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中国戏曲“随处作场”表演方式的特征 被引量:3
作者 王雯 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第6期183-186,共4页
作为中国戏曲最一般的表演形式,随处作场诞生于戏曲的萌发时期,并一直延续到后世。其特征是表演过程的流走性、演出场合的流动性以及童子功搬演的自由性。随处作场是形成戏曲审美特征的现实基础,决定了戏曲舞台是没有指向性的、具有极... 作为中国戏曲最一般的表演形式,随处作场诞生于戏曲的萌发时期,并一直延续到后世。其特征是表演过程的流走性、演出场合的流动性以及童子功搬演的自由性。随处作场是形成戏曲审美特征的现实基础,决定了戏曲舞台是没有指向性的、具有极大自由度的"空场子"。 展开更多
关键词 随处作场 表演过程 演出 童子功搬演 戏曲审美特征
福建“作场戏”戏出结构与演剧型态探析 被引量:1
作者 蔡欣欣 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2020年第4期1-10,共10页
福建"作场戏"又称"阔公戏",乃是向地方神张大阔公祈福祝保的宗族祭祀演剧,目前仅存大田县文江乡朱坂村"丰场"与永安市槐南镇槐南村"人场"仍搬演。作场戏演出时,阔公与田公各司所职,各显神通。... 福建"作场戏"又称"阔公戏",乃是向地方神张大阔公祈福祝保的宗族祭祀演剧,目前仅存大田县文江乡朱坂村"丰场"与永安市槐南镇槐南村"人场"仍搬演。作场戏演出时,阔公与田公各司所职,各显神通。阔公神舆及香炉坐镇后棚,作为乡里宗族祭祀仪典中受享香火的主神;而子弟以"肉身"妆扮变身为田都元帅,在祭祀仪典中作为神灵化身"尸",甚或再手捧田公神像,或是与郑二连袂,以"双重"灵威坐镇前棚为场主,发挥戏神的职能神通。而作场戏以"祈丰保民/禳灾祈福"为戏出核心主旨,组合串连为"杂剧群"戏出结构,展示宗教科仪、歌舞、科诨与武术杂技等多元演剧型态,呈现兼融神圣祭仪与世俗娱乐的演剧特点。 展开更多
关键词 福建作场 朱坂村“丰 槐南村“人 阔公信仰 杂剧群
从吊场、作场等看中国戏曲剧本的场上规划 被引量:1
作者 王铭 《艺苑》 2018年第2期63-66,共4页
中国戏曲是融"唱念做打"于一体的综合性艺术。"唱念做打"融合为表现特定内容的戏曲艺术,而不流于杂技歌舞表演,则需要精心结撰的戏曲剧本。戏曲剧本要顺畅地搬演于场上,其创作就不能不对"唱念做打"的综... 中国戏曲是融"唱念做打"于一体的综合性艺术。"唱念做打"融合为表现特定内容的戏曲艺术,而不流于杂技歌舞表演,则需要精心结撰的戏曲剧本。戏曲剧本要顺畅地搬演于场上,其创作就不能不对"唱念做打"的综合性表演方式有所回应。中国戏曲剧本中吊场、作场等术语的使用,表明戏曲艺术中"场"具备丰富的内容,也表明了剧作家创作时"场景"的衔接以及具体实现,有着深刻的思考。 展开更多
关键词 戏曲剧本 组合衔接 作场
活态艺术遗产的文化整理与研究方法——以福建“作场”为对象的考察 被引量:2
作者 王馗 《艺术学研究》 2020年第1期80-92,共13页
以福建"作场"的现场调研讨论为基础,聚焦"作场"的历史背景梳理、文化传统挖掘,针对福建戏曲研究者从戏曲学角度进行的学术判定,回应与"作场"相关的主要问题。从非物质文化遗产形态的原则出发对"作场... 以福建"作场"的现场调研讨论为基础,聚焦"作场"的历史背景梳理、文化传统挖掘,针对福建戏曲研究者从戏曲学角度进行的学术判定,回应与"作场"相关的主要问题。从非物质文化遗产形态的原则出发对"作场"所涉及的社会群体、艺术形态、文化品格等内容,进行研究方法的总结,对活态表演艺术形态的遗产定位进行理论探索。研究活态文化遗存的历史与传续时,对文献解读所涉及的特定名词,根据其内涵的历代演变,要取其下限,而慎重地定其上限;对于文献涉及的文化形态,在综合其文化要素时,要取其整体,而慎重地探讨其细节;对于文化形态的文化品格判断时,要取其活态创造,而慎重面对其静态形式的原则。 展开更多
关键词 作场 形态 表演 活态
行业神做为地方保护神:福建作场戏中所见“戏神群”探析 被引量:3
作者 林鹤宜 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2018年第6期28-39,共12页
自2009年福建大田县朱坂村和永安市槐南村作场戏被发现以来,以福建学者群为主的研究团队,已就各个面向陆续发表相当完整的研究成果,并获得普遍的肯定。论文着眼于作场戏整体"信仰场域"中透现的强烈"乡人傩"气息,以... 自2009年福建大田县朱坂村和永安市槐南村作场戏被发现以来,以福建学者群为主的研究团队,已就各个面向陆续发表相当完整的研究成果,并获得普遍的肯定。论文着眼于作场戏整体"信仰场域"中透现的强烈"乡人傩"气息,以及演出中出现的戏神群像,首先就两地传说和相关文献,论述作场戏信仰核心的宗族保护神"张大阔公"所兼具的戏神神格,及其可能的背景;接着论证两地作场戏所见的"戏神群",体现的正是在大腔戏和大腔傀儡戏流传脉络下的"子弟扮仙戏"本质。最后从两地作场戏在不同步骤中表现的鲜明仪式性,进一步论述整体历史文化中,由傩神到戏神的信仰发展脉络,以及宗教科仪和地方流行剧种对于民间信仰观念的渗透,甚至活动方式的植入。 展开更多
关键词 朱坂村 槐南村 作场 张大阔公 戏神 傩神 乡人傩
论大田、永安作场戏的民间信仰色彩 被引量:1
作者 罗金满 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 2021年第3期10-18,9,共10页
民间信仰是戏曲艺术生存发展的重要文化土壤。大田、永安作场戏是至今流传于福建省大田县朱坂村和永安市槐南村两处宗族社会的古老戏剧形式,无论是其剧目取材来源、艺术形态,还是演出仪式,都与民间信仰之间有着密不可分的关系,从而具有... 民间信仰是戏曲艺术生存发展的重要文化土壤。大田、永安作场戏是至今流传于福建省大田县朱坂村和永安市槐南村两处宗族社会的古老戏剧形式,无论是其剧目取材来源、艺术形态,还是演出仪式,都与民间信仰之间有着密不可分的关系,从而具有浓厚的民间信仰色彩。 展开更多
