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CAN报文填充位长度仿真研究 被引量:1
作者 孙博 张丽波 《电子测试》 2017年第4X期75-78,共4页
本文建立了CAN网络标准报文和扩展报文的报文填充位长度仿真模型,并通过该模型获得了CAN网络标准报文和扩展报文的填充位长度的分布律和数学期望。经对比分析得知:当报文长度相同时,CAN扩展报文的填充位长度大于CAN标准报文的填充位长... 本文建立了CAN网络标准报文和扩展报文的报文填充位长度仿真模型,并通过该模型获得了CAN网络标准报文和扩展报文的填充位长度的分布律和数学期望。经对比分析得知:当报文长度相同时,CAN扩展报文的填充位长度大于CAN标准报文的填充位长度。该研究成果已成功应用于多款车型的CAN网络设计,用于预测各CAN网段的总线负载率,应用结果表明该仿真模型偏差<+/-0.5,仿真准确度较高,有效地提高了CAN网络开发的工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 CAN标准报文 CAN扩展报文 填充位长度
作者 周会国 《轻工科技》 2013年第10期78-79,86,共3页
对于一组给定的数据字符串,QR码可以使用不同的编码模式,但不同的编码模式转换成二进制位流长度是不同的。QR码编码的位流长度越短,意味着同样版本QR码能够容纳更多的数据内容,或者说同样的数据可能选择更低版本的QR码表示。本文根据我... 对于一组给定的数据字符串,QR码可以使用不同的编码模式,但不同的编码模式转换成二进制位流长度是不同的。QR码编码的位流长度越短,意味着同样版本QR码能够容纳更多的数据内容,或者说同样的数据可能选择更低版本的QR码表示。本文根据我国使用二维码的实际情况,针对一组指定长度的数据,探讨一种最优化的编码模式,使其编码后的位流长度最短。 展开更多
关键词 QR码 编码 长度 最优化算法
棉纤维四项长度指标相互关系的述评 被引量:4
作者 邱永康 《中国纤检》 2010年第21期58-60,共3页
关键词 手扯长度 上四分位长度 上半部平均长度 品质长度
几种棉纤维长度指标间关系探讨 被引量:3
作者 张圣男 吴志刚 郁崇文 《棉纺织技术》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期18-22,共5页
探讨几种常用棉纤维长度指标间的换算关系。利用SPSS软件对取自企业和文献中的纤维长度指标进行了统计分析,分别建立了品质长度与主体长度、平均长度、上四分位长度以及上半部平均长度的回归关系。检验结果表明:所建立的回归方程具有良... 探讨几种常用棉纤维长度指标间的换算关系。利用SPSS软件对取自企业和文献中的纤维长度指标进行了统计分析,分别建立了品质长度与主体长度、平均长度、上四分位长度以及上半部平均长度的回归关系。检验结果表明:所建立的回归方程具有良好的显著性;短绒率对回归模型的影响程度有限。认为:棉纤维长度指标间可依据所得出的回归方程进行互相换算。 展开更多
关键词 棉纤维 品质长度 主体长度 平均长度 上四分位长度 上半部平均长度
棉花手扯长度综述(一) 被引量:1
作者 张树深 《中国纤检》 2001年第5期17-18,21,共3页
本文综述美国手扯长度标准与仪器长度的关系及美国手扯长度与MCI公司生产的HVI仪UHML的实际分布;中国手扯长度与主体长度、光电长度、2.5%跨距长度的关系。比较光电长度仪与纤维照影仪工作原理的异同;2.5%跨距长度与上半平均长度的差... 本文综述美国手扯长度标准与仪器长度的关系及美国手扯长度与MCI公司生产的HVI仪UHML的实际分布;中国手扯长度与主体长度、光电长度、2.5%跨距长度的关系。比较光电长度仪与纤维照影仪工作原理的异同;2.5%跨距长度与上半平均长度的差异、整齐度比与整齐度指数的差异。建议以平均长度除以2.5%跨距长度或除以上半平均长度表示长度整齐度。综述各种长度与细纱强度相关的高低次序。 展开更多
关键词 手扯长度 MCI 美国 HVI 上四分位长度 仪器 美利坚合众国 北美洲 纤维照影仪 纤维抱合力
基于两步法的平行泊车分段路径规划算法 被引量:6
作者 张野 陈慧 程昆朋 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期169-173,共5页
研究应用于辅助平行泊车的路径规划问题,为引导车辆从任意的起始位姿开始无碰撞地泊入较小的库位。针对车辆的泊车路径规划问题,提出了一种分段式的路径规划方法,采用采样运动规划中的两步法,并采用平滑化的路径来解决泊车过程中曲率不... 研究应用于辅助平行泊车的路径规划问题,为引导车辆从任意的起始位姿开始无碰撞地泊入较小的库位。针对车辆的泊车路径规划问题,提出了一种分段式的路径规划方法,采用采样运动规划中的两步法,并采用平滑化的路径来解决泊车过程中曲率不连续点处需停车转向的问题;另外,采用分段路径规划策略,选择合适的目标停车位姿,减少泊车过程中的调整次数,缩短了可泊入的最小库位长度。仿真结果验证了改进方法的有效性和实用性。 展开更多
关键词 路径规划 平行泊车 最小库位长度 连续曲率路径
作者 蔡立新 《中国经济和信息化》 1999年第10期47-47,共1页
随着2000年的脚步声逐渐临近,全球对计算机千年问题的解决已到了倒计时决战阶段,越来越多的千年问题解决方案见诸于报端杂志和电视媒体中,一时间大有让人眼花缭乱之感。在这股强大“宣”风吹动下,我们的MIS(指管理信息系统)用户们开始... 随着2000年的脚步声逐渐临近,全球对计算机千年问题的解决已到了倒计时决战阶段,越来越多的千年问题解决方案见诸于报端杂志和电视媒体中,一时间大有让人眼花缭乱之感。在这股强大“宣”风吹动下,我们的MIS(指管理信息系统)用户们开始骚动不安,如何才能简易、快速、有效地清除现有MIS中的计算机千年问题呢? 纵观MIS产业的发展过程,笔者发现有这样一个“基本国情”:即在我国业已建立的MIS中(尤其是财务会计信息系统) 展开更多
关键词 千年问题 日期型字段 除虫 位长度 数据库管理语言 日期型数据 分隔符 财务会计信息系统 日期表示 字节
AFIS和HVI棉花测试指标比对及应用分析 被引量:1
作者 韦京艳 孟俊婷 +2 位作者 魏守军 张璠 唐淑荣 《中国棉花》 2020年第6期26-28,共3页
关键词 AFIS HVI 上四分位长度 上半部平均长度 拜氏图
Group scheduling with general position-dependent effect
作者 虞先玉 张玉林 张玉环 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第3期354-359,共6页
