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美国健康与体育教育者学会历史演进及启示 被引量:2
作者 刘会平 程传银 《体育文化导刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期140-144,154,共6页
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对美国健康与体育教育者学会的演进历程进行梳理,探析其运作模式及社会功能,为我国体育科学组织的发展与运作提供参考。研究认为:体育领域知识日新月异,体育科学组织可以成为生产和交流体育科学知识的优质平... 运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对美国健康与体育教育者学会的演进历程进行梳理,探析其运作模式及社会功能,为我国体育科学组织的发展与运作提供参考。研究认为:体育领域知识日新月异,体育科学组织可以成为生产和交流体育科学知识的优质平台;运用"资源依赖理论"进行区域整合与业务合作,成立体育组织联盟或地区性组织可有效进行资源共享;体育科学组织应与学校合作开办研究机构或工作坊,提升健康与体育教育者的专业素养;应充分发挥体育科学组织等社会体育团体功能,通过社会力量切实提升全民科学健身质量,助力健康中国建设。 展开更多
关键词 体育教育 体育科学组织 SHAPE AMERICA 美国健康与体育教育者学会
作者 王俊 康冬 《四川体育科学》 2021年第1期55-57,共3页
“纯粹体育”思想是对于体育本真的追寻探求,是在社会深刻变革的今天,对于体育在学校体育发展中的思想回归思考。文章通过文献查阅,分析了当前体育发展出现的体育课程难以保质保量、研究领域泛化、社会对于体育认知偏差等问题,提出体育... “纯粹体育”思想是对于体育本真的追寻探求,是在社会深刻变革的今天,对于体育在学校体育发展中的思想回归思考。文章通过文献查阅,分析了当前体育发展出现的体育课程难以保质保量、研究领域泛化、社会对于体育认知偏差等问题,提出体育教育者的初心使命与“纯粹体育”思想内涵一脉相承,体育的深度发展离不开坚守“纯粹体育”思想的体育教育者,学生的德智体美劳全面发展和人格塑造离不开“纯粹体育”思想的指导。 展开更多
关键词 “纯粹体育”思想 体育教育者 初心使命
国际体育教师教育者研究及启示 被引量:7
作者 张波 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期61-68,共8页
随着中国高等教育对教育核心需求的转变,高等教育正从规模扩张转向内涵式发展。体育教师教育者作为高等教育的主力军与执行者,正日益受到各界重视。利用CiteSpace软件,对WebofScience核心合集数据库中2004—2018年的英文文献进行可视化... 随着中国高等教育对教育核心需求的转变,高等教育正从规模扩张转向内涵式发展。体育教师教育者作为高等教育的主力军与执行者,正日益受到各界重视。利用CiteSpace软件,对WebofScience核心合集数据库中2004—2018年的英文文献进行可视化研究。发现:体育教师教育者研究高潮出现于2015年,载文数量最多的期刊是PhysicalEducationandSportPedagogy;研究中心度最高的国家是美国,核心圈层的代表学者是AmeliaMaysWoods、KandrewRRichards、AnnMacphail和JustinAHaegele等人;研究热点集中于体育教师教育者的人口学特征、传记和职业、社会化、知识和理解、专业背景和角色期望、教学法、合作学习等方面。启示:我国应提高体育教师教育者基础教育素养,强化专业知识与理解;开展体育教师教育者自我研究,增强自我专业身份认同;建立体育教师教育者专业发展共同体,提供专业背景支持;构建体育教师教育者专业标准,促进职业社会化发展。 展开更多
关键词 CITESPACE 体育教师教育者 未来(准)体育教师 知识图谱
国内教师教育者研究综述——兼论体育教师教育者研究 被引量:1
作者 钟晓露 黄达武 《浙江体育科学》 2020年第2期81-84,112,共5页
在CNKI数据库中以“教师教育者”为关键词进行高级检索获取国内核心期刊和硕博士论文,结合对我国有关教师教育者以及体育教师教育者的相关文献的二次阅读,发现目前国内教师教育者方面的研究存在起步较晚,受关注度不高等问题,以体育学科... 在CNKI数据库中以“教师教育者”为关键词进行高级检索获取国内核心期刊和硕博士论文,结合对我国有关教师教育者以及体育教师教育者的相关文献的二次阅读,发现目前国内教师教育者方面的研究存在起步较晚,受关注度不高等问题,以体育学科教师教育者为主题的研究成果相对较少。教师教育者研究热点主要集中于其身份的认同及构建,借鉴国外研究成果探索自我专业发展的方法等。笔者就上述方面的研究成果进行述评,介绍了目前研究中的不足,提出了今后研究的方向,以期为后续的研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 教师教育者 体育教师教育者 体育教师专业发展
新中国成立70年来体育教师教育者政策回顾与展望 被引量:2
作者 张波 《山东体育科技》 2021年第5期52-57,共6页
采用文献资料法,对我国体育教师教育者政策进行回顾与展望。研究发现:新中国成立70年以来,我国促进体育教师教育者发展的政策经历了新建与探索、恢复与调整、规范与法制、巩固与创新和系统与完善等五段历程;具有借鉴域外政策理论、坚持... 采用文献资料法,对我国体育教师教育者政策进行回顾与展望。研究发现:新中国成立70年以来,我国促进体育教师教育者发展的政策经历了新建与探索、恢复与调整、规范与法制、巩固与创新和系统与完善等五段历程;具有借鉴域外政策理论、坚持师德为先考核、开放协同育人体系和注重精英群体培养等特征;也存在着体育教师教育者的具体政策条款、资质认证体系和专业标准等层面的政策缺失。在当代世界高等教育发展潮流与趋势下,应落实、落细、落地体育教师教育者的政策条款,研制出具有中国特色乃至与世界发达国家齐水平的体育教师教育者专业标准,这对优化体育教师教育者专业发展、提高未来体育教师教育质量、振兴未来体育教师教育事业具有重大意义。 展开更多
关键词 体育教师教育者 未来体育教师 专业标准 专业发展 政策
作者 张波 《山东体育科技》 2018年第1期66-70,共5页
运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对美国体育教师教育者的转化学习进行研究。结果表明:美国体育教师教育者通过转化学习,可以促进反思能力、提升专业自觉性和改变交流方式等意义,表现出自我导向性、情境性和实用性等特征。在综观美国体育... 运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对美国体育教师教育者的转化学习进行研究。结果表明:美国体育教师教育者通过转化学习,可以促进反思能力、提升专业自觉性和改变交流方式等意义,表现出自我导向性、情境性和实用性等特征。在综观美国体育教师教育者转化学习的基础上,既提出健全准入制度和成立协会组织等国家制度层面的宏观启示,也提出严把选用关、定期考核、建立专业培养一体化的体系、规范职业生涯设计和营造良好的学术氛围等高校层面的中观启示,还提出从自在走向自为,从自为走向自觉,置身实践教学环境、积极参与虚拟学习共同体和分享学习资源等个体层面的微观启示,以进一步推动体育教师教育者的专业发展。 展开更多
关键词 体育教师教育者 转化学习 专业发展 美国
高校体育教师社会角色探析 被引量:3
作者 王选琪 《体育文化导刊》 北大核心 2003年第9期53-54,共2页
高校体育教师作为社会的一个特殊群体,应具有属于这个特殊群体的本质特征.当前,关于高校体育功能的广泛讨论,以及体育社会学研究的深入,极大地开阔了我们的视野,启发了我们的思维.那么,作为高校体育主体的高校体育教师,其社会本质属性... 高校体育教师作为社会的一个特殊群体,应具有属于这个特殊群体的本质特征.当前,关于高校体育功能的广泛讨论,以及体育社会学研究的深入,极大地开阔了我们的视野,启发了我们的思维.那么,作为高校体育主体的高校体育教师,其社会本质属性是什么?我们应当遵循怎样的思路去探求此问题的答案,无疑是具有其理论及实际意义的. 展开更多
关键词 高等院校 体育教师 社会角色 体育研究者 体育教育者 体育活动者
作者 曾微 刘露 +1 位作者 曾晓晖 黄达武 《体育视野》 2021年第3期83-84,共2页
《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》提出,要加强教师队伍建设,深化教育体制改革,加强教学能力训练,提高教师培养质量。体育教师教育者的教学能力直接影响未来体育教师的培养质量。文章运用文献资料法对有关体育教师教... 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》提出,要加强教师队伍建设,深化教育体制改革,加强教学能力训练,提高教师培养质量。体育教师教育者的教学能力直接影响未来体育教师的培养质量。文章运用文献资料法对有关体育教师教育者教学能力的文献进行了分析。文章通过发掘相关研究的共性,提出我国体育教师教育者的研究方向,以期为今后的研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 高校体育 体育教师教育者 教学能力
