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我国优秀足球运动员的体力评价 被引量:15
作者 何加才 乔居庠 +4 位作者 孟宪武 刘丹 瞿煜忠 付远扬 文进 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第4期32-38,94,共8页
关键词 足球 体力评价 标准 高原平原差值
基于相对综合心率的体力劳动强度评价实验设计 被引量:7
作者 段天宏 李贤功 +1 位作者 李乃梁 姬长生 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第8期29-32,共4页
为了寻求一种简单、方便的体力劳动强度评价方法,分析了国内外各种体力劳动强度的评价方法,提出将相对综合心率作为体力劳动强度评价标准,并对实验器材进行了优选,采用踏车和Polar心率表作为实验器材,并进行了实验设计。实验证实了体力... 为了寻求一种简单、方便的体力劳动强度评价方法,分析了国内外各种体力劳动强度的评价方法,提出将相对综合心率作为体力劳动强度评价标准,并对实验器材进行了优选,采用踏车和Polar心率表作为实验器材,并进行了实验设计。实验证实了体力劳动强度与相对综合心率之间的线性关系,同时相对综合心率考虑了作业者个体之间的生理差异,更为科学可靠,并且实验过程简单、方便。 展开更多
关键词 相对综合心率 体力劳动强度评价 实验设计
体力活动的测量与评价 被引量:3
作者 杨洁 姜平 《继续医学教育》 2019年第3期163-164,共2页
本研究对体力活动的概念及分类进行系统梳理,主要差别是"基础代谢"是否包含概念之中。体力活动的测量方法既服务于大众体育领域,在临床医学监测和运动处方制定等方面具有重要意义,应针对目标人群或体力活动内容特征进行个性... 本研究对体力活动的概念及分类进行系统梳理,主要差别是"基础代谢"是否包含概念之中。体力活动的测量方法既服务于大众体育领域,在临床医学监测和运动处方制定等方面具有重要意义,应针对目标人群或体力活动内容特征进行个性化的行为测量和能量消耗测量。体育、医务、教育工作者应结合国际体力活动量表(IPAQ)和全球体力活动量表(GPAQ),制定适合我国国民的运动处方、体力活动干预和行为习惯改善方法等,找到适合中国特色健康促进政策和有效的实施方法,促进"健康中国梦"的实现。 展开更多
关键词 体力活动 体力活动测量 体力活动评价
以动态心率为指标的体力劳动强度评价方法研究 被引量:24
作者 蔡启明 《人类工效学》 1999年第4期38-41,共4页
对人体在带负荷运动过程中和运动结束后体力恢复过程中的心率、耗氧量和能量代谢率的变化情况进行试验研究,证明心率与耗氧量和能量代谢率之间具有良好的线性关系。试验结果还证明在同等体力负荷下活动,男女之间的心率和能量代谢率存... 对人体在带负荷运动过程中和运动结束后体力恢复过程中的心率、耗氧量和能量代谢率的变化情况进行试验研究,证明心率与耗氧量和能量代谢率之间具有良好的线性关系。试验结果还证明在同等体力负荷下活动,男女之间的心率和能量代谢率存在着较大的差异,女子的能量代谢率比男子的能量代谢率低15 % 左右,但其心率则比男子的心率高10 % 左右。首次按男女性别差异提出了以心率和相对心率为指标的体力劳动强度分级方法,从而使体力劳动强度评价变得可靠有效。 展开更多
关键词 动态心率 体力劳动强度评价方法 带负荷运动 耗氧量 能量代谢率
圭嘎拉高海拔隧道施工人员体力劳动强度评价 被引量:9
作者 郑鑫 郭春 +1 位作者 王欣 王帅帅 《隧道建设(中英文)》 北大核心 2019年第7期1141-1146,共6页
为探究圭嘎拉高海拔隧道施工人员体力劳动强度水平,评价施工工序劳动强度,选择圭嘎拉隧道进口段(海拔4 300 m)及1~#斜井段(海拔4 560 m)的施工人员作为测试对象,分别测量不同工序下施工人员的生理指标(心率、血氧饱和度、耗氧量)。基于... 为探究圭嘎拉高海拔隧道施工人员体力劳动强度水平,评价施工工序劳动强度,选择圭嘎拉隧道进口段(海拔4 300 m)及1~#斜井段(海拔4 560 m)的施工人员作为测试对象,分别测量不同工序下施工人员的生理指标(心率、血氧饱和度、耗氧量)。基于耗氧量计算能量代谢率,进而计算各工序的劳动强度指数。结果表明:1)260 m的海拔高差造成的施工综合劳动强度指数差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);2)二次衬砌钢筋绑扎是所测施工工序中劳动强度最大的工序,该工序下施工人员的心率、血氧饱和度和平均能量代谢率都出现超过卫生限值的情况,劳动强度指数达到35(极重);3)海拔为4 300~4 560 m时,隧道各施工工序劳动强度大部分为中度-极重度。 展开更多
关键词 高海拔隧道 体力劳动强度评价 心肺功能指标评价 劳动强度指数评价
作者 张铝 张丹 《青海大学学报》 2023年第1期80-87,共8页
为掌握劳动者合理的劳动强度,本文以西宁某建筑工地的16名建筑工人作为研究对象,利用腕带式心率测量仪器测量建筑工人工作时的心率情况,并计算出相对心率、氧耗量和心率存储百分比,并建立线性回归模型,通过案例检验模型的正确性(模型的... 为掌握劳动者合理的劳动强度,本文以西宁某建筑工地的16名建筑工人作为研究对象,利用腕带式心率测量仪器测量建筑工人工作时的心率情况,并计算出相对心率、氧耗量和心率存储百分比,并建立线性回归模型,通过案例检验模型的正确性(模型的误差为10%左右)。结果表明:(1)较重劳动强度等级内相对心率(x)≥2.17,持续30 min会造成身体危害。(2)重度劳动强度等级内相对心率(x)≥1.78,持续60 min会造成身体危害。(3)中度劳动强度等级内相对心率(x)≥1.62,持续8 h会造成身体危害。综上所述,基于相对心率建立的评价指标模型,能够比较准确地计算出劳动者的劳动强度。 展开更多
关键词 劳动强度 相对心率 氧耗量 心率存储百分比 体力劳动强度评价模型
陡倾地层大型硐室群岩体质量评价分析 被引量:1
作者 余天成 原野 《中国矿业》 2023年第S01期121-125,138,共6页
滇东北地区毛坪铅锌矿盲竖井硐室群主要位于泥盆系及石炭系地层中,该硐室群顶板及帮部产生垮塌、解体及大变形破坏。为治理该硐室群破坏问题,综合分析地质资料及以往支护方式的基础上,在裸露硐室区域采用RQD指标基本分析法、南非RMR分... 滇东北地区毛坪铅锌矿盲竖井硐室群主要位于泥盆系及石炭系地层中,该硐室群顶板及帮部产生垮塌、解体及大变形破坏。为治理该硐室群破坏问题,综合分析地质资料及以往支护方式的基础上,在裸露硐室区域采用RQD指标基本分析法、南非RMR分级法及GSI法对岩体进行评价,结合硐室实际工况,采用ROC lab软件计算不同地层的岩体力学参数,为后期治理方案提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 大硐室群 体力评价 工程岩体 稳定性评价
常见便携式遥测气体代谢仪核心测量指标的信度和效度分析 被引量:1
作者 陈俊飞 汤强 +1 位作者 严翊 谢敏豪 《体育科研》 2017年第6期67-73,共7页
现代社会生活方式的改变,给人类健康带来极大的威胁。通过增加日常体力活动量(约占总能量消耗量的20%),可以有效减少和控制慢性非传染性疾病的发生和发展,减轻社会医疗负担。便携式遥测气体代谢仪可测量自由状态下的体力活动量,因而被... 现代社会生活方式的改变,给人类健康带来极大的威胁。通过增加日常体力活动量(约占总能量消耗量的20%),可以有效减少和控制慢性非传染性疾病的发生和发展,减轻社会医疗负担。便携式遥测气体代谢仪可测量自由状态下的体力活动量,因而被广泛应用于智能手机、可穿戴和虚拟现实设备的开发和应用,以及竞技体育科研等健康促进领域的研究,目前对便携式遥测气体代谢仪准确的使用范围知之不深。本文对常见的几种便携式遥测气体代谢仪(包括:Cosmed K4b^2、Metamax 3B/Vmax ST、Oxycon Mobile、VO2000)在不同环境、不同条件下测量的信度和效度及其核心指标VO_2、VCO_2和VE进行分析,以期为相关的研究和应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 便携式遥测气体代谢仪 体力活动量评价 核心测量指标 信度 效度
Application of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in Development of Animal Husbandry Technology
