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前纤维蛋白影响花粉肌动蛋白体外聚合分析 被引量:3
作者 任海云 易克喜 荆艳萍 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第5期476-479,共4页
利用超速离心沉淀及紫外分光光度测定等技术 ,研究了不同比例的玉米 (ZeamaysL .)花粉内源前纤维蛋白对玉米 (ZeamaysL .)花粉肌动蛋白 (前纤维蛋白与肌动蛋白摩尔数比分别为 2∶1,1.5∶1,1∶1,0 .5∶1,0 .1∶1)聚合与解聚的影响。初步... 利用超速离心沉淀及紫外分光光度测定等技术 ,研究了不同比例的玉米 (ZeamaysL .)花粉内源前纤维蛋白对玉米 (ZeamaysL .)花粉肌动蛋白 (前纤维蛋白与肌动蛋白摩尔数比分别为 2∶1,1.5∶1,1∶1,0 .5∶1,0 .1∶1)聚合与解聚的影响。初步实验结果显示 ,前纤维蛋白在各种比例下均可与Mg_ATP_肌动蛋白结合并抑制肌动蛋白的聚合作用。这种抑制作用随着前纤维蛋白比例的增加而增大。其解离常数值 (Kd)为 (1.30± 0 .33) μmol/L。在本实验条件下尚未见到有前纤维蛋白促进植物肌动蛋白聚合的作用 ,表明玉米花粉前纤维蛋白具有螯合G_肌动蛋白的作用。 展开更多
关键词 花粉 肌动蛋白 前纤维蛋白 体外聚合 微丝骨架
作者 周晓蕾 王保怀 +1 位作者 李芝芬 曾慧慧 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第11期1009-1013,共5页
用浊度法和差示扫描量热法研究了四种小分子抗癌物质犤紫杉醇、卡铂、猪芽藻提取物(ZYZ)和番荔枝素提取物(F43)犦对微管蛋白体外聚合及热变性的影响。实验结果表明:当四种化合物的浓度均为15μmol·L-1时,紫杉醇和猪芽藻提取物(ZYZ... 用浊度法和差示扫描量热法研究了四种小分子抗癌物质犤紫杉醇、卡铂、猪芽藻提取物(ZYZ)和番荔枝素提取物(F43)犦对微管蛋白体外聚合及热变性的影响。实验结果表明:当四种化合物的浓度均为15μmol·L-1时,紫杉醇和猪芽藻提取物(ZYZ)能促进微管蛋白的聚合并使其热变性温度升高,而卡铂和番荔枝素提取物(F43)却对微管蛋白的聚合及热变性温度无明显影响。综合上述实验结果,对四种抗癌物质与微管蛋白相互作用的机理进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 抗癌物质 微管蛋白 体外聚合 热变性 紫杉醇 卡铂 猪芽藻提取物 番荔枝素提取物 浊度 作用机理 药理 差示扫描量热法
作者 于维先 毕文翔 于德珍 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 2008年第5期484-486,共3页
目的:探讨N末端的缺失对牙龈卟啉单胞菌FtsZ体外聚合的影响。方法:将质粒pEZ1(PgFtsZ,携带野生型牙龈卟啉单胞菌FtsZ的基因)、pYWN1(ZΔN01,携带PgFtsZ的N末端去除了43个保守性氨基酸残基的缺失变异型PgFtsZ的基因)和pYWN2(ZΔN02,携带P... 目的:探讨N末端的缺失对牙龈卟啉单胞菌FtsZ体外聚合的影响。方法:将质粒pEZ1(PgFtsZ,携带野生型牙龈卟啉单胞菌FtsZ的基因)、pYWN1(ZΔN01,携带PgFtsZ的N末端去除了43个保守性氨基酸残基的缺失变异型PgFtsZ的基因)和pYWN2(ZΔN02,携带PgFtsZ的N末端去除了205个保守性氨基酸残基的缺失变异型Pg-FtsZ的基因)分别导入Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS中表达,通过IPTG诱导表达目的蛋白质,6 mol/L尿素变性及HiTrap SP层析柱纯化目的蛋白质,最后通过沉淀法检测10 mmol/L的MgCl2、CaCl2和MnCl2对PgFtsZ、ZΔN01和ZΔN02体外聚合的影响。结果:10 mmol/L的MgCl2、CaCl2和MnCl2均能诱导PgFtsZ和ZΔN01出现聚合反应,然而10 mmol/L的MgCl2和CaCl2没能引起ZΔN02的体外聚合,而仅有10 mmol/L的MnCl2能诱导ZΔN02出现聚合反应,但效果不如PgFtsZ和ZΔN01明显。结论:PgFtsZ的N末端的43个氨基酸残基对Mg2+、Ca2+和Mn2+诱导其体外聚合反应影响不大,而后的162个氨基酸残基在PgFtsZ的体外聚合过程中起着关键的作用。 展开更多
关键词 牙龈卟啉单胞菌 FTSZ 体外聚合
萱草花粉微管蛋白的体外聚合及电镜观察 被引量:2
作者 廖俊杰 吴英杰 阎隆飞 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期649-652,共4页
微管(microtubule)作为细胞骨架的主要成分,在植物体内,微管除决定细胞的形状外,还参与很多重要的细胞功能。但有关微管蛋白生物化学的研究绝大多数来自动物脑组织材料,对植物微管蛋白的研究除培养细胞外所知甚少,我们纯化了毫克数量的... 微管(microtubule)作为细胞骨架的主要成分,在植物体内,微管除决定细胞的形状外,还参与很多重要的细胞功能。但有关微管蛋白生物化学的研究绝大多数来自动物脑组织材料,对植物微管蛋白的研究除培养细胞外所知甚少,我们纯化了毫克数量的萱草(Hemer-ocallis fulvaL.)花粉微管蛋白,利用紫杉醇作为促进剂,在Mg2+、GTP等存在下体外聚合成功,并观察了其电镜下的形态。 展开更多
关键词 萱草 微管 微管蛋白 体外聚合 电镜观察
衣藻肌动蛋白-绿色荧光蛋白的融合基因在烟草悬浮细胞中的表达及融合蛋白的体外聚合 被引量:1
作者 杨毅 刘国琴 阎隆飞 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期461-466,共6页
将衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)肌动蛋白(actin)基因(cDNA)与绿色荧光蛋白(green fluore- scence protein, GFP)基因融合后, 分别构建到原核和植物表达载体中, 并在BL21plus细菌和烟草悬浮细胞(BY-2)中进行表达. 通过荧光显微镜观... 将衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)肌动蛋白(actin)基因(cDNA)与绿色荧光蛋白(green fluore- scence protein, GFP)基因融合后, 分别构建到原核和植物表达载体中, 并在BL21plus细菌和烟草悬浮细胞(BY-2)中进行表达. 通过荧光显微镜观测到重组后的融合蛋白在菌体和烟草悬浮细胞中得到正确表达. 肌动蛋白-绿色荧光蛋白的融合蛋白主要分布在烟草悬浮细胞细胞膜周围, 参与膜骨架的组成, 另外还大量分布于细胞核周围和细胞板的位置, 同时也在细胞内形成丝状结构, 参与F-actin的组成. 将肌动蛋白-绿色荧光蛋白融合基因的原核表达产物经过硫酸铵分级沉淀、离子交换层析和疏水柱层析后, 得以纯化, 并在纯化产物中加入肌动蛋白聚合缓冲液, 纯化的肌动蛋白能聚合成为丝状结构即F-actin, 这表明低等藻类的肌动蛋白具有同高等植物和动物相似的性质和功能. 展开更多
关键词 衣藻肌动蛋白 绿色荧光蛋白 原核表达 真核表达 体外聚合 融合基因 烟草县浮细胞 真核生物
作者 董志扬 阎隆飞 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第7期653-655,共3页
肌动蛋白是所有真核生物细胞骨架蛋白的重要成分之一,它在细胞中通过聚合,组装成微丝骨架,对于维持细胞的形状、细胞的运动如胞质流动,细胞器运动,甚至细胞的分裂等重要生命活动起着重要作用.多头绒泡菌(physaRum polycephalum,简称粘菌... 肌动蛋白是所有真核生物细胞骨架蛋白的重要成分之一,它在细胞中通过聚合,组装成微丝骨架,对于维持细胞的形状、细胞的运动如胞质流动,细胞器运动,甚至细胞的分裂等重要生命活动起着重要作用.多头绒泡菌(physaRum polycephalum,简称粘菌)是一种低等真核生物,它具有许多典型的细胞运动特征如胞质的穿梭运动,原生质团的迁移、吞食运动,原生质团的分裂等. 展开更多
关键词 多头绒泡菌 肌动蛋白 粘菌 体外聚合 HMM
无微管稳定剂条件下植物微管蛋白的体外聚合 被引量:1
作者 黄善金 任海云 袁明 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第11期1158-1163,共6页
从百合花粉中提取高纯度的植物微管蛋白,建立了无微管稳定剂和微管组织中心的植物微管的体外聚合体系,并对植物微管蛋白在体外条件下的聚合特性进行了分析.结果表明,纯化的微管蛋白在体外能够很好地进行聚合,电子显微镜下可以观察... 从百合花粉中提取高纯度的植物微管蛋白,建立了无微管稳定剂和微管组织中心的植物微管的体外聚合体系,并对植物微管蛋白在体外条件下的聚合特性进行了分析.结果表明,纯化的微管蛋白在体外能够很好地进行聚合,电子显微镜下可以观察到典型的微管结构,微管蛋白聚合的动力学曲线呈现出典型的“抛物线”曲线.紫杉醇的存在改变了百合花粉微管蛋白的聚合特性:非正常微管聚合增加,体外聚合的临界浓度从无紫杉醇存在条件下的2.8mg/mL降低到0.043mg/mL.实验结果为进一步研究植物微管的组构和动态调节提供了重要的数据. 展开更多
关键词 植物 微管蛋白 微管 体外聚合 细胞生理
作者 薛运波 李兴安 +5 位作者 Deborah R.Smith 葛凤晨 王志 立志勇 常志光 常帅 《中国蜂业》 2008年第2期8-10,共3页
为了探明在西方蜜蜂不同品种中是否存在相同的CytB基因,本研究以4个西方蜜蜂品种中的线粒体基因组为研究对象,通过体外聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)技术特异性扩增了CytB,结果发现4个西方蜜蜂品种的线粒体基因组具有相... 为了探明在西方蜜蜂不同品种中是否存在相同的CytB基因,本研究以4个西方蜜蜂品种中的线粒体基因组为研究对象,通过体外聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)技术特异性扩增了CytB,结果发现4个西方蜜蜂品种的线粒体基因组具有相同的分子量为600-700(bp)的CytB基因片段,这提示在西方蜜蜂不同品种的线粒体基因组中存在相同的CytB基因。 展开更多
关键词 细胞色素B 线粒基因组 西方蜜蜂品种 体外聚合酶链反应
Preparation and in vitro Studies of Stealth PEGylated PLGA Nanoparticles as Carriers for Arsenic Trioxide 被引量:8
作者 王志清 刘卫 +1 位作者 徐辉碧 杨祥良 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第6期795-801,共7页
The aim of this study was to prepare arsenic trioxide (ATO)-loaded stealth PEGylated PLGA nanoparticles (PEG-PLGA-NPs) and to assess the merits of PEG-PLGA-NPs as drug carriers for ATO delivery. PEG-PLGA copolymer... The aim of this study was to prepare arsenic trioxide (ATO)-loaded stealth PEGylated PLGA nanoparticles (PEG-PLGA-NPs) and to assess the merits of PEG-PLGA-NPs as drug carriers for ATO delivery. PEG-PLGA copolymer was synthesized with methoxypolyethyleneglycol (Mw=5000), D, L-lactide, and glycolide by the ring-opening polymerization method. Amorphous ATO was transformed into cubic