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《山海经》文化精神的再认识——兼与刘再复先生商榷“原形文化”与“伪形文化” 被引量:2
作者 刘季冬 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期101-109,283-284,共9页
斯宾格勒在其著作《西方的没落》中论述阿拉伯与俄罗斯文化时指出,由于受外来文化的入侵及影响,阿拉伯文化与俄罗斯文化发生了严重的变形。斯宾格勒将这种受外来文化影响而产生变形的民族文化称为"伪形文化"。刘再复先生借用... 斯宾格勒在其著作《西方的没落》中论述阿拉伯与俄罗斯文化时指出,由于受外来文化的入侵及影响,阿拉伯文化与俄罗斯文化发生了严重的变形。斯宾格勒将这种受外来文化影响而产生变形的民族文化称为"伪形文化"。刘再复先生借用斯宾格勒"伪形文化"这一概念,用于中国传统文化的研究,并作原形文化与伪形文化之区分。他以其认定的《山海经》所体现的文化精神为标准,将体现中华民族优秀文化精神的文化典籍称为原形文化,将背离这一文化精神的文化典籍称为伪形文化。根据这一原则,刘先生将中华古典文学四大名著区分为:《西游记》、《红楼梦》是原形文化,《三国演义》、《水浒传》是伪形文化。本文对《山海经》所体现的文化精神进行了新的梳理,提出了与刘先生不一样的认识,即《山海经》所体现的文化精神是优劣并存的,并非只体现优秀文化精神。在此基础上,对文学四大名著从不同的视角提出了与刘再复先生不一样的看法:《三国演义》、《水浒传》并非中华文化的"伪形",而《西游记》、《红楼梦》并非只体现优秀文化精神的"原形文化"。 展开更多
关键词 山海经 文化精神 原形文化 伪形文化 四大名著
伪形心多边形形心距离计算方法 被引量:1
作者 朱钰 王伟 章传银 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期6-9,44,共5页
针对多边形形心距离计算过程中存在的形心位于多边形外的问题,该文提出伪形心的概念,通过三角剖分的方式,计算多边形边界到多边形形心距离最小的点,将形心合理地平移到边界上,进而计算多边形形心距离。针对伪形心存在于邻接边的特殊情况... 针对多边形形心距离计算过程中存在的形心位于多边形外的问题,该文提出伪形心的概念,通过三角剖分的方式,计算多边形边界到多边形形心距离最小的点,将形心合理地平移到边界上,进而计算多边形形心距离。针对伪形心存在于邻接边的特殊情况,又提出将形心平移到多边形主骨架线上的改进算法。该文提出的算法简单,易于实现,适用性强,进一步扩展了多边形形心距离计算的思路。 展开更多
关键词 伪形 三角剖分 主骨架线 形心距离
试析体育文化冲突的产生 被引量:6
作者 吴文峰 《体育文化导刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期27-28,23,共3页
在全球化的时代背景下,跨文化传播已经成为体育发展的重要形式。由于文化本身具有可变性以及在开放过程外来文化与本土文化之间的差异性,使体育文化在跨传播过程中不可避免地产生体育文化冲突。政治、经济等环境的变迁造成的文化失调,... 在全球化的时代背景下,跨文化传播已经成为体育发展的重要形式。由于文化本身具有可变性以及在开放过程外来文化与本土文化之间的差异性,使体育文化在跨传播过程中不可避免地产生体育文化冲突。政治、经济等环境的变迁造成的文化失调,现代传媒建构文化交融的偏向性等外部环境也是引起体育文化冲突的重要因素。此外,在接触外来文化后所产生的价值判断双重标准也是产生体育文化冲突中值得注意但也最容易被忽视的一个深层次影响因素。对于体育文化在跨文化传播过程产生的文化冲突的解析,可以使我们在认识体育文化冲突时不再一味地以为彼此相互融合就是最佳的结果,也许以一种"伪形"来化解体育文化冲突更有利于体育文化的持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 跨文化传播 体育文化 文化冲突 伪形
回眸一瞥——中国20世纪建筑遗产的范型及其脉络 被引量:7
作者 常青 《建筑遗产》 2019年第3期1-10,共10页
文章以历时性叙事为主,穿插共时性分析,回望了中国20世纪建筑遗产的形式脉络。由于现代性观念和工业化起步均滞后西方达百年以上,加之西方文化移入初期的需要,以及中国上层社会对民族国家身份的认同和对传统文化象征的尊崇,使中式的新... 文章以历时性叙事为主,穿插共时性分析,回望了中国20世纪建筑遗产的形式脉络。由于现代性观念和工业化起步均滞后西方达百年以上,加之西方文化移入初期的需要,以及中国上层社会对民族国家身份的认同和对传统文化象征的尊崇,使中式的新古典主义始终在20世纪的建筑遗产中占有首要地位。而在上海等中国开埠城市的租界地段,西方新古典主义时期的各种建筑流派及其舶来品,也大多成为中国20世纪建筑遗产的组成部分。至20世纪中,以北京天安门广场的现代建筑遗产为代表,西方新古典主义建筑的影响在新中国的建筑遗产典范中更加清晰可辨。相比之下,早期西方现代主义建筑形态对中国近代建筑的影响不过是凤毛麟角。直到20世纪80年代,由于改革开放向世界打开了大门,西方后工业时代的各种建筑思潮蜂拥而至,中国20世纪末的建筑形式才走出了新古典的范型,现代古典、晚期现代、后现代等西方建筑的影响以中国的在地形式呈现出来。 展开更多
关键词 中国20世纪建筑遗产 范型 伪形 中国固有式 民族形式 新中式 多元化
“地狱之门”与“天国之门”——刘再复对中国古典“四大名著”的再评价 被引量:1
作者 古大勇 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期1137-1142,共6页
刘再复从"原形文化"和"伪形文化"的角度,认为中国的"四大名著"的精神内涵和文化价值具有天壤之别,《红楼梦》和《西游记》体现的是中国的原形文化,而《水浒传》和《三国演义》体现的则是伪形文化。刘再... 刘再复从"原形文化"和"伪形文化"的角度,认为中国的"四大名著"的精神内涵和文化价值具有天壤之别,《红楼梦》和《西游记》体现的是中国的原形文化,而《水浒传》和《三国演义》体现的则是伪形文化。刘再复同时依据"人"的价值标尺,认为《红楼梦》折射的是"人"的文化,《水浒传》和《三国演义》折射的则是"非人"的文化。刘再复对"四大名著"的评价乍看石破天惊,不合常情,但事实上有理有据,切中肯綮。他的观点不免遭到一些批评,但纵观这些批评文章,却不同程度地犯了"个案反驳论"、"偷换概念论"和"上纲上线论"的毛病。 展开更多
关键词 四大名著 原形文化 伪形文化 “人”的标尺 反批评
作者 王莹雪 《社科纵横》 2016年第3期98-100,共3页
