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Fe^(+24),Fe^(+25)低能态能级结构及谱线的自发辐射跃迁几率 被引量:1
作者 徐海光 章世伟 +1 位作者 陈军锋 尤峻汉 《天体物理学报》 CSCD 1995年第3期216-227,共12页
本文通过采用居间耦合形式下的解析波函数,用相对论微扰法完整地计算了Fe+24低能态(n=1,2,3)能级结构和相应的谱线自发辐射跃迁几率(Fe+25的数据也同时列出作为对比),所得结果具有较高的精度,且其中涉及Fe+... 本文通过采用居间耦合形式下的解析波函数,用相对论微扰法完整地计算了Fe+24低能态(n=1,2,3)能级结构和相应的谱线自发辐射跃迁几率(Fe+25的数据也同时列出作为对比),所得结果具有较高的精度,且其中涉及Fe+24n=3能级的数据是首次详细给出的。 展开更多
关键词 原子参量 原子过程 X射线谱 低能态能级结构
少体束缚态的低能态和简谐振子混合基矢展开方法 被引量:3
作者 段宜武 吴为平 +1 位作者 鲍诚光 安伟科 《高能物理与核物理》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期42-45,共4页
关键词 少体束缚 低能态 简谐振子
低能高电荷态离子U^(q+)在金属Al(111)表面掠射产生沟道效应的计算机模拟 被引量:1
作者 胡碧涛 宋玉收 《核技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期337-341,共5页
关键词 沟道效应 低能高电荷离子 掠射 镜像电荷
作者 徐进章 杜娟 +10 位作者 徐徐 陈熙萌 胡碧涛 邵剑雄 崔莹 杨治虎 张红强 张毅 肖国青 张小安 王博宇 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期858-862,共5页
本文报导了低能高电荷态Arq+(q=12,13)离子诱发的钼L壳层X射线强度随入射粒子能量的变化趋势,研究表明当入射粒子能量高于220 keV时,钼L壳层X射线强度有明显增加的的趋势.同时,我们提出了一个简单的模型去估计这种趋势随入射能量的变化... 本文报导了低能高电荷态Arq+(q=12,13)离子诱发的钼L壳层X射线强度随入射粒子能量的变化趋势,研究表明当入射粒子能量高于220 keV时,钼L壳层X射线强度有明显增加的的趋势.同时,我们提出了一个简单的模型去估计这种趋势随入射能量的变化.模型计算的结果与实验值符合的比较好. 展开更多
关键词 L壳层X射线 氩离子 低能高电荷
作者 张进富 吕立君 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第1期16-17,共2页
关键词 能谱 电磁跃迁 低能正宇称集体
作者 张丽明 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第7期15-16,共2页
关键词 能谱 电磁跃迁 低能正宇称集体
作者 朱清时 钱海波 +2 位作者 马辉 李丽 马月仁 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第S1期102-102,共1页
高激发态是分子通向离解和许多化学反应的必由之路。分子的激发态具有许多与基态不同的新性质,研究它们对于原子和分子物理的发展有着极其重要意义。然而,迄今人们对它们仍然知之甚少。传统的光谱理论是以一系列近似方法(绝热近似、振... 高激发态是分子通向离解和许多化学反应的必由之路。分子的激发态具有许多与基态不同的新性质,研究它们对于原子和分子物理的发展有着极其重要意义。然而,迄今人们对它们仍然知之甚少。传统的光谱理论是以一系列近似方法(绝热近似、振—转近似等)为基础的。它们在研究分子的低能态时取得了成功,但是不适用于分子的高激发态。长期以来缺乏实验数据的困难一直阻碍着理论的进展。本课题研究这个领域中的一个重要问题:多原子分子高振动能区中的局域模振动。 展开更多
关键词 局域模 高激发 绝热近似 低能态 多原子分子 分子物理 振动能 本征 实验数据 区中
中医阴阳的物理本质 被引量:28
作者 杨武功 杨滨 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1995年第3期53-54,共2页
关键词 阴阳 能量 高能 低能态 中医学
Anti-cracking mechanism of diatomite asphalt and diatomite asphalt mixture at low temperature 被引量:8
作者 谭忆秋 单丽岩 +1 位作者 房军 张兴友 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期74-78,共5页
A kind of neat asphalt and three kinds of diatomite asphalt are tested using differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). The anti-cracking mechanism of diatomite asphalt is analyzed by DSC and the thermal stress restrai... A kind of neat asphalt and three kinds of diatomite asphalt are tested using differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). The anti-cracking mechanism of diatomite asphalt is analyzed by DSC and the thermal stress restrained specimen test(TSRST) of the asphalt mixtures. The results show that the low temperature performance of diatomite asphalt is better than that of neat asphalt. The glass transition temperature can reflect the low temperature performance of the diatomite asphalt better and has a good relationship with breaking temperatures. Besides, the TSRST, the bending test, the compressing test and the contraction coefficient test are used to study the low temperature performance of the diatomite asphalt mixture. The results prove that the low temperature performance of the diatomite asphalt mixture is better than that of the neat asphalt mixture. The critical bending strain energy density and the compressing strain energy density of the diatomite asphalt mixture are greater than those of the neat asphalt mixture. After adding diatomite to the asphalt mixture, the contraction coefficient is reduced. Based on the above results, the anti-cracking mechanism of the diatomite asphalt mixture is analyzed from the angle of contraction performance and breaking energy. 展开更多
