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作者 袁缵增 《中国劳动》 1984年第14期22-23,共2页
关键词 劳动保险条例 医疗待遇 伤假 因工负 企业单位 市劳动局 保险福利 储运公司 商业公司 城近郊区
《中国劳动》 1984年第S3期8-11,共4页
鉴于《劳动保险条例》在计算职工病伤假时间的办法上有不利于生产的弊病,需要改革,近年来有些地区提出并试行了由“连续”计算,改为“累计”计算的办法。从试行的情况看,“累计”计算的办法效果较好,既保障了病休职工的基本生活,又有效... 鉴于《劳动保险条例》在计算职工病伤假时间的办法上有不利于生产的弊病,需要改革,近年来有些地区提出并试行了由“连续”计算,改为“累计”计算的办法。从试行的情况看,“累计”计算的办法效果较好,既保障了病休职工的基本生活,又有效地克服了多年来存在的“五·二九”不良现象,提高了出勤率,促进了生产的发展。为了及时交流这方面的情况和经验,现将北京市劳动局《关于试行市第一商业局改革职工病伤假时间计算办法的通知》及其附件(摘要),一并印发给你们,供研究改革时参考。你们在这项工作中有什么经验,也望函告我们。附件:北京市劳动局《关于试行市第一商业局改革职工病伤假时间计算办法的通知》及其附件(摘要)。 展开更多
关键词 伤假 市劳动局 计算办法 劳动人事部 劳动保险条例 工资 因工负 疾病救济费 劳动保险制度 原有制度
作者 杨再春 《煤炭经济研究》 1986年第3期34-,共1页
搞好企业内部分配是推行经济责任制的一个重要环节,特别是搞好工人病伤假工资的分配,是关系到体现社会主义制度优越性和工人切身利益的一件大事。我局推行经济责任制以来,各矿、区对采掘队普遍实行了计件工资制和缺勤工资包干。各队对... 搞好企业内部分配是推行经济责任制的一个重要环节,特别是搞好工人病伤假工资的分配,是关系到体现社会主义制度优越性和工人切身利益的一件大事。我局推行经济责任制以来,各矿、区对采掘队普遍实行了计件工资制和缺勤工资包干。各队对工人分别实行了计分计资分配办法。 展开更多
关键词 伤假 工资分配 计件工资制 内部分配 工资 医务部门 井下条件 身体健康情况 支付额 死亡事故
如何排除法医学鉴定中的假伪诈伤 被引量:1
作者 韩华 《中国司法鉴定》 2004年第1期53-54,共2页
法医学鉴定实际工作中,经常碰到假伪诈伤现象,如何解决这个问题,一直是困扰我们法医工作者的最为头疼的问题,笔者就具体案例提到几个解决这类问题的方法,目的是让同行们尽可能地避免或排除假伪诈伤现象,从而使我们的法医鉴定更加科学完... 法医学鉴定实际工作中,经常碰到假伪诈伤现象,如何解决这个问题,一直是困扰我们法医工作者的最为头疼的问题,笔者就具体案例提到几个解决这类问题的方法,目的是让同行们尽可能地避免或排除假伪诈伤现象,从而使我们的法医鉴定更加科学完善,使之更好地为审判服务。 展开更多
关键词 法医学鉴定 伪诈 医学会组织 技术鉴定结论
作者 《中国劳动》 1956年第5期31-,共1页
京西矿务局大台煤矿对有些工人工伤休假,不按因工负伤处理,却按病假处理,或竟不发工资.工人发生工伤事故后,伤假期间,照发工资,是党和政府的一项政策法令,表现党和政府对工人的热切关怀.大台矿为什么不按工伤处理呢?据说是为了'控制... 京西矿务局大台煤矿对有些工人工伤休假,不按因工负伤处理,却按病假处理,或竟不发工资.工人发生工伤事故后,伤假期间,照发工资,是党和政府的一项政策法令,表现党和政府对工人的热切关怀.大台矿为什么不按工伤处理呢?据说是为了'控制'工伤数字和减少工资基金的开支.不按规定处理,还不只这一种.'伤亡事故登记书'按照规定明明应由车间主任填写,该矿却规定了一套繁杂的申报制度,对患者增加很多困难。 展开更多
关键词 因工负 处理 伤假 政策法令 亡事故 申报制度 京西 黄生
作者 李甫中 《煤炭经济研究》 1986年第1期33-,共1页
关键词 五龙 原煤产量 吨煤成本 正规循环作业 承包合同 国家计划 劳动定员 伤假 取暖补贴 分班
《江西省人民政府公报》 1991年第4期39-39,共1页
丰城矿务局第二中学:元月二十五日来函收悉。关于询问你校一职工因病八个月以上未上班,有否试工期以及试工期工资待遇如何发给等问题,答复如下:一、企业职工因病八个月未上班要求复工,请按赣劳险[1990]8号文"关于调整我省国营企业... 丰城矿务局第二中学:元月二十五日来函收悉。关于询问你校一职工因病八个月以上未上班,有否试工期以及试工期工资待遇如何发给等问题,答复如下:一、企业职工因病八个月未上班要求复工,请按赣劳险[1990]8号文"关于调整我省国营企业职工病。 展开更多
关键词 政策问答 工资待遇 丰城矿务局 伤假 保险福利 生活待遇 劳动鉴定 来函收悉 鉴定证明 二个月
Parent vessel occlusion for traumatic pseudoaneurysm of P3 segment of posterior cerebral artery:A case report and review of literatures
作者 Xu Gaofeng Xie Wanfu Li Ruichun Wang Maode 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2011年第1期34-39,共6页
Traumatic intracranial pseudoaneurysms (TIPA) are rare and pseudoaneurysm of P3 segment of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is extremely rarely reported. A 27-year-old man suffered from blunt head injury and un... Traumatic intracranial pseudoaneurysms (TIPA) are rare and pseudoaneurysm of P3 segment of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is extremely rarely reported. A 27-year-old man suffered from blunt head injury and underwent diagnostic procedure with head CT scans, cerebral CT angiograms (CTA) and digital subtraction angiograms (DSA). An abnormal high-density lesion was detected at the left side of quadrigeminal cistern and a pseudoaneurysm showed at the P3 segment of PCA. The pseudoaneurysm was successfully treated with parent artery occlusion (PAO). Making an exact preoperative diagnosis of traumatic intracranial pseudoaneurysms is of great importance. Endovascular techniques allow a safe approach to complex intracranial lesion, so endovascular management of PCA pseudoaneurysms becomes safe and effective. However, the pseudoaneurysm may not be amenable to coil placement under some conditions, thus, occlusion of the parent vessel may be a preferable treatment. 展开更多
关键词 EMBOLIZATION PSEUDOANEURYSM Subarachnoid hemorrhage Digital subtraction angiograms Posterior cerebral artery
