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林地和住宅地接近发生林野火灾对策 被引量:1
作者 迟文彬 《森林防火》 北大核心 1994年第2期53-54,共2页
林地和住宅地接近发生林野火灾对策1前言平成二年3月7日在茨城县日立市发生林野火灾,是把林地开发为住宅地而造成的,林火向新兴住宅地蔓延的事例记忆犹新。这次林野火灾为在城市近郊林地开发住宅区制定防灾对策提供宝贵经验和教训... 林地和住宅地接近发生林野火灾对策1前言平成二年3月7日在茨城县日立市发生林野火灾,是把林地开发为住宅地而造成的,林火向新兴住宅地蔓延的事例记忆犹新。这次林野火灾为在城市近郊林地开发住宅区制定防灾对策提供宝贵经验和教训。2林野火灾蔓延到住宅的事例在我国... 展开更多
关键词 林地 住宅地 林野火灾 防火
BIM技术在住宅地库项目设计施工中的应用 被引量:2
作者 房金龙 《中国市政工程》 2020年第5期74-78,118,119,共7页
对地库现状及BIM技术在地库项目中的应用需求进行分析。从BIM介入时间及侧重点、各参与单位BIM配合方式、BIM模型及核查优化、地库品质提升、BIM成果提交5个方面总结BIM技术在地库项目中的工作要点。结合上海小昆山项目,对BIM技术在地... 对地库现状及BIM技术在地库项目中的应用需求进行分析。从BIM介入时间及侧重点、各参与单位BIM配合方式、BIM模型及核查优化、地库品质提升、BIM成果提交5个方面总结BIM技术在地库项目中的工作要点。结合上海小昆山项目,对BIM技术在地库中的应用进行案例分析,介绍BIM的主要工作内容、应用要点及效果,以期为同类项目提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 BIM技术 住宅地 设计施工 应用研究
国土部明确 大城市单块住宅地出让禁超300亩
《城市规划通讯》 2009年第22期11-12,共2页
关键词 住宅地 国土资源 单块 项目目录 住宅用地 土地审批 地王 建设项目 产能过剩
论我国工业地产企业的几种创新融资模式 被引量:2
作者 肖惠扬 《中国商论》 2013年第9X期4-6,共3页
近年来,随着我国经济的发展,工业地产逐步兴起,并有可能成为"下一个高地"。然而,作为资金密集型的企业,我国工业地产开发企业面临融资难的问题。如何解决这一问题对于我国工业地产的发展至关重要。REITs融资模式、供应链融资... 近年来,随着我国经济的发展,工业地产逐步兴起,并有可能成为"下一个高地"。然而,作为资金密集型的企业,我国工业地产开发企业面临融资难的问题。如何解决这一问题对于我国工业地产的发展至关重要。REITs融资模式、供应链融资模式、项目融资模式是我国工业地产企业在融资过程中可以选择的几种创新融资模式。此外,如何正确选择和运用创新融资模式就必须引起我国工业地产开发企业的重视,工业地产开发企业必须结合企业和项目的实际情况选择融资模式;注重关系管理,处理好与多方主体的关系;同时,必须提升融资风险管理的意识和能力。 展开更多
关键词 工业地产 项目融资模式 融资过程 供应链融资 融资风险 房地产信托基金 资金密集型 商业地产 住宅地
《唯实》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第5期73-73,共1页
日本 1990年日本公示地价平均比上年上升了16%。全国商业用地地价最高的是东京都中央区银座,每平方米约为258095美元;住宅用地地价最高的是东京都千代田三番町,每平方米约为84206美元。 美国 纽约:1989年商业集中地地价每平方米24225~... 日本 1990年日本公示地价平均比上年上升了16%。全国商业用地地价最高的是东京都中央区银座,每平方米约为258095美元;住宅用地地价最高的是东京都千代田三番町,每平方米约为84206美元。 美国 纽约:1989年商业集中地地价每平方米24225~32295美元。普通商业地每平方米地价8610~10770美元。高级住宅地每平方米地价14000~16150美元。一般住宅地每平方米地价3766~7539美元。 洛杉矶:1989年市中心商业区每平方米地价10765~13995美元。市区一般商业区每平方米地价3232美元。郊外普通商业地每平方米地价1077美元。住宅地每平方米地价1292~2153美元。工业地每平方米地价215~700美元。 展开更多
关键词 住宅地 商业用地 市中心商业区 住宅用地 中央区 东京都 三番 千代田 土地价格 土地用途
作者 毕建海 《国际展望》 1988年第5期21-22,共2页
银座,东京最繁华的商业区。这里终日熙熙攘攘,热闹非凡。来自世界各国的观光者常在银座街头流连忘返。但你可曾想到,这里的地价昂贵堪称世界之最,仅仅你脚底下踩着的那小片地皮就值160万日元.即使你是个腰缠“亿”贯的富翁,也至多在银... 银座,东京最繁华的商业区。这里终日熙熙攘攘,热闹非凡。来自世界各国的观光者常在银座街头流连忘返。但你可曾想到,这里的地价昂贵堪称世界之最,仅仅你脚底下踩着的那小片地皮就值160万日元.即使你是个腰缠“亿”贯的富翁,也至多在银座买块仅能容纳一张办公桌的土地。东京的地价上涨令人咋舌。据日本国土厅公布的资料,1986年以来,日本全国的平均地价上涨9.7%;而东京远远高于全国,上涨幅度达85.7%;东京闹市区又远远高于全东京,其中银座等商业中心的个别地段,3.3平方米的地价竟然超过1亿日元。在过去的3年里,东京平均地价已经上涨了4倍。 展开更多
关键词 国土厅 地产市场 住房条件 供求关系 住宅地 商业中心 大城市 世界之最 令人 公司职员
作者 陈锡根 《中国土地》 北大核心 1994年第9期20-21,共2页
农村城市化中住房用地情况调查研究陈锡根上海郊区农村城市化进程中,闵行区旗中村把分散的农居改建成集中的别墅式的住宅群,向人民展示了社会主义农村的风貌,前往参观的络绎不绝,在城乡人民中引起了很大的反响,成了郊区干部群众向... 农村城市化中住房用地情况调查研究陈锡根上海郊区农村城市化进程中,闵行区旗中村把分散的农居改建成集中的别墅式的住宅群,向人民展示了社会主义农村的风貌,前往参观的络绎不绝,在城乡人民中引起了很大的反响,成了郊区干部群众向往的楷模。最近,作者走访了郊区七个... 展开更多
关键词 住房用地 上海郊区 住宅 土地批租 华新镇 住宅地 用地面积 陈锡 南桥镇 节约用地
依法管理土地 节约集约用地——广西各地积极开展第25个全国“土地日”宣传活动
作者 石钖 《南方国土资源》 2015年第7期53-,共1页
"已有宅基地面积能够解决子女分居立户需要的,不可以再申请住宅地。"灵山县群众罗海燕飞快说出了正确答案。随后,她开心地接过工作人员递过来的奖品。6月25日,广西国土资源厅与灵山县国土资源局联合举行第25个全国"土地... "已有宅基地面积能够解决子女分居立户需要的,不可以再申请住宅地。"灵山县群众罗海燕飞快说出了正确答案。随后,她开心地接过工作人员递过来的奖品。6月25日,广西国土资源厅与灵山县国土资源局联合举行第25个全国"土地日"宣传活动,向群众分发国土资源政策法规资料,现场接受群众咨询,并组织有奖答题活动,吸引了广大群众积极参与。2015年全国"土地日"的主题是"节约集约利用土地,推动土地利用方式根本转变"。活动现场,主办方通过摆放宣传展板,播放视频。 展开更多
关键词 土地日 国土资源 集约用地 宅基地面积 现场接受 住宅地 耕地保护 陆川县 土地政策 政策法规
《广东经济》 2014年第11期58-59,共2页