关键词 diatomite asphalt low temperature performance glass transition temperature differential scanning calorimetry anticracking mechanism
作者 彭先河 《鞍山师范学院学报》 1987年第4期63-69,100,共8页
关键词 原子数 跃迁频率 选择定则 几率密度 宇称 电矩 低能态 多极辐射 辐射跃迁
量子电池横空出世 锂电池恐地位不保
《农村电工》 2015年第12期46-46,共1页
随着移动设备功能不断完善,电池续航问题频现。为解决续航的根本问题,最近有研究人员开始研发一种量子电池。英国等四国的物理学家在英国物理学会(IOP)《新物理学》期刊上撰文证明了量子电池的可行性,多量子比特相互纠缠而产生的“量... 随着移动设备功能不断完善,电池续航问题频现。为解决续航的根本问题,最近有研究人员开始研发一种量子电池。英国等四国的物理学家在英国物理学会(IOP)《新物理学》期刊上撰文证明了量子电池的可行性,多量子比特相互纠缠而产生的“量子加速”可以加速充电过程,所以量子电池充电比传统电池更快。 展开更多
关键词 量子比特 物理学会 新物理学 充电过程 低能态 设备功能 充电时间 高能 电能量 电缆网
《功能材料信息》 2015年第4期56-56,共1页
最近,来自英国、意大利等四国的物理学家在英国物理学会(IOP)刊物《新物理学》杂志上发表论文,提出了"量子电池"的概念,并理论证明了多量子比特相互纠缠而产生的"量子加速"能为充电提供捷径,所以用量子电池充电比... 最近,来自英国、意大利等四国的物理学家在英国物理学会(IOP)刊物《新物理学》杂志上发表论文,提出了"量子电池"的概念,并理论证明了多量子比特相互纠缠而产生的"量子加速"能为充电提供捷径,所以用量子电池充电比传统电池更快。量子电池可以有多种物理形式,如离子、中性原子、光子等。量子比特能同时处于两种状态,在量子电池中,这两种状态代表不同能级。 展开更多
关键词 量子比特 物理学会 低能态 新物理学 中性原子 量子系统 物理形式 退相干 量子 合著者
作者 吕立君 张进富 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第1期1-2,5,共3页
采用相互作用玻色子模型(IBM),应用一个U(5)→SU(3)简化哈密顿量描述174Hf的低能谱.结果表明174Hf核属于U(5)→SU(3)的过渡核且更接近于转动.同时用最近提出的一种新的动力学对称X(5)及现有的实验数据对174Hf核的低能正宇称态的能谱和... 采用相互作用玻色子模型(IBM),应用一个U(5)→SU(3)简化哈密顿量描述174Hf的低能谱.结果表明174Hf核属于U(5)→SU(3)的过渡核且更接近于转动.同时用最近提出的一种新的动力学对称X(5)及现有的实验数据对174Hf核的低能正宇称态的能谱和电磁跃迁进行了分析,发现174Hf核的低能态具有X(5)动力学对称的某些特性. 展开更多
关键词 X(5)动力学对称 能谱 电磁跃迁 低能正宇称集体
在线测量低能离子束电荷态和能量的新型探测器 被引量:2
作者 骆夏晖 程锐 +3 位作者 王国东 周泽贤 王昭 杨杰 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期490-496,共7页
基于加速器装置的离子与物质相互作用过程研究,在原子物理、材料、生物等诸多领域具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。本工作设计并研发了一种新型磁谱仪离子探测器,主要由高稳定性偏转磁铁、大面积位置灵敏探测器、空间匹配的散射腔室构成... 基于加速器装置的离子与物质相互作用过程研究,在原子物理、材料、生物等诸多领域具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。本工作设计并研发了一种新型磁谱仪离子探测器,主要由高稳定性偏转磁铁、大面积位置灵敏探测器、空间匹配的散射腔室构成,可以准确在线测量不同离子的电荷态分布以及对应的能谱信息。基于HIRFL加速器装置,完成了该探测器装置的在线标定工作,获得了探测器位置信号与离子能谱之间的定量关系,给出了定标实验条件下该探测系统的最佳能谱精度和能量分辨率分别为0.1%及0.8%。 展开更多
关键词 磁谱仪 离子探测器 低能高电荷离子 能损 电荷分布
Energies and Transition Rates of Low-Lying Excited States for Beryllium
作者 韩利红 苟秉聪 王菲 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期109-112,共4页
Low lying excited states of beryllium are calculated with multiconfiguration interaction method. The relativisitic corrections and mass polarization are included. The oscillator strength and radiation rates are also ... Low lying excited states of beryllium are calculated with multiconfiguration interaction method. The relativisitic corrections and mass polarization are included. The oscillator strength and radiation rates are also calculated. Our results are in good agreement with other theoretical data. 展开更多
关键词 oscillator strength radiation transition BERYLLIUM
Structure of Reconstructed Cu(100) Surface Induced by Dissociative Adsorption of Gaseous Oxygen
作者 窦卫东 张寒洁 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期18-22,I0001,共6页