关键词 作场 剧目取材 艺术形态 演出仪式
作者 林菲尔 《艺术研究(哈尔滨师范大学艺术学报)》 2023年第5期108-111,共4页
福建杂剧“作场戏”是一种古老的地方宗族仪式演剧,经考证被认定为“宋元南方杂剧”的遗存形态,流传至今,已成为保存古老戏剧遗风的“活化石”般的存在。本文基于已有研究,探析作场戏传承与发展的动力因素。文章结合实地考察所获资料,... 福建杂剧“作场戏”是一种古老的地方宗族仪式演剧,经考证被认定为“宋元南方杂剧”的遗存形态,流传至今,已成为保存古老戏剧遗风的“活化石”般的存在。本文基于已有研究,探析作场戏传承与发展的动力因素。文章结合实地考察所获资料,认为作场戏在传承过程中的动力主要通过两个维度体现:传统的维系与传统的焕新。传统的维系扎根于当地民众精神与心灵的诉求以及乡土认同之中,作场戏实际上是民众精神力量的外显;传统的焕新则是在作场戏内部传承生态“相对稳固”与“隐含活力”特质相交错的基础上、在时代演变及“非遗”政策等外力因素的作用下共同形成的结果。 展开更多
关键词 福建杂剧作场 宋代南方杂剧 传承动力 文化价值
俄汉语非徒手动作语义场义位的词典释义及其对比分析 被引量:3
作者 张志军 徐英平 《外语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期44-48,共5页
关键词 俄汉对比 非徒手动语义 义位 词典释义
作者 罗金满 《戏曲艺术》 北大核心 2012年第2期66-71,共6页
作场杂剧是现存于福建大田县文江乡朱坂村宗族社会中一种古老的戏剧样式,是福建目前发现的最古老戏剧形态;其流传渊源古老,与朱坂村宗族保护神阔公信仰与祭祀活动密不可分;不仅具有独特的戏曲艺术形态,还具有浓重的宗教色彩和仪式表演,... 作场杂剧是现存于福建大田县文江乡朱坂村宗族社会中一种古老的戏剧样式,是福建目前发现的最古老戏剧形态;其流传渊源古老,与朱坂村宗族保护神阔公信仰与祭祀活动密不可分;不仅具有独特的戏曲艺术形态,还具有浓重的宗教色彩和仪式表演,保留了一些我国早期的戏曲因素遗存,从而具有"活化石"意义,对研究和探讨福建乃至我国的早期戏曲和宗族戏曲,都具有重要的价值。 展开更多
关键词 大田朱坂村 阔公信仰 作场杂剧
作者 赖世贤 陈志宏 何苗 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期248-252,共5页
通过对闽南和台湾地区"对场作"建筑的调研及对比,对这一独特地域建筑营造现象进行了初步的释义,探讨了其在闽台地区盛行的原因.发现大部分"对场作"建筑类型为宫庙或宗祠一类的公共性质建筑;认为匠师竞作能够促进技... 通过对闽南和台湾地区"对场作"建筑的调研及对比,对这一独特地域建筑营造现象进行了初步的释义,探讨了其在闽台地区盛行的原因.发现大部分"对场作"建筑类型为宫庙或宗祠一类的公共性质建筑;认为匠师竞作能够促进技艺提高、加快工程进度、满足业主期许,但容易引发恶性竞争、导致建筑美学失调. 展开更多
关键词 闽台地区 传统建筑 建造方式
作者 赖世贤 陈志宏 《华中建筑》 2012年第10期147-150,共4页
该文首先阐述"对场作"定义,通过对闽南地区几个不同时期、不同类型"对场作"建筑的调查研究,详细描述这几个建筑采用对场营造方式的部位与建造手法,并给予对比分析及归类。文章同时进一步论述"对场作"这... 该文首先阐述"对场作"定义,通过对闽南地区几个不同时期、不同类型"对场作"建筑的调查研究,详细描述这几个建筑采用对场营造方式的部位与建造手法,并给予对比分析及归类。文章同时进一步论述"对场作"这种营造方式之特点,并从地域文化、社会经济、匠师技艺等方面探讨其历史源起和盛行原因,评价"对场作"营建方式的优点与不足,以期管窥闽南地区多彩而独特的传统建筑文化,从而为进一步研究闽南传统建筑工艺提供最原初资料。 展开更多
关键词 闽南建筑 营建方式 源起
作者 陈斌 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第5期58-61,共4页
闽台民间美术营造施作中的"对场作"是闽台区域间较为独特的一种营建方式。一般出现在具有公共性质的场所或商贾乡绅宅邸,以重金的激励方式促进匠师亮出技艺水准。良性竞争的"对场作"能促进画工、塑匠技艺的提高,为... 闽台民间美术营造施作中的"对场作"是闽台区域间较为独特的一种营建方式。一般出现在具有公共性质的场所或商贾乡绅宅邸,以重金的激励方式促进匠师亮出技艺水准。良性竞争的"对场作"能促进画工、塑匠技艺的提高,为我们留下许多刻意求工令人叹为观止的建筑古迹,而恶性竞争的"对场作"会导致建筑装饰极为不协调,失去统一性美感。 展开更多
关键词 闽南 台湾地区 民间美术 模式
福建宋杂剧的发现及其戏剧形态探考 被引量:4
作者 叶明生 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2013年第1期42-56,共15页
由于宋元间北杂剧和南戏的快速发展,南方杂剧在都市社会很快消失,至于它的形成及戏剧形态却被历史所遗忘,以至成为中国戏曲史上的一个谜。但在闽中北部山区,由于特殊的历史地理条件和文化传统因素,使早期流传该地区的作场戏作为宗族祭... 由于宋元间北杂剧和南戏的快速发展,南方杂剧在都市社会很快消失,至于它的形成及戏剧形态却被历史所遗忘,以至成为中国戏曲史上的一个谜。但在闽中北部山区,由于特殊的历史地理条件和文化传统因素,使早期流传该地区的作场戏作为宗族祭祀戏剧一直在民间承传不息,近年因非物质文化遗产调查的深入而被发现。本文即对这一新发现的作场戏剧目结构形式、戏剧表现特征和历史以来当地对其杂剧的认同及与杂剧之比较等方面进行介述,使这种深隐于大山之中以戏剧文化潜流形式存在的宋杂剧遗存形态为世人所识,从而促进我国戏史界对宋杂剧和中国南戏史的研究。 展开更多
关键词 作场 张大阔公 宋杂剧 啰哩嗹 宗族戏剧
六朝—隋唐时期岳州窑青瓷的东西方文化交流研究 被引量:4
作者 石蒙蒙 《美术大观》 2021年第1期181-185,共5页
