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蚕桑丝绸文化的时尚传播实践研究--以广东省伦教蚕种场为例 被引量:1
作者 米平平 郝丽 高雨宁 《广东蚕业》 2023年第1期8-11,15,共5页
中国蚕桑丝绸文化历史悠久,是中华文明不可或缺的组成部分,然而,目前蚕桑丝绸文化的传承与发展面临挑战。在社会快速发展的今天,年轻人更加注重追求快时尚,而忽略了中国传统蚕桑丝绸文化所具备的独特美,蚕桑丝绸文化作为中华民族的文化... 中国蚕桑丝绸文化历史悠久,是中华文明不可或缺的组成部分,然而,目前蚕桑丝绸文化的传承与发展面临挑战。在社会快速发展的今天,年轻人更加注重追求快时尚,而忽略了中国传统蚕桑丝绸文化所具备的独特美,蚕桑丝绸文化作为中华民族的文化标识,不应该被遗忘。文章探讨了在时尚语境中该如何创新蚕桑丝绸文化的传播形式与内容,以期让蚕桑丝绸文化在新时代绽放出更加夺目的光彩。 展开更多
关键词 蚕桑丝绸文化 时尚传播 伦教蚕种场
作者 郝丽 米平平 李天晰 《广东蚕业》 2022年第11期17-19,24,共4页
中国蚕桑丝绸文化历史悠久,是中华文明不可或缺的组成部分。然而目前,广东蚕桑丝绸文化的传承与发展面临挑战,其直接表现在广东乃至全国的蚕业经济发展较为滞后,以及蚕丝制品及其衍生品的生产剩余上。文章通过追溯中国蚕桑丝绸文化的历... 中国蚕桑丝绸文化历史悠久,是中华文明不可或缺的组成部分。然而目前,广东蚕桑丝绸文化的传承与发展面临挑战,其直接表现在广东乃至全国的蚕业经济发展较为滞后,以及蚕丝制品及其衍生品的生产剩余上。文章通过追溯中国蚕桑丝绸文化的历史沿革,结合广东省蚕桑丝绸文化特征分析伦教蚕种场的蚕桑产业发展现状,建立符合伦教蚕种场实际情况的新媒体传播方案,为广东蚕桑产业转型升级提供合适的传播与推广方案。 展开更多
关键词 蚕桑丝绸文化 蚕桑产业 伦教蚕种场 新媒体传播与推广
伦教立交设计 被引量:1
作者 何颖川 《黑龙江交通科技》 2008年第1期80-81,共2页
关键词 伦教互通立交 方案 设计
作者 王承强 齐英杰 颜良 《林业机械与木工设备》 北大核心 2004年第7期7-9,共3页
关键词 顺德伦教木工机械商会 制造业 发展历史 产销基地
关于伦教街道防洪排涝方案的初步探究 被引量:5
作者 吴瑞霖 王鑫 林蓉璇 《广东水利水电》 2023年第1期72-77,共6页
以佛山市伦教街道为例,通过建立珠江三角洲一维河网水动力模型,结合城市总体规划,对城市行洪排涝能力进行分析演算,计算发现现状与伦教大涌、桂畔涌连通的4个节制闸可控制辖区外涝水汇入,新建黄麻涌二站和3个调蓄湖可降低围内水位,但仍... 以佛山市伦教街道为例,通过建立珠江三角洲一维河网水动力模型,结合城市总体规划,对城市行洪排涝能力进行分析演算,计算发现现状与伦教大涌、桂畔涌连通的4个节制闸可控制辖区外涝水汇入,新建黄麻涌二站和3个调蓄湖可降低围内水位,但仍无法达到规划防洪排涝要求,考虑新建节制闸、疏浚河涌、新建(扩建)排涝泵站、建设调蓄湖等方案,可有效提高该地区防洪排涝能力,可为类似工程提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 伦教街道 防洪排涝 数值模拟
作者 廖锡祥 《餐饮世界》 2004年第25期60-60,共1页
关键词 伦教 广东 小吃 风味 品尝 美食
作者 黄新华 《广东水利水电》 2012年第A01期84-85,106,共3页
关键词 伦教排区 排涝规划 调蓄 平湖法 设计流量
《海洋世界》 2006年第1期29-29,共1页
伦教糕,广东省顺德市伦教镇特产。据《顺德地方志》介绍:早在明代,伦教糕已远近闻名,无论官家商家,都对伦教特产倍感兴趣。平时伦教河畔,总有三五号专来购买伦教糕的外地船舶停靠岸边,有时一天能来此十多支船。形形色色的外地客... 伦教糕,广东省顺德市伦教镇特产。据《顺德地方志》介绍:早在明代,伦教糕已远近闻名,无论官家商家,都对伦教特产倍感兴趣。平时伦教河畔,总有三五号专来购买伦教糕的外地船舶停靠岸边,有时一天能来此十多支船。形形色色的外地客人不远百里,慕名而至,又在集镇上招摇过市,也成为当地一个风景了。镇上制作伦教糕的人家及作坊不在少数, 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 顺德市 广东省 地方志 船舶 伦教 制作方法
作者 潘有强 《广东安全生产》 2022年第12期60-61,共2页
关键词 伦教国际安全社区 社区建设与发展 安全防范
宗教情怀与人文理性——论许地山的儒教观 被引量:2
作者 刘雪飞 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期20-26,共7页
许地山是20世纪初期较早从现代意义上对"儒"及儒教进行宏观审视的学者之一。依许地山,儒在源起上不应止于所谓的"殷民宗教者"而应推设到更为久远的史前时期。原初的儒,本身具有进一步转化成教门的潜能,社会的光景... 许地山是20世纪初期较早从现代意义上对"儒"及儒教进行宏观审视的学者之一。依许地山,儒在源起上不应止于所谓的"殷民宗教者"而应推设到更为久远的史前时期。原初的儒,本身具有进一步转化成教门的潜能,社会的光景、师儒之职、加之"《书》的理想"促使儒的名号自孔子之后逐渐演变为一种特殊的教义,而儒教正统地位的确立、神学化儒教的生成也有其自身的情势和客观的缘由;作为"伦教运动"的儒教比作为"神教运动"的儒教更合乎情理,故儒教在未来若欲成为一"新宗教",必定要有"社会灵魂",能切实抓住生活的根源,也还要在人群上寻求"更高的联络";现代儒家若能"谋诸宗教的沟通",用"宋儒的精神"以整理儒教的旧教义,就能使之成为一"高尚的宗教"。许地山的儒教观是其宗教情怀与人文理性精神的集中体现,对于儒学的现代开展具有十分重要的提示意义。 展开更多
关键词 许地山 伦教运动 新宗教 宗教沟通 宋儒精神
创设德育的空间——“促进学生自主发展的德育行动研究”初探 被引量:2
作者 冯景南 叶丽芬 《教育导刊(上半月)》 北大核心 2006年第1期29-31,共3页
关键词 广东 顺德市 伦教中学 镇属完全中学 自主发展 德育模式 行动研究
胎教存在的问题及改进方法 被引量:1
作者 唐蓉芳 《西部医学》 2007年第4期632-633,共2页
胎教对胎儿几乎没有直接的积极作用,相反,现在的胎教可能会对胎儿产生伤害。医生擅自使用未经科学验证和卫生部门批准的胎教方法进行临床试验,是有违医学论理的。本文论述了胎教存在的问题,胎教中对胎儿的不良影响,并提出了胎教对母体... 胎教对胎儿几乎没有直接的积极作用,相反,现在的胎教可能会对胎儿产生伤害。医生擅自使用未经科学验证和卫生部门批准的胎教方法进行临床试验,是有违医学论理的。本文论述了胎教存在的问题,胎教中对胎儿的不良影响,并提出了胎教对母体的心理学价值,同时对现在的胎教改进提出了新的观点。 展开更多
关键词 胎教 医学伦理 不良影响 心理作用
作者 陈纯 潘觉蛮 吴筱华 《烹调知识》 2009年第11X期102-107,共6页
