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关于绿色低碳性能优化的中欧智慧建筑标准体系对比研究 被引量:5
作者 林文诗 梁舒丹 +3 位作者 庄晖芸 林琳 连进遥 孙嘉雪 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期169-178,共10页
面向国家碳达峰、碳中和与绿色低碳经济体系建设的时代语境,本文针对建筑绿色低碳性能,研究了中国房地产业协会编制的T/CREA 002—2020《智慧建筑评价标准》、中国建筑节能协会编制的T/CABEE 002—2021《智慧建筑评价标准》、欧盟能源... 面向国家碳达峰、碳中和与绿色低碳经济体系建设的时代语境,本文针对建筑绿色低碳性能,研究了中国房地产业协会编制的T/CREA 002—2020《智慧建筑评价标准》、中国建筑节能协会编制的T/CABEE 002—2021《智慧建筑评价标准》、欧盟能源效率证书补充标准(Smart Readiness Indicator,SRI)等中欧智慧建筑评价标准,深入探讨了绿色低碳相关推荐技术和条文,并以实例建筑项目作为算例对中欧标准进行了对比分析。结果表明:中欧智慧建筑技术市场发展水平不同;T/CABEE 002—2021参评门槛较高,不适用于评价智慧化程度较低建筑;T/CREA 002—2020标准贴合国内的智慧建筑技术,但采纳国际智慧技术不多;SRI推荐技术值得借鉴,但在中国的应用有待进一步本土化。另外,适当的技术组合能够有效提升能源效率和用户舒适度,对建筑绿色低碳性能的提高有很大潜力。 展开更多
关键词 智慧建筑技术 绿色低碳性能 标准对比
低碳超高强石渣混凝土的抗火性能研究 被引量:7
作者 陈国灿 《武汉工程大学学报》 CAS 2010年第11期36-41,共6页
为了研究纤维类型、高温对超高强石渣混凝土抗火性能的影响,以温度、纤维类型为试验参数,进行了低碳超高强石渣混凝土的抗火性能试验.试验结果表明,超高强石渣混凝土、掺入钢纤维的超高强石渣混凝土的抗火性能均较差,400℃高温下爆裂;... 为了研究纤维类型、高温对超高强石渣混凝土抗火性能的影响,以温度、纤维类型为试验参数,进行了低碳超高强石渣混凝土的抗火性能试验.试验结果表明,超高强石渣混凝土、掺入钢纤维的超高强石渣混凝土的抗火性能均较差,400℃高温下爆裂;而掺入聚丙烯纤维的超高强石渣混凝土显示较好的抗爆裂性能;无论掺入纤维与否,高温后超高强石渣混凝土均显示出与普通混凝土、高强混凝土、高性能混凝土迥然不同的力学特性:温度低于360℃时,超高强石渣混凝土的抗压强度随温度的上升而增大,360℃时抗压强度达到常温时的1.47倍;掺钢纤维的超高强石渣混凝土的抗压强度在320℃之前随着温度的升高而增长,320℃时抗压强度达到常温时的1.33倍,之后呈现下降的趋势;而掺聚丙烯纤维的超高强石渣混凝土的抗压强度在400℃之前随温度的升高而略有提高,400℃时抗压强度为常温时的1.07倍,之后便随温度的升高而降低;最后分析了高温后超高强石渣混凝土抗压强度随温度变化的机理. 展开更多
关键词 超高性能石渣混凝土 高温性能 抗压强度 抗爆裂性能
钢管约束的低碳超高强石渣混凝土的力学性能 被引量:2
作者 陈国灿 《武汉工程大学学报》 CAS 2010年第12期56-59,64,共5页
低碳超高强石渣混凝土是作者利用地方原材料自主研发的强度达到137.3MPa的新型环境友好型混凝土.本文通过14个试件的轴心抗压试验,考察并分析了钢管约束超高强石渣混凝土的破坏形态,研究了影响核心混凝土强度增长率的因素和规律.试验结... 低碳超高强石渣混凝土是作者利用地方原材料自主研发的强度达到137.3MPa的新型环境友好型混凝土.本文通过14个试件的轴心抗压试验,考察并分析了钢管约束超高强石渣混凝土的破坏形态,研究了影响核心混凝土强度增长率的因素和规律.试验结果表明:钢管内填充低碳超高强石渣混凝土可以解决由于自收缩偏大引起的钢管混凝土脱空的问题;在试验参数范围内,钢管约束超高强石渣混凝土的强度增长率与套箍指标成正比;低碳超高强石渣混凝土用钢管约束后脆性性能得到显著的改善,位移延性系数达到6.5~26.3;所有的试件都是因为剪切而破坏,同时对其破坏机理进行了分析. 展开更多
关键词 力学性能 超高性能石渣混凝土 钢管约束超高强石渣混凝土 延性 破坏机理
低碳经济下的智能需求侧管理系统 被引量:17
作者 曹培 翁慧颖 +2 位作者 俞斌 郭创新 周恒俊 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期11-16,共6页
低碳经济时代的来临,给智能电网在需求侧的建设带来新的挑战。根据智能用电的发展需求,阐述了智能需求侧管理系统的主要功能结构,介绍了系统中主站系统、电能监控子系统、测控层子系统3部分主要的功能性组件,对智能需求侧管理系统依仗... 低碳经济时代的来临,给智能电网在需求侧的建设带来新的挑战。根据智能用电的发展需求,阐述了智能需求侧管理系统的主要功能结构,介绍了系统中主站系统、电能监控子系统、测控层子系统3部分主要的功能性组件,对智能需求侧管理系统依仗的通信技术、智能电表、用户终端、需求侧管理、决策控制等新型技术进行了分析,并结合低碳经济的特性,对其实现策略进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 经济 智能用电 智能需求侧管理系统 低碳性能
作者 魏馥荪 《轻工学报》 CAS 1988年第2期135-138,共4页
关键词 马氏体的性能 弹簧性能
“双碳”背景下装配式木结构建筑现状与问题浅析 被引量:2
作者 韩叙 马欣伯 武振 《建设科技》 2023年第22期6-9,共4页
装配式木结构建筑具有可再生、节能低碳等特征,适应“双碳”背景下建筑业发展要求,本文从资源、标准、技术、企业等方面概述了装配式木结构在我国的发展现状,通过分析装配式木结构建筑现阶段的发展基本情况以及装配式木结构建筑发展过... 装配式木结构建筑具有可再生、节能低碳等特征,适应“双碳”背景下建筑业发展要求,本文从资源、标准、技术、企业等方面概述了装配式木结构在我国的发展现状,通过分析装配式木结构建筑现阶段的发展基本情况以及装配式木结构建筑发展过程中出现的问题,总结了制约装配式木结构建筑发展的主要问题,结合装配式木结构建筑的低碳性能,为碳达峰、碳中和背景下装配式木结构建筑的发展提出建议,以期为装配式木结构建筑的发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 装配式 木结构建筑 低碳性能
有机坡缕石改性沥青混合料性能研究 被引量:2
作者 杜勇 《合成材料老化与应用》 CAS 2023年第6期64-66,116,共4页
采用马歇尔稳定度试验、高温车辙试验、低温小梁弯曲试验、浸水马歇尔试验和冻融劈裂试验系统分析了有机坡缕石对沥青混合料路用性能的影响规律,通过沥青烟测试和尾气分析测试对有机坡缕石改性沥青混合料的低碳减排性能进行了系统研究... 采用马歇尔稳定度试验、高温车辙试验、低温小梁弯曲试验、浸水马歇尔试验和冻融劈裂试验系统分析了有机坡缕石对沥青混合料路用性能的影响规律,通过沥青烟测试和尾气分析测试对有机坡缕石改性沥青混合料的低碳减排性能进行了系统研究。试验结果显示:随着有机坡缕石粉掺量的增加,改性沥青混合料的稳定度增加23.6%,动稳定度增加30.0%,应变能密度临界值增加31.9%,残留稳定度增加7.33%,冻融劈裂残留强度增加5.85%,表明有机坡缕石粉能够改善沥青混合料的路用性能;有机坡缕石掺量为20%时,改性沥青混合料拌和全过程的沥青烟浓度降低50%,CO浓度降低40%,NO_(X)浓度降低20%,表明有机坡缕石粉改性沥青混合料具备较为优良的低碳减排效能。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 坡缕石 改性沥青混合料 路用性能 减排性能
