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《农村金融研究》 北大核心 1998年第9期17-20,共4页
一、确立商业银行经营与管理并重的组织体系重组农业银行组织管理体系,既应该借鉴现代西方商业银行基本构造,又要充分考虑中国国情,还应符合社会主义市场经济运行要求,有利于农业银行整体功能的发挥。从远期目标看,农业银行组织管... 一、确立商业银行经营与管理并重的组织体系重组农业银行组织管理体系,既应该借鉴现代西方商业银行基本构造,又要充分考虑中国国情,还应符合社会主义市场经济运行要求,有利于农业银行整体功能的发挥。从远期目标看,农业银行组织管理体系应打破行政格局的限制,按经济... 展开更多
关键词 农业银行 商业银行 商业化经营 体制重组 业务经营 组织管理体系 组织体系 二级分行 境外机构 经营效益
作者 刘义兵 高萍 《武汉金融》 北大核心 1996年第8期22-23,共2页
关于贫困地区农村金融组织体制重组的几点论断刘义兵,高萍随着农行商业化进程的进一步加快,对农村金融组织体制进行根本性的变革已经成为必然,并且也已逐渐付诸实施。1994年,农发行从农行分设,农发行业务由农行暂时委托代理,... 关于贫困地区农村金融组织体制重组的几点论断刘义兵,高萍随着农行商业化进程的进一步加快,对农村金融组织体制进行根本性的变革已经成为必然,并且也已逐渐付诸实施。1994年,农发行从农行分设,农发行业务由农行暂时委托代理,部分地理顺了政策性金融与商业性金融... 展开更多
关键词 贫困地区 农村金融组织 体制重组 农发行 农业银行 信用社 农村合作银行 组织体制 政策性金融 经济发展
作者 刘义兵 高萍 《湖北农村金融研究》 1996年第6期29-30,共2页
一、对在贫困地设立农村合作银行,实行行社分家情况的具体分析1、"分家"势必加剧地区资金供求紧张局面。如果行社分开,行社就要分别向人行专户缴纳准备金和备付金,对于信用社这并不影响其资金营运,对于农行,却直接减少了其资... 一、对在贫困地设立农村合作银行,实行行社分家情况的具体分析1、"分家"势必加剧地区资金供求紧张局面。如果行社分开,行社就要分别向人行专户缴纳准备金和备付金,对于信用社这并不影响其资金营运,对于农行,却直接减少了其资金来源渠道,降低了其资金利用率,必然削弱其对区域内经济发展的资金供给能力,此其一。其二,贫困地区由于经济发展落后,本身积累资金的能力就非常脆弱,资金供求缺口非常大。 展开更多
关键词 贫困地区 农村金融组织 农业银行 体制重组 信用社 农行 农发行 农村合作银行 地区经济发展 资金营运
作者 白新江 《中国农业银行武汉管理干部学院学报》 1995年第3期54-55,共2页
农金体制重组之后农村信贷投入问题的思考白新江随着农金体制改革的进一步深化,农村信用合作社将与农业银行脱离行政隶属关系,组建成为农村合作银行。这样原来的农金机构就会一分为三:即农业发展银行、商业性的农业银行、农村合作银... 农金体制重组之后农村信贷投入问题的思考白新江随着农金体制改革的进一步深化,农村信用合作社将与农业银行脱离行政隶属关系,组建成为农村合作银行。这样原来的农金机构就会一分为三:即农业发展银行、商业性的农业银行、农村合作银行。农金机构重组必然会对农村信贷投... 展开更多
关键词 农村信贷投入 体制重组 农村金融机构 农业发展银行 商业银行 农村合作银行 质量和效益 农村信用社 农业银行 融资网络
作者 罗孝平 《政工学刊》 2018年第2期72-72,共1页
关键词 “心” 信仰重建 体制重组
Construction of Myostatin Gene Targeting Vector of Mouse 被引量:2
作者 李三华 何志全 +1 位作者 陈全利 凌锌 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1164-1166,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to construct Myostatin (MSTN) gene targeting vector of mouse. [Method] Total RNA was extracted from hindlimb muscle tissues of mouse to synthesize cDNA as the template to clone the codin... [Objective] This study aimed to construct Myostatin (MSTN) gene targeting vector of mouse. [Method] Total RNA was extracted from hindlimb muscle tissues of mouse to synthesize cDNA as the template to clone the coding region of MSTN. The CDS of MSTN gene including 3 kb 5’ homologous arm and 1.4 kb 3’ homologous arm were inserted into vector pBluescript_SK + to construct the targeting vector pLoxP-5N3T-M. The neo and HSV-tk gene were cloned into vector pBluescript_SK+ as positive and negative selective gene. [Result] Restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing results showed that mouse MSTN gene was cloned into the targeting vector pLoxP-5N3T-M. [Conclusion] The mouse MSTN gene targeting vector pLoxP5N3T-M was successfully constructed. 展开更多
关键词 MYOSTATIN Targeting vector Homologous recombination
作者 冯菲菲 《中国外资》 2012年第22期203-203,共1页
20世纪50-80年代是日本经济的高速成长期,这一时期日本迈入了经济现代化,国内经济史无前例繁荣的同时也出现了经济与社会发展的不协调,紧接着1985年广场协议的签订让日本失去了产业结构调整的绝好时机。从1985年起到2005年的20年间,以... 20世纪50-80年代是日本经济的高速成长期,这一时期日本迈入了经济现代化,国内经济史无前例繁荣的同时也出现了经济与社会发展的不协调,紧接着1985年广场协议的签订让日本失去了产业结构调整的绝好时机。从1985年起到2005年的20年间,以丰田为首的日本企业通过努力奋斗,克服种种危机,奇迹般的耸立于世界汽车行业巅峰,迎来了辉煌的时刻。然而,接下来很长的一段时间日本国内经济整体呈现慢性的供过于求,发展缓慢甚至停滞,被称为"失去的20年"。直到2008年世界金融危机的爆发,世界经济开始大滑坡,经济中心从发达国家转移到新兴国,即亚洲成为新兴市场的中心,日本才被迫认识到产业结构的脆弱与国内市场的萎缩。2011年日本爆发特大地震,大地震是否会使日本醒悟过来,是否会作为日本经济再生的转折点被记忆?还是被写入"失去的20年+若干"成为最终定局的墓志铭?日本经济面临着前所未有的国际竞争力下降和产业空洞化的危机。 展开更多
