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作者 蒋建农 刘潍豪 《广东党史与文献研究》 2023年第1期38-56,共19页
南昌起义是中国共产党创建人民军队的开端,对其意义和影响的认识,绝不只是在打响第一枪和对起义时机的决断、举义地点的选择、部队的发动等组织决策方面,而主要在于南昌起义军存续期间,围绕如何把武装斗争和土地革命结合起来而进行的实... 南昌起义是中国共产党创建人民军队的开端,对其意义和影响的认识,绝不只是在打响第一枪和对起义时机的决断、举义地点的选择、部队的发动等组织决策方面,而主要在于南昌起义军存续期间,围绕如何把武装斗争和土地革命结合起来而进行的实践与奋斗。这包括起义军在举什么旗帜、进军方向、党的领导、军事指挥体系、军队政治工作和民众工作等方面的得失;包括其余部之一董朗部队开辟海陆丰革命根据地的经验与教训;包括其余部之二朱德部队在赣南、湘南的努力与创造。分析南昌起义军失败的原因,比较董朗和朱德两支部队后续的斗争历程,对于丰富和深化关于人民军队创建史的认识,对于更深刻地领会人民军队的宗旨与性质,具有积极的意义。 展开更多
关键词 南昌起义军 余部 打造人民军队 比较研究
河湟回族起义军余部西进祁连山、阿尔金山路线及战事考 被引量:2
作者 闫天灵 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期152-156,共5页
刘四伏、冶八个领导的西进余部斗争是迄今河湟起义研究的一个薄弱环节。在挖掘和梳理文献史料的基础上,对刘四伏、冶八个余部的来源和西进祁连山、阿尔金山的路线及主要战事作了细致考索。西进掀起了河湟起义后期斗争的高潮。对于西进... 刘四伏、冶八个领导的西进余部斗争是迄今河湟起义研究的一个薄弱环节。在挖掘和梳理文献史料的基础上,对刘四伏、冶八个余部的来源和西进祁连山、阿尔金山的路线及主要战事作了细致考索。西进掀起了河湟起义后期斗争的高潮。对于西进路上战与抚的关系,要辩证对待,不能将受抚一概斥为投降行为。 展开更多
关键词 河湟起义 余部 西进 刘四伏 冶八个 祁连山
作者 曾磊 《船山学刊》 2013年第3期174-176,共3页
二十世纪以来对大顺军余部联明抗清活动的研究逐步推进,涌现出了以顾诚先生《南明史》为代表的一系列研究成果。学者从大顺军余部同南明朝廷的关系、大顺军余部的具体抗清活动和大顺军余部抗清活动的独立性等角度对该问题作出了多种角... 二十世纪以来对大顺军余部联明抗清活动的研究逐步推进,涌现出了以顾诚先生《南明史》为代表的一系列研究成果。学者从大顺军余部同南明朝廷的关系、大顺军余部的具体抗清活动和大顺军余部抗清活动的独立性等角度对该问题作出了多种角度的阐释。然而现存的研究成果依然存在一定的不足如对投清之后的大顺军的称呼问题等都应作出深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 大顺军余部 “联明抗清”南明 夔东十三家
阿基米德和刘徽求积的“余部分割法” 被引量:2
作者 蔡伟 李劲 《天水师范学院学报》 2005年第2期1-4,共4页
古代的西方和东方,在相距万里之遥的希腊和中国,两位数学科学的巨人——阿基米德和刘徽,在他们各自独立地解决几何学的重大课题——求积问题时,不约而同地采用了“余部分割法”,而且他们论证问题的方式和步骤也有着惊人的相似之处。这... 古代的西方和东方,在相距万里之遥的希腊和中国,两位数学科学的巨人——阿基米德和刘徽,在他们各自独立地解决几何学的重大课题——求积问题时,不约而同地采用了“余部分割法”,而且他们论证问题的方式和步骤也有着惊人的相似之处。这不能不说是数学史上的一个奇迹。在某些特定的场合,这种“余部分割法”在讨论问题时确实有它的特别便捷之处。 展开更多
关键词 阿基米德 刘徽 几何学 求积 整体分割法 余部分割法 积分学 数学史
552~555年柔然余部史事稽考 被引量:2
作者 袁刚 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期67-73,共7页
552年,阿那瓌兵败自杀,散落各地的柔然余部分别拥立铁伐、邓叔子为东、西部可汗。554年以后,东部柔然在北齐的军事征伐下部落凋零,逐渐退出历史舞台。与此同时,西部柔然邓叔子为避突厥兵锋投奔西魏,被西魏缚交突厥使者杀死,柔然汗国名... 552年,阿那瓌兵败自杀,散落各地的柔然余部分别拥立铁伐、邓叔子为东、西部可汗。554年以后,东部柔然在北齐的军事征伐下部落凋零,逐渐退出历史舞台。与此同时,西部柔然邓叔子为避突厥兵锋投奔西魏,被西魏缚交突厥使者杀死,柔然汗国名实俱亡。552~555年是柔然汗国最终走向消亡的历史阶段,此间柔然各部与突厥、契丹、北齐、西魏等民族或政权的关系密切,对蒙古高原及周邻地区的历史发展影响深远。 展开更多
关键词 阿那瓌 柔然 余部 民族关系
作者 黄园园 《河北科技师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期56-59,共4页
黄巾余部是汉末张角领导的黄巾起义失败后散在各地的黄巾力量,是汉末魏初黄巾大起义后期运动的主力军。黄巾余部研究是近年来有关汉魏之际政治与社会变动研究的一个新方面。鉴于此,为还原黄巾大起义的历史面貌,从黄巾余部的流向、结局... 黄巾余部是汉末张角领导的黄巾起义失败后散在各地的黄巾力量,是汉末魏初黄巾大起义后期运动的主力军。黄巾余部研究是近年来有关汉魏之际政治与社会变动研究的一个新方面。鉴于此,为还原黄巾大起义的历史面貌,从黄巾余部的流向、结局原因、特点及影响四个方面对现有的研究成果进行总体考察,并从政治史、社会史及思想史等方面对目前研究的不足给予补充。 展开更多
关键词 黄巾余部 流向 结局 特点 影响
作者 黄园园 《安阳师范学院学报》 2011年第1期37-40,共4页
黄巾余部是汉末魏初黄巾大起义后期运动的主要部分,是近年来有关汉魏之际政治与农民运动研究的一个新方面,黄巾余部研究是还原黄巾大起义面貌的一个重要方面。本文通过对现有的文献材料及研究成果进行总体性的考察,并对目前的研究现状... 黄巾余部是汉末魏初黄巾大起义后期运动的主要部分,是近年来有关汉魏之际政治与农民运动研究的一个新方面,黄巾余部研究是还原黄巾大起义面貌的一个重要方面。本文通过对现有的文献材料及研究成果进行总体性的考察,并对目前的研究现状和不足给予相关的补充,以期对汉末魏初的农民起义研究提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 黄巾余部 研究现状 方向补充
作者 冯崧领 《传承》 2012年第2期86-87,共2页
西北军是中国现代史上的一支重要武装力量,中原大战瓦解后其余部不断走向光明与进步,其对中国新民主主义革命的胜利作出了重大贡献。其余部不断走向光明是有着深刻历史原因的,一是由于西北军的创立者冯玉祥的思想不断进步,二是由于共产... 西北军是中国现代史上的一支重要武装力量,中原大战瓦解后其余部不断走向光明与进步,其对中国新民主主义革命的胜利作出了重大贡献。其余部不断走向光明是有着深刻历史原因的,一是由于西北军的创立者冯玉祥的思想不断进步,二是由于共产党人李大钊等曾对西北军的帮助,三是由于蒋介石对西北军余部的瓦解与排挤。 展开更多
关键词 西北军余部 走向光明 历史原因
作者 龚义龙 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第4期24-31,共8页
康熙三年(1664年),刘体纯、郝摇旗、李来亨等明末农民起义军领袖或死或降,其部众散入巴山、巫山、武陵山区,长江、清江沿岸,不知所终。散入这些山区的农民起义军余部及其后裔,隐姓埋名,纂修族谱和口头传述,没留下任何曾经是起义军的&qu... 康熙三年(1664年),刘体纯、郝摇旗、李来亨等明末农民起义军领袖或死或降,其部众散入巴山、巫山、武陵山区,长江、清江沿岸,不知所终。散入这些山区的农民起义军余部及其后裔,隐姓埋名,纂修族谱和口头传述,没留下任何曾经是起义军的"把柄"。四百多年来,基本上没有人在意,极少有人去考察明末农民起义军余部的踪迹。利用"方言岛"理论、移民的本土化理论,通过梳理农民起义军余部在巫武山区最后活动的情况,可以认定清江中游存在一支明末农民起义军部众的后裔。 展开更多
