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作者 林雅 《科教文汇》 2011年第25期116-117,共2页
我们在探究如何提高体职院学生的英语教学效果的时候,不仅要注意教材、教法、工具手段,也应该重视评价方式。而形成性评价对改善英语课的教学活动效果起着重要的作用。本文以浙江体育职业技术学院的竞技体育专业的学生为范例,分析了如... 我们在探究如何提高体职院学生的英语教学效果的时候,不仅要注意教材、教法、工具手段,也应该重视评价方式。而形成性评价对改善英语课的教学活动效果起着重要的作用。本文以浙江体育职业技术学院的竞技体育专业的学生为范例,分析了如何在体职院的英语课堂上运用形成性评价的方式来促进学生参与各种课堂交际活动和小组合作活动的积极性。 展开更多
关键词 形成性评价 教学活动 体职
作者 贾玉军 《中国电子商务》 2014年第6期77-77,共1页
关键词 用电监察员 体职 合格
作者 高丽琼 龙晓燕 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2016年第18期63-63,共1页
关键词 体职 安全保卫专业 课程改革
作者 高鹏 朱冕硕 刘晨 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2017年第35期204-204,共1页
对于退役运动员的安置问题, 要遵照 “授人以鱼不如授人以渔” 的原则, 以教育和培训为主导. 云南体育运动职业技术学院自2011年以来创新性地开展有关云南省退役运动员职业培训的基础课程研究的工作, 探索出了一套相对来说较科学系统的... 对于退役运动员的安置问题, 要遵照 “授人以鱼不如授人以渔” 的原则, 以教育和培训为主导. 云南体育运动职业技术学院自2011年以来创新性地开展有关云南省退役运动员职业培训的基础课程研究的工作, 探索出了一套相对来说较科学系统的退役运动员职业培训课程模式, 为退役运动员的就业教育提供社会依据和实践经验, 为退役运动员的自主择业指明了方向. 展开更多
关键词 云南体职学院 退役运动员 业培训课程
“职体结合”培养竞技体育人才的研究 被引量:1
作者 史衍 《运动》 2013年第18期10-12,共3页
本文以科学发展观为理论指导,采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、数理统计和逻辑分析等研究方法,分析了我国运动员文化教育、社会就业环境以及职业教育发展等方面存在的机遇与挑战,揭示了运动员再就业困难的根本原因,并结合当前我国劳... 本文以科学发展观为理论指导,采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、数理统计和逻辑分析等研究方法,分析了我国运动员文化教育、社会就业环境以及职业教育发展等方面存在的机遇与挑战,揭示了运动员再就业困难的根本原因,并结合当前我国劳动力市场建设的需要提出了构建"职体结合"新体系的理论假说。 展开更多
关键词 竞技 结合” 人才培养 再就业
作者 赵玲玲 《运动-休闲(大众体育)》 2021年第6期230-230,237,共2页
没有全民健康,就没有全面小康。在教育层面,实现全民健康的重要途径就是体育。普通院校倡导“体教融合”,职业院校的经验教学有其自身的特点和要求,如果能根据职业院校的专业特点,采取“体职融合”的体育课程改革模式,那么学生对职业的... 没有全民健康,就没有全面小康。在教育层面,实现全民健康的重要途径就是体育。普通院校倡导“体教融合”,职业院校的经验教学有其自身的特点和要求,如果能根据职业院校的专业特点,采取“体职融合”的体育课程改革模式,那么学生对职业的任职和专业的提升,将起到事半功倍的效果,上海邦德职业技术学院现代服务业专业“体职融合”的改革尝试,能充分说明这一点。 展开更多
关键词 业院校 体职融合 实用 训练
作者 郑俊俊 王钢 李云卿 《冰雪体育创新研究》 2021年第14期20-21,共2页
近年来,随着我国体职院专业课程改革和教师专业发展的不断深化,教学评价已逐步成为体职院教师教学活动的基础。教学评价作为教师专业能力重要组成部分之一,在有效推动学生学业提升和教师专业能力上发挥了重要的作用。因此,该文围绕新形... 近年来,随着我国体职院专业课程改革和教师专业发展的不断深化,教学评价已逐步成为体职院教师教学活动的基础。教学评价作为教师专业能力重要组成部分之一,在有效推动学生学业提升和教师专业能力上发挥了重要的作用。因此,该文围绕新形势工匠精神背景下专业课教师教学评价素养的国内外现状、必要性和重要性,并针对体职院校专业教师教学评价素养的提升提出了几点建议,希望本研究有利于推进体职院教师评价素养学科化和提升专业教师教学能力。 展开更多
关键词 体职 工匠精神 评价素养 专业教师
作者 尹林涛 梅蕊 李会 《学园》 2016年第36期13-17,共5页
关键词 科隆育大学 云南体职 特色启示
作者 程勇 《军事体育进修学院学报》 2013年第1期64-66,共3页
4×10 m往返跑是人民警察入职体测中的必测项目,其技术动作包括起跑加速、急停、换取木块、转身加速等环节。通过测试成绩与分析技术特点认为:受测者应根据自身能力特点确定适合的起跑姿势并采用合理加速技术迅速起跑提速;形成右脚... 4×10 m往返跑是人民警察入职体测中的必测项目,其技术动作包括起跑加速、急停、换取木块、转身加速等环节。通过测试成绩与分析技术特点认为:受测者应根据自身能力特点确定适合的起跑姿势并采用合理加速技术迅速起跑提速;形成右脚在前制动,身体侧对端线的急停姿势;运用稳定性较强的双手同时换取木块技术以提高成绩;并在有效急停和换取木块基础上,完成同步转身和加速动作。 展开更多
关键词 4×10m往返跑 技术特点分析
作者 田海英 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期125-126,共2页
我国教育体制改革已经取得了不小的进展,进入新时期,美术职业教育正处于机遇和挑战并存的时代。美术职业教育是职业教育的重要组成部分,每年为我国培养大量各类美术专业人才。在市场经济体制下,用人单位对美术专业人才的要求越来越... 我国教育体制改革已经取得了不小的进展,进入新时期,美术职业教育正处于机遇和挑战并存的时代。美术职业教育是职业教育的重要组成部分,每年为我国培养大量各类美术专业人才。在市场经济体制下,用人单位对美术专业人才的要求越来越高,培养创造性美术人才显得尤为重要。笔者就本人多年教学经验,浅要分析我国美术职业教育在新时期面临的机遇和挑战各有哪些,并指出几点解决措施(本文原刊于《理论探讨》杂志2013年8月刊)。 展开更多
关键词 美术 教育 机遇 挑战
Versatile Leadership, LVI and Their Application in Skoda Auto a.s.
作者 Karel Pavlica Robert B. Kaiser Eva Jarosova 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第12期1181-1190,共10页
The paper starts with a presentation of the versatile leadership model developed by Kaplan and Kaiser and of their 360 feedback tool Leadership Versatility Index (LVI). Versatility can be generally defined as a mast... The paper starts with a presentation of the versatile leadership model developed by Kaplan and Kaiser and of their 360 feedback tool Leadership Versatility Index (LVI). Versatility can be generally defined as a mastery of opposites, as the ability to play multiple roles, even contradictory ones, without emphasizing some at the expense of others. The LVI has been designed to help managers understand their repertoire and how they can become more versatile leaders. It employs an innovative rating scale on which ideal score "0" is in the middle of it (the right amount), flanked by underdoing to the left (too little) and overdoing to the right (too much). The idea is to avoid the "more is better" design trap by providing a way for raters to indicate when managers go to counterproductive