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论生命权法律性、权利性、神圣性的坚守——对生命权伦理化、义务化、生物化话语的批判 被引量:5
作者 郑琼现 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期114-123,共10页
生命权作为一项权利,主要性质是法律性而非道德性;其特征的主要是自由处分性而非处分的受限性,人的生命权是神圣的。在生命权的理论阐述和诠释中,盛行着生命权的伦理化、义务化、生物化话语:有人强调牺牲、奉献,在高扬权利道德性的同时... 生命权作为一项权利,主要性质是法律性而非道德性;其特征的主要是自由处分性而非处分的受限性,人的生命权是神圣的。在生命权的理论阐述和诠释中,盛行着生命权的伦理化、义务化、生物化话语:有人强调牺牲、奉献,在高扬权利道德性的同时放弃了权利的法律性;有人强调生命的义务,在聚焦人活着的责任的同时遗忘了人活着首先是一种权利;有人执着于人的生物属性,在呼吁人与动物平等和睦相处的同时抛弃了人类生命的特殊性和神圣性。这三类话语,将矛头直指生命权的法律性、独立性、排他性和生命权的神圣性,实有批判之必要。 展开更多
关键词 生命 生命伦理 生命义务化 生命生物化
政治可持续发展与伦理制权 被引量:1
作者 樊跃发 《西北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第2期10-15,共6页
从当代中国看,政治可持续发展客观上已成为社会可持续发展的必要前提。当代中国政治可持续发展的要求呼唤权力伦理的及时跟进和有效扶持。涉权问题上的法制伦理化与伦理法制化的统一是实现政治可持续发展的必由之路。推动政治可持续发... 从当代中国看,政治可持续发展客观上已成为社会可持续发展的必要前提。当代中国政治可持续发展的要求呼唤权力伦理的及时跟进和有效扶持。涉权问题上的法制伦理化与伦理法制化的统一是实现政治可持续发展的必由之路。推动政治可持续发展的伦理制权路径选择为:以公民社会的发育完善催生和健全权力伦理、以法制建设透显和保障权力伦理、以道德建设聚焦打造权力的德性精神。 展开更多
关键词 政治可持续发展 伦理 伦理
作者 李维岳 《沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期19-22,共4页
我国宪法的权力关系框架,无论是通过明确权力渊源,还是通过界定权力范围,其核心基础只在于更好地贯彻全心全意为人民服务。社会主义公权制度伦理的价值诉求既具有制度伦理价值诉求的共有属性,同时也具有区别于其他制度伦理价值诉求的特... 我国宪法的权力关系框架,无论是通过明确权力渊源,还是通过界定权力范围,其核心基础只在于更好地贯彻全心全意为人民服务。社会主义公权制度伦理的价值诉求既具有制度伦理价值诉求的共有属性,同时也具有区别于其他制度伦理价值诉求的特殊性,它主要包括公正价值诉求、导引价值诉求、规范价值诉求、自由价值诉求。 展开更多
关键词 制度伦理 社会主义公制度伦理 价值诉求
作者 向东春 罗刚 徐园红 《乐山师范学院学报》 2020年第2期103-110,共8页
伦理物权以伦理物为客体,统一调整离体的器官、骨髓、血液、精子、卵细胞、体外胚胎等生理活性物归属关系和利用关系。伦理物权本质上属于物权的特殊类型,只是与一般物权相区别,依然遵循物权法定原则、一物一权原则等基本原则。基于伦... 伦理物权以伦理物为客体,统一调整离体的器官、骨髓、血液、精子、卵细胞、体外胚胎等生理活性物归属关系和利用关系。伦理物权本质上属于物权的特殊类型,只是与一般物权相区别,依然遵循物权法定原则、一物一权原则等基本原则。基于伦理物特征而具有绝对性、时效性、公益性,明晰伦理物权的要素识别,为伦理物权救济提供实体请求权基础,比债权、人格权调整更彻底、全面,凸显伦理、法理的双重属性。 展开更多
关键词 伦理 伦理 法定原则 要素识别 双重属性
伦理豁免:法治中国的传统因子 被引量:3
作者 张国钧 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期97-104,共8页
伦理豁免纵贯中华伦理、中华法系,横通"作证豁免权"等现代法律制度,会通伦理和法律关系、民族精神和时代精神,渊源深、土壤厚、生命力强。因此在功能意义上,它从消极防御、积极建设两方面直接敦睦伦理,最终从根本上调谐社会秩... 伦理豁免纵贯中华伦理、中华法系,横通"作证豁免权"等现代法律制度,会通伦理和法律关系、民族精神和时代精神,渊源深、土壤厚、生命力强。因此在功能意义上,它从消极防御、积极建设两方面直接敦睦伦理,最终从根本上调谐社会秩序,为法治中国培育积极因子。对每个人及其家庭而言,伦理豁免是有权敦睦伦理的优先权,是人道而公道的;在民间,伦理豁免经由家族自治、乡村绅士自治、行业自治等一步步发育出基层自治,由内而外、自下而上培育法治生长点;在制度上,伦理豁免适度限制公权力,保护伦理权,保障伦理圆满和绵延,在家和国、伦理和政治法律之间确定边界,防止国对家的挤压甚至侵犯,防止法律、政治等公权力对伦理私权利的不当介入和非法侵害。 展开更多
关键词 伦理豁免 公道 伦理权 自治 法治 因子
作者 任宗哲 曾中秋 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期57-63,共7页
公共选择理论把经济人假设引入政治领域 ,赋予所有公共选择者以伦理平权的规定 ,从而阻断了伦理介入政治的途径。在考虑公共利益及其所要求的个人偏好调节的情况下 ,伦理平权假定应予修正。将公共利益沉淀进人性结构并用以调节自利和理... 公共选择理论把经济人假设引入政治领域 ,赋予所有公共选择者以伦理平权的规定 ,从而阻断了伦理介入政治的途径。在考虑公共利益及其所要求的个人偏好调节的情况下 ,伦理平权假定应予修正。将公共利益沉淀进人性结构并用以调节自利和理性的政治公益人是可能的。为优化公共决策 ,需创造条件促成经济人向公益人的转化。为此 ,监督约束与激励倡导应当同举并重 ,法治与德治应当相辅相成。 展开更多
关键词 公共选择理论 公共利益 人性 经济人假设 政治活动 伦理
中国有限放开代孕之法律伦理证成及其规制 被引量:4
作者 张莹莹 《新疆社会科学》 CSSCI 2021年第6期130-141,共12页
面对日益扩大的代孕需求与屡禁不止的代孕黑市,中国目前对代孕完全禁止的态度值得反思。有限放开代孕仅面向缺乏生育能力的已婚人群,并对代孕类型和代母的资格加以严格限制,因而不会产生伦理学上的难题,反而具有伦理和法律层面的双重理... 面对日益扩大的代孕需求与屡禁不止的代孕黑市,中国目前对代孕完全禁止的态度值得反思。有限放开代孕仅面向缺乏生育能力的已婚人群,并对代孕类型和代母的资格加以严格限制,因而不会产生伦理学上的难题,反而具有伦理和法律层面的双重理论支撑。伦理层面,有限放开代孕不会损害代母的人格尊严,也不会破坏公序良俗;权利层面,有限放开代孕既是不孕者实现生育权的重要途径,也不构成身体权的滥用。当然,有限放开代孕的实现需要立法和执法层面的双重规制,我国有必要制定统一的《人类辅助生殖法》,并实施委托人和代母资格许可制和代孕协议审核备案制,各级卫生健康委员会和医疗机构还需对代孕进行全过程监督,防止非法代孕。 展开更多
关键词 代孕有限放开 伦理生育 代孕协议
试论冷冻胚胎的伦理物属性 被引量:4
作者 向东春 《医学与法学》 2019年第4期8-13,共6页
冷冻胚胎与胎儿是有区别的。在有关冷冻胚胎法律地位的学说论争中,杨立新教授在“客体说”的前提下提出将冷冻胚胎定位为伦理物——“伦理物”概念的提出,可在法律上将脱离人体的器官、骨髓、血液、精子、卵细胞、冷冻胚胎等具有生理活... 冷冻胚胎与胎儿是有区别的。在有关冷冻胚胎法律地位的学说论争中,杨立新教授在“客体说”的前提下提出将冷冻胚胎定位为伦理物——“伦理物”概念的提出,可在法律上将脱离人体的器官、骨髓、血液、精子、卵细胞、冷冻胚胎等具有生理活性的物质与一般财产物体区分开;由可借用物权的规则提出“伦理物权”概念,在物权规则的框架下将冷冻胚胎和脱离人体的器官、骨髓、血液等物质所对应的权利,统一为伦理物权,以便解决司法实务中冷冻胚胎的继承及其他涉及冷冻胚胎的纠纷。 展开更多
关键词 冷冻胚胎 法律地位 伦理 伦理 继承
作者 杨能良 黄鹏 《山西统计》 2002年第6期6-7,共2页
