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作者 朱雅萍 方均华 丁敏珏 《上海医药》 CAS 2013年第8期29-31,共3页
目的:研究不同体位对卧床老年患者腋下体温值的影响,以指导临床护理工作。方法:选择2012年8-9月住院患者96人次不同时间、平卧位与侧卧位腋下体温值进行比较。结果:侧卧位体温均值高于平卧位体温均值,两者差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.... 目的:研究不同体位对卧床老年患者腋下体温值的影响,以指导临床护理工作。方法:选择2012年8-9月住院患者96人次不同时间、平卧位与侧卧位腋下体温值进行比较。结果:侧卧位体温均值高于平卧位体温均值,两者差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:老年患者侧卧位的体温值更接近核心温度(core temperature)。 展开更多
关键词 体位 老年患者 腋下体温值
冬季隔衣试表对体温测量值的影响 被引量:1
作者 谢瑞娟 李瑞芬 +1 位作者 石翠霞 陈璐 《医学研究与教育》 CAS 2009年第5期65-66,共2页
体温是机体内部的温度,是人体最基本的生命体征,体温变化也是机体反应最敏感的指标之一,因此,测量体温是每日对患者进行的重要的基础护理内容之一。临床上最常见的是测腋温,而且是裸测,测量时间常为10 min,正常范围为36℃~37℃,体温测... 体温是机体内部的温度,是人体最基本的生命体征,体温变化也是机体反应最敏感的指标之一,因此,测量体温是每日对患者进行的重要的基础护理内容之一。临床上最常见的是测腋温,而且是裸测,测量时间常为10 min,正常范围为36℃~37℃,体温测量值受多种因素影响,除病情之外还受运动、进食、情绪等生理性因素的影响。 展开更多
关键词 冬季 隔衣试表 体温值
红外额式体温计与水银体温计在临床使用中的效果观察 被引量:5
作者 程文惠 刘珉甬 《泸州医学院学报》 2014年第6期610-611,共2页
目的:探讨红外额式体温计与水银体温计测量体温值的差异。方法:采用自身对照,选择眼科住院患者120例,其中体温正常者112例、发热者8例,比较两种体温计测量体温值之间的差异性。结果:红外额式体温计与水银体温计所测体温值差异无统计学意... 目的:探讨红外额式体温计与水银体温计测量体温值的差异。方法:采用自身对照,选择眼科住院患者120例,其中体温正常者112例、发热者8例,比较两种体温计测量体温值之间的差异性。结果:红外额式体温计与水银体温计所测体温值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:红外额式体温计测量体温值能正确反映体温变化,且快速、安全、使用简单方便,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 红外额式体温 水银体温 测量 体温值
作者 李瑞萍 马霞 《临床医药实践》 2004年第10期776-777,共2页
关键词 急性开放性损伤 体温值 腋下体温 护理技术
红外电子额温计替代水银体温计的临床应用探索 被引量:15
作者 杨维秀 金花成 《中国继续医学教育》 2019年第14期175-177,共3页
目的调查传统水银体温计与红外电子额温计测量患者体温的差异,探索在患者日常体温监测时能否用红外电子额温计进行取代。方法以儿科为实验科室,以水银温度计的测量值划分体温正常组与发热组,每次同时使用两种方法分别测量患儿体温并进... 目的调查传统水银体温计与红外电子额温计测量患者体温的差异,探索在患者日常体温监测时能否用红外电子额温计进行取代。方法以儿科为实验科室,以水银温度计的测量值划分体温正常组与发热组,每次同时使用两种方法分别测量患儿体温并进行配对分析,一致性检验采用Kappa分析。结果水银体温计与红外电子额温计对体温正常者腋温、额温的测量结果比较,差异无统计学意义(t=1.491,P=0.136),但对发热患者腋温、额温的测量结果比较,差异具有统计学意义(t=9.177,P <0.001)。两种方法经Kappa一致性检验,Kappa值为0.815,灵敏度为71.72%,特异度为99.85%,说明水银体温计与红外电子额温计两种方法测量结果具有较好的一致性。结论对于体温正常者,可用更方便的红外电子额温计进行测量,提高护理人员工作效率。但对于发热者,还是要继续采用水银体温计的测量结果作为金标准。 展开更多
关键词 电子额温计 水银体温 测量 体温值 发热 替代
一种身高自适应智能体温检测系统 被引量:2
作者 淮旭鸽 庄未 +3 位作者 梁才航 高兴宇 郝卫东 黄扬 《桂林电子科技大学学报》 2021年第5期407-413,共7页
设计了一种体温智能检测系统,用于疫情防控期间自动采集并处理不同身高住院患者的体温参数。该系统首先设计了一个可以根据现场测量的住院患者身高数据上下调整红外测温仪高度的升降机构,确保不同住院患者体温检测位置一致。然后,先用... 设计了一种体温智能检测系统,用于疫情防控期间自动采集并处理不同身高住院患者的体温参数。该系统首先设计了一个可以根据现场测量的住院患者身高数据上下调整红外测温仪高度的升降机构,确保不同住院患者体温检测位置一致。然后,先用身份证读取技术识别ID,再用面部和手指信息读取技术识别双重人体特征,进行人证合一匹配判断,以确保住院患者身份的真实有效。最后,采用环境温度和距离补偿技术提高测量精度,实现对住院患者体温数据的采集和处理。该系统可以满足疫情期间对不同身高住院患者自动化体温检测并分流的需求。在疫情防控期间使用此系统可以有效减轻医护人员的体温检测工作量,并有效降低相关人员感染病毒的风险。 展开更多
关键词 身高自适应 双重身份核验 人证合一 无人体温检测
作者 冯勇 冯连元 +1 位作者 王雅欣 何爽 《解放军预防医学杂志》 CAS 2020年第11期111-113,共3页
目的通过监测新型冠状病毒肺炎期间石家庄市幼儿、少儿和青年学生体温并对所监测数据进行校正分析,为新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作提供参考。方法采用方便取样法在石家庄市部分幼儿园和学校选取106名学生作为研究对象,采用水银体温计... 目的通过监测新型冠状病毒肺炎期间石家庄市幼儿、少儿和青年学生体温并对所监测数据进行校正分析,为新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作提供参考。方法采用方便取样法在石家庄市部分幼儿园和学校选取106名学生作为研究对象,采用水银体温计或电子体温仪连续30天对其进行体温监测。结果男性平均体温显著低于女性(P<0.05);水银体温计测量值显著低于电子体温仪测量值(P<0.05);从群体角度分析,106名学生30天体温监测值均在正常范围内,且平均体温比标准体温略有下降,但从个体角度分析,校正后仍有53人次学生在测量期间体温高于37.2℃;通过E公式校正后体温值的较实际测定体温值更适合个体间进行精准比较。结论在新型冠状病毒肺炎期间,对监测体温进行校正更有利于疑似病人的排查。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 体温 体温校正 学生
新生儿移动保暖袋临床应用效果观察 被引量:1
作者 涂晋梅 陈颖茵 +1 位作者 张翠玲 郑彩霞 《现代医院》 2010年第9期80-80,共1页
目的探讨新生儿移动保暖袋对初生新生儿的保暖效果。方法将符合条件的剖宫产婴儿随机分两组,保暖组在回爱婴区后使用自制的移动保暖袋继续复温3h,并与常规对照组进行对比,观察体温值及升温时间的变化。结果治疗组与对照组在体温值及升... 目的探讨新生儿移动保暖袋对初生新生儿的保暖效果。方法将符合条件的剖宫产婴儿随机分两组,保暖组在回爱婴区后使用自制的移动保暖袋继续复温3h,并与常规对照组进行对比,观察体温值及升温时间的变化。结果治疗组与对照组在体温值及升温时间的比较具有显著性差异。结论新生儿移动保暖袋对初生婴儿保暖能起到作用,对预防新生儿发生感染性疾病有着重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 新生儿移动保暖袋 初生婴儿 体温值 保暖方法
术中适时调温策略对膝关节清理术患者影响临床研究 被引量:5
作者 刘梅 齐磊 吴润梅 《中国实验诊断学》 2022年第3期353-356,共4页