extremes. The LVI works with two-sided view of leadership based on two major pairs of opposites: directive vs. supportive leadership and execution vs. strategy. Interventions based on the LVI results help to overcome traditional behaviorism as they combine the outer work (behavioral change) with the inner work (personal change) of development. Application of the LV1 on a sample of the managers from Skoda Auto a.s. and verification of its practical value represented the core of the SAVS IGA project MM/O7/02. The last part of the paper is devoted to a presentation of the findings from this project. The LVI has been found to be both original and a very useful 360 feedback tool which can be addressed to two general groups of clients: (1) experienced senior managers; and (2) young perspective managers in the beginning of their career. 展开更多
关键词 versatilty LEADERSHIP leadership versatility index 360-degree feedback curvilinear scale personaldevelopment
Questioning the Media: The Role of Yemeni Media in the Youth Revolution
作者 Abdulrahman M. A1-Shami 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第7期443-451,共9页
This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic p... This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic practices. The article argues that NTC coverage for this revolution sometimes goes beyond informing people to other forms of propaganda. It concludes that professional and ethical media performance would better serve the interests of Yemeni audiences, including their desire for bringing change. Moreover, ownership is not the only issue when it comes to free press and the right to communication. However, establishing a stable system for media performance based on consensual rules on one hand, and professionalism and ethics, on the other, is fundamental for media reform in Yemen. 展开更多
关键词 "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution" Arab Spring Friday of Dignity squares of change propaganda devices
Core of HR Strategy: System Thinking and HRM
作者 Gurhan Uysal 《Management Studies》 2017年第6期541-544,共4页
Research topic of study is to explore system approach in strategic HRM field. Assumption of study is that, strategic HRM may be applied in organizations by HR system set. In USA literature HPWS represents HR system th... Research topic of study is to explore system approach in strategic HRM field. Assumption of study is that, strategic HRM may be applied in organizations by HR system set. In USA literature HPWS represents HR system thinking. This study explores HR system thinking in human resource management. Second assumption of study is that, HR manager must have system approach in HRM. HRM practices are applied through individual in HRM; however, HRM practices are applied through interrelation in SHRM to have more impact on performance. HR system is bundle, according to MacDuffie's study (1995). In addition, Huselid (1997) suggests application of HPWS in HR system. Study adopts case study methodology. Methods are career management system and performance management system. Research question is how a firm sets an HR system and strategic HRM in its organizational structure. Main conclusion is that HR systems might be applied in organizations through interrelated HRM practices. To achieve this purpose, HR manager must have HR system thinking in application of HRM. 展开更多
关键词 HR system HPWS interrelated HRM practices PERFORMANCE MacDuffie Huselid
The Nigerian Press, Brown Envelope Syndrome (BES) and Media Professionalism: The Missing Link
作者 Nnamdi T. Ekeanyanwu Nkechi Obianigwe 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第4期514-529,共16页
