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大学生体育行为目的及自觉意识迁移探略 被引量:4
作者 陈明杰 潘志贤 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期117-119,共3页
用问卷和类比分析的方法对长春和辽宁的15所高校的部分大学生进行了体育意识行为迁移研究,以期探究我国大学体育改革成效,以及奥运对我国大学生体育意识行为迁移的影响。通过对7个维度的调查数据分析结果表明,我国大学体育改革成效是显... 用问卷和类比分析的方法对长春和辽宁的15所高校的部分大学生进行了体育意识行为迁移研究,以期探究我国大学体育改革成效,以及奥运对我国大学生体育意识行为迁移的影响。通过对7个维度的调查数据分析结果表明,我国大学体育改革成效是显著的,奥运对大学生体育意识行为迁移的影响是多维的、正向的、明显的。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 体育行为目的 体育自觉意识 迁移
作者 马群利 张瑞洁 《华北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第3期91-94,共4页
在进行大众体育意识与行为改变研究时,需要对个体体育锻炼行为的能量消耗进行实时监测。Polar表仪器可以比较客观准确实时记录个体运动时的心率、负荷以及能量消耗,但如果用Polar表进行大规模人群的运动负荷监控,就比较耗时、费力,代价... 在进行大众体育意识与行为改变研究时,需要对个体体育锻炼行为的能量消耗进行实时监测。Polar表仪器可以比较客观准确实时记录个体运动时的心率、负荷以及能量消耗,但如果用Polar表进行大规模人群的运动负荷监控,就比较耗时、费力,代价也特别昂贵。因此,在进行大众体育意识与行为改变的运动强度或能量消耗评价时,可采用比较简单易用的主观评定法,比如活动日志法和7日回忆法,但主观评定能否真实准确的反映人体运动时的客观能量消耗就是研究科学性的关键。为解决这一问题,本研究以大学生为被试对象,实验证明活动日志法、7日回忆法与Polar表测试法具有显著相关,能比较准确的反映个体客观能量消耗,可以在大众体育意识与行为改变试验中用来测试各个变化阶段的能量消耗。 展开更多
关键词 能量消耗 测评方法 体育行为改变 大学生
大学生体育消费心理与行为特点调查与分析——以沈阳市高校为例 被引量:6
作者 曹兴国 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2007年第6期64-66,共3页
关键词 沈阳市大学生 体育消费心理 体育行为特点 调查与分析
大学生体育锻炼知行与其心理健康水平的研究 被引量:4
作者 李卫东 殷恒婵 林小群 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期101-103,共3页
采用《大学生心理健康诊断量表》和自编的《大学生体育锻炼知行调查问卷》对3 267名在校大学生进行调查研究,结果发现:1)65%的大学生心理处于亚健康或不健康的状态;2)运动群体大学生心理健康水平显著高于非运动群体,重点师范院校大学生... 采用《大学生心理健康诊断量表》和自编的《大学生体育锻炼知行调查问卷》对3 267名在校大学生进行调查研究,结果发现:1)65%的大学生心理处于亚健康或不健康的状态;2)运动群体大学生心理健康水平显著高于非运动群体,重点师范院校大学生心理健康水平显著高于非重点师范院校,大学生心理健康水平随着年级升高呈下降的趋势;3)81.7%的大学生对体育锻炼对健康重要性的认知高,但却有60%的大学生并不参加课外体育锻炼;4)大学生知行程度不同,其心理健康水平也不同. 展开更多
关键词 大学生 体育锻炼知 心理健康
作者 李静 曹莉 《浙江体育科学》 2015年第4期55-60,共6页
面对学校体育绩效不高、青少年体质不断下降的事实,提高青少年体质健康成为党中央、国务院高度重视的问题。而校长作为学校教育的决策者和管理者,他们的体育知行观对增强青少年体质,培养具有德、智、体全面发展的建设者和接班人具有极... 面对学校体育绩效不高、青少年体质不断下降的事实,提高青少年体质健康成为党中央、国务院高度重视的问题。而校长作为学校教育的决策者和管理者,他们的体育知行观对增强青少年体质,培养具有德、智、体全面发展的建设者和接班人具有极为重要的导向作用和示范效应。 展开更多
关键词 青少年体质教育 校长 体育 学校体育
健身教育课程对大学生体育锻炼知信行的影响 被引量:6
作者 邓士琳 陈咸 +2 位作者 段炼 刘志远 唐苏娜 《南京体育学院学报》 2021年第9期56-61,共6页
目的:基于知信行理论,从体育锻炼知识、态度和行为三个维度,对健身教育课程进行评估,旨在探索高校开设健身教育课程的理论与实践价值。方法:以选修健身教育课程的学生为实验组(n=193),以性别、班级等匹配条件按照1:1招募对照组(n=193)... 目的:基于知信行理论,从体育锻炼知识、态度和行为三个维度,对健身教育课程进行评估,旨在探索高校开设健身教育课程的理论与实践价值。方法:以选修健身教育课程的学生为实验组(n=193),以性别、班级等匹配条件按照1:1招募对照组(n=193)。实验组接受12周共36学时的健身教育课程教学。分别于课程开始前和结束后,采用《大学生体育锻炼知信行问卷》对被试者体育锻炼知信行得分的改变进行分析,评价课程效果。结果:实验前,实验组与对照组的一般资料、体育锻炼知识、态度和行为各维度得分无差异(P>0.05)。12周课程结束后,实验组体育锻炼知识和态度两个维度的得分均高于实验前(P<0.05),但体育锻炼行为维度的得分无明显提高(P>0.05)。12周课程结束后,实验组体育锻炼知识和态度维度的得分均高于对照组(P<0.05),但行为维度的得分无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:12周健身教育课程有助于提高大学生体育锻炼的认知水平,有助于改善其体育锻炼的态度,但该课程对大学生体育锻炼行为的改变作用有限。提示大学生体育锻炼行为的改变可能是一项漫长的系统工程,任重而道远。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 健身教育课程 体育锻炼知信
作者 李嘉凌 《新一代(理论版)》 2021年第11期226-227,共2页
