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作者 徐薇 安海燕 +3 位作者 庞杰 孙海涛 张国华 贺松其 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2024年第14期57-59,共3页
文章采用收集、整理、综合分析文献的方法,讨论《素问·灵兰秘典论》中“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉”的理论含义。“作强”一词多解释为作用强力、有耐重劳、房事、封藏、作匠以及脊柱等,而“伎巧”一词多解释为技能才能,也指房事。... 文章采用收集、整理、综合分析文献的方法,讨论《素问·灵兰秘典论》中“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉”的理论含义。“作强”一词多解释为作用强力、有耐重劳、房事、封藏、作匠以及脊柱等,而“伎巧”一词多解释为技能才能,也指房事。通过对《黄帝内经》各篇章的印证,作者认为“作强”应解释为人体体力活动,尤其是爆发力;“伎巧”应解释为人体脑力劳动,尤其是专注程度。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 作强 伎巧 脑肾轴
双龙作强丸治疗阳萎156例临床疗效观察 被引量:3
作者 张惠臣 刘友章 《新中医》 CAS 北大核心 1996年第5期22-23,共2页
应用双龙作强丸治疗156例阳萎患者,其中命门火衰型94例,有效率为91.5%;心脾两虚型39例,有效率为84.6%;惊恐伤肾型12例,有效率为83.3%;肝气郁结型6例,有效率仅33.3%;阴虚火旺型5例,有效率为0... 应用双龙作强丸治疗156例阳萎患者,其中命门火衰型94例,有效率为91.5%;心脾两虚型39例,有效率为84.6%;惊恐伤肾型12例,有效率为83.3%;肝气郁结型6例,有效率仅33.3%;阴虚火旺型5例,有效率为0。显示该药对命门火衰型疗效最好,阴虚火旺型无效。 展开更多
关键词 阳萎 中医药疗法 双龙作强
从道家思想文化角度诠释“肾”“作强”“伎巧” 被引量:2
作者 臧守虎 《中医药文化》 2006年第4期8-10,共3页
在道家思想文化背景下,对《素问·灵兰秘典论》中“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉”句中的“肾”、“作强”、“伎巧”等词语进行考察与诠释。认为在比类取象的思维方式下,“肾”对应于“道”;“作强”在《老子》中是“道”生万物的过程,... 在道家思想文化背景下,对《素问·灵兰秘典论》中“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉”句中的“肾”、“作强”、“伎巧”等词语进行考察与诠释。认为在比类取象的思维方式下,“肾”对应于“道”;“作强”在《老子》中是“道”生万物的过程,对人体而言是肾精化生人体脏腑、血气、骨骼等的过程;“伎巧”在《老子》中指“道”化生万物的功能,对人体而言是指由肾精所化生的脏腑、血气、骨骼等功能。《黄帝内经》深受道家思想的影响,正确理解与诠释《黄帝内经》离不开对道家思想文化的理解与把握。 展开更多
关键词 道家思想文化 作强 伎巧 诠释
作者 王米渠 《云南中医学院学报》 1997年第1期26-28,共3页
关键词 肾气 心力作强
再议“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉” 被引量:9
作者 韩东升 迟洋 王小平 《山东中医药大学学报》 2018年第1期15-18,共4页
针对《素问·灵兰秘典论》中肾为"作强之官"能出"伎巧"的各种观点,结合历代医家的观点,本于《内经》篇目原文,首先通过分析脾胃为"仓廪"出"五味"以及脾胃、大肠、小肠在水谷运化过程的功能关系,推及肾在参与三焦、膀胱水液... 针对《素问·灵兰秘典论》中肾为"作强之官"能出"伎巧"的各种观点,结合历代医家的观点,本于《内经》篇目原文,首先通过分析脾胃为"仓廪"出"五味"以及脾胃、大肠、小肠在水谷运化过程的功能关系,推及肾在参与三焦、膀胱水液代谢过程中发挥的功能作用,初释"肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉"的含义;其次结合典籍文献的相关记载就文字形成与发展之初的字形和含义,着重分析了"作强"与"伎巧"的内涵;最后立足于《内经》中有关肾的功能活动描述,阐释了"作强"在实现人体脏腑百骸功能活动正常发挥中的根本地位和"伎巧"在维护形神协调一致和固护一身精神过程中的意义。 展开更多
关键词 作强 伎巧 起亟 为固 形与神俱
《黄帝内经》“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉”析 被引量:7
作者 王峰 《光明中医》 2015年第10期2062-2064,共3页
目的研究《黄帝内经》"肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉"的理论含义。方法采用文献学的收集、整理、综合分析的研究方法。结果 "作强"一词应为"作彊",作彊是官名,是掌管制作弓箭的官职;"伎巧"一词,其... 目的研究《黄帝内经》"肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉"的理论含义。方法采用文献学的收集、整理、综合分析的研究方法。结果 "作强"一词应为"作彊",作彊是官名,是掌管制作弓箭的官职;"伎巧"一词,其义为技能,才能。是对制作弓箭技术、技能的概称;"肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉"应释为:肾好比掌管制作弓箭的机构官职,其技能、才能、技艺等方面属于肾统辖。结论《黄帝内经》"肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉"是将肾比作掌管制作弓箭的机构,负责技术、才能、技艺方面的管理,这种技能、才能、技艺属于现代大脑神经中枢思维活动范畴;《内经》将这种技能、才能、技艺的大脑神经中枢高级神经活动功能态归于肾统辖,是基于脏腑理论体系以五脏为核心的理论体系规范的结果。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 作强 伎巧
作者 傅晨东 张玲芳 《中医药研究》 1996年第1期10-11,共2页
再论肾之作强与伎巧轩岗矿务局医院(034114)傅晨东,张玲芳《素问·灵兰秘典论》在论及十二官时提出:“肾为作强之官,伎巧出焉。”的论断。历代诸家解释此文多牵强附会,以讹传讹,实难自圆其说。余在《山东中医学院学报... 再论肾之作强与伎巧轩岗矿务局医院(034114)傅晨东,张玲芳《素问·灵兰秘典论》在论及十二官时提出:“肾为作强之官,伎巧出焉。”的论断。历代诸家解释此文多牵强附会,以讹传讹,实难自圆其说。余在《山东中医学院学报》1983年第3期中曾写《试论肾的作强... 展开更多
关键词 作强 内经 素间 中医学
论“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉”对中医骨伤科的指导意义 被引量:8
