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作者 柴洁 徐彦辉 《新闻传播》 2009年第7期48-49,共2页
解放日报报业集团作为一个传统报业,尽管核心是党报,但是在信息化方面一直走在业内的前列,面临着互联网的全面推进和新媒体的异军突起,其顺应时代潮流,跳出了报纸这一传统介质本身,积极构建新媒体战略,在报业寒流中突围出一条道路。本... 解放日报报业集团作为一个传统报业,尽管核心是党报,但是在信息化方面一直走在业内的前列,面临着互联网的全面推进和新媒体的异军突起,其顺应时代潮流,跳出了报纸这一传统介质本身,积极构建新媒体战略,在报业寒流中突围出一条道路。本文从生产力的角度分析新媒体出现的必然性和报业集团实施新媒体的合理性,并从技术支撑的角度分析新媒体战略的具体实施情况。 展开更多
关键词 解放日报报业集团 传统媒 新媒 新媒 体战略 新技术
基于知识图谱的战略智能体BDI模型 被引量:2
作者 李童心 王维平 +1 位作者 王涛 李小波 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期119-126,共8页
当前国际形势复杂多变,战略态势越来越紧张,把握对手战略目标对维护领土和主权完整具有重要意义。以对手国防建设项目作为手段,研究对手的战略目标,为战略目标与建设项目预实践研究提供了一种新思路。首先提出战略智能体信念-愿望-意图(... 当前国际形势复杂多变,战略态势越来越紧张,把握对手战略目标对维护领土和主权完整具有重要意义。以对手国防建设项目作为手段,研究对手的战略目标,为战略目标与建设项目预实践研究提供了一种新思路。首先提出战略智能体信念-愿望-意图(belief-desire-intention,BDI)模型框架,为分析战略目标与国防建设项目提供统一的逻辑框架,并基于本领域的不确定知识图谱推理,实现战略智能体BDI模型,最终得到相对完善的国防建设项目-战略图谱,对新时期制定对等的军事战略方针具有重要指导和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 知识图谱 战略智能 国防建设项目 预实践
论“三体”战略发挥中医“治未病”优势 被引量:4
作者 季伟苹 《上海中医药杂志》 北大核心 2007年第10期1-2,共2页
贯彻健康观念"前移"、防治重心"下移"的方针,凸显中医"治未病"的理论优势和方法优势。在现代社会发展的今天,实施中医"治未病"的"主体、实体、整体"战略,有利于发挥中医"治未病... 贯彻健康观念"前移"、防治重心"下移"的方针,凸显中医"治未病"的理论优势和方法优势。在现代社会发展的今天,实施中医"治未病"的"主体、实体、整体"战略,有利于发挥中医"治未病"学术思想,完善中医"治未病"体系。 展开更多
关键词 中医理论 治未病 体战略
对“体教结合”战略在实施中存在的问题与对策研究 被引量:7
作者 李永辉 刘超 董燕军 《淮北煤炭师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第2期60-64,共5页
文章采用文献资料、对比分析和逻辑推理等方法,从5个方面分析"体教结合"战略在实施中存在的主要问题,即:思想认识不到位、经费不足、体育、教育"两张皮"、教练(教师)水平参差不齐和读训矛盾等.针对以上问题,从转变... 文章采用文献资料、对比分析和逻辑推理等方法,从5个方面分析"体教结合"战略在实施中存在的主要问题,即:思想认识不到位、经费不足、体育、教育"两张皮"、教练(教师)水平参差不齐和读训矛盾等.针对以上问题,从转变观念;加大投入,开源节流,积极吸引社会资金;加强体育部门与教育部门的合作;加强教练员(教师)队伍建设,做好培训、进修、奖励工作;因地制宜,重点突出,科学合理设置运动项目等5个方面提出推动"体教结合"这一宏伟工程顺利进行的对策. 展开更多
关键词 教结合”战略 实施 存在问题 对策
微利时代的企业三大战略 被引量:1
作者 李伯鸣 《中国制造业信息化(学术版)》 2005年第10期86-87,共2页
关键词 中国 企业管理 成本管理 价格优势 品牌战略 联盟体战略 先进管理战略
公立医院全资公司平衡计分卡绩效评价指标体系研究――基于某大型三甲医院的实证分析 被引量:3
作者 王冰倩 赵平 +3 位作者 左煌 徐旭 任小烨 屠海波 《行政事业资产与财务》 2019年第19期27-30,共4页
本文结合我国公立医院全资公司发展现状,借助平衡计分卡战略管理理论,运用专家咨询法、AHP法及案例分析法,构建公立医院全资公司战略绩效评价体系,该体系可推动公司业务拓展、组织建设与绩效考核,并可据此明确高管薪酬,助力公立医院全... 本文结合我国公立医院全资公司发展现状,借助平衡计分卡战略管理理论,运用专家咨询法、AHP法及案例分析法,构建公立医院全资公司战略绩效评价体系,该体系可推动公司业务拓展、组织建设与绩效考核,并可据此明确高管薪酬,助力公立医院全资公司的战略目标实现。 展开更多
关键词 公立医院全资公司 平衡计分卡 战略绩效评价 战略地图
营口市海洋资源可持续开发研究 被引量:1
作者 曲丽梅 丛丕福 《辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第2期199-201,共3页
营口市拥有丰富的海洋资源和优越的自然条件 ,为地区的社会经济发展提供了重要的物质基础 .然而 ,在以往的海洋开发活动中 ,由于海洋资源、环境意识淡薄 ,加之缺乏科学的宏观指导 ,存在着无序、无度、无偿的用海现象 ,严重制约了营口市... 营口市拥有丰富的海洋资源和优越的自然条件 ,为地区的社会经济发展提供了重要的物质基础 .然而 ,在以往的海洋开发活动中 ,由于海洋资源、环境意识淡薄 ,加之缺乏科学的宏观指导 ,存在着无序、无度、无偿的用海现象 ,严重制约了营口市的经济发展 .因此必须实施“海陆一体化”战略 ,保护海洋环境 ,协调发展海洋产业 ,实现对海洋资源的可持续开发 . 展开更多
关键词 海洋资源 海洋环境 海洋产业 可持续开发 营口市 海陆一战略 海洋开发
作者 诺亚 《河南科技》 2003年第8期36-37,共2页
物竞天择,适者生存。在现代经济规律的作用下,新的企业管理模式以不可阻挡之势出台。对企业而言,它意味着战略的调整;对管理界而言,它意味着一场革命。新的企业管理模式———URP借鉴了ERP的部分概念,但并不与ERP针锋相对,它对ERP是一... 物竞天择,适者生存。在现代经济规律的作用下,新的企业管理模式以不可阻挡之势出台。对企业而言,它意味着战略的调整;对管理界而言,它意味着一场革命。新的企业管理模式———URP借鉴了ERP的部分概念,但并不与ERP针锋相对,它对ERP是一种包容和延伸,从ERP到URP,将是一个根本意义上的飞跃。 展开更多
关键词 资源管理 企业竞争力 企业管理模式 URP 企业机构 联盟体战略
Environmental Risks in China and Their Countermeasures
作者 夏光 《China Economist》 2015年第4期4-21,共18页