作者 钱敏 宁波 +4 位作者 申时才 陈蕊 李丹桐 彭子芸 吕宏斌 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1942-1946,1961,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to provide references for the application of participatory monitoring and evaluation in the development of animal husbandry tech- nology. [Method] With the livelihood improvement program f... [Objective] This study aimed to provide references for the application of participatory monitoring and evaluation in the development of animal husbandry tech- nology. [Method] With the livelihood improvement program for agricultural and pas- toral area in northern Yunnan as the example, the development process of partici- patory animal husbandry was overviewed. And the monitoring and evaluation pro- cesses of participatory animal husbandry were introduced and analyzed. [Result] The monitoring and evaluation indicator system of participatory animal husbandry technol- ogy included 4 layers, namely technology, institutional system, personnel ability con- struction and effectiveness, and 11 third-level indicators, namely, technical characteristics, superiority-inferiority comparison, community and farmers, technical personnel, project personnel, economic indicators and social indicators. [Conclusion] This study provided the references for the application of participatory monitoring and evaluation in the development of animal husbandry technology. 展开更多
关键词 'Participatory approach Livestock technology development Monitoringand evaluation Gongshan County
Thermodynamic assessment of ZnO-SiO_2 system 被引量:2
作者 Iikka ISOMAKI Rui ZHANG +2 位作者 Long-gong XIA Niko HELLSTEN Pekka A.TASKINEN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1869-1877,共9页
ZnO-containing slags are common in pyrometallurgical processing of the base metals and steel.This caused the interest to the thermodynamics of the ZnO-SiO2 system.A complete literature survey,critical evaluation of th... ZnO-containing slags are common in pyrometallurgical processing of the base metals and steel.This caused the interest to the thermodynamics of the ZnO-SiO2 system.A complete literature survey,critical evaluation of the available experimental data and a thermodynamic optimization of the phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the system ZnO-SiO2 at 1.013×105 Pa are presented.The molten oxide was described as an associate solution.The properties of liquid were reassessed and enthalpy term of the Gibbs energy of solid Zn2SiO4 was re-fitted to be compatible with the new data in the willemite primary phase field.The thermodynamic data set agrees well with the recent experimental observations.It can be used for predicting,e.g.,the thermodynamic properties and the domains of the phase diagram,like critical point of the liquid miscibility gap,with a better accuracy than using the previous assessments.A set of optimized model parameters were obtained,reproducing the reliable thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data within their experimental errors from 298 K to liquidus temperatures,over the entire composition range.The created database can be used in a Gibbs energy minimization software to calculate the thermodynamic properties and the phase diagram sections of interest. 展开更多
关键词 thermodynamic assessment ZnO-SiO2 system thermodynamic properties phase diagram
Concept and evaluation method of equipment system of systems contribution rate 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Tianpeng Liu Tielin Yang Jun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第3期317-324,共8页
To scientifically evaluate the equipment system of systems(SoS)contribution rate,a contribution rate calculation method based on a structural equation model(SEM)is proposed in this paper.The connotation and evaluation... To scientifically evaluate the equipment system of systems(SoS)contribution rate,a contribution rate calculation method based on a structural equation model(SEM)is proposed in this paper.The connotation and evaluation process of the equipment SoS contribution rate were redefined and standardized.To solve the existing problems in the application of the original contribution rate formula,a modified contribution rate calculation formula is proposed.Finally,the contribution rate evaluation index was divided into latent and explicit variables.The measurement and structural equations in the SEM were used to calculate and analyze the latent variables.The simulation results show that the number of defense lines of air defense weapon equipment has a greater impact on the linear configuration than the group configuration.When the number of K-type air defense weapons is sufficient,the two-layer linear configuration should be adopted with 20 air defense weapon systems.When the number of K-type air defense weapons is insufficient,the single-layer group configuration should be adopted with 12 air defense weapon systems. 展开更多