作者 张鹏 施杞 王拥军 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期795-796,共2页
在应用中医学经典的取象比类法对"肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉"与"肾藏精"、"肾主骨"等生理功能之间联系解释的基础上,进一步阐释对中医骨伤科的指导意义。提出"肾主脊柱,脊柱病从肾辨证论治"的脊... 在应用中医学经典的取象比类法对"肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉"与"肾藏精"、"肾主骨"等生理功能之间联系解释的基础上,进一步阐释对中医骨伤科的指导意义。提出"肾主脊柱,脊柱病从肾辨证论治"的脊柱整体论,有助于现代中医骨伤科研思路拓展。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 素问 作强 中医骨伤科 肾主脊柱
超高强韧性热作模具钢3Cr3Mo3VNb的应用研究 被引量:2
作者 熊国锋 王德文 李平安 《模具工业》 北大核心 2002年第12期48-50,共3页
通过3Cr3Mo3VNb钢与其它热作模具的性能对比 ,以及生产实践应用实例 ,充分证明了3Cr3Mo3VNb钢的优越性能 。
关键词 超高韧性热模具钢 3Cr3Mo3VNb 应用研究
《孟子》中的强调表达法 被引量:2
作者 张觉 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第4期79-83,66,共6页
《孟子》中的各种强调表达法,我们归纳如下: 一、强调动作的对象(受事): 1.受事前置于动作,宾位空缺,多为否定句。如: (1)夫圣,孔子不居。(3.2)[赵注:“孔子尚不敢安居于圣。”觉按,此不作强调,即“孔子不居圣”、比较:“吾身不能居仁... 《孟子》中的各种强调表达法,我们归纳如下: 一、强调动作的对象(受事): 1.受事前置于动作,宾位空缺,多为否定句。如: (1)夫圣,孔子不居。(3.2)[赵注:“孔子尚不敢安居于圣。”觉按,此不作强调,即“孔子不居圣”、比较:“吾身不能居仁由义。”(7.10)] (2)非礼之礼,非义之义,大人弗为。(8.6) (3)君子之所为。众人固不识也。(12.6)][赵注:“众人固不能知君子之所为。”] 展开更多
关键词 调表达 《孟子》 复指 助词“之” 介词 主语 述语 双重否定 否定句 作强
发挥优势 做大做强昭平茶叶产业的思考 被引量:2
作者 黄家力 《大众科技》 2008年第1期134-135,共2页
关键词 发挥优势 作强 茶产业
作者 边海云 陈利国 《江苏中医药》 CAS 2009年第2期63-63,共1页
1《素问·灵兰秘典论》曰:“心者,君主之官也。神明出焉。” 心脑与神明的关系.自西学东渐后.业界就一直存在争议。现代解剖学早已证明人的精神、意识、思维活动.是大脑对外界事物的反映.且有关脑的生理功能,《内经》也早... 1《素问·灵兰秘典论》曰:“心者,君主之官也。神明出焉。” 心脑与神明的关系.自西学东渐后.业界就一直存在争议。现代解剖学早已证明人的精神、意识、思维活动.是大脑对外界事物的反映.且有关脑的生理功能,《内经》也早有论述.李时珍更明确提出: 展开更多
关键词 内经 心(中医) 神明 作强 伎巧
Photoinhibition in Shaded Cotton Leaves After Exposing to High Light and the Time Course of Its Restoration 被引量:24
作者 杨兴洪 邹琦 王玮 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第12期1255-1259,共5页
Chlorophyll fluorescence emission, pigment composition and photosynthetic rate of shade-grown cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were measured immediately after suddenly exposing to full sunlight and at regular in... Chlorophyll fluorescence emission, pigment composition and photosynthetic rate of shade-grown cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were measured immediately after suddenly exposing to full sunlight and at regular intervals there after within 15 d. Photoinhibition occurred in shade-grown cotton leaves immediately after exposed to full sunlight. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameter F-v/F-m and PhiPS II, which reflect the efficiency of PS II,obviously decreased in shade-grown leaves, much lower than that of the full sunlight-grown leaves. On the contrary, F-o value was sharply increased. Neither of these parameters could completely recover till next morning. The photoinhibition was chronic and continued for about 4 d, while the F-v/F-m and the net photosynthetic rate ( P-n) continued to decline, then began to increase gradually 6 d later and turned stable after 10 - 12 d, appearing as an acclimation phenomenon. However, the final value of F-v/F-m and P-n did not reach the level as in those leaves grown in the full sunlight ever before. The final P-n was higher by 60% than that before exposure, but lower for more than 40% than that of the full sunlight-grown leaves. The most notable response of chloroplast pigment composition was a pronounced increase