The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a wel... The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round manner. During this period of time, China' s environment is confronted with the following major risks: risks of environmental quality, human health, ecological security, balanced regional development and international influence. The overall conclusion is that the tendencies of changing eco-environment are complex, problems remain outstanding, and some risks have abated while others have intensified with possible improvements in the future. Future prospects mainly depend on the intensity of actions taken. It is suggested that environmental protection strategy of"overall optimization" be adopted for the 13th Five-year Plan period, i.e. environmental protection requirements should be incorporated into political, economic, social and cultural spheres, so that these areas with major influence on the natural environment will improve and transform towards an environmentally friendly direction and ultimately help achieve the objective of improving eco-environment and people's welfare. In order to fundamentally reverse mainstream understanding on environmental protection, it is suggested to define the "contradiction between environmental pressures arising from growing economic development and China ' s limited and fragile environmental capacity" as a major contradiction of Chinese society. 展开更多
关键词 China ecological environment RISK environmental protection strategy overall optimization major contradiction of Chinese society
作者 赵景礼 吴健 富强 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1997年第2期91-96,共6页
According to overall mean square root of weighted deviation, a significant method of selecting coal mine production technique strategy has been put forward in this paper. In the given example, an index system of evalu... According to overall mean square root of weighted deviation, a significant method of selecting coal mine production technique strategy has been put forward in this paper. In the given example, an index system of evaluating different mining methods has also been provided, which plays a guiding effect in production of coal mine. 展开更多
关键词 integral evaluation CONDITION effect mining method
Challenges and Solutions of Information Security Issues in the Age of Big Data 被引量:6
作者 YANG Mengke ZHOU Xiaoguang +1 位作者 ZENG Jianqiu XU Jianjian 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期193-202,共10页
Big data has been taken as a Chinese national strategy in order to satisfy the developments of the social and economic requirements and the development of new information technology. The prosperity of big data brings ... Big data has been taken as a Chinese national strategy in order to satisfy the developments of the social and economic requirements and the development of new information technology. The prosperity of big data brings not only convenience to people's daily life and more opportunities to enterprises, but more challenges with information security as well. This paper has a research on new types and features of information security issues in the age of big data, and puts forward the solutions for the above issues: build up the big data security management platform, set up the establishment of information security system and implement relevant laws and regulations. 展开更多
关键词 information security big data data privacy information technology
作者 赵全胜 《美国问题研究》 CSSCI 2012年第2期1-25,215,222,共27页
在美国重返亚洲的战略转型背景下,美国外交政策体系中的"外交战略制定与实施行动体"起到了关键性的作用。其核心力量就是亚太政策的"三驾马车":约瑟夫·奈、傅高义和库尔特·坎贝尔。本文集中论述了"... 在美国重返亚洲的战略转型背景下,美国外交政策体系中的"外交战略制定与实施行动体"起到了关键性的作用。其核心力量就是亚太政策的"三驾马车":约瑟夫·奈、傅高义和库尔特·坎贝尔。本文集中论述了"战略行动体"及其在政策转型时所发挥的重大作用:它成功地阻止了日本游离于美国的趋势,加强了美国和日本之间的双边战略关系,也重新确立了美国在该地区的整体领导地位。本文通过对美国"战略行动体"的研究,分析其对中美日三国的关系以及亚太地区局势的影响,特别是中国对这种变化的反应,最后强调其在国际关系以及外交政策的制定方面起到的举足轻重的作用。 展开更多