crystal form to increase its solu-bility in the organic solvent. ATO-loaded PEG-PLGA-NPs were prepared by the modified spontaneous emulsification solvent diffusion (SESD) method, and the main experimental factors influencing the characteristics of nanopar- ticles were investigated, to optimize the preparation. To confirm the escape of PEG-PLGA-NPs from phagocytosis by phagocytes, PEG-PLGA-NPs labeled rhodamine B uptake by murine peritoneal macrophages (MPM) were analyzed by flow cytometry. The results showed that the physicochemical characteristics of PEG-PLGA-NPs were affected by the type and concentration of the emulsifiers, polymer concentration, and drug concentration. ATO-loaded PEG-PLGA-NPs, with particle size of 120.8nm, zeta potential of-10.73mV, encapsulation efficiency of 73.6%, and drug loading of 1.36%, were prepared under optimal conditions. The images of transmission electron micros-copy (TEM) indicated that the optimized nanoparticles were near spherical and without aggregation or adhesion. The release experiments in vitro showed the ATO release from PEG-PLGA-NPs exhibited consequently sustained release for more than 26d, which was in accordance with Higuchi equation. The uptake of PEG-PLGA-NPs by MPM was found to decrease markedly compared to PLGA-NPs. The experimental results showed that PEG-PLGA-NPs were potential nano drug delivery carriers for ATO. 展开更多
关键词 arsenic trioxide PEGylated-PLGA nanoparticles ring-opening polymerization spontaneous emulsification solvent diffusion method in vitro drug release phagocytic uptake
作者 唐硕 黄震 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期153-158,共6页
为了探究RNA聚合酶酶促合成非对映体纯PS-siRNA(pPS-siRNA)的基因沉默活性,本研究针对潜在的癌症治疗靶点Yes相关蛋白(YAP),通过qPCR、Western blot等方法研究了其对YAP基因的沉默效果和对HeLa细胞的细胞毒性.结果表明,与未修饰的siRNA(... 为了探究RNA聚合酶酶促合成非对映体纯PS-siRNA(pPS-siRNA)的基因沉默活性,本研究针对潜在的癌症治疗靶点Yes相关蛋白(YAP),通过qPCR、Western blot等方法研究了其对YAP基因的沉默效果和对HeLa细胞的细胞毒性.结果表明,与未修饰的siRNA(PO-siRNA)相比,pPS-siRNA可以更好地下调YAP基因表达(效率提高约30%),而没有明显的细胞毒性.此外,MTT细胞增殖实验与流式细胞术的结果表明,经pPS-siRNA敲降YAP后,HeLa细胞的增殖受到了抑制.说明pPS-siRNA在基因治疗方面具有优越性以及YAP作为肿瘤治疗靶点的潜力. 展开更多
关键词 核酸硫代磷酸酯修饰 酶促合成PS-siRNA T7 RNA聚合转录 非对映 YAP基因表达 RNA干扰功效
Near-Infrared emission from PbS Quantum Dots in polymer matrix
作者 ZHANG Xiao-song DONG Xiao-yi +5 位作者 LIU Yan-ge KAI Gui-yun WANG Zhi LI Lan HAN Xu LI Yan 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第5期337-338,共2页
