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不等微卫星座位数目对Nei氏标准遗传距离估测精度的影响 被引量:16
作者 张爱玲 马月辉 +1 位作者 陈秀梅 陈宏 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期431-433,共3页
以实际测定的19个微卫星座位的基因频率为基础,分析了中国4个山羊品种在3、6、9、12、15个微卫星座位情况下的遗传距离精度,结果表明:随着微卫星数目的增多,遗传距离精度也随着升高。t检验结果表明:15个座位下测得的遗传距离精度与在3、... 以实际测定的19个微卫星座位的基因频率为基础,分析了中国4个山羊品种在3、6、9、12、15个微卫星座位情况下的遗传距离精度,结果表明:随着微卫星数目的增多,遗传距离精度也随着升高。t检验结果表明:15个座位下测得的遗传距离精度与在3、6、9、12座位时的估测精度呈显著差异。分析群体间遗传关系时应选用较多的座位。 展开更多
关键词 遗传距离 估测精度 座位数 微卫星座位 标准 不等 基因频率 山羊品种 检验结果 遗传关系
不同传感器的模拟植被指数对水稻叶面积指数的估测精度和敏感性分析 被引量:27
作者 陈拉 黄敬峰 王秀珍 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期143-151,共9页
本研究利用水稻冠层高光谱数据,模拟NOAA-AVHRR,Terra-MODIS和Landsat-TM的可见光波段反射率数据,计算各传感器的多种植被指数(NDVI,RVI,EVI,GNDVI,GRVI和Red-edge RVI),比较植被指数模型对水稻LAI的估测精度,分析不同植被指数对LAI变... 本研究利用水稻冠层高光谱数据,模拟NOAA-AVHRR,Terra-MODIS和Landsat-TM的可见光波段反射率数据,计算各传感器的多种植被指数(NDVI,RVI,EVI,GNDVI,GRVI和Red-edge RVI),比较植被指数模型对水稻LAI的估测精度,分析不同植被指数对LAI变化的敏感性。相对于红波段植被指数,红边比值植被指数(Red-edgeRVI)和绿波段指数GRVI与LAI有更好的线性相关关系,而GNDVI和LAI呈现更好的对数相关关系。MODIS的Red-edge RVI指数不仅模型拟合的精度最高,还有独立数据验证的估测精度也最高,而且它的验证精度较拟合精度下降幅度最小;其次是绿波段构建的GNDVI和GRVI植被指数的估测精度,再次是NDVI和EVI的估测精度,而RVI的估测精度最差。敏感性分析发现,13个植被指数对水稻LAI的估测能力都随着LAI的增加而下降,但归一化类植被指数和比值类植被指数对LAI变化反应的差异明显,归一化类植被指数在LAI较低时(LAI<1.5)对LAI变化的反应开始非常敏感,但迅速下降,而比值类植被指数在LAI较低时,明显小于归一化类植被指数,之后随着LAI的增大(LAI>1.5)比值类植被指数对LAI的变化敏感性,则明显高于归一化类植被指数。Red-edge RVI和绿波段指数GRVI和LAI不仅表现了很好的线性相关关系,而且在LAI大于2.9左右保持较高的敏感性。 展开更多
关键词 植被指数 叶面积指数 估测精度 敏感性 水稻
双线偏振雷达降雨估测分析 被引量:25
作者 楚荣忠 王致君 +2 位作者 刘黎平 贾伟 李小平 《气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期103-109,共7页
本文提出排序配对逼近法来拟合1993—1994年1314次雷达和雨量计的取样资料,这样既弥补了线性回归法的不足,又提高了区域降水估测的精度。由误差分析知道:估测1000km2以上区域的降水时,对双线偏振雷达而言,其估... 本文提出排序配对逼近法来拟合1993—1994年1314次雷达和雨量计的取样资料,这样既弥补了线性回归法的不足,又提高了区域降水估测的精度。由误差分析知道:估测1000km2以上区域的降水时,对双线偏振雷达而言,其估测精度将极有可能降低到10%以下且比常规雷达有明显改善;双线偏振雷达的两种估测公式之间差异不大;按降水强弱分型处理可提高常规雷达估测精度。 展开更多
关键词 双线偏振雷达 降水分析 估测精度
RBF神经网络在雷达定量估测降水中的应用研究 被引量:11
作者 傅德胜 肖晨 +2 位作者 谭畅 喻宝龙 许波 《气象科学》 北大核心 2015年第2期199-203,共5页
利用重庆气象局CINRAD/SA气象雷达降水回波资料和相应地区的地面雨量站资料,基于径向基函数神经网络,建立雷达定量估测降水模型,将其用于地面降水估测。作为比较,同时以变分法得到的Z-R关系式估测所得降水。经二者对比试验结果表明:建... 利用重庆气象局CINRAD/SA气象雷达降水回波资料和相应地区的地面雨量站资料,基于径向基函数神经网络,建立雷达定量估测降水模型,将其用于地面降水估测。作为比较,同时以变分法得到的Z-R关系式估测所得降水。经二者对比试验结果表明:建立的雷达定量估测降水模型的估测精度和稳定性要明显优于Z-R关系式,能较好地反映降雨的真实情况。 展开更多
关键词 大气探测 雷达估测降水 RBF神经网络 Z-R关系 估测精度
利用航空数码影像的色彩特征估测森林郁闭度 被引量:12
作者 李宇昊 石田 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期148-154,共7页
采用高分辨率航空数码影像,结合色彩特征估测郁闭度。首先利用阴影的光学特性,在I、H、S空间对阴影区域亮度、饱和度和色调值进行匹配补偿,去除阴影。然后利用I1I2I3空间I2I3通道对绿色良好的敏感度和光照不变性,提取树冠并计算郁闭度,... 采用高分辨率航空数码影像,结合色彩特征估测郁闭度。首先利用阴影的光学特性,在I、H、S空间对阴影区域亮度、饱和度和色调值进行匹配补偿,去除阴影。然后利用I1I2I3空间I2I3通道对绿色良好的敏感度和光照不变性,提取树冠并计算郁闭度,最后分析估测郁闭度的精度。结果表明,总体估测精度为99.89%以上,郁闭度区间的复层针叶林估测精度为87.18%,其他林分垂直结构和树种类型条件下的估测精度不低于95%。 展开更多
关键词 色彩特征 航空遥感影像 阴影 郁闭度 估测精度
作者 丰兴秋 杨春涛 《林业科技》 2009年第3期27-29,45,共4页