关键词 供应链 产业结构优化 生产体制重组 海外转移
作者 钟雪冰 《中国市场》 2001年第11期38-40,共3页
当“360万巨资聘请洋咨询”一事将我们的目光引向诚通集团时,记者惊喜地发现在这艘流通业航母调转船头的背后还有一个更具新闻价值的由头——诚通集团董事长田源。 为学的八年,作为“文革”后的第一届研究生,田源留校任教后继续学业,直... 当“360万巨资聘请洋咨询”一事将我们的目光引向诚通集团时,记者惊喜地发现在这艘流通业航母调转船头的背后还有一个更具新闻价值的由头——诚通集团董事长田源。 为学的八年,作为“文革”后的第一届研究生,田源留校任教后继续学业,直到攻读下经济学博士学位。 为官的八年,他扎根在国务院发展研究中心,在这个影响整个经济改革的中心领域,他参加了一系列有关价格改革和宏观经济政策的研究,出版了多部有关价格体系和期货的专著,并以突出的贡献被评为第一届全国十大杰出青年。 为商八年来,他组建了中国最大的期货公司——中国国际期货经纪有限公司,并因此被业内尊称为“中国期货业之父”。 而后,他又奇迹般地站在一个白手起家的起点上挽救了中国最大的流通企业,也是1996年全国流通行业亏损最大的国企——华通集团。 当本刊记者面对面地听他讲述自己的故事时,想象中的那个严肃刻板、披荆斩棘的创业者形象渐渐化作了一股谦和儒雅的智者风采。 展开更多
关键词 诚通集团 物流企业 政企分开 扭亏工作 资产重组 体制重组
Inhibition of hepatitis B virus DNA replicative intermediate forms by recombinant interferon-γ 被引量:10
作者 Mohammad Khalid Parvez Deepak Sehgal +2 位作者 Shiv Kumar Sarin Seemi Farhat Basir Shahid Jameel 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第19期3006-3014,共9页
AIM: To evaluate the in vitro anti-HBV activity of recombinant human IFN-γ, alone and in combination with lamivudine. METHODS: A recombinant baculovirus-HBV/HepG2 culture system was developed which could support prod... AIM: To evaluate the in vitro anti-HBV activity of recombinant human IFN-γ, alone and in combination with lamivudine. METHODS: A recombinant baculovirus-HBV/HepG2 culture system was developed which could support productive HBV infection in vitro. Expression of HBsAg and HBeAg in infected HepG2 culture medium was detected by commercial enzyme immunoassays. HBV DNA replication intermediates were detected in infected cells by Southern hybridization and viral DNA load was determined by dot hybridization. RESULTS: IFN-γat 0.1 to 5μg/L efficiently down regulated HBsAg expression in transduced HepG2 cells. At 5μg/L, IFN-γalso suppressed HBV DNA replication in these cells. While treatment with a combination of lamivudine and IFN-γshowed no additive effect, sequential treatment first with lamivudine and then IFN-γwas found to be promising. In this culture system the best HBV suppression was observed with a pulse of 2μmol/L lamivudine for two days, followed by 1μg/L IFN-γfor another four days. Compared to treatment with lamivudine alone, the sequential use of 0.2μmol/L lamivudine for two days, followed by 5μg/L IFN-γfor six days showed a 72% reduction in HBV cccDNA pool. CONCLUSION: This in vitro study warrants further evaluation of a combination of IFN-γand lamivudine, especially in IFN-αnon-responder chronic hepatitis B patients. A reduced duration of lamivudine treatment would also restrict the emergence of drug-resistant HBV mutants. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) LAMIVUDINE INTERFERON-Γ Replicative intermediates CCCDNA
Preparation and in vitro studies of microencapsulated cells releasing human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 被引量:2
作者 姜强 张苏展 +1 位作者 彭佳萍 王旭林 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第9期859-864,共6页
