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三体液理论次级功能概念核心内涵比较研究——基于印藏蒙传统医学基础理论同源性视角 被引量:4
作者 图门吉日嘎勒 敖姝芳 +1 位作者 赵宏林 施都阿拉 《亚太传统医药》 2019年第7期1-9,共9页
目的:通过对印藏蒙传统医学三体液理论15个次级功能概念核心内涵相关性的比较研究,确证藏医学三因学说、蒙医学三体素学说与阿育吠陀医学三体液理论渊源关系程度,为蒙医学三体素学说借鉴引进阿育吠陀医学三体液理论现代科学研究成果提... 目的:通过对印藏蒙传统医学三体液理论15个次级功能概念核心内涵相关性的比较研究,确证藏医学三因学说、蒙医学三体素学说与阿育吠陀医学三体液理论渊源关系程度,为蒙医学三体素学说借鉴引进阿育吠陀医学三体液理论现代科学研究成果提供依据,实现三体素学说内涵现代转换的目的。方法:对所收集到的阿育吠陀医学、藏医学和蒙医学英文、中文、蒙古文原著、译著、研究论文等文献数据的相关内容进行筛选、比较、归类、整理、编排、列表,在此基础上确定拟研究核心内涵的重点内容,采用系统分析法、定性描述法和统计学方法,逐项比较分析。结果:应用统计学Spearman秩相关方法对三体液理论“瓦塔皮塔卡法”、三因学说“隆赤巴培根”和三体素学说“赫依希拉巴达干”之各自相互对应的5个次级功能概念之存在部位与巡行脏器、生理与心理机制、临床症状三个维度的基本描述进行相关性数据分析。结果显示,第一组“瓦塔、隆、赫依”之相对应的5个次级功能概念相关性系数为rs=0.982 7,P<0.001;第二组“皮塔、赤巴、希拉”之相对应的5个次级功能概念相关性系数为rs=0.966 1,P<0.001;第三组“卡法、培根、巴达干”之相对应的5个次级功能概念相关性系数为rs=0.978 6,P<0.001。说明这三个理论学说的15个次级功能概念核心内涵之间存在高度关联。结论:在8-14世纪期间,中国藏医学与蒙医学对阿育吠陀医学三体液理论进行了系统化“复制”,并用藏族和蒙古族语言文字创造性地仿造出了“中国版”的阿育吠陀医学三体液理论,充实完善了藏医学、蒙医学基础理论体系。研究还发现,蒙医学三体素学说之15个次级功能概念的临床“植入度”相对偏浅,似乎停留在原初理论“复制”层面,临床应用存在“断层”现象。研究结论验证了中国藏医学、蒙医学权威专家的相关论断,也为蒙医学三体素理论内涵现代转换研究奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 印度 阿育吠陀医学 藏医学 蒙医学 体液理论 三因学说 三体素学说 次级功能概念
蒙医学三体素学说与阿育吠陀医学三体液理论渊源关系比较研究 被引量:6
作者 图门吉日嘎勒 敖姝芳 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第6期511-518,共8页
为研究蒙医学与印度阿育吠陀医学基础理论核心原理渊源关系,以阿育吠陀医学"三体液"理论之"vata、pitta、kapha(三大生命能量)"与蒙医学"三体素"学说之"khii、shar、badgan(三大体质元素)"的... 为研究蒙医学与印度阿育吠陀医学基础理论核心原理渊源关系,以阿育吠陀医学"三体液"理论之"vata、pitta、kapha(三大生命能量)"与蒙医学"三体素"学说之"khii、shar、badgan(三大体质元素)"的第一层级七个理论概念作为阐述两者间相关性关系的分析对象,论证"三体素"学说与"三体液"理论基本概念之间的内在关联性及"三大体质元素"与"三大生命能量"的等效性,揭示"三大体质元素"的现代生命科学内涵. 展开更多
关键词 阿育吠陀医学三体液理论 蒙医学 三体素学说 比较研究
作者 陶久胜 郭梦娜 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第2期20-25,共6页
根据古典医学四种体液的理论与大小宇宙的类比关系,可以发现莎士比亚问题剧《一报还一报》中所涉及的疾病话语:过剩的爱欲在维也纳城中肆虐,最终传染到临时执政者安吉鲁身上时,破坏了整个城邦的体液平衡。法律在此处隐喻着城邦安定和政... 根据古典医学四种体液的理论与大小宇宙的类比关系,可以发现莎士比亚问题剧《一报还一报》中所涉及的疾病话语:过剩的爱欲在维也纳城中肆虐,最终传染到临时执政者安吉鲁身上时,破坏了整个城邦的体液平衡。法律在此处隐喻着城邦安定和政体健康,司法者需要将个人道德视为司法责任的一部分,但执法者安吉鲁却漠视自身道德的缺失,导致法律名存实亡,因此公爵必须采取一系列措施和计谋,让维也纳恢复到法治和道德健康的轨道上来。剧中维也纳城邦的疾病影射早期现代英国性道德问题的焦虑,莎士比亚通过道德与法律的斗争和融合参与政治讨论之中,表达对新上任的英王詹姆士一世的统治焦虑。 展开更多
关键词 《一报还一报》 体液理论 法律 政体 道德
作者 陶久胜 《中国莎士比亚研究》 2020年第1期2-13,共12页
一直以来,学界主要研究莎剧《泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯》中的复仇动机和社会效果,而忽视了剧中频繁使用的体液修辞。从古典医学的体液理论出发,罗马将军泰特斯女儿拉维妮亚遭哥特人皇后塔莫拉两儿子强暴意味着她纯净的血液被敌人的败... 一直以来,学界主要研究莎剧《泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯》中的复仇动机和社会效果,而忽视了剧中频繁使用的体液修辞。从古典医学的体液理论出发,罗马将军泰特斯女儿拉维妮亚遭哥特人皇后塔莫拉两儿子强暴意味着她纯净的血液被敌人的败血所玷污。考虑到人体与政体的对应和托勒密宇宙观、新柏拉图主义强调大小宇宙的类比,源于皇后家族的坏血污染泰特斯家族时,必定感染到整个罗马帝国,泰特斯必须向皇后家族复仇“放血”,从而让罗马恢复健康。剧中罗马患病暗含莎士比亚对英国道德现状的焦虑,罗马康复表达伊丽莎白国民克服社会问题以重振英格兰的理想。 展开更多
关键词 罗马 放血 体液理论 《泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯》
放血疗法与政体健康:体液理论中的莎士比亚罗马复仇剧 被引量:3
作者 陶久胜 《戏剧(中央戏剧学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期5-17,共13页