关键词 明末农民起义军余部 巴山 巫山 武陵山区 消失与暴露
晚清历史人物方耀功过论评 被引量:1
作者 燕世超 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第4期38-43,共6页
方耀作为我国近代于文治武功多有建树的历史人物,他修筑炮台、防卫海疆,重教办学,广设善堂,浚江围垦、兴修水利,打击地方黑恶势力及整顿社会治安,为抵御外敌入侵,为潮汕地区文化建设、经济发展和社会进步做出了卓越的贡献。对他参与围... 方耀作为我国近代于文治武功多有建树的历史人物,他修筑炮台、防卫海疆,重教办学,广设善堂,浚江围垦、兴修水利,打击地方黑恶势力及整顿社会治安,为抵御外敌入侵,为潮汕地区文化建设、经济发展和社会进步做出了卓越的贡献。对他参与围剿太平军余部要做历史分析,他建造德安里有案可稽。评价方耀要摈弃极左思维,实事求是,还其应有的历史地位。 展开更多
关键词 方耀 围剿太平军余部 “办清乡” 建造德安里
Mechanical properties of strengthened surface layer in Ti-6Al-4V alloy induced by wet peening treatment 被引量:5
作者 李康 付雪松 +2 位作者 陈国清 周文龙 李志强 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期2868-2873,共6页
A modified surface layer was formed on Ti-6Al-4V alloy by wet peening treatment. The variations of the residual stress,nano-hardness and microstructure of the modified layer with depth from surface were studied using ... A modified surface layer was formed on Ti-6Al-4V alloy by wet peening treatment. The variations of the residual stress,nano-hardness and microstructure of the modified layer with depth from surface were studied using X-ray diffraction analysis,nano-indentation analysis, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy observations. The results show thatboth the compressive residual stress and hardness decrease with increasing depth, and the termination depths are 160 and 80 μm,respectively. The microstructure observation indicates that within 80 μm, the compressive residual stress and the hardness areenhanced by the co-action of the grain refinement strengthening and dislocation strengthening. Within 80–160 μm, the compressiveresidual stress mainly derives from the dislocation strengthening. The strengthened layer in Ti-6Al-4V alloy after wet peeningtreatment was quantitatively analyzed by a revised equation with respect to a relation between hardness and yield strength. 展开更多
关键词 Ti-6Al-4V alloy wet peening nano-hardness compressive residual stress local yield strength
作者 王维 《玉林师范学院学报》 2005年第6期31-33,共3页
关键词 大西军余部 清军 衡州之战 胜败原因
Ground-roll separation of seismic data based on morphological component analysis in twodimensional domain 被引量:2
作者 徐小红 屈光中 +2 位作者 张洋 毕云云 汪金菊 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期116-126,220,共12页
Ground roll is an interference wave that severely degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data and affects its subsequent processing and interpretation.In this study,according to differences in morphological cha... Ground roll is an interference wave that severely degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data and affects its subsequent processing and interpretation.In this study,according to differences in morphological characteristics between ground roll and reflected waves,we use morphological component analysis based on two-dimensional dictionaries to separate ground roll and reflected waves.Because ground roll is characterized by lowfrequency,low-velocity,and dispersion,we select two-dimensional undecimated discrete wavelet transform as a sparse representation dictionary of ground roll.Because of a strong local correlation of the reflected wave,we select two-dimensional local discrete cosine transform as the sparse representation dictionary of reflected waves.A sparse representation model of seismic data is constructed based on a two-dimensional joint dictionary then a block coordinate relaxation algorithm is used to solve the model and decompose seismic record into reflected wave part and ground roll part.The good effects for the synthetic seismic data and application of real seismic data indicate that when using the model,strong-energy ground roll is considerably suppressed and the waveform of the reflected wave is effectively protected. 展开更多