小吃在粤语里叫做"小食","小食"之名,源于汉晋时代,一般用餐时间在下午三四点钟左右,是正餐时间以外的辅助性饮食。而在广州,小吃和点心又有所区分;传统的粤式点心取材多样,制作精细,花式繁多,咸甜兼备,口味清新。... 小吃在粤语里叫做"小食","小食"之名,源于汉晋时代,一般用餐时间在下午三四点钟左右,是正餐时间以外的辅助性饮食。而在广州,小吃和点心又有所区分;传统的粤式点心取材多样,制作精细,花式繁多,咸甜兼备,口味清新。如今的粤点在持续注重工艺性和实惠性的同时,正在融入西化,或采用东南亚用料等新的元素,不断地发展变化着。 展开更多
关键词 马蹄糕 艺性 老婆饼 汉晋 三四 伦教 馅料 萝卜糕 蒸制 蒸熟
作者 徐徐 茱妮Julie(图) +5 位作者 吕威(图) 小松atrx(图) 哈哈的犀牛jio Still-Life(图) 菲得住(图) 林光耀(图) 倪海王(图) 《城市地理》 2021年第5期40-49,共10页
“‘玫瑰白糖伦教糕!’‘虾肉蚀面!’‘五香茶叶蛋!’这是四五年前,闸北一带弄堂内外叫卖零食的声音,假使当时记录了下来,从早到夜,恐怕总可以有二三十样。”这是鲁迅在《弄堂生意古今谈》中,怀念上世纪二三十年代他在上海所了解到的传... “‘玫瑰白糖伦教糕!’‘虾肉蚀面!’‘五香茶叶蛋!’这是四五年前,闸北一带弄堂内外叫卖零食的声音,假使当时记录了下来,从早到夜,恐怕总可以有二三十样。”这是鲁迅在《弄堂生意古今谈》中,怀念上世纪二三十年代他在上海所了解到的传统小吃情况。老上海人对精致生活的追求,在最平凡的传统小吃中便可窥见一二。所谓精致,讲究的是心思,与花钱多少无关。 展开更多
关键词 五香茶叶蛋 传统小吃 虾肉 零食 新与旧 弄堂 二三十年代 伦教
作者 江镕(文/图) 李施敏 《环境》 2019年第12期68-70,共3页
说到广东的很多地市,第一时间让人联想到的都是与之对应的特色美食,伦教便是其中之一。不少人知道伦教就是先因伦教糕而起,这款由籼米粉、西谷米等原料制成的糕点,糕体晶莹雪白、表层油润光洁,质爽软而润滑、味甜冽而清香,作为由佛山市... 说到广东的很多地市,第一时间让人联想到的都是与之对应的特色美食,伦教便是其中之一。不少人知道伦教就是先因伦教糕而起,这款由籼米粉、西谷米等原料制成的糕点,糕体晶莹雪白、表层油润光洁,质爽软而润滑、味甜冽而清香,作为由佛山市顺德区伦教镇传出的岭南地区传统糕点小吃。 展开更多
关键词 传统糕点 籼米粉 佛山市顺德区 特色美食 岭南地区 伦教 西谷米 小吃
Ethical, Religious, and Psychological Aspects of Euthanasia: Qualitative Study of Japanese Roman Catholics
作者 Sylwia Maria Olejarz 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期481-491,共11页
The main aim of this qualitative work is to explore the scope, nature of existing doubts, concerns, and objections, which arose in the mentality of selected groups of Japanese Roman Catholics, and to provide the typol... The main aim of this qualitative work is to explore the scope, nature of existing doubts, concerns, and objections, which arose in the mentality of selected groups of Japanese Roman Catholics, and to provide the typology of these findings. The method used in this research was based on specially devised questionnaires. This method aimed to collect qualitative data. The results obtained from questionnaires delivered in selected groups of Japanese Roman Catholics (Hokkaido prefecture) inform that there is a very deep gap between understanding of the concept of euthanasia and its acceptance/rejection. This investigation also reveals the hierarchy of values in the mentioned context. In conclusion, the concept of euthanasia is very often confused with so called "death with dignity" (Songenshi) and because of this fact it is not clear, what action is consistent with the religious doctrine and what is against. This confusion might be a crucial factor which determines the attitude towards rejection/acceptance/withdrawal from the decision concerning euthanasia in the group of Japanese Roman Catholics. 展开更多
关键词 EUTHANASIA Japan Japanese Roman Catholics death and dying body and tissues palliative care spiritual care
Learning Business Ethics in Schools
作者 Helen Wong Raymond Wong 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第10期1048-1054,共7页
