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作者 娜仁其其格 苏和 巴日 《蒙医药》 2004年第2期40-41,共2页
关键词 陶日古德 蒙古族医学 传统验方 哈日汤
作者 姜秀英 张爱凤 李秀华 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 1992年第4期35-35,共1页
关键词 传统中医验方 外科换药 辩证应用
作者 胡天佑 王嘉怡 《现代医药卫生》 2008年第2期247-248,共2页
中药验方现代化开发是中医药现代化的重要组成部分。将疗效确切、经济实用的传统验方开发为现代中药验方,有着新化学药物研发无可比拟的优越性。但是由于中医药受到种种局限,中医药在国内外市场上受到的阻力很大。致使中药研究走向误... 中药验方现代化开发是中医药现代化的重要组成部分。将疗效确切、经济实用的传统验方开发为现代中药验方,有着新化学药物研发无可比拟的优越性。但是由于中医药受到种种局限,中医药在国内外市场上受到的阻力很大。致使中药研究走向误区的主要原因就是中药西药化。而系统论的创立为中药验方研究开辟了全新的途径。 展开更多
关键词 中医药现代化 中药验方 系统论 中药西药化 传统验方 经济实用 药物研发 中药研究
作者 宋玮 《家庭中医药》 2014年第5期52-54,共3页
爱美之心,人皆有之肤色除却先天遗传等因素外日常的呵护保养也起着重要作用……爱美之心,人皆有之。民间又有"一白遮百丑"这样的俗语,也反映了人们对肤色的喜好倾向。肤色除却先天遗传等因素外,日常的呵护保养也起着重要作用。其实,... 爱美之心,人皆有之肤色除却先天遗传等因素外日常的呵护保养也起着重要作用……爱美之心,人皆有之。民间又有"一白遮百丑"这样的俗语,也反映了人们对肤色的喜好倾向。肤色除却先天遗传等因素外,日常的呵护保养也起着重要作用。其实,比起名目繁多的美白产品,中医自古以来就有用来改善面色黑黄或肤色黯淡的传统验方,它们遵循中医整体观念的指导, 展开更多
关键词 中医整体观念 传统验方 美白 先天遗传 肤色 爱美 保养
防褥愈疮贴膏的制备与疗效观察 被引量:2
作者 周忠东 屠晓倩 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2007年第12期968-969,共2页
防褥愈疮贴膏系在本院传统验方的基础上研究制成,具有活血通络、清热散瘀、燥湿润肤、祛腐生新的功效,用于因病久卧患者的褥疮预防和治疗。原剂型系外用散剂,患者使用较为不便,本文把其剂型改成贴膏剂,使制成的防褥愈疮贴膏粘贴、... 防褥愈疮贴膏系在本院传统验方的基础上研究制成,具有活血通络、清热散瘀、燥湿润肤、祛腐生新的功效,用于因病久卧患者的褥疮预防和治疗。原剂型系外用散剂,患者使用较为不便,本文把其剂型改成贴膏剂,使制成的防褥愈疮贴膏粘贴、揭扯性能良好,不污染衣物及环境,利于临床应用。 展开更多
关键词 贴膏剂 疗效观察 制备 传统验方 活血通络 清热散瘀 褥疮预防 外用散剂
加味双柏散治疗恶性肿瘤所致肢体肿胀体会 被引量:3
作者 王志祥 +2 位作者 冯献斌 王三虎 陈燕华 《实用中医药杂志》 2013年第7期589-590,共2页
双柏散是中药传统验方,1964年收载于中医学院试用教材《中医伤科学讲义》中,很快推广于全国,广泛应用于骨伤科、外科。双柏散由大黄、侧柏叶、黄柏、泽兰、薄荷组成,比例为2∶2∶1∶1∶l。经蜂蜜或食醋调制而成,具有活血化瘀、清热解毒... 双柏散是中药传统验方,1964年收载于中医学院试用教材《中医伤科学讲义》中,很快推广于全国,广泛应用于骨伤科、外科。双柏散由大黄、侧柏叶、黄柏、泽兰、薄荷组成,比例为2∶2∶1∶1∶l。经蜂蜜或食醋调制而成,具有活血化瘀、清热解毒、消肿止痛功效, 展开更多
关键词 加味双柏散 肢体肿胀 恶性肿瘤 治疗 消肿止痛功效 中医伤科学 传统验方 中医学院
作者 谭子虎 《健康博览》 2008年第9期30-30,共1页
40岁左右的中年人,面临家庭、工作双方面的压力,常出现失眠。久而久之,整体状态失调,也会带来全身其他系统的表现。此时如何用中药进行治疗和调理呢?中医治疗失眠以补虚泻实、调整阴阳为原则,对于不同征型引起的失眠,中药都有比... 40岁左右的中年人,面临家庭、工作双方面的压力,常出现失眠。久而久之,整体状态失调,也会带来全身其他系统的表现。此时如何用中药进行治疗和调理呢?中医治疗失眠以补虚泻实、调整阴阳为原则,对于不同征型引起的失眠,中药都有比较有效的传统验方。在这里给大家介绍几个经典的方剂。 展开更多
关键词 失眠 中药 中医治疗 补虚泻实 调整阴阳 传统验方 中年人
作者 鲍红月 丁关生 沈钦荣 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2009年第12期1213-1214,共2页
灵仙痛消贴膏系根据本院传统验方的基础上改进而成,具有活血通络、宣痹止痛的功效.用于腰椎间盘突出症的治疗。原剂型系散剂,使用时将药袋放于患处,每次使用前在药袋中放50°白酒2-3匙,上敷热水袋加热,每日1次,每次40min。... 灵仙痛消贴膏系根据本院传统验方的基础上改进而成,具有活血通络、宣痹止痛的功效.用于腰椎间盘突出症的治疗。原剂型系散剂,使用时将药袋放于患处,每次使用前在药袋中放50°白酒2-3匙,上敷热水袋加热,每日1次,每次40min。由于散剂外有布袋,药物不能直接与皮肤接触,且使用较为不便,笔者把其剂型改成贴膏剂,每日1贴, 展开更多
关键词 贴膏剂 临床应用 腰椎间盘突出症 制备 传统验方 活血通络 皮肤接触 原剂型
接骨Ⅰ号与红药膏治疗骨折168例临床观察 被引量:2
作者 吴院学 孙承继 张亮 《中医正骨》 2005年第7期30-30,共1页
关键词 接骨Ⅰ号 临床观察 药膏治疗 促进骨折愈合 1998年 接骨七厘片 传统验方 骨折患者 治疗观察 红药膏 对照组 治疗组 转子间
作者 丁祥军 李丽 柳忠利 《实用医药杂志》 2006年第9期1082-1082,共1页
胆胃舒合剂是我院制剂室根据肝胆科治疗慢性胆囊炎的传统验方,加工而成的中药制剂,笔者运用胆胃舒合剂治疗慢性胆囊炎100例,均系肝胆科门诊患者。男38例,女62例;年龄26~66岁。其中伴胆石症8例,有蛔虫史3例,疗程最短15d,最长15... 胆胃舒合剂是我院制剂室根据肝胆科治疗慢性胆囊炎的传统验方,加工而成的中药制剂,笔者运用胆胃舒合剂治疗慢性胆囊炎100例,均系肝胆科门诊患者。男38例,女62例;年龄26~66岁。其中伴胆石症8例,有蛔虫史3例,疗程最短15d,最长15年。临床表现均有不同程度的右上腹胁肋痛,胃脘胀满不适,嗳气,食少纳呆,口苦咽干,便秘,厌油腻等。诊断标准:除了具有临床症状和体征外,经X线胆囊造影或B超检查显示胆囊膨大或缩小,收缩功能不良,胆囊壁增厚、粗糙等异常。 展开更多
关键词 慢性胆囊炎 胃舒合剂 治疗 自拟 收缩功能不良 胆囊壁增厚 传统验方 中药制剂
作者 黄雅芳 《中成药》 CAS 1984年第6期40-40,共1页
蒙医药是祖国医药学的重要部分,它既有鲜明的区域性和本民族的医疗特色,又同中医、藏医有着密切的联系。一、蒙药的药性理论在治疗疾病中的指导作用蒙医以“赫依”(意为风)、“协日”(意为燃烧)、“巴达干”(意为水土)三者为理论核心。... 蒙医药是祖国医药学的重要部分,它既有鲜明的区域性和本民族的医疗特色,又同中医、藏医有着密切的联系。一、蒙药的药性理论在治疗疾病中的指导作用蒙医以“赫依”(意为风)、“协日”(意为燃烧)、“巴达干”(意为水土)三者为理论核心。称为“三素”,它是人体先天固有的,是维持人体正常生理功能的因素。如果“三素”失去平衡即导致疾病。 展开更多
关键词 蒙药 剂型 方剂 蒙医传统验方 协日 赫依 三素 生草乌 民族 权利主体