关键词 system of systems(SoS)contribution rate structural equation mode equipment SoS capability assessment evaluation indicator framework
Introduction and evaluation of a novel hybrid brattice for improved dust control in underground mining faces: A computational study 被引量:8
作者 Kurnia Jundika C. Sasmito Agus P. +1 位作者 Hassani Ferri P. Mujumdar Arun S. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期537-543,共7页
A proper control and management of dust dispersion is essential to ensure safe and productive underground working environment. Brattice installation to direct the flow from main shaft to the mining face was found to b... A proper control and management of dust dispersion is essential to ensure safe and productive underground working environment. Brattice installation to direct the flow from main shaft to the mining face was found to be the most effective method to disperse dust particle away from the mining face. However,it limits the movement and disturbs the flexibility of the mining fleets and operators at the tunnel. This study proposes a hybrid brattice system- a combination of a physical brattice together with suitable and flexible directed and located air curtains- to mitigate dust dispersion from the mining face and reduce dust concentration to a safe level for the working operators. A validated three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic model utilizing Eulerian–Lagrangian approach is employed to track the dispersion of dust particle. Several possible hybrid brattice scenarios are evaluated with the objective to improve dust management in underground mine. The results suggest that implementation of hybrid brattice is beneficial for the mining operation: up to three times lower dust concentration is achieved as compared to that of the physical brattice without air curtain. 展开更多
关键词 Dust dispersion Hybrid brattice Underground mine Ventilation
Stability analysis of underground surrounding rock mass based on block theory 被引量:9
作者 LIN Jian-yun ZUO Yu-jun +4 位作者 WANG Jian ZHENG Lu-jing CHEN Bin SUN Wen-ji-bin LIU Hao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期3040-3052,共13页
Evaluation of the performance of existing support in underground tunnels is of great importance for production and interests.Based on field investigation,the shape and number of joints and fractures were investigated ... Evaluation of the performance of existing support in underground tunnels is of great importance for production and interests.Based on field investigation,the shape and number of joints and fractures were investigated in the mining area.Then,the stability of each structural blocks is analyzed by 3D wedge stability analysis software(Unwedge).Moreover,a new analysis method based on critical block theory is applied to analyze the stability of excavated laneways in continuous and discontinuous rock and monitor the stress changes in a fractured tunnel rock mass.The test results indicate that the 3D wedge stability analysis software for underground excavation can evaluate deep tunnel support.Besides,there is no direct relation between the size of the block and the instability of the tunnel.The support method,on large and thick key blocks,needs to be improved.In a broken tunnel section,U-shaped steel support can effectively promote the stress state of the surrounding rock.By monitoring the surrounding rock,it is proven that the vibrating string anchor stress monitoring system is an efficient and real-time method for tunnel stability evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 block theory Unwedge analysis software stress monitoring system support evaluation