01广州:将超额完成今年卖地任务今年年初楼市开始调整,土地市场也随之走冷,广州市出现住宅地接连"流拍"现象。不过卖地任务的进度正发生逆转,近日记者统计广州市国土房管局已发布卖地公告发现,下月广州市将出让18宗住宅和商... 01广州:将超额完成今年卖地任务今年年初楼市开始调整,土地市场也随之走冷,广州市出现住宅地接连"流拍"现象。不过卖地任务的进度正发生逆转,近日记者统计广州市国土房管局已发布卖地公告发现,下月广州市将出让18宗住宅和商务用地,总地价起始价达约3 0 3亿元。截至目前,广州2 0 1 4年卖地总收入约为593亿元。也就是说,11月正式出让的土地都以底价成交,广州市今年的卖地收入也至少达896亿元,超额完成年度任务。(摘自《信息时报》) 展开更多
关键词 土地市场 《信息时报》 住宅地 仲量联行 租赁市场 《羊城晚报》 滨海旅游业 旅行速度 《南方日报》
Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Residential Land Growth in Hefei of Anhui Province, China 被引量:3
作者 CHU Jinlong XU Jiangang GAO Shu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第2期135-142,共8页
We used the maps of urban land-use in 1978, 1991, 1994, 2000 and 2004, and softwares such as ArcGIS, Fragstats to analyze the spatio-temporal process of urban residential space quantitatively. Some methods, such as di... We used the maps of urban land-use in 1978, 1991, 1994, 2000 and 2004, and softwares such as ArcGIS, Fragstats to analyze the spatio-temporal process of urban residential space quantitatively. Some methods, such as di- rection analysis and landscape pattern analysis, were employed. The results show that: 1) the residential land grew very rapidly in Hefei from 1978 to 2004, and the increased land was distributed mainly in the central city zone surrounded by a moat; however, after 1994, it was distributed mainly outside the 1th Ring Road; 2) the expansion speeds were very different in different directions: there exists a fastest expansion of residential land in the directions of NE-NNE, SW and SSE, and a slowest one in the directions of E and SEE; 3) the residential land growth went through four stages: slow circular expansion in 1978-1991, 'axes + fan wings' expansion in 1991-1994, more rapid circular expansion in 1994-2000 and 'fan-wings' expansion in 2000-2004; 4) the expansion intensity was also different in all directions in the period of 1978 to 1994, and the most was in SW and then NW; and 5) there were more and more residential land area, and the spatial agglomeration was improved increasingly. 展开更多
关键词 residential land spatial expansion spatial distribution Hefei
Changes of Residential Land Density and Spatial Pattern from 1989 to 2004 in Jinan City,China 被引量:4
作者 YIN Haiwei KONG Fanhua ZHANG Xiang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期619-628,共10页
Urban sprawl is driven by a myriad of factors, the predominant one of which is the development of residential land. Selecting part of Jinan City for a case study, we use the landscape metric of percent of landscape (P... Urban sprawl is driven by a myriad of factors, the predominant one of which is the development of residential land. Selecting part of Jinan City for a case study, we use the landscape metric of percent of landscape (PLAND) to capture residential land growth and density changes in 1989, 1996 and 2004 to illuminate the dynamic process of residential land development. The results indicate that the moving window method and the landscape metrics method are efficient ways to describe residential land density. The residential land showed the greatest change among the built-up land with 1995.68 ha from 1989 to 2004, which is mainly transformed from agriculture land and green space. The urban center area of study area is primarily covered with medium density residential land, and surrounded by high density residential land. The development pattern of residential land exhibited both fill-in (new growth occurs through infilling the free spaces within the developed area) and sprawl processes, influenced by a series of factors, such as urban development policy, conservation of springs, recreational and aesthetic amenities. The findings of the study will help to guide urban planning with a focus on the management and protection of the environment and resources. 展开更多