In order to investigate more realistic group scheduling problems with position-dependent effects,the model of general position-dependent group scheduling is proposed,where the actual group setup times and actual proce... In order to investigate more realistic group scheduling problems with position-dependent effects,the model of general position-dependent group scheduling is proposed,where the actual group setup times and actual processing times are described by general functions of the normal group setup time and position in the sequence.These general functions are not assumed to have specific function structures,and are not restricted to be monotone.By mathematical analysis and proof,each considered problem is decomposed into a group scheduling process and a job scheduling process,and each scheduling process is transferred into the classic assignment problem or the classic single-machine sequence problem,and then the computational complexity to solve the considered problem is analyzed.Analysis results show that,even with general position-dependent job processing times,both the single machine makespan minimization group scheduling problems and the parallel-machine total load minimization group scheduling problems remain polynomially solvable. 展开更多
关键词 group scheduling position-dependent MAKESPAN total load
Borland C++ 4.5的最佳化
作者 李斌 《管理观察》 1996年第12期19-20,共2页
关键词 BORLAND 系统最佳化 C++ 存储器容量 计算能力 C++ 数据段 位长度 程序执行 除电
作者 罗坤东 向学武 宁苏庆 《云南水力发电》 2017年第2期67-69,共3页
锦屏左岸基础处理洞室混凝土回填中,施工次通道、抗剪传力洞预留1.5×2m灌浆廊道,灌浆廊道需进行三期回填,该廊道三期混凝土回填泵送距离远,且廊道位置布置在洞室的中部,给施工带来较大的困难,在灌浆廊道三期回填施工过程中,本工程... 锦屏左岸基础处理洞室混凝土回填中,施工次通道、抗剪传力洞预留1.5×2m灌浆廊道,灌浆廊道需进行三期回填,该廊道三期混凝土回填泵送距离远,且廊道位置布置在洞室的中部,给施工带来较大的困难,在灌浆廊道三期回填施工过程中,本工程采用免拆金属模板网,避免了模板拆卸及施工缝面凿毛带来的工序间歇,确保了洞室的连续浇筑,并以较短的仓位长度,保证了混凝土回填的密实度。 展开更多
关键词 洞室群 免拆金属模板网 连续浇筑 位长度
作者 田耕 《中国金融电脑》 1996年第2期44-45,共2页
在FOXPRO环境下创建库文件的多种途径人民银行湖北省分行科技处田耕FOXPRO是目前PC机上速度最快,数据类型最丰富的关系数据型库管理系统,其强有力的因素之一是它既可为初学者使用,也可为专业程序人员使用。而创建库文... 在FOXPRO环境下创建库文件的多种途径人民银行湖北省分行科技处田耕FOXPRO是目前PC机上速度最快,数据类型最丰富的关系数据型库管理系统,其强有力的因素之一是它既可为初学者使用,也可为专业程序人员使用。而创建库文件是FOXPRO应用中最基本的命令... 展开更多
关键词 库文件结构 多种途径 数据字典 位长度 程序编制过程 数据记录 对话框 湖北省分行 数据库 菜单系统
作者 唐洄澜 《邵阳高等专科学校学报》 1990年第2期77-78,共2页
关键词 电感器 稳定值 感应电场 平行板电容器 增加率 电磁学 能流密度矢量 磁能 电场能量 位长度
《中国建设信息》 2000年第3期19-19,共1页
项目名称:锦州港第二港池11#集装箱泊位项目建设内容:11#为集装箱泊位,年吞吐量为12万 TEU;码头结构为3.5万吨级;码头泊 位长度340米,前沿设计水深-13.3米建设周期:2000年至2001年总投资额:36915.08万元建设单位:锦州港(集团股份有限公... 项目名称:锦州港第二港池11#集装箱泊位项目建设内容:11#为集装箱泊位,年吞吐量为12万 TEU;码头结构为3.5万吨级;码头泊 位长度340米,前沿设计水深-13.3米建设周期:2000年至2001年总投资额:36915.08万元建设单位:锦州港(集团股份有限公司)联系地址:辽宁锦州经济技术开发区锦州港务(集 团) 展开更多
关键词 锦州港 经济技术开发区 集装箱泊 股份有限公司 码头结构 设计水深 辽宁 吞吐量 建设单 位长度
Discussion on AFLP Molecular Markers in Piper methysticum and Pepper 被引量:2
作者 施江 辛莉 +1 位作者 杨彦 郑学勤 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2007年第3期5-10,19,共7页
The aim of the research was to discuss the genetic relationships between Piper methysticum, Pepper and other wild species in Pepper genus. DNA was extracted from leaves which belonged to 28 germplasms including 6 mate... The aim of the research was to discuss the genetic relationships between Piper methysticum, Pepper and other wild species in Pepper genus. DNA was extracted from leaves which belonged to 28 germplasms including 6 materials of P. methysticum, 21 maerials of cultivated and wild Pepper, 1 material of Peperomia pellucida belonged to different genus. Premiers with good band-type and high polymorphism and resolution were selected from 64 pairs of primers for AFLP amplification and the clustering analysis was conducted with MVSP3.13f software. 191 bands were amplified by 4 pairs of premiers, 189 of which had polymorphism, being 98.6%. 28 germplasms were classified into 6 different groups at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.52 by silver staining AFLP, in which 6 materials of Piper methysticum were clustered into a single group, indicating that P. methysticum belonged to Pepper family of Pepper genus but were distantly related to the others. The research provided the basis for selecting rootstocks for P. methysticum graft, molecular identification of P. methysticum and the fingerprint construction of P. methysticum. 展开更多