Improvement Methods for Genetic Evaluation of Hanwoo Cows
作者 T. S. Yoon J. J. Ha Y. H. Song 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1310-1313,共4页
A total of 1,101 heads were used to improve the selection of superior cows in Gangwon regional Hanwoo. Characteristics of each cow were analyzed using ultrasound evaluation and trace of reproductive potential. A compa... A total of 1,101 heads were used to improve the selection of superior cows in Gangwon regional Hanwoo. Characteristics of each cow were analyzed using ultrasound evaluation and trace of reproductive potential. A comparison of live carcass traits classified by parity was analyzed in all characteristics. The results of the comparison showed all characteristic increased rapidly after the 2nd parity, and decreased after the 4th parity (P 〈 0.01). The result of comparison classified by the group showed a tendency, whereas Back Fat Thickness Ultrasound (BFTU) and P8 Fat Thickness Ultrasound (P8-FTU) were significant (P 〈 0.01) thinnest in Pedigree group and using a lot of reproduction in advanced group. Also, we made comparisons of the cow's calves on the carcass traits among the group. High quality calves of the pedigree group showed 30.77%. These are the highest carcass traits in meat quality grade above 1+ and yield grade above A. Frequency of fertilization failure per rump fat thickness showed a significantly (P 〈 0.0|) higher difference. The average frequency of fertilization failure demonstrated 1.11 times of experimental Hanwoo cows. In the analysis, frequency of fertilization failure appeared 0.9 times at rump fat thickness below 5 mm. However, it is higher than average above 5 mm. The result of the study will be used to improve cows, select optimum semen, as well as contribute to the improvement of farms income. 展开更多
Evaluation of hollow fiber T-type zeolite membrane modules for ethanol dehydration 被引量:7
作者 Xuerui Wang Ji Jiang +3 位作者 Dezhong Liu Youquan Xue Chun Zhang Xuehong Gu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期581-586,共6页
This work presents the design of hollow fiber T-type zeolite membrane modules with different geometric configurations. The module performances were evaluated by pervaporation dehydration of ethanol/water mixtures. Str... This work presents the design of hollow fiber T-type zeolite membrane modules with different geometric configurations. The module performances were evaluated by pervaporation dehydration of ethanol/water mixtures. Strong concentration polarization was found for the modules with big membrane bundles. The concentration polarization was enhanced at high temperature due to the higher water permeation flux. The increase of feed flow could improve water permeation flux for the membrane modules with small membrane bundle.Computational fluid dynamics was used to visualize the flow field distribution inside of the modules with different configurations. The membrane module with seven bundles exhibited highest separation efficiency due to the uniform distribution of flow rate. The packing density could be 10 times higher than that of the tubular membrane module. The hollow fiber membrane module exhibited good stability for ethanol dehydration. 展开更多
关键词 Hollow fiber Module Pervaporation T-type zeolite membrane
Gaming Narratives as Frameworks for Writing Self-assessments 被引量:1
作者 Robin Craft-Jones 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第9期585-594,共10页
