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论中国传统环境文化的民族性及其现代化创生 被引量:5
作者 殷有敢 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2006年第7期35-37,共3页
中国传统环境文化精神是中华民族精神的价值源头。汉语言“文化”二宇便充分蕴涵着环境文化意义。中国传统环境文化的民族性,体现在独特的民族环境文化思维特质、民族环境文化价值观、民族环境制度、习俗以及行为习惯模式和民族环境文... 中国传统环境文化精神是中华民族精神的价值源头。汉语言“文化”二宇便充分蕴涵着环境文化意义。中国传统环境文化的民族性,体现在独特的民族环境文化思维特质、民族环境文化价值观、民族环境制度、习俗以及行为习惯模式和民族环境文化的符号系统等方面。它是一种“天人亲和”文化模式、一种生命文化模式、一种有机精神生态的文化模式、一种不断创生的发展论文化模式。我们应吸取传统环境文化的智慧,寻求传统环境文化精神在现代化发展进程中创生的载体、途径和手段,建设独具民族特色和时代特色的中国环境文化。 展开更多
关键词 传统环境文化 民族性 文化 创生
中国传统环境文化的现代创生 被引量:4
作者 胡慧华 范燕宁 《中国特色社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期60-63,共4页
中国传统环境文化的民族性,体现在独特的民族环境文化思维特质、民族环境文化价值观、民族环境制度、习俗以及行为习惯模式和民族环境文化的符号系统等方面。它是一种"天人亲和"文化模式、一种生命文化模式、一种有机精神生... 中国传统环境文化的民族性,体现在独特的民族环境文化思维特质、民族环境文化价值观、民族环境制度、习俗以及行为习惯模式和民族环境文化的符号系统等方面。它是一种"天人亲和"文化模式、一种生命文化模式、一种有机精神生态的文化模式、一种不断创生的发展模式。当前,我们应努力吸取传统环境文化的智慧,寻求传统环境文化精神在现代化发展进程中创生的载体、途径和手段,建设独具民族特色和时代特色的中国环境文化。 展开更多
关键词 传统环境文化 民族性 创生
作者 杨开华 《攀枝花学院学报》 2017年第3期1-7,共7页
本文从环境法律文化的内涵入手,分析了彝族传统环境法律文化的表现形式、特征及其现代生态价值,认为彝族传统环境法律文化对解决现代环境问题具有重要的启示作用,彝族生态道德教化对提升环境法律意识具有借鉴作用,彝族民间生态法对现代... 本文从环境法律文化的内涵入手,分析了彝族传统环境法律文化的表现形式、特征及其现代生态价值,认为彝族传统环境法律文化对解决现代环境问题具有重要的启示作用,彝族生态道德教化对提升环境法律意识具有借鉴作用,彝族民间生态法对现代环境法体系具有完善功能,彝族生态经济法律文化对地区经济具有促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 彝族 传统环境法律文化 民间生态法 生态道德教化
作者 郑夏萱 《教育界(高等教育)》 2017年第3期46-47,共2页
《魏氏乐谱》中所包含的200多篇古乐谱因为音乐研究价值极高,因而被学者称为“音乐的宝典”“古典音乐的活化石”。《魏氏乐谱》的回归引发了中国学界对它的重视。学界除了站在中国古代音乐史的角度对其进行研究,还将关注的焦点放在... 《魏氏乐谱》中所包含的200多篇古乐谱因为音乐研究价值极高,因而被学者称为“音乐的宝典”“古典音乐的活化石”。《魏氏乐谱》的回归引发了中国学界对它的重视。学界除了站在中国古代音乐史的角度对其进行研究,还将关注的焦点放在了其在中外音乐交流上所扮演的角色和具有的历史价值上。 展开更多
关键词 《魏氏乐谱》 中国传统音乐文化环境 反思
作者 杨铖澄 《山西建筑》 2012年第16期2-4,共3页
关键词 校园规划 古书院 中国传统文化 育人环境 和谐共生
中国传统生态环境法文化及当代价值研究 被引量:33
作者 柴荣 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期287-304,共18页
以农为本是中国历朝历代奉行的基本国策,国家对生态环境高度依赖,形成了以"天人合一"为伦理基础的传统生态环境法文化。从思想维度分析,中国古代重农敬天、崇拜自然,儒、道、法等各派思想在回答人与自然关系时,都持有人是自... 以农为本是中国历朝历代奉行的基本国策,国家对生态环境高度依赖,形成了以"天人合一"为伦理基础的传统生态环境法文化。从思想维度分析,中国古代重农敬天、崇拜自然,儒、道、法等各派思想在回答人与自然关系时,都持有人是自然一部分的整体生态观;在解释人与自然互动问题时,均持有人应遵守自然规律的观点。从规范维度观察,中国古代形成了以礼法、律典、敕令为主要形式的生态环境保护法律体系。中国古代生态环境法文化与马克思主义生态观具有较高的契合性:马克思主义唯物辩证法思想在发展过程中形成了整体生态观,认为应该在遵循自然规律的基础上保护生态环境,这与"重农敬天""人与天和""顺时立政""节用止欲"等中国传统生态环境法文化高度契合。两者共同构成了"人与自然生命共同体"的理论基础,为新时代生态环境法律体系的完善提供了宝贵的文化资源。 展开更多
关键词 传统生态环境文化 马克思主义生态观 生态环境法律体系
新媒体对中国传统文化传播的影响——评《新媒体环境下优秀传统文化传播机制研究》 被引量:21
作者 魏加晓 《新闻与写作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期114-114,共1页
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,网络媒体、数字电视媒体及移动通信媒体等为代表的新媒体成为继广播、电视、报刊之后的"第四媒体",对传统的信息传播方式造成了极大的颠覆。新媒体指采用网络技术、数字技术、移动通信技术进行信息传... 随着信息技术的迅猛发展,网络媒体、数字电视媒体及移动通信媒体等为代表的新媒体成为继广播、电视、报刊之后的"第四媒体",对传统的信息传播方式造成了极大的颠覆。新媒体指采用网络技术、数字技术、移动通信技术进行信息传递与接收的信息交流平台,因其具有交互性、时效性及多样化的传播特点,已成为信息接收与传播的主要平台。中国传统文化经过几千年的发展形成了丰富的文化内涵,具有鲜明的民族特色。过去. 展开更多
关键词 传统文化传播 文化传播机制 新媒体环境 《新媒体环境下优秀传统文化传播机制研究》
作者 高学军 《理论观察》 2017年第3期123-125,共3页
任何历史的发展都不可能是无缘无故的,每一个事件的背后都隐藏着深刻的历史因素,中日两国近代教育发展不同轨迹,也是有着深刻历史原因的,主要表现在三个方面:一是自然地理环境的差异造成中日文化传统、民族社会心理不同;二是传统文化形... 任何历史的发展都不可能是无缘无故的,每一个事件的背后都隐藏着深刻的历史因素,中日两国近代教育发展不同轨迹,也是有着深刻历史原因的,主要表现在三个方面:一是自然地理环境的差异造成中日文化传统、民族社会心理不同;二是传统文化形成的差异,在传统教育向近代教育转换过程中也显示了极大区别。三是甲午战后中日近代教育的演变,再次表明了双方在教育思想,理念上的差别。 展开更多
关键词 历史因素自然地理环境传统文化 中日近代教育
中国园林天人合一之美——浅谈中国园林与风水的关系 被引量:1
作者 梅梅 王跃 《建筑与设备》 2012年第3期9-10,共2页
中国传统的科学和文化,是以阴阳五行作为骨架的。阴阳消长,弥漫于意识的各个领域。深嵌到生活的任何方面。《易经》在研究宇宙人生的现象和道理时,往往用抽象的阴阳八卦来说明宇宙人生的变化法则.传统文化注重的宅园“风水”,讲求... 中国传统的科学和文化,是以阴阳五行作为骨架的。阴阳消长,弥漫于意识的各个领域。深嵌到生活的任何方面。《易经》在研究宇宙人生的现象和道理时,往往用抽象的阴阳八卦来说明宇宙人生的变化法则.传统文化注重的宅园“风水”,讲求人和宇宙的协调.用的最多的就是阴阳八卦和五行,四象之说,反映了中华古人对地质地理、生态,景观,建筑等综合观念,这是一种“天人合一”的地理观.被西方科学家称为“东方文化生态”。 展开更多
关键词 中国古典园林传统文化风水理论环境
Eco-reason-The Contemporary Direction of the Philosophical Inquiry
作者 Tang Daixing Huang Qiang 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第3期10-20,共11页
