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宁波市体育家教发展现状、问题及方向 被引量:2
作者 朱双双 霍磊 《浙江体育科学》 2017年第4期28-32,共5页
全民健身浪潮以及"体育中考"这个综合体的政策指挥棒,已成为推动"体育家教"发展的方向标。论文采用问卷调查、个别访谈等研究方法,选取宁波市江北、北仑、海曙、鄞州四个市区接受体育家教的中小学生及部分培训机构... 全民健身浪潮以及"体育中考"这个综合体的政策指挥棒,已成为推动"体育家教"发展的方向标。论文采用问卷调查、个别访谈等研究方法,选取宁波市江北、北仑、海曙、鄞州四个市区接受体育家教的中小学生及部分培训机构为调查对象。研究结果:体育家教呈现出以"体育中考"升学考试为参与动机等多元化发展趋势;培训内容以体育中考项目为主,培训模式惯用"小班化"。存在的问题:缺乏市场培训收费标准;师资执教资格认定存在漏洞。并由此提出了体育家教未来发展的方向:建立系统化的体育家教培训收费标准;完善师资执教资格认定工作;建立健全监督与管理体系。 展开更多
关键词 全民健身 体育家教 体育中考
“体育家教走俏市场”现象的原因剖析 被引量:3
作者 梁浩波 《山西师大体育学院学报》 2010年第6期66-68,共3页
关键词 体育家教 走俏现象 原因剖析
浅议体育家教 被引量:1
作者 许世云 《体育师友》 2006年第3期40-41,共2页
关键词 体育家教 家庭教育 运动习惯 体育锻炼
浙江省体育家教现状调查与思考 被引量:2
作者 方舒君 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2012年第1期96-101,共6页
通过文献资料法、问卷调查、访谈法等研究方法,对浙江省体育家教主体的动机、内容、时段、收费情况及体育家教的机构、教学师资等内容进行调查和分析。结果表明:体育家教的动机主要是为了升学考试,并呈现多元化趋势;体育家教内容以中考... 通过文献资料法、问卷调查、访谈法等研究方法,对浙江省体育家教主体的动机、内容、时段、收费情况及体育家教的机构、教学师资等内容进行调查和分析。结果表明:体育家教的动机主要是为了升学考试,并呈现多元化趋势;体育家教内容以中考项目为主;教学模式小班化。政府对体育家教市场管理呈现多重、交叉、重叠管理现象,黑市体育家教、地下体育家教经营者占多数;行业市场准入限制形同虚设,组织、管理、监督机制匮乏,价格混乱,收费标准不一等等情况。在此基础上,对体育家教经营的合法性、体育家教教学资质问题和税收问题进行探讨,提出相应的对策来规范体育家教市场。 展开更多
关键词 浙江 体育 体育家教 现状
作者 吴旭东 《湖州师范学院学报》 2013年第3期82-86,共5页
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,在对我国青少儿体能水平、运动技能现状做基本判断的基础上,将青少儿体育定义为:青少儿以参与运动技能学练、运动健身和运动竞技娱乐为基本手段,提高自身运动健身的能力,强化、优化身心素质为直接目标的实... 运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,在对我国青少儿体能水平、运动技能现状做基本判断的基础上,将青少儿体育定义为:青少儿以参与运动技能学练、运动健身和运动竞技娱乐为基本手段,提高自身运动健身的能力,强化、优化身心素质为直接目标的实践活动.指出青少儿体育制约的瓶颈是学校体育不充分,且"针对身体"不足和社区体育缺失教导,阐释了"体育家教"的概念,明确了青少儿体育"加强什么"、"谁来加强"、"在哪儿加强"的问题,提出"体育家教"是加强青少儿体育的重要基础和途径,并确立了"体育家教"的目标内容. 展开更多
关键词 青少儿体育 体育家教 家庭教育 重要基础 途径
作者 许志琳 《襄樊学院学报》 1999年第5期78-80,共3页
关键词 儿童 体育家教 体育锻炼
《今日教育》 2008年第3期5-5,共1页
关键词 体育家教 上海市 中考 家长 专家 体育成绩 考试方案 教委
作者 梁璇 《内蒙古教育(B)》 2016年第5期1-1,共1页
“跪求引体向上训练方法!楼主只能拉一两个,只有一个月了!”“求经验!还有15天中考,长跑还差15秒才满分,现在练还来得及吗?”每年4月,全国各地的体育中考陆续开始,在和体育中考相关的论坛中,“初二三党”企图“临时抱佛脚”的帖... “跪求引体向上训练方法!楼主只能拉一两个,只有一个月了!”“求经验!还有15天中考,长跑还差15秒才满分,现在练还来得及吗?”每年4月,全国各地的体育中考陆续开始,在和体育中考相关的论坛中,“初二三党”企图“临时抱佛脚”的帖子最多.而评论中除了表达共鸣的回复,还有各大培训机构的广告链接。 展开更多
关键词 体育家教 分数 训练方法 引体向上 培训机构 中考 初二
作者 郭平 《拳击与格斗》 2020年第4期104-104,共1页
本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对体育家教热视域下我国中小学体育课程问题进行研究,得出以下结果:(1)体育课程训练项目单一;(2)考核方式死板;(3)受制于体育中考。以上三点是造成这个现象的原因。分析得出结论:(1)我国现行中小学体育... 本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对体育家教热视域下我国中小学体育课程问题进行研究,得出以下结果:(1)体育课程训练项目单一;(2)考核方式死板;(3)受制于体育中考。以上三点是造成这个现象的原因。分析得出结论:(1)我国现行中小学体育课程扼杀了体育的育人功能;(2)忽视了学生的运动兴趣,也背离了体育课程标准以学生为主、强调主动参与的精神。提出以下建议:(1)完善中考体育项目;(2)增加体育课程平时考核项目。以期丰富我国中小学体育课程理论,推动我国中小学体育课程建设。 展开更多
关键词 体育家教 中小学体育课程
作者 赖剑华 《黄金时代(下半月)》 2009年第1期15-16,共2页
分值增加,体育家教应运而生 自从2008年中考体育分数在中考总分中的份量升至60分的分值以来,广州市的一些家长由于担心孩子无法顺利通过体测,不得不临时抱佛脚为孩子进行“体育进补”。他们不惜重金请来私人教练,专为中考体育而开... 分值增加,体育家教应运而生 自从2008年中考体育分数在中考总分中的份量升至60分的分值以来,广州市的一些家长由于担心孩子无法顺利通过体测,不得不临时抱佛脚为孩子进行“体育进补”。他们不惜重金请来私人教练,专为中考体育而开的体育家教因此应运而生。深圳、珠海等市也有类似情况,体育家教在珠三角各大城市方兴未艾。 展开更多
关键词 体育家教 中考 私人教练 广州市 大城市 珠三角 分值 孩子
《少年大世界(初中生)》 2011年第4期4-7,共4页
请个家教辅导功课,早已不是什幺新鲜事儿,但是找个“体育家教”陪自己玩,很多人可能还是第一次听说。这些家教不教授文化课知识,而是陪同学生打篮球、踢足球、玩武术、练游泳……内容五花八门。每周2~3次课,基本形式都是一对一,... 请个家教辅导功课,早已不是什幺新鲜事儿,但是找个“体育家教”陪自己玩,很多人可能还是第一次听说。这些家教不教授文化课知识,而是陪同学生打篮球、踢足球、玩武术、练游泳……内容五花八门。每周2~3次课,基本形式都是一对一,每次课的收费少则百元,多则数百元。 展开更多
关键词 体育家教 文化课 一对一 教授 学生
作者 王纯 《人民周刊》 2017年第22期44-45,共2页
家住北京通州区的廖女士最近给儿子报了体育补习班,并准备在下周六开始上课。"为了迎接明年的中考,我打算给孩子补补体育。"廖女士告诉记者,她身边有个朋友的儿子也请了"体育家教",一周上一次课,在每周末练两个小时,主要练跑步和篮... 家住北京通州区的廖女士最近给儿子报了体育补习班,并准备在下周六开始上课。"为了迎接明年的中考,我打算给孩子补补体育。"廖女士告诉记者,她身边有个朋友的儿子也请了"体育家教",一周上一次课,在每周末练两个小时,主要练跑步和篮球。有个同事的孩子今年中考,这个本来体能较差的孩子考了57分(满分60分)。" 展开更多