作者 高升 赵彦革 +4 位作者 孙倩 冯鹏 肖从真 李翠楦 黄存智 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期151-160,共10页
本文基于结构材料强度低碳性能,提出碳强比分析的材料强度低碳设计方法,以指引钢构件和混凝土构件进行强度低碳设计。此外针对以混凝土为主要材料的板、梁、柱和墙等常用构件进行排放量计算分析,从而开展混凝土结构构件影响因素研究。... 本文基于结构材料强度低碳性能,提出碳强比分析的材料强度低碳设计方法,以指引钢构件和混凝土构件进行强度低碳设计。此外针对以混凝土为主要材料的板、梁、柱和墙等常用构件进行排放量计算分析,从而开展混凝土结构构件影响因素研究。结果显示:构件尺寸及混凝土强度对碳排放量影响程度较大,钢筋强度影响次之。通过研究成果给出各混凝土常用构件低碳设计方法,为相关研究提供借鉴参考。 展开更多
关键词 强比 截面尺寸 强度等级 低碳性能
Trifunctional strategy for the design and synthesis of a Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2)catalyst with remarkable low-temperature sintering and coking resistance for methane dry reforming 被引量:5
作者 Sixue Lin Jing Wang +5 位作者 Yangyang Mi Senyou Yang Zheng Wang Wenming Liu Daishe Wu Honggen Peng 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期1808-1820,共13页
In this study,a trifunctional strategy was developed to prepare a confined Ni-based catalyst(Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2))for dry reforming of methane(DRM)of two main greenhouse gases-CO_(2)and CH_(4).The Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2)cata... In this study,a trifunctional strategy was developed to prepare a confined Ni-based catalyst(Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2))for dry reforming of methane(DRM)of two main greenhouse gases-CO_(2)and CH_(4).The Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2)catalyst was fabricated by utilizing the confinement effect of the SiO_(2)shell and the synergistic interaction between Ni-Ce and the decoking effect of CeO_(2).The catalysts were systematically characterized via X-ray diffraction,N_(2 )adsorption/desorption,transmission electron microscopy,energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,hydrogen temperature reduction and desorption set by program,oxygen temperature program desorption,Raman spectroscopy,thermogravimetric analysis,and in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy measurements to reveal their physicochemical properties and reaction mechanism.The Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2)catalyst exhibited higher activity and stability than the catalyst synthesized via the traditional impregnation method.In addition,no carbon deposition was detected over Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2)after a 100 h durability test at 800℃,and the average particle size of Ni nanoparticles(NPs)in the catalyst increased from 5.01 to 5.77 nm.Remarkably,Ni-CeO_(2)@SiO_(2)also exhibited superior low-temperature stability;no coke deposition was observed when the catalyst was reacted at 600℃ for 20 h.The high coking and sintering resistance of this confined Ni-based DRM catalyst can be attributed to its trifunctional effect.The trifunctional strategy developed in this study could be used as a guideline to design other high-performance catalysts for CO_(2)and CH4 dry forming and accelerate their industrialization. 展开更多
关键词 Methane dry forming Low-temperature stability Coke resistance Tri functional strategy CO_(2)utilization
Artificial neural network prediction of mechanical properties of hot rolled low carbon steel strip 被引量:1
作者 Niu Jianqing Li Hualong 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第6期8-12,共5页