The reconstructed structures of Cu(100) surface induced by O2 dissociative adsorption were investigated by low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy. At lower oxygen coverage, it was found th... The reconstructed structures of Cu(100) surface induced by O2 dissociative adsorption were investigated by low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy. At lower oxygen coverage, it was found that two reconstructed structures, i.e. c(2×2)-O and (√2×2√2)R45°-O are coexistent. The domain size of the c(2×2)-O structure decreased with the increasing of O2 exposure. The reconstructed structure at very small coverage was also investigated and a “zigzag” structure was observed at this stage. The “zigzag” structure was identified as boundaries of local c(2×2) domains. It was found that the strip region shows much stronger molecule-substrate interaction than that of oxygen covered regions, making it a proper template for patterned organic films. The sequence of the thermal stability was found as zigzag structure〉c(2×2)〉(√2×2√2)R45°-O. 展开更多
关键词 Surface reconstruction Chemical adsorption Scanning tunneling microscopy Structural phase transition
作者 邢振亮 《职大学报》 2009年第2期79-80,共2页
关键词 能谱 电磁跃迁 低能正宇称集体
Low-temperature Properties of Biodiesel:Rheological Behavior and Crystallization Morphology 被引量:1
作者 Chen Boshui Sun Yuqiu +2 位作者 Fang Jianhua Wang Jiu Wu Jiang (Department of Petrochemistry,Logistical Engineering University,Chongqing 401311,China) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2010年第1期29-33,共5页
A soybean oil derived biodiesel was prepared and blended with a conventional No. 0 petrodiesel. The pour points (PP) and the cold filter plugging points (CFPP) of biodiesel blends were evaluated on a low-temperatu... A soybean oil derived biodiesel was prepared and blended with a conventional No. 0 petrodiesel. The pour points (PP) and the cold filter plugging points (CFPP) of biodiesel blends were evaluated on a low-temperature flow tester. Dynamic viscosities of the blends at different temperatures and different shear rates were measured on a rotary rheometer. The crystal morphologies of biodiesel blends at low temperatures were analyzed using a polarizing microscope. The results indicated that blended fuels demonstrated slight decrease in PPs and CFPPs as compared with those of neat soybean oil derived biodiesel and pure petrodiesel. Below the temperatures of PPs or CFPPs, the dynamic viscosity of biodiesel blends dramatically increased with a decreasing temperature, but decreased with an increasing shear rate, so that biodiesel blends exhibited non-Newtonian behavior. At temperatures higher than PPs or CFPPs, a linear relationship appeared between the dynamic viscosity and shear rate and biodiesel blends became Newtonian fluids. At low temperatures, wax crystals of biodiesel blends grew and agglomerated rapidly. Loss of fluidity for biodiesel blends at low temperatures could therefore be attributed on one hand to the sharp increase of viscosity and on the other hand to the rapid growth and agglomeration of wax crystals. 展开更多
Surface-Induced Dissociation of Low Energy H_2^(+) Impact on a Carbon Surface: A Monte Carlo Simulation