in the pool size of carotenoids in xanthophyll cycle over a period of 3 d. The results indicated that when shade-grown cotton seedlings were suddenly transferred to the full sunlight, the decline of F-v/F-m and P-n might associate with the damage of the PS II reaction center. During the light acclimation, photoprotective mechanisms such as the xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation were increased, so that photodamage in leaves transferred from low to high light might be reduced. 展开更多
关键词 Gosstypium hirsutum SHADING PHOTOINHIBITION PHOTOPROTECTION xanthophyll cycle
Comparative Study of Photosynthetic and Fluorescence Characters of the Grape under High Temperature and High Light in Turpan 被引量:4
作者 贾杨 廖康 +4 位作者 马微 江振斌 骆强伟 孙锋 伍国红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期868-872,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the photosynthetic characteristics of Turpan grapes under high temperature and strong light conditions. [Method] Using six grape varieties as experimental materials, the photosynthes... [Objective] The aim was to explore the photosynthetic characteristics of Turpan grapes under high temperature and strong light conditions. [Method] Using six grape varieties as experimental materials, the photosynthesis and fluorescence parameters of the grape varieties under high temperature and high light were determined. [Result] The results showed that Thompson Seedless showed strong selfprotection ability on the photosynthetic mechanism in the adversity, and lower photo inhibition on photosynthesis under high temperature and high light than other varieties in which Crimson Seedless was second place. Otherwise the damage on photosynthetic mechanism of Kyoho and Red Globe under the adversity environment is more dipper than the other varieties, and poor self-protection ability. [Conclusion]Thompson Seedless and Crimson Seedless had a strong adaptability for high temperature and strong light. But the adaptability of Kyoho and Red Globe were relatively poor. 展开更多
关键词 Turpan High temperature and high light GRAPE PHOTOSYNTHETIC FLUORESCENCE
《中共宁波市委党校学报》 1995年第2期24-24,共1页
关键词 党校系统 有中国特色社会主 期刊工 王国 积极 义工 党社 党刊 五极 作强
Comparison among Growth, Photosynthesis and Yield in Nanjing 9108 and Its Parents during the Late Development Stage
作者 李霞 柯希欢 +2 位作者 陈涛 张亚东 朱镇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1933-1938,共6页
A good quality, high yield, slow mature and middle season Japonica rice variety, Nanjing 9108 and its parents Guandong 194 and Wuxiangjing 14,were taken as the materials for the study. The growth and photosynthetic ch... A good quality, high yield, slow mature and middle season Japonica rice variety, Nanjing 9108 and its parents Guandong 194 and Wuxiangjing 14,were taken as the materials for the study. The growth and photosynthetic characteristics of the rice plants at the post-flowering stage were compared and the rice yield components were examined at harvest. The results showed that as compared with Wuxiangjing 14, the per plant yield of Nanjing 9108 was 7.70% higher, and much higher than that of Guandong194. The large total grain per plant and heavy grain weigh of Nanjing 