《水浒传》能够穿越时空,以文本及影视之传播媒介博得千百年来读者与观众的厚爱,很大程度上取决于其潜在的"造反有理"、"欲望有罪"的两大逻辑。因"造反"而奢杀的快意恩仇行为,令人痛快淋漓,极大程度地满... 《水浒传》能够穿越时空,以文本及影视之传播媒介博得千百年来读者与观众的厚爱,很大程度上取决于其潜在的"造反有理"、"欲望有罪"的两大逻辑。因"造反"而奢杀的快意恩仇行为,令人痛快淋漓,极大程度地满足了感官与视觉的享受;对逾礼、出墙行为女性的残杀,是复仇心理的满足,是对人类情感的亵渎与挑战。"造反有理"与"欲望有罪"皆有悖于中国传统优秀文化,并与社会发展、人类进步美好宗旨背道而驰。 展开更多
关键词 伪形文化 水浒传 造反有理 欲望有罪
作者 于奕 《城市建筑》 2006年第7期88-91,共4页
本文通过研究世界文明发展的螺旋状模型,对希腊文明、犹太文明和中国文明做了初步归纳与探究,希望寻找到更为合理的认识文明发展的方式。面对当今中国文化(尤其是建筑文化)的发展局面,我们应该正确对待主被动、同一性以及“伪形”的疑问... 本文通过研究世界文明发展的螺旋状模型,对希腊文明、犹太文明和中国文明做了初步归纳与探究,希望寻找到更为合理的认识文明发展的方式。面对当今中国文化(尤其是建筑文化)的发展局面,我们应该正确对待主被动、同一性以及“伪形”的疑问,使我们的文明健康地发展。 展开更多
关键词 文明发展 螺旋状模型 中国文明 主动与被动 同一性 伪形
作者 马宏 《殷都学刊》 1986年第3期151-152,共2页
关键词 嵇康 阮籍 “通脱” 遭破坏 魏野 伪形 半野 美意识 礼法之士 抒情文学
Detail-preserving ring artifact correction method for cone-beam CT
作者 侯慧玲 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2016年第2期165-170,共6页
Ring artifact is the major factor that seriously influence quality of computed tomography(CT)image reconstruction,especially in testing large-scale workpieces.To remove ring artifact quickly and efficiently,a kind of ... Ring artifact is the major factor that seriously influence quality of computed tomography(CT)image reconstruction,especially in testing large-scale workpieces.To remove ring artifact quickly and efficiently,a kind of ring artifact correction method is improved based on the post-processing CT image reconstruction in this paper.At first,transform the CT image from the rectangular coordinates into polar coordinates.Next,design multidimensional filter to filter the image and calculate the mean and variance of each filtered pixel in polar coordinates.The location of artifact point is determined by the double precision.One is the comparison of calculated variance and variance threshold,and another is the comparison of pixel value and pixel value threshold.Then,process the artifact points in a reasonable manner and do details remain to CT image in particular.At last,convert corrected polar image into rectangular coordinates.The actual experiment shows that compared with the original method,improved method can better correct the ring artifacts and keep the image details for CT images.It is a kind of practical ring artifact correction methods for subsequent processing and quantitative analysis. 展开更多
关键词 cone beam computed tomography(CT) Feldkamp-Davis-Kress(FDK)algorithm ring artifacts detail-preserving
High precision slope deformation monitoring model based on the GPS/Pseudolites technology in open-pit mine 被引量:26
作者 WANG Jianpeng, GAO Jingxiang, LIU Chao, WANG Jian School of Environment and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第1期126-131,137,共7页
