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伦理人生的义理与实践——梁漱溟在现代新儒家阵营中的特色与贡献 被引量:1
作者 徐福来 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期28-32,共5页
现代新儒家阵营中,梁漱溟是将理论与实践、道德与制度、人生安顿问题与社会现实熔铸一炉、双向并建的极少数思想家之一。他的思想特色与贡献在于以下三个方面:第一,通过自己独特的生命体悟,倡导"孔子之真",抉发孔子的生命智慧... 现代新儒家阵营中,梁漱溟是将理论与实践、道德与制度、人生安顿问题与社会现实熔铸一炉、双向并建的极少数思想家之一。他的思想特色与贡献在于以下三个方面:第一,通过自己独特的生命体悟,倡导"孔子之真",抉发孔子的生命智慧,从而使儒家伦理之真精神得以彰显;第二,敏锐地意识到如果没有规矩制度或道德规范的制约作用,道德生活也就难以实现;第三,指出现代化的鹄的不仅仅是为了富强,更主要的是为了安顿人的生命。梁漱溟立足于中国特有的伦理人生精神来寻求中国的出路并安顿中国人的人生这一思考方向,将在21世纪乃至未来的中国及世界越来越凸显其意义。 展开更多
关键词 梁漱溟 新儒家 伦理人生 义理 实践
梁漱溟人生伦理思想的建构与价值指向 被引量:1
作者 方熹 《伦理学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期62-68,共7页
梁漱溟人生伦理思想的主旨之一就是复兴先秦儒家的人生价值观念,并在中西印哲学比较中凸显了儒家人生伦理的圆融品质和跨越时空的独特价值与精神气质。梁漱溟把宇宙生命作为思考人生伦理的起点,以人“性本善”作为价值理论的前提,在直... 梁漱溟人生伦理思想的主旨之一就是复兴先秦儒家的人生价值观念,并在中西印哲学比较中凸显了儒家人生伦理的圆融品质和跨越时空的独特价值与精神气质。梁漱溟把宇宙生命作为思考人生伦理的起点,以人“性本善”作为价值理论的前提,在直觉的指引下营造一个互相尊重、尚情无我的伦理价值社会,并对伦理本位主义作出了自己的独特阐释与评价。开掘梁漱溟人生伦理思想的现代价值并予以创造性转换,有助于当代中国新型人生伦理思想的建构与弘扬。 展开更多
关键词 梁漱溟 人生伦理思想 建构 价值
基于人生伦理视角的《思想道德修养与法律基础》 教材内容的逻辑解构 被引量:1
作者 邵春凤 王茹春 《黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报》 2021年第1期140-142,共3页
《思想道德修养与法律基础》(2018版)教材知识内容模块化,结构特征不明显,需要基于一定视角予以释明和挖掘。依据该课程目标,探寻教材内容的编撰思路,从人生伦理视角对教材内容的内在自然逻辑结构进行解析,揭示教材隐含的人生伦理逻辑... 《思想道德修养与法律基础》(2018版)教材知识内容模块化,结构特征不明显,需要基于一定视角予以释明和挖掘。依据该课程目标,探寻教材内容的编撰思路,从人生伦理视角对教材内容的内在自然逻辑结构进行解析,揭示教材隐含的人生伦理逻辑线索。 展开更多
关键词 人生伦理 思想道德修养与法律基础 教材内容 逻辑结构
作者 王京 《达县师范高等专科学校学报》 2004年第6期15-17,22,共4页
孔子的伦理思想对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理都予以了充分的重视。但由于孔子将其全部思想体系建立在血缘关系之上,对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理作了通性的理解,容易导致重视私人生活伦理而忽视公共生活伦理的倾向,对当代中国道德建... 孔子的伦理思想对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理都予以了充分的重视。但由于孔子将其全部思想体系建立在血缘关系之上,对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理作了通性的理解,容易导致重视私人生活伦理而忽视公共生活伦理的倾向,对当代中国道德建设有着深刻的负面影响。在社会主义道德建设中,我们要确立公共生活伦理的优先地位,加强公共生活伦理建设,形成符合社会主义道德建设要求的道德体系。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 人生伦理 公共生活伦理 道德建设
从爱情启蒙到梦醒后的绝望看女性的悲剧命运 被引量:2
作者 柴旭健 李向东 花萌 《西安外国语大学学报》 2010年第1期64-66,78,共4页
索伦·阿拜·克尔凯郭尔的《一个诱惑者的日记》和梅娘的《鱼》通过男人对少女诱惑与抛弃的过程,揭示了爱情理想与现实人生的不可调和。两位作者,一个从男性视角出发追求爱情的美感理想,逃避婚姻的责任;一个从女性视角出发追求... 索伦·阿拜·克尔凯郭尔的《一个诱惑者的日记》和梅娘的《鱼》通过男人对少女诱惑与抛弃的过程,揭示了爱情理想与现实人生的不可调和。两位作者,一个从男性视角出发追求爱情的美感理想,逃避婚姻的责任;一个从女性视角出发追求爱情、婚姻、幸福的"三位一体"。男人的诱惑,对堕入"情网"的少女客观上发挥了爱情启蒙的作用。她们的爱情悲剧和命运悲剧揭示了男权社会是女性永恒的命运之网,悲剧之源。 展开更多
关键词 审美人生 伦理人生 宗教人生
关于《论语》书名的研究——兼与敖晶女士商榷 被引量:5
作者 柳向春 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期73-75,共3页
《论语》是儒家最主要的经典之一,关于它的得名历来多以为是因根据“论”的“论纂”之意。但本文认为我们可以借用“右文说”的观点来考察这一问题,即凡从“仑”得声的字多与“条理”、“规则”这一涵义有关;而《论语》之“论”之所以... 《论语》是儒家最主要的经典之一,关于它的得名历来多以为是因根据“论”的“论纂”之意。但本文认为我们可以借用“右文说”的观点来考察这一问题,即凡从“仑”得声的字多与“条理”、“规则”这一涵义有关;而《论语》之“论”之所以应该读为平声,则又是一种破读。故而,“论语”就是“伦语”,也就是一本阐发人生伦理规则的图书。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 得名 书名 “伦语” 人生伦理规则
人生伦理视角下《思想道德修养与法律基础》教材体系之重构 被引量:1
作者 王茹春 卢宏业 《林区教学》 2015年第7期57-59,共3页
2013年新修订的《思想道德修养与法律基础》教材体现出有中国特色的社会主义理论和实践的创新成果以及思想政治教育学科的新进展。但存在着内容与体系结构缺陷,影响教材内容体系的科学化及向教学体系的转化。从大学生人生伦理视角,以大... 2013年新修订的《思想道德修养与法律基础》教材体现出有中国特色的社会主义理论和实践的创新成果以及思想政治教育学科的新进展。但存在着内容与体系结构缺陷,影响教材内容体系的科学化及向教学体系的转化。从大学生人生伦理视角,以大学生人生历程所发生的伦理关系及思想行为规范为主线,围绕大学生在成长成才的人生历程中与自我、社会及自然所发生的各种伦理关系,认知与处理规范(道德、法治等方面),构建“思想道德修养与法律基础”知识结构与内容框架,并建议将教材名称修改为《思想道德与法治修养》。 展开更多
关键词 思想道德修养与法律 人生伦理 教材体系
作者 李毅 《道德与文明》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期48-50,共3页
本文对梁漱溟“人生伦理”思想的本质进行了分析 ,指出 ,梁以“人生向上”、“伦理情谊”界说“良知”,增强了人的道德义务感。他视“理性”为一种先验存在 ,所以开发、保持理性 ,也就等于获得了道德观念。这同康德诉诸纯粹理性建立绝... 本文对梁漱溟“人生伦理”思想的本质进行了分析 ,指出 ,梁以“人生向上”、“伦理情谊”界说“良知”,增强了人的道德义务感。他视“理性”为一种先验存在 ,所以开发、保持理性 ,也就等于获得了道德观念。这同康德诉诸纯粹理性建立绝对“道德命令”的思想 。 展开更多
关键词 理性 人生向上 伦理情谊 梁漱溟 人生伦理
作者 于波 《河北能源职业技术学院学报》 2011年第3期17-18,21,共3页
关键词 多丽丝·莱辛 生态伦理 生态人生 生态理想
Human Dignity and Human Rights: A Universal Language for Bioethics
作者 Benedict Faneye 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第1期11-19,共9页