关键词 森林经理调查 估测精度 卫星照片 卫星遥感技术 应用 卫星遥感影像 林业工作者 SPOT5
多普勒天气雷达定量估测降水中反射率因子选取方法讨论 被引量:3
作者 滕超 肖辉 周筠君 《高原山地气象研究》 2013年第3期70-76,共7页
雷达定量测量降水主要依据是Z-R关系。目前对于其中系数A、b选取影响估测降水精度的研究工作很多,但是在工作中如何选取合适的Z值的研究工作较少。本文则利用固定的A=280、b=1.45值研究反射率因子Z值选取对估测降水精度的影响。结果表明... 雷达定量测量降水主要依据是Z-R关系。目前对于其中系数A、b选取影响估测降水精度的研究工作很多,但是在工作中如何选取合适的Z值的研究工作较少。本文则利用固定的A=280、b=1.45值研究反射率因子Z值选取对估测降水精度的影响。结果表明,综合考虑时间、仰角高度等因素的选取方法其结果要优于单层单体扫过程的结果。 展开更多
关键词 雷达 定量测量 Z—R关系 Z值 估测精度
作者 蔡龙涛 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期2223-2223,共1页
全波形星载激光雷达测距作为主动遥感技术,在估测森林结构参数方面具有其他森林资源调查方法无可比拟的优越性。如ICESat激光测高卫星在森林类型识别、树高估测和地上森林生物量估测等方面都取得了一定成果。为进一步提高森林结构参数... 全波形星载激光雷达测距作为主动遥感技术,在估测森林结构参数方面具有其他森林资源调查方法无可比拟的优越性。如ICESat激光测高卫星在森林类型识别、树高估测和地上森林生物量估测等方面都取得了一定成果。为进一步提高森林结构参数估测精度,对全国乃至全球碳储量进行高精度估测,我国发射了一颗全波形星载激光雷达测高卫星,该卫星的投入和使用将为全国甚至全球森林资源动态监测提供一种新的数据和技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 星载激光雷达 反演研究 测高卫星 森林资源调查 ICESAT 估测精度 全波形 碳储量
TRMM卫星降水数据在江苏省的适用性分析 被引量:3
作者 田苗 童杨辉 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2016年第12期440-444,共5页
为了验证TRMM降水数据在江苏省的适用性,本研究利用江苏省4个气象台站2000—2014年的降水数据,在不同时间尺度上分析TRMM多卫星降水数据3B43产品的精度。结果表明:TRMM在不同时间尺度的估测精度都较高,在月尺度上r2都在0.9左右,但TRMM... 为了验证TRMM降水数据在江苏省的适用性,本研究利用江苏省4个气象台站2000—2014年的降水数据,在不同时间尺度上分析TRMM多卫星降水数据3B43产品的精度。结果表明:TRMM在不同时间尺度的估测精度都较高,在月尺度上r2都在0.9左右,但TRMM估测的降水量普遍低于测站的降水量;在季节尺度上,降水比较集中的夏季估测精度最低,冬季的估测精度最高,在冬小麦整个生育期内TRMM的估测精度较好;从气象站分布看,位于苏北冬小麦主要产区的徐州站估测精度最好,赣榆的估测精度最低。因此,TRMM数据可以用来研究苏北地区冬小麦全生育期的降水量状况。 展开更多
关键词 TRMM卫星 遥感 降水数量 江苏省 估测精度 冬小麦 全生育 降水量状况
作者 周卫红 范亚民 +2 位作者 李建龙 李辉 孙政国 《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第3期302-307,共6页
为了解稻麦系统作物冠层高光谱特征与其系统产量的关系,进而实时动态监测作物长势与产量情况,分析水稻和小麦系统产量与多类型高光谱特征变量之间的关系.选择相关性较好的光谱波谱与变量参数,并分别建立最佳回归预测模型.结果表明,水稻... 为了解稻麦系统作物冠层高光谱特征与其系统产量的关系,进而实时动态监测作物长势与产量情况,分析水稻和小麦系统产量与多类型高光谱特征变量之间的关系.选择相关性较好的光谱波谱与变量参数,并分别建立最佳回归预测模型.结果表明,水稻系统产量的估测以多变量回归模型为最优,红边内一阶导数的总和(Sr)与蓝边内一阶导数的总和(Sb)的归一化值(Sr-Sb)/(Sr+Sb)、Sr和红边位置(λr)3个变量对水稻系统产量有较大的影响(R2=0.739),估测精度为88.24%;小麦系统产量的估测以Sr的指数模型为最优(R2=0.780),估测精度为66.43%.红边光谱区域的高光谱变量与光谱指数用于估算稻麦系统作物长势与产量较为有效,可用于定量、准确监测稻麦系统产量. 展开更多
关键词 高光谱作物遥感 作物高光谱植被指数 红边光谱区域监测 稻麦系统产量 估测精度
基于ALOS和PPS的退耕还林工程监测——以沽源县九连城镇为例 被引量:1
作者 高莉 全锋 +2 位作者 申磊 邓华锋 彭道黎 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期22-26,共5页
以ALOS数据作为卫星遥感数据信息源,利用计算机进行监督分类和人机交互式解译,可提取工程区实际退耕还林面积,但对所有图斑进行实地植被状况调查的费用是非常昂贵和费时的。采用不等概抽样方法(PPS),将给定的遥感解译图斑面积/各工程实... 以ALOS数据作为卫星遥感数据信息源,利用计算机进行监督分类和人机交互式解译,可提取工程区实际退耕还林面积,但对所有图斑进行实地植被状况调查的费用是非常昂贵和费时的。采用不等概抽样方法(PPS),将给定的遥感解译图斑面积/各工程实施图斑面积作为辅助因子,根据30块工程实际面积和GPS实地量测退耕还林面积,估计工程保存造林总面积,将两者提取面积做了对比分析。分析结果表明,该方法分析精度达到86.2%,对及时掌握工程实施进度及质量,也具有极其重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 遥感解译 不等概抽样 估测精度
卫星相片在森林资源调查中的应用 被引量:1
作者 余平 《云南林业调查规划设计》 1998年第4期19-20,共2页
关键词 卫星相片 分层抽样 估测精度 森林资源调查
《世界热带农业信息》 2003年第2期21-21,共1页
浙江大学的研究人员最近采用综合技 术方案,攻克了水稻卫星遥感估产的国际性难题,并可使水稻产量的估测精度达到93%。