As the number and geometric intensity of visual satellites are susceptible to large slopes in open-pit mines, we propose integration of GPS/Pseudolites (PLs) positioning technology which can increase the number of vis... As the number and geometric intensity of visual satellites are susceptible to large slopes in open-pit mines, we propose integration of GPS/Pseudolites (PLs) positioning technology which can increase the number of visible satellites, strengthen the geometric intensity of satellites and provide a precision solution for slope deformation monitoring. However, the un-modeled systematic errors are still the main limiting factors for high precision baseline solution. In order to eliminate the un-modeled systematic error, the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) theory is employed. The multi-scale decomposition and reconstruction architecture are defined here on the basis of the EMD theory and the systematic error mitigation model is demonstrated as well. A standard of the scale selection for the systematic error elimination is given in terms of the mean of the accumulated standardized modes. Thereafter, the scheme of the GPS/PLs baseline solution based on the EMD is suggested. The simulation and experiment results show that the precision factors (DOP) are reduced greatly when PLs is located suitably. The proposed scheme dramatically improves the reliability of ambiguity resolution and the precision of baseline vector after systematic error being eliminated, and provides an effective model for high precision slope deformation monitoring in open-pit mine. 展开更多
关键词 open-pit mine slope deformation PLS EMD
Angle-Threshold Random Beamforming Scheme for Multi-Antenna System
作者 HU Hao LIU Xiaomin YANG Hongwen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期1-10,共10页
Codebook-based multiple input multiple output(MIMO) beamforming can significantly improve the system spectral efficiency with limited feedback and gets widely adopted.However,this scheme has a drawback of heavy feedba... Codebook-based multiple input multiple output(MIMO) beamforming can significantly improve the system spectral efficiency with limited feedback and gets widely adopted.However,this scheme has a drawback of heavy feedback load that the sum feedback rate can be a bottleneck for the communication system,especially when the number of users is large.In this paper,a new scheme using pseudo-random beamforming vectors and angle based threshold in the feedback process is proposed.In the proposed scheme,both the base-station and the users have no need to store a codebook.In each access procedure,the base-station generates a pseudo-random beamforming vector,and each user calculates the angle between the beamforming vectors and its channel state information(CSI) vector.If the angle is less than a predefined angle-threshold,the user feeds back its channel quality indicators(CQI),otherwise it keep silence.Compared with the codebook based scheme,the proposed scheme can largely reduce the sum feedback rate with negligible throughput loss.In particular,when the system has a constraint on the total sum feedback rate in uplink channel,the proposed scheme can increase the system throughput significantly. 展开更多