Objective: To prepare microencapsulated cells releasing human tissue inhibitor ofmetalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2), and investigate their biological characteristics in vitro. Methods: Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell... Objective: To prepare microencapsulated cells releasing human tissue inhibitor ofmetalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2), and investigate their biological characteristics in vitro. Methods: Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were stably transfected with a human TIMP-2 expression vector, encapsulated in barium alginate microcapsules and cultured in vitro. Morphological appearance of the microcapsules was observed under a light microscope. Cell viability was assessed using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and reverse zymography were used to confirm the release of biologically active TIMP-2 from the microcapsules. Cryopreservation study of the microencapsulated cells was carried out using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as preservative agent. Results: The microcapsules appeared like a sphere with diameter of 300-600 ~tm. The surface of the capsule wall was clearly smooth. The microencapsulated cells survived well and kept proliferating over the 6 weeks observed. No significant difference in TIMP-2 secretion was found between encapsulated and unencapsulated cells. Reverse zymography confirmed the bioactivity of MMP (matrix metalloproteinase) inhibition of TIMP-2. The cryopreservation process did not damage the microcapsule morphology nor the viability of the cells inside. Conclusion: Microencapsulated engineered CHO cells survive at least 6 weeks after preparation in vitro, and secrete bioactive TIMP-2 freely from the microcapsules. 展开更多
关键词 MICROENCAPSULATION Recombinant cells Human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 Cell culture
Inhibition of the activating signals in NK92 cells by recombinant GST-sHLAG1α chain 被引量:2
作者 AiYuYAO HaiYangTANG +2 位作者 YunWANG MeiFuFENG RouLiZHOU 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期155-160,共6页
The soluble HLA-G1 (sHLA-G1) isoform was found to be secreted by trophoblast cells at the matemo-fetal interface, which suggests that it may act as an immunomodulator during pregnancy. In this paper, we reported that ... The soluble HLA-G1 (sHLA-G1) isoform was found to be secreted by trophoblast cells at the matemo-fetal interface, which suggests that it may act as an immunomodulator during pregnancy. In this paper, we reported that GST-sHLA-G1α chain could bind to its receptor ILT-2 on NK92 cells and then the latter recruited Src homology 2 domaincontaining tyrosine phosphatase-1 (SHP-1), which consequently dephosphorylated some important protein tyrosine kinases and blocked the activation of downstream molecules such as MEK and ERK so that the cytotoxicity of natural killer (NK) cells was inhibited. These results indicated that GST-sHLA-G1α chain might be exploited in new immunotherapy strategies aiming at inducing immunotolerance during allograft, xenograft and autoimmune situations. In addition, we found that modification of O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) was involved in NK cells' activating and inhibitory signals. This may provide a novel molecular target for inducing immunotolerance but needs further study. 展开更多
关键词 NK92 GST-sHLA-G1α chain signal transduction SHP-1 O-G1cNAc.