关键词 美国 外交政策转型 战略行动
Development of renewable energy in China:significance & strategic objectives
作者 Du Xiangwan Huang Qili Li Junfeng 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2009年第2期2-4,17,共4页
Based on CAE’s research report, this paper illustrates the background and purposes of the development strategy research of renewable energy in China, emphasizes the significance of developing renewable energy in Chin... Based on CAE’s research report, this paper illustrates the background and purposes of the development strategy research of renewable energy in China, emphasizes the significance of developing renewable energy in China, gives the strategic positions and development objectives of renewable energy in China in the first half of 21st century and contributes to green house gas emissions reduction and environmental protection in China. 展开更多
关键词 renewable energy development strategy China
Conceptual Model for Collaborative Planning in Iran with Emphasis on the Role of Urban Planners: A Case Study of Anzali's Development Strategy
作者 Amir Forouhar Aliakbar Taghvaee Hamidreza Saremi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第1期123-134,共12页
Nowadays, public participation is one of the most important factors to improve the feasibility, legitimacy and quality of urban plans. In Iran, due to lack of comprehensive understanding about the participation notion... Nowadays, public participation is one of the most important factors to improve the feasibility, legitimacy and quality of urban plans. In Iran, due to lack of comprehensive understanding about the participation notion and its necessary socio-economic and political infrastructures, participatory decision-making has faced with some serious challenges in both processes of preparing and implementing. The present paper focuses on providing practical strategies for preparing collaborative urban plans in Iran's conditions. Also it seeks to answer this question: What is the role of planners to prepare a real collaborative plan? It is assumed that a conceptual model for collaborative planning can be fitted with Iran's conditions by means of integrating the fundamental philosophic ideas of participatory planning such as theories of Paul Michel Foucault and Jürgen Habermas, given the fact that the present situation of collaborative planning in Iran needs a supportive theory which is compatible with power structures of Iranian urban planning system. In this regard, the Habermas' theory of “communicative action” and the Foucault's theory of “power structures” are reviewed by a comparative analysis methodology to present an integrated conceptual model for collaborative planning in Iran's condition. At the end, the CDS (City Development Strategy)---making process of Anzali City of Iran is analysed to examine this claim in the practice. The results yield that enabling urban planners to act as communication facilitators during planning can direct the collaborative planning in Iran from theory to a real practice by means of integrating the positive aspects of communication and power. 展开更多
关键词 Collaborative planning Paul Michel Foucault Jürgen Habermas communicative action power Iran.