关键词 Ground-roll suppression morphological component analysis sparse representation two-dimensional undecimated discrete wavelet transform two-dimensional local discrete cosine transform
Bottom Currents Observed in and Around a Submarine Valley on the Continental Slope of the Northern South China Sea 被引量:5
作者 WU Lunyu XIONG Xuejun +3 位作者 LI Xiaolong SHI Maochong GUO Yongqing CHEN Liang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第6期947-957,共11页
Bottom currents at about 1000m depth in and around a submarine valley on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea were studied by a 14-month long experiment from July 2013 to September 2014. The observati... Bottom currents at about 1000m depth in and around a submarine valley on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea were studied by a 14-month long experiment from July 2013 to September 2014. The observations reveal that bottom currents are strongly influenced by the topography, being along valley axis or isobaths. Power density spectrum analysis shows that all the currents have significant peaks at diurnal and semi-diurnal frequencies. Diurnal energy is dominant at the open slope site, which is consistent with many previous studies. However, at the site inside the valley the semi-diurnal energy dominates, although the distance between the two sites of observation is quite small (11 kin) compared to a typical horizontal first-mode internal tide wavelength (200 km). We found this phenomenon is caused by the focusing of internal waves of certain frequencies in the valley. The inertial peak is found only at the open slope site in the first deployment but missing at the inside valley site and the rest of the de- ployments. Monthly averaged residual currents reveal that the near-bottom currents on the slope flow southwestward throughout the year except in August and September, 2013, from which we speculate that this is a result of the interaction between a mesoscale eddy and the canyon/sag topography. Currents inside the valley within about 10mab basically flow along slope and in the layers above the 10mab the currents are northwestward, that is, from the deep ocean to the shelf. The monthly mean current vectors manifest an Ek- man layer-like vertical structure at both sites, which rotate counter-clockwise looking from above. 展开更多
关键词 bottom currents VALLEY continental slope South China Sea
Node deployment strategy optimization for wireless sensor network with mobile base station 被引量:7
作者 龙军 桂卫华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期453-458,共6页
The optimization of network performance in a movement-assisted data gathering scheme was studied by analyzing the energy consumption of wireless sensor network with node uniform distribution. A theoretically analytica... The optimization of network performance in a movement-assisted data gathering scheme was studied by analyzing the energy consumption of wireless sensor network with node uniform distribution. A theoretically analytical method for avoiding energy hole was proposed. It is proved that if the densities of sensor nodes working at the same time are alternate between dormancy and work with non-uniform node distribution. The efficiency of network can increase by several times and the residual energy of network is nearly zero when the network lifetime ends. 展开更多