关键词 体育家教 培训机构 中考 北京通州区 补习班 孩子 女士 上课
作者 曹灿辉 《湖南教育(下旬)(C)》 2016年第4期14-14,共1页
成都市体育中考将在4月内完成,人人都想拿到50分的满分,学生们也开始"打急抓",进行针对性训练。专业的体育教练"供不应求",每天夜间、周末都排满了课。请体育家教通常为2小时1课时,花费在80~500元不等。(4月7日华西都市报)其实,... 成都市体育中考将在4月内完成,人人都想拿到50分的满分,学生们也开始"打急抓",进行针对性训练。专业的体育教练"供不应求",每天夜间、周末都排满了课。请体育家教通常为2小时1课时,花费在80~500元不等。(4月7日华西都市报)其实,不光是成都市,其他地方的家长在中考前为孩子请家教"恶补"体育的情况也不在少数。 展开更多
关键词 体育教练 中考 本意 体育家教 针对性训练 华西都市报 供不应求 成都市
Changes of Wage Structures in Chinese Public and Private Sectors: 1995-2007 被引量:1
作者 Xinxin Ma 《Management Studies》 2016年第6期243-255,共13页
Using CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project Survey) data and the sample selection bias corrected wage function model, this paper estimated changes in wage structure in China by ownership types (SOEs, COEs, FEs, an... Using CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project Survey) data and the sample selection bias corrected wage function model, this paper estimated changes in wage structure in China by ownership types (SOEs, COEs, FEs, and PEs) in 1995 and 2007. The major conclusions are as follows. First, effects of education on wage levels in SOEs and FEs become greater, while education effects decrease in SOEs and PEs under economic transition periods; firm-specific human capital becomes more important in the wage determination mechanism along with market-oriented reforms in SOEs, PEs, and FEs; age effect decreases in SOEs and COEs, but it becomes greater in PEs and FEs. Second, there exist wage structure differences between sectors by wage distributions. For example, in 2007, in SOEs, education return rates are higher for the low-wage and middle-wage groups, and the effect is the highest at the 40th percentile. However in COEs and FEs, education return rates are higher for the high-wage groups, and the effect is the highest at the 70th percentile in COEs and at the 70th percentile in FEs. Tenure effects are greater in the middle-wage groups (40th-80th) in SOEs, COEs, and FEs, and age effects are greater in the low-wage groups (5th-30th) in SOEs, FEs, and PEs. 展开更多
关键词 public and private sectors wage structure human capital Chinese economic transition
Design Towards a Creative Industry for the Latin American Reality
作者 Alej andra Elena Marinaro Romina Alicia Flores 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期242-254,共13页
The duty of educators and politicians is to find new policies and programs that should include creative industries such as designing, together with the teaching of new technologies to make it possible for a greater po... The duty of educators and politicians is to find new policies and programs that should include creative industries such as designing, together with the teaching of new technologies to make it possible for a greater portion of the population to have access to this knowledge, which will enable it to be included in the job market. This type of training also means that the language of the educators will change .We need to develop a new multilinguistic, multimedia, and multidisciplinary conception oriented towards the learning activities of the student. Our goals is to transform multimedia design into an important creative industry in our region, we created "Project Untitled" at Universidad Maimonides. This is an artistic collective undertaking that includes teachers, directors, and students of the School of Multimedia Communication and Design. The goal of this project is to cooperate with learning paradigms in order to reach the quality that a true society of knowledge needs. Education is fundamental for the development of any nation, including the "periphery countries", which can contribute a different point of view, and which, in this sense, can offer wider possibilities, precisely because these countries have the "critical distance" that, probably, core countries are short of. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION interactive installations interactive design EDUCATION digital art CREATIVITY human resources
Discussion on the Pathways for Cooperative building of Vocational Education Platforms
作者 Zhao Guoming Guo Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期97-99,共3页
the enactment of Planning for Modem Vocational Education System (2014-2020) [[2014] No. 6 of MOE] declares the development of vocational education in China has entered a new historical stage. The development of voca... the enactment of Planning for Modem Vocational Education System (2014-2020) [[2014] No. 6 of MOE] declares the development of vocational education in China has entered a new historical stage. The development of vocational education, after being elevated to the level of national strategy, will inevitably imply that the existing resources for vocational education must be effectively integrated. To improve the quality of vocational educational institutions, enhance social service levels of vocational institutions and provide smooth career paths for professional talents, are the main goal of vocational education in the future. Since innovative education system for vocational institutions is the inevitabl choice to achieve the above development goal, to innovate the educational system by way of cooperative building of vocational education platforms is the inevitable requirement upon the development of vocational education. 展开更多
关键词 vocational education platform institutional innovation convergence between secondary and higher vocational education personnel training channels social services
Physical (Bodily) Contact Among Parents and Children in the Context of Family Upbringing. Religious Education Approach--Case Study
作者 Maria Rantzou 《Sociology Study》 2014年第4期298-315,共18页
Physical (bodily) contact among children and parents every day varies and its effect relates to the all-round personality development of the child. The purpose of this study is to present the attitudes and opinions ... Physical (bodily) contact among children and parents every day varies and its effect relates to the all-round personality development of the child. The purpose of this study is to present the attitudes and opinions of sixth-grade elementary students with regard to how parents interact with them physically as well as how the children would like the corresponding interaction with their parents to develop. The methodology was based on a case study. Data collection was conducted via a questionnaire with closed questions, which was distributed in person to sixth-grade students at two primary schools in the prefecture of Thessaloniki. Some results of the study indicate that more often children positively receive the ways in which their parents interact with them physically and desire physical contact with their parents even at this age. The involvement of parents and children in the sacramental life of the church seems to have a positive effect on physical contact among them. Gradually, however, children distance themselves from their parents as they enter puberty and seek physical contact with their parents selectively and only on special occasions such as their birthdays. 展开更多