Conventionally, direct tensile tests are employed to measure mechanical properties of industrially pro- duced products. In mass production, the cost of sampling and labor is high, which leads to an increase of total p... Conventionally, direct tensile tests are employed to measure mechanical properties of industrially pro- duced products. In mass production, the cost of sampling and labor is high, which leads to an increase of total pro- duction cost and a decrease of production efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to develop an intelligent pro- gram based on artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the mechanical properties of a commercial grade hot rolled low carbon steel strip, SPHC. A neural network model was developed by using 7 x 5 x 1 back-propagation (BP) neural network structure to determine the multiple relationships among chemical composition, product pro- cess and mechanical properties. Industrial on-line application of the model indicated that prediction results were in good agreement with measured values. It showed that 99.2 % of the products' tensile strength was accurately pre- dicted within an error margin of ~ 10 %, compared to measured values. Based on the model, the effects of chemical composition and hot rolling process on mechanical properties were derived and the relative importance of each in- put parameter was evaluated by sensitivity analysis. All the results demonstrate that the developed ANN models are capable of accurate predictions under real-time industrial conditions. The developed model can be used to sub- stitute mechanical property measurement and therefore reduce cost of production. It can also be used to control and optimize mechanical properties of the investigated steel. 展开更多
关键词 ANN mechanical property prediction hot rolling low carbon steel
Precise Control in Characteristics of Nano-particulate MFI-Type Ferrisilicate and Their Catalysis in the Conversion of Dimethyl Ether into Light Olefins
作者 Hiroki Kobayashi Masafumi Nakaya +1 位作者 Kiyoshi Kanie Atsushi Muramatsu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第1期1-8,共8页
This study reports the synthesis of size-controlled Fe-MFI (Fe-substituted zeolites with the MFI topology) and their catalytic performances for DTO (dimethyl ether-to-olefins) reaction. The amount of HC1 and aging... This study reports the synthesis of size-controlled Fe-MFI (Fe-substituted zeolites with the MFI topology) and their catalytic performances for DTO (dimethyl ether-to-olefins) reaction. The amount of HC1 and aging temperature were decisive factors to control the particle size of Fe-MFI in the range of 50 nm to 600 nm. The introduction of Fe3+ ions into the zeolitic framework was confirmed by UV (ultraviolet)-visible spectroscopy. In addition, it was observed that the strength of acid site in prepared Fe-MFI was weaker than that of commercial ZSM-5. With decrease in the particle size, the amount of deposited coke decreased so that the catalyst life for the DTO reaction was well promoted. The present catalysts showed the higher light-olefin selectivity (C2= + C3= + C4=) than commercial ZSM-5 catalysts mainly due to the suppression of the formation of paraffins; however, the Fe-MFI catalysts were deactivated rapidly because of their low activity for the cracking of alkenes. 展开更多
关键词 Nanosized Fe-MFI ZSM-5 dimethyl ether-to-olefin reaction light-olefin selectivity.
