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作者 赵全洲 陈红达 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2004年第1期4-5,共2页
相对于本体论和认识论的研究 ,我国哲学界在唯物辩证法方面的研究显得比较“冷清”,其根本原因是我国传统唯物辩证法的研究陷入了困境。本文立足于现代实践格局 ,运用实践唯物主义的观点进行分析 ,认为传统唯物辩证法陷入困境的原因主要... 相对于本体论和认识论的研究 ,我国哲学界在唯物辩证法方面的研究显得比较“冷清”,其根本原因是我国传统唯物辩证法的研究陷入了困境。本文立足于现代实践格局 ,运用实践唯物主义的观点进行分析 ,认为传统唯物辩证法陷入困境的原因主要有 :唯物和辩证关系的脱节 ;研究对象上的偏差 ;从主客体两维结构去研究 ,缺少中介系统 ;脱离思维与存在的关系问题去研究辩证法。 展开更多
关键词 传统唯物辩证法 实践唯物主义 本体论 认识论
作者 郭海龙 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第1期37-43,共7页
我国传统辩证法具有鲜明的特质,这些特质为当代中国制度建设的中国特色提供了丰富的哲学土壤。在实践与理论、实用与思辨关系方面更注重"经世致用",在统一性与多样性的关系方面更注重"大一统",在静止与运动关系方... 我国传统辩证法具有鲜明的特质,这些特质为当代中国制度建设的中国特色提供了丰富的哲学土壤。在实践与理论、实用与思辨关系方面更注重"经世致用",在统一性与多样性的关系方面更注重"大一统",在静止与运动关系方面更注重"维新",在对立统一规律方面更注重"持中守正"。这些特质在当代中国制度建设过程中分别与马克思主义中国化、坚持党的集中统一领导、全面深化改革开放、人民民主专政等有着较强的内在联系。这些内在联系是新的历史条件下对中华传统优秀文化的继承和创造性转化,为国家治理能力和治理体系现代化提供了重要的文化基因和精神血脉。 展开更多
关键词 传统证法 马克思主义中国化 集中统一 改革开放 人民民主专政
作者 张师伟 朱垚 《党政研究》 北大核心 2024年第5期81-93,M0006,共14页
“两个结合”既是中国共产党领导人民开辟与推进中国特色社会主义的必由之路,也是推进中国式现代化、探索中华民族现代文明的必由之路。“两个结合”原则在中国式现代化建设的重要体现,就是中国共产党将中华优秀传统文化中的辩证法智慧... “两个结合”既是中国共产党领导人民开辟与推进中国特色社会主义的必由之路,也是推进中国式现代化、探索中华民族现代文明的必由之路。“两个结合”原则在中国式现代化建设的重要体现,就是中国共产党将中华优秀传统文化中的辩证法智慧与马克思主义的唯物辩证法相结合,构成了中国式现代化独特的辩证特质。因为这二者在方法论层面上具有互通性,所以它们才能在现代化实践中互动融合,形成中国式现代化的特有辩证思维。二者的结合体现了中国传统辩证理性与马克思主义唯物辩证法的互嵌共生,展现了传统思想资源现代转换和马克思主义中国化在实践中紧密结合的现代智慧。它既有利于凝聚社会共识、矫正公共决策偏差和把握历史主动,又有利于在实践中塑造人类文明新形态。 展开更多
关键词 两个结合 中国式现代化 中国共产党 传统证法 唯物辩证法
论错误使用辩证法概念的深刻思想根源 被引量:1
作者 张文喜 《贵州社会科学》 CSSCI 2011年第8期17-23,共7页
在传统的图式化中,辩证法为许多令人误解的和错误的概念所困扰。人们倾向于漫不经心又理所当然地将"外在反思"、"主观思想"或"形式的知性"理解为辩证法,而这种趋势还鼓励了教学中固定模式的出现。如果重... 在传统的图式化中,辩证法为许多令人误解的和错误的概念所困扰。人们倾向于漫不经心又理所当然地将"外在反思"、"主观思想"或"形式的知性"理解为辩证法,而这种趋势还鼓励了教学中固定模式的出现。如果重新开启出马克思辩证法的存在论立场,就有可能真正具体地研究人类社会中的辩证法,并把教学的需要提升到现实的、历史的需要。 展开更多
关键词 传统证法 马克思 黑格尔 康德
作者 廖学余 《恩施师专学报》 1982年第2期51-52,共2页
拉格朗日中值定理 设f(X)在[a,b]上连续,在(a,b)内可导,则至少存在一点ξ∈(a,b),使得f(b)-f(a)=f′(ξ)(b-a) 在证明中值定理的过程中,要用到 罗尔定理 设F(x)在[a,b]上连续,在(a,b)内可导,且F(b)=F(a),则至少存在一点ξ∈(a,b),使得F... 拉格朗日中值定理 设f(X)在[a,b]上连续,在(a,b)内可导,则至少存在一点ξ∈(a,b),使得f(b)-f(a)=f′(ξ)(b-a) 在证明中值定理的过程中,要用到 罗尔定理 设F(x)在[a,b]上连续,在(a,b)内可导,且F(b)=F(a),则至少存在一点ξ∈(a,b),使得F′(ξ)=O。(每一种数学分析书都有证明) 展开更多
关键词 拉格朗日中值定理 证法 罗尔定理 上连续 辅助函数 传统证法 法线式 种数 对应函数 数学分析
作者 杜秀玲 《法制与经济》 2006年第12X期111-112,共2页
关键词 毛泽东辩证法思想 中国传统证法思想 马克思主义辩证法思想
林德宏先生与桂起权先生科学思想史研究之比较 被引量:1