One of the aims of the Universal Declaration on B ioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO) is to "promote respect for human dignity and protect human rights",l Here are two overarching principles at work, ensuring that ... One of the aims of the Universal Declaration on B ioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO) is to "promote respect for human dignity and protect human rights",l Here are two overarching principles at work, ensuring that the biomedical sciences fulfill their task within an ethical framework. The principle of respect for human dignity is a universal moral concept, meant to be applied in human encounters. Protecting human rights underscores the legal principle of not only affirming the fundamental equality of all human beings, but equally safeguarding it. These two principles are universally defined, but are ordinarily specified by the particular value system of individual cultures in which they are employed. It is within such particular cultural application that their relevance stands out. The thrust of this paper is that, since principles are general action guides, they actually constitute a universal language for the analysis and evaluation of all human conduct. However, there is also recognition of the fact that moral contexts vary from culture to culture, and that while the scope of the two principles above is not restricted by any particular culture, it is indeed those cultural specifics of each moral context that constitute the framework within which the principles become operational. As general action guides, I will argue that these principles lack moral relevance outside of those particular cultural settings wherein they are contextualized. Without such relevance, these principles become meaningless mantras. I will further show that such principles do not merely uphold values informed by particular cultures, but they are an embodiment of values inherent to human nature in general. Consequently, these principles do not just serve as instruments for addressing issues peculiar to "Western bioethics" or any other particular cultural setting in an exclusive sense, but are also used for moderating bioethics discourse that transcend particular cultural boundaries. I will further explain that such universal discourse is potentially instructive with regards to how cultural universals are viewed in relation to the cultural particulars, and that this discourse essentially becomes a lingua franca for cross-cultural dialogue in bioethics. 展开更多
关键词 DIGNITY human rights ethical discourse bioethics lingua franca EQUALITY cultural values personhood
About the Nature of Ecological Ethics Debates and the Relationship between Human and Nature
作者 Chuanyue JIANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第2期81-83,共3页
There are natural ethical debates in ecological ethics, namely whether nature has intrinsic value, whether the nature has its rights. Theoretical basis of argument is the opposite of anthropocentrism and non- anthropo... There are natural ethical debates in ecological ethics, namely whether nature has intrinsic value, whether the nature has its rights. Theoretical basis of argument is the opposite of anthropocentrism and non- anthropocentrism. Ecological ethics controversy concerns the core issue of the relationship between human and nature of the ecological ethics about nature, to correctly understand and deal with the relationship between mankind and nature, ecological ethics and ecological ethics is the starting point and destination debates. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological Ethics HUMAN NATURE
Establish the New View of Nature and Environment-The Discussion about the Important Philosophical Foundation of Project Ethics
作者 Xiao Ping Hu Xiaojia 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第3期21-24,共4页
In the modem project, how to understand and deal with the relationship between man and nature correctly, and how to treat ecology, resource, lives of animals and plants correctly have become the outstanding and urgent... In the modem project, how to understand and deal with the relationship between man and nature correctly, and how to treat ecology, resource, lives of animals and plants correctly have become the outstanding and urgent subjects day by day. Thee article illustrated that the new views of nature and environment are the important philosophical foundation of project ethics from three aspects: the recognition of the relationship between man and nature, the meditation of traditional mode of production, and the ecological and environmental consciousness. 展开更多