单参数基尼系数比标准基尼系数多一个体现社会对不平等厌恶程度的伦理权重 ,更能反映不平等的内涵。运用我国城镇居民收入分配数据的实证研究 ,表明了单参数基尼系数的对不平等度量的作用。单参数基尼系数使不同时期或不同社会的收入不... 单参数基尼系数比标准基尼系数多一个体现社会对不平等厌恶程度的伦理权重 ,更能反映不平等的内涵。运用我国城镇居民收入分配数据的实证研究 ,表明了单参数基尼系数的对不平等度量的作用。单参数基尼系数使不同时期或不同社会的收入不平等更具有可比性。需要进一步探讨的问题是伦理参数的确定。 展开更多
关键词 标准基尼系数 单参数基尼系数 洛伦兹曲线 伦理权
从女性主义角度解读电视剧《大丈夫》 被引量:1
作者 沈怡然 吴玉玲 《视听》 2015年第11期84-85,共2页
在我国,电视剧作为一种电视媒介传播形式拥有广泛的受众。作为大众文化产品,它不仅向受众传递声画和故事,还传播着潜藏在文本中的价值观念、社会标准、道德规范等。当下,女性主义思想在中国仍属一种边缘、非主流的思想,以女性叙事、女... 在我国,电视剧作为一种电视媒介传播形式拥有广泛的受众。作为大众文化产品,它不仅向受众传递声画和故事,还传播着潜藏在文本中的价值观念、社会标准、道德规范等。当下,女性主义思想在中国仍属一种边缘、非主流的思想,以女性叙事、女性主义思想为主的影视作品还是凤毛麟角。而曾热播的电视剧《大丈夫》虽然并非一部完全意义上的女性电视剧,但剧中多方面渗透了女性主义思想。本文从女性主义角度,运用叙事分析方法对《大丈夫》进行多方面解读,分别从女性话语权、女性对婚姻的态度、母亲形象及社会性别分工四方面进行重点分析。 展开更多
关键词 女性主义 电视剧 伦理 母亲形象 性别分工
Human Dignity and Human Rights: A Universal Language for Bioethics
作者 Benedict Faneye 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第1期11-19,共9页
One of the aims of the Universal Declaration on B ioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO) is to "promote respect for human dignity and protect human rights",l Here are two overarching principles at work, ensuring that ... One of the aims of the Universal Declaration on B ioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO) is to "promote respect for human dignity and protect human rights",l Here are two overarching principles at work, ensuring that the biomedical sciences fulfill their task within an ethical framework. The principle of respect for human dignity is a universal moral concept, meant to be applied in human encounters. Protecting human rights underscores the legal principle of not only affirming the fundamental equality of all human beings, but equally safeguarding it. These two principles are universally defined, but are ordinarily specified by the particular value system of individual cultures in which they are employed. It is within such particular cultural application that their relevance stands out. The thrust of this paper is that, since principles are general action guides, they actually constitute a universal language for the analysis and evaluation of all human conduct. However, there is also recognition of the fact that moral contexts vary from culture to culture, and that while the scope of the two principles above is not restricted by any particular culture, it is indeed those cultural specifics of each moral context that constitute the framework within which the principles become operational. As general action guides, I will argue that these principles lack moral relevance outside of those particular cultural settings wherein they are contextualized. Without such relevance, these principles become meaningless mantras. I will further show that such principles do not merely uphold values informed by particular cultures, but they are an embodiment of values inherent to human nature in general. Consequently, these principles do not just serve as instruments for addressing issues peculiar to "Western bioethics" or any other particular cultural setting in an exclusive sense, but are also used for moderating bioethics discourse that transcend particular cultural boundaries. I will further explain that such universal discourse is potentially instructive with regards to how cultural universals are viewed in relation to the cultural particulars, and that this discourse essentially becomes a lingua franca for cross-cultural dialogue in bioethics. 展开更多
关键词 DIGNITY human rights ethical discourse bioethics lingua franca EQUALITY cultural values personhood
Challenges and Strategies for Courtroom Interpreter: A Case Study