The low-temperature deposition of a zincophilic carbon layer on the Zn foil for long-life zinc metal batteries
作者 LI Chun-yu ZHANG Ming-hui +2 位作者 LANG Xin-yue CHEN Ye DONG Yan-feng 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 2025年第1期178-187,共10页
Aqueous zinc metal batteries(ZMBs)which are environmentally benign and cheap can be used for grid-scale energy storage,but have a short cycling life mainly due to the poor reversibility of zinc metal anodes in mild aq... Aqueous zinc metal batteries(ZMBs)which are environmentally benign and cheap can be used for grid-scale energy storage,but have a short cycling life mainly due to the poor reversibility of zinc metal anodes in mild aqueous electrolytes.A zincophilic carbon(ZC)layer was deposited on a Zn metal foil at 450°C by the up-stream pyrolysis of a hydrogen-bonded supramolecular substance framework,as-sembled from melamine(ME)and cyanuric acid(CA).The zincophilic groups(C=O and C=N)in the ZC layer guide uniform zinc plating/stripping and eliminate dendrites and side reactions.so that assembled symmetrical batteries(ZC@Zn//ZC@Zn)have a long-term service life of 2500 h at 1 mA cm^(−2) and 1 mAh cm^(−2),which is much longer than that of bare Zn anodes(180 h).In addition,ZC@Zn//V2O5 full batteries have a higher capacity of 174 mAh g^(−1) after 1200 cycles at 2 A g^(−1) than a Zn//V_(2)O_(5) counterpart(100 mAh g^(−1)).The strategy developed for the low-temperat-ure deposition of the ZC layer is a new way to construct advanced zinc metal anodes for ZMBs. 展开更多
关键词 Aqueous zinc metal batteries Zinc metal anodes Low-temperature deposition Zincophilic carbon layer High performance
Effects of inclusions on microstructure and properties of heat-affected-zone for low-carbon steels 被引量:4
作者 ZHENG ChaoChao WANG XueMin +2 位作者 LI ShuRui SHANG ChengJia HE XinLai 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1556-1565,共10页
The characteristics of inclusions in two types of low-carbon steels by different deoxidization methods have been investigated by using the welding thermal simulation, the optical microscopy and scanning electron micro... The characteristics of inclusions in two types of low-carbon steels by different deoxidization methods have been investigated by using the welding thermal simulation, the optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, the effects of inclusions on microstructure and properties of heat-affected-zone were studied. The nucleation and growth of intragranular acicular ferrite was observed in situ by the laser scanning confocal microscopy. The distribution of Mn element near the inclu- sion was also analyzed by the auger electron spectroscopy. The results showed that the inclusions in A1 killed steel are mainly aluminum oxides, manganese sulfide and titanium nitrides, and that the inclusions in Ti killed steel are mainly titanium oxide, manganese sulfide complex inclusion and single manganese sulfide. The auger electron spectroscopy showed that there is an Mn-depleted zone near the interface of TiOffMnS complex inclusion in the size of 1-3 gm. It could be the effective nucleus of intragranular acicular ferrite which could divide the prior austenite grains, inhibit the growth of low-temperature microstruc- ture, and refine the final microstructure, so as to improve the toughness of heat-affected-zone significantly. 展开更多
关键词 low-carbon steel INCLUSION intragranular acicular ferrite heat-affected-zone
