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作者 张德成 王晓萍 《地震科技情报》 1998年第4期27-28,共2页
关键词 地震 伤亡损失 震灾 抗震
作者 中共南宁市委党史研究室课题组 刘家幸 《创新》 2015年第3期43-55,共13页
1931~1945年日本对中国发动了长达14年之久的侵华战争,南宁作为连接西南、中南、华南和海外的交通枢纽,成为侵华日军必争的战略要地之一,也因此,人员和财产都蒙受了巨大的损失。对抗战损失调查成为抗日战争史的重要部分,以往对南宁抗战... 1931~1945年日本对中国发动了长达14年之久的侵华战争,南宁作为连接西南、中南、华南和海外的交通枢纽,成为侵华日军必争的战略要地之一,也因此,人员和财产都蒙受了巨大的损失。对抗战损失调查成为抗日战争史的重要部分,以往对南宁抗战损失的调查与研究包括民国时期对抗日战争损失的调查和新中国成立后对抗日战争损失的研究,是现今研究抗日战争损失的最基本数据来源。在各史志资料的基础上,结合走访当年战争的受害人,核实、确定侵华日军对南宁造成的破坏与伤害程度,力求客观、完整、准确地反映抗战期间南宁的损失,以深化地方抗战史研究。 展开更多
关键词 抗日战争 人口伤亡损失 财产损失 统计
基于改进生活质量指数的社会挽救生命成本及在地震生命损失估计中的应用 被引量:6
作者 吕大刚 董尧 +1 位作者 王闽雄 贾明明 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期1-10,共10页
在最新版的ISO标准《结构可靠性总原则ISO 2394:2015》中,通过引入柯布-道格拉斯弹性常数,对生活质量指数(Life Quality Index,LQI)进行了改进。本文综合世界各国对休闲时间比例的观点,结合ISO 2394:2015对工作时间比例进行的修正,改进... 在最新版的ISO标准《结构可靠性总原则ISO 2394:2015》中,通过引入柯布-道格拉斯弹性常数,对生活质量指数(Life Quality Index,LQI)进行了改进。本文综合世界各国对休闲时间比例的观点,结合ISO 2394:2015对工作时间比例进行的修正,改进了避免死亡隐含费用(Implied Cost of Averting a Fatality,ICAF)和社会生命挽救成本(Societal Life Saving Cost,SLSC)等社会经济综合指标。采用基于改进LQI的社会可接受准则,通过考虑我国社会经济发展状况、居民休闲娱乐的时间以及期望寿命等因素,对我国地震中人员伤亡损失的货币价值进行了评估,对我国31个省市2008年及2017年的ICAF值进行了计算和对比分析,并以汶川地震及钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,研究了ICAF和SLSC在地震人员伤亡损失估计中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 生活质量指数 休闲时间比 避免死亡隐含费用 社会生命挽救成本 地震人员伤亡损失
甲午战争中日双方力量及损失对比 被引量:4
作者 刘薇 《中共贵州省委党校学报》 2005年第6期43-44,共2页
甲午战争是中国近代史上规模最大影响最深远的一次战争。在海战中,清政府苦心经营多年的北洋舰队全军覆没;陆战中,清政府人员、武器、物资等损失惨重。明治维新后的日本在这次侵略战争中获利,从此走上了对外侵略的历史道路,而清朝则更... 甲午战争是中国近代史上规模最大影响最深远的一次战争。在海战中,清政府苦心经营多年的北洋舰队全军覆没;陆战中,清政府人员、武器、物资等损失惨重。明治维新后的日本在这次侵略战争中获利,从此走上了对外侵略的历史道路,而清朝则更加积贫积弱,从此一蹶不振。 展开更多
关键词 甲午战争 北洋舰队 日本海军 伤亡损失
大型户外空旷区域的雷击风险评估研究 被引量:9
作者 黄克俭 胡双伟 +1 位作者 俞家华 杜少华 《气象研究与应用》 2015年第1期126-128,F0003,共4页
应用IEC的雷击风险管理标准中雷击风险计算和参数取值方法,对大型户外空旷区域存在雷击风险进行分析,推导出大型户外空旷区域雷击风险评估的定量计算公式,确定了各计算参数的取值,并举例说明了大型户外空旷区域雷击风险评估的具体计算... 应用IEC的雷击风险管理标准中雷击风险计算和参数取值方法,对大型户外空旷区域存在雷击风险进行分析,推导出大型户外空旷区域雷击风险评估的定量计算公式,确定了各计算参数的取值,并举例说明了大型户外空旷区域雷击风险评估的具体计算方法。 展开更多
关键词 户外空旷区域 雷击风险评估 人员伤亡损失 累积概率
基于闪电定位资料的大型户外空旷区域精细化雷击风险评估的研究 被引量:4
作者 贺姗 黄克俭 柴健 《中国农学通报》 2017年第16期137-140,共4页
根据IEC 62305—2:2010标准中介绍的雷击风险的评估流程,在前人提出的适合雷击大型户外空旷区域风险计算方法的基础上,笔者结合大型户外空旷区域的具体闪电定位资料,精细化地研究了雷电可能为该区域带来的风险,主要分析了大型户外区域... 根据IEC 62305—2:2010标准中介绍的雷击风险的评估流程,在前人提出的适合雷击大型户外空旷区域风险计算方法的基础上,笔者结合大型户外空旷区域的具体闪电定位资料,精细化地研究了雷电可能为该区域带来的风险,主要分析了大型户外区域内雷电直接击中人体导致人员伤亡的概率PB、最小雷电流I、滚球半径hr,并举例说明了大型户外空旷区域精细化雷击风险评估的具体计算方法,以期为大型户外空旷区域的直击雷防护设计提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 农业气象灾害 户外空旷区域 闪电定位资料 雷击风险评估 人员伤亡损失 精细化
桥梁雷击风险评估方法与应用 被引量:3
作者 张科杰 范宏飞 黄克俭 《建筑电气》 2014年第6期54-58,共5页
以GB/T 21714-2008系列标准为依据,给出桥梁雷击风险识别与评估计算方法。并以武汉二七长江大桥为例,介绍雷击风险评估步骤和内容。在此基础上,对武汉二七长江大桥可能存在的雷击风险与防护措施进行综合评述。
关键词 桥梁 雷击风险评估 人身伤亡损失风险 物理损害 直击雷防护 雷击大地密度 跨步电压 截收面积
石油化工项目雷击风险评估方法 被引量:4
作者 丁旻 甘文强 颜旭 《建筑电气》 2010年第10期33-37,共5页