目的 分析术中适时调温策略对膝关节清理术中体温的影响,为此类临床患者术中体温管理提供一些借鉴。方法 回顾性分析2018年12月-2019年12月间在成都医学院附属二院416医院进行膝关节清理术的60例患者,依据患者在术中不同的体温管理办法... 目的 分析术中适时调温策略对膝关节清理术中体温的影响,为此类临床患者术中体温管理提供一些借鉴。方法 回顾性分析2018年12月-2019年12月间在成都医学院附属二院416医院进行膝关节清理术的60例患者,依据患者在术中不同的体温管理办法,对照组(30例)患者采用冲洗液加温和常规被动保温措施,观察组(30例)在对照组基础上采取术中适时调温的方法。分别记录两组患者进入手术室后、麻醉诱导后、手术开始时、术中40min、术中80min、术中120min、出手术室时的体温情况,以及患者麻醉苏醒时间。结果 两组患者在术前的一般资料对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);随着手术的进行两组患者体温均不同程度的降低,对照组体温降幅明显大于观察组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);比较两组相互效应、时间效应、组间效应,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);比较两组患者麻醉恢复时间,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 术中适时调温策略对膝关节清理术中患者体温的提高有一定作用,对术后低体温不适反应也有明显改善,且有利于缩短麻醉苏醒时间。 展开更多
关键词 术中适时调温策略 膝关节清理术 体温值 麻醉苏醒时间
1.3μm AlInGaAs Strained Single Quantum Well Laser Diodes with High Characteristic Temperature of 200K 被引量:1
作者 王玉霞 刘春玲 +3 位作者 芦鹏 王勇 曲轶 刘国军 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1912-1915,共4页
A high characteristic temperature (T0) of 200K from a 1.3μm AlInGaAs/AlInAs single-quantum-well laser diode with the asymmetric waveguide layer structure under CW operation at 20 to 80℃ was obtained,which is the b... A high characteristic temperature (T0) of 200K from a 1.3μm AlInGaAs/AlInAs single-quantum-well laser diode with the asymmetric waveguide layer structure under CW operation at 20 to 80℃ was obtained,which is the best result reported in the laser diodes (LDs) of the same active materials structure and emitting wave- length. AllnGaAs as an active layer,therefore,is very promising for the fabrication of long-wavelength LDs with excellent high-temperature performance. It is found that the asymmetric waveguide layer structure can decrease optical absorption and improve the high-temperature performance and catastrophic optical damage threshold of LDs. 展开更多
关键词 semiconductor LDs AllnGaAs characteristic temperature threshold current asymmetricwaveguide layer
Effects of temperatures and pH values on rheological properties of cemented paste backfill 被引量:9
作者 ZHANG Qin-li LI Yi-teng +3 位作者 CHEN Qiu-song LIU Yi-kai FENG Yan WANG Dao-lin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期1707-1723,共17页
In this study,different influence mechanisms associated with temperatures and pH values were investigated through cemented paste backfill(CPB)systems.CPB samples were prepared with temperatures ranging from 10 to 50℃... In this study,different influence mechanisms associated with temperatures and pH values were investigated through cemented paste backfill(CPB)systems.CPB samples were prepared with temperatures ranging from 10 to 50℃ in 10℃ increments and pH values of 3,7,and 13.Then,the CPB mixture were subjected to rheological tests,thermogravimetric analysis(TG),derivative thermogravimetry analysis(DTG),Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR),and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).Results demonstrated that the temperatures had significant effects on the rheological properties of CPB,whereas the effects of pH values were relatively unapparent.Higher temperatures(over 20℃)were prone to bring higher shear stress,yield stress,and apparent viscosity with the same pH value condition.However,an overly high temperature(50℃)cannot raise the apparent viscosity.Non-neutral conditions,for pH values of 3 and 13,could strengthen the shear stress and apparent viscosity at the same temperature.Two different yield stress curves could be discovered by uprising pH values,which also led to apparent viscosity of two various curves under the same temperatures(under 50℃).Microscopically,rheological properties of CPB were affected by temperatures and pH values which enhanced or reduced the cement hydration procedures,rates,products and space structures. 展开更多
关键词 cemented paste backfill(CPB) rheological properties TEMPERATURES pH values cement hydration microscopic analysis
Numerical simulation on melt flow with bubble stirring and temperature field in aluminum holding furnace 被引量:1
作者 张家奇 周乃君 周善红 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1726-1732,共7页