The paper addresses the disconnected students experience between evaluating their own writing and traditional evaluation methods, despite effective discussion and analysis in the classroom, especially, wide when stude... The paper addresses the disconnected students experience between evaluating their own writing and traditional evaluation methods, despite effective discussion and analysis in the classroom, especially, wide when students' reading skills are limited. The paper considers the application of flipping students' intense interest and intimate comprehension of video gaming into a lens for evaluating their writing. The sophisticated storylines in some literacy-laden video games rivet students' attention in higher order applications while the intricate plots and characters mirror those literary elements taught in print media. Garner comprehension is demandingly complex; transferring literary elements from the game storyline to their writing provides the comprehension carry-over for effective self-evaluation. They can "see" as a metaphor, those parallel concepts from screen to print, from playing strengths to reading and writing, for them, literary qualities become more transparent, and thus more accessible. 展开更多
关键词 literacy-rich gaming narratives SELF-ASSESSMENT additional revision lens
Variation of cavity gas pressure in slopes with weak intercalation under seismic load
作者 WANG Xiao-qun CHEN Zhen-lin +1 位作者 ZHOU Zhou SHEN Man 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期352-360,共9页
This study discussed how cavity gas pressure affects the stability of rock mass with fractures under well controlled laboratory experiments.Suddenly-created void space created and the induced gas pressures have been t... This study discussed how cavity gas pressure affects the stability of rock mass with fractures under well controlled laboratory experiments.Suddenly-created void space created and the induced gas pressures have been the focus of active researches because they are associated with fast movement of large-scale landslides.A shaking table experiment was set up to mimic weak-intercalated rock slope under seismic loads.Excessive cavity gas pressure would be produced in weak spots upon a sudden vibration load.The drastically elevated gas pressure is believed to be responsible for the creation of cavities surrounding the tension fracture.With dissipation of the excessive cavity gas pressure,the fractures are in unbounded closed-state.This observation explains that the slope body would be split and loosened under several aftershocks,and with the expanding of the cracks,the slope failure eventually occurred.The research of the mechanism of cavity gas pressure could provide a novel insight into the formation mechanism of landslides under seismic load and has implications for the disaster prevention and control theory for the slope stability evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE FRACTURE Deformation Weak intercalation Cavity gas pressure
Design of Human Resource Performance Evaluation System for Construction Enterprises
作者 WANG Zhineng ZHANG Fengyu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期1-4,共4页
Based on job analysis for the permanent departments of construction enterprises, by combining KPI assessment method and 360-degree evaluation method, this article establishes a set of human resource performance evalua... Based on job analysis for the permanent departments of construction enterprises, by combining KPI assessment method and 360-degree evaluation method, this article establishes a set of human resource performance evaluation indicator system; by determining indicators' weights and evaluators' grading weights through analytic hierarchy process (AHP), offering a kind of dynamic computing method for performance evaluation, and tightly linking the evaluation result to employees' personal interests, this article builds up a set of scientific performance evaluation system. This article takes the engineering department of construction enterprises for example to explain the calculation and application of performance evaluation result. This article provides construction enterprises with a method reference for human resource performance evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 Construction enterprises Human resources Performance evaluation KPI assessment
Heat Transfer Validation and Comparative Evaluation of Biochar Yield from Pyrolysis Cook Stove