关键词 Piper methysticum PEPPER Amplified fragment length polymorphism
Combined Method of Datum Transformation Between Different Coordinate Systems 被引量:4
作者 王晓妮 张洁 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2002年第4期5-9,共5页
The similarity transformation model between different coordinate systems is not accurate enough to describe the discrepancy of them.Therefore,the coordinate transformation from the coordinate frame with poor accuracy ... The similarity transformation model between different coordinate systems is not accurate enough to describe the discrepancy of them.Therefore,the coordinate transformation from the coordinate frame with poor accuracy to that with high accuracy cannot guarantee a high precision of transformation.In this paper,a combined method of similarity transformation and regressive approximating is presented.The local error accumulation and distortion are taken into consideration and the precision of coordinate system is improved by using the recommended method 展开更多
关键词 coordinate transformation similarity transformation regressive approximating
Collapse mechanism of deep tunnels with three-centered arch cross section 被引量:2
作者 李永鑫 姚聪 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期3293-3301,共9页
The possible collapse of different circumstances is derived with the help of the limit analysis theory.Analytical equations related to collapsing mechanisms in deep tunnel with smooth three-centered arc cross sections... The possible collapse of different circumstances is derived with the help of the limit analysis theory.Analytical equations related to collapsing mechanisms in deep tunnel with smooth three-centered arc cross sections are derived on the basis of Hoek-Brown failure criterion and upper bound limit analysis.The pore water pressure is considered in the analysis,as a work rate of external force.Numerical results about the shape of detaching curve and the weight of collapsing block per unit length corresponding to different parameters are obtained with the help of mathematical software.The shapes of collapsing block are drawn with respected to different parameters.Furthermore,the effects of different parameters on the shape of detaching curve and the weight of the collapsing block are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 deep-buffed tunnel collapse mechanism Hoek-Brown criterion limit analysis
Effect of dynamic light at the coronary care unit on the length of hospital stay and development of delirium: a retrospective cohort study 被引量:2
作者 Tobias Pustjens Antonius MC Schoutens +1 位作者 Loes Janssen Wilfred F Heesen 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第9期567-573,共7页