作者 馮权广 《中国劳动》 1963年第8期15-,共1页
林东矿务局是从一九五九年底起实行工資基金管理的。但由于对上級的文件精神学习領会不够,对工資基金管理的意义和作用认識不足,以致使工資基金管理工作流于形式。在編制工資基金計划时总是寬打寬用,对基层单位的計划也是只批不审,而且... 林东矿务局是从一九五九年底起实行工資基金管理的。但由于对上級的文件精神学习領会不够,对工資基金管理的意义和作用认識不足,以致使工資基金管理工作流于形式。在編制工資基金計划时总是寬打寬用,对基层单位的計划也是只批不审,而且事后不檢查。在工資基金支付上,有些单位不按制度办事,如不經請示就加班,职工病、伤假,不經医生证明就批准。此外,一些矿井还存在着对計件、奖励工資控制不严,随便招用临时工等現象。針对上述情况。 展开更多
关键词 林东矿务局 工资基金管理 基金支付 管理工作流 伤假 基层单位 奖励制度 从一 基金使用 金爵
作者 梁晓辉 《人民司法》 北大核心 1990年第11期49-49,共1页
邪了门! 大概真的进入了“天下事无人不晓”的信息世界。市法院民庭黄勤下午接了件伤害赔偿案件,晚上家中连着来了三拨人马,对案子说东道西…… 夜里没睡实在,早上醒来,眼皮沉甸甸地,觉得头重脚轻。推着自行车正要进机关的大门,听得身... 邪了门! 大概真的进入了“天下事无人不晓”的信息世界。市法院民庭黄勤下午接了件伤害赔偿案件,晚上家中连着来了三拨人马,对案子说东道西…… 夜里没睡实在,早上醒来,眼皮沉甸甸地,觉得头重脚轻。推着自行车正要进机关的大门,听得身后有人喊。回头一看,是隔壁机关里的老熟人,只见他三步并作两步,把黄勤扯到门外,轻声问: “那件案子是你办?” “哪件案子?” 展开更多
关键词 说客盈门 赔偿案件 信息世界 老黄 王尔 月没 工作调动 伤假 彼得 皮下淤血
Study on intraluminal embolization with microcoils treating traumatic pseudoaneurysms in common carotid artery in rabbits
作者 刘云松 马廉亭 吴佐泉 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2004年第5期266-270,共5页
Objective: To evaluate the long-term effect of endovascular occlusion with microcoils on traumatic pseudoaneurysms (TPAs) in the common carotid artery in rabbits.Methods: TPAs in the right common carotid artery were s... Objective: To evaluate the long-term effect of endovascular occlusion with microcoils on traumatic pseudoaneurysms (TPAs) in the common carotid artery in rabbits.Methods: TPAs in the right common carotid artery were surgically made in 16 rabbits. At 3-4 weeks after operation, the survived 12 models were randomly divided into a control group (n=3) with no treatment and an experimental group (n=9), in which TPAs were intraluminally embolized with microcoils and corresponding therapy was given. Three months after embolization, the TPAs were examined with digital subtraction angiography and pathology. Results: The 3 rabbits in the control group all died of rupture of TPA. Among the 9 TPAs occluded with microcoils, 4 were completely occluded, 4 were partially occluded, and 1 was excluded due to the microcoils migrating into the parent artery. Three months after embolization, the 4 TPAs which were completely occluded remained obliterated as determined by digital subtraction angiographic findings. The parent artery remained unobstructed and the structure of the TPAs were replaced by a mass of scar tissues. The 4 TPAs which were partially occluded remained unruptured and the microcoils were compressed.Conclusions: The lumen in TPA can be completely occluded by microcoils and the parent artery is unblocked. Partial occlusion of the lumen can also prevent the rupture of TPA. 展开更多
关键词 EMBOLISM Carotid artery common Aneurysm false RABBITS MICROCOILS
Surgical treatment of traumatic lower limb pseudoaneurysm
作者 Pan Zhongjie Zhang Hua Li Li Jia Yutao Tian Rong 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2014年第5期285-288,共4页
Objective:To summarize our experience in surgical treatment of traumatic lower limb pseudoaneurysm.Methods:Twenty patients with traumatic lower limb pseudoaneurysm were surgically treated in our department from Janu... Objective:To summarize our experience in surgical treatment of traumatic lower limb pseudoaneurysm.Methods:Twenty patients with traumatic lower limb pseudoaneurysm were surgically treated in our department from January 2007 to January 2012.The treatment protocols included interventional covered-stent placement (10 cases),spring coil embolization (2 cases),and surgical operation (8 cases).Surgical operations included pseudoaneurysm repair (2 cases),autologousvein transplantation (1 case),and artificial-vessel bypass graft (5 cases).Results:All the patients