关键词 residential land density landscape metric urban sprawl moving window Jinan
Spatio-temporal Differentiation of Residential Land for Coastal Town: A Case Study of Dalian Jinshitan 被引量:3
作者 YANG Jun SUN Jing +2 位作者 ZHAO Hongdan XI Jianchao LI Xueming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期566-576,共11页
Based on SPOT5 satellite remote sensing images and land use data in five time phases covering the period 1988–2012, the distribution characteristics, spatial differentiation processes, and driving mechanisms affectin... Based on SPOT5 satellite remote sensing images and land use data in five time phases covering the period 1988–2012, the distribution characteristics, spatial differentiation processes, and driving mechanisms affecting the residential land of the Jinshitan Tourist Resort were studied. The work included a combination of GIS technology, adoption of the differentiation index D, and the multi-group differentiation-measure model D(m). The results provided a basis for the following conclusions: 1) From 1988 to 2012, the degree of differentiation of the rural residential land first decreased, and then increased. The general residential, commercial residential and garden-house land-types all showed declining trends, of which the garden-house type presented the most intense volatility. 2) The overall background of the traditional residential land type was gradually replaced by a new residential land type, and the total area of residential land increased year by year, significantly improving the overall residential conditions. The areas of the new residential land type showed growth, and were increasingly widely distributed in the coastal tourist resorts, transportation corridors, and scenic areas. 3) Government policy, social differentiation, market mechanisms, and individual choices(along with other factors) were mutually promoted, although still restrained. However, all of these factors interacted to constrain the developmental direction and the processes affecting tourism real estate in the Dalian Jinshitan Tourist Resort. 展开更多
关键词 residential space differentiation differentiation degree residential conditions driving mechanism Dalian Jinshitan
Comparative Analysis of the Determinants of Residential Land Values 被引量:1
作者 Ilechukwu Victor Uju Salau Taofik Iyanda 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第2期187-192,共6页
City development is a result of many factors, of which land value is one of the major determinants. The past urban economics studies have shown that land value is largely determined by location factors such as distanc... City development is a result of many factors, of which land value is one of the major determinants. The past urban economics studies have shown that land value is largely determined by location factors such as distance from Central Business District (CBD) ignoring the non-location factors like time of purchase and neighbourhood infrastructures. Therefore, this paper attempts to establish the relative importance of location and non-location factors in the determination of residential land value by positing Onitsha, Nigeria as a case study. Eight hundred and fifty residential housing units were selected and questionnaire administered to the landlords through multi-stage sampling technique. The stepwise regression analysis results showed that non-location factors, especially, time of land purchase, contribute more to the variation in residential land values. The paper suggests the revision of the classical economic theories to represent the conditions of urban areas in developing countries . 展开更多