作为南方青瓷的杰出代表,岳州窑的异域风格推动力探讨对于研究汉至隋唐时期陶瓷手工业技术的交流与传播具有重要意义。地处长江中游的岳州窑,在江南与西域朝聘往来的历史大场景中,吸收着舶来文化因子,呈现出设计上的跨文化传播、转译、... 作为南方青瓷的杰出代表,岳州窑的异域风格推动力探讨对于研究汉至隋唐时期陶瓷手工业技术的交流与传播具有重要意义。地处长江中游的岳州窑,在江南与西域朝聘往来的历史大场景中,吸收着舶来文化因子,呈现出设计上的跨文化传播、转译、重构的历史语境,不但体现着官方的价值与权力,同时也表达了民间对西域文化的接受与认同,反映了域外文化在中国视觉文化建构过程中的影响,显示着中西亚文明东渐的地理跨度。 展开更多
关键词 六朝青瓷 岳州窑青瓷 官府作场 丝绸之路河南道
Ageing process of pre-precipitation phase in Ni_(0.75)Al_(0.05)Fe_(0.2) alloy based on phase field method 被引量:4
作者 董卫平 王永欣 +1 位作者 陈铮 杨坤 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1105-1111,共7页
By utilizing phase field method combined with analysis on free energy and interatomic potentials, pre-precipitation phase formation and transformation process of Ni0.75Al0.05Fe0.2 alloy in early precipitation stage du... By utilizing phase field method combined with analysis on free energy and interatomic potentials, pre-precipitation phase formation and transformation process of Ni0.75Al0.05Fe0.2 alloy in early precipitation stage during the ageing process under 1 000 K were studied. And free energy, microstructures, compositions and volume fractions of pre-precipitation phase and equilibrium phase were analyzed. The simulation results indicate that nonstoichiometric Llo pre-precipitation phase formed first, and then would gradually transform into L12 equilibrium phase. It is discovered that the phase transformation process was closely related to free energy and interatomic potentials. Additionally, it is revealed that free energy of Llo pre-precipitation phase was higher and interatomic potential was smaller than that of L12 equilibrium phase. Therefore, it is concluded that Llo phase was unstable, and phase transformation would occur to L12 which was more stable. 展开更多
关键词 pre-precipitation phase equilibrium phase interatomic potentials free energy phase field method
Optimal pricing and production decisions in a supply chain with e-marketplace 被引量:1
作者 何勇 赵林度 何炬 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第S1期8-14,共7页
The concept of the e-marketplace is introduced.Considering a supply chain with a single manufacturer who sells a single item in an e-marketplace,an analytical model for the use of the e-marketplace in a supply chain i... The concept of the e-marketplace is introduced.Considering a supply chain with a single manufacturer who sells a single item in an e-marketplace,an analytical model for the use of the e-marketplace in a supply chain is provided.Assuming the market demand is stochastic and price-dependent,the conditions under which the manufacturer and the e-marketplace owner share the market in equilibrium is developed.The existence and uniqueness of the optimal selling price,quantity and transaction percentage are proved.An integrated supply chain is put forward,and then the efficiency of supply chain coordination is studied by comparing the integrated supply chain with the decentralized supply chain.To gain further insights on the theoretical models,extensive simulations are then carried out. 展开更多