介绍石油化工项目的雷电环境特点、雷击风险评估前期的数据采集及应用、风险评估计算。提出在雷击风险评估和防雷设计时,应根据石油化工项目建(构)筑物的特性、生产装置的功能,以及遭受雷击损害后的影响,将项目划分为不同功能区域,进行... 介绍石油化工项目的雷电环境特点、雷击风险评估前期的数据采集及应用、风险评估计算。提出在雷击风险评估和防雷设计时,应根据石油化工项目建(构)筑物的特性、生产装置的功能,以及遭受雷击损害后的影响,将项目划分为不同功能区域,进行评估设计。 展开更多
关键词 雷击风险评估 石油化工项目 功能区雷电监测网 雷电参数 风险分量 人身伤亡损失的风险
铭记岳阳抗战史 被引量:1
作者 陈念军 《岳阳职业技术学院学报》 2015年第5期41-44,共4页
1931-1945年抗日战争期间,岳阳人民在抗日民族统一战线旗帜下积极开展抗日救亡活动,特别是1938年11月岳阳沦陷后,日本侵略者在岳阳狂轰滥炸,烧杀抢掠,犯下滔天罪行。岳阳境内军民相扶相携,奋勇抗战,与南进日军展开四次"湘北会战&qu... 1931-1945年抗日战争期间,岳阳人民在抗日民族统一战线旗帜下积极开展抗日救亡活动,特别是1938年11月岳阳沦陷后,日本侵略者在岳阳狂轰滥炸,烧杀抢掠,犯下滔天罪行。岳阳境内军民相扶相携,奋勇抗战,与南进日军展开四次"湘北会战",发生很多惨烈战斗,涌现许多英雄人物。岳阳抗战在全民族抗战中具有重要地位和作用。 展开更多
关键词 岳阳抗战 地位和作用 伤亡损失 日军罪行
GB/T 21714.2新旧版本中风险管理分量R_1的对比分析
作者 庄道全 李丽 +3 位作者 邱明燕 吴晨星 张钢 李保义 《中国标准化》 2019年第9期125-128,136,共5页
本文从2012-2016年的150个合肥地区新建建筑物的评估样本中,选取具有地域、类型、功能代表性的高层A住宅单体和智能B办公楼作为评估对象,结合GB/T 21714.2-2008和GB/T 21714.2-2015新旧版本的计算方法对选取对象进行雷电灾害风险评估。... 本文从2012-2016年的150个合肥地区新建建筑物的评估样本中,选取具有地域、类型、功能代表性的高层A住宅单体和智能B办公楼作为评估对象,结合GB/T 21714.2-2008和GB/T 21714.2-2015新旧版本的计算方法对选取对象进行雷电灾害风险评估。结果表明,随着评估参数增删、定义、取值、公式的变化,新标准计算得到的人身伤亡损失风险R1一致减小,对后续的防雷设计、施工提供了可靠的数据参考。同时,对新旧标准的差异进行分析让雷电灾害风险评估工作的相关技术人员更好地学习与掌握新标准,为新标准的宣贯提供帮助。 展开更多
关键词 新标准 旧标准 雷电风险评估 人身伤亡损失风险R1 对比分析
作者 李玉照 陈兴旺 杨仲江 《建筑电气》 2013年第9期14-17,共4页
防火措施是降低雷击起火损失的重要保障,介绍GB/T 21714.2-2008/IEC 62305-2:2006《雷电防护第2部分:风险管理》中雷击风险评估中与防火措施相关的主要参数的选取方法,通过实例分析火灾类别与防火措施对雷击风险值的影响。
关键词 雷击风险评估 防火措施 缩减因子 建筑物火灾危险程度 人身伤亡损失的风险R1
作者 虞敏 黄晓虹 +1 位作者 陈华晖 刘海鹏 《建筑电气》 2018年第1期41-45,共5页
根据布达拉宫区域现场勘查、气候资料、雷暴日资料及闪电定位数据,对布达拉宫开展区域雷电环境评估。结果表明:拉萨市年均雷暴日为69.5天,7、8月雷电活动频繁。布达拉宫1 km范围内,正北方向闪电较密集,雷电流幅值主要分布在0~20 k A之... 根据布达拉宫区域现场勘查、气候资料、雷暴日资料及闪电定位数据,对布达拉宫开展区域雷电环境评估。结果表明:拉萨市年均雷暴日为69.5天,7、8月雷电活动频繁。布达拉宫1 km范围内,正北方向闪电较密集,雷电流幅值主要分布在0~20 k A之间。通过Arcgis统计分析,布达拉宫周边2 km范围雷击大地的年平均密度平均值为2.27次/km2/a,布达拉宫处于较低风险区域,易发生雷电绕击。布达拉宫周边2 km范围内,区域1.8%、19.5%、100%的面积电磁辐射强度分别达到2.4 Gs、0.7 Gs、0.07 Gs的电磁辐射,德央夏、约普西及红宫附近线路需重点做好防感应雷措施。布达拉宫的人身伤亡损失的风险、文化遗产损失的风险、经济损失的风险都高于风险容许值。 展开更多
关键词 布达拉宫区域雷电环境评估 闪电定位数据 雷暴日分析 雷击大地的年平均密度 电磁辐射强度 人身伤亡损失的风险 文化遗产损失的风险 经济损失的风险
Status quo and prospect of the development for underground coal mine refuge chamber 被引量:2
作者 Ming-bo PIAO Jun MAO Tie-jun WANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第1期38-45,共8页
As one form of the energy resources, coal is becoming more and more important. Due to the particularity in coal mine production, mine accidents some time occur in countries all over the world, which result in large ca... As one form of the energy resources, coal is becoming more and more important. Due to the particularity in coal mine production, mine accidents some time occur in countries all over the world, which result in large casualties and economic losses. As equipment that can provides the miners with an emergency shelter when the coal mine accidents occur, the under ground coal mine refuge chamber is paid more and more attention by coal mine enterprises, and the application of the refuge chamber is increasingly widespread. The general functions, the classification, and the successful applications of the underground coal mine refuge chamber are illustrated first, and the research significance on the tmderground coal mine refuge chamber is stated. Following, the development status quo at home and abroad for the refuge chamber is introduced. Then, the implementation methods for the key functions of the underground coal mine refuge chamber are demonstrated. Finally, the prospect for the development of the underground coal mine refuge chamber is stated. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine production mine accident underground lifesaving underground refuge chamber PROSPECT
应急演练的重要性 被引量:1
作者 陈馨 《信息记录材料》 2016年第5期154-155,共2页
应急演练是针对待定的突发事件假想情景,并在特定的时间和地域、执行应急响应任务的训练活动,是应急管理的重要环节和重要手段。开展有针对性的各类应急演练,检验评价和修改完善应急预案,提高员工对突发事件的应急意识和处理能力,增强... 应急演练是针对待定的突发事件假想情景,并在特定的时间和地域、执行应急响应任务的训练活动,是应急管理的重要环节和重要手段。开展有针对性的各类应急演练,检验评价和修改完善应急预案,提高员工对突发事件的应急意识和处理能力,增强企业应急管理能力,减少各种伤亡和损失具有十分重大的意义。 展开更多
关键词 应急演练 训练活动 重要环节 重要手段 应急意识和处理能力 应急管理能力 减少伤亡损失
A Real-time Monitoring and Early Warning System for Landslides in Southwest China 被引量:7
作者 JU Neng-pan HUANG Jian +2 位作者 HUANG Run-qiu HE Chao-yang LI Yan-rong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期1219-1228,共10页
Landslides not only cause property losses,but also kill and injure large numbers of people every year in the mountainous areas. These losses and casualties may be avoided to some extent by early warning systems for la... Landslides not only cause property losses,but also kill and injure large numbers of people every year in the mountainous areas. These losses and casualties may be avoided to some extent by early warning systems for landslides. In this paper, a realtime monitoring network and a computer-aided automatic early warning system(EWS) are presented with details of their design and an example of application in the Longjingwan landslide, Kaiyang County, Guizhou Province. Then, according to principle simple method of landslide prediction, the setting of alarm levels and the design of appropriate counter-measures are presented. A four-level early warning system(Zero, Outlook, Attention and Warning) has been adopted, and the velocity threshold was selected as the main warning threshold for the landslide occurrence, but expert judgment is included in the EWS to avoid false alarms. A case study shows the applicability and reliability for landslide risk management, and recommendations are presented for other similar projects. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Early warning system (EWS)Wireless sensor network Velocity threshold Longjingwan landslide
Casualties' States During Destructive Earthquakes 被引量:2
作者 ZhaoZhendong ZhengXiangyuan 《Earthquake Research in China》 2001年第2期215-221,共7页