Children's physical activity levels and psychological correlates in interactive dance versus aerobic dance 被引量:5
作者 Zan Gao Tao Zhang David Stodden 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2013年第3期146-151,共6页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare children's physical activity (PA) levels, self-efficacy, and enjoyment when experiencing dance-exergaming (Dance Dance Revolution, DDR) and aerobic dance in phys... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare children's physical activity (PA) levels, self-efficacy, and enjoyment when experiencing dance-exergaming (Dance Dance Revolution, DDR) and aerobic dance in physical education. Methods: A total of 53 urban fourth grade children were divided into two groups, with one group playing DDR and the other group engaged in aerobic dance. After 15 min, the groups switched activities and continued their respective activities for another 15 min. Participants wore NL- 1000 pedometers in four consecutive sessions, and responded to a questionnaire measuring their self-efficacy and enjoyment toward two dance activities at the end of the first session. Results: Children spent more moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) time (p 〈 0.01, 72 = 0.49) in aerobic dance than DDR. Additionally, children reported significantly higher self-efficacy (p 〈 0.001, 72 = 0.28) and enjoyment (p 〈 0.01, η2 = 0.18) in DDR than in aerobic dance. Conclusion: Health care professionals and educators may not replace the traditional PAs and sports with interactive video games, but may use exergaming as an excellent addition to promote PA. Copyright 2013, Shanghai University of Sport. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 Dance Dance Revolution ENJOYMENT Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity SELF-EFFICACY
Research on Effectiveness of Ideological and Political Education Research in We-media age
作者 Guilan CHE 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期83-85,共3页
Self-media era of ideological and political education is facing new challenges: educators and educational object on gaining information changes reversibly, which challenged "teachers are" authority; the object of e... Self-media era of ideological and political education is facing new challenges: educators and educational object on gaining information changes reversibly, which challenged "teachers are" authority; the object of education is increasingly showing a strong "treasonable" , which is challenging the current ideological and political education model; fission dissemination of information is challenging the ideological and political education. We should give up the identity of the authority, and reshape the image of contemporary educators, we should innovate way of ideological and political education, building a network of new model of ideological and political is to deal with the challenges from the media, it' s an important means of improving the ideological and political implementation. 展开更多
关键词 we-media era information dissemination NETWORKS Ideological and Political Education
Education for Consumer Citizenship in Greece: Teaching Student Teachers and High School Students
作者 Koutrouba Konstantina Theodoropoulou Helen Barda Constantia 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第8期624-631,共8页
In the frame of the Greek educational system, education for consumer citizenship is provided to thirteen-year-old students who attend courses on home economics in junior high school. Students' training is focused, am... In the frame of the Greek educational system, education for consumer citizenship is provided to thirteen-year-old students who attend courses on home economics in junior high school. Students' training is focused, among others, on their acquaintance with the notion and the basic principles of consumption, primarily within the frame of family running, and, secondly, in the frame of narrower or broader social settings. Students are consequently expected to actively develop styles of mature consuming behaviour in family, school, and society. In the Faculty of Home Economics and Ecology at Harokopio University of Athens, student teachers attend special courses on