were successfully treated without aggravating lower limb ischemia.Pseudoaneurysm disappeared after treatment.A surgical operation is suitable to most pseudoaneurysms,but its damage is relatively obvious and usually leads to more bleeding.It also requires a longer operating time.Compared to a surgical operation,interventional therapy is less traumatic and patients usually have a quicker recovery (P<0.05).All patients were followed up once per month for 12-36 months by color Doppler ultrasound examination.There were no cases of pseudoaneurysm recurrence.Conclusion:Both surgical operation and interventional therapy are safe and effective in the treatment of pseudoaneurysm. 展开更多
Surgical treatment of post-traumatic pseudoaneurysms and arteriovenous fistulas
作者 陈力 瞿晓墨 彭淑牖 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2000年第3期163-165,共3页
Objective: To report the experience in the diagnosis and treatment of post traumatic pseudoaneurysms and arteriovenous fistulas. Methods: A series of 30 patients (11 women and 19 men) with posttraumatic pseudoaneurysm... Objective: To report the experience in the diagnosis and treatment of post traumatic pseudoaneurysms and arteriovenous fistulas. Methods: A series of 30 patients (11 women and 19 men) with posttraumatic pseudoaneurysms were reviewed retrospectively. Among them 7 patients (5 women and 2 men) were associated with arteriovenous fistula. Results: The causes included sharp penetrating trauma (18 cases), blunt trauma (6 cases) and iatrogenic arterial injury (6 cases). The main clinical manifestations consisted of local pulsatile mass (26 cases), vascular bruits (19 cases), thrill (13 cases), ischemia of distal limb (9 cases), neuropathy (5 cases) and pseudoaneurysm rupture (2 cases). All patients underwent surgery. The operations included: ligation of the vessels (12 cases), surgical resection and primary suture repair of the vascular defect or anastomosis (11 cases), vascular reconstruction with autogenous saphenous vein (3 cases) and synthetic vascular graft (4 cases). Conclusions: Because of the imminent clinical course, early operation is usually indicated. The operative treatment is effective and safe for most of the patients with post traumatic pseudoaneurysms and arteriovenous fistulas. 展开更多
关键词 Arteriovenous fistula Wounds and injuries Vascular surgery PSEUDOANEURYSM
Aortoduodenal fistula following aortic reconstruction of a pseudoaneurysm caused by stab wound 12 years ago
作者 Jian-cang ZHOU* Qiu-ping XU +2 位作者 Lai-gen SHEN Kong-han PAN Yi-ping MOU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期400-403,共4页
Gastrointestinal bleeding due to aortoenteric fistula is extremely rare.Aortoenteric fistula is difficult to be diagnosed timely and entails a significant morbidity and mortality.Herein,we present an uncommon case of ... Gastrointestinal bleeding due to aortoenteric fistula is extremely rare.Aortoenteric fistula is difficult to be diagnosed timely and entails a significant morbidity and mortality.Herein,we present an uncommon case of gastrointestinal bleeding caused by aortoduodenal fistula,which was a complication of a successful aortic reconstruction 4 months ago for an aortic pseudoaneurysm resulted from a stab wound 12 years ago.An urgent laparotomy confirmed an aortoduodenal fistula and repaired the defects in aorta and duodenum,but a prolonged shock led to the patient's death.In summary,early diagnosis and surgical intervention for aortoenteric fistula are vital for survival. 展开更多
关键词 Aortoduodenal fistula Aortic pseudoaneurysm Aortic reconstruction Stab wound
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