Background Disturbed circadian rhythm is a potential cause of delirium and is linked to disorganisation of the circadian rhythmicity. Dynamic light (DL) could reset the circadian rhythm by activation of the suprachi... Background Disturbed circadian rhythm is a potential cause of delirium and is linked to disorganisation of the circadian rhythmicity. Dynamic light (DL) could reset the circadian rhythm by activation of the suprachiasmatic nucleus to prevent delirium. Evidence regarding the effects of light therapy is predominantly focused on psychiatric disorders and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. In this study, we investi- gated the effect of DL on the total hospital length of stay (LOS) and occurrence of delirium in patients admitted to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU). Methods This was a retrospective cohort study. Patients older than 18 years, who were hospitalized longer than 12 h at the CCU and had a total hospital LOS for at least 24 h, were included. Patients were assigned to a room with DL (n = 369) or regular lighting condi- tions (n = 379). DL was administered at the CCU by two ceiling-mounted light panels delivering light with a colour temperature between 2700 and 6500 degrees Kelvin. Reported outcome data were: total hospital LOS, delirium incidence, consultation of a geriatrician and the amount of prescripted antipsychotics. Results Between May 2015 and May 2016, data from 748 patients were collected. Baseline charac- teristics, including risk factors provoking delirium, were equal in both groups. Median total hospital LOS in the DL group was 100.5 (70.8-186.0) and 101.0 (73.0-176.4) h in the control group (P = 0.935). The incidence of delirium in the DL and control group was 5.4% (20/369) and 5.0% (19/379), respectively (P = 0.802). No significant differences between the DL and control group were observed in secon- dary endpoints. Subgroup analysis based on age and CCU LOS also showed no differences. Conclusion Our study suggests exposure to DL as an early single approach does not result in a reduction of total hospital LOS or reduced incidence of delirium. When delirium was diagnosed, it was associated with poor hospital outcome. 展开更多
关键词 DELIRIUM Dynamic light application Length of hospital stay
Use of Sorghum Crops for in Situ Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils 被引量:10
作者 V. R. Angelova R. V. Ivanova V. A. Delibaltova K. I. Ivanov 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期693-702,共10页
There has been carried out a comparative research, which allow us to determine the quantities and the central points of accumulation ofPb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the vegetative and reproductive organs of the four sorghum va... There has been carried out a comparative research, which allow us to determine the quantities and the central points of accumulation ofPb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the vegetative and reproductive organs of the four sorghum varieties (technical sorghtan, sugar sorghum, sudan grass and grain sorghnm), as well as to ascertain the possibilities for their growth in soils contaminated with heavy metals and their application for phytoremediation purposes. The experimental plots were situated at different distances (0.1 and 15.0 kin) from the source of pollution-the Non-Ferrous Metal Works near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. On reaching commercial ripeness, the crops were gathered and the concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in their different parts-roots, stems, leaves and gains-were determined through dry mineralization. To determine the heavy metal content in the samples, ICP was used. A clearly distinguished trend exists which describes the accumulation of heavy metals within the