一直以来,学界主要研究莎士比亚罗马复仇剧中的复仇动机和种族伦理,忽视剧中频繁使用的体液修辞。从古典医学的体液理论出发,发现这些复仇剧中将军被暗杀或女儿遭皇室强暴意味着纯净血液被敌人的败血所玷污。考虑到人体与政体的对应和... 一直以来,学界主要研究莎士比亚罗马复仇剧中的复仇动机和种族伦理,忽视剧中频繁使用的体液修辞。从古典医学的体液理论出发,发现这些复仇剧中将军被暗杀或女儿遭皇室强暴意味着纯净血液被敌人的败血所玷污。考虑到人体与政体的对应和托勒密宇宙观、新柏拉图范式强调大小宇宙的类比,过剩体液污染将军家族时,必定感染到整个罗马帝国,他们必须向皇室或元老院复仇"放血",从而让罗马恢复健康。剧中罗马患病暗含莎士比亚对英国道德现状的焦虑,罗马康复表达伊丽莎白国民克服社会问题以重建大英帝国的理想。 展开更多
关键词 放血 政体 体液理论 莎士比亚 罗马
基于脑神经系统功能的蒙医学三体素理论现代研究 被引量:2
作者 图门吉日嘎勒 纳贡毕力格 +3 位作者 敖姝芳 赵宏林 浩日勒 施都阿拉 《亚太传统医药》 2021年第11期14-20,共7页
目的:探索蒙医学三体素理论心理学经典功能(心/脑意识功能——感觉、知觉、表象、思维)在脑神经科学意义上的本质属性。方法:通过文献研究法,比较研究三体素理论心理学经典功能内涵与体液体质个体脑神经生理生化功能模式(脑型神经模式... 目的:探索蒙医学三体素理论心理学经典功能(心/脑意识功能——感觉、知觉、表象、思维)在脑神经科学意义上的本质属性。方法:通过文献研究法,比较研究三体素理论心理学经典功能内涵与体液体质个体脑神经生理生化功能模式(脑型神经模式、大脑半球化学优势模式、赫依概念与脑神经系统对应关系)假说内涵之间的关联。结果:赫依功能与双侧半球功能相关联,希拉功能主要与左侧半球功能关联,巴达干功能主要与右侧半球功能关联;三体素理论二级功能概念中,五个次级赫依、三个次级希拉、三个次级巴达干之功能与大脑前额叶执行回路、网状激活系统、边缘系统、下丘脑控制、自律神经系统、肠神经系统存在关联;三级功能概念中,发现两组三胞次级体素,即司命赫依-能视希拉-能足巴达干、普行赫依-能成希拉-主靠巴达干,分别支配脑神经系统和心血管系统功能;全部五个次级赫依功能与大脑相关功能区域和神经系统相关解剖结构存在"靶向"联系。结论:三体素理论是一个不仅蕴含脑-神经科学基本原理,而且以自然哲学思辨方法高度概括脑神经系统功能的经典理论假说,其具有耦联心脑功能、整合心身关系、概念定义清晰、理论内涵丰富、层级体系完整、哲理思辨深邃等科学理论品质特征,因此该理论能够科学地阐释人类个体心身关系相关原理及心身疾病发病机制。 展开更多
关键词 蒙医学 三体素理论 阿育吠陀 体液理论 脑神经系统 科学假说 心身关系原理
蒙医学三体素理论体质概念研究——基于印度阿育吠陀心理学视角 被引量:4
作者 图门吉日嘎勒 《医学与哲学》 2019年第20期77-80,F0003,共5页
以传统蒙医学与印度阿育吠陀医学基础理论体系具有同源性、传承性史实为背景,参照阿育吠陀心理学体质研究最新学术观点,完善蒙医学三体素理论体质概念科学内涵,首次较为系统地提出了蒙医学赫依主导型、希拉主导型、巴达干主导型个体体... 以传统蒙医学与印度阿育吠陀医学基础理论体系具有同源性、传承性史实为背景,参照阿育吠陀心理学体质研究最新学术观点,完善蒙医学三体素理论体质概念科学内涵,首次较为系统地提出了蒙医学赫依主导型、希拉主导型、巴达干主导型个体体质之生理学表型特点、心理学行为特征和病理心理学行为模式新观点,进而推导归纳了蒙医学三体素体质分类“定性诊断”病理心理学临床指征要点,明确提示了研发蒙医学三体素体质分类“定量诊断”量表的临床意义,并简要介绍了三体素体质失衡的临床心理疗法。 展开更多
关键词 蒙医学 三体素理论 个体体质 体质诊断 印度 阿育吠陀心理学 体液理论
云南金顶铅锌矿床新的喷流成因机制 被引量:3
作者 王江海 常向阳 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第4期201-204,共4页
金顶铅锌矿床是60年代发现的超大型铅锌矿床。目前对矿床成因的认识仍有大的分歧,主要是:(1)热液充填交代型”或层控型后生矿床;(2)沉积-改造型矿床;(3)冷水介质中的同生沉积矿床;(4)喷流(热水)沉积矿床。本文在前人研究基础上提出了一... 金顶铅锌矿床是60年代发现的超大型铅锌矿床。目前对矿床成因的认识仍有大的分歧,主要是:(1)热液充填交代型”或层控型后生矿床;(2)沉积-改造型矿床;(3)冷水介质中的同生沉积矿床;(4)喷流(热水)沉积矿床。本文在前人研究基础上提出了一种新的喷流成因机制以阐明矿床和矿石的时空分布及砂岩型矿石的成矿机理。 展开更多
关键词 喷流成因机制 体液理论 金顶铅锌矿床 滇西
作者 刘伟 《读与写(上旬)》 2018年第11期224-224,共1页
随着经济和信息技术的不断发展,“00”后高中生的成长环境也发生着深刻变化,高中生逐渐呈现出个性的差异化、思想多元化的特点。单一的教育模式已经不能满足学生发展的需要。高中生的教育教学方式亟需转变,以达到“因材施教”的育人效... 随着经济和信息技术的不断发展,“00”后高中生的成长环境也发生着深刻变化,高中生逐渐呈现出个性的差异化、思想多元化的特点。单一的教育模式已经不能满足学生发展的需要。高中生的教育教学方式亟需转变,以达到“因材施教”的育人效果。文章从心理学的角度出发,根据气质的分类,对高中生的不同性格进行分析,并尝试提出几点教育教学建议,希望对高中生的教育教学工作的进一步发展有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 气质类型 体液理论 教育教学 因材施教
A Mass Transfer Model Based on Individual Bubbles and an Unsteady State Film Mechanism 被引量:1
作者 赵斌 王铁峰 王金福 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第2期163-168,共6页
