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作者 赵鑫然 雪莲 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第2期54-58,共5页
在非物质文化遗产保护热潮下,引发了对具体非物质文化遗产传承的再思考,其中“带徒传艺”机制再次受到关注。本文以乐亭大鼓为例,论述该机制在其传承中所起到的作用。主要包括“带徒传艺”机制下的师“传”徒“承”、促进默会性知识有... 在非物质文化遗产保护热潮下,引发了对具体非物质文化遗产传承的再思考,其中“带徒传艺”机制再次受到关注。本文以乐亭大鼓为例,论述该机制在其传承中所起到的作用。主要包括“带徒传艺”机制下的师“传”徒“承”、促进默会性知识有效传承和对于传承环境改变起到的一定弥补等方面作用。 展开更多
关键词 带徒传艺 乐亭大鼓 非物质文化遗产 传承机制
《农村百事通》 2014年第2期75-75,共1页
关键词 《百家传艺 期刊 编辑工作 投稿要求
《农村百事通》 2013年第24期77-77,共1页
关键词 《百家传艺 征稿启事 编辑部 作者
作者 聂艳平 《湖南开放大学学报》 2024年第2期F0002-F0002,共1页
湖南开放大学(湖南网络工程职业学院)现有“许孔联技能大师工作室”(国家级)、“聂艳平技能大师工作室”(省级)、“孙中柏技能大师工作室”(市级)3个大师工作室。许孔联为享受国务院特殊津贴专家,聂艳平为享受湖南省政府特殊津贴专家。... 湖南开放大学(湖南网络工程职业学院)现有“许孔联技能大师工作室”(国家级)、“聂艳平技能大师工作室”(省级)、“孙中柏技能大师工作室”(市级)3个大师工作室。许孔联为享受国务院特殊津贴专家,聂艳平为享受湖南省政府特殊津贴专家。近年来,技能大师工作室把握机遇、拼搏奋进,积极践行湖南“三高四新”战略,在带徒传艺、技能攻关、成果转化、“楚怡”高水平专业群建设等方面取得一系列成绩,屡次受到省市县级人社部门来函感谢。 展开更多
关键词 专业群建设 成果转化 技能大师工作室 湖南开放大学 特殊津贴 拼搏奋进 带徒传艺 湖南网络工程职业学院
作者 庄昉 《黄河之声》 2024年第5期30-33,共4页
白凤岩是20世纪三弦艺术的一座里程碑,半个多世纪以来,白凤岩的三弦艺术影响了几代三弦演奏家,白凤岩的音乐创作、技术创新、传道授业等方面所取得的艺术成就推动了三弦器乐化的进步与完善,他对三弦民间音乐的传承与发展所产生的影响是... 白凤岩是20世纪三弦艺术的一座里程碑,半个多世纪以来,白凤岩的三弦艺术影响了几代三弦演奏家,白凤岩的音乐创作、技术创新、传道授业等方面所取得的艺术成就推动了三弦器乐化的进步与完善,他对三弦民间音乐的传承与发展所产生的影响是极其深远的。 展开更多
关键词 白凤岩 音乐创作 传承发展 技法创新 传艺授业
作者 许晓雷 于振成 张云鹏 《石油技师》 2017年第1期14-15,共2页
我是大庆油田第六采油厂的一名采油技师,工作20多年来一直从事采油专业,特别是评为技师、走上班长岗位后,时常要担负起新入职员工的'传、帮、带'任务。刚开始带徒时,很怕'误人子弟',愧对老师这个称呼。可看到一张张年... 我是大庆油田第六采油厂的一名采油技师,工作20多年来一直从事采油专业,特别是评为技师、走上班长岗位后,时常要担负起新入职员工的'传、帮、带'任务。刚开始带徒时,很怕'误人子弟',愧对老师这个称呼。可看到一张张年轻的面孔,和一双双求知若渴的眼睛时,我不禁觉得青年人精力充沛,朝气蓬勃,正是学习的黄金时期,应让他们在最好的年华做到学有所成,收获最大的进步,为企业发展积蓄力量. 展开更多
关键词 误人子弟 黄金 采油厂 力量 积蓄 新入 传艺 技师
承前启后 传艺育人——昆剧传字辈与上海戏曲教育
作者 黄暾炜 《中华艺术论丛》 2021年第1期18-22,共5页
昆剧传字辈生不逢时,命运多舛,但他们是昆剧艺术传承发展史上承前启后的一代,在昆剧生死存亡的关键时刻,延续了昆剧的一脉香火,培养了一批继承传统昆剧,能演、能教、行当俱全的昆剧传人,为其传承和发展做出了重要贡献。同时,昆剧传字辈... 昆剧传字辈生不逢时,命运多舛,但他们是昆剧艺术传承发展史上承前启后的一代,在昆剧生死存亡的关键时刻,延续了昆剧的一脉香火,培养了一批继承传统昆剧,能演、能教、行当俱全的昆剧传人,为其传承和发展做出了重要贡献。同时,昆剧传字辈在借鉴学习其他剧种长处的同时,也向其他剧种输送了营养,用昆剧艺术滋润和丰富了其他剧种,培养了戏曲人才。本文通过研究昆剧传字辈在新中国成立前夕的生存状况,梳理昆剧传字辈传戏育人的过程,揭示了昆剧传字辈在昆剧传承发展中的重要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 昆剧 传字辈 传艺 育人
作者 孙立生 陈虹 《曲艺》 2009年第4期56-57,共2页
甲 琴书唱了五十年, 俺在这里把艺传。
关键词 曲艺 《“振超”传艺 山东 琴书
Digital Art as Urban Communication
作者 Scott McQuire 《国际大都市发展研究(中英文)》 2024年第1期86-89,76,77,共6页
As mobility and migration become the norm,citizens in modern cities live among people who remain strangers to each other.This creates new opportunities and challenges for urban social life.Public space is a critical f... As mobility and migration become the norm,citizens in modern cities live among people who remain strangers to each other.This creates new opportunities and challenges for urban social life.Public space is a critical forum in which strangers encounter each other and have the opportunity to develop social protocols for coexisting in diversity.New media technologies have huge impact on the form and quality of public space.Digital art can create experimental public spaces in which mediated connections and embodied presence are combined in new ways.Through the practice and research of digital art,we can imagine a communicative city in which urban digital media is less about spectacle,and more about promoting new forms of public speech and social encounter between people. 展开更多