Business ethics is a contemporary issue among business professionals. To enhance business ethics in the long run, educating future business professionals in colleges (i.e., college students) is one of the starting p... Business ethics is a contemporary issue among business professionals. To enhance business ethics in the long run, educating future business professionals in colleges (i.e., college students) is one of the starting points. This paper aims to investigate students' perceptions on business ethics, such as their perceived importance of business ethics, knowledge of and interest in business ethics, their preferred method of introducing business ethics, and the perceived usefulness of learning business ethics in lessons. Focus groups will be used to collect feedback on these issues from students with different gender and seniority in colleges. This study will give insights into the students' perceptions on business ethics and suggest ways/methodology to increase the awareness of business ethics in colleges. Business professionals and educators can make reference to the findings to develop relevant materials on business ethics to their employees and students. 展开更多
关键词 business ethics students' perceptions business ethics education
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Study of Ethics in World Religions
作者 Matt Sheedy 《History Research》 2013年第3期154-164,共11页
In this essay, I make the claim that the study of religion suffers from an identity crisis that is made all the worse by an inability to effectively navigate not only the many divisions within the field, but also the ... In this essay, I make the claim that the study of religion suffers from an identity crisis that is made all the worse by an inability to effectively navigate not only the many divisions within the field, but also the many ways in which influences external to the realm of scholarship, including media, university administration, and public opinion, represent significant areas of discourse that need to be better integrated into our scholarly work. In conclusion, I argue that a greater attention to the ethical or social value of social theory can go a long way in helping to clarify what is at stake, and perhaps even bridge some of these divides without loosing academic integrity. 展开更多
关键词 social theory RELIGION ETHICS DISCOURSE public sphere
Different London: A comparison of William Wordsworth's Composed upon Westminster bridge and William Blake's London
作者 CHEN Yan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第10期51-54,共4页
This paper is an exploration of how London is portrayed differently in two poems--William Wordsworth's Composed upon Westminster bridge and William Blake's London. In Wordsworth's poem Composed upon Westminster bri... This paper is an exploration of how London is portrayed differently in two poems--William Wordsworth's Composed upon Westminster bridge and William Blake's London. In Wordsworth's poem Composed upon Westminster bridge, the natural beauty of London is impressed deeply upon every reader. On the contrary, William Blake describes a dark, inactive and suffering city of London. With detailed analysis of the texts of the two poems, this paper shows how the two poets express different views of London. 展开更多
