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作者 张大强 《工程与建设》 2024年第1期196-198,共3页
随着科技的飞速发展,水利工程监测技术在精确性、实时性和环境适应性方面均已实现质的飞跃。本文首先概述了水利工程监测技术的重要性,并详细介绍了传统监测技术及其存在的问题;其次深入分析了多种现代水利工程监测技术,包括遥感技术、... 随着科技的飞速发展,水利工程监测技术在精确性、实时性和环境适应性方面均已实现质的飞跃。本文首先概述了水利工程监测技术的重要性,并详细介绍了传统监测技术及其存在的问题;其次深入分析了多种现代水利工程监测技术,包括遥感技术、物联网技术、自动化与智能化监测系统,并介绍了新材料与新技术在监测设备中的应用;最后通过具体的应用案例分析,展示了现代监测技术在大型水库监测、水资源管理与调度等方面的应用成效,及其在保障水利安全、提高管理效率方面的积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 水利工程 传统监测技术 现代监测技术 发展 应用
智能传感光纤技术在地下支护工程监测中的应用 被引量:1
作者 许程 罗立娜 《科技与创新》 2020年第15期47-48,52,共3页
目前,地上工程建设空间日趋紧张,为更加有效地利用建设空间,各种地下工程得到高速发展,中国的一线城市都可以看到地下工程建设的身影。如何保证地下工程建设的安全与稳定,成了当前地下工程建设的首要任务。为实现对超深地下连续墙的精... 目前,地上工程建设空间日趋紧张,为更加有效地利用建设空间,各种地下工程得到高速发展,中国的一线城市都可以看到地下工程建设的身影。如何保证地下工程建设的安全与稳定,成了当前地下工程建设的首要任务。为实现对超深地下连续墙的精准监测,采用声测管预留空位内插监测管,采用具有良好性能的胶结剂进行表面固定,并采用高压注浆将空隙填充完整。还对监测光纤放置的具体操作细节进行了较为详细的描述,可作为工程技术交底的参考。以实际工程为基础,用WSR方法论分析了传统监测技术的不足,并将现有的光纤监测技术用于地下工程监测技术。在创新运用的过程中,总结了智能传感光纤技术在深基坑护工程监测应用中所遇到的关键问题的解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 传统监测技术 光纤监测技术 深基坑支护工程 WSR方法论
探究地下矿山冒顶及充填物压实的地压监测方法 被引量:1
作者 白春松 白学勇 刘小伟 《工程与建设》 2024年第1期38-39,210,共3页
本文首先概述地下矿山常见的安全问题,特别是冒顶现象和充填物压实问题,并提供了具体的数据和实例支撑;接着详细介绍了地压监测的传统技术,如机械式监测方法、声波监测法和应变计测量法,以及现代技术,包括光纤传感技术、微震监测系统和... 本文首先概述地下矿山常见的安全问题,特别是冒顶现象和充填物压实问题,并提供了具体的数据和实例支撑;接着详细介绍了地压监测的传统技术,如机械式监测方法、声波监测法和应变计测量法,以及现代技术,包括光纤传感技术、微震监测系统和无线传感网络;随后,着重分析了这些监测技术在冒顶监测和充填物压实监测中的应用,介绍了实时监控系统、微震活动分析、预警机制的建立与优化以及充填物强度与密度监测、压力与位移监测等的具体应用案例;最后,总结研究成果,并对地压监测方法的未来发展提出了展望。 展开更多
关键词 地下矿山 冒顶 充填物压实 地压监测 传统监测技术
Digital Solution to Mining Image Monitor System
作者 刘越男 孙继平 +1 位作者 苏辉 那景芳 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第2期204-207,共4页
The thesis describes an advanced digital solution to mining digital image monitor system, which makes up the shortage of the traditional mining analog image monitor. It illustrates the system components and how to cho... The thesis describes an advanced digital solution to mining digital image monitor system, which makes up the shortage of the traditional mining analog image monitor. It illustrates the system components and how to choose the encoder bandwidth of the system. The problem of image multicast and its solution in LAN are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 mining monitor image transmission LAN
Development of Fiber-Optic Current Sensing Technique and Its Applications in Electric Power Systems 被引量:10
作者 Kiyoshi Kurosawa (1) 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期12-20,共9页
This paperdescribes the development and applications of a fiber-optic electric current sensing technique with the stable properties and compact, simple, and flexible structure of the sensing device. The special charac... This paperdescribes the development and applications of a fiber-optic electric current sensing technique with the stable properties and compact, simple, and flexible structure of the sensing device. The special characteristics of the sensors were achieved by use of the special low birefringence fiber as the Faraday-effect sensing element and were also achieved with creation of sensing schemes which matched with the features of the fiber. Making use of the excellent features of the sensing technique, various current monitoring devices and systems were developed and applied practically for the control and maintenance in the electric power facility. In this paper, the design and performance of the sensing devices are introduced first. After that, examples of the application systems practically applied are also introduced, including fault section/point location systems for power transmission cable lines. 展开更多
关键词 CURRENT SENSOR FIBER Faraday-effect POWER application
Application Research on Hydraulic Coke Cutting Monitoring System Based on Optical Fiber Sensing Technology
作者 Dong ZHONG Xinglin TONG 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期147-151,共5页
With the development of the optical fiber sensing technology, the acoustic emission sensor has become one of the focal research topics. On the basis of studying the traditional hydraulic coke cutting monitoring system... With the development of the optical fiber sensing technology, the acoustic emission sensor has become one of the focal research topics. On the basis of studying the traditional hydraulic coke cutting monitoring system, the optical fiber acoustic emission sensor has been applied in the hydraulic coke cutting monitoring system for the first time, researching the monitoring signal of the optical fiber acoustic emission sensor in the system. The actual test results show that using the acoustic emission sensor in the hydraulic coke cutting monitoring system can get the real-time and accurate hydraulic coke cutting state and the effective realization of hydraulic coke cutting automatic monitoring in the Wuhan Branch of Sinopec. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic emission sensing hydraulic coke cutting monitoring system SIGNAL
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