关键词 Urban communication Digital art Public space GEOMEDIA
红色音乐文化融入地方高校思想政治理论课的实践研究 被引量:1
作者 张桂萍 何雨婷 《中国民族博览》 2023年第15期184-187,共4页
高校文艺座谈会与学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会强调艺术思想政治理论课是当下学术研究的重要领域。艺术教育不仅具有特殊的魅力,还具有引导正确的政治意识、道德观念、人格品质的独特育人功能。本文提出在地方本科院校在建设思想政治... 高校文艺座谈会与学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会强调艺术思想政治理论课是当下学术研究的重要领域。艺术教育不仅具有特殊的魅力,还具有引导正确的政治意识、道德观念、人格品质的独特育人功能。本文提出在地方本科院校在建设思想政治理论课中,融入红色音乐文化积极探索艺术教育的路径,将课程思政与艺术教育相融合。介绍了从理论到实践重点对地方院校思想政治理论课中融入红色音乐意义、途径、实践路径与举措三方面,阐述思想政治理论课中不仅融入红色音乐文化,还要充分发挥艺术的感染力,挖掘艺术文化中的真、善、美,达到以美育人、以德传艺的功效。 展开更多
关键词 红色音乐文化 艺术教育 以美育人 以德传艺
非遗传承人的“米提斯”及其传承难题 被引量:14
作者 谢中元 《学术论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期116-121,共6页
非遗是以人为载体的传统活态文化形式,传承人通过调动身心感官并借助一定的材料工具实现非遗的生成与赋形,在自觉的世代传习中使非遗跨越了个体生命界限。而传承人内化于身体的"绝艺"、"绝活"作为非标准化的经验性... 非遗是以人为载体的传统活态文化形式,传承人通过调动身心感官并借助一定的材料工具实现非遗的生成与赋形,在自觉的世代传习中使非遗跨越了个体生命界限。而传承人内化于身体的"绝艺"、"绝活"作为非标准化的经验性技能,是一种凝聚着默会和隐性知识的"米提斯"能力。这种能力既源生自生活世界又积淀于身体实践,具有高度个体化和不易习得性。传承人依托模仿、练习和感悟等身体实践过程养成"米提斯"能力的特性决定了非遗传承之难,也彰显出重启带徒传艺模式以及重构传承梯队的价值和意义。 展开更多
关键词 非遗 身体实践 “米提斯” 带徒传艺 传承梯队
作者 张卫峰 《美术大观》 2022年第6期149-152,共4页
喀什位于古丝绸之路要道,其区域文化、民族技、艺等具有较强的易辨性。其中,维吾尔族传统首饰“金珠”工艺的视觉形态、工艺实践和传艺体制等与其他民族区域的金工技艺存在显著差异。本文在田野考察第一手资料和一些直观感受基础之上,... 喀什位于古丝绸之路要道,其区域文化、民族技、艺等具有较强的易辨性。其中,维吾尔族传统首饰“金珠”工艺的视觉形态、工艺实践和传艺体制等与其他民族区域的金工技艺存在显著差异。本文在田野考察第一手资料和一些直观感受基础之上,客观反映该民族区域的金属工艺发展历史的一隅。试图结合人类学的基本观察方法和研究体系,对喀什维吾尔族传统首饰纹饰符号、技艺、传艺等现状进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 维吾尔族 首饰技艺 金珠工艺 传艺体制
Genetic Analysis on Agronomic Traits of Doubled Haploid Population in Tobacco
作者 于海芹 肖炳光 +1 位作者 宋中邦 李永平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第5期750-753,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to conduct genetic analysis on agronomic traits of doubled haploid population in tobacco. [Method] Main agronomic traits of DH population in tobacco were investigated, including plant heig... [Objective] This study aimed to conduct genetic analysis on agronomic traits of doubled haploid population in tobacco. [Method] Main agronomic traits of DH population in tobacco were investigated, including plant height, effective number of leaves, lumbar leaf length, lumbar leaf width, intermodal distance and pericaulome length. Based on the estimation of skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient of Hongda x Hicks Broad Leaf populations, the number of gene pairs was calculated. [Result] The number of gene pairs controlling plant height (topping plant height and natural plant height) is 10.20 and 10.80, respectively; the number of gene pairs con- trolling leaf number (effective number of leaves and natural number of leaves) is 6.21 and 6.25, respectively; the number of gene pairs controlling pericaulome length, intermodal distance, lumbar leaf length and lumbar leaf width is 8.51, 15.30, 20.36 and 17.45, respectively. [Conclusion] This study revealed the characteristics of genetic variation of tobacco traits, which provided theoretical basis for the breeding of new varieties. 展开更多
关键词 DH population HERITABILITY Agronomic traits
Effects on Agronomic Traits of M_1 by Pollen of Upland Cotton Irradiated by ^(60)Co-γ Ray 被引量:2