consumer citizenship are systematically trained to use effectively alternative instructional strategies during the teaching of subject units that refer to consumer citizenship. The present study aims at presenting, firstly, how Greek student teachers are trained through University Syllabus and Practicum in order to be qualified as educators for consumer citizenship, and, secondly, how they diffuse this specific knowledge to their students during their years of in-class service. In addition, the study examines the career satisfaction of the graduates of home economics and ecology at Harokopio University of Athens. The result of the present study showed that the great majority of graduates were promptly appointed as teachers to Greek high schools, and today they are considered to play a major role in the conveyance of the education for consumer citizenship's principles in Greek society, since home economics is the only junior high school subject that promotes and develops consumer awareness in Greek secondary education. 展开更多
关键词 consumer citizenship EDUCATION training instructional strategies consumer awareness
Teacher Spiritualism: The Vocation Within
作者 Luis Javier Penton Herrera 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第6期355-360,共6页
Ancient civilizations adopted an early education system that included religion as an integral part of its focus. For this reason, priests, monks, and other people of faith, were trusted with the important task of educ... Ancient civilizations adopted an early education system that included religion as an integral part of its focus. For this reason, priests, monks, and other people of faith, were trusted with the important task of educating their community and instructing them in the values, beliefs, and norms of their society. As time passed, public education continued to evolve to keep up with the societal demands to the point that education and religion were not longer connected. Simultaneously, professionals in the education field have also changed and educators are no longer required to be people of faith. However, considering that the mission of education has remained the same, it would be unrealistic to consider teachers as unspiritual individuals regardless of their religious beliefs and affiliations. This paper explores the idea that educators are innate spiritual individuals who strive to perpetuate the norms, values and virtues of their society. In addition, this article presents the concept of teacher spiritualism as a contemporary reality of our teachers and our educational system. 展开更多
关键词 social improvement spiritual education teacher spiritualism teacher empathy
Bioethics in the Training and Management of Sport
作者 Iva Miteva 《Sociology Study》 2015年第2期163-167,共5页
The aim of this paper is to examine the opportunities and problems presented by the increasing availability of technologies which is capable of enhancing sporting performance and identifying the risks in sports for cr... The aim of this paper is to examine the opportunities and problems presented by the increasing availability of technologies which is capable of enhancing sporting performance and identifying the risks in sports for creating educational and sports management practices to lead with justice, honesty, and beneficence. A questionnaire is developed to ascertain the social determinants and risks of health aspects of sports in a sample of professionals and amateurs. Descriptive and correlation analysis were used for data analysis. The study identifies health risks connected with the intensive loading of locomotors system, poor working conditions which cause working trauma and diseases as well as low level of health culture regarding the effects of performance-enhancing drugs including anabolic steroids, stimulants, human growth hormone, and supplements. There are arguments that the quality of sport education will be achieved by addressing the study of sports ethics coupled with a study of management and law. 展开更多
关键词 PROFESSION PROFESSIONALIZATION recognition of professional risks sport management ethics in sport
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