The vanishing or termination of philosophy arises from the fact that philosophers are losing their philosophical enthusiasm and becoming experts of philosophy and the fact that philosophical is losing its object field... The vanishing or termination of philosophy arises from the fact that philosophers are losing their philosophical enthusiasm and becoming experts of philosophy and the fact that philosophical is losing its object fields and becoming rootless. The former fact comes from the philosophical research replacement of the philosophical exptoration, and the Latter results from the disturbing identification of its own object fields when it originally emerged The genuine object of philosophical exploration should be the being of human. While man's original being is towards its creative existing orientation, its path, course and sate constitute the whole object fields of philosophical exploration Thus, the naissance of philosophy stems from the growing (original and creative ) existing circumstance. In such circumstances, the existing opening of man's original being towards his creative existence actually creates and writes its ecologicat fieids with the universe mutually. The mutually growing and writing existing fietds constitute the genuine perspectives of the contemporary philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 the object of philosophy the existing circumstance of man the nature of writing or being written existing opening existing fields
The Role of Traditional Irrigation Canals in a Long Term Environmental Perspective A Case Study in Southern France: The Durance Basin
作者 Aspe Chantal Gilles Andre Jacque Marie 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第1期1-12,共12页
The agricultural sector is often considered to be the largest water consumer and the policy aimed at saving irrigation water exists across Europe. The flip-side of such policy, however, is the disappearance of traditi... The agricultural sector is often considered to be the largest water consumer and the policy aimed at saving irrigation water exists across Europe. The flip-side of such policy, however, is the disappearance of traditional irrigation canals since farmers are encouraged to turn to drip irrigation and overhead irrigation gradually. Given this, we would like to argue that traditional irrigation canals need to be reexamined. Such canals are not only built aquatic infrastructure, they are also the product of a culture and social relationship with water in the Mediterranean region. Canals form a complex system which is driven by environmental, economic and social factors. Our sociological and environmental research in Provence (and around the Durance basin more specifically) points up how the very dense territorial network of gravity-fed canals is useful in water management, as well as in other shared uses over the long-term. The findings underscore the positive environmental role played by these historical and anthropogenic constructions. They contribute to refilling the aquifer and also act as a valuable environmental good and service (e.g., run-off regulation, biodiversity, landscape, recreation, etc.). Further, several local actors have underscored their role as part of an intangible cultural heritage and as important for the area's economic and social development. Such canals play a central role in sustainable development since beyond their productive role in agriculture, they play a social role (new uses) and an ecological role (as reservoirs for biodiversity and ecological corridors). 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural canals irrigation water new uses leisure activities biodiversity.