Brown envelop syndrome (BES) has remained a controversial issue in any debate centred on the Nigerian press, media professionalism and media ethics. It is one of the major setbacks of media growth in Nigeria. BES is... Brown envelop syndrome (BES) has remained a controversial issue in any debate centred on the Nigerian press, media professionalism and media ethics. It is one of the major setbacks of media growth in Nigeria. BES is a system whereby journalists collect money or other material gifts from news sources, company executives or event organizers to cover such events and probably give it the wildest publicity as the case may be. It symbolizes the rot that has plagued the Nigerian media industry since the early 1980s to date. This paper therefore builds from an empirical study by the same authors, as well as literature materials to argue that media professionalism and the enforcement of the various ethical codes that preach professionalism are the practical ways to ensure ethical conduct and behaviour amongst journalists and other categories of media practitioners, especially in Nigeria where these are missing. This, according to the paper, is the missing link in the quest to rid the media industry in Nigeria from the monster called BES. 展开更多
关键词 brown envelop syndrome (BES) media ethics media professionalism ethical codes journalists Nigerian press/media
Discussion on the Pathways for Cooperative building of Vocational Education Platforms
作者 Zhao Guoming Guo Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期97-99,共3页
the enactment of Planning for Modem Vocational Education System (2014-2020) [[2014] No. 6 of MOE] declares the development of vocational education in China has entered a new historical stage. The development of voca... the enactment of Planning for Modem Vocational Education System (2014-2020) [[2014] No. 6 of MOE] declares the development of vocational education in China has entered a new historical stage. The development of vocational education, after being elevated to the level of national strategy, will inevitably imply that the existing resources for vocational education must be effectively integrated. To improve the quality of vocational educational institutions, enhance social service levels of vocational institutions and provide smooth career paths for professional talents, are the main goal of vocational education in the future. Since innovative education system for vocational institutions is the inevitabl choice to achieve the above development goal, to innovate the educational system by way of cooperative building of vocational education platforms is the inevitable requirement upon the development of vocational education. 展开更多
关键词 vocational education platform institutional innovation convergence between secondary and higher vocational education personnel training channels social services
Research and Discussion on Project Cluster Teaching Mode based on the Enterprise Level Application
作者 Wenling Gao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期66-68,共3页
Currently, the country promotes with great effort the university should the application specific education, speeds up constructing to take getting employed as the guidance modern vocational education system. In order ... Currently, the country promotes with great effort the university should the application specific education, speeds up constructing to take getting employed as the guidance modern vocational education system. In order to strengthen the vocational skill ability of student and enhance the employment competitiveness, this article proposes enterprise application-based project colony educational model. In the teaching process, the school subject knowledge education and business skills needs of the enterprise integration, the use of enterprise program teaching, so that students can not only receive professional knowledge of the system education, but also the ability of professional application of formal training and training, after graduation the students can quickly adapt to the work of the business requirements, to achieve the purpose of application-oriented teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Enterprise Level Application Project Cluster Teaching Mode
Innovative Construction of Employment-oriented Two-year Vocational English Teaching System
作者 Guopeng Zhao Bingbing Shi 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期71-73,共3页