作者 GAO Lu-lu YANG Ning 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期975-978,共4页
Courtroom interpreting has now attracted more attentions due to the fast growth of interpreting as a profession and the development of globalization. Courtroom interpreting is different from other interpreting modes i... Courtroom interpreting has now attracted more attentions due to the fast growth of interpreting as a profession and the development of globalization. Courtroom interpreting is different from other interpreting modes in that it involves both legal knowledge and interpreting capability. Misinterpreting in courtroom can pose a threat to the human rights and sometimes can be a matter of life and death. This paper discusses some common challenges faced by courtroom interpreters and proposes coping tactics guided by ethical principles 展开更多
关键词 courtroom interpreting CHALLENGES coping tactics
Influential factors and correlation analysis of hospital ethical climate and psychological empowerment of ICU nurses
作者 Min Zhang Zhi Guan Ying Wang 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2019年第5期159-165,共7页
Background and aims:Objective To investigate the current situation of ICU nurses'hospital ethical climate in China and analyze the correlation and influencing factors of hospital ethical climate.In order to provid... Background and aims:Objective To investigate the current situation of ICU nurses'hospital ethical climate in China and analyze the correlation and influencing factors of hospital ethical climate.In order to provide a new direction and idea for creating the good hospital ethical climate,relieving the nurses'job burnout and stabilizing the nursing team.Methods:A total of 226 ICU nurses from 6 tertiary Tianjin hospitals were selected as subjects,and the Chinese version hospital ethical climate scale and psychological empowerment scale were used for investigation.Results:The gender and labor relationship of ICU nurses affected the perception of nurses'hospital ethical climate;hospital ethical climate and psychological empowerment were positively correlated;stepwise regression analysis showed that labor relationship and psychological empowerment can explain 58.5%variation rate of hospital ethical climate.Conclusion:We should pay attention to the current situation of the hospital ethical climate of ICU nurses.Managers should create a comfortable working environment not only to provide good material conditions for nurses and transfer of right,but also to pay attention to the nurses'mental state and negative impact of ethical issues.Hospital managers should reasonably allocate human resources,establish effective incentive and assessment standards,reasonable reward and punishment system and promotion mechanism.To provide comprehensive learning resources and channels.To improve nurses'awareness of their own professional value.Creating a harmonious and positive hospital ethical climate,reduce the impact of ethical issues on nurses,improve nurses'enthusiasm and satisfaction. 展开更多
关键词 ICU nurse Hospital ethical climate Psychological empowerment BURNOUT Turnover intention
A Cool Hand on My Feverish Forehead: An Even Better Samaritan and the Ethics of Abortion
作者 Evangelos D. Protopapadakis 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第2期115-123,共9页
