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二龙戏珠 行云流水——南苑商业综合体方案设计随笔
作者 吴忠庆 王俊彦 《中外建筑》 1999年第1期23-24,共2页
在欣赏70年代被美国人送往太空寻觅外星知音的中国著名古曲“高山流水”之余,常想在此启发下能创造出把内容与形式结合成如此完善的建筑,下面或许就是一个尝试: 1、建筑内容 建筑的内容主要包括总图规划构思、平面功能组合、构造设施经... 在欣赏70年代被美国人送往太空寻觅外星知音的中国著名古曲“高山流水”之余,常想在此启发下能创造出把内容与形式结合成如此完善的建筑,下面或许就是一个尝试: 1、建筑内容 建筑的内容主要包括总图规划构思、平面功能组合、构造设施经济三大部分。 1.1、总图规划构思:(见图1) 展开更多
关键词 商业建筑 综合体方案设计 空间艺术设计
作者 邓志成 《企业技术开发(中旬刊)》 2016年第7期161-162,共2页
关键词 茂名商住综合体方案 框支剪力墙结构 应用
作者 李红 《全科口腔医学电子杂志》 2018年第2期25-25,27,共2页
目的探讨根管治疗后牙体修复方案的选择。方法选取本科室100例行根管治疗的牙髓炎患者,随机将其分为对照组与观察组各50例,对照组应用全冠修复牙体,观察组应用高嵌体修复牙体,对比其疗效。结果对照组患者治疗后的疗效判定结果中,1级19... 目的探讨根管治疗后牙体修复方案的选择。方法选取本科室100例行根管治疗的牙髓炎患者,随机将其分为对照组与观察组各50例,对照组应用全冠修复牙体,观察组应用高嵌体修复牙体,对比其疗效。结果对照组患者治疗后的疗效判定结果中,1级19例,2级16例,3级10例,4级4例,5级1例;观察组患者治疗后的疗效判定结果中,1级20例,2级16例,3级9例,4级3例,5级2例;两组对比差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论根管治疗后牙体修复方案应根据实际情况做出选择,全冠修复和高嵌体修复均可发挥良好疗效,值得推行。 展开更多
关键词 根管治疗 修复方案 全冠修复 高嵌修复 牙髓炎
自闭症儿童健康体适能训练方案的探索 被引量:1
作者 刘容 温继鹏 《文体用品与科技》 2016年第4期167-168,共2页
自全民健身运动开展以来,我国的大众体育虽然取得了一定的成绩,但与国外的健身活动相比还存在一定的问题,主要表现为普及全民健身活动过程中对弱势群体的体育参与的忽略。本文主要根据自闭症儿童的身心特征为他们制定具有针对性的体适... 自全民健身运动开展以来,我国的大众体育虽然取得了一定的成绩,但与国外的健身活动相比还存在一定的问题,主要表现为普及全民健身活动过程中对弱势群体的体育参与的忽略。本文主要根据自闭症儿童的身心特征为他们制定具有针对性的体适能训练方案,实现该人群的体育参与权利,在健身过程中健全人格、补偿身心缺陷、提高健身效果和生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 自闭症 适能训练方案
上海市轨道交通2号线系统总体建设目标的思考 被引量:1
作者 宋键 申伟强 《城市轨道交通研究》 2005年第6期66-69,共4页
上海市轨道交通2号线是规划网络中4条市域级快速线之一。通过对该线功能定位、线路走向、所经重要活动中心和对外交通枢纽、线路功能与作用、客流特征以及既有和在建工程技术特征等的分析和认识,提出了系统建设目标要求、技术对策、系... 上海市轨道交通2号线是规划网络中4条市域级快速线之一。通过对该线功能定位、线路走向、所经重要活动中心和对外交通枢纽、线路功能与作用、客流特征以及既有和在建工程技术特征等的分析和认识,提出了系统建设目标要求、技术对策、系统客运模式和系统功能目标特征。该线应分解为两个独立的运营系统:高速铁路客站(虹桥机场)以东区段利用既有2号线及其西延伸段,采用贯通运营方案;青浦段(朱家角至高速铁路客站)独立运营。 展开更多
关键词 上海 轨道交通2号线 目标特征 客运模式 体方案
作者 朱辉军 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2022年第8期24-27,共4页
观察临床病发输尿管结石的患者在开展治疗期间运用钬激光碎石术方案及体外冲击波碎石术方案展开治疗效果。方法 选取病发输尿管结石的患者共计72例,均为我院于2019/01~2020/01时间段内收治,随机做有效的分组处理。对照组所纳36例运用体... 观察临床病发输尿管结石的患者在开展治疗期间运用钬激光碎石术方案及体外冲击波碎石术方案展开治疗效果。方法 选取病发输尿管结石的患者共计72例,均为我院于2019/01~2020/01时间段内收治,随机做有效的分组处理。对照组所纳36例运用体外冲击波碎石术方案,观察组所纳36例运用钬激光碎石术方案。就两组手术所取得的疗效值、手术观测时间、排净率以及并发症率情况加以比较。结果 经展开对观察组所纳病人的评定,相较对照组居更高水平(P<0.05);经对手术操作用时进行观测,观察组纳入病例手术时间相较于对照组用时更少(P<0.05),排净率结果显示结石<1cm时两组排净率并没有实质性区别(P>0.05),而结石≥1cm时观察组经展开对排净率的观测,与对照组比较居更高水平(P<0.05);经对观察组纳入患者并发症率展开观测,8.34%,相较对照组27.78%呈更低显示(P<0.05)。结论 对于病发输尿管结石的患者,运用钬激光碎石术方案展开治疗,作用较为突出,操作手术呈较短显示,创伤程度呈较小显示,并发症率呈较低显示,清除成功率呈较高显示,具较高运用价值。 展开更多
关键词 输尿管结石 钬激光碎石术方案 外冲击波碎石术方案 清除成功率
某长江大桥引桥连续箱梁长索体外预应力加固设计 被引量:9
作者 张榄 姚磊 杨祖涛 《世界桥梁》 北大核心 2022年第4期108-112,共5页
某长江大桥引桥为七跨一联和八跨一联30 m跨径连续箱梁桥,车辆超载和箱梁预应力损失等导致引桥箱梁跨中出现U形及L形裂缝等病害。考虑引桥联长较长、箱梁内净高较小及历次加固构件干扰等因素,对长索和短索体外预应力加固方案进行比选,... 某长江大桥引桥为七跨一联和八跨一联30 m跨径连续箱梁桥,车辆超载和箱梁预应力损失等导致引桥箱梁跨中出现U形及L形裂缝等病害。考虑引桥联长较长、箱梁内净高较小及历次加固构件干扰等因素,对长索和短索体外预应力加固方案进行比选,确定采用七跨一联和八跨一联长索体外预应力方案加固。加固范围共计8联,每联布置6束体外预应力(含2束备用),体外预应力束采用19s15.2 mm环氧无粘结钢绞线,利用单根预紧千斤顶张拉,在箱梁内部设置厚200 cm钢筋混凝土锚固块,利用既有钢支撑和横隔板设置转向块。计算结果表明:张拉两对束时,七跨一联桥箱梁底板增加了1.3~3.2 MPa的压应力储备,该加固方案可行。该桥采用该方案加固后,达到了预期加固目标。 展开更多
关键词 连续梁桥 箱形梁 裂缝 长索外预应力方案 加固设计
A hybrid ventilation scheme applied to bidirectional excavation tunnel construction with a long inclined shaft
作者 YANG Wei-chao WANG Jian +3 位作者 DENG E LIU Yi-kang LUO Lu-sen YANG Jia 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3187-3205,共19页