关键词 supply chain management E-MARKETPLACE strategy pricing COORDINATION
Physiological and Biochemical Response of Artificial Wetland Plant under Electric Field 被引量:6
作者 卢守波 宋新山 +2 位作者 张涛 王道源 严登华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期121-124,共4页
By measuring wetland plants chlorophyll content,malondialdehyde(MDA) content and superoxide dismutase(SOD) enzyme activity,the changes of wetland plant physiological characeristics under different power strength were ... By measuring wetland plants chlorophyll content,malondialdehyde(MDA) content and superoxide dismutase(SOD) enzyme activity,the changes of wetland plant physiological characeristics under different power strength were studied,and the mechanism of electric field on plant physiological characteristics was analyzed to provide a theoretical basis for the pollutant removal ability strengthening of artificial wetland under electricfield.The results showed that compared with the control plants,low-intensity-voltage(1 V and 3 V) had no significant effect on the normal physiological and biochemical indexes of the plants,and the growth trend was better than the control group;with the voltage increasing,plant chlorophyll content,MDA content and SOD activity were greatly affected,indicating that plants were under strong oxidative stress,and the growth was damaged.Therefore,a suitable electric field could enhance the sewage treatment effect of constructed wetland. 展开更多
关键词 Electric field Artificial wetland plant Physiological and biochemical indexes Response
Study on Antioxidants and Lipid Peroxidation from Pea Crops of Platean 被引量:11
作者 李园媛 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期19-21,共3页
[ Objective] The aim of this study was to discuss the effect of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation from pea crops of plateau. [ Method] SOD enzyme liquid from pea crops of plateau was extracted by means of protein co... [ Objective] The aim of this study was to discuss the effect of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation from pea crops of plateau. [ Method] SOD enzyme liquid from pea crops of plateau was extracted by means of protein concentration assay, enzyme activity assay and antioxidant activity determination