“学、训、赛”人才培养模式的理论和实践研究表明,产学研深度融合能够促进跨行体育产业和职业培训的共同发展;以科研促教学,促进专业服务能力的发展;“学、训、赛”结合能够提高教学效果;标准化能力领域的能力,竞争而不是考试来促进学... “学、训、赛”人才培养模式的理论和实践研究表明,产学研深度融合能够促进跨行体育产业和职业培训的共同发展;以科研促教学,促进专业服务能力的发展;“学、训、赛”结合能够提高教学效果;标准化能力领域的能力,竞争而不是考试来促进学习,加强学生的职业技能训练,培养竞争能力,这是中职学校跨行体育教育发展的必要前提,也是实现应用型跨行体育人才培养的有效契机,突出跨行体育特色。 展开更多
关键词 体育教育 “学、训、赛” 人才培养模式
青少年体育锻炼行为-心理测定量表中文版及其信度效度研究 被引量:12
作者 张杰 许亮文 +5 位作者 陈钊娇 黄仙红 马海燕 刘婷婕 余红剑 顾昉 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期356-360,共5页
目的编制适合中国青少年体育锻炼行为-心理特点的中文版测定量表,并评价其信度和效度。方法采用多阶段抽样方法对杭州、武汉、西安3个城市3600名中学生进行问卷调查。用Cronbach’s α系数和分半信度检验其信度;用探索性因子分析和验... 目的编制适合中国青少年体育锻炼行为-心理特点的中文版测定量表,并评价其信度和效度。方法采用多阶段抽样方法对杭州、武汉、西安3个城市3600名中学生进行问卷调查。用Cronbach’s α系数和分半信度检验其信度;用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析检验其结构效度,用条目-维度相关系数(IIC)、维度间相关系数、总分与维度间的相关系数检验内容效度。结果中文版青少年体育锻炼行为-心理测定量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.888,改变策略、决策平衡正向效应、决策平衡负向效应、自我效能4个维度的Cronbach’s α系数分别为0.880、0.706、0.552和0.839;总量表的分半信度为0.851,各分半信度在0.559~0.876之间;探索性因子分析结果显示:3个维度的条目全部被纳入,且累计贡献率均大于40%;结构方程模型分析显示:绝对拟合优度指标GFI=0.972、AGFI=0.958、RMSEA=0.032(90%CI:0.030~0.034)均满足条件,且模型拟合较好;IIC结果显示,4个维度与所含条目之间的Spearman相关系数的范围分别为0.396~0.700、0.470—0.709、0.696~0.771和0.665-0.813,各维度之间有较弱到中度的相关关系,r值范围为0.386~0.935;不同变化阶段的改变策略、决策平衡、自我效能得分不同提示健康干预要有阶段性、针对性。结论中文版青少年体育锻炼行为-心理测定量表在中学生中具有较好的信度和效度,在整体上适用于国内青少年体育锻炼行为-心理的测量。 展开更多
关键词 青少年 体育锻炼为-心理 测定量表
高校校长体育知行观的导向性研究 被引量:2
作者 章翔 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期111-114,共4页
由于目前我国中小学阶段应试教育的局限,大学阶段成为个体终身体育思想形成的关键时期。终身体育思想的形成有赖于校园体育的物质保障和精神动力。而高校校长作为高等教育的教育者和管理者,在实践中他们的体育知行观对于大学生终身体育... 由于目前我国中小学阶段应试教育的局限,大学阶段成为个体终身体育思想形成的关键时期。终身体育思想的形成有赖于校园体育的物质保障和精神动力。而高校校长作为高等教育的教育者和管理者,在实践中他们的体育知行观对于大学生终身体育思想的形成具有极为重要的导向作用和示范效应。 展开更多
关键词 高校校长 体育 大学生 终身体育思想
作者 饶定齐 杨大同 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 1994年第S1期142-157,200,共17页
Torrentophryne aspinia is a new kind of toads discovered in China recently, it lives in the forest floor in West Yunnan, the most important things for this kind of species is that they have a kind of torrent-adapted t... Torrentophryne aspinia is a new kind of toads discovered in China recently, it lives in the forest floor in West Yunnan, the most important things for this kind of species is that they have a kind of torrent-adapted tadpoles which have abdominal suckers and can adhere to the surfaces of rocks in moving waters. In this article, we described the forming procedures of abdominal sucker and some breeding behaviors, habitats and habits. After comparing with those of other toads, it is confirmed that Torrentophryne should be a new valid genus, it is derived from ancestor toads because of adaptation to the torrent habitats, by the forming of torrent -adapted organ-abdominal sucker in the early development. 展开更多
关键词 Torrentophryne aspinia HABITAT Breeding behavior TADPOLE Early development Adhesive organ Abdominal sucker
The effects of temperature and substrate on ontogenetic behavior of bastard halibut, Paralichthys olivaceus (T. et S.)
