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Burberry 现代古韵——伟大英伦经典
作者 陈晨 《优品》 2009年第11期84-84,共1页
关键词 伦经 BURBERRY 古韵 鳄鱼皮 基本色调 紫晶 给你 饰带 经典设计 摇曳生姿
英伦经典 简约贵族——Aquascutum雅格狮丹
作者 叶子 《温州瞭望》 2007年第18期28-28,共1页
关键词 伦经 Aquascutum 服装设计 雅格 防水整理 国际时装 运动风格 佩饰
《风采》 2007年第7期203-203,共1页
关键词 概念店 DUNHILL 新光天地 伦经 雅恩 文化艺术领域 演艺明星 玛奇 意见领袖 里格
午夜“骑士之旅”演绎英伦经典 Dunhill亚洲首家新概念店落户京城
《国际服装动态》 2007年第Z1期201-202,共2页
突突的摩托车引擎声发出沉闷的轰鸣,午夜的空气里弥漫着袅袅烟雾,黑衣牛仔打扮的车手呷着啤酒,在豪华坐骑音响的摇滚音乐节奏中扭动身躯,陈旧的厂房,锈蚀的铁架,一切带着20世纪初汽车产业萌芽阶段的伦敦气息。这是今年6月老牌英国男性品... 突突的摩托车引擎声发出沉闷的轰鸣,午夜的空气里弥漫着袅袅烟雾,黑衣牛仔打扮的车手呷着啤酒,在豪华坐骑音响的摇滚音乐节奏中扭动身躯,陈旧的厂房,锈蚀的铁架,一切带着20世纪初汽车产业萌芽阶段的伦敦气息。这是今年6月老牌英国男性品牌dunhill为庆祝其北京新光天地亚洲首家新概念店开幕,在北京798艺术园区的设计师广场举办的一场充满惊喜和刺激的午夜"骑士之旅"派对。 展开更多
关键词 概念店 DUNHILL 新光天地 伦经 铁架 橡木 巧克力色 男性气质 购物场所 隆街
作者 煦言 《七彩语文(高中新语文学习)》 2017年第5期76-79,共4页
每当阅读历年诺贝尔文学奖得主的作品,读者可以感受他们作品的语言和叙事魅力,也可移情于书中的人物,在熟悉的环境中体验陌生的情境,获得一种超越本我的体验,仿佛无形中又打开一扇窥览人性、洞察世事的窗口,释卷时疲惫却愉悦。时隔数日... 每当阅读历年诺贝尔文学奖得主的作品,读者可以感受他们作品的语言和叙事魅力,也可移情于书中的人物,在熟悉的环境中体验陌生的情境,获得一种超越本我的体验,仿佛无形中又打开一扇窥览人性、洞察世事的窗口,释卷时疲惫却愉悦。时隔数日、数月、数年,再读再思索,又会产生新鲜的感受。受诺奖推荐的作品,常常能够穿越时代而历久弥新,这应该就是该奖项设置的魅力和意义之一。 展开更多
关键词 诺贝尔文学奖 作品赏析 伦经 奖项设置 数日 本我 专业阅读 诗意表达 娱乐消遣 职业需求
英伦经典 创意传承 一场打开时尚生活想象空间的创想文化之旅华美落幕
《芭莎珠宝》 2016年第2期246-246,共1页
这是一场始于原创、忠于原创、充满无限可能的创意飓风,这是一场跨越万里、惊艳而至的世界级文化艺术盛宴,它以极具先锋引领性的身姿走进国人的时尚生活,不断刷新着潮流先锋们对"时尚"的崭新认知,不断升级都市一族对"品质生活"的全... 这是一场始于原创、忠于原创、充满无限可能的创意飓风,这是一场跨越万里、惊艳而至的世界级文化艺术盛宴,它以极具先锋引领性的身姿走进国人的时尚生活,不断刷新着潮流先锋们对"时尚"的崭新认知,不断升级都市一族对"品质生活"的全新理解。2015年,在"中英两国首个双向文化交流年"的国际背景下, 展开更多
关键词 时尚生活 文化之旅 伦经 文化交流 艺术盛宴 引领性 品质生活 副总裁 时尚先生 东方文明古国
Influences of Family Ranches Management Mode on Plant Community Characteristic in Hulunber Meadow Steppe 被引量:1
作者 闫瑞瑞 卫智军 +5 位作者 杨桂霞 韩国栋 辛晓平 卢志红 斯琴毕力格 吴宏军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1664-1669,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the management mode on optimal re-sources al ocation of family ranch in meadow steppe. [Method] Three double repre-sentative family ranches were selected in meadow steppe of Hulunber... [Objective] The aim was to explore the management mode on optimal re-sources al ocation of family ranch in meadow steppe. [Method] Three double repre-sentative family ranches were selected in meadow steppe of Hulunber Old Barag Banner, and the study was carried out with the baseline survey. Three family ranches were selected as the demonstrative households for the corporation study, while other three family ranches with the similar conditions were looked as the non-demonstrative households for the comparison. Demonstrative households of the fami-ly ranches reduced the stocking rate, optimized the flock structure and took a winter feeding and other means to explore the different management models on plant com-munity characteristic of family ranch. [Result] The seasonal dynamic of community characteristic in family ranches showed the single-peaks curves. The seasonal dy-namics of community coverage, height and biomass in the demonstrative households showed higher compared with the non-demonstrative households, and community density in the experiment households was lower than that of the control experiment households. Community coverage, height and biomass of degraded grassland in family ranch have a great improve after optimization of management. Community coverage, height , density and biomass were increasing in fencing plot, but decreas-ing in free grazing area. Enclosure improved grassland coverage, vegetation height, density and forage yield. Leymus chinensis played an important role in plant com-munity. The important values of Leymus chinensis, Stipa baicalensis, Cleistogenes squarrosa, and Carex duriuscula were high. Leymus chinensis important value in the demonstrative households of optimal management was higher than that in the non-demonstrative households, and Carex duriuscula important value of the non-demon-strative households was significantly higher than that of the demonstrative house-holds. The indexes of Margalef richnes,Shannon-Wiener diversity, Simpson diversity and Pielou uniformity showed that the demonstrative households were higher than the non-demonstrative households. [Conclusion] The research provides theoretical ref-erences for sustainable development of pastures dominated by family ranch. 展开更多