The debate concerning abortion abounds in miraculous narratives. Judith Jarvis Thomson has contrived the most celebrated set among related ones, to wit the "violinist analogy," the "Good Samaritan" narrative, and ... The debate concerning abortion abounds in miraculous narratives. Judith Jarvis Thomson has contrived the most celebrated set among related ones, to wit the "violinist analogy," the "Good Samaritan" narrative, and the "Henry Fonda" allegory, by virtue of which, she intends, on the one hand, to argue that women's right to autonomy outweighs the alleged fetus's right to life, and on the other, to prove that no positive moral duties can be derived towards other persons alone from the fact that a moral agent is ascribed certain rights. What this short paper endeavors to prove is that Thomson's argumentation by analogy is a weak one, since neither the number nor the relevance of similarities invoked is adequate or satisfactory, while crucial parameters concerning the morality of abortion are being totally overlooked. 展开更多
关键词 ABORTION FETUS RAPE violinist analogy Good Samaritan duty right MORALITY
Liberals, Communitarians, Republicans and the Intervention of the State in the Private Sphere
作者 Rafael Rodrigues Pereira 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第5期354-362,共9页
The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ... The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ideal of neutrality, or, on the contrary, whether it can be seen as a turning point towards the position of communitarian or republican authors, for whom the state must endorse a substantive good. Such a turning point could lead to a reformulation of the public and private spheres, and of course, raise questions over which values justify which kinds of intervention. This paper will cover these debates in three parts: First, by presenting briefly the history of the liberal conception of rights, I will try to show that, from a starting point based mostly on individual protection, the liberal tradition has become more interventionist, which can be seen through the notion of "claim rights." Departing from John Rawls's work, I will argue that this notion allows for some level of intervention, without betraying liberal neutrality. Subsequently, I will discuss the difference between this kind of intervention and the ones proclaimed by communitarians and republicans authors: The former will be illustrated by Michael Sandel's criticism of Rawls in Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, and the later by Richard Dagger's position in Civic Virtues, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism. Finally, in the third part, we'll discuss whether liberal principles can be harmonized with the republican and communitarian focus on civic virtues and good life. 展开更多
关键词 State intervention LIBERALISM COMMUNITARIANISM REPUBLICANISM NEUTRALITY public sphere private sphere
掠夺与归还:西方争议性遗产的伦理困境 被引量:1
作者 冯莎 张志培 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期186-199,共14页
殖民地文物归还事件引发的争议揭示了去殖民化进程的困境。"归还"被期待生成新的关系伦理,但其认知与行动都基于以所有权为核心的物权伦理,未能关照殖民主义文物占有的神话学经验,遮蔽了物伦理的政治性与异质性;而将物权伦理... 殖民地文物归还事件引发的争议揭示了去殖民化进程的困境。"归还"被期待生成新的关系伦理,但其认知与行动都基于以所有权为核心的物权伦理,未能关照殖民主义文物占有的神话学经验,遮蔽了物伦理的政治性与异质性;而将物权伦理作为"普世伦理"正是资本主义全球扩张的结果。维护物权伦理的物的知识巩固了对文物的祛魅与分裂,使文物即便归还,也仍需"神圣"博物馆赋能,有悖于"恢复原状"的假设。以物为主体/物质化的伦理考察有助于突破物权伦理的普世意识,建立起对普遍困境的反身性思考。作为争议性文化遗产的殖民地文物及其归还事件应作为生产性的实践,激发去殖民化的知识反思。 展开更多
关键词 殖民地文物 文化遗产 伦理 物质性 去殖民化
作者 程向莉 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2008年第3期93-99,128,共8页
在阅读研究方法专著和国内学术期刊之后,笔者发现外语教师研究者对于科研伦理没有给予充分的关注。为了调查教师研究者对于研究对象知情权、是否采取局内人或局外人视角以及对研究素材的所属权等伦理问题的看法,笔者进行了小规模的问卷... 在阅读研究方法专著和国内学术期刊之后,笔者发现外语教师研究者对于科研伦理没有给予充分的关注。为了调查教师研究者对于研究对象知情权、是否采取局内人或局外人视角以及对研究素材的所属权等伦理问题的看法,笔者进行了小规模的问卷调查和半结构性访谈。结果表明大部分教师研究者对英语教学科研中的伦理问题既不关注,又没有全面的认识。 展开更多
关键词 ethical issues informed consent emic/etic perspecitves
Justice as the Virtue of "No Unacceptable Harm to the Human" 被引量:3