The numerical model for predicting the flow and temperature fields of the melt in holding furnace with porous brick purging system were set up using Euler-Lagrange approach.In this model,bubbles coalescence and disint... The numerical model for predicting the flow and temperature fields of the melt in holding furnace with porous brick purging system were set up using Euler-Lagrange approach.In this model,bubbles coalescence and disintegration were ignored based on the dimensionless analysis,and the bubble size was assumed to be obedient to Rosin-Rammler distribution with a mean size of 0.6 mm.The results show that on reference operating condition,during the heating and agitation process,melt mixes well in the furnace,and the melt velocity increases with the increase of gas flux.Holding the melt for 30 min causes the max temperature in the bulk melt to increase to 60 K.After holding the heat,the agitation processing restarts,and it takes 10 min for the stratified melt to retrieve the homogeneous temperature field when the gas flux is 10 L/min,which shows deficient alloying and degassing in the melt.With the increase of gas flux from 10 to 20,30 and 40 L/min,the necessary recovery time decreases from 10 to 6,5 and 4 min gradually,which shows the improvement of the stirring efficiency.Depending on the processing purposes,for both good degassing performance and gas saving,proper operating strategy and parameters (gas flux,primarily) could be adjusted. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum holding furnace porous brick bubble agitation computational fluid dynamic method
Effects of pH management during deep hypothermic bypass on cerebral oxygenation: alpha-stat versus pH-stat 被引量:9
作者 郦志军 尹小妹 叶箭 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第10期1290-1297,共8页
Objective: There is a remarkable lack of scientific evidence to support the option to use alpha-stat or pH-stat management, as to which is more beneficial to brain protection during deep hypothermic CPB. This study ex... Objective: There is a remarkable lack of scientific evidence to support the option to use alpha-stat or pH-stat management, as to which is more beneficial to brain protection during deep hypothermic CPB. This study examined cortical blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygenation, and brain oxygen consumption in relation to deep hypothermic CPB with alpha-stat or pH-stat management. Methods: Twenty-two pigs were cooled with alpha-stat or pH-stat during CPB to 15℃ esophageal temperature. CBF and cerebral oxygenation were measured continuously with a laser flowmeter and near-infrared spec-troscopy, respectively. Brain oxygen consumption was measured with standard laboratory techniques. Results: During CPB cooling, CBF was significantly decreased, about 52,2%±6.3% (P<0.01 vs 92.6%±6.5% of pH-stat) at 15℃ in alpha-stat, whereas there were no significant changes in CBF in pH-stat. While cooling down, brain oxygen extraction (OER) progressively decreased, about 9.5%±0.9% and 10.9%±1.5% at 15℃ in alpha-stat and pH-stat, respectively. At 31℃ the decreased value in pH-stat was lower than in alpha-stat (29.9%±2.7% vs 22.5%±1.9%; P<0.05). The ratio of CBF/OER were 2.0±0.3 in alpha-stat and pH-stat, respectively; it was kept in constant level in alpha-stat, and significantly increased by 19 ℃ to 15℃ in pH-stat (4.9±0.9 vs 2.3±0.4; P<0.01). In mild hypothermia, cerebral oxyhemoglobin and oxygen saturation in alpha-stat were greater than that in pH-stat (102.5%±1.4% vs 99.1%±0.7%; P<0.05). In deep hypothermia, brain oxygen saturation in pH-stat was greater than that in alpha-stat (99.2%±1.0% vs 93.8%±1.0%; P<0.01), and deoxyhemoglobin in pH-stat decreased more greatly than that in alpha-stat (28.7%±6.8% vs 54.1%±4.7%; P<0.05). Conclusions: In mild hypothermic CPB, brain tissue oxygen saturation was greater in alpha-stat than in pH-stat. However, cerebral oxygenation and brain tissue oxygen saturation were better in pH-stat than in alpha-stat during profound hypothermia. PH-stat strategy provided much more oxygen to brain tissue before deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. 展开更多