作者 岳洁瑜 唐灿明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期525-528,532,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to provide reference for research on radiation and breeding of cotton pollen through irradiating common ripe pollen grain of upland cotton by 60Co-γ Ray of varied doses. [Method] Ripe pollen g... [Objective] The aim was to provide reference for research on radiation and breeding of cotton pollen through irradiating common ripe pollen grain of upland cotton by 60Co-γ Ray of varied doses. [Method] Ripe pollen grains of upland cotton were irradiated by 60Co-γ Ray with doses of 5, 10, 15, and 20 Gy, respectively, to learn radiation effect and select appropriate dose. [Result] Most properties of M1 obviously showed variation when dose was over 10 Gy; vitality, growth, and fertility were greatly inhibited when dose was 15 Gy which was almost semi-lethal concentration, and variation species were richest at the same time, which provided materi- als for practical breeding. [Conclusion] 60Co-γ Ray of 15 Gy is more suitable for mutagenesis research on ripe pollen grains of upland cotton. 展开更多
关键词 Upland cotton 60Co-γ Ray Irradiation Agronomic traits Genetic variation
Effects of Gel-based Controlled Release Fertilizers on Agronomic Characteristics and Physiological Indices of Corn 被引量:1
作者 丁洪 张玉树 +3 位作者 陈静蕊 秦胜金 郑祥洲 李世清 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第6期820-824,846,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of gel-based controlled release fertilizers (CRFs) on agronomic characteristics and physiological indices of corn. [Method] Pot experiment was carried out to i... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of gel-based controlled release fertilizers (CRFs) on agronomic characteristics and physiological indices of corn. [Method] Pot experiment was carried out to investigate the agronomic characteristics and physiological indices of corn fertilized with controlled release fertilizers compared with conventional fertilizer (CF). [Result] Plant height, stem girth, leaf area and root volume of corn were significantly increased under the CRF treatments; photosynthetic rate and soluble protein content were also improved. Dry matter accumulations under the two CRF treatments were increased by 21.3% and 17.0% compared with CF application at one time (CF1), and 19.6% and 15.4% with CF application at two times (CF2), respectively. Accumulation amounts of N, P and K in whole plant under the two CRF treatments were increased by 44.0% -24.7% , 40.0%-25.9% and 20.1% -13.9% ; and the nutrient use efficiencies of N, P and K were improved by 22.9% -13.4% , 11.2% -9.6% and 17.5% -12.1% , respectively. [Conclusion] The results implied that the CRFs could significantly improve nutrient use efficiency and plant yield. 展开更多
关键词 Gel-based controlled release fertilizer Conventional fertilizer Agronomic characteristics Physiological index Nutrient use efficiency Dry matter accumulation
Analysis on the Combining Ability and Heritability of Main Agronomic Traits of Hybrid Glutinous Sorghum 被引量:1
作者 倪先林 赵甘霖 +3 位作者 刘天朋 胡炯凌 陈国民 丁国祥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2104-2109,共6页