The breakage and bending of ducts result in a difficulty to cope with ventilation issues in bidirectional excavation tunnels with a long inclined shaft using a single ventilation method based on ducts.To discuss the h... The breakage and bending of ducts result in a difficulty to cope with ventilation issues in bidirectional excavation tunnels with a long inclined shaft using a single ventilation method based on ducts.To discuss the hybrid ventilation system applied in bidirectional excavation tunnels with a long inclined shaft,this study has established a full-scale computational fluid dynamics model based on field tests,the Poly-Hexcore method,and the sliding mesh technique.The distribution of wind speed,temperature field,and CO in the tunnel are taken as indices to compare the ventilation efficiency of three ventilation systems(duct,duct-ventilation shaft,duct–ventilated shaft-axial fan).The results show that the hybrid ventilation scheme based on duct-ventilation shaft–axial fan performs the best among the three ventilation systems.Compared to the duct,the wind speed and cooling rate in the tunnel are enhanced by 7.5%–30.6%and 14.1%–17.7%,respectively,for the duct-vent shaft-axial fan condition,and the volume fractions of CO are reduced by 26.9%–73.9%.This contributes to the effective design of combined ventilation for bidirectional excavation tunnels with an inclined shaft,ultimately improving the air quality within the tunnel. 展开更多
关键词 bidirectional excavation tunnel inclined shaft hybrid ventilation scheme computational fluid dynamics ventilation efficiency
板壳问题的三维无网格伽辽金直接分析法 被引量:3
作者 张伟 张雄 陆明万 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期136-141,共6页
对于板壳问题.共有三种数值模拟方案:线性或非线性的板壳理论、退化连续体方案和直接三维连续体方案。无网格法近似函数可具有C1甚至更高的连续性,便于在Kirchhoff—Love理论中应用。但当各种无网格法用于Mindlin—Reissner板理论时... 对于板壳问题.共有三种数值模拟方案:线性或非线性的板壳理论、退化连续体方案和直接三维连续体方案。无网格法近似函数可具有C1甚至更高的连续性,便于在Kirchhoff—Love理论中应用。但当各种无网格法用于Mindlin—Reissner板理论时.会遇到数值锁死的困扰。对比之下,三维连续体方案是最简单,最精确但并不常用的一种方案。无网格法近似函数具有高度光滑性,在板壳的厚度方向仅布置2~5层点就可以很好地捕捉此方向场的梯度,同时还可以在一定参数范围内避免剪切和体积锁死,在处理复杂本构关系、非线性板壳等问题中更是具有很大优势。本文采用无网格伽辽金法(EFG)和三维连续体方案分析了线性板壳问题,与有限单元法做了对比,并讨论了数值锁死等问题。 展开更多
关键词 无网格法 无网格伽辽金法 板壳 三维连续体方案 数值锁死
作者 韩杨 《计算机安全》 2002年第17期21-23,共3页
关键词 网络安全 主动网络 可编程交换节点 封装体方案
大流量工况下预制泵站内部流动特征 被引量:2
作者 李清 康灿 +1 位作者 孟祥岩 李明义 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期83-88,共6页
针对预制泵站的大流量运行工况,提出多筒体布置方案,采用计算流体动力学方法对预制泵站全流道内的三维流动进行了模拟与分析,借助流动参数分布研究预制泵站的运行特征。根据流量分配的原则设计了4筒体顺序并联和对称并联两种方案,每个... 针对预制泵站的大流量运行工况,提出多筒体布置方案,采用计算流体动力学方法对预制泵站全流道内的三维流动进行了模拟与分析,借助流动参数分布研究预制泵站的运行特征。根据流量分配的原则设计了4筒体顺序并联和对称并联两种方案,每个筒体内包含2台输送泵。在两种并联方案条件下进行了8台泵同时运行的流动模拟与分析,获得了输送泵和筒体内的流量分布,总结了输送泵实际运行工况偏离其设计工况的原因。对泵内流动状态进行了对比,分析了相邻泵之间的相互干扰。通过分析预制泵站出口管路内的速度和压力分布、流量分配方案及泵站底部流动特征对泵站运行的影响,描述了影响泵站运行稳定性的水力因素。研究结论为预制泵站的设计、控制和运行提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 预制泵站 大流量工况 多筒体方案 数值模拟 流量分配 压力分布
体医结合方案对单纯性肥胖儿童血清瘦素和血脂水平的影响 被引量:1
作者 杨晓林 《实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第18期1447-1448,共2页
目的研究体医结合方案对单纯性肥胖儿童血清瘦素及血脂水平的影响,为建立行之有效的体医结合方案提供科学依据。方法采用整群抽样法,筛选出44例单纯性肥胖儿童,随机分为干预组和对照组。干预组采用体医结合方案进行为期8个月的干预,对... 目的研究体医结合方案对单纯性肥胖儿童血清瘦素及血脂水平的影响,为建立行之有效的体医结合方案提供科学依据。方法采用整群抽样法,筛选出44例单纯性肥胖儿童,随机分为干预组和对照组。干预组采用体医结合方案进行为期8个月的干预,对照组不予任何干预。检测干预前后身体形态、血清瘦素及血脂水平的变化。结果干预后,干预组腰围、臀围、血清瘦素、TG、LDL-C和apoB100较干预前明显降低(Pa<0.05),HDL-C、apoAI较干预前明显升高(P<0.05,0.01);而对照组干预前后比较差异均无统计学意义(Pa>0.05)。结论体医结合方案能有效降低体质量,改善单纯性肥胖儿童瘦素和血脂水平,起到调节异常内分泌代谢的作用。 展开更多
关键词 医结合方案 单纯性肥胖 瘦素 儿童
作者 阿丫 深蓝 《半岛新生活》 2004年第3X期43-43,共1页
关键词 美容 女性 塑身方法 思妍丽美容美机构 体方案
Physical modelling and scale effects of air-water flows on stepped spillways 被引量:5
作者 CHANSON Hubert GONZALEZ Carlos A. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期243-250,共8页