作者 Shakir Ullah A.H.Dogar A.Qayyum 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期315-320,共6页
A Monte Carlo simulation based on the classical binary collision approximation is performed to investigate the interaction of W2 ions with the carbon target. The incident H2^+ ion is characterized by its translationa... A Monte Carlo simulation based on the classical binary collision approximation is performed to investigate the interaction of W2 ions with the carbon target. The incident H2^+ ion is characterized by its translational energy, eigenenergy and population of the vibrational state, and orientation of the ion with respect to the target surface. It is shown that experimentally determined energy resolved mass spectrum of H+ can be nicely reproduced with the help of the proposed model. These simulations predict that translational to vibrational (T → V) energy transfer efficiency increases nonlinearly with translational energy of the incident ion. T → V energy transfer efficiency along with the initial vibrational energy of the incident H+ ion found to play an important role in dissociation. Our simulations also show that the fraction of absorbed, reflected, and dissociated ions depends on the translational energy. The average vibrational energy of reflected H+ increases with its initial translational energy. Moreover, average number of collisions required for dissociation varies inversely with the initial translational energy of the H2^+. 展开更多
关键词 ion-surface collisions surface-induced dissociation hydrogen molecular ions Monte Carlo simulation
Effects of zinc on static and dynamic mechanical properties of copper-zinc alloy 被引量:1
作者 马志超 赵宏伟 +1 位作者 鲁帅 程虹丙 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2440-2445,共6页
The effects of adding alloy element zinc on the static and dynamic mechanical properties of copper-zinc alloy were investigated. Tensile and low cycle fatigue behaviors of the C11000 copper and H63 copper-zinc alloy w... The effects of adding alloy element zinc on the static and dynamic mechanical properties of copper-zinc alloy were investigated. Tensile and low cycle fatigue behaviors of the C11000 copper and H63 copper-zinc alloy were obtained by using a miniature tester that combined the functions of in situ tensile and fatigue testing. A piezoelectric actuator was adopted as the actuator for the fatigue testing, and the feasibility of the fatigue actuator was verified by the transient harmonic response analysis based on static tensile preload and dynamic sinusoidal load. The experimental results show that the yield strength and tensile strength of the C11000 copper are improved after adding 37%(mass fraction) zinc, and H63 copper-zinc alloy presents more obvious cyclic hardening behavior and more consumed irreversible plastic work during each stress cycle compared with C11000 copper for the same strain controlled cycling. Additionally, based on the Manson-Coffin theory, the strain-life equations of the two materials were also obtained. C11000 copper and H63 copper-zinc alloy show transition life of 16832 and 1788 cycles, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 tensile behavior low cycle fatigue copper alloy in situ test piezoelectric actuator
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