关键词 PH management Cerebral oxygenation Deep hypothermia Cardiopulmonary bypass
Effects of groove on behavior of flow between hydro-viscous drive plates 被引量:1
作者 黄家海 范毓润 +1 位作者 邱敏秀 方文敏 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期347-356,共10页
The flow between a grooved and a flat plate was presented to investigate the effects of groove on the behavior of hydro-viscous drive. The flow was solved by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, Fluent. Para... The flow between a grooved and a flat plate was presented to investigate the effects of groove on the behavior of hydro-viscous drive. The flow was solved by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, Fluent. Parameters related to the flow, such as velocity, pressure, temperature, axial force and viscous torque, are obtained. The results show that pressure at the upstream notch is negative, pressure at the downstream notch is positive and pressure along the film thickness is almost the same. Dynamic pressure peak decreases as groove depth or groove number increases, but increases as output rotary speed increases. Consequently, the groove depth is suggested to be around 0.4 mm. Both the groove itself and groove parameters (i.e. groove depth, groove number) have little effect on the flow temperature. Circumferential pressure gradient induced by the groove weakens the viscous torque on the grooved plate (driven plate) greatly. It has little change as the groove depth increases. However, it decreases dramatically as the groove number increases. The experiment results show that the trend of experimental temperature and pressure are the same with numerical results. And the output rotary speed also has relationship with input flow rate and flow temperature. 展开更多
关键词 hydro-viscous drive variable viscosity groove effect numerical calculation
Numerical Simulation of the Non-isothermal Viscoelastic Flow Past a Confined Cylinder 被引量:1
作者 阮春蕾 欧阳洁 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期177-184,共8页
A collocated finite volume method on unstructured meshes is introduced to simulate the viscoelastic flow of the polymer melt with viscous dissipation past a confined cylinder.The constitutive equation for the simulati... A collocated finite volume method on unstructured meshes is introduced to simulate the viscoelastic flow of the polymer melt with viscous dissipation past a confined cylinder.The constitutive equation for the simulations is non-isothermal FENE-P model,which is derived from the molecular theories.The temperature effect on the macroscopic fields(e.g.,velocity,stress) and microscopic fields(e.g.,molecular orientation,deformation,stretch) is investigated by comparison of isothermal and non-isothermal situations.This investigation indicates that temperature rise caused by viscous dissipation should not be neglected since it has significant effect on the macroscopic and microscopic properties of the polymer melt. 展开更多
关键词 NON-ISOTHERMAL FENE-P model unstructured meshes finite volume method cylinder flow
New approach to develop a 3D non-isothermal computational framework for injection molding process based on level set method 被引量:2
作者 Xin Zhuang Jie Ouyang +1 位作者 Chuntao Jiang Qingsheng Liu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期832-842,共11页