关键词 Physical (bodily) contact non verbal communication PARENTS sacramental life
China Institute of Metrology's Educational Model for Standardization
作者 Yang Youhong 《China Standardization》 2010年第1期15-21,共7页
Education and training in standardization are the basic guarantee for both the implementation of national strategies of standardization and the construction of a national system of standards. As a typical organization... Education and training in standardization are the basic guarantee for both the implementation of national strategies of standardization and the construction of a national system of standards. As a typical organization representing Chinese universities providing standardization education, China Jiliang University has made remarkable achievements in the educational process. This paper analyzes the current educational status of standardization in China Jiliang University, summarizing the characteristics of its education of standardization and highlighting issues existing in the process of education and training. Based on all of these, related countermeasures and the future development pattern for the education of standardization in China Jiliang University are proposed in the paper, from which the future trends for education of standardization in Chinese universities can be predicted. 展开更多
关键词 China Jiliang University education of standardization training mode
The Analysis on social determinants of health of the floating population
作者 Yicheng ZHOU Benhui Shi +1 位作者 Zhenzhong Deng Qiangbin LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期10-12,共3页
Health literacy refers to the individual obtaining and understanding and dealing with the basic health information and/or services and the ability of use the information and services to make good health decisions.At p... Health literacy refers to the individual obtaining and understanding and dealing with the basic health information and/or services and the ability of use the information and services to make good health decisions.At present, research works related to health literacy in our country are in the initial stage, the information of floating population health literacy is blank, the Chinese Health Education Center (formerly the Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Center Health Education) Ministry of Social welfare studies undertaken special "Chinese public health Literacy survey and evaluation System "to develop a suitable evaluation index system of health literacy of the public, used for evaluation of our country' s public health literacy level. October to December 2007, the Chinese health education center of this set of evaluation index in Jinan Shandong province examines the health literacy status of floating population, analysis the influence factors of health literacy of the floating population, for the national macroeconomic regulation and control of the floating population, the rational allocation of health resources, determine priority health work, and provide evidence for health related policies and regulations of the floating population. 展开更多
关键词 floating population HEALTH social determinants DISEASE
作者 杜婕 《中国名牌》 2001年第9期44-49,共6页
关键词 中国 体育产业 体育家教 品牌 资本市场
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