作者 刘栋 线薇薇 朱鑫华 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期65-71,共7页
The effects of temperature and substrate on ontogenetic patterns and settlement behavior of bastard halibut, Paralichthys olivaceus (T. et S.) were studied in a series of laboratory experiments. Analysis on stage-base... The effects of temperature and substrate on ontogenetic patterns and settlement behavior of bastard halibut, Paralichthys olivaceus (T. et S.) were studied in a series of laboratory experiments. Analysis on stage-based data revealed that except for settlement, and compared to the substrate, the ambient temperature dominantly controlled the hatch success and subsequent development of the species. The oosperm optimum survival rate of 60% during hatching occurred at 20℃, and survival rate of 29%, at 18℃ for larval rearing. The survival rate of larvae reared under variable temperature of 3.5–4.5℃ was higher than that of those reared under stable temperature. The maximum survival rate of 29%, corresponded to variation at temperature of 4℃. With increase in age newly settled juveniles preferred to lie on the fine substrate and gradually moved on the coarse substrate. GLM (general linear model) analysis showed that the combination of temperature and substrate had no significant impact on the survival of settling larvae, but definitely affected the duration of settlement. 展开更多
关键词 TEMPERATURE SUBSTRATE survival rate settlement metamorphosis Paralichthys olivaceus (T et. S)
Analysis of Factors of the sports industry affected by the financial crisis and the development of countermeasures
作者 Xing xiaohu Lin jing 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期18-19,共2页
The 2008 financial crisis on China' s economy has had a huge impact. And sports tourism, sports competitions, sporting goods industry, sports and fitness industry and other industries at the core of the sports indust... The 2008 financial crisis on China' s economy has had a huge impact. And sports tourism, sports competitions, sporting goods industry, sports and fitness industry and other industries at the core of the sports industry are no exception, deeply affected by the financial crisis. Therefore, in-depth analysis of the current development of the sports industry, as well as explore the impact of the financial crisis on China' s sports industry and propose appropriate measures, has a very important practical significance. 展开更多
关键词 financial crisis affected China Sports Industry Measures
Physical literacy in the field of physical education——A challenge and a possibility 被引量:10
作者 Suzanne Lundvall 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期113-118,共6页