The index of casualties is introduced for the trapped that is still alive after a destructive earthquake to indicate his (her) injury degree. In order to describe the injury-developing process controlled by three fact... The index of casualties is introduced for the trapped that is still alive after a destructive earthquake to indicate his (her) injury degree. In order to describe the injury-developing process controlled by three factors: the initial injury degree, the trap surroundings and the physique of the cornered, a function SFC (State-Function of Casualties) can be naturally constructed. Through parameter analysis from eight pieces of figures, it can be found that the trapped with weaker physique and worse initial injury degree and in more adverse trap surroundings deserves sooner rescue. 展开更多
关键词 CASUALTY Destructive earthquake State-function of casualties Trap surroundings
Preliminary Research on the Characteristics of the M_S8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake Hazard
作者 Li Zhiqiang Yuan Yifan +5 位作者 Li Xiaoli Zhang Qin Dai Boyang Ye Youqing Ge Peifeng Zeng Jie 《Earthquake Research in China》 2009年第3期278-298,共21页
The Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 caused heavy casualties and economic loss. According to the field investigations, the characteristics can be described as follows: The meizoseismai region with an intensi... The Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 caused heavy casualties and economic loss. According to the field investigations, the characteristics can be described as follows: The meizoseismai region with an intensity of XI shows an obviously zonal distribution and suffered serious destruction from the earthquake, and the destruction perpendicular to the earthquake surface rupture decreased sharply. At the same time, the intensity X and IX regions perpendicular to the rupture are narrow and therefore their coverage area is small. The intensity on both sides of the rupture attenuates rapidly, but intensity VII and the VI regions are wide, the latter covering about 240,000 km^2. In intensity VI region, the damage area perpendicular to the rupture in the southern part is much larger than that of the northern part. Also, much new understanding about destruction types and destructive modes for all kinds of buildings, landforms and terrain is achieved in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake Characteristics of earthquake hazard Intensitydistribution
Primary Research on Emergency Self-Rescue Furniture Design for Natural Disasters
作者 Ming CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期32-35,共4页
In recent years, a large number of natural disasters happened in China, which caused heavy casualties, property losses and destruction of social order. Emergency self-rescue furniture design for natural disasters was ... In recent years, a large number of natural disasters happened in China, which caused heavy casualties, property losses and destruction of social order. Emergency self-rescue furniture design for natural disasters was taken as the research object in this paper. The definition and meanings of emergency self-rescue furniture were discussed, then the design principles of emergency self-rescue furniture were analyzed, validity of emergency self-rescue furniture design principles and methods for earthquake and flood were verified through demonstrations, finally. 展开更多