关键词 wireless sensor network mobile base station network optimization energy consumption balancing density ratio of sensor node network lifetime
Characteristics of the May 12,2008 Wenchuan M_S8.0 Earthquake Sequence and Discussion on Relevant Problems 被引量:1
作者 Jiang Haikun Li Mingxiao Wu Qiong Song Jin 《Earthquake Research in China》 2009年第1期34-47,共14页
The aftershock activity of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake Sequence shows an obvious segmented feature. Most of the large aftershocks were distributed in the north and south parts of the aftershock zone. Th... The aftershock activity of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake Sequence shows an obvious segmented feature. Most of the large aftershocks were distributed in the north and south parts of the aftershock zone. Thrusting was dominant with a small amount of strike-slip component in the south part. The aftershock activity decayed gradually, presenting the sequence features of a mainshock-aftershock pattern. The north part was the ending area of the malnshock fracture where strike-slipping was dominant, showing an obvious swarm feature. Therefore it became the major area for large aftershocks. The modulation of the earth tide on aftershock activity is remarkable; most large aftershocks occur during the period of flood and neap tide. The time period around 16:00 was the dominant occurring time for large aftershocks. The p-value, a parameter of modified Omori formula, increases gradually with time, and reaches about 1 at the end. Based on previous study, the sequence patterns, magnitude of maximum aftershock, as well as the duration of aftershock activity has been discussed. The primary results also show that the magnitude difference between the maiushock and the maximum aftershock is proportional to the rupture size of the maiushock for huge earthquakes of about Ms8.0. This means that when the magnitudes of the earthquakes are nearly the same, large rupture size corresponds to sufficient energy release. 展开更多
关键词 May 12 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with Ms8.0 Segmentation features Sequence type Magnitude of maximum aftershock Duration of aftershock activity Rupture size
Measurement of Surplus Labor in Viet Nam Agriculture 被引量:1
《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第2期105-110,共6页
The large shift of surplus labor from agriculture to industry and services is seen in many countries around the world as well as in Vietnam in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country that has... The large shift of surplus labor from agriculture to industry and services is seen in many countries around the world as well as in Vietnam in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country that has set questions about the sustainability of rural surplus labor: is there still a source of surplus labor in rural areas? If so, how large is the source of surplus labor and how long it can be lasting? These questions were hotly debated in the literature abroad. But in Vietnam there is very little or hardly exchanged opinions about the concepts and methods of measurement of surplus labor in general and surplus labor in agriculture in particular. This article refers to the measurement approach of surplus labor in agriculture in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 Labor force agricultural labor surplus labor surplus labor in agriculture.
