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论普通高校就业体验机制的构建 被引量:1
作者 陈雪梅 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2005年第32期12-13,共2页
大学生的心理需求在不同的阶段,会呈现出不同的特征.日前,对大学生进行的需求调查数据显示,择业需求已成为现阶段大学生需求的焦点和主要方面.面对新要求,普通高校应当尽快建立就业体验机制,以弥补普通高等教育在解决择业就业需求问题... 大学生的心理需求在不同的阶段,会呈现出不同的特征.日前,对大学生进行的需求调查数据显示,择业需求已成为现阶段大学生需求的焦点和主要方面.面对新要求,普通高校应当尽快建立就业体验机制,以弥补普通高等教育在解决择业就业需求问题上措施乏力的状况,为个人兴趣、能力与职业的完美匹配提供有效的途径. 展开更多
关键词 择业就业需求 就业体验机制
作者 曹欢 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2009年第10期79-81,共3页
人类已经从服务经济进入到了体验经济时代。体验经济时代的影响也逐渐波及到了教育领域。当代的大学生身处特定的历史、文化、经济背景,具有独特的群体特征。本文着重研究为了顺应这一历史潮流,针对80后,90代大学生的特征,在大学英语教... 人类已经从服务经济进入到了体验经济时代。体验经济时代的影响也逐渐波及到了教育领域。当代的大学生身处特定的历史、文化、经济背景,具有独特的群体特征。本文着重研究为了顺应这一历史潮流,针对80后,90代大学生的特征,在大学英语教学改革中建立体验机制的必要性,并提出了具体建立意见。 展开更多
关键词 体验经济 体验机制 大学英语教学
浅析电视综艺节目中受众的怀旧体验机制——以《声生不息·港乐季》为例 被引量:4
作者 李晓霞 李国泉 《中国广播电视学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第12期102-105,共4页
电视综艺节目作为大众最喜欢的媒介产品之一,在引领社会价值、整合社会观念上发挥着不可替代的作用,其使用的怀旧叙事在对受众个体怀旧体验产生影响的同时,也对社会文化意义的生产有重要影响。本研究通过对受众在《声生不息·港乐... 电视综艺节目作为大众最喜欢的媒介产品之一,在引领社会价值、整合社会观念上发挥着不可替代的作用,其使用的怀旧叙事在对受众个体怀旧体验产生影响的同时,也对社会文化意义的生产有重要影响。本研究通过对受众在《声生不息·港乐季》节目中的怀旧体验分析发现,受众在节目怀旧符号建构的物理空间和情感空间里产生积极的怀旧情感,消解当下生活困境产生的焦虑和不安情绪,在怀旧情感被唤起的基础上加强对失落的社会价值的认同,重新与当下建立社会连接,从而在新的文化自觉上形成新的社会共识。 展开更多
关键词 电视综艺节目 《声生不息·港乐季》 受众 怀旧 体验机制
作者 黄新华 《人民论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第14期50-53,共4页
通过对服务需求的精准识别、服务内容的精准调适和服务绩效的精准反馈,“体验师”机制有助于公共服务质量的持续提升。不论是在政务服务中,还是在医疗、就业、养老和文化等公共服务领域,“体验师”机制展示了其广阔的应用前景。作为助... 通过对服务需求的精准识别、服务内容的精准调适和服务绩效的精准反馈,“体验师”机制有助于公共服务质量的持续提升。不论是在政务服务中,还是在医疗、就业、养老和文化等公共服务领域,“体验师”机制展示了其广阔的应用前景。作为助推公共服务质量持续提升的创新机制,保障“体验师”机制的顺畅运行,需要建立健全“体验师”的选募制度、培训制度、激励制度、约束制度和长效制度等。只有构建良好的制度保障体系,才能有效发挥“体验师”机制在公共服务质量持续提升中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 体验师”机制 公共服务 质量提升 制度保障
从安全规范到抚养体验:住房对青年生育意愿的影响 被引量:4
作者 魏万青 马静 《中国青年研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第8期4-13,共10页
既有关于住房与生育意愿的讨论较少关注住房产权社会规范与安全意义。本文使用七期合并的中国社会综合调查数据,聚焦住房产权的安全规范机制,讨论住房对已婚青年群体生育意愿的影响。研究发现:一是家庭住房数和住房产权正向影响已婚青... 既有关于住房与生育意愿的讨论较少关注住房产权社会规范与安全意义。本文使用七期合并的中国社会综合调查数据,聚焦住房产权的安全规范机制,讨论住房对已婚青年群体生育意愿的影响。研究发现:一是家庭住房数和住房产权正向影响已婚青年生育意愿;二是消除住房财富效应后,“有房住无房产”青年相对于社会租房群体生育意愿更强;三是住房产权通过抚养体验影响已婚已育青年的再生育意愿。本文为住房与已婚青年生育意愿的讨论补充了安全规范与抚养体验机制,为住房保障政策完善提供了知识支撑。 展开更多
关键词 住房 生育意愿 幸福感 抚养体验机制 性别差异
作者 粟高燕 《辽宁教育行政学院学报》 2004年第1期14-15,共2页
加强人的主体性建设,在最无愧于和适合人类本性条件下追求个人自由全面发展是当今社会和教育的最重要主题。主体性道德人格培养表达的正是这样一种价值理想和在应然的意义上对道德教育所作的价值追求。为改变传统道德教育忽略人的主体... 加强人的主体性建设,在最无愧于和适合人类本性条件下追求个人自由全面发展是当今社会和教育的最重要主题。主体性道德人格培养表达的正是这样一种价值理想和在应然的意义上对道德教育所作的价值追求。为改变传统道德教育忽略人的主体性的问题,在此提出了主体性道德人格培养的五种机制:情感体验机制,情境创设机制,个性化、多样化榜样示范机制,合作学习机制及实践活动机制。 展开更多
关键词 主体性道德人格 培养机制 情感体验机制 情境创设机制 多样化榜样示范机制 合作学习机制 实践活动机制
作者 谭苏 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第6期41-45,共5页
创造社成员共同的留日背景使得创造社的戏剧艺术受到"日本机制"的影响和促进。第一重"环境机制"中,日本是作为"背景"而以其社会环境和时代氛围对创造社诸君产生影响;第二重"中介机制"中,日本... 创造社成员共同的留日背景使得创造社的戏剧艺术受到"日本机制"的影响和促进。第一重"环境机制"中,日本是作为"背景"而以其社会环境和时代氛围对创造社诸君产生影响;第二重"中介机制"中,日本是作为"桥梁"而引导他们涉猎更广泛的文化和文学;第三重"体验机制"中,日本是作为"触点"而使他们的体验心理得以建立,从而开启一段艺术之旅。 展开更多
关键词 创造社戏剧 日本机制 环境机制 中介机制 体验机制
发挥美育在高校德育中的作用 被引量:5
作者 庞桥 《渭南师范学院学报》 2003年第3期79-81,共3页
美育是一种有价值的教育经验,在东、西方教育史上源远流长。马克思提出了人按照美的规律来塑造的思想。美育与德育有密切的联系,德育应运用美育的情感体验机制,形象化特征,愉悦性机制和潜移默化的功能,提高德育效果,更好地完成思想教育... 美育是一种有价值的教育经验,在东、西方教育史上源远流长。马克思提出了人按照美的规律来塑造的思想。美育与德育有密切的联系,德育应运用美育的情感体验机制,形象化特征,愉悦性机制和潜移默化的功能,提高德育效果,更好地完成思想教育任务。 展开更多
关键词 高校 德育 美育 情感体验机制 形象化特征 愉悦性机制 潜移默化功能 思想教育
作者 段虹 《基础教育(重庆)》 2004年第7期39-39,共1页
德育注重发展受教育者的意志约束力,是一种说理教育,以铸造人的理性和遵从意识为目的,受教育者处于被动的地位;美育是一种自由的感性的人格教育,靠受教育者的人生体验和领悟,具有自发性,二者虽然在性质、方式、功能上不同,却有... 德育注重发展受教育者的意志约束力,是一种说理教育,以铸造人的理性和遵从意识为目的,受教育者处于被动的地位;美育是一种自由的感性的人格教育,靠受教育者的人生体验和领悟,具有自发性,二者虽然在性质、方式、功能上不同,却有内在的价值统一性: 展开更多
关键词 德育 美育 价值观念 教学方式 情感体验机制
Gas desorption characteristics of the high-rank intact coal and fractured coal 被引量:15