作者 王荣江 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期42-52,共11页
改革开放后,国内一般科学史和科学思想史研究在20世纪90年代中期一度有复兴的迹象,但至今还是处于“不温不火”的状况。这期间,林德宏先生的著作《科学思想史》和桂起权先生的著作《科学思想的源流》令人瞩目,这两本书既打上了深深的时... 改革开放后,国内一般科学史和科学思想史研究在20世纪90年代中期一度有复兴的迹象,但至今还是处于“不温不火”的状况。这期间,林德宏先生的著作《科学思想史》和桂起权先生的著作《科学思想的源流》令人瞩目,这两本书既打上了深深的时代印记又彰显了学者各自的研究传统和风格。《科学思想史》以恩格斯的自然辩证法思想为指导进行科学思想史研究,将既成的科学思想和理论按年代延续的顺序较为系统地呈现出来并从哲学层面进行概括和评价,这种研究和叙述方式可称为“自然辩证法传统”。《科学思想的源流》以辩证的精神吸收西方科学哲学思想的合理内核,展现科学思想形成背后的解释模式,是科学哲学思想指导下科学思想“理性的重建”,这种研究和叙述方式可称为“科学哲学传统”。这两本著作对科技哲学专业的人才培养以及国内的科学史和科学思想史的专业研究,都作出了富有特色的突出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 林德宏 桂起权 科学思想史 自然辩证法传统 科学哲学传统
作者 薛德军 《甘肃高师学报》 2002年第5期9-11,共3页
利用n个正数的几何平均数不超过它们的算术平均数基础不等式证明数列1+ 1nn
关键词 数列 极限存在 不等式 传统证法 别证
作者 樊瑞科 《知行铜仁》 2010年第2期24-26,共3页
《矛盾论》是毛泽东哲学思想形成和系统化的标志之一,是毛泽东辩证法思想的集中体现,他不仅是毛泽东对马克思主义辩证法的继承和发展,同时也是对中国传统辩证法的批判改造和继承发扬。本文以中国传统辩证法思想与《矛盾论》中唯物辨证... 《矛盾论》是毛泽东哲学思想形成和系统化的标志之一,是毛泽东辩证法思想的集中体现,他不仅是毛泽东对马克思主义辩证法的继承和发展,同时也是对中国传统辩证法的批判改造和继承发扬。本文以中国传统辩证法思想与《矛盾论》中唯物辨证宇宙观,矛盾的普遍性和特殊性、矛盾的同一性和斗争性观点,试说明毛泽东辩证法是对中国传统辩证法的扬弃。 展开更多
关键词 《矛盾论》 毛泽东 中国传统证法
Photochemical Degradation of the Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic and Its Microbiological Validation
作者 Fernando Hernaindez Antonio Rivera +2 位作者 Angeles Ojeda Teresa Zayas Lilia Cedillo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第4期448-453,共6页
In this research, it used advanced oxidation processes for the recovery, detoxification and mineralization of wastewater mainly contaminated by antibiotics (ciprofloxacin). These processes can be used alone or in co... In this research, it used advanced oxidation processes for the recovery, detoxification and mineralization of wastewater mainly contaminated by antibiotics (ciprofloxacin). These processes can be used alone or in combination with each other or by complementing traditional methods, even allowing the disinfection of bacterial and viral inactivation. With the use of experimental systems UV/H202/O3, UV/H202, it can achieve total mineralization of the compound. Ciprofloxacin solutions used at 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm, degraded to 100% of antibiotics and by a microbiological method show that the loss of biological activity is inversely proportional to the time of irradiation. 展开更多
关键词 Emerging contaminants advanced oxidation processes antibiotics photodegradation.