关键词 水稻遥感估产 气象卫星 水稻产量 环境与资源 估测精度 浙江大学 土地利用现状图 卫星遥感技术 系统技术 国家自然科学基金
Quantitative estimation presort of glacier lake outburst debris flow based on bucket effect
作者 ZHANG Li YANG Zhaohua LI Guogang 《Global Geology》 2012年第1期48-52,共5页
Glacier-lake outburst debris flow(GLODF),unique in high altitude mountains where modern glacier is active,is significantly large in its scale of time and space,and strong in power of destroy.Following the world's ... Glacier-lake outburst debris flow(GLODF),unique in high altitude mountains where modern glacier is active,is significantly large in its scale of time and space,and strong in power of destroy.Following the world's becoming warmer,GLODF frequency gradually rises.In late years,quantitative estimation methodologies has been put into use of mass GLODF estimations.To improve former methodologies,this article suggests that the glacier(or the massif)on the trailing edge and the moraine dam are the two major systems providing independent glacier lake outburst possibilities.Bucket Effect exists in GLODF issues.Therefore focusing on the relatively unstable one of the above two provides better accuracy in estimation on GLODF possibility.Thus,this article summarizes method of presort through specific GLODF evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 GLODF quantitative estimation outburst modes catastrophe mechanism bucket effect
Monitoring Media Velocity Variations with Coda Wave Interferometry
作者 Zhang Jinchuan Wang Qincai +1 位作者 Xue Bing Ding Lisha 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第2期190-202,共13页
Multiply scattered waves are sensitive to media changes owing to the effect of repeated sampling,superposition and amplification. Based on this characteristic,small-medium changes could be detected by using coda wave ... Multiply scattered waves are sensitive to media changes owing to the effect of repeated sampling,superposition and amplification. Based on this characteristic,small-medium changes could be detected by using coda wave interferometry. In recent years,coda wave interferometry has been widely used in estimating velocity variation with high precision in areas such as seismology and non-destructive testing. This paper systematically presents the principle and research status of coda wave interferometry,and especial focus is placed on the research of media velocity variations by using repeating earthquakes,artificial sources,and ambient noise. Applications of coda wave interferometry can contribute to the more subtle understanding of dynamic evolution process in the medium. 展开更多
关键词 Coda wave interferometry Cross-correlation Velocity variationsRepeating earthquake Ambient seismic noise
Distributed cubature Kalman filter based on observation bootstrap sampling