Publications of articles with physical literacy as a topic have increased dramatically since the beginning of 2000 s. The aim of this paper is to,through an explorative literature overview with an inductive approach, ... Publications of articles with physical literacy as a topic have increased dramatically since the beginning of 2000 s. The aim of this paper is to,through an explorative literature overview with an inductive approach, analyze frequent, and significant themes in published peer reviewed articles,with a focus on physical literacy. The database EBSCO has been used with the identifiers “physical literacy” and “physical literacy and evidence”.Furthermore ICSSPE Bulletin's special issue on physical literacy has been included in the overview. The findings have resulted in three key themes: assumptions of the concept physical literacy and its educative role, sports development and physical literacy, and assessment and physical literacy. Future studies are needed to examine if the advocated pedagogical strategies based on the concept physical literacy have led to a reorganized and revitalized school subject. There is also an existing critique towards making physical literacy an idealistic neutral concept or synonym with fundamental movement skills or sports talent identification. The role of higher education emerges as crucial for the next step of the development of the scientific framework as this involves how physical literacy will be socially configured, nurtured, and embodied in practice.Copyright ó 2015, Shanghai University of Sport. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 Educational practice IMPLICATION Literature overview Physical literacy Scientific frame work
The research of student sports psychological barriers and the way to overcome
作者 Xiao Zheng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期91-93,共3页
Sports competition is competition in a particular environment, mad it has its own characteristics, tasks, opponents, environment and methods. Despite the psychological training is relevant to, and associated with phys... Sports competition is competition in a particular environment, mad it has its own characteristics, tasks, opponents, environment and methods. Despite the psychological training is relevant to, and associated with physical exercise, but its nature determines its specificity. On the psychological point of view, due to the reinforcement of external stimuli, which led to strong psychological pressure, these are manifested through the behaviors of the players when they are compete with others, such as fear, excessive psychological tension, incorrect competition motivation, ambiguous purpose, lack of confidence, even there are phenomenon like isolated characteristics and irritation, etc. Thus, the regulation and control of mental activity, the overcome of the psychological barriers, and the implementation of the psychology training have become a big question which teachers and coaches must pay attention to and need to be solved. 展开更多
关键词 student sports psychological barriers overcome.