Using 3 sterile lines and 12 restorer of glutinous sorghum as experimental materials,36 hybrid combinations(3×12 NCⅡ) were designed to analyze the combining ability and heritability of six main agronomic trait... Using 3 sterile lines and 12 restorer of glutinous sorghum as experimental materials,36 hybrid combinations(3×12 NCⅡ) were designed to analyze the combining ability and heritability of six main agronomic traits,including plant height,panicle length,growth period,1 000-grain weight,per panicle grains and per panicle grain weight.The results showed that except per panicle grain number all other five agronomic traits have remarkable or extremely remarkable general combining ability and specific combining ability.Six agronomic traits were found to be control by additive genetic effect.Most of these agronomic traits are more easily influenced by restorers than sterile lines,suggesting that more attention should be paid to select restores in hybrid glutinous sorghum breeding.The narrow-sense heritability of these agronomic traits were in order growth period plant height per panicle grain weight panicle length 1 000-grain weight per panicle grains. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid glutinous sorghum Main agronomic traits Combining ability HERITABILITY
Mutation Classification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanense King Based on Agronomic Traits
作者 王志伟 杨金华 +3 位作者 程加省 胡银星 程耿 于亚雄 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期119-123,共5页
[Objective] The present study was conducted to provide basis for researches on breeding new wheat varieties and conserving rare species in Yunnan Province.[Method] 29 materials of Triticum aestivum ssp.yunnanense King... [Objective] The present study was conducted to provide basis for researches on breeding new wheat varieties and conserving rare species in Yunnan Province.[Method] 29 materials of Triticum aestivum ssp.yunnanense King(Yunnan Hulled Wheat)were taken for the research on classification and genetic diversity analysis based on 14 agronomic traits.[Result] Yunnan hulled wheat A14 could be an unnamed white seed variety,and other 28 materials were divided into 10 named mutation types;Yunnan hulled wheat was rich in variability of agronomic traits,in which the coefficient of variance(CV)of sterile spikelet number was the largest(22.59%),while the CV of earing period was the lowest(3.71%);the diversity indexes of seven qualitative characters ranged from 1.55-2.04.Moreover,the 29 Yunnan hulled wheat could be divided into 3 clusters by the UPGMA analysis.However,Yunnan hulled wheat varieties originating from similar mutation types did not completely cluster together.The genetic relationship was relatively close among A13(YT-35),A14(YT-36)and A21(YT-37),but the faster genetic relationship was observed between them and other Yunnan hulled wheat varieties.[Conclusion] Yunnan hulled wheat had an extensive genetic diversity in agronomic traits. 展开更多
关键词 Triticum aestivum ssp.Yunnanense King(Yunnan hulled wheat) Agronomic traits Genetic diversity
作者 朱宏波 《黄河之声》 2020年第2期7-9,13,共4页
北管起源于我国清代乾隆年间北方地区的民间小调,现成为闽台地区人民喜闻乐见的一种民间音乐艺术表演形式,然而各地不同形态的北管有着不尽相同的文化内涵与表现形式。台湾"庆和轩"北管乐团是台湾众多北管社团中具有代表性的... 北管起源于我国清代乾隆年间北方地区的民间小调,现成为闽台地区人民喜闻乐见的一种民间音乐艺术表演形式,然而各地不同形态的北管有着不尽相同的文化内涵与表现形式。台湾"庆和轩"北管乐团是台湾众多北管社团中具有代表性的乐团之一,"庆和轩"在当代社会所面临的缺少新生代成员;师资匮乏;北管市场萎缩等困境是整个台湾传统北管社团都在经历的共同现象。面对困境,"庆和轩"有所突破,树立独特的经营理念,积极转型,开辟了一条属于自己风格的传艺之路。笔者利用访学机会,对"庆和轩"进行了为期一年的田野调查,期许通过台湾"庆和轩"北管乐团的考察与研究,对北管艺术的传承和发展有所借鉴和启示。 展开更多