A gas-liquid mass transfer model based on an unsteady state film mechanism applied to a single bubble is presented. The mathematical model was solved using Laplace transform to obtain an analytical solution of concent... A gas-liquid mass transfer model based on an unsteady state film mechanism applied to a single bubble is presented. The mathematical model was solved using Laplace transform to obtain an analytical solution of concentration profile in terms of the radial position r and time t. The dynamic mass transfer flux was deduced and the influence of the bubble size was also determined. A mathematical method for deducing the average mass transfer flux directly from the Laplace transformed concentration is presented. Its accuracy is verified by comparing the numerical results with those from the indirect method. The influences of the model parameters, namely, the bubble size R, liquid film thickness δ, and the surface renewal constant s on the average mass transfer flux were investigated. The proposed model is useful for a better understanding of the mass transfer mechanism and an optimum design of gas-liquid contact equipment. 展开更多
关键词 film theory Laplace transformation mass diffusion penetration theory surface renewal theory
Populations of Ethanol Conformers in Liquid CCI4 and CS2 by Raman Spectra in OH Stretching Region
作者 Nai-yin Hu Ke Lin +1 位作者 Xiao-guo Zhou Shi-lin Liu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期245-252,I0001,共9页
Combining Raman spectroscopy with density functional theory, the populations of the trans- and gaucheethanol conformers are investigated in carbon tetrachloride (CC14) and carbon disulfide (CS2). The spectral cont... Combining Raman spectroscopy with density functional theory, the populations of the trans- and gaucheethanol conformers are investigated in carbon tetrachloride (CC14) and carbon disulfide (CS2). The spectral contributions of two ethanol conformers are identified in OH stretching region. The energy difference between both conformers is estimated with the aid of the calculated Raman cross sections. It can be seen that the trans- ethanol is more stable in CC14 and CS2 solutions. The spectra are also obtained at different temperatures, and it is found the van't Hoff analysis is invalid in these solutions. By taking accounts of the Boltzmann distribution and theoretical Raman cross section, the energy difference is found to be increased with temperature, which shows the weak intermolecular interactions can enhance the population of transethanol. 展开更多
关键词 Raman spectroscopy ETHANOL CONFORMER Energy difference
Study on Excess Thermodynamic Parameters and Theoretical Estimation of Ultrasonic Velocity Using Scaled Particle Theory in Binary Liquid Mixtures of 2-Methyl-2-propanol and Nitriles at Different Temperatures 被引量:2