作者 胡振涛 Hu Yumei +2 位作者 Zheng Shanshan Li Xian Guo Zhen 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2016年第2期142-147,共6页
Aiming at the adverse effect caused by observation noise on system state estimation precision,a novel distributed cubature Kalman filter(CKF) based on observation bootstrap sampling is proposed.Firstly,combining with ... Aiming at the adverse effect caused by observation noise on system state estimation precision,a novel distributed cubature Kalman filter(CKF) based on observation bootstrap sampling is proposed.Firstly,combining with the extraction and utilization of the latest observation information and the prior statistical information from observation noise modeling,an observation bootstrap sampling strategy is designed.The objective is to deal with the adverse influence of observation uncertainty by increasing observations information.Secondly,the strategy is dynamically introduced into the cubature Kalman filter,and the distributed fusion framework of filtering realization is constructed.Better filtering precision is obtained by promoting observation reliability without increasing the hardware cost of observation system.Theory analysis and simulation results show the proposed algorithm feasibility and effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 state estimation cubature Kalman filter (CKF) observation bootstrap sampling distributed weighted fusion
Vibration Characteristics of Detached Houses in Japan by Onethird Octave Band Frequency to Environmental Vibration Estimation
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第11期1019-1026,共8页
In recent years, the complaints against the vibration as environmental pollution tends to increase gradually in Japan. The measurement investigation to demonstrate the actual situation of the environmental vibration w... In recent years, the complaints against the vibration as environmental pollution tends to increase gradually in Japan. The measurement investigation to demonstrate the actual situation of the environmental vibration was carried out for several years. The measurement manual for each vibration source such as operations of factory machine, construction works, road traffics and railways to unify measurement methods was made at the start. From the measurement investigation, the vibration amplification characteristics of the detached house by one-third octave frequency in Japan was analyzed as a purpose to improve estimated precision of the vibration in a detached house. In this paper, the vibration amplification characteristic expressed at onethird octave band frequency was shown, and the characteristics was arranged about a result measured with 27 detached houses in Japan. 展开更多
关键词 Vibration as environmental pollution COMPLAINTS measurement manual Japanese house vibration characteristics.