作者 Lu Shouqing Cheng Yuanping +3 位作者 Qin Liming Li Wei Zhou Hongxing Guo Haijun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期819-825,共7页
The objective of this work is to study the gas desorption characteristics of the high-rank intact coal and fractured coal.The gas adsorption,mercury porosimetry and gas desorption experiments were carried out in this ... The objective of this work is to study the gas desorption characteristics of the high-rank intact coal and fractured coal.The gas adsorption,mercury porosimetry and gas desorption experiments were carried out in this study.Then,the theories of thermodynamics,diffusion mechanism and desorption kinetics were used to estimate the gas desorption characteristics.The results of gas adsorption experiments show that the initial isosteric adsorption heat of the intact coal is greater than that of the fractured coal,indicating that the gas molecules desorb more easily from fractured coal than intact coal.Using the mercury porosimetry,we find that the diffusion channels of fractured coal are more developed than those of intact coal.The difficult diffusion form dominates in the intact coal during the gas diffusing,while the easy diffusion form dominates in the fractured coal.The results of gas desorption experiments show that the initial gas desorption volume and velocity of the fractured coal are both greater than those of the intact coal.Using the Fick diffusion law,the study calculates the gas diffusion coefficients of the intact coal and fractured coal.The diffusion coefficients of the fractured coal are 2 times and 10 times greater than those of the intact coal at the time of 0-120 and 0-10 min,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Intact coal Fractured coal Isosteric adsorption heat Diffusion coefficient
作者 尹斌 《安徽职业技术学院学报》 2005年第4期67-70,共4页
关键词 学习动机 问题情境 成败体验 评价机制
Experimental and simulation study of nylon 6 solid–liquid extraction process
作者 Chunxi Qin Jie Tang +2 位作者 Fenglei Bi Zhenhao Xi Ling Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1022-1030,共9页
The solid–liquid extraction process of nylon 6 to eliminate small molecules, i.e., caprolactam(CL), cyclic dimers(CD) and cyclic trimers(CT), is investigated in detail by both batch extraction experiments and numeric... The solid–liquid extraction process of nylon 6 to eliminate small molecules, i.e., caprolactam(CL), cyclic dimers(CD) and cyclic trimers(CT), is investigated in detail by both batch extraction experiments and numerical simulations. In the batch extraction experiments, due to the small molecules attaching to the polymeric surface, the basic physical mechanism shifts from surface diffusion to internal diffusion as the extraction proceeded. The experimental data are well reproduced by a diffusion model consisting of two distinct steps, characterized as surface diffusion and internal diffusion. Furthermore, based on the established mass transfer mechanism and diffusion model of the two distinct steps, the equilibrium constants and internal diffusion coefficients of CL, CD and CT are acquired. An industrial countercurrent extraction tower is further simulated. It is found that the extraction efficiency of CL can be significantly improved by increasing the temperature at the bottom portion of the tower. The elimination of CD, which can be greatly promoted by a high-concentration CL-water solution, is controlled by mass transfer resistance, whereas the removal of CL is mainly affected by the equilibrium. 展开更多
关键词 Solid-liquid extraction EQUILIBRIUM DIFFUSION Numerical simulation
Phage displaying peptides mimic schistosoma antigenic epitopes selected by rat natural antibodies and protective immunity induced by their immunization in mice