9108 were the important structure basis for its yield. Further analysis o the growth indicators showed that Nanjing 9108 had a large leaf area of upper three green leaves area and a smaller leaf base angle in the third leaf from the bottom blades, which helped get a higher photosynthetic capacity in groups. On the14 thday after flowering, Nanjing 9108 had similar value of net photosynthetic rate(Pn) to that of Wuxianjing 14, but lower than that of Guandong 194. Viewing from the parameters obtained from light response of photosynthesis on the modified model of rectangular hyperbola, Pn of Nanjing 9108 was more aptated to be saturated by light intensity and sensitive to photoinhibition. On the whole, Nanjing 9108 with high yield mainly resulted from its good plant type, grain structure and higher photosynthetic capacity in groups. Further improving its photosynthetic capacity o single leaf in Nanjing 9108 would be an important way for its super high yield po tential in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Japonica rice(Oryza sativa L.) Plant type Photosynthetic characteristics Photosynthetic light response curve YIELD
作者 田广学 《秘书》 1995年第11期34-34,共1页
秘书,一个仅能为人美化的裁剪师,然而,当你的成果被认可时,人们首先想到的是设计者,其次才是穿着者。 我没有“出名”的奢望,然而当“代言”
关键词 秘书 裁剪师 下足迹 三百六十行 设计者 代言 果被 人美 效益 作强
Effects of Al-Ti-B-RE grain refiner on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-7.0Si-0.55Mg alloy 被引量:12
作者 王雪姣 徐聪 +4 位作者 Arfan MUHAMMAD Shuji HANADA Hiroshi YAMAGATA 王文红 马朝利 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第7期2244-2250,共7页
To investigate the effects of Al-Ti-B-RE grain refiner on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-7.0Si-0.55Mg (A357) alloy, some novel Al-7.0Si-0.55Mg alloys added with different amount of Al-STi-1B-RE grain... To investigate the effects of Al-Ti-B-RE grain refiner on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-7.0Si-0.55Mg (A357) alloy, some novel Al-7.0Si-0.55Mg alloys added with different amount of Al-STi-1B-RE grain refiner with different RE composition were prepared by vacuum-melting. The microstructure and fracture behavior of the AI-7.0Si-0.55Mg alloys with the grain refiners were observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the mechanical properties of the alloys were tested in mechanical testing machine at room temperature. The observation of AI-Ti-B-RE morphology and internal structure of the particles reveals that it exhibits a TiAl3/Ti2Al20RE core-shell structure via heterogeneous TiB2 nuclei. The tensile strength of Al-7.0Si-0.55Mg alloys with Al-5Ti-1B-3.0RE grain refiner reaches the peak value at the same addition (0.2%) of grain refiner. 展开更多
关键词 A357 alloy Al-5Ti-1B grain refiner rare earth FRACTURE refining effect tensile strength
Positioning planning of high-intensity-focused ultrasound surgery platform using Bezier curve
作者 项林清 马培荪 +1 位作者 许剑波 高雪官 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期332-340,共9页