关键词 庆和轩 子弟团 馆先生 彰化“梨春园” 传艺聚场
Analysis on Combining Ability and Heritability of the Main Agronomic Characters for JA CMS in Brassica napus L.
作者 蒋俊 蒲晓斌 +7 位作者 张锦芳 李浩杰 柴靓 黄驰 胡海兵 郑本川 牛应泽 蒋梁材 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期39-42,59,共5页
Fifteen combinations crossed by five JA cytoplasmic male sterile lines (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) and three restoring lines (R1, R2, R3) were selected to analyze the combining ability and heritability of nine main agron... Fifteen combinations crossed by five JA cytoplasmic male sterile lines (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) and three restoring lines (R1, R2, R3) were selected to analyze the combining ability and heritability of nine main agronomic characters of Brassica na-pus L. to definite the application potential of these parent materials. The result showed that (i) the general combining ability (GCA) of male parents was R3&gt;R2&gt;R1 and that of female parents was A4&gt;A1&gt;A2&gt;A5&gt;A3; (i ) the special combining ability (SCA) of A2&#215;R3 in plant height, number of branches, number of pods per plant and yield per plant was the best. The yield per plant of A2&#215;R3, A1&#215;R1 and A2&#215;R1 ranked the first three places in the 15 combinations; (i i) the broad heritability of yield per plant was the highest, and that of the height of branches was the lowest. The com-prehensive characters of R3, A2 and A4 were better, which could be used to create new materials; (iv) good offspring were more likely to be chosen from the combina-tion with higher parental GCA, so the GCA and SCA should be considered com-prehensively when choosing parent and determining the optimal combinations. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus L. Agronomic characters Combining ability HERITABILITY
作者 陈仁良 李明成 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第2期165-171,共7页
A mathematical model of resin flow and temperature variation in the filling stage of the resin transfer molding (RTM) is developed based on the control volume/finite element method (CV/FEM). The effects of the heat tr... A mathematical model of resin flow and temperature variation in the filling stage of the resin transfer molding (RTM) is developed based on the control volume/finite element method (CV/FEM). The effects of the heat transfer and chemical reaction of the resin on the flow and temperature are considered. The numerical algorithm of the resin flow and temperature variation in the process of RTM are studied. Its accuracy and convergence are analyzed. The comparison of temperature variations between experimental results and model predictions is carried out for two RTM cases. Result shows that the model is efficient for evaluating the flow and temperature variation in the filling stage of RTM and there is a good coincidence between theory and experiment. 展开更多
关键词 resin transfer molding mathematical modeling numerical algorithm heat transfer
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