作者 K. Rajagopal S. Chenthilnath 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期804-816,共13页
Density, ρ, ultrasonic speed, u, and viscosity, η, of binary mixtures of 2-methyl-2-propanol (2M2P) with acetonitrile (AN), propionitrile (PN) and butyronitrile (BN) including those of pure liquids are measured over... Density, ρ, ultrasonic speed, u, and viscosity, η, of binary mixtures of 2-methyl-2-propanol (2M2P) with acetonitrile (AN), propionitrile (PN) and butyronitrile (BN) including those of pure liquids are measured over the entire composition range at temperatures 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15 K. From these experimental data, the excess available volume, E a V , excess free volume, E f V , excess isothermal compressibility, E T β , excess thermal expansion coefficient, E α , and excess internal pressure, E i π , are calculated. The variation of these properties with composition and temperature are discussed in terms of molecular interactions between unlike molecules of the mixtures. It is found that the values of E a V , E f V , E T β and E α are positive and those of E i π are negative for all the mixtures at each temperature studied, indicating the presence of weak interactions between 2M2P and AN/PN/BN molecules. The variations of E a V , E f V , E T β , E α and E i π values with composition indicate that the interactions in these mixtures follow the order: AN<PN<BN, i.e., the 2M2P-nitrile interaction decreases with the increase of alkyl chain length in these nitrile molecules. In addition, the theoretical ultrasonic velocity is calculated using the scaled particle theory and compared with the experimental values. 展开更多
关键词 2-methyl-2-propanol homologous nitriles excess properties molecular interactions scaled particle theory
DFT Calculation of Room Temperature Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-Methyl-Imidazolium Chlorocuprate (Ⅰ)
作者 Lü Renqing Cao Zuogang (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Dongying 257061) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期55-62,共8页
The density functional theory (DFT) has been employed to investigate the electronic structures ofEMIM^+(1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium+), CuCl2^-, Cu2Cl3^- and EMIM^+-CuCl2^-, EMIM^+-Cu2Cl3^- pairs. Full optimiza... The density functional theory (DFT) has been employed to investigate the electronic structures ofEMIM^+(1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium+), CuCl2^-, Cu2Cl3^- and EMIM^+-CuCl2^-, EMIM^+-Cu2Cl3^- pairs. Full optimization and frequency analyses of EMIM^+, CuCl2^-, Cu2Cl3^-, eight initial EMIM^+-CuCl2^-, and six initial EMIM^+-Cu2Cl3^- geometries have been carried out using Gaussian-94 software-package at 6-3 I+G (d, p) basis set level for hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, chlorine atoms and the Hay-Wadt effective core potential for copper atoms. The electronic structures of the lowest energy of EMIM^+-CuCl2^-, EMIM^+-Cu2Cl3^- pairs, single EMIM^+, CuCl2^-, and Cu2Cl3^- have been comparatively studied. The calculated results showed that the optimized EMIM^+-CuCl2^- pair conformer of the lowest energy was five ring moiety parallel to CuCl2^- plane with a distance of around 3.5,A, while EMIM^+-Cu2Cl3^- pair conformer of the lowest energy was five ring moiety of EMIM^+ perpendicular to Cu2Cl3^- plane with a distance of around 3.0 ,A between terminal chlorine atoms and 5-ring plane of EMIM^+. The cohesion between cation and anion is electrostatic interaction and C-H---Cl hydrogen bonds are reinforced by charge assistance. The frequency analyses suggested that all stationary points are minimum points because of absence of imaginary frequency. The low energy of interaction caused by bulky asymmetry of EMIM^+, and charge dispersion of cation and anion give rise to low melting point of ionic liquids EMIM^+-CuCl2^-, and EMIM^+-Cu2Cl3^- . The interaction energy caused by the distance between cations and anions was investigated by single point energy scan. 展开更多
关键词 ionic liquid density functional theory 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chlorocuprate (I)
Extension of Tao-Mason Equation of State to Heavy n-Alkanes 被引量:2
作者 Fakhri Yousefi Hajir Karimi Mohammad Mehdi Papari 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期894-900,共7页
In our previous paper we extended the Tao and Mason equation of state (TM EOS) to refrigerant fluids, using the speed of sound data. This is a continuation for evaluating TM EOS in predicting PVT properties of heavy n... In our previous paper we extended the Tao and Mason equation of state (TM EOS) to refrigerant fluids, using the speed of sound data. This is a continuation for evaluating TM EOS in predicting PVT properties of heavy n-alkanes. Liquid density of long-chain n-alkane systems from C 9 to C 20 have been calculated using an analytical equation of state based on the statistical-mechanical perturbation theory. The second virial coefficients of these n-alkanes are scarce and there is no accurate potential energy function for their theoretical calculation. In this work the second virial coefficients are calculated using a corresponding state correlation based on surface tension and liquid density at the freezing point. The deviation of calculated densities of these alkanes is within 0.5% from experimental data. The densities of n-alkanes obtained from the TM EOS are compared with those calculated from Ihm-Song-Mason equation of state and the corresponding-states liquid densities (COSTALD). Our results are in favor of the preference of the TM EOS over other two equations of state. 展开更多