关键词 residential land value location factors non-location factors
Urban Residential Land Value Analysis: Case Danyang, China
作者 LIU Yaolin ZHENG Bin +1 位作者 HUANG Lina TANG Xu 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第3期228-234,共7页
The research attempts to find out how the location of the CBD(central business district), the dis- tance to the main roads, the distribution of the public facilities, and the urban land-use pattern influence the urban... The research attempts to find out how the location of the CBD(central business district), the dis- tance to the main roads, the distribution of the public facilities, and the urban land-use pattern influence the urban residential land value variations. The study begins by identifying the influences into two categories: general circumstance and micro/neighboring circumstances. Benchmark price and market land value are tested to be the results influenced by general circumstance and both the influential range and the influential force of individual land-use are investigated and compared. At last explicit case comparisons are also taken for testing the result. The finding of the research is not only useful for understanding the spatial patterns of land values, but also beneficial for the policy-makers concerning land administration and urban planning. 展开更多
关键词 urban residential land value land value evaluation benchmark price spatial analysis
The Effect of Selective Logging on the Nest Density, Foraging Range and Colony Size on the Ground-Dwelling Ant Aphaenogaster Swammerdami Forel, 1886 in Kirindy ForestmMadagascar
作者 Ferdinand Tornyie Stefan Jahnel Eliezer Bortei Borketey-La 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第11期723-729,共7页
Studying the ecology of ants can be a powerful tool for conservation, While the effect of logging is mainly investigated by the comparison of species richness and composition, the impact on individual species are ofte... Studying the ecology of ants can be a powerful tool for conservation, While the effect of logging is mainly investigated by the comparison of species richness and composition, the impact on individual species are often neglected. This study investigated the effect of selective logging on the nest density, foraging range and colony size on the ground-dwelling ant Aphaenogaster swammerdami in Kirindy forest--Madagascar. This ant is a common ground-dwelling species in Kirindy, a western dry deciduous forest of Madagascar. Sampling was done in two sites of the forest: One part that was selectively lodged and another that have not been logged. Here we show that selective logging led to a decrease in colony size and density, while the foraging range seemed to be unaffected. Higher desiccation stress and lower food availability in the logged forest are most likely to be responsible for these results. 展开更多
关键词 Ground-dwelling selective logging colony size nest density species richness.