This paper by analyzing the current situation and problems in China's current two-year vocational college English teaching system, employment-oriented focuses on developing students' professional competence jobs for... This paper by analyzing the current situation and problems in China's current two-year vocational college English teaching system, employment-oriented focuses on developing students' professional competence jobs for Reconstruction and innovative two-year vocational college English teaching system reform ideas, curriculum segments, curriculum construction, teaching design, teaching evalua-tion model and extracurricular teaching supplement five in-depth discussions, in order to make it more effective, science, flexibility and professional relevance, and lay a good foundation for English language students' future employment and real work. 展开更多
关键词 Vocational Colleges Two-Year System College English Teaching System INNOVATION
Study on the Employment-oriented Teaching Quality Management System of Higher Vocational Colleges
作者 Zhe JI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期87-89,共3页
In this paper, the general idea and quality assurance for the teaching quality management system of higher vocational colleges are proposed. A teaching quality management system for higher vocational colleges is const... In this paper, the general idea and quality assurance for the teaching quality management system of higher vocational colleges are proposed. A teaching quality management system for higher vocational colleges is constructed and studied to help these schools clearly know the development ideas and accordingly improve the core school competitiveness, and eventually promote a continuous long-term development. 展开更多
关键词 Employment-orientation Higher Vocational Colleges Teaching Quality Management
Adult to adult living related liver transplantation: Where do we currently stand?
作者 Erica M Carlisle Giuliano Testa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第46期6729-6736,共8页
Adult to adult living donor liver transplantation (AALDLT) was first preformed in the United States in 1997. The procedure was rapidly integrated into clinical practice, but in 2002, possibly due to the first widely p... Adult to adult living donor liver transplantation (AALDLT) was first preformed in the United States in 1997. The procedure was rapidly integrated into clinical practice, but in 2002, possibly due to the first widely publicized donor death, the number of living liver donors plummeted. The number of donors has since reached a steady plateau far below its initial peak. In this review we evaluate the current climate of AALDLT. Specifically, we focus on several issues key to the success of AALDLT: determining the optimal indications for AALDLT, balancing graft size and donor safety, assuring adequate outflow, minimizing biliary complications, and maintaining ethical practices. We conclude by offering suggestions for the future of AALDLT in United States transplantation centers. 展开更多
关键词 Adult to adult living donor liver transplantation Outflow Graft size Liver failure Ethics Biliary complications
Research on typical problems and the development strategies of the institutional pension
作者 NI Qiang 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期57-59,共3页
As an important support of socialized pension service system, institutional pension plays an important role in satisfying the needs of the elderly. Based on the analysis of the present situation and the typical proble... As an important support of socialized pension service system, institutional pension plays an important role in satisfying the needs of the elderly. Based on the analysis of the present situation and the typical problems of the development of the institutional pension service in Shanghai in recent years, the paper puts forward the pertinent suggestions from the aspects of the allocation of the aged resources, the transformation of the government functions, the standardization of the old-age service, the talent incentive and the medical reimbursement. 展开更多
关键词 Institutional Pension Typical Problems The development Strategies
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