作者 肖逸 方治平 范爱兰 《四川生理科学杂志》 1995年第Z1期80-80,共1页
关键词 胃肠运动 脾胃 抑制作用 传统中医验方 胃肠推进运动 消化道功能 胃肠道运动 中成药制剂 健脾和胃 运动机能
A flexible lag definition for experimental variogram calculation 被引量:3
作者 Cuba Miguel 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期207-211,共5页
Inferring the experimental variogram used in geostatistics commonly relies on the method-of-moments approach.Ideally,the available data-set used for calculating the experimental variogram should be drawn from a regula... Inferring the experimental variogram used in geostatistics commonly relies on the method-of-moments approach.Ideally,the available data-set used for calculating the experimental variogram should be drawn from a regular pattern.However,in practice the available data-set is typically sampled over a sparse pattern at irregularly spaced locations.Hence,some binning of the variogram cloud is required to obtain fair estimates of the experimental variogram.Grouping of the variogram data pairs as a result of conventional binning depends on parameters such as the main anisotropic directions and a regular definition of the lag vectors.These parameters are not based on the configuration of the variogram data pairs in the variogram cloud but on a segment of it that is arbitrarily predefined.Therefore,the conventional experimental variogram estimation approach is biased because of the strict configuration of the bins over the variogram cloud.In this paper,a new method of estimating experimental variograms is proposed.Lag vectors and their tolerances are decided in the proposed method from information in the variogram cloud:they are not influenced by any predefined directions.The proposed methodology is a well-founded,practicable and easy-to-automate approach for experimental variogram calculation using an irregularly sampled data-set.Comparison of results from the new method to those from the traditional approach is very encouraging. 展开更多
关键词 GEOSTATISTICS Variogram cloud Experimental variogram Variogram modeling Self-organizing-map
作者 吉大丰 《解放军健康》 1998年第6期42-42,共1页
武汉市著名风景胜地武昌民主路蛇山六坡特一号,巍然耸立着一幢高达七层的现代化大楼,标牌上写着:武昌中医院东方肿瘤门诊部。前卫生部长钱信忠亲笔题写的院名由黄铜精制而成,苍劲有力,金碧辉煌,充满生机和活力。拾级而上的宽阔台... 武汉市著名风景胜地武昌民主路蛇山六坡特一号,巍然耸立着一幢高达七层的现代化大楼,标牌上写着:武昌中医院东方肿瘤门诊部。前卫生部长钱信忠亲笔题写的院名由黄铜精制而成,苍劲有力,金碧辉煌,充满生机和活力。拾级而上的宽阔台阶,银光闪闪的圆柱,透明的玻璃大门... 展开更多
关键词 国家药品监督管理局 辨证施治 方明 肿瘤患者 治癌 肿瘤细胞 门诊部 内服外敷 中国中医研究院 传统中医验方
Optimization Study on Oxidative Desulfurization of Crude Oil under Electric Field
作者 Liu Lin Lü Hong +2 位作者 Meng Fanfei Wang Ning He Yiyi (Liaoning Province Key Laboratory for Synthesis and Application of Functional Compounds,Bohai University,Jinzhou 121013) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2011年第3期59-63,共5页
Oxidative desulfurization (ODS) of Azeri crude oil was studied under the electric field.By means of orthogonal experiments,the optimum conditions for desulfurization of crude oil were identified,while the effect of ox... Oxidative desulfurization (ODS) of Azeri crude oil was studied under the electric field.By means of orthogonal experiments,the optimum conditions for desulfurization of crude oil were identified,while the effect of oxidative desulfurization under the electric field was compared with that of the single oxidative desulfurization method.The test results showed that the desulfurization reaction taking place under the electric field would be better than the traditional method.The desulfurization rate of crude oil could reach up to 77.06% at 115 ℃ at a distilled water amount of 10 m%,a desulfurizer dosage of 200 μg/g,and a demulsifier dosage of 50 μg/g. 展开更多