关键词 heavy n-alkanes density Tao-Mason equation of state Ihm-Song-Mason equation of state
Study of Thermodynamics of Liquid Noble-Metals Alloys Through a Pseudopotential Theory
作者 Aditya M.Vora 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第9期551-558,共8页
The Gibbs-Bogoliubov (GB) inequality is applied to investigate the thermodynamic properties of some equiatomic noble metal alloys in liquid phase such as Au-Cu, Ag-Cu, and Ag-Au using well recognized pseudopotential... The Gibbs-Bogoliubov (GB) inequality is applied to investigate the thermodynamic properties of some equiatomic noble metal alloys in liquid phase such as Au-Cu, Ag-Cu, and Ag-Au using well recognized pseudopotential formalism. For description of the structure, well known Percus-Yevick (PY) hard sphere model is used as a reference system. By applying a variation method the best hard core diameters have been found which correspond to minimum free energy. With this procedure the thermodynamic properties such as entropy and heat of mixing have been computed. The influence of local field correction function viz; Hartree (H), Taylor (T), lehimaru-Utsumi (IU), Farid et al. (F), and Sarkar et al. (S) is also investigated. The computed results of the excess entropy compares favourably in the case of liquid alloys while the agreement with experiment is poor in the case of heats of mixing. This may be due to the sensitivity of the heats of mixing with the potential parameters and the dielectric function. 展开更多
关键词 Gibbs-Bogoliubov (GB) inequality liquid noble metals binary alloys pseudopotential method Percus-Yevick (PY) hard sphere model local field correction functions thermodynamic properties
Hydrodynamics of Liquid Flow in the Model of Theoretical Stage with Perfect Displacement
作者 Volodymyr Maletal Vitaliy Taran Bogdan Maleta 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第1期25-29,共5页
For the cyclic process of mass transfer in tray columns there are considered the hydrodynamic models of liquid flow during steam supply and during overflow of liquid from tray to tray. During steam supply, the hydrody... For the cyclic process of mass transfer in tray columns there are considered the hydrodynamic models of liquid flow during steam supply and during overflow of liquid from tray to tray. During steam supply, the hydrodynamic model is determined as perfect displacement model, and during liquid overflow, it is described as cell model. There were received the characteristics of liquid flow as follows: average residence time of liquid, degree of dispersion around the mean on the tray, number of perfect mixing cells depending on multiplication factor of exchange of liquid delay. In Y-X coordinates there is depicted a work line and theoretical stage of perfect displacement model. There were considered the conditions of mutual transfer of theoretical stage and theoretical stage with perfect displacement. The advantages of the mass transfer cyclic process to the stationary one arc stated. 展开更多