PbS quantum dots were prepared in the aqueous medium from readily available precursors. The shape of the particles isapproximately spherical, and the average particle size observed from HRTEM image was 7-8 nm. We appl... PbS quantum dots were prepared in the aqueous medium from readily available precursors. The shape of the particles isapproximately spherical, and the average particle size observed from HRTEM image was 7-8 nm. We applied PbS quantumdots and PMMA polymer to fabricate PbS quantum dots-PMMA composites, and investigate the photoluminescence PbSquantum dots in PMMA matrix with different mass ratio. PbS quantum dots in PMMA matrix have broad emission be-tween 900 nm and 1 500 nm and photoluminescence peak at 1 179 nm. Additionally, the photoluminescence intensityincreases with increasing the dopant concentration. PbS quantum dots-PMMA polymer composites can be potentially usedfor polymer optical fiber and electroluminescence (EL) in optical communication. 展开更多
关键词 近红线发射 量子点 聚合矩阵 光学器件
阳离子诱导牙龈卟啉单胞菌FtsZ的聚合 被引量:1
作者 于维先 张玉风 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期41-41,共1页
关键词 阳离子 牙龈 卟啉单胞菌 FTSZ 体外聚合 细菌细胞分裂
Effects of monosaccharides and protein in extracellular polymeric substances of Klebsiella aerogenes on crystalline forms of CaCO_(3) crystals
作者 Nan HU Ai-shu LI +5 位作者 Huang YU Yu-long LIU Hui ZHANG Zhi-hui YANG Guang-yue LI De-xin DING 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS 2024年第12期4085-4098,共14页
A strain of Klebsiella aerogenes(K.aerogenes)capable of decomposing calcium acetate for CaCO_(3) biomineralization was screened,and the optimum conditions for producing the maximum mass of CaCO_(3) crystals induced by... A strain of Klebsiella aerogenes(K.aerogenes)capable of decomposing calcium acetate for CaCO_(3) biomineralization was screened,and the optimum conditions for producing the maximum mass of CaCO_(3) crystals induced by Klebsiella aerogenes were found to be 0.25 mol/L calcium acetate,4%inoculum level,and pH 7.Following that,the monosaccharides and proteins contained in the extracellular polymeric substances(EPS)of Klebsiella aerogenes were identified.The effects of additional identified monosaccharide and proteins on the crystalline form conversion of CaCO_(3) crystals were investigated,and the additional monosaccharides were found to promote the crystalline form conversion of CaCO_(3) crystals from vaterite to calcite.Specifically,adding 1.00 g/L glucuronic acid was observed to enhance the conversion of crystalline phases of CaCO_(3) crystals to calcite completely after 5 d.Meanwhile,additional catalase was observed to contribute to the regular morphology of CaCO_(3) crystals without affecting their crystalline phases.The results indicate that the additional glucuronic acid influences the crystalline forms of CaCO_(3) crystals significantly. 展开更多
关键词 uranium CaCO_(3) crystal microbially induced CaCO_(3) precipitation extracellular polymeric substances Klebsiella aerogenes
Cell responses and hemocompatibility of g-HA/PLA composites 被引量:5
作者 LI Jia ZHENG Wei +1 位作者 ZHENG YuFeng LOU Xia 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期366-371,共6页