作者 MinWang Xin-YuanYi +3 位作者 Xian-PingLi Dong-MingZhou McReynoldsLarry Xian-FangZeng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第19期2960-2966,共7页
AIM: To obtain the short peptides mimic antigenic epitopes selected by rat natural antibodies to schistosomes, and to explore their immunoprotection against schistosomiasis in mice.METHODS: Adults worm antigens (AWA) ... AIM: To obtain the short peptides mimic antigenic epitopes selected by rat natural antibodies to schistosomes, and to explore their immunoprotection against schistosomiasis in mice.METHODS: Adults worm antigens (AWA) were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and enzyme-linked transferred immunoblotting methods with normal SD rat sera (NRS). The killing effects on schistosomula with fresh and heat-inactivated sera from SD rats were observed. Then the purified IgG from sera of SD rats was used to biopan a phage random peptide library and 20 randomly selected positive clones were detected by ELISA and 2 of them were sequenced.Sixty female mice were immunized thrice with positive phage clones (0, 2nd, 4th wk). Each mouse was challenged with 40 cercariae, and all mice were killed 42 d after challenge. The worms and the liver eggs were counted. RESULTS: NRS could specifically react to the molecules of 75 000, 47 000, 34 500 and 23 000 of AWA. Sera from SD rats showed that the mortality rate of schistosomula was 76.2%, and when the sera were heat-inactivated in vitro, the mortality rate was decreased to 41.0% after being cultured for 48 h. The specific phages bound to IgG were enriched about 300-folds after three rounds of biopanning. Twenty clones were detected by ELISA, 19 of them bound to the specific IgG of rat sera. Immunization with these epitopes was carried out in mice. Compared with the control groups, the mixture of two mimic peptides could induce 34.9% (P = 0.000) worm reduction and 67.6% (P = 0.000) total liver egg reduction in mice. Two different mimic peptides could respectively induce 31.0% (P = 0.001), 14.5% (P = 0.074) worm reduction and 61.2% (P = 0.000), 35.7% (P = 0.000) total liver egg reduction. The specific antibody could be induced by immunization of the mimic peptides, and the antibody titer in immunized mice reached more than 1:6 400 as detected by ELISA.CONCLUSION: Specific peptides mimic antigenic molecules can be obtained by biopanning the phage random peptide library and a partially protective immunity against schistosome infection can be stimulated by these phage epitopes in mice. 展开更多
关键词 SCHISTOSOME Phage peptide library EPITOPE Mimic peptide Protective immunity Vaccine
Computational and experimental analysis of Mach 2 air flow over a blunt body with plasma aerodynamic actuation 被引量:10
作者 SUN Quan CHENG BangQin +4 位作者 LI YingHong KONG WeiSong LI Jun ZHU YiFei JIN Di 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期795-802,共8页
According to the mechanism of the arc plasma heating effect,and from a phenomenological perspective of view,the plasma actuation was simplified as heating energy injected into the supersonic flow field for the numeric... According to the mechanism of the arc plasma heating effect,and from a phenomenological perspective of view,the plasma actuation was simplified as heating energy injected into the supersonic flow field for the numerical research on controlling detached shock of the blunt body in non-center symmetrical positions.Besides,experimental research on the form and strength of detached shock wave control by plasma aerodynamic actuation in non-center symmetrical positions was conducted in a high-speed shock tunnel(M=2).The results showed that the detached