关键词 Family ranches Management mode Hulunber meadow steppe Community characteristic
作者 陈筱筱 《音乐时空》 2012年第A08期58-59,共2页
《周易·系辞下》载:"天下同归而殊途,一致而百虑。"浩荡千年,进行先秦各家乐舞理论体系研究的学者们,其成果早已汗牛充栋。百家争鸣中,儒道两家乐舞思想各自的支持和拥护者至今仍挥舞着各自堡垒的战旗,针锋相对。但笔者... 《周易·系辞下》载:"天下同归而殊途,一致而百虑。"浩荡千年,进行先秦各家乐舞理论体系研究的学者们,其成果早已汗牛充栋。百家争鸣中,儒道两家乐舞思想各自的支持和拥护者至今仍挥舞着各自堡垒的战旗,针锋相对。但笔者却认为。 展开更多
关键词 儒道两家 儒家思想 理论体系研究 易·系辞 道家文化 著诚去伪 先秦儒家 礼乐教化 “礼乐” 伦经
作者 刘泽辉 《数字印刷》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期59-61,共3页
北京创先河·普业印刷有限公司(以下简称"创先河")可以说是数字印刷行业的新人,其2014年才正式涉足数字印刷领域;但它却是《数字印刷》杂志的老朋友,早在其开业筹备阶段,记者就曾到访过位于建外SOHO的创先河数字印刷门店。当时... 北京创先河·普业印刷有限公司(以下简称"创先河")可以说是数字印刷行业的新人,其2014年才正式涉足数字印刷领域;但它却是《数字印刷》杂志的老朋友,早在其开业筹备阶段,记者就曾到访过位于建外SOHO的创先河数字印刷门店。当时在与路振伦经理交谈中,充分领略到创先河对发展数字印刷事业的笃定和坚持,他表示数字印刷是印刷的未来方向,在未来5年内,自己还会再开设2~3家数字印刷门店。 展开更多
关键词 创先 印刷有限公司 路振 印刷事业 伦经 印刷领域 印刷业务 快印店 SOHO 筹备阶段
作者 家浚 《北方音乐》 1983年第4期62-70,共9页
关键词 庄周 音乐美学思想 战国时期 监河侯 迥然有别 音乐哲学 天乐 虚静 伦经 十三篇
《汽车与配件》 2015年第22期16-,共1页
5月8日,全球顶级超跑品牌迈凯伦在福州举行了2015年首家全新展厅的盛大揭幕仪式,将迈凯伦无与伦比的超跑杰作和卓越服务带到了海峡西岸最具活力的重要市场。迈凯伦福州是继北京、上海、广州、成都、深圳、杭州、重庆、天津、昆明之后迈... 5月8日,全球顶级超跑品牌迈凯伦在福州举行了2015年首家全新展厅的盛大揭幕仪式,将迈凯伦无与伦比的超跑杰作和卓越服务带到了海峡西岸最具活力的重要市场。迈凯伦福州是继北京、上海、广州、成都、深圳、杭州、重庆、天津、昆明之后迈凯伦在华开设的第十家经销商网点。在活动现场,来自迈凯伦品牌的高层。 展开更多
关键词 凯伦 上海车展 卓越服务 凯泰 伦经 沈钢 令人
《流行色》 2011年第6期130-134,共5页
关键词 款式造型 登堡 版型 色系 服饰搭配 如水 经典派 复色 运动元素 伦经
作者 黄潇 胡文清 《半岛新生活》 2008年第1期7-7,共1页
关键词 品牌价格 佩戴者 眼镜店 二线品牌 制造历史 纯手工制作 完全型 紫光 伦经 及超
The Intemal Implication of the Economic Ethics in the Alienated Labor Theory of Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
作者 Shunqian LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期24-25,共2页
Alienated labor, also known as labor alienation, was a concept with historical creativity, which was first raised in Marx' s Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. The Manuscripts was important works of Marx... Alienated labor, also known as labor alienation, was a concept with historical creativity, which was first raised in Marx' s Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. The Manuscripts was important works of Marx, in which the social relations of capitalism private ownership were analyzed by Marx using the concept of alienated labor. A deep analysis was conducted by Marx from the specific historical facts, in which the rational kernel of the alienated problem in the social relations of capitalism was mentioned. Specifically, the alienated labor theory was analyzed from the relationship of laborers with their labor products and labor itself, human' s essence, and other people under the condition of the capitalist private ownership; the "ought to be" ethical characteristics of labors were expounded from the perspective of ethics, and the abnormal labor relations in the process of capitalist production were ethically reviewed and criticized. Therefore, rich economic ethics thoughts were contained in Marx' s analysis of the alienated labor theory. 展开更多
关键词 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 Alienated Labor Theory the Internal Implication of the Economic Ethics
Analysis on the Economic Ethics Thoughts in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
作者 Shunqian LI Qing LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期12-13,共2页
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 are one of Marx' s early works with great significance. It marked the thought development of Marx to a new stage. Marx in the Manuscripts through the criticism of the na... Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 are one of Marx' s early works with great significance. It marked the thought development of Marx to a new stage. Marx in the Manuscripts through the criticism of the national economics, alienation labor theory to the problem of human essence, existing in the capitalist society of economic development and the moral result inverse problem and the communism theory expounds main contents such as the economic reality of capitalist society in profound ethical criticism, reveals the capitalist society economy inhumane between moral and ethical relations, in all of his criticism is always full of profound urges and powerful strength of moral criticism and deep ethical care, contained in the Manuscripts of economic ethics in today still has the significant theory significance and practical guiding value. 展开更多
