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作者 卢旭峰 上官明超 《中兽医医药杂志》 2002年第3期26-27,共2页
关键词 三仙加味治疗 病因 病理 症状 奶牛 伤料
作者 黄国强 《中兽医学杂志》 2020年第11期31-31,共1页
伤料系牲畜食精料特别是食生精料过多,食多役少,谷气伤于胃腑,凝滞于脾胃,使运化功能失职,邪热、谷气、料毒妄行于脏腑,致使减草恶料,四肢拘急疼痛的一种病证。本文就该病的中兽医验方疗法做一介绍,供大家参考。1病因病理本病多为食欲... 伤料系牲畜食精料特别是食生精料过多,食多役少,谷气伤于胃腑,凝滞于脾胃,使运化功能失职,邪热、谷气、料毒妄行于脏腑,致使减草恶料,四肢拘急疼痛的一种病证。本文就该病的中兽医验方疗法做一介绍,供大家参考。1病因病理本病多为食欲旺盛之畜,食生精料过多,劳役、乘骑太少;或饲后拴系、缺乏运动,使谷豆生料滞积胃腑,谷气料毒损伤胃气,致胃不腐熟,脾不运化,料毒积于胃肠之中;或因饱喂谷豆料后,使役过重,负重急奔,长途运输劳役,喂饮失节,致使谷豆料停积于胃肠,不能回转运化。 展开更多
关键词 食欲旺盛 长途运输 病因病理 伤料 运化功能 中兽医治疗
作者 林家义 林乐峰 《河南畜牧兽医(综合版)》 1993年第4期41-42,共2页
家畜伤料多因突然改变饲料或偷食大量精料、或使役减少所致。证见绝食或厌食精料,常打呵欠、耳搭头低、口色红、苔黄厚腻、口内干臭或酸臭难闻、粪中常含有不消化饲料、酸臭味烈、脉沉涩等症状。治疗:治宜消食导滞、理气和胃。方药:马... 家畜伤料多因突然改变饲料或偷食大量精料、或使役减少所致。证见绝食或厌食精料,常打呵欠、耳搭头低、口色红、苔黄厚腻、口内干臭或酸臭难闻、粪中常含有不消化饲料、酸臭味烈、脉沉涩等症状。治疗:治宜消食导滞、理气和胃。方药:马用曲蘖散(神曲、麦芽、山楂、甘草、厚朴、枳壳、陈皮、青皮、苍术); 展开更多
关键词 伤料 酸臭味 口色 曲蘖散 理气和胃 和胃消食汤 消食导滞 萝卜子 消导 下痢
作者 杨海珍 李生福 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》 2024年第3期60-60,共1页
据《元亨疗马集》载:“五攒痛者,气血凝滞于蹄也”[1]。五攒痛是动物临床常见病之一,由于食用精料过多引发消化系统紊乱,继而因体内吸收毒素而发病,故称为料伤五攒痛,也有因使役过重或持久乘骑而发病,又称为走伤五攒痛。近日,青海省牦... 据《元亨疗马集》载:“五攒痛者,气血凝滞于蹄也”[1]。五攒痛是动物临床常见病之一,由于食用精料过多引发消化系统紊乱,继而因体内吸收毒素而发病,故称为料伤五攒痛,也有因使役过重或持久乘骑而发病,又称为走伤五攒痛。近日,青海省牦牛繁育推广服务中心采用水乌钙疗法治疗一例马匹料伤五攒痛,疗效明显。 展开更多
关键词 《元亨疗马集》 五攒痛 气血凝滞 繁育推广 服务中心 牦牛 马匹 疗效明显
作者 王学明 《中兽医学杂志》 2015年第5期37-37,共1页
料伤五攒痛相当于西兽医的急性蹄叶炎。本病常发生于两后肢或两前肢,或者四肢同时发病。由于本病的典型症状是四肢聚于腹下,腰曲头低,形似五攒的特征,故中兽医称为五攒痛。1病因病机多因饲喂精料太多,饲料骤变,饱后使役急促,卒至卒栓,... 料伤五攒痛相当于西兽医的急性蹄叶炎。本病常发生于两后肢或两前肢,或者四肢同时发病。由于本病的典型症状是四肢聚于腹下,腰曲头低,形似五攒的特征,故中兽医称为五攒痛。1病因病机多因饲喂精料太多,饲料骤变,饱后使役急促,卒至卒栓,缺乏牵散,痞气结在胸中,淤血凝于蹄,遂成其患。亦可因肠黄或结症所继发,谷气料毒凝于脾胃,脾失健运,侵于经络,凝于蹄头而作痛。 展开更多
关键词 五攒痛 中兽医 蹄叶炎 腰曲 脾失健运 消化紊乱 蹄部 中西医结合 舌苔厚腻 口色
作者 李春生 王丽香 +2 位作者 张俊峰 高福林 张玉环 《中兽医医药杂志》 2001年第3期27-28,共2页
关键词 五攒 症状 诊断 中西兽医结合治疗
速愈乐^(TM)愈伤敷料治疗糖尿病足溃疡的临床研究 被引量:5
作者 王芳 袁南兵 +6 位作者 王玉珍 王椿 王爱红 余婷婷 刘关键 许樟荣 冉兴无 《中国修复重建外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期955-960,共6页
目的评价速愈乐TM愈伤敷料[Bismuth Subgallate/Borneol(SuileTM),BSB]治疗糖尿病足(diabeticfoot,DF)溃疡的有效性和安全性。方法研究为两个中心、随机、阳性敷料[清得佳(Intrasite gel,IG)水凝胶]的开放性对照(2∶1)试验。2005年9月-2... 目的评价速愈乐TM愈伤敷料[Bismuth Subgallate/Borneol(SuileTM),BSB]治疗糖尿病足(diabeticfoot,DF)溃疡的有效性和安全性。方法研究为两个中心、随机、阳性敷料[清得佳(Intrasite gel,IG)水凝胶]的开放性对照(2∶1)试验。2005年9月-2006年11月,共纳入Wagner 2~3级DF溃疡患者35例,其中试验组(BSB组)25例,对照组(IG组)10例。两组患者基线资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。两组患者均在DF综合治疗基础上加用相应敷料局部治疗。观察期间每周测量溃疡面积,观察创面出血情况,询问患者接受程度,同时记录不良事件至溃疡愈合或第12周试验结束。结果除BSB组3例和IG组2例敷料脱落外,其余患者均顺利完成试验。意向性治疗分析显示:BSB组患者溃疡完全愈合19例(76%),显效3例(12%),有效1例(4%),无效2例(8%);IG组完全愈合8例(80%),有效1例(10%),无效1例(10%)。符合方案分析显示:BSB组患者溃疡完全愈合19例(86%),显效3例(14%);IG组8例均完全愈合(100%)。两种分析结果两组间比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗期间两组溃疡面积变化趋势一致,各时间点两组间的止血作用无明显差异(P>0.05),患者更倾向于接受BSB敷料(P<0.05)。未出现与两种敷料有关的不良事件。结论 BSB愈伤敷料治疗DF溃疡疗效及安全性与IG敷料相当,可为DF局部治疗提供新的选择。 展开更多
关键词 速愈乐^(TM)愈 清得佳水凝胶敷 糖尿病足溃疡 随机对照试验
作者 石立华 陶宝祺 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第2期90+87-89,共4页
The use of piezoelectric material sensors in smart composite structures is investigated. An experimental structure bonded with lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramic(PZT) sensors is developed. These bonded sens... The use of piezoelectric material sensors in smart composite structures is investigated. An experimental structure bonded with lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramic(PZT) sensors is developed. These bonded sensors are employed to monitor load variations and transient impacts in the structure. Incorporated with pattern recognition approach, PZT sensors have succeeded in detecting the onset and location of damages. 展开更多
关键词 piezoelectric materials SENSORS DAMAGE health monitoring smart structure
Preliminary Study on Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase(PEPCase) Gene Introduced into Wheat
作者 张彬 马建军 贾栋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期26-28,共3页