A positioning volume ellipsoid method is proposed to represent tumor volume in the workspace of a high-intensity-focused ultrasound (HIFU) surgery platform during the platform's positioning motion. To this simplif... A positioning volume ellipsoid method is proposed to represent tumor volume in the workspace of a high-intensity-focused ultrasound (HIFU) surgery platform during the platform's positioning motion. To this simplified tumor model, a nearest neighbor search method is used to determine intermediate configuration and goal configuration, which the treatment head and ultrasound focus must pass in their localization to target volume. Based on the decided configurations, the continuity condition of combined Bezier curve in Euclidean space and De Casteljau algorithm on Lie group SO(3) are integrated to construct a combined Bezier positioning path of C2 continuity at junctional configuration, and an illustration of different positioning path planning is analyzed based on a liver tumor case. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic positioning Patient treatment Temperature distribution TUMORS Ultrasonic applications
Effect of Freezing and Thawing on Ammonium Adsorption in Dryland Soil 被引量:1
作者 陈奕汀 程红光 +3 位作者 蒲晓 周坦 李倩 林春野 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1287-1291,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effect of freezing and thawing on ammonium adsorption in dryland soil. [Method] The lab simulation test was conducted to study the effect of freeze-thaw action on the to... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effect of freezing and thawing on ammonium adsorption in dryland soil. [Method] The lab simulation test was conducted to study the effect of freeze-thaw action on the total adsorbed amount of ammonium (deionized water extract) and strongly-adsorbed amount of ammonium (0.01 mol/L KCl solution extract) in the dryland soil of Sanjiang Plain. [Result] Compared with linear equation, Freundlich equation could better fit the total adsorbed amount of ammonium in dryland soil (R 2 0.99, SE1.69). The freeze-thaw action almost had no influence on the total adsorbed amount of ammonium. When the initial concentration of NH 4 + increased from 0 to 200 mg/L, the total adsorbed NH 4 + amount increased from -0.52 to 39.0 mg/kg under freeze-thaw treatment (FTT), while it increased from -0.70 to 38.5 mg/kg under unfreeze-thaw treatment (UFTT). However, the strongly-adsorbed amount of ammonium presented linear relationship with the concentration of NH 4 + (R 2 0.99, SE0.54), and the strongly-adsorbed amount of ammonium increased significantly by FTT. When the initial concentration of NH 4 + increased from 0 to 200 mg/L, the strongly adsorbed amount increased linearly from 2.36 to 28.81 mg/kg for FTT and from -4.25 to 25.12 mg/kg for UFTT. The freezethaw action decreases the concentration of NH 4 + in soil solution when the net strongly-adsorbed NH 4 + in soil is zero., therefore, FTT helped to reduce the leaching of ammonium ions in soil. Freeze-thaw action mainly influenced the exchangeable adsorbed NH 4 + in soil. [Conclusion] This study provides theoretical basis for preventing excessive soil nitrogen from entering into water body and controlling water entrophication. 展开更多
关键词 Freeze-thaw action Ammonium adsorption Strong adsorption Dryland soil Sanjiang plain
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