Study on the standard system of housing and real-estate industry information in China
作者 尚春明 王要武 刘洪玉 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期313-317,共5页
Basic standards of information are for all construction work. The formulation for a standard system for housing and real-estate industry information is of great significance to the promotion of the sound development o... Basic standards of information are for all construction work. The formulation for a standard system for housing and real-estate industry information is of great significance to the promotion of the sound development of uniform construction and the transformation of production operations and management mode. This article gives an introduction to the application of information in the housing and real-estate industry, putting forward the consideration and framework for establishing the standard system of housing and the real-estate industry information to meet the needs of actual demands in China. 展开更多
关键词 housing and real-estate INFORMATIZATION standard system
Design on rural eco-house in cold areas of Northern China
作者 赵华 王葳 金虹 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期160-163,共4页
Many kinds of factors that influence rural housing construction in Northern China are analyzed systematically and the connections between them are weighed from ecology and sustainable angles, so that an optimized gree... Many kinds of factors that influence rural housing construction in Northern China are analyzed systematically and the connections between them are weighed from ecology and sustainable angles, so that an optimized green house can be built. At the same time, the energy efficient envelope structure and the method of choosing insulation material in the cost of unit thermal resistance are proposed. Integrated quality evaluation by computer shows that thermal comfort in the house would be improved remarkably for the value of PPD drops from 35%-40% to 15%, the rate of saving energy is 51.73%, much higher than the third goal of saving energy in China, and the comprehensive ecological benefit achieves good effect so as to promote the sustainable development of rural housing and community in cold areas of Northern China. 展开更多
关键词 green rural houses thermal comfort energy conservation optimization design energy efficient envelope structure ecological benefit
作者 MAYao-dong ZHOUChun-shan FANGYuan-ping 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第2期182-189,共8页
According to the on-the-spot sampling investigation, this paper an alyzes the conditions of different districts, different locales and different ty pes of the vacant commercial housing as well as the contributing fact... According to the on-the-spot sampling investigation, this paper an alyzes the conditions of different districts, different locales and different ty pes of the vacant commercial housing as well as the contributing factors, which was completed in recent three years in Guangzhou urban district. It is found tha t vacant ratio of samples in Guangzhou accounted for 20.94%, which is relativel y high. The authors argue that real estate industry of Guangzhou has made rapid progress, at the same time, people should not overlook the vacant commercial hou sing. It will benefit the sustainable development of the real estate industry of Guangzhou to carry out effective measures and actively to make use of present v acant housing. 展开更多
关键词 commercial housing vacant housing vacant ratio guangzhou city
Prices of Apartments in Relation to Noise Level in Poland
作者 Kinga Szopifiska Malgorzata Krajewska 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第10期1189-1195,共7页
Acoustic climate of a given area ought to be a factor of considerable significance in investment processes in an urbanized area, especially in a residential real estate market, due to its extensive influence on the li... Acoustic climate of a given area ought to be a factor of considerable significance in investment processes in an urbanized area, especially in a residential real estate market, due to its extensive influence on the living standards of its inhabitants. In the following article, the authors have given an analysis of the residential market of housing units located in areas of acceptable and excessive noise levels in preselected regions of Poland. With this end in view, an entirely new source of information has been used in the research--an acoustic map which has been defined and applied to produce the outcome of the analysis. It allowed for the recognition of whether or not the noise level influences decisions made by investors existing in a local residential real estate market. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic climate noise strategic map residential real estate.
Research on the Significance and Approaches of Productive Landscape Introduced in Residential Districts
作者 Kai WANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期199-200,218,共3页
With the urbanization increasingly advancing at a high speed, a large number of farmlands have been turned into building lands, which leads the urban-rural conflicts more and more evident than before. Introducing the ... With the urbanization increasingly advancing at a high speed, a large number of farmlands have been turned into building lands, which leads the urban-rural conflicts more and more evident than before. Introducing the concept of productive landscape into residential districts, could relieve the contradiction between agricultural land and urban construction land, improve the modern lifestyle, provide a new perspective of landscape design philosophy. In this paper, based on the analysis of the present situation of residential green space, the significance and approaches of productive landscape in residential areas have been put forward, and suggestions of daily management and countermeasures about agricultural pollution problem have also been given. 展开更多
关键词 Residential districts Productive landscape GREENBELT APPROACH
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