关键词 crude oil oxidative desulfurization electric field orthogonal experiment
The Application of PBL in Surgery Theory Teaching Research
作者 HU Xiaojian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期85-86,共2页
objective: to study the problem oriented (PBL) teaching method application in surgery theory teaching effect. Methods: according to the student id number of single and double the surgical theory study stage of the... objective: to study the problem oriented (PBL) teaching method application in surgery theory teaching effect. Methods: according to the student id number of single and double the surgical theory study stage of the 160 cases of medical students divided into two groups, the number into the control group (80 cases), double number into the experimental group (80 cases), traditional teaching method and PBL teaching method, respectively with the method of questionnaire survey to evaluate the two teaching methods. Results: after the introduction of PBL method in the experimental teaching, the students' classroom situation, knowledge situation, learning efficiency index score significantly higher than the control group, and the ability training all indicators were significantly higher than that of control group (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: the introduction of PBL in surgery theory teaching method, the feasibility of high, can provide a good decision for surgical theory teaching. 展开更多
Photochemical Degradation of the Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic and Its Microbiological Validation
作者 Fernando Hernaindez Antonio Rivera +2 位作者 Angeles Ojeda Teresa Zayas Lilia Cedillo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第4期448-453,共6页
In this research, it used advanced oxidation processes for the recovery, detoxification and mineralization of wastewater mainly contaminated by antibiotics (ciprofloxacin). These processes can be used alone or in co... In this research, it used advanced oxidation processes for the recovery, detoxification and mineralization of wastewater mainly contaminated by antibiotics (ciprofloxacin). These processes can be used alone or in combination with each other or by complementing traditional methods, even allowing the disinfection of bacterial and viral inactivation. With the use of experimental systems UV/H202/O3, UV/H202, it can achieve total mineralization of the compound. Ciprofloxacin solutions used at 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm, degraded to 100% of antibiotics and by a microbiological method show that the loss of biological activity is inversely proportional to the time of irradiation. 展开更多
关键词 Emerging contaminants advanced oxidation processes antibiotics photodegradation.
A Study on Constructing Sense Relations
作者 GAO Hai-long 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第5期366-372,共7页