Liberals, Communitarians, Republicans and the Intervention of the State in the Private Sphere
作者 Rafael Rodrigues Pereira 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第5期354-362,共9页
The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ... The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ideal of neutrality, or, on the contrary, whether it can be seen as a turning point towards the position of communitarian or republican authors, for whom the state must endorse a substantive good. Such a turning point could lead to a reformulation of the public and private spheres, and of course, raise questions over which values justify which kinds of intervention. This paper will cover these debates in three parts: First, by presenting briefly the history of the liberal conception of rights, I will try to show that, from a starting point based mostly on individual protection, the liberal tradition has become more interventionist, which can be seen through the notion of "claim rights." Departing from John Rawls's work, I will argue that this notion allows for some level of intervention, without betraying liberal neutrality. Subsequently, I will discuss the difference between this kind of intervention and the ones proclaimed by communitarians and republicans authors: The former will be illustrated by Michael Sandel's criticism of Rawls in Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, and the later by Richard Dagger's position in Civic Virtues, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism. Finally, in the third part, we'll discuss whether liberal principles can be harmonized with the republican and communitarian focus on civic virtues and good life. 展开更多
关键词 State intervention LIBERALISM COMMUNITARIANISM REPUBLICANISM NEUTRALITY public sphere private sphere
A Critical Comparative Study of the Lifeboat Ethics and Humanist Ethics
作者 Paul Appiah-Sekyere 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第7期432-441,共10页
Both the Lifeboat ethics and Humanist ethics are very popular in our contemporary world. The Lifeboat ethics, which deals with the gap between the rich and the poor and the moral responsibility of the former towards t... Both the Lifeboat ethics and Humanist ethics are very popular in our contemporary world. The Lifeboat ethics, which deals with the gap between the rich and the poor and the moral responsibility of the former towards the latter, is based on the Lifeboat theory which is a product of human reason that includes some scientific considerations as regards the engineering safety measures of the lifeboat. Thus, the Lifeboat ethics utilizes both reason and science. In a similar vein, Humanist ethics is also based on human reason and scientific methods. Notwithstanding these common grounds in the sources of the aforementioned ethics, there are dissimilarities in their respective ethical values that outnumber the similarities. This study critically compares these two types of ethics and further examines their similarities and dissimilarities. 展开更多
Medicine as Profession: An Overlooked Approach to Medical Ethics
作者 Michael Davis 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第1期36-51,共16页
This article begins with three problems of "dual loyalties" in medicine, the supposed fact that military physicians are, as medical officers, sometimes required to do what violates ordinary medical ethics--for examp... This article begins with three problems of "dual loyalties" in medicine, the supposed fact that military physicians are, as medical officers, sometimes required to do what violates ordinary medical ethics--for example, ignore medical need in order to treat their own wounded before civilians or wounded enemy, help make chemical or biological weapons more deadly, or assist at a rough interrogation. These problems are analyzed as special cases of a problem that could arise in any profession, a problem easily resolved using a theory of professional ethics (more or less) absent from medical ethics until now though common outside. Employing a physician--rather than an ordinary officer, some other kind of healer, or scientist--is to enter a sort of "Ulysses contract" requiring the physician's professional standards to preempt obligations otherwise applying to an employee. In this way, the article also illustrates the benefits that might accrue to medical ethics from drawing (more than is now common) on other fields of practical ethics. 展开更多