The simulation of three-dimensional (3D) non-isothermal, non-Newtonian fluid filling process is an extremely difficult task and remains a challenging problem, which includes polymer melt flow with free surface coupl... The simulation of three-dimensional (3D) non-isothermal, non-Newtonian fluid filling process is an extremely difficult task and remains a challenging problem, which includes polymer melt flow with free surface coupled with transient heat transfer. This paper presents a full 3D non-isothermal two-phase flow model to predict the complex flow in melt filling process, where the Cross-WLF model is applied to characterize the rheological behav- ior of polymer melt. The governing equations are solved using finite volume method with SIMPLEC algorithm on collocated grids and the melt front is accurately captured by a high resolution level set method. A domain exten- sion technique is adopted to deal with the complex cavities, which greatly reduces the computational burden. To verify the validity of the developed 3D approach, the melts filling processes in two thin rectangular cavities (one of them with a cylindrical insert) are simulated. The predicted melt front interfaces are in good agreement with the experiment and commercial software prediction. For a case with a rather complex cavity, the dynamic filling process in a hemispherical shell is successfully simulated. All of the numerical results show that the developed numerical procedure can provide a reasonable orediction for injection molding process. 展开更多
关键词 Injection moldingNon-isothermalFinite voIume/SIMPLEC methodDomain extension techniqueHigh resolution level set method
Combustion characteristics of low concentration coal mine methane in divergent porous media burner
作者 Lin Baiquan Dai Huaming +3 位作者 Wang Chaoqun Li Qingzhao Wang Ke Zheng Yuanzhen 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第5期671-676,共6页
Low-concentration methane(LCM) has been one of the biggest difficulties in using coal mine methane.And previous studies found that premixed combustion in porous media is an effective method of low calorific gas utiliz... Low-concentration methane(LCM) has been one of the biggest difficulties in using coal mine methane.And previous studies found that premixed combustion in porous media is an effective method of low calorific gas utilization. This paper studied the combustion of LCM in a divergent porous medium burner(DPMB) by using computational fluid dynamics(CFD), and investigated the effect of gas initial temperature on combustion characteristic, the distribution of temperature and pollutant at different equivalence ratios in detail. Besides, the comparison of divergent and cylindrical burners was also performed in this paper. The results show that: the peak temperature in DPMB increases as the increasing of equivalence ratio, which is also suitable for the outlet NO discharge; the linear correlation is also discovered between peak temperature and equivalence ratios; NO emission at the initial temperature of 525 K is 5.64 times,larger than NO emission at the initial temperature of 300 K. Thus, it is preferable to balance the effect of thermal efficiency and environment simultaneously when determining the optimal initial temperature range. The working parameter limits of divergent burner are wider than that of cylindrical one which contributes to reducing the influence of LCM concentration and volume fluctuation on combustion. 展开更多
关键词 Divergent porous media Low-concentration methane Premixed combustion Initial temperature
Numerical analysis of magnetization AC losses in high-temperature superconducting slabs subjected to uniform strains 被引量:5
作者 XIA Jing ZHOU YouHe 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期765-772,共8页