The objective of this study was to investigate the hemocompatibility and cell responses to some novel poly(L-lactide) (PLA) composites containing surface modified hydroxyapatite particles for potential application... The objective of this study was to investigate the hemocompatibility and cell responses to some novel poly(L-lactide) (PLA) composites containing surface modified hydroxyapatite particles for potential applications as a bone substitute material. The surface of hydroxyapatite (HA) particles was first grafted with L-lactic acid oligomers to form grafted HA (g-HA) particles. The g-HA particles were further blended with PLA to prepare g-HA/PLA composites. Our previous study has shown signifi- cant improvement in tensile properties of these materials due to the enhanced interracial adhesion between the polymer matrix and HA particles. To further investigate the potential applications of these composites in bone repair and other orthopedic sur- geries, a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted to examine the cell responses and hemocompatibility of the materials. In vitro experiments showed that the g-HA/PLA composites were well tolerated by the L-929 cells. Hemolysis of the composites was lower than that of pure PLA. Subcutaneous implantation demonstrated that the g-HA/PLA composites were more favorable than the control materials for soft tissue responses. The results suggested that the g-HA/PLA composites are promising and safe materials with potential applications in tissue engineering. 展开更多
Preparation and characterization of intestinal transporter-targeted polymeric micelles 被引量:2
作者 Chuyu He Yao Jin +7 位作者 Yunqiang Deng Yang Zou Shidi Han Chuhang Zhou Yuanhang Zhou Xinru Li Yanxia Zhou Yan Liu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2018年第7期490-497,共8页
The intestinal epithelium is the main barrier to the oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs. Based on the specific transporters expressed on the apical membrane of the intestinal epithelium, novel polymer micelle... The intestinal epithelium is the main barrier to the oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs. Based on the specific transporters expressed on the apical membrane of the intestinal epithelium, novel polymer micelles targeting to the organic cation transporter 2(OCTN2) were constructed by combining carnitine conjugated poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-poly(D,L-lactide)(Car-PEOz-PLA) with monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(D,L-lactide)(mP EG-PLA). The structure of the synthesized Car-PEOz-PLA was confirmed by -1H NMR, TLC and ammonium reineckate precipitation reaction, and