关键词 medical ethics Ulysses contract PROFESSION dual loyalties military medicine medical officer
Ethical Implications of Systems Methodology Applied to Industrial Ecology
作者 Martina Keitsch 《Sociology Study》 2012年第1期49-59,共11页
The systemic view on industry and on production and consumption pattern is an essential feature of the industrial ecology (IE) concept. One consequence of this view is to investigate industrial flows and consumer ac... The systemic view on industry and on production and consumption pattern is an essential feature of the industrial ecology (IE) concept. One consequence of this view is to investigate industrial flows and consumer activities, and their effects on the environment in order to evaluate and eventually optimize these flows with the help of a systems methodology. Industrial ecology has been developed by engineers and natural scientists and its ethical core canon often manifests in anthropocentric assertions such as harmonizing the contradiction between nature and culture with scientific expertise, appropriate technology and socio-economic management. This paper argues however for a biocentric inspired, normative reading of some characteristics of industrial ecology's systems methodology. The presumption for the value of this endeavor is that industrial ecology's systems methodology has a potential for developing directions for the design of a possible sustainable world. 展开更多
关键词 Systems methodology industrial ecology (IE) ETHICS ANTHROPOCENTRISM comprehensive methods
Global Bioethical Prevention of the Collision of Biological and Cultural Evolution on Miserable Human Survival
作者 lames E. Trosko 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期295-313,共19页
With the cultural myth that science can only determine the way the world "is" (facts), while humanities, social sciences, lawyers, philosophers, and theologians must determine the way the world "ought to be" (v... With the cultural myth that science can only determine the way the world "is" (facts), while humanities, social sciences, lawyers, philosophers, and theologians must determine the way the world "ought to be" (values), those in position of global-, national-, and local-political power make major decisions of the use (or non-use) of scientific knowledge and technology. As a result, the human being has created a non-scientifically based cultural environment that is affecting his ability to survive. In effect, cultural evolution is occurring more rapidly than biological evolution that can adapt to the changes brought about in the physical and psycho-social environments. In a pluralistic cultural world, where each society has generated a different view of human nature and different ethical values, the use, misuse, or non-use of scientific and technological advances are derived from these unscientific views of human nature. Since all life depends on limiting interacting environmental and ecological factors, it is imperative that scientific information be used to govern how to minimize irreversible effects on life-sustaining ecological factors, but also scientific information bearing on understanding human nature ought to be integrated into a "global bioethics". While ethical values cannot be directly derived from scientific factors, it is also true that human values or our "ought" cannot be maintained in ignorance or defiance of the facts or the "is". 展开更多
关键词 Global bioethics scientific concepts of human nature genetic and environmental interactions one health-one planet humanimpact on earth's ecosystem
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