During the last three decades, the introduction of new construction materials (e.g. RCC (Roller Compacted Concrete), strengthened gabions) has increased the interest for stepped channels and spillways. However stepped... During the last three decades, the introduction of new construction materials (e.g. RCC (Roller Compacted Concrete), strengthened gabions) has increased the interest for stepped channels and spillways. However stepped chute hydraulics is not simple, because of different flow regimes and importantly because of very-strong interactions between entrained air and turbu- lence. In this study, new air-water flow measurements were conducted in two large-size stepped chute facilities with two step heights in each facility to study experimental distortion caused by scale effects and the soundness of result extrapolation to pro- totypes. Experimental data included distributions of air concentration, air-water flow velocity, bubble frequency, bubble chord length and air-water flow turbulence intensity. For a Froude similitude, the results implied that scale effects were observed in both facilities, although the geometric scaling ratio was only Lr=2 in each case. The selection of the criterion for scale effects is a critical issue. For example, major differences (i.e. scale effects) were observed in terms of bubble chord sizes and turbulence levels al- though little scale effects were seen in terms of void fraction and velocity distributions. Overall the findings emphasize that physical modelling of stepped chutes based upon a Froude similitude is more sensitive to scale effects than classical smooth-invert chute studies, and this is consistent with basic dimensional analysis developed herein. 展开更多
关键词 Physical modelling Scale effects Stepped spillways Air entrainment Air-water flow measurements
Mechanistic considerations for the use of monoclonal antibodies for cancer therapy 被引量:10
作者 Patrick M.Glassman Joseph P.Balthasar 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期20-33,共14页
Since the approval of rituximab in 1997, monoclonal antibodies(mAbs) have become an increasingly important component of therapeutic regimens in oncology. The success of mAbs as a therapeutic class is a result of great... Since the approval of rituximab in 1997, monoclonal antibodies(mAbs) have become an increasingly important component of therapeutic regimens in oncology. The success of mAbs as a therapeutic class is a result of great strides that have been made in molecular biology and in biotechnology over the past several decades. Currently, there are 14 approved mAb products for oncology indications, and there are ten additional mAbs in late stages of clinical trials. Compared to traditional chemotherapeutic agents, mAbs have several advantages, including a long circulating half-life and high target specificity. Antibodies can serve as cytotoxic agents when administered alone, exerting a pharmacologic effect through several mechanisms involving the antigen binding(Fab) and/or Fc domains of the molecule, and mAbs may also be utilized as drug carriers, targeting a toxic payload to cancer cells. The extremely high affinity of mAbs for their targets, which is desirable with respect to pharmacodynamics(i.e., contributing to the high therapeutic selectivity of mAb), often leads to complex, non-linear, target-mediated pharmacokinetics. In this report, we summarize the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of mAbs that have been approved and of mAbs that are nearing approval for oncology indications, with particular focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for their disposition and efficacy. 展开更多
作者 顾民杰 伏耀华 王君杰 《城市道桥与防洪》 2022年第8期83-87,M0011,共6页