by DPPH method, peroxide activity inhibition of in vitro tissues from mice by homogenate MDA colorimetry method and lipid peroxidation assay of in vitro tissues. [ Result ] IC50 of the crude enzyme liquid extracted from pea on DPPH was 55.16 mg/L, while the scavenging rate of the crude enzyme liquid was lower than that of ascorbic acid, tea polyphenol and citric acid with the same concentration. The synergistic effect was found in ascorbic acid and crude enzyme liquid, but the synergism of ascorbic acid was better than that of citric acid. IC50 of SOD enzyme liquid extracted from pea on DPPH was 11.1 mg/L, which was better than that of tea polyphenol and closely similar to that of ascorbic acid. SOD enzyme liquid extracted from pea had an inhibitory effect on MDA production from in vitro tissues such as liver, kidney and heart, especially for a significantly inhibitory effect on MDA from liver in vitro. When the concentration was 0.25 mg/ml, the inhibition rate reached 78.3%, and then the inhibition rate increased little with the concentration incresas, while its effect on heart and kidney were inferior. [ Conclusion] SOD crude enzyme liquid and SOD enzyme liquid extracted from pea all have certain DPPH scavenging capacity, while SOD enzyme liquid extracted from pea has an inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation. 展开更多
关键词 Pea crops of plateau SOD DPPH Lipid peroxidation IC50
Frequency and barriers of reporting workplace violence in nurses:An online survey in China 被引量:4
作者 Chunyan Song Gaili Wang Hongyan Wu 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期65-70,I0005,共7页
Objectives:This study aimed to explore the reporting of workplace violence against nurses and the reasons why they did not reported.Methods:A self-designed questionnaire regarding workplace violence and reporting was ... Objectives:This study aimed to explore the reporting of workplace violence against nurses and the reasons why they did not reported.Methods:A self-designed questionnaire regarding workplace violence and reporting was used to conduct a cross-sectional survey on nurses who submitted a manuscript to a Chinese nursing journal from 2016 to 2017.A total of 324 nurses agreed to participate in this study and 266 participants from 165 hospitals in 72 cities returned questionnaires.Results:A total of 172 nurses(64.7%)experienced violent incidents during the past year.Of these incidents,45.5%were reported;and the reporting rate of physical assaults(69.0%)was higher than those of verbal abuse(36.9%),threatening behavior(51.7%),and sexual harassment(60.0%).Formal reporting accounted