China Institute of Metrology's Educational Model for Standardization
作者 Yang Youhong 《China Standardization》 2010年第1期15-21,共7页
Education and training in standardization are the basic guarantee for both the implementation of national strategies of standardization and the construction of a national system of standards. As a typical organization... Education and training in standardization are the basic guarantee for both the implementation of national strategies of standardization and the construction of a national system of standards. As a typical organization representing Chinese universities providing standardization education, China Jiliang University has made remarkable achievements in the educational process. This paper analyzes the current educational status of standardization in China Jiliang University, summarizing the characteristics of its education of standardization and highlighting issues existing in the process of education and training. Based on all of these, related countermeasures and the future development pattern for the education of standardization in China Jiliang University are proposed in the paper, from which the future trends for education of standardization in Chinese universities can be predicted. 展开更多
关键词 China Jiliang University education of standardization training mode
Need for Policy Revision: In Context of the United States Defence Strategy Towards South Asia
作者 Vibusha K. Madanayake 《Sociology Study》 2017年第3期123-132,共10页
The twenty-first century globalization in international affairs has created an integration which appears unpreventable. This global integration had an impact on South Asia. This paper examines the significance of the ... The twenty-first century globalization in international affairs has created an integration which appears unpreventable. This global integration had an impact on South Asia. This paper examines the significance of the United States defence strategy of combating terrorism and its policy of development. It intends to rethink of the United States defence strategy towards South Asia after September 2001 terrorist attack; whether it is to combat terrorism as stipulated in US national documents or whether it has other intentions. The latter part of this research presents the relevant interventions and defence actions that followed the US policy declarations. The intentions of long-term objectives are implicit in the chain of defence activities that followed to date. In this regard, the significance of this research is to understand how a peaceful atmosphere could be created in South Asia where global development automatically follows. The findings of this research have opened up a relevant and timely topic to inquire into. Specifically, this research encourages Sri Lanka to understand and rethink its foreign policy as a country in a post war period. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION foreign policy DEFENCE national interest
Discussion on the Pathways for Cooperative building of Vocational Education Platforms
作者 Zhao Guoming Guo Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期97-99,共3页
the enactment of Planning for Modem Vocational Education System (2014-2020) [[2014] No. 6 of MOE] declares the development of vocational education in China has entered a new historical stage. The development of voca... the enactment of Planning for Modem Vocational Education System (2014-2020) [[2014] No. 6 of MOE] declares the development of vocational education in China has entered a new historical stage. The development of vocational education, after being elevated to the level of national strategy, will inevitably imply that the existing resources for vocational education must be effectively integrated. To improve the quality of vocational educational institutions, enhance social service levels of vocational institutions and provide smooth career paths for professional talents, are the main goal of vocational education in the future. Since innovative education system for vocational institutions is the inevitabl choice to achieve the above development goal, to innovate the educational system by way of cooperative building of vocational education platforms is the inevitable requirement upon the development of vocational education. 展开更多
关键词 vocational education platform institutional innovation convergence between secondary and higher vocational education personnel training channels social services
Cruise enterprise strategic research of new media from the perspective of the Internet
作者 SONG Shuang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期51-53,共3页