关键词 natural disasters emergency self-rescue furniture design
Rupture directivity of the August 3rd, 2014 Ludian earthquake(Yunan, China) 被引量:14
作者 HE XiaoHui NI SiDao LIU Jie 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期795-804,共10页
An M6.5 earthquake occurred on August 3rd, 2014 in Ludian of Yunnan Province in China, causing severe casualty and economic loss. Local broadband waveform inversion with the CAP method demonstrates that the earthquake... An M6.5 earthquake occurred on August 3rd, 2014 in Ludian of Yunnan Province in China, causing severe casualty and economic loss. Local broadband waveform inversion with the CAP method demonstrates that the earthquake is a strike-slip event, with the strike along 70° and 160° for the two nodal planes respectively. However, the geological structure in the epicentral region is complicated with abundant active faults, and it is challenging to identify the seismogenic fault with the focal plane solutions due to nodal-plane ambiguity. We resolved the rupture directivity by measuring the difference between centroid location and hypocenter of the Ludian earthquake with the time shift from CAP inversion, and found that the nodal plane with the strike of 160° is the ruptured fault plane. Moreover, the rupture is found to propagate from northwest to southeast. 展开更多
关键词 rupture directivity focal mechanism Ludian earthquake strong ground motion
China Medical Team: Medical rescue for "4.25" Nepal earthquake
作者 Xi Lin Ke-Jia Liu +4 位作者 Yong-Gui Zhang Yang Dan Dian-Guo Xing Li Chen Ding-Yuan Du 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2017年第4期235-239,共5页
In recent years, global natural disasters have been frequent and resulted in great casualties and property loss. Since Wenchuan earthquake, the disaster emergency rescue system of China has obtained considerable devel... In recent years, global natural disasters have been frequent and resulted in great casualties and property loss. Since Wenchuan earthquake, the disaster emergency rescue system of China has obtained considerable development in various aspects including team construction, task scheduling, personnel training, facilities and equipments, logistics, etc. On April 25, 2015, an earthquake that measured 8.1 on the Richter scale attacked Nepal. Chinese government firstly organized a medical team, named China Medical Team, and sent it to the attacked region in Nepal to implement medical rescue. The medical team completed the rescue mission successfully and creatively based on their experiences. 展开更多
关键词 Nepal EARTHQUAKES Rescue work China Medical Team
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