关键词 BEAMFORMING feedback load system throughput random code anglethreshold.
Bionic covert anti-reverberation active sonar detection method based on imitating whale whistles 被引量:1
作者 JIANG Jiajia MIAO Yu +5 位作者 LI Yao SUN Zhongbo LI Chunyue WANG Xianquan FU Xiao DUAN Fajie 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第2期127-137,共11页
The disguised covert detection method that imitates whale calls has received great attention in recent years because it can solve the traditional problem of the trade-off between long-range detection and covert detect... The disguised covert detection method that imitates whale calls has received great attention in recent years because it can solve the traditional problem of the trade-off between long-range detection and covert detection.However,under strong reverberation conditions,traditional echo signal processing methods based on matched filtering will be greatly disturbed.Based on this,a disguised sonar signal waveform design is proposed based on imitating whale calls and computationally efficient anti-reverberation echo signal processing method.Firstly,this article proposed a disguised sonar signal waveform design method based on imitating whale calls.This method uses linear frequency modulation(LFM)signals to replace LFM-like segments in real whale calls,and extracts the envelope of the real whale call’s LFM-like segment to modify the LFM signal.Secondly,this article proposed an echo signal processing method of fractional Fourier transform(FrFT)based on target echo locating of synchronization signals.This method uses the synchronization signal to locate the target echo,and determines the step-size interval of the FrFT based on the information carried by the synchronization signal.Compared with the traditional FrFT,this method effectively reduces the amount of calculation and also improves the anti-reverberation ability.Finally,the excellent performance of the proposed method is verified by simulation results. 展开更多
关键词 active sonar system anti-reverberation disguised sonar waveform design echo signal processing
On Two Conjectures Concerning the Veronese Generating submanifolds
作者 宋鸿藻 胡泽军 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1993年第2期17-21,共5页
The notion of finite type submanifolds was introduced by B. Y. Chen. In this paper the conjectures on scalar curvature of Veronese generating submanifolds in E~σ and the minimal conjecture on Veronese space-like subm... The notion of finite type submanifolds was introduced by B. Y. Chen. In this paper the conjectures on scalar curvature of Veronese generating submanifolds in E~σ and the minimal conjecture on Veronese space-like submanifold Σ and Veronese pseudo-Riemannian submanifold in E_1~σ are proved. We have Σ is minimal in H^5. is minimal in S_1~5, Σ and are of 1-type in E_1~σ. 展开更多
关键词 Finite Type Submanifolds Minimal Submanifolds Veronese Generating Submanifolds.