[ Objective] The aim of this study was to introduce Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPCase) gene into common wheat Linyou 145. [ Method] With the material of common wheat Linyou 145, Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxyla... [ Objective] The aim of this study was to introduce Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPCase) gene into common wheat Linyou 145. [ Method] With the material of common wheat Linyou 145, Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPCase) gene was introduced into wheat embryo callus by the agrobacterium-mediated transformation system, and then analyzed through successive selection with selective medium con- taing gygrornycin to detect the gene at the molecular level. [Result] The hyg-resistant plants were obtained, and GUS histochemical staining showed the leaf of resistant plants was stained dark blue. The target bands appeared in PCR analysis. [ Conclusion] Phosphoenolpyruvate Car- boxylase (PEPCase) gene has been primarily introduced into the recipient material. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPCase) gene
Granular Effect of Fly Ash Repairs Damage of Recycled Coarse Aggregate 被引量:2
作者 李九苏 肖汉宁 龚建清 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2008年第2期177-180,共4页
Repairing effect of fly ash (FA) on damage of recycled coarse aggregate was evaluated by characteristics of pores and cracks in the vicinity of interracial transition zone (ITZ). The interracial structure between ... Repairing effect of fly ash (FA) on damage of recycled coarse aggregate was evaluated by characteristics of pores and cracks in the vicinity of interracial transition zone (ITZ). The interracial structure between the virgin aggregate and the attached old mortar was investigated and compared with ITZ of recycled aggregate concrete in the presence of FA or ultra-fine FA(UFA) by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM). Diameter and plumpness frequency distribution of pores as well as width of the old ITZ, length of contacting points and cracks density were analyzed. The SEM results reveal that the diameter of pores is decreases significantly but pores plumpness increases. A decreased ITZ width and cracks density as well as an increased bonding zone length can also been observed, which indicates that FA or UFA repairs damage of recycled coarse aggregate due to its granular effect. 展开更多
关键词 pores structure characteristics of interfaciial transition zone fly ash repairing effect
Relationship between subsurface damage and surface roughness of ground optical materials 被引量:4
作者 李圣怡 王卓 吴宇列 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第4期546-551,共6页
A theoretical model of relationship between subsurface damage and surface roughness was established to realize rapid and non-destructive measurement of subsurface damage of ground optical materials.Postulated conditio... A theoretical model of relationship between subsurface damage and surface roughness was established to realize rapid and non-destructive measurement of subsurface damage of ground optical materials.Postulated condition of the model was that subsurface damage depth and peak-to-valley surface roughness are equal to depth of radial and lateral cracks in brittle surface induced by small-radius(radius≤200 μm)spherical indenter,respectively.And contribution of elastic stress field to the radial cracks propagation was also considered in the loading cycle.Subsurface damage depth of ground BK7 glasses was measured by magnetorheological finishing spot technique to validate theoretical ratio of subsurface damage to surface roughness.The results show that the ratio is directly proportional to load of abrasive grains and hardness of optical materials,while inversely proportional to granularity of abrasive grains and fracture toughness of optical materials.Moreover,the influence of the load and fracture toughness on the ratio is more significant than the granularity and hardness,respectively.The measured ratios of 80 grit and 120 grit fixed abrasive grinding of BK7 glasses are 5.8 and 5.4,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 subsurface damage spherical indenter optical materials grinding process magnetorheological finishing
Statistical damage model for quasi-brittle materials under uniaxial tension 被引量:4
作者 陈健云 白卫峰 +1 位作者 范书立 林皋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第4期669-676,共8页