Value-added recycling of sludge and sludge ash into low-carbon construction materials:current status and perspectives
作者 Yan Xia Yue Liu +5 位作者 Lei Wang Zhenhao Song Chen Sun Yading Zhao Shengyong Lu Jianhua Yan 《Low-carbon Materials and Green Construction》 2023年第1期288-306,共19页
Sludge as the by-product of wastewater treatment usually accumulates toxic substances that require specific treatment before disposal.With the increase of sludge production,the safe and economic treatment of sludge ha... Sludge as the by-product of wastewater treatment usually accumulates toxic substances that require specific treatment before disposal.With the increase of sludge production,the safe and economic treatment of sludge has become a global issue.Construction filed provides a solution for consuming huge volumes of sludge and sludge ash owing to the similar chemical composition with cementitious materials.This paper critically reviewed the current status of recycling sludge and sludge ash into low-carbon construction materials and highlighted the future perspectives of sludge-derived construction materials.Furthermore,the immobilization mechanisms of heavy metals in sludge-derived construction materials were elaborated to promote the actualization of sustainable management of sludge and sludge ash. 展开更多
关键词 Sludge and sludge ash Value-added recycling Low-carbon construction materials Mechanical properties Heavy metals Leaching behavior
Low-cycle fatigue testing and microstructure of high strength-ductility structural steel materials
作者 Yongtao Bai Qingyu Gong +2 位作者 Xuhong Zhou Nazim Babacan Shaoyu Guan 《Low-carbon Materials and Green Construction》 2024年第1期492-503,共12页
The well-known tradeoff between strength and ductility is a key issue in the large-scale engineering application of steel materials to resist fatigue due to earthquakes and other vibrational excitations.The steel prod... The well-known tradeoff between strength and ductility is a key issue in the large-scale engineering application of steel materials to resist fatigue due to earthquakes and other vibrational excitations.The steel production industry provides a vast range of technologies to achieve the desired performances.Through experimental research,it was found that FeCrNi-based high-ductility steel(HD-S)can demonstrate remarkable hysteresis behavior due to extensive deformation capacity of strain-hardening until the ultimate fracture,compared to industrially manufactured high-strength steel(HS-S)with the level of 1 GPa in yield strength.The balance between strength and ductility can be realized by slightly adding the percentage of Ni by 5%to achieve a ductile hysteresis behavior.Moreover,the HD-S specimens exhibit greater resistance to low-cycle fatigue with large plastic amplitude.By developing a new damage evolution law based on instantaneous damage differential during nonstationary fatigue history,the fatigue life of materials is extended into the inelastic hinges of flexural beams/origami components.The proposed approach enables the fatigue design of steel structural components with desirable disaster-prevention capacities for complex steel structures. 展开更多
关键词 Strength-ductility tradeoff Low-carbon steels High-performance steels Low-cycle fatigue Microstructure Lumped damage mechanics
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