以株洲湘江八桥为工程背景,结合跨江桥梁的防撞研究特点,依据桥区环境特点及大桥主通航孔桥墩防船撞要求,针对性提出释能附体防船撞方案.基于MSC.Dytran进行有限元仿真分析,模拟船舶及桅杆在失控状态下以漂流速度撞击大桥下层慢行系统... 以株洲湘江八桥为工程背景,结合跨江桥梁的防撞研究特点,依据桥区环境特点及大桥主通航孔桥墩防船撞要求,针对性提出释能附体防船撞方案.基于MSC.Dytran进行有限元仿真分析,模拟船舶及桅杆在失控状态下以漂流速度撞击大桥下层慢行系统梁体的工况,计算桅杆撞击力大小,确定警示拦截方案,验证防船撞设施的设防效果,确保防船撞方案设计的可行性,为实际工程应用提供依据,最大程度保护大桥的防船撞安全.研究结果认为:方案具有设施占用航道空间少,制造和维护便利,耐波性和恶劣环境适应性佳等特点,且具有良好的经济性. 展开更多
关键词 跨江桥梁 释能附防撞方案 有限元数值模拟 桅杆撞击力
Parallel hydrodynamic finite element model with an N-Best refining partition scheme 被引量:2
作者 张振昌 洪华生 +2 位作者 WAI Onyx Winghong 江毓武 周昌乐 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1340-1349,共10页
We enhance a robust parallel finite element model for coasts and estuaries cases with the use of N-Best refinement algorithms,in multilevel partitioning scheme.Graph partitioning is an important step to construct the ... We enhance a robust parallel finite element model for coasts and estuaries cases with the use of N-Best refinement algorithms,in multilevel partitioning scheme.Graph partitioning is an important step to construct the parallel model,in which computation speed is a big concern.The partitioning strategy includes the division of the research domain into several semi-equal-sized sub-domains,minimizing the sum weight of edges between different sub-domains.Multilevel schemes for graph partitioning are divided into three phases:coarsening,partitioning,and uncoarsening.In the uncoarsening phase,many refinement algorithms have been proposed previously,such as KL,Greedy,and Boundary refinements.In this study,we propose an N-Best refinement algorithm and show its advantages in our case study of Xiamen Bay.Compared with original partitioning algorithm in previous models,the N-Best algorithm can speed up the computation by 1.9 times,and the simulation results are in a good match with the in-situ data. 展开更多
关键词 N-Best graph partitioning parallel computation finite element method (FEM) DOMAINDECOMPOSITION
Treatment of portal hypertension 被引量:44
作者 Khurram Bari Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第11期1166-1175,共10页
Portal hypertension is the main complication of cirrhosis and is defined as an hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) of more than 5 mmHg. Clinically significant portal hypertension is defined as HVPG of 10 mmHg or... Portal hypertension is the main complication of cirrhosis and is defined as an hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) of more than 5 mmHg. Clinically significant portal hypertension is defined as HVPG of 10 mmHg or more. Development of gastroesophageal varices and variceal hemorrhage are the most direct consequence of portal hypertension. Over the last decades significant advancements in the field have led to standard treatment options. These clinical recommendations have evolved mostly as a result of rando.mized controlled trials and consensus conferences among experts where existing evidence has been reviewed and future goals for research and practice guidelines have been pro- posed. Management of varices/variceal hemorrhage is based on the clinical stage of portal hypertension. No specific treatment has shown to prevent the formation of varices. Prevention of first variceal hemorrhage depends on the size/characteristics of varices. In patients with small varices and high risk of bleeding, nonselective β-blockers are recommended, while patients with medium/large varices can be treated with either β-blockers or esophageal band ligation. Standard ofcare for acute variceal hemorrhage consists of vasoacrive drugs, endoscopic band ligation and antibiotics prophylaxis. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is reserved for those who fail standard of care or for patients who are likely to fail ("early TIPS"). Prevention of recurrent variceal hemorrhage consists of the combination of β-blockers and endoscopic band ligation. 展开更多