Finite Type Non-Minimal Submanifolds
作者 宋鸿藻 吴报强 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1992年第4期76-83,共8页
The notion of finite type submanifolds was introduced by B. Y. Chen. In this paper we consider the characteristics and the classifications of finite type non-minimal submanifolds. The characteristic theorems of 2-type... The notion of finite type submanifolds was introduced by B. Y. Chen. In this paper we consider the characteristics and the classifications of finite type non-minimal submanifolds. The characteristic theorems of 2-type Chen submanifolds,mass-symmetrie hypersurfaces and Dupin hypersurfaces in E_3~m are obtained. The classification theorems of 3-type hypersurfaces and null 2-type curves in E_3~m are also proved. 展开更多
关键词 Finite Type Submanifolds Minimal Submanifolds
First record of water mite from Tibet with an updated key to the genus Sperchon(Acari: Hydrachnidia: Sperchontidae) from China
作者 Xu ZHANG Ting JIANG +1 位作者 Tao SUN Xuexia GEN 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2018年第3期209-216,共8页
Tibet is a biodiversity-rich area in China. But until now, no water mites have been recorded from Tibet. In this study, two water mite species, Sperchon glandulosus Koenike, 1886 and Sperchon plumifer Thor, 1902 are r... Tibet is a biodiversity-rich area in China. But until now, no water mites have been recorded from Tibet. In this study, two water mite species, Sperchon glandulosus Koenike, 1886 and Sperchon plumifer Thor, 1902 are reported for the first time from Tibet, and Sperchon glandulosus is newly recorded from China. Descriptions and illustrations of Sperchon glandulosus are given herein. DNA barcodings for the two species are also referenced. A key to the 22 species(females) in the genus Sperchon from China is presented. 展开更多
关键词 DNA barcoding Sperchon plumifer Sperchon glandulosus TAXONOMY
Piecewise Linear Analysis for Pseudo-elasticity of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)
作者 王晓东 杜晓伟 孙国钧 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第1期48-51,共4页
Based on the Brinson constitutive model of SMA, a piecewise linear model for the hysteresis loop of pseudo-elasticity is proposed and applied in the analysis of responses of an SMA-spring-mass system under initial vel... Based on the Brinson constitutive model of SMA, a piecewise linear model for the hysteresis loop of pseudo-elasticity is proposed and applied in the analysis of responses of an SMA-spring-mass system under initial velocity activation. The histories of displacement and velocity of the mass, and the response of stress of SMA are calculated with Brinson’s model and the piecewise linear model. The difference of results of the two models is not significant. The calculation with piecewise-linear model needs no iteration and is highly efficient. 展开更多
关键词 shape memory alloy(SMA) PSEUDO-ELASTICITY piecewise linear model Brinson's constitutive law
作者 ZHANGWENJUN RENFYUAO 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1995年第4期467-476,共10页
This paper studies the iteratiolls of holomorphic self-maps which have nonwandering points over general pseudoconvex domains in C2. The authors give especially a Denjoy-Wolff-type theorem on pseudoconvex domains with ... This paper studies the iteratiolls of holomorphic self-maps which have nonwandering points over general pseudoconvex domains in C2. The authors give especially a Denjoy-Wolff-type theorem on pseudoconvex domains with reaLanalytic boundaries, or even more general, on domains of finite type. 展开更多
关键词 ITERATION HOROSPHERE Domains of finite type Nonwandering point.
作者 J.LEE K.H.SHON 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第1期67-74,共8页
This paper shows that the 8-problem for holomorphic (0, 2)-forms on Hubert spaces is solv-able on pseudoconvex open subsets. By using this result, the authors investigate the existence of the solution of the -equation... This paper shows that the 8-problem for holomorphic (0, 2)-forms on Hubert spaces is solv-able on pseudoconvex open subsets. By using this result, the authors investigate the existence of the solution of the -equation for holomorphic (0, 2)-forms on pseudoconvex domains in D.F.N. spaces. 展开更多
关键词 -prob1em Pseudoconvex domain Nuclear operator D.F.N. space
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