Identity, Traditions and Lack of Environmental Behaviour
作者 C. Arcidiacono F. Procentese M.G. Paolillo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第3期365-380,共16页
Place memories (traditions), transmitted through art and the stories of a community, are key elements for the construction of individual and collective identity, connected to specific places. In this regard the auth... Place memories (traditions), transmitted through art and the stories of a community, are key elements for the construction of individual and collective identity, connected to specific places. In this regard the authors examined how the representation of traditions affects place identity and in what ways the cultural heritage of the town might influence environmental forms of behaviour such as plans and projects. To this end the authors investigated the small town of Pagani in southern Italy, which has many ancient cultural traditions linked to specific locations and their rituals such as the festival of Our Lady of the Hens. Our contribution favours a qualitative approach in examining the data gathered and a participative methodology. The statistical analysis of the vocabulary distribution within 83 texts concerning town and its traditions, written by local citizens (52% male and 48% female) of different ages (range: 18-78) revealed a strong place identity. Narrative interviews (14) with key people were then analysed by means of grounded theory. In the perspective of conservation psychology the authors finally focussed on how feelings of impotence and social distrust influence relations between citizens and their local environment. 展开更多
关键词 Traditions place identity place attachment environmental behaviour community trust.
New Thinking on Dong village residential buildings Mode
作者 Ze Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期26-28,共3页
Dong is one of Chinese minorities. Dong ancestors can be traced back to the Baiyue, dry Vietnam of Qin and Han Dynasties with a long history, unique customs and culture. Whether architecture, handicrafts, or folk arts... Dong is one of Chinese minorities. Dong ancestors can be traced back to the Baiyue, dry Vietnam of Qin and Han Dynasties with a long history, unique customs and culture. Whether architecture, handicrafts, or folk arts community, they all have been highly recognized by experts and scholars. But in recent years with China' s rapid economic development, the quality of people' s lives have constantly improved, the use of new materials was widespread, as well as foreign cultures and various trends continued to penetrate in the Dong region, Dong architectural heritage is facing unprecedented impact, while Dong also exposed some of the drawbacks of traditional residential architecture. So far there have been intensified phenomena of abandoning traditional residential construction, demolition, reconstruction, and many buildings destroying cultural heritage. It is a major issue existing in the development of the Dong residential transformation to strike a balance between retaining the traditional architectural features of houses and improving the Dong people ' living conditions. Ideas for Dong village houses architectural conservation should not just blindly maintain the status quo, but rather find a positive solution to meet the appearing new demands from social development and improvement of the living environment of people, only meet the housing needs of this new issue is the key of resolution, is development direction of the scientific and sustainable conservation of national construction. 展开更多
关键词 Dong village residential construction BUILDING RENOVATION
Impacts of Rapid Urbanization to Traditional Living Environment and Community Linkage in Historic Old Quarters of Vietnam: A Case Study on Gia Hoi Area in Hue City, Central Vietnam
作者 Miki Yoshizumi Tung Ngoc Nguyen Hirohide Kobayashi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第5期555-565,共11页
Though with slight ups and downs, Vietnamese economies have been flourishing for recent decades. Just like other remaining historical districts in Asia, those of Vietnam have been going through rapid urbanization and ... Though with slight ups and downs, Vietnamese economies have been flourishing for recent decades. Just like other remaining historical districts in Asia, those of Vietnam have been going through rapid urbanization and transformation. The rapid urbanization impacts on traditional living environment. This paper examines the impacts of rapid urbanization to traditional living environment and community linkage, illustrating a case study of the Gia Hoi area of the historic old district in the city of Hue in Central Vietnam. To identify the impacts, a comparative analysis is conducted between neighbors along a main street which were more impacted by urbanization and those along a small alley which were less impacted. Through the analysis of field and questionnaire surveys, it found out that socioeconomic conditions, in particular, community linkage of households along main street and small ally varied significantly. It argues that in historical district, social capital is not well-spread, but rather concentrated along small allies, and small allies play an important role for sustainable community. 展开更多
关键词 Community linkage impact of urbanization traditional living environment historical city.
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