Based on the parallel bar system, combining with the synergetic method, the catastrophe theory and the acoustic emission test, a new motivated statistical damage model for quasi-brittle solid was developed. Taking con... Based on the parallel bar system, combining with the synergetic method, the catastrophe theory and the acoustic emission test, a new motivated statistical damage model for quasi-brittle solid was developed. Taking concrete for instances, the rationality and the flexibility of this model and its parameters-determining method were identified by the comparative analyses between theoretical and experimental curves. The results show that the model can simulate the whole damage and fracture process in the fracture process zone of material when the materials arc exposed to quasi-static uniaxial tensile traction. The influence of the mesoscopic damage mechanism on the macroscopic mechanical properties of quasi-brittle materials is summarized into two aspects, rupture damage and yield damage. The whole damage course is divided into the statistical even damage phase and the local breach phase, corresponding to the two stages described by the catastrophe theory. The two characteristic states, the peak nominal stress state and the critical state are distinguished, and the critical state plays a key role during the whole damage evolution course. 展开更多
关键词 quasi-brittle material damage mechanism MICROSTRUCTURE tensile properties fracture process zone
Embankment deformation analyzed by elastoplastic damage model coupling consolidation theory
作者 Hong SUN Xihong ZHAO 《Global Geology》 2006年第2期156-160,共5页
The deformation, of embankment has serious influences on neighboring structure and infrastructure. A trial embankment is reanalyzed by elastoplastic damage model coupling Blot' s consolidation theory. With the increa... The deformation, of embankment has serious influences on neighboring structure and infrastructure. A trial embankment is reanalyzed by elastoplastic damage model coupling Blot' s consolidation theory. With the increase in time of loading, the damage accumulation becomes larger. Under the centre and toe of embankment, damage becomes serious. Under the centre of embankment, vertical damage values are bigger than horizontal ones. Under the toe of embankment, horizontal damage values are bigger than vertical ones. 展开更多
关键词 embankment deformation consolidation theory elastoplastic damage model
Effects of different flui replacements on serum HSP70 and lymphocyte DNA damage in college athletes during exercise at high ambient temperatures 被引量:1
作者 Hee-Tae Roh Su-Youn Cho +2 位作者 Wi-Young So Il-Young Paik Sang-Hoon Suh 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第4期448-455,共8页
Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of flui replacement by water or sports drinks on serum heat shock protein 70(HSP70) levels and DNA damage during exercise at a high ambient temperature.M... Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of flui replacement by water or sports drinks on serum heat shock protein 70(HSP70) levels and DNA damage during exercise at a high ambient temperature.Methods:Ten male college athletes with an athletic career ranging from 6 to 11 years were recruited from Yonsei University.The subjects ran on a treadmill at 75% of heart rate reserve during 4 different trials:thermoneutral temperature at 18℃(T),high ambient temperature at 32℃ without flui replacement(H),high ambient temperature at 32℃ with water replacement(HW),and high ambient temperature at 32℃ with sports drink replacement(HS).During each condition,blood samples were collected at the pre-exercise baseline(PEB),immediately after exercise(IAE),and60 min post-exercise.Results:Skin temperature significant y increased during exercise and was significant y higher in H compared to T and HS at IAE.Meanwhile,serum HSP70 was significant y increased in all conditions at IAE compared to PEB and was higher in H compared to T at the former time point.Significant y increased lymphocyte DNA damage(DNA in the tail,tail length,tail moment) was observed in all trials at IAE compared to PEB,and attenuated DNA damage(tail moment) was observed in HS compared to H at IAE.Conclusion:Acute exercise elevates serum HSP70 and induces lymphocyte DNA damage.Fluid replacement by sports drink during exercise at high ambient temperature can attenuate HSP response and DNA damage by preventing dehydration and reducing thermal stress. 展开更多
关键词 Acute exercise DNA damage Fluid replacement Heat stress HSP70 Sports drink
