogram cloud but on a segment of it that is arbitrarily predefined.Therefore,the conventional experimental variogram estimation approach is biased because of the strict configuration of the bins over the variogram cloud.In this paper,a new method of estimating experimental variograms is proposed.Lag vectors and their tolerances are decided in the proposed method from information in the variogram cloud:they are not influenced by any predefined directions.The proposed methodology is a well-founded,practicable and easy-to-automate approach for experimental variogram calculation using an irregularly sampled data-set.Comparison of results from the new method to those from the traditional approach is very encouraging. 展开更多
关键词 GEOSTATISTICS Variogram cloud Experimental variogram Variogram modeling Self-organizing-map
Soil Quality Assessment Using Weighted Fuzzy Association Rules 被引量:12
作者 XUE Yue-Ju LIU Shu-Guang +1 位作者 HU Yue-Ming YANG Jing-Feng 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期334-341,共8页
Fuzzy association rules (FARs) can be powerful in assessing regional soil quality, a critical step prior to land planning and utilization; however, traditional FARs mined from soil quality database, ignoring the impor... Fuzzy association rules (FARs) can be powerful in assessing regional soil quality, a critical step prior to land planning and utilization; however, traditional FARs mined from soil quality database, ignoring the importance variability of the rules, can be redundant and far from optimal. In this study, we developed a method applying different weights to traditional FARs to improve accuracy of soil quality assessment. After the FARs for soil quality assessment were mined, redundant rules were eliminated according to whether the rules were significant or not in reducing the complexity of the soil quality assessment models and in improving the comprehensibility of FARs. The global weights, each representing the importance of a FAR in soil quality assessment, were then introduced and refined using a gradient descent optimization method. This method was applied to the assessment of soil resources conditions in Guangdong Province, China. The new approach had an accuracy of 87%, when 15 rules were mined, as compared with 76% from the traditional approach. The accuracy increased to 96% when 32 rules were mined, in contrast to 88% from the traditional approach. These results demonstrated an improved comprehensibility of FARs and a high accuracy of the proposed method. 展开更多
作者 程缨 《中国电视》 北大核心 2001年第10期43-47,共5页
关键词 电视剧 《大宅门》 传统戏剧法则 戏剧冲突 故事情节 人物形象 电视评论 中国
作者 杨志坚 《戏剧之家》 2014年第15期44-44,共1页
关键词 梨园戏 洞箫 笛子 四管乐器 《丁兰刻木》 传统音乐法则 演奏方式 体现人物 烘托环境 节奏 人物情
State of the Art and Future Trends of Unconventional PD-Measurement at Power Transformers 被引量:1
作者 Jurgen Fabian Martin Neuwersch +2 位作者 Christof Sumereder Michael Muhr Robert Schwarz 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第6期1093-1098,共6页
This paper discusses the current state of the art of diagnostics at power transformers. A special focus is set on the UHF-PD-measurement (ultra-high-frequency partial discharge measurement) because at power transfor... This paper discusses the current state of the art of diagnostics at power transformers. A special focus is set on the UHF-PD-measurement (ultra-high-frequency partial discharge measurement) because at power transformers, this diagnostic method has become more important in recent years. The current state, basics and principles of operations, proceedings as well as advantages of PD-measurement methods are covered. Furthermore problems and proposed solutions are discussed. Bushings and tap changers are not discussed in detail. In many cases, one single diagnostic method does not have the ability to sufficiently evaluate a power transformer. Therefore, a variety of diagnostic methods came up over times, which are commonly used by now. To expand the evaluation opportunities of power transformers, science strives to develop new diagnostic methods as well as to improve the existing ones. Furthermore, environmentally friendly and hardly inflammable ester liquids are examined for the use at power transformers and PD-measurement at HVDC (high voltage direct current) converter transformers as well. Potential diagnostic options and respectively current developments and findings in the field of oil-paper-insulation systems are outlined conclusively. 展开更多
关键词 Power transformer unconventional PD-measurement UHF-PD-measurement environmentally friendly alternativeinsulating liquids HVDC converter transformer.
Despreader for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System and Its Performance Analysis
作者 何先灯 裴昌幸 易运晖 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第4期275-278,共4页
A new type of despreader for direct sequence spread spectrum signal is proposed. Compared with traditional despreaders, the new despreader does not contain hard decision ware or handle binary sequence any more, and th... A new type of despreader for direct sequence spread spectrum signal is proposed. Compared with traditional despreaders, the new despreader does not contain hard decision ware or handle binary sequence any more, and the locally stored spread spectrum signals are pre-modulated baseband signals (such as Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) signals), which are much more similar to the received spread spectrum signals. Moreover, the missed detection probability of the despreader is about one order of magnitude lower than that of traditional ones. Based on the maximum likelihood criterion and phase probability density function of demodulated signal, a new method of ana- lyzing the despreaders’ performance is put forward, which is proved to be more accurate than traditional methods according to the numerical results. Finally, an adaptive despreader under different signal-to-noise ratios is given. 展开更多
关键词 spread spectrum communication matched filter digital matched filter PROBABILITY
Effect of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports on the development of modem community sports
作者 Sun Longtao Wang Wei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期162-164,共3页
After thousands of years of history, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports survive the fittest in the screening of the natural law, breeding, enduring Cheung, and reflects the inherent vitali... After thousands of years of history, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports survive the fittest in the screening of the natural law, breeding, enduring Cheung, and reflects the inherent vitality. Investigation thoroughly on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports for the development of modem community sports is to examine and understand its meaning and value from a higher level, to better inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of China and thus to explore meeting point of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health sports and modem sports. It also ensures the community to establish a healthy concept, improve the cultural quality, strengthen the moral cultivation, rouse the national spirit, increase life interest and form the modem community culture. In short, by the national education of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional protection movement, there is a unique advantage other cultures are incomparable. 展开更多
关键词 traditional Chinese medicine traditional health community sports EFFECT
浅析汉画像石的构图风格 被引量:1
作者 宋歌 《中原文物》 北大核心 2009年第5期63-65,共3页
关键词 传统法则 透视法 韵律 程式化
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