关键词 CIRRHOSIS Portal hypertension VARICES Varicealhemorrhage Primary prophylaxis Secondary prophylaxis
Boolean operations of STL models based on edge-facet intersection 被引量:1
作者 郭开波 张李超 +1 位作者 王从军 黄树槐 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期711-717,共7页
For the data processing of the Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing, Boolean operation can offer a versatile tool for editing or modifying the STL model, adding the artificial construction, and creating the complex assista... For the data processing of the Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing, Boolean operation can offer a versatile tool for editing or modifying the STL model, adding the artificial construction, and creating the complex assistant support structure to meet the special technical requests. The topological structure of STL models was built firstly in order to obtain the neighborhood relationship among the triangular facets. The intersection test between every edge of one solid and every facet of another solid was taken to get the intersection points. According to the matching relationship of the triangle index recorded in the data structure of the intersection points, the intersection segments array and the intersection loop were traced out. Each intersected triangle was subdivided by the Constrained Delaunay Triangulations. The intersected surfaces were divided into several surface patches along the intersection loops. The inclusion prediction between the surface patch and the other solid was taken by testing whether the candidate point was inside or outside the solid region of the slice. Detecting the loops for determination of the valid intersection lines greatly increases the efficiency and the reliability of the process. 展开更多
关键词 STL model boolean operations segment-facet intersection loop detection Inclusion test
作者 Zhang Dandan Fang Xuming Zhu Longjie 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第1期39-45,共7页
As the radio spectrum is a very scarce resource,the Call Admission Control (CAC) is one of the most important parts in radio resource management. The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) based next generation wireless... As the radio spectrum is a very scarce resource,the Call Admission Control (CAC) is one of the most important parts in radio resource management. The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) based next generation wireless communications systems will support the transmission of multimedia traffic,such as voice,video and data,thus the CAC,which can support the multimedia traffic and guarantee the Quality of Service (QoS) of different traffic,has gained broad attention. In this paper,a novel multimedia traffic modeling method and a corresponding dynamic QoS based CAC are proposed. The analysis and simulation results show that the proposed CAC scheme can guarantee the QoS to different traffic demand,and improve the system performance significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Call Admission Control (CAC) Traffic modeling Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) Quality of Service (QoS)
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