for 25.4%(15.4%in written form and 10.0%through a computer-assisted reporting system).Almost half of the nurses(49.6%)stated that the hospital had no reporting system or they were uncertain about the reporting system.For reasons of not reporting,51.9%of the nurses were unware of how and what types of violence to report,and 50.6%of the nurses believed that the hospital paid greater attention to patients rather than staff.Conclusions:A clear definition of workplace violence and reporting procedures,establishment of a facile system for reporting,and supervisory support following a reporting are urgently required. 展开更多
关键词 Hospital nursing staff Self report VIOLENCE WORKPLACE
Development and validation of the Nurse’s Workplace Mental Health Questionnaire 被引量:1
作者 Jing Lai Rong Zhang +1 位作者 Miaoxuan Hong Nanyan Li 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第4期521-528,共8页
Objectives:This study aimed to develop and validate the Nurse’sWorkplace Mental Health Questionnaire(NWMHQ).Methods:The questionnaire was developed based on the two continua model of mental illness and health propose... Objectives:This study aimed to develop and validate the Nurse’sWorkplace Mental Health Questionnaire(NWMHQ).Methods:The questionnaire was developed based on the two continua model of mental illness and health proposed by Keyes.The initial questionnaire was generated through literature review,two rounds of Delphi expert consultation,followed by a pilot survey.Finally,the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were validated through an online survey of 2,815 registered nurses selected from the public hospitals in 11 provinces from June to July 2020.Results:The item-content validity index(I-CVI)of the questionnaire ranged from 0.750 to 1.000 and the average scale-level content validity index(S-CVI/Ave)was 0.906.Cronbach’s a coefficient was 0.948 and test-retest reliability was 0.850.The self-rating depression scale score was negatively related to the NWMHQ score(r=0.664,P<0.01).The exploratory factor analysis(EFA)yielded six factors(emotional status,psychological security,positive relationship,resilience,self-efficacy,and subjective well-being),consisting of 32 items.The cumulative variance contribution rate was 65.58%.Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA)showed an acceptable fit.Conclusion:The NWMHQ developed in this study showed good reliability and validity.This questionnaire may help assess the mental health status of nurses and help nursing managers to develop appropriate targeted psychological interventions. 展开更多
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