the number-average molecular weight determined by GPC was 7260 g/mol with a low PDI of 1.44. Coumarin 6-loaded carnitine modified polymeric micelles prepared by film hydration method were characterized to have a nano-scaled size of about 31 nm in diameter, uniform spherical morphology, high drug loading content of 0.098%±0.03% and encapsulation efficiency of 92.67%±2.80%. Moreover, the carnitine-modified micelles exhibited the similar in vitro release behavior in SGF and SIF, and evidently enhanced intestinal absorption of poorly water-soluble agent. Therefore, the designed OCTN2-targeted micelles might have a promising potential for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs. 展开更多
关键词 CARNITINE Organic cation transporter 2 (OCTN2) Polymeric micelles In vitro release Intestinal absorption
Preparation and characterization of dual pH-sensitive polymer-doxorubicin conjugate micelles
作者 Yang Zou Yao Jin +7 位作者 Yuanhang Zhou Chuyu He Yunqiang Deng Shidi Han Chuhang Zhou Xinru Li Yanxia Zhou Yan Liu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2018年第8期530-539,共10页
In the present study, we designed and fabricated pH-sensitive polymeric micelles based on the conjugate of poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-poly(D,L-lactide)(PEOz-PLA) with doxorubicin(PEOz-PLA-imi-DOX) to efficientl... In the present study, we designed and fabricated pH-sensitive polymeric micelles based on the conjugate of poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-poly(D,L-lactide)(PEOz-PLA) with doxorubicin(PEOz-PLA-imi-DOX) to efficiently inhibit tumor cell growth. Hence, PEOz-PLA-imi-DOX was successfully synthesized by connecting DOX to the hydrophobic end of pH-sensitive PEOz-PLA via acid cleavable benzoic imine linker and characterized by 1 H NMR spectrum and thin layer chromatography. The critical micelle concentration of PEOz-PLA-imi-DOX was determined to be(14.84±3.85) mg/L. The conjugate micelles(denoted as PP-DOX-PM) formed by PEOz-PLA-imi-DOX using film-hydration method were characterized to have a nano-scaled size of about 21 nm in diameter, and the drug loading content was 1.67%. PP-DOX-PM showed pH-dependent drug release behavior with gradually accelerated release of DOX with decrease of pH value, illustrating the micelles' distinguishing feature of endo/lysosomal pH from physiological pH by accelerating drug release. As anticipated, PP-DOX-PM maintained the cytotoxicity of DOX against MDA-MB-231 cells. Collectively, PP-DOX-PM might have great potential for effective suppression of tumor growth. 展开更多
关键词 DOXORUBICIN Acid-cleavable imine Polymer-drug conjugate pH-sensitive polymeric micelles In vitro release
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