Impact of Chinese social transformation on the reform of social st)orts management system
作者 Guangjie LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期48-50,共3页
China after the efforts of reform and opening up for 30 years, has established a relatively complete featuring system of sports administration, providing a system of protection for sports development in China. With th... China after the efforts of reform and opening up for 30 years, has established a relatively complete featuring system of sports administration, providing a system of protection for sports development in China. With the further improvement of the socialist market economy, the existing sports administrative functions are incompatible with the economic and social side of the market gradually. The current sports administrative functions can no longer adapt to the development and deeper reforms of sports system are imminent. Only by speeding up the reform of sports administration, can eliminate obstacles and promote rapid and healthy development of China's sports industry. In this paper, the object is the administrative functions of the sport in the social transformation period, through expert interviews, literature, and logical analysis, comparative study to discuss the problems of the administrative functions of sport in the social transformation period and propose appropriate countermeasures. Studies suggest that: sports administration departments should focus to implementing national policies, the development of the sports industry policy research and development planning, management and delivery of services. In accordance with the uniform principles of responsibility, rights and interests, to further clarify the responsibilities of all levels of sports administration, handling good working relationship between them. By Complete separation between rowing and steering, governance and administration, government and industry, to achieve "four transformations", and to break plan "all-round" type of government in the economic system, and establish "limited" government, effectively carry out the functions of guidance, policy regulation, market supervision, social management and public services. 展开更多
关键词 Social transformation social sports management system REFORM
关于警察体育的理论思考 被引量:1
作者 李明 《内江师范学院学报》 2014年第6期112-116,共5页
警察的体育内容包括警事、大众、学校等多个部分,借鉴军事体育的"两分法"理论,所有的部分可划分为直接或间接服务并服从于提高行为主体"战斗力"的两类体育;通过调整体育行为的目标与手段,所有的研究可归属在体育也... 警察的体育内容包括警事、大众、学校等多个部分,借鉴军事体育的"两分法"理论,所有的部分可划分为直接或间接服务并服从于提高行为主体"战斗力"的两类体育;通过调整体育行为的目标与手段,所有的研究可归属在体育也可归属在警察的领域.但是就专门定义"警察体育"的理论意义和实践价值而言,把它归属在警察应比把它归属在体育的研究领域更加合理.换言之,即警察体育应立足于警察警事警务的实际需要,研究警事特别大众和学校的体育等,如何更好的服务并服从于提高警察的"战斗力". 展开更多
关键词 警察体育 直接间接分类 研究领域归属 体育行为目的
Review of AIDS Health Education and Behavioral Interventions in China
作者 蔡于茂 曾序春 董时富 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第3期54-57,共4页
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by HIV It has been epidemic formore than 20 years, but there is no cure of it. Health educationand behavioral interventions are some of the mo... Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by HIV It has been epidemic formore than 20 years, but there is no cure of it. Health educationand behavioral interventions are some of the most effectiveapproaches in the control and prevention of AIDS. China isone of the countries with the fastest growing HIVseroprevalence rate, and is facing a widespread epidemic ofAIDS. Currently, high-risk populations such as individualswith multiple sexual partners and intravenous drug users arethe main foci of health education and behavioral interventionsin China. Encouraging results have been observed in manyforms of health education and behavioral intervention. Theapplication of health education and behavioral interventionsmust emerge from scientific evidence, follow a series ofstrategies, be carried out from various perspectives, andrequire the participation of all societal communities. 展开更多
关键词 AIDS health education behavioral intervention
作者 黄建 《才智》 2009年第13期86-86,共1页
关键词 西南民族地区 体育教育 体育理论 教学效果 学校体育 结束部分 体育认知 身体素质 自我锻炼 体育行
作者 BALAGUE Natàlia TORRENTS Carlota +2 位作者 HRISTOVSKI Robert DAVIDS Keith ARAUJO Duarte 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2013年第1期4-13,共10页
The complex systems approach offers an opportunity to replace the extant pre-dominant mechanistic view on sport-related phenomena.The emphasis on the environment-system relationship,the applications of complexity prin... The complex systems approach offers an opportunity to replace the extant pre-dominant mechanistic view on sport-related phenomena.The emphasis on the environment-system relationship,the applications of complexity principles,and the use of nonlinear dynamics mathematical tools propose a deep change in sport science.Coordination dynamics,ecological dynamics,and network approaches have been successfully applied to the study of different sport-related behaviors,from movement patterns that emerge at different scales constrained by specific sport contexts to game dynamics.Sport benefit from the use of such approaches in the understanding of technical,tactical,or physical conditioning aspects which change their meaning and dilute their frontiers.The creation of new learning and training strategies for teams and individual athletes is a main practical consequence.Some challenges for the future are investigating the influence of key control parameters in the nonlinear behavior of athlete-environment systems and the possible relatedness of the dynamics and constraints acting at different spatio-temporal scales in team sports.Modelling sport-related phenomena can make useful contributions to a better understanding of complex systems and vice-versa. 展开更多
关键词 Constraints-led approach coordination dynamics performer-environment system self- organization team dynamics.
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