关键词 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 Economic Ethics Thought Briefly
Max Weber on Religious Ethics and Life Conduct
作者 Marcelo da Costa Maciel Wa^nia Amléia Belchior Mesquita 《Sociology Study》 2014年第3期283-289,共7页
The purpose of this paper is not to provide an overview of the contributions of Weber's sociology of religion, but to discuss an issue that guides his comparative studies of religions, which is to say the influence o... The purpose of this paper is not to provide an overview of the contributions of Weber's sociology of religion, but to discuss an issue that guides his comparative studies of religions, which is to say the influence of religious beliefs on the life conduct. The principal aim is to highlight how the images of the world produced by world religions are responsible, in part, by the variability of economical conducts. In this sense, the paper discusses the explanation of Weber to the fact the capitalist system has been a singularity of the West, although in other civilizations, there has been some of the necessary conditions for its development. In the conclusion, it is said that the emphasis on the practical effects of religious beliefs, as well as the recognition of religion as a form of rationalization of the world, are the central dimensions of Weber's thought about religious phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 Religious ethics economic ethics life conduct RATIONALIZATION disenchantment of the world
Eros and Thanatos in the Psychical Process of Paul Morel: Diversity in Paul's Psyche
作者 U. H. Ruhina Jesmin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第5期538-543,共6页
This paper attempts to analyze Paul Morel's instinctual drives--in D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers (2006}---toward survival, neurotic refusal to accept life, and his will to give life meaning after a fierce and pr... This paper attempts to analyze Paul Morel's instinctual drives--in D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers (2006}---toward survival, neurotic refusal to accept life, and his will to give life meaning after a fierce and prolonged internal strife--in the light of psychoanalysis. It will explore how his "Id" strives to bring about the satisfaction of instinctual needs on the basis of the pleasure principle driving him to seek pleasure. His "libido"--psychic energy, emanating from the id, especially the sexual urge--has empowered his "Eros" or life instinct. It will also explore how "Thanatos" or death instinct, in contrast, has yearned for an almost lifeless state and curbed entering into human relationships as experienced in his last rejection of Miriam after his mother's death leaving a great trauma on Paul who has been on the verse of extinction as a result. Therefore, Eros and Thanatos, both coincide and conflict within him, are dynamically involved and thus are interacted infusing life not stagnation in Paulin consequence 展开更多
关键词 internal strife EROS Thanatos instinctual drives TRANSFERENCE
Design of an Agricultural Production Model for the Food Demand of the Mining Complex
作者 C. Gutierrez De Pifieres T. David C. Ruiz 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第4期245-251,共7页
The work's main purpose was to design and implement a model of agricultural production for the attention of food demand of the coal complex in the center of the department of Cesar, Colombia, by mounting Profitable P... The work's main purpose was to design and implement a model of agricultural production for the attention of food demand of the coal complex in the center of the department of Cesar, Colombia, by mounting Profitable Productive Units in rural areas of the zone with mining influence. The aforementioned rural communities are at a socioeconomic disadvantage concerning to the local economic development policies. It was taken a rural society with socio-economic conditions at a disadvantage, level 1 in the classification scale of 1 to 5 of Colombia, several associations were organized in each one of the affected municipalities with strong agricultural vocation to train them in profitable production strategies, authors performed technical and technological support for 12 months. In synthesis, there were meaningful differences among gross income per month of people who worked in the projects of the Young Rural Entrepreneurs, a fact confirmed by the P-value 0.00000005 (Prob. 