vegetative and reproductive organs of the studied crops. Sudan grass and technical sorghum accumulated larger heavy metal quantities compared to sugar sorghum and grain sorghum, as the majority of the heavy metals was retained by the roots and a very small amount was translocated to epigeous parts. The depots for accumulation were in the following order: roots 〉 leaves 〉 stems 〉 grains. The studied crops can be related to metal-tolerant crops and can be cultivated on softs which are of low, medium or high contamination with lead, zinc and cadmium, as they do not exhibit a tendency of accumulating these elements in grains at levels above the maximum permissible concentrations for fodder. The selective accumulation of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the roots and the possibility to remove the root-remains makes technical sorghum, sugar sorghum and Sudan grass extremely suitable for phytoremediation purposes. The possible use of grains for animal food guarantees the economic expedience upon the selection of these crops. 展开更多
Design Criteria for Crosswalk Width and Position at Signalized Intersections
作者 Wael K. M. Alhajyaseen Hideki Nakamura 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第7期844-857,共14页
Existing optimization methodologies for intersection operations assumes a fixed geometric design, however the geometry and operational system should be simultaneously optimized to produce the best performance. Signali... Existing optimization methodologies for intersection operations assumes a fixed geometric design, however the geometry and operational system should be simultaneously optimized to produce the best performance. Signalized crosswalks are complex and critical pedestrian facilities. Their geometry and configuration directly affect the safety, cycle length and resulting delays for all users. As crosswalks become wider or they are placed further upstream, the cycle length will increase due to the all-red time requirement, which deteriorates the overall mobility levels of signalized intersections. In contrast, when crosswalk width decreases, the required minimum pedestrian crossing time increases due to the bi-directional pedestrian flow effects, which leads to longer cycle length. Furthermore, existing manuals and guidelines do not offer any specification for the required crosswalk width under various pedestrian demand conditions. This study aims to propose new criteria for designing crosswalk width at signalized intersections, which can optimize the performance from the viewpoint of vehicular traffic and pedestrians. The proposed methodology considers pedestrian demand and its characteristics (such as bi-directional flow effects), vehicle demand and the geometric characteristics of the intersection The concept of optimized crosswalk width is proposed and demonstrated through a case study. Moreover, a comprehensive discussion regarding the merits and drawbacks of existing strategies on positioning crosswalks is presented. It was found that at signalized intersections, which are characterized by low pedestrian and high vehicle demands, crosswalk width of 2 meters is appropriate to minimize cycle length and resulting delays for all users including pedestrians. 展开更多
关键词 Crosswalk width cycle length pedestrian delay bi-directional flow two-stage crossing.
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