distance of shock wave increased and the strength of normal shock wave ahead of the detached shock wave reduced when plasma actuation was applied.The control effect was greatly improved after the magnetic field was applied and the effect of upwind-direction flow was the best one.When the upwind-direction flow was applied with 1000 V voltage actuation,the distance of detached shock wave would increase from 3.4 to 7.6 mm and the time average strength of normal shock wave was weaken by 5.5%.At last,the mechanism of plasma actuation on controlling the detached shock wave was briefly analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 blunt body detached shock wave SUPERSONIC PLASMA shock tunnel
Discussion on research methods of bacterial resistant mutation mechanisms under selective culture——uncertainty analysis of data from the Luria-Delbrück fluctuation experiment
作者 JIN JianLing WEI Gang +2 位作者 YANG WeiQiang ZHANG HuaiQiang GAO PeiJi 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第11期1007-1021,共15页
Whether bacterial drug-resistance is drug-induced or results from rapid propagation of random spontaneous mutations in the flora prior to exposure, remains a long-term key issue concerned and debated in both genetics ... Whether bacterial drug-resistance is drug-induced or results from rapid propagation of random spontaneous mutations in the flora prior to exposure, remains a long-term key issue concerned and debated in both genetics and medicinal fields. In a pio-neering study, Luria and Delbruck exposed E. coli to T1 phage, to investigate whether the number of resistant colonies fol- lowed the Poisson distribution. They deduced that the development of resistant colonies is independent of phage presence. Similar results have since been obtained on solid medium containing antibacterial agents. Luria and Delbruck's conclusions were long considered a gold standard for analyzing drug resistance mutations. More recently, the concept of adaptive mutation has triggered controversy over this approach. Microbiological observation shows that, following exposure to drugs of various concentrations, drug-resistant cells emerge and multiply depending on the time course, and show a process function, incon-sistent with the definition of Poisson distribution (which assumes not only that resistance is independent of drug quantity but follows no specific time course). At the same time, since cells tend to aggregate after division rather than separating, colonies growing on drug plates arise from the multiplication of resistant bacteria cells of various initial population sizes. Thus, statisti-cal analysis based on equivalence of initial populations will yield erroneous results. In this paper, 310 data from the Lu- ria-DelbNck fluctuation experiment were reanalyzed from this perspective. In most cases, a high-end abnormal value, resulting from the non-synchronous variation of the two above-mentioned time variables, was observed. Therefore, the mean value cannot be regarded as an unbiased expectation estimate. The ratio between mean value and variance was similarly incompara-ble, because two different sampling methods were used. In fact, the Luria-Delbrtick data appear to follow an aggregated, rather than Poisson distribution. In stmnnary, the statistical analysis of Luria and Delbruck is insufficient to describe rules of resistant mutant development and multiplication. Correction of this historical misunderstanding will enable new insight into bacterial resistance mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 BACTERIA MUTATION random process Poisson distribution statistical test aggregated distribution
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