Nonlinear Dynamic Buckling of Damaged Composite Cylindrical Shells
作者 王天霖 唐文勇 张圣坤 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第1期66-72,共7页
Based on the first order shear deformation theory(FSDT), the nonlinear dynamic equations involving transverse shear deformation and initial geometric imperfections were obtained by Hamilton's philosophy. Geometric... Based on the first order shear deformation theory(FSDT), the nonlinear dynamic equations involving transverse shear deformation and initial geometric imperfections were obtained by Hamilton's philosophy. Geometric deformation of the composite cylindrical shell was treated as the initial geometric imperfection in the dynamic equations, which were solved by the semi-analytical method in this paper. Stiffness reduction was employed for the damaged sub-layer, and the equivalent stiffness matrix was obtained for the delaminated area. By circumferential Fourier series expansions for shell displacements and loads and by using Galerkin technique, the nonlinear partial differential equations were transformed to ordinary differential equations which were finally solved by the finite difference method. The buckling was judged from shell responses by B-R criteria, and critical loads were then determined. The effect of the initial geometric deformation on the dynamic response and buckling of composite cylindrical shell was also discussed, as well as the effects of concomitant delamination and sub-layer matrix damages. 展开更多
关键词 composite materials cylindrical shell damage dynamic response dynamic buckling semi-analytical method
作者 张世忠 《兽医导刊》 1994年第4期38-40,共3页
笔者从1977年5月至1994年8月先后治疗马属动物的蹄叶炎18例(马3例、骡子10例、驴5例)。现根据临床症状和病因分析,结合中西医理论、方药,将蹄叶炎辨证施治的体会谈一下:一、病因病理:(一)急性蹄叶炎:1.因喂精料太盛、运动不足或卒走卒拴... 笔者从1977年5月至1994年8月先后治疗马属动物的蹄叶炎18例(马3例、骡子10例、驴5例)。现根据临床症状和病因分析,结合中西医理论、方药,将蹄叶炎辨证施治的体会谈一下:一、病因病理:(一)急性蹄叶炎:1.因喂精料太盛、运动不足或卒走卒拴,脾胃运化失常,谷气料毒凝于脾胃、侵于经络,淤血凝于蹄头,遂成其患而作痛,故中兽医称为料伤五攒痛。从现代医学上看, 展开更多
关键词 蹄叶炎 马属动物 五攒痛 脾胃运化 病因分析 临床症状 中西药结合治疗 中西医理论 蹄部 中兽医
Potential of acoustic emissions from three point bending tests as rock failure precursors 被引量:8
作者 Agioutantis Z. Kaklis K. +3 位作者 Mavrigiannakis S. Verigakis M. Vallianatos F. Saltas V. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期155-160,共6页
Development of failure in brittle materials is associated with microcracks,which release energy in the form of elastic waves called acoustic emissions. This paper presents results from acoustic emission measurements o... Development of failure in brittle materials is associated with microcracks,which release energy in the form of elastic waves called acoustic emissions. This paper presents results from acoustic emission measurements obtained during three point bending tests on Nestos marble under laboratory conditions.Acoustic emission activity was monitored using piezoelectric acoustic emission sensors,and the potential for accurate prediction of rock damage based on acoustic emission data was investigated. Damage localization was determined based on acoustic emissions generated from the critically stressed region as scattered events at stresses below and close to the strength of the material. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic emissionsThree point bending testIndirect tensile strengthCrack localizationNestos marble
Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams with high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites 被引量:4
作者 SIVA Chidambaram R PANKAJ Agarwal 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期2609-2622,共14页
This article presents an experimental study on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete(RC)beams with fiber reinforced cementitious composites(FRCC)and hybrid fiber reinforced cementitious composites(HFRCC)in t... This article presents an experimental study on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete(RC)beams with fiber reinforced cementitious composites(FRCC)and hybrid fiber reinforced cementitious composites(HFRCC)in the hinge portion.Beam specimens with moderate confinement were used in the study and tested under monotonic loading.Seven diverse types of FRCC including hybrid composites using fibers in different profiles and in different volumes are employed in this study.Companion specimens such as cylindrical specimens and prism specimens are also used to study the physical properties of composites employed.The moment?curvature,stiffness behavior,ductility,crack pattern and modified flexural damage ratio are the main factors considered in this study to observe the efficacy of the employed hybrid composites.The experimental outputs demonstrate the improved post yield behavior with less rate of stiffness degradation and better damage tolerance capacity than conventional technique. 展开更多