Using of Synthetic Images on Accuracy Assessment of Change Detection
作者 Helio R. Bittencourt Daniel C. Zanotta and Thiago Bazzan 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第11期659-662,共4页
Land cover change detection is the major goal in multitemporal remote sensing studies. It is well known that remotely-sensed images of the same area acquired on different dates tend to be affected by radiometric diffe... Land cover change detection is the major goal in multitemporal remote sensing studies. It is well known that remotely-sensed images of the same area acquired on different dates tend to be affected by radiometric differences and registration problems. These influences are considered as noise in the process and may induce the user to both: signalling false changes and masking real surface changes. The difference image produced by subtracting two co-registered images is a standard initial step in change detection algorithms. This image naturally appears to be noisier than the original ones and has at least two populations: (1) the noise-like and (2) the real changes. The problem that arises is how to discriminate them. There are several approaches to perform change detection reported in the literature and some studies have employed synthetic images. By using synthetic images, the accuracy assessment of specific algorithm can be done more accurately. The question at this point is: what is the acceptable noise level to be added on the synthetic images to simulate a real problem? This paper attempts to answer this question by suggesting values of SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) obtained from experiments performed on TM-Landsat-5 and CCD-CBERS-2B images. 展开更多
关键词 Change detection accuracy assessment signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
Variable Selection Procedures in Linear Regression Models with Screening Consistency Property
作者 XIE Yanxi XIA Zhijie +1 位作者 WANG Xiaoli YAN Ruixia 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期34-37,共4页
There are two fundamental goals in statistical learning: identifying relevant predictors and ensuring high prediction accuracy. The first goal, by means of variable selection, is of particular importance when the tru... There are two fundamental goals in statistical learning: identifying relevant predictors and ensuring high prediction accuracy. The first goal, by means of variable selection, is of particular importance when the true underlying model has a sparse representation. Discovering relevant predictors can enhance the performance of the prediction for the fitted model. Usually an estimate is considered desirable if it is consistent in terms of both coefficient estimate and variable selection. Hence, before we try to estimate the regression coefficients β , it is preferable that we have a set of useful predictors m hand. The emphasis of our task in this paper is to propose a method, in the aim of identifying relevant predictors to ensure screening consistency in variable selection. The primary interest is on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit(OMP). 展开更多
关键词 variable selection orthogonal matching pursuit high dimensional setup screening consistency
Unseen head pose prediction using dense multivariate label distribution 被引量:1
作者 Gao-li SANG Hu CHEN +1 位作者 Ge HUANG Qi-jun ZHAO 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第6期516-526,共11页
Accurate head poses are useful for many face-related tasks such as face recognition, gaze estimation,and emotion analysis. Most existing methods estimate head poses that are included in the training data(i.e.,previous... Accurate head poses are useful for many face-related tasks such as face recognition, gaze estimation,and emotion analysis. Most existing methods estimate head poses that are included in the training data(i.e.,previously seen head poses). To predict head poses that are not seen in the training data, some regression-based methods have been proposed. However, they focus on estimating continuous head pose angles, and thus do not systematically evaluate the performance on predicting unseen head poses. In this paper, we use a dense multivariate label distribution(MLD) to represent the pose angle of a face image. By incorporating both seen and unseen pose angles into MLD, the head pose predictor can estimate unseen head poses with an accuracy comparable to that of estimating seen head poses. On the Pointing'04 database, the mean absolute errors of results for yaw and pitch are 4.01?and 2.13?, respectively. In addition, experiments on the CAS-PEAL and CMU Multi-PIE databases show that the proposed dense MLD-based head pose estimation method can obtain the state-of-the-art performance when compared to some existing methods. 展开更多
关键词 Head pose estimation Dense multivariate label distribution Sampling intervals Inconsistent labels
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