作者 张翼飞 杜鹏飞 +5 位作者 徐敏 张毅 张连珍 王卫庆 赵咏桔 宁光 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2006年第1期10-14,共5页
Objective To evaluate the bioequivalence between recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for reconstitution, and two dosages of liquid formulation of rhGH [ (151U) 5mg or (301U) lOmg per 3ml ]. Methods The study... Objective To evaluate the bioequivalence between recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for reconstitution, and two dosages of liquid formulation of rhGH [ (151U) 5mg or (301U) lOmg per 3ml ]. Methods The study drugs were tested in a randomized, single-blind and three-period crossover studies in 24 healthy male subjects. The three drugs were administered by subcutaneous injection at a dose of O. 21U/kg body weight. A continuous somatostatin infusion was given in order to suppress the secretion of endogenous GH. The ve- nous blood samples were drawn at different time points to test the serum concentration of GH. The pharmacokinetic parameters were analyzed by statistical methods. Results 90% confidence intervals (CI) of AUC0-24h among three products were all within 80% - 125% interval ( 103. 4% - 116. 5%, 105. 7% - 119. 6% and 91.9% - 103. 7%, respectively), and the Cls of C,~ among three products were all within 70% - 143% interval (91.9% - 114. 0%, 103. 7% -127. 2% and 81.6% -97. 4%, respectively). There was no statisitical difference of tmax among all the three products. Conclusion These data demonstrate that there is bioequivalence between rhGH for reconstitution and two liquid formulations of rhGH. 展开更多
关键词 recombinant human growth hormone rhGH somatostatin bioequivalence
当前国有企业实施兼并重组应当重视的几个问题 被引量:1
作者 王东京 《中共中央党校学报》 CSSCI 2000年第1期116-121,共6页
对国有企业实行战略性改组 ,是从整体上搞活国有经济的重要战略。通过对当前国有企业实行兼并重组的实际情况进行调查研究 ,笔者认为 ,资产重组不能局限于单纯提高生产能力 ,而是要通过资产重组推动产品的“市场重组” ;资产重组不能局... 对国有企业实行战略性改组 ,是从整体上搞活国有经济的重要战略。通过对当前国有企业实行兼并重组的实际情况进行调查研究 ,笔者认为 ,资产重组不能局限于单纯提高生产能力 ,而是要通过资产重组推动产品的“市场重组” ;资产重组不能局限于国有经济的内部 ,而应通过投资主体多元化推动企业的“结构重组” ;资产重组不能局限于重组企业的资产存量 ,而是要通过资产兼并推动企业的“体制重组”。 展开更多
关键词 国有企业 资产重组 市场重组 结构重组 体制重组
国有银行再资本化与资产重组 被引量:2
作者 管圣义 《金融科学(中国金融学院学报)》 CSSCI 2000年第1期18-19,54,共3页
关键词 国有银行 再资本化 资产重组 体制重组 中国
作者 钱咏虹 翟伟 《瞭望》 北大核心 1999年第11期14-15,共2页
关键词 内蒙古自治区 四项措施 体制重组 稀土行业 会计委派制度 资金封闭运行 行业自律价 企业领导 国有大中型企业 稽察特派员
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