关键词 reinforced concrete beams fiber reinforced composites flexural behavior flexural damage ratio
Comparison of Distillation Methods of Mentha cordifolia Opiz, Essential Oil on Antibacterial Activity for Application Use in Animal Feeds
作者 U. Pudpila S. Khempaka W. Molee C. Hormta 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1336-1340,共5页
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different distillation methods of Mentha cordifolia Opiz. essential oil on antibacterial activity. The essential oils were isolated by water and steam, hydro, ethanol... This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different distillation methods of Mentha cordifolia Opiz. essential oil on antibacterial activity. The essential oils were isolated by water and steam, hydro, ethanol, and 3methanol: lethanol distillations. Moreover, we also compared the efficacy of these various distillations with commercial peppermint oil. Essential oils were tested in vitro against three pathogen bacteria species by sensitivity test include disc diffusion assay (DD), minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) and maximal bactericidal concentration (MBC). Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium were used in this investigation. The results showed that the water and steam distillation and 3methanol: lethanol under tested by DD assay was found to be effective against all the pathogenic bacteria, in which the zone of inhibition exhibited E. coil S. aureus and S. typhimurium were 9.67 ± 0.35, 11.67 ± 0.66, 18.0± 1.15 and 9.00 ± 0.05, 8.3 ± 0.35, 19.0 ± 0.00 ram, respectively. While the hydro and ethanol distillations did action to against only E. coli which the inhibition zones were 8.67 ± 0.66 and 8.67 ± 0.35 mm, respectively. However, the commercial oil was more effective against tested pathogenic bacteria than all M. cordifolia essential oil. In case of MIC and MBC assays, the results showed that all essential oil distillation methods posed antibacterial potential in which the water and steam distillation showed the lowest MIC and MBC values against E. coli, S. aureus and S. typhimurium. It is suggested that among all M. cordifolia essential oil extractions, water and steam distillation was found to be highly bactericidal as it has shown in lowest MIC and MBC values and high in growth inhibition zone diameter. 展开更多
关键词 Mentha cordifolia Opiz. essential oil antibacterial activity sensitivity test.
Impact Dynamics on Granular Plate
作者 Michele Buonsanti Giovanni Leonardi Francesco Scopelliti Francis Cirianni 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第9期738-746,共9页
In this paper, a theoretical and numerical study on the impact of a rubber solid on the free surface of a granular plate is presented, showing a simulation of an aircraft wheel on impact with a flexible landing surfac... In this paper, a theoretical and numerical study on the impact of a rubber solid on the free surface of a granular plate is presented, showing a simulation of an aircraft wheel on impact with a flexible landing surface. This physical action, when we use a theological approach, becomes a fundamental parameter to investigate wear and tear, and consequently strength to micro and macro pavements failure. The study has developed initially from a microscopic point of view and subsequently on macroscale. The effects are strictly linked with material degradation associated with damage evolution. The problem is developed by energetic approach on an elastic-plastic element using the functional energy containing two contributions, bulk and surface. The model simulates the behaviour of flexible runway pavements during the landing phase. 展开更多
关键词 IMPACT FEM (finite element model) airport pavement aircraft landing.
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