Analysis on Characteristics of Focal Mechanisms for the M_S7.3 Yutian Earthquake Sequence of February 12,2014
作者 Li Jin Wang Qiong 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第4期527-538,共12页
The paper inverts the focal mechanism solutions of the Yutian M_S7. 3 main shock,foreshocks and M_S≥3. 5 aftershocks by using the CAP method,based on the broadband waveforms recorded by the Xinjiang and Tibet Digital... The paper inverts the focal mechanism solutions of the Yutian M_S7. 3 main shock,foreshocks and M_S≥3. 5 aftershocks by using the CAP method,based on the broadband waveforms recorded by the Xinjiang and Tibet Digital Seismic Networks. The results show that the M_S7. 3 strong earthquake is of strike-slip type with a normal faulting component,and combined with the analysis of focal structure and the aftershock distribution,the nodal plane I with strike 241°,dip 90° and rake- 22° is considered to be the seismogenic fault plane of the main shock. The direction of P-axis for the main shock is 194°,close to the near NS direction of the principal stress P-axis of historical strong earthquakes in this region. The focal mechanism solution of the M_S5. 4 foreshock has a good consistency with that of the main shock. Among the 18 aftershocks,10 are of strike-slip type,6 are of normal faulting type and 2 are of thrust type. 70% of the aftershocks in the sequence have a focal mechanism with P-axis in the near-NS direction. The focal depths of this M_S7. 3 earthquake sequences are distributed in the range of 5km- 28 km,with the majority in the depth range of 15km- 20 km,slightly deeper than the depth of 10 km of the main shock as calculated. 展开更多
关键词 Yutian MS7.3 earthquake Focal mechanism CAP method AFTERSHOCK
Therapeutic Activity of Partially Purified Fractions of Emblica officinalis (Syn, Phyllanthus embfica) Dried Fruits against Trypanosoma evansi
作者 Shaba Peter Sahab Dey +2 位作者 Bhanuprakash Veerakyathappa Singh Raj Kumar Chaudary Paulad 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第10期546-558,共13页
Emblica officinalis (E. oJficinalis) dried fruits were evaluated for its antitrypanosomal activity and cytotoxic effects. Vero cell line maintained in DMEM (Dubecco's Modified Eagle Medium) and incubated with Try... Emblica officinalis (E. oJficinalis) dried fruits were evaluated for its antitrypanosomal activity and cytotoxic effects. Vero cell line maintained in DMEM (Dubecco's Modified Eagle Medium) and incubated with Trypanosoma evansi for more than 12 h. MPE was added to the Vero cell culture medium at different concentrations (250-1,000 μg/mL) with trypanosomes concentration (1 × 106 trypanosomes/mL in each ELISA plate well) and incubated at appropriate conditions for 72 h. In-vitro cytotoxieity of MPE of E. officinalis was determined on Vero cells at concentrations ((1.56-100 ~tg/mL). Acute toxicity and in-vivo infectivity tests were done in mice. Obtained MPE ofE. officinalis underwent process of purification via column chromatography, preparative chromatography and HPLC (higher performance liquid chromatography) with bioassay at different strata on Alsever's medium. In-vivo assay for trypanocidal activity, MPE and PPFs (partially purified fractions) of E. officinalis with two sets of mice, each mouse was inoculated with 1 × 104/mL oftrypanosomes and treated (48 h post inoculation) at concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) were administered at dose rate of 100 [tL per mouse via intraperitoneal route (in treating parassitemic mice) to different groups of mice, 6 mice per concentration. HPLC of partially purified fractions ofE. officinalis was carried out with mobile phase ofacetonitdle: water (40:60) in gradient mode. In vitro, MPE induced immobilization and killing of the parasites in concentration-time dependent manner. Significant reduction of trypanosomes counts from concentration of 250μg/mL and complete killing of trypanosomes at 5th hour of observation, which was statistically equivalent to 4th hour of Diminazine Aceturate (Berenil), standard reference drug used. HPLC of the partially purified fractions revealed two major prominent peaks at retention time of 1-4 min. In vivo, both MPE and PPFs of test material did prolong lives of mice by 6-9 days but could not cure them. At concentration of 2,000 kg/kg body weight of MPE in acute test, all mice survived. For in-vivo infectivity test, mice injected with immobilized trypanosomes developed parasitemia and died while, the other group survived. MPE, PPFs and Diminazine Aceturate were toxic to Vero cells at all concentrations exception of 1.56, 1.56-3.13 and 1.56-6.25 μg/mL, respectively. From this report, PPFs ofE. officinalis dried fruits demonstrated potential pathway for a new development oftrypanocide in near future if additional investigations are put in place. 展开更多
关键词 Emblica officinalis dried fruits in vitro and in vivo partially purified fractions trypanocidal activity Trypanosoma evansi in vitro cytotoxicity.
A Study on the Characteristics of the Yutian,Xinjiang M_S7.3 Earthquake,February 12,2014
作者 Meng Lingyuan Zhou Longquan Shi Haixia 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第1期47-56,共10页
The February 12, 2014, Ms7. 3, earthquake in Yutian, Xinjiang, China, occurred as a result of shallow strike-slip faulting in the tectonicaUy complex region of the northern Tibetan Plateau, with a depth of 17kin. This... The February 12, 2014, Ms7. 3, earthquake in Yutian, Xinjiang, China, occurred as a result of shallow strike-slip faulting in the tectonicaUy complex region of the northern Tibetan Plateau, with a depth of 17kin. This earthquake occurred several hundred kilometers north of the convergent India-Eurasia plate boundary. The epicenter location of the Yutian earthquake, 36. 1° N, 82. 5° E, is ll0km north of Yutian County, Hotan Prefecture. A large number of aftershocks from ML2. 0 to ML3. 0 occurred until 12:00 o'clock, February 23, 2014 and the largest aftershock, Ms5. 7, occurred at 17:24 μm. , February 12, 2014. The b and h value of Yutian sequence are 0.70 and 1.29, respectively. The waiting time method reveals that the strong aftershocks above ML 4. 5 comply with a linear relationship, which is consistent with the characteristics of a mainshock-aftershock sequence. Furthermore, we calculate the source parameters and analyze the rupture process based on the empirical relationships for the Yutian earthquake, and the results indicate a frictional undershoot behavior in the dynamic source process of the Yutian earthquake, which is also in agreement with the lower and similar b values compared with the 2008 Ms 7.3 Yutian earthquake and the 2012 Ms 6. 2 Yutian earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake Earthquake sequence Source parameters
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