The Application of PBL in Surgery Theory Teaching Research
作者 HU Xiaojian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期85-86,共2页
objective: to study the problem oriented (PBL) teaching method application in surgery theory teaching effect. Methods: according to the student id number of single and double the surgical theory study stage of the... objective: to study the problem oriented (PBL) teaching method application in surgery theory teaching effect. Methods: according to the student id number of single and double the surgical theory study stage of the 160 cases of medical students divided into two groups, the number into the control group (80 cases), double number into the experimental group (80 cases), traditional teaching method and PBL teaching method, respectively with the method of questionnaire survey to evaluate the two teaching methods. Results: after the introduction of PBL method in the experimental teaching, the students' classroom situation, knowledge situation, learning efficiency index score significantly higher than the control group, and the ability training all indicators were significantly higher than that of control group (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: the introduction of PBL in surgery theory teaching method, the feasibility of high, can provide a good decision for surgical theory teaching. 展开更多
作者 杨东柱 王哲 《前沿》 CSSCI 2008年第7期22-24,共3页
唯物辩证法是马克思主义哲学中的重要组成部分,正如它所主张的"任何事物都是发展的"观点一样,它本身也应随着时代而发展。本文正是基于这一点对传统唯物辩证法的一些现状作了剖析与反思,提出了唯物辩证法在当代发展的五点要... 唯物辩证法是马克思主义哲学中的重要组成部分,正如它所主张的"任何事物都是发展的"观点一样,它本身也应随着时代而发展。本文正是基于这一点对传统唯物辩证法的一些现状作了剖析与反思,提出了唯物辩证法在当代发展的五点要求。最后又进一步探讨了实践辩证法,并指出,只有实践辩证法才是符合当代发展要求的合理形态的辩证法。 展开更多
关键词 传统唯物辩证法 当代要求 实践辩证法
Mao Zedong's Dialectics in the Comparative Perspective of Chinese and Western Modes of Thinking
作者 Wang Nanshi 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第1期80-95,共16页
As the outcome of the encounter of Chinese and Western cultures and modes of thinking, Mao Zedong's dialectics contains considerable elements of traditional Chinese dialectics. Mao advocated differentiation between p... As the outcome of the encounter of Chinese and Western cultures and modes of thinking, Mao Zedong's dialectics contains considerable elements of traditional Chinese dialectics. Mao advocated differentiation between principal and secondary contradictions and between the principal and secondary aspects of a contradiction; but more importantly, he also emphasized that each can transform into its opposite under certain conditions and attached considerable importance to the "quintessence" of a contradiction, ideas which are alien to traditional Western dialectics. This makes Mao's dialectics distinctive, so that it constitutes a model of the integration (not without tension) of Chinese and Western patterns of thinking. A deeper understanding of this model will be of great benefit to the revival and development of contemporary Chinese philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese and Western modes of thinking Mao Zedong's dialectics traditional Western dialectics CONTRADICTION
Case studies of Chinese acupuncture's comprehensive effectiveness on knee pain 被引量:1
作者 Stevenson Xutian Jo Ann Wozniak +2 位作者 Ju Ling John Junion Shusheng Tai 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2017年第4期270-276,共7页
Conventional Western medicine(CWM) and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) have different approaches and lead to different practices in experimental design, research methodology, regulation, and standards. TCM empha... Conventional Western medicine(CWM) and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) have different approaches and lead to different practices in experimental design, research methodology, regulation, and standards. TCM emphasizes on the optimal or holistic health. In contrast, CWM is an allopathic medicine primarily based on anatomy, biology, biochemistry,molecular biology and modern technology, and rejects the concept of invisible substances and quantum entanglement.Consequently, CWM emphasizes on abnormal lab tests or obvious diseases. In the early 1970 s, TCM and acupuncture quickly emerged as an alternative to CWM as Westerners explored new TCM concepts while questioning the side effects of CWM. Many countries accept traditional acupuncture as a legal alternative medical practice. Some CWM physicians nowadays are more enthusiastic and are receptive to learning and practicing acupuncture. The common goal of CWM and TCM is to enhance human health, but problems arise over differences in approach. As a response to some Western journal papers that failed to validate the real acupuncture effect because of their incorrect methodologies and their ignorance of the holistic acupuncture approaches, the authors hereby present a group of case studies to demonstrate the real and unique effects of genuine acupuncture. The objective was to explore the clinical effects of acupuncture for knee pain.Thirty-six patients with knee pain were divided into five groups based on age. Holistic TCM diagnosis was performed at the beginning of each case and then made a personalized acupuncture treatment prescription according to the root of illness found by the diagnosis. The symptoms and signs were recorded before and after every treatment, and the treatment effects were assessed based upon the self-reported feeling and the observed changes of the patient following the numeric rating scale(NRS). The results were summarized after the completion of the minimal 5 acupuncture treatments or the standard 10 acupuncture treatments. Among the 36 patients who participated in the cases studies, 17 patients reported a complete healing for knee pain(47.2%). About 60 kinds of illness other than knee pain were improved(98.9%) and the complete healing rate was about 44.2%. This leads to the conclusion that TCM acupuncture is remarkably effective in treating knee pain. TCM and CWM share a common goal in promoting the health of human being. The efficacy of TCM acupuncture in treating knee pain shouldn't be denied or distorted. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment based on Pattern Identification Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Knee Pain Westernized Needle Stimulate Therapy QI Pain Measurement
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