〉 F) and the F-value 29.3, both denote the significance statistic for this case is best gross income per month of persons covered by the program, this implies that for a person of the rural community it is more meaningful economically linked to the SENA's Young Rural Entrepreneurs, in contrast to search for jobs in the informal sector, there is even an average value of 530.000 COP/month (about 265 US/month) higher than the statutory minimum wage for 2009, equivalent to 497.000 COP/month (about 245 US/month). 展开更多
关键词 Rural community mining complex TRAINING agricultural projects.
Study on Ethical Issues and Countermeasures of Human Resources Management in Corporation
作者 Guohua LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期39-41,共3页
With the rapid development of civilization and economy, society and company are attaching greater importance to the management of human resource, and it has draw manager's attention on how to manage human resource ef... With the rapid development of civilization and economy, society and company are attaching greater importance to the management of human resource, and it has draw manager's attention on how to manage human resource effectively. Therefore, the paper put forward the corresponding countermeasures by analyzing problems in human resource management. 展开更多
关键词 CORPORATION human resource management PROBLEM SOLUTION
Association of swine influenza H1N1 pandemic virus(SIV-H1N1p) with porcine respiratory disease complex in sows from commercial pig farms in Colombia 被引量:2
作者 Luisa Fernanda Mancipe Jiménez Gloria Ramírez Nieto +1 位作者 Victor Vera Alfonso Jairo Jaime Correa 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期242-249,共8页
Porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) is a serious health problem that mainly affects growing and finishing pigs. PRDC is caused by a combination of viral and bacterial agents, such as porcine reproductive and ... Porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) is a serious health problem that mainly affects growing and finishing pigs. PRDC is caused by a combination of viral and bacterial agents, such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), swine influenza virus (SIV), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Myh), Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), Pasteurella multocida and Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2). To characterize the specific role of swine influenza virus in PRDC presentation in Colombia, 11 farms from three major production regions in Colombia were examined in this study. Nasal swabs, bronchial lavage and lung tissue samples were obtained from animals displaying symptoms compatible with SIV. Isolation of SIV was performed in 9-day embryonated chicken eggs or Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells. Positive isolates, identified via the hemagglutination inhibition test, were further analyzed using PCR. Overall, 7 of the 11 farms were positive for SIV. Notably, sequencing of the gene encoding the hemagglutinin (HA) protein led to grouping of strains into circulating viruses identified during the human outbreak of 2009, classified as pandemic H1N1-2009. Serum samples from 198 gilts and multiparous sows between 2008 and 2009 were obtained to determine antibody presence of APP, Myh, PCV2 and PRRSV in both SIV-H1Nlp-negative and -positive farms, but higher levels were recorded for SIV- HI Nlp-positive farms. Odds ratio (OR) and P values revealed statistically significant differences (p〈0.05) in PRDC presentation in gilts and multiparous sows of farms positive for SIV-HINlp. Our findings indicate that positive farms have increased risk of PRDC presentation, in particular, PCV2, APP and Myh. 展开更多
关键词 SIV-HIN1 swine influenza pandemic porcine respiratory disease complex Colombia
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