作者 Teka Tesfaye Mengesha Ancha Venkata Ramayya 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第6期389-400,共12页
The developing world still largely depends on biomass, such as wood, animal dung and agricultural waste for domestic fuel sources that are typically burned in traditional stoves. Ethiopia has different biomass resourc... The developing world still largely depends on biomass, such as wood, animal dung and agricultural waste for domestic fuel sources that are typically burned in traditional stoves. Ethiopia has different biomass resource for biochar production, through pyrolysis cook stove co-producing biochar. Coffee husks are the major solid residues from the handling and processing of coffee in the study area. This study was to evaluate the biochar co-producing pyrolysis cook stove with respect to heat transfer through the bed and biochar yield. From allothermal type of pyrolysis cook stove, the stove design was selected for both the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation and experimental measurements. ANSYS 14.5 was used for CFD simulation of the wood combustion. The production of biochar from coffee husk, corncob and sawdust at different heating times, bed and stove surface temperature were undertaken. Bulk density, pH and surface area of the biochar were measured. While good agreement between simulation and experimental result was obtained in the conduction phase during pyrolysis, deviation between the two on account of the effect of volatile gas in changing the temperature trend within the biomass bed was noticed. Within the biomass type, the maximum mean biochar yield (38.91%) was seen from coffee husk. In the case of different stove designs, the minimum mean biochar yield (27.11%) was found from normal Anila stove. The pH of biochar is found to be significantly affected by the type of biomass (9.83 mean for corncob and coffee husk, 6.43 mean for sawdust), heating time (9.19 mean for 90 min and 8.01 mean for 30 min) and stove type (9.52 mean for normal Anila and 8.01 mean for flangeless Anila continuous feeding type). In fact, the type of biomass is observed to significantly affect the bulk density and surface area ofbiochar. 展开更多
关键词 BIOCHAR temperature cook stove BIOMASS PYROLYSIS soil CFD simulation.
New method for plugging channeling in oil field by nitrogen foam
作者 杨朝蓬 高树生 +3 位作者 岳湘安 吕毓刚 睢宏刚 魏浩光 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期677-683,共7页
In order to present a new method for plugging channeling in oil field,the injection modes and validity period of foam system which plugged the formation water layer were studied by means of the experimental model whic... In order to present a new method for plugging channeling in oil field,the injection modes and validity period of foam system which plugged the formation water layer were studied by means of the experimental model which simulated the real conditions of oil wells existing channeling.Above all,the influence factors including reservoir pressure,permeability,oil saturation and gas-to-liquid ratio were studied through dynamic experiment.Then,in light of the technology characteristics of foam injection in oil field,the comparison between gas-liquid and liquid-gas injection modes was studied.The result shows that the gas-liquid injection mode can ensure the foam injectivity and plugging performance.The plugging validity of nitrogen foam injected into the formation water layer was evaluated in different plugging pressure gradients by the dynamic method which is more reasonable than the static evaluation method in laboratory.The research demonstrates that the plugging validity period of foam decreases with plugging pressure gradient increasing.If the plugging pressure gradient is 0.15 MPa/m,the validity period is 160 h.Finally,a empirical equation and a plate about the plugging validity and the plugging pressure gradient were obtained for forecasting the validity period of foam. 展开更多
关键词 foam system plugging performance CHANNELING injection mode plugging validity
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