作者 Qingping Liu 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2017年第2期179-192,共14页
Through a semantic analysis of such common words as "good," "right," and "rights," this article tries to argue that "justice" as a value-term basically means "no unacceptable harm to the human" or "respecti... Through a semantic analysis of such common words as "good," "right," and "rights," this article tries to argue that "justice" as a value-term basically means "no unacceptable harm to the human" or "respecting the deserved rights of the human" in the meta-ethical sense. In real life, then, the becoming of universal justice as an authentic moral virtue depends first and foremost upon the concrete and dynamic cultivation of such a universalistic ethical attitude: regarding neither merely oneself nor some persons specially related to oneself, but everyone as the "human," and valuing all of them morally important and dignified so as not to do morally unacceptable harm to them, but to respect their deserved rights. 展开更多
关键词 Good Right Rights Justice Virtue
On the Right Itself: A Meta-ethical Reading
作者 Liu Qing-ping 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第4期98-115,共18页
Different from the elementary acceptability of the desirable good, the fight refers to the proper acceptability of the abhorrent evil caused by human action aiming at some good in its paradoxical structure due to the ... Different from the elementary acceptability of the desirable good, the fight refers to the proper acceptability of the abhorrent evil caused by human action aiming at some good in its paradoxical structure due to the conflict of diverse goods. As one of the most fundamental and important standards of human values, then, it has both the negative function to prevent unacceptable evils and the positive one to achieve permissible goods, and therefore can guarantee human intended existence against substantive destruction. 展开更多
关键词 RIGHT ACCEPTABILITY good EVIL conflict of goods parado:dcalstructure
Global Development Equity: Its Ethical Nature and Historical Construction--With a Discussion of the Essence and Problems of the "Theory of China's Neo-colonialism"
作者 Chen Zhong 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第2期35-50,共16页
Global development equity is a concrete unity of the ethics of rights and responsibilities, modern and historical ethics, subject-centered and ecological ethics, and individual and collective ethics. Its construction ... Global development equity is a concrete unity of the ethics of rights and responsibilities, modern and historical ethics, subject-centered and ecological ethics, and individual and collective ethics. Its construction requires prolonged effort and a comprehensive grasp of modernity, the laws of social development and the overall logic of social development, as well as an all-around readjustment of concepts, institutions and behaviors. Within the concrete and historical unity of rights and responsibilities, "the unity of limited global rights and limited global responsibilities" is an important principle for constructing global development equity. Declarations that China is practicing neo-colonialism are in fact inherently associated with Eurocentrism. The peaceful, joint and comprehensive development of China and other developing countries and China's historical advancement of global development equity are practical refutations of such assertions. 展开更多
关键词 developmental ethics global responsibility global rights eolonialism Chinese model
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