High-temperature superconductors in superconductor apparatuses are subjected to mechanical strains under operating conditions.These strains cause the degradation of the critical current densities and influence AC loss... High-temperature superconductors in superconductor apparatuses are subjected to mechanical strains under operating conditions.These strains cause the degradation of the critical current densities and influence AC losses in the superconductors.Based on the dynamic process of thermomagnetic interaction,we report the results of numerical analysis of AC losses in an infinite high-temperature superconducting slab subjected to a uniform in-plane strain in an alternating external magnetic field parallel to the sample surface.The numerical analysis shows the details of electromagnetic phenomena in the slab and the dependences of AC loss on various external parameters including the uniform strain in the slab and the amplitude and frequency of the external magnetic field.In this paper,we find that whether the magnetic field fully penetrates the superconductor is the key factor that influences the features of AC loss.When the magnetic field cannot fully penetrate the superconductor,the loss rises with increasing strain or decreasing frequency.When the magnetic field can fully penetrate the superconductor,the feature is just opposite.We also analyze the effects of periodic strain on AC loss.It is interesting to find that when the periodic strain frequency equals the external magnetic field frequency,the AC loss reaches the maximum,regardless if the magnetic field fully penetrates the superconductor or not. 展开更多
关键词 high-temperature superconducting slab AC loss strain
Study of the effects of mild hypothermia on cerebral PO_2, PCO_2 and pH and body temperature in patients with acute severe head injury 被引量:2
作者 贾军 林源泉 +4 位作者 刘文峰 钟天安 张浚 叶宇 许亦群 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2005年第3期138-141,共4页
Objective: To study the effects of mild hypothermia on cerebral oxygen partial pressure, carbon dioxide partial pressure, pH and body temperature (PbrO2, PbrCO2, pHbr and BT) in patients with acute severe head injur... Objective: To study the effects of mild hypothermia on cerebral oxygen partial pressure, carbon dioxide partial pressure, pH and body temperature (PbrO2, PbrCO2, pHbr and BT) in patients with acute severe head injury. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with acute severe head injury were treated with mild hypothermia, meantime PbrO2, PbrCO2, pHbr and BT were monitored in order to study the changes of PbrO2, PbrCO2, pHbr and BT. Results: In patients with acute head injury, mild hypothermia obviously increased PbrO2, decreased PbrCO2 and CO2 accumulation and acidosis in brain tissue. BT was 1℃-(1.5)℃ higher than rectal temperature(RT) after injury. The BT and RT were decreased when the patients were treated with mild hypothermia, but at the same time the difference between BT and RT was increased. Conclusions: In patients with acute severe head injury the direct monitoring of PbrO2, PbrCO2, pHbr and BT was safe and reliable, and is helpful in estimating prognosis and mild hypothermia therapy. 展开更多
关键词 HEAD Wounds and injuries Mild hypothermia
Temperature characteristics of near infrared SPR sen sors with Kretschmann configuration
作者 田应鸿 郜洪云 +1 位作者 吴紫薇 黎敏 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2015年第3期191-194,共4页
The temperature characteristics of near infrared surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors with Kretschmann configuration are studied theoretically and experimentally. The experimental results match with the numerical... The temperature characteristics of near infrared surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors with Kretschmann configuration are studied theoretically and experimentally. The experimental results match with the numerical simulations in the temperature range from 10 ℃ to 40.℃. With the increase of temperature, the resonance angle for gas increases slightly, but that for aqueous solution decreases obviously. No matter the dielectric layer is gas or aqueous solution, the resonance peaks are both broadened. 展开更多
关键词 Infrared devices RESONANCE SOLUTIONS
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