关键词 LONDON William Wordsworth William Blake DIFFERENT
Developmental Programming of Ethical Consciousness: Impact on B ioscience Ethics Education and Learning
作者 Irina Pollard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期431-442,共12页
Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly inf... Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly influences a person's actions and conduct when solving problems of what is thought, or taught to be, right or wrong Compelling neurological evidence supports the claim that children begin to develop enduring ethical standards at an early age and that these standards are largely based on the experiences of early childhood. Essentially, the innate sense of ethics requires nurturing during infancy before it can be cognitively understood and practiced in maturity. In biological terms, the development of neural networks that regulate emotional growth, and subsequently, the capacity for ethical discrimination, depends on the infant's early social environment. Thus, the toddler's early epigenetic experiences enhance, or impede, its innate still dormant genetic potential. Importantly, personal character development and ethical discrimination begins long before the child's formal educational years. As a consequence, early learning has to discover ways of conserving adaptive thinking which can be applied to the choices that may confront future generations. Early ethics education, including accurate access to scientific, medical, and technological knowledge, is thus critical. Future generations will increasingly require education from a global perspective when making major ethical decisions in areas, such as nuclear technology, disposal of wastes, preservation of biodiversity, global warming, and unregulated human population growth. As long as our culture continues to reflect advances in science and technology, there is an obligation to make science education overlap with crucial periods in the advancement of ethical consciousness. Significantly, when considering the human capacity for excess at times of conflict, it is incumbent on the scientific community to integrate research-based knowledge with wide-ranging learning and problem-solving skills. Bioscience ethics, the established interface bridging applied science and applied bioethics, can assist in this process of integration. To become fully responsible adults, we must share our extraordinary cognitive talents and respect life on earth in all its rich diversity. In biological terms, human uniqueness resides primarily in our brains with its products being co-operation in family and ancestral units, long education, sophisticated language and culture, and importantly, ethical consciousness-all attributes held in trust by knowledge and wisdom for future generations. 展开更多
关键词 human brain programming evolution and ethics NEUROETHICS primary and secondary emotions bioscience ethics bioscience ethics education early childhood education
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