From the origin of the modem cruise industry in 1960s, the media has been in the spread of the cruise culture has a pivotal position. In today's world, the new media has become an important means of human information... From the origin of the modem cruise industry in 1960s, the media has been in the spread of the cruise culture has a pivotal position. In today's world, the new media has become an important means of human information dissemination. The so-called new media, refers to the fixed or mobile multimedia terminals through the digital communication and services to provide information and services. It is different from newspapers, magazines, radio, television and other traditional media forms, has become the fifth media". The new media has the characteristics of fast speed, wide spread, and the emergence of new media has led the revolution of information dissemination. Under the influence of new media, the spread of cruise tourism culture no longer stay in the traditional newspaper, printed brochures, advertising, Festival Promotion and so on, but through the micro Bo, micro channel, etc. new media cruise ship culture promotion. This paper will explore the role of new media in the development of the media and the culture of the cruise company. 展开更多
关键词 new media cruise ship Strategic management Organizational structure
Core of HR Strategy: System Thinking and HRM
作者 Gurhan Uysal 《Management Studies》 2017年第6期541-544,共4页
Research topic of study is to explore system approach in strategic HRM field. Assumption of study is that, strategic HRM may be applied in organizations by HR system set. In USA literature HPWS represents HR system th... Research topic of study is to explore system approach in strategic HRM field. Assumption of study is that, strategic HRM may be applied in organizations by HR system set. In USA literature HPWS represents HR system thinking. This study explores HR system thinking in human resource management. Second assumption of study is that, HR manager must have system approach in HRM. HRM practices are applied through individual in HRM; however, HRM practices are applied through interrelation in SHRM to have more impact on performance. HR system is bundle, according to MacDuffie's study (1995). In addition, Huselid (1997) suggests application of HPWS in HR system. Study adopts case study methodology. Methods are career management system and performance management system. Research question is how a firm sets an HR system and strategic HRM in its organizational structure. Main conclusion is that HR systems might be applied in organizations through interrelated HRM practices. To achieve this purpose, HR manager must have HR system thinking in application of HRM. 展开更多
关键词 HR system HPWS interrelated HRM practices PERFORMANCE MacDuffie Huselid
Evolved Urban Form to Respond to Extreme Sea Level Events in Coastal Cities
作者 Wang Liangling Han Jie 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第6期726-735,共10页
Along with climate change and global warming, ESLEs (extreme sea level events) are seriously threatening coastal cities' development. In order to respond to such events, transformational adaptation strategy in urba... Along with climate change and global warming, ESLEs (extreme sea level events) are seriously threatening coastal cities' development. In order to respond to such events, transformational adaptation strategy in urban planning might play an important role. For instance, it has been proposed that BCR (building coverage ratio) should be minimized to a certain range in order to enhance coastal areas' resiliency. For the purpose of urban planning practices, the main objective of this research is to develop a method which could formulate the proper BCR range in vulnerable coastal areas. The research is conducted through simulating storm surge floods in simplified waterfront settlements with different BCRs. Data representing the impact of ESLEs collected through CFD (computational fluid dynamic) simulations has been examined. This research has proved that in dense coastal areas, ESLEs may cause serious damage to the built environment if their protective structures fail. It showed that controlling BCR is an effective way to enhance their resiliency. When the BCR is low, the pressure caused by storm surge floods and wave height can be greatly reduced. However, decreased BCR may also reduce land utilization efficiency. Simulation results indicated that controlling the BCR to around 36% might be the most effective scenario which balances resiliency and land use efficiency. They also showed that under the same storm surge flood scenario, the pressures caused by flood waves could be reduced if the length of the building is increased. This study might be considered as transformational adaptation measures that contributes some knowledge for waterfront development in vulnerable locations, and it also provides scientific and useful proof for sustainable strategies in coastal cities and reveals that particular urban design tools, such as BCR control, could play an essential role in responding to ESLEs. 展开更多
关键词 ESLEs BCR transformational adaptation CFD simulation.
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