关键词 mass transfer cyclic distillation theoretical stage the theoretical stage model with perfect displacement residence time
作者 张建兰 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第7期116-122,共7页
在人类社会早期,人们就采用放血的方式缓解疼痛。古典时代的医学家们基于自然哲学创立了放血疗法的理论基础,并通过实践,确定了完整的放血体系。中世纪的医学家们继承了古典时代的放血疗法,尤其是中世纪盛期,在科学复兴的背景下,古典放... 在人类社会早期,人们就采用放血的方式缓解疼痛。古典时代的医学家们基于自然哲学创立了放血疗法的理论基础,并通过实践,确定了完整的放血体系。中世纪的医学家们继承了古典时代的放血疗法,尤其是中世纪盛期,在科学复兴的背景下,古典放血疗法在翻译运动中重新为西方人发现。至中世纪晚期,西方的医学家们对放血疗法作出了外科学解释,但瘟疫流行时,这种疗法却又遭到了质疑。从古典至中世纪时代,放血疗法与西方社会文化的变迁协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 放血疗法 体液理论 古典时代 中世纪
作者 姚琳 《外国文学动态研究》 CSSCI 2023年第4期49-59,共11页
莎士比亚在喜剧《仲夏夜梦》中赋予三色堇等植物汁液神奇作用,这一手法与盛行于16世纪的体液理论密切相关,体现了英国社会当时流行的以生理学为基础的心理、情感认知方式。剧中暗含的对人的自然情感和个体理性的肯定,既展现了16世纪末... 莎士比亚在喜剧《仲夏夜梦》中赋予三色堇等植物汁液神奇作用,这一手法与盛行于16世纪的体液理论密切相关,体现了英国社会当时流行的以生理学为基础的心理、情感认知方式。剧中暗含的对人的自然情感和个体理性的肯定,既展现了16世纪末文艺复兴时期欧洲社会大众的普遍精神需求,也预示了17世纪将要出现的情感观念转变:人们的情感表达逐渐摆脱斯多葛学派长期以来的影响,人的自然情感被高举,情感的控制和失控及其政治后果随之也成为文学写作的热点,这一变化昭示着一场情感的复兴。 展开更多
关键词 《仲夏夜梦》 三色堇 体液理论 情感复兴
作者 王亚萍 《医疗社会史研究》 2022年第1期101-129,323-324,共31页
在中世纪的西欧社会,人们对精神疾病的认识主要依赖于基督教教义的阐释,恶魔附体成为解释精神疾病的主流认知;而自希腊—罗马时期发展而来的体液理论则退而成为解释精神疾病的背景知识,其价值主要体现在放血、沐浴等实践疗法中。12世纪... 在中世纪的西欧社会,人们对精神疾病的认识主要依赖于基督教教义的阐释,恶魔附体成为解释精神疾病的主流认知;而自希腊—罗马时期发展而来的体液理论则退而成为解释精神疾病的背景知识,其价值主要体现在放血、沐浴等实践疗法中。12世纪以降,解剖学、星占医学发展迅速,人们对精神疾病也有了更加理性的病理学认识,而随着14世纪西欧人文主义思想的兴起,精神疾病又成为映射“人之发现”这一社会现象的文化隐喻,人们对精神疾病的认知变得更加复杂。研究中世纪西欧在信仰、医学与社会文化层面对精神疾病的认知构建,不仅有助于理解精神疾病本身及其内含的社会文化现象,更能够在一定程度上昭示近代科学化精神疾病医学发展的新方向。 展开更多
关键词 中世纪 精神疾病 恶魔学说 体液理论 人文主义
Analytical Study on Impingement Heat Transfer with Single-Phase Free-Surface Circular Liquid Jets 被引量:3
作者 C.F.Ma T.Masuoka 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1996年第4期271-277,共7页
An analytical research was conducted to study heat transfer from horizontal surfaces to normally impinging circular jets under arbitrary-heat-flux conditions. The laminar thermal and hydraulic boundary layers were div... An analytical research was conducted to study heat transfer from horizontal surfaces to normally impinging circular jets under arbitrary-heat-flux conditions. The laminar thermal and hydraulic boundary layers were divided into five regions of flow. General expressions of heat transfer coefficients were obtained in all the four regions of stagnation and wall jet zones before the hydraulic jump. 展开更多
关键词 jet impingement connective heat transfer boundary layer theory.
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