An empirical study is conducted to examine the effect of constructing sense relations in vocabulary teaching. Fifty subjects are divided into two groups: the controlled group which was taught with traditional method,... An empirical study is conducted to examine the effect of constructing sense relations in vocabulary teaching. Fifty subjects are divided into two groups: the controlled group which was taught with traditional method, and the experimental group to which sense relation strategy was applied in vocabulary instruction. At the end of the experiment instruction, a test (depth of vocabulary knowledge measure) was given to examine the teaching effects of the two vocabulary teaching strategies. The target words in the tests were selected from the word list that had been taught during the experiment time. A delayed vocabulary posttest was given to the subjects two weeks after examining the long-term retention effect. The third test was administered with different targets words which were selected from a different intensive reading material which wass new to the subjects. The experiment proves that constructing sense relations in vocabulary teaching could produce satisfactory results by enhancing students' lexical capacity and long-term retention. 展开更多
关键词 sense relations depth of processing teaching vocabulary
Experimental study on seismic characteristics of typical mortisetenon joints of Chinese southern traditional timber frame buildings 被引量:27
作者 CHUN Qing YUE Zhi PAN JianWu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第9期2404-2411,共8页
The seismic characteristics of four typical mortise-tenon joints of Chinese southern traditional timber frame buildings were researched, including Yanwei mortise-tenon joint (including dropping Yanwei mortise-tenon j... The seismic characteristics of four typical mortise-tenon joints of Chinese southern traditional timber frame buildings were researched, including Yanwei mortise-tenon joint (including dropping Yanwei mortise-tenon joint), Shizigutou mortise-tenon joint, Ban mortise-tenon joint and Mantou mortise-tenon joint. Experiments on thirteen specimens were carried out. Failure modes, hysteresis curves, skeleton curves and rotational stiffness were studied. The results provided a theoretical basis for seismic research, protection and maintenance of Chinese southern traditional timber flame buildings. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese southern traditional timber frame building mortise-tenon joint seismic characteristics rotational stiffness
An Authenticated Group Key Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
作者 李林春 李建华 +1 位作者 李生红 潘军 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第3期354-358,共5页
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), group key distribution is the core of secure communications since sensor nodes usually form groups and cooperate with each other in sensing data collection and in-network processi... In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), group key distribution is the core of secure communications since sensor nodes usually form groups and cooperate with each other in sensing data collection and in-network processing. In this paper, we present a scalable authenticated scheme for group key distribution based on a combinatorial exclusion basis system (EBS) for efficiency and one-way hash chains for authentication. The proposed scheme guarantees a lightweight authenticated group key updating procedure and is efficient in terms of storage, communication and computation overheads. 展开更多
关键词 group key distribution AUTHENTICATION exclusion basis system one-way hash chain
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