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补语、特殊句式和作格化 被引量:18
作者 刘晓林 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期248-256,共9页
本文认为汉语的补语具有一些语言本体意义上的特性,它主要体现为汉语是重视动作过程的语言,补语内隐一定的时体意义并体现汉语是体突出型语言。本研究在确立汉语重视动作过程特点与补语的相关性的基础上,确立补语与体突出(aspect-promin... 本文认为汉语的补语具有一些语言本体意义上的特性,它主要体现为汉语是重视动作过程的语言,补语内隐一定的时体意义并体现汉语是体突出型语言。本研究在确立汉语重视动作过程特点与补语的相关性的基础上,确立补语与体突出(aspect-prominent)特点的相关性,然后确立体突出与作格化的相关性,最后确立作格化与本文研究的各类句式之间的相关性,从而对汉语的几类特殊句式在结构特性、语用功能等方面做出较为满意的解释。 展开更多
关键词 补语 特殊句式 作格化 重视动过程 体突出
作者 于康 《东北亚外语研究》 2018年第2期32-38,共7页
界定动词及物性的标准有两大类。一类基于表义功能,即是否与意志性和意图性有关;一类基于句法功能,即动词是否需要指派一个宾语论元才能完句。既然宾语除了受事宾语外,还可以有非受事宾语(结果宾语、工具宾语、对象宾语和处所宾语等等)... 界定动词及物性的标准有两大类。一类基于表义功能,即是否与意志性和意图性有关;一类基于句法功能,即动词是否需要指派一个宾语论元才能完句。既然宾语除了受事宾语外,还可以有非受事宾语(结果宾语、工具宾语、对象宾语和处所宾语等等)、施事宾语和当事宾语,那么动词的"及物性"实际上应该是指派论元的句法功能。因此,凡是没有宾语共现便不能完句的动词都可以看作及物动词。非宾格不及物动词的作格化,即非宾格不及物动词要求宾语共现的最大动机是为了让受事紧贴动词,在句法上成为真正的域内论元,以此让域外论元更加容易地出现在句中,成为域内论元和动词的叙述对象。 展开更多
关键词 非宾 作格化 及物不及物 论元指派
特殊句式作格化的强弱及其类型学意义 被引量:12
作者 刘晓林 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期31-38,共8页
本文是《补语、特殊句式与作格化》续篇。作格化作为一种全新的分析汉语句式的方法,在中国语言学界仍然还十分陌生。本文在继续阐述作格化的定义、运作方式、运作环境和运用价值的基础上,提出了验证汉语几类特殊句式作格化程度的四个标... 本文是《补语、特殊句式与作格化》续篇。作格化作为一种全新的分析汉语句式的方法,在中国语言学界仍然还十分陌生。本文在继续阐述作格化的定义、运作方式、运作环境和运用价值的基础上,提出了验证汉语几类特殊句式作格化程度的四个标准,并将其具体应用来检验它们的作格化的表现情况,得出了一个作格化强弱表;文章接着在回顾已有的研究成果的基础上,重新把特殊标志语"把、被"界定为作格标志;最后从英汉对比和汉语史的角度探讨了作格化理论的类型学价值,从而窥见作格化理论在汉语句法体系中的地位。 展开更多
关键词 作格化 作格化的验查标准 强弱表现 “把 被” 类型学价值
动性弱化、语义自足、作格化与语序类型特征效应 被引量:11
作者 刘晓林 王文斌 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期133-141,共9页
在汉语基本语言单位从古汉语以单音节为主到现代汉语以双音构造为主的变化过程中,动词性双音构造的动性渐趋弱化,语义越来越自足,引发句法作格化的可能性越来越大。这种语义句法嬗变导致了汉语的语序类型特征的多样化。语序类型特征形... 在汉语基本语言单位从古汉语以单音节为主到现代汉语以双音构造为主的变化过程中,动词性双音构造的动性渐趋弱化,语义越来越自足,引发句法作格化的可能性越来越大。这种语义句法嬗变导致了汉语的语序类型特征的多样化。语序类型特征形成的理据能够从基本语法单位、词法和句法的形成与演变中找到。 展开更多
关键词 动性弱 语义自足 作格化 语序类型特征
作格化和汉语被动句 被引量:110
作者 邓思颖 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期291-301,共11页
本文假设汉语的四种被动句由作格化推导出来。汉语有两种策略让受事宾语适应作格化:第一种策略是宾语进行移位,推导出直接被动句;第二种策略是宾语滞留并且获得部分格,推导出间接被动句。作格化谓语必须有一个主语,只要不是施事,这个主... 本文假设汉语的四种被动句由作格化推导出来。汉语有两种策略让受事宾语适应作格化:第一种策略是宾语进行移位,推导出直接被动句;第二种策略是宾语滞留并且获得部分格,推导出间接被动句。作格化谓语必须有一个主语,只要不是施事,这个主语可以是任何一种题元角色。长被动句"被"后面的名词短语并非施事,它是使役动词的主语,语义上属于使役者。 展开更多
关键词 被动句 使役句 句法 汉语 作格化理论
汉语中动句和作格化 被引量:1
作者 杨永忠 《对外汉语研究》 2007年第1期74-85,共12页
汉语中动句涉及复杂的句法、语义及词汇关系,为检验某些语言理论原则提供了非常难得的素材。本文在对中动句的句法特征进行总结之后,提出生成中动句的动词经历了一个作格化的过程;动词的作格化构成了中动句生成的基础。具体地说,中间动... 汉语中动句涉及复杂的句法、语义及词汇关系,为检验某些语言理论原则提供了非常难得的素材。本文在对中动句的句法特征进行总结之后,提出生成中动句的动词经历了一个作格化的过程;动词的作格化构成了中动句生成的基础。具体地说,中间动词由对应的及物动词转化而来,动词性质由表行为转化为表状态。动词作格化规则吸纳了客体宾语的宾格和施事主语的论旨角色。中间动词在词库中就具有及物性,其表层主语在宾语位置上生成,为了满足扩充投射原则和格特征核查的需要,经句法移位到主语的位置上。 展开更多
关键词 中动句 作格化 论元抑制 句法移位
作者 刘晓林 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2014年第6期106-112,共7页
在学界对汉语双音化研究成果的基础上,系统探讨了双音化的句法语序效应:双音化动词(组)削弱了动性,宾语基本能够提前为话题,增强了汉语话题优先性类型特征;动词性双音化在历时发展中凝固了过程义和结果义,作格性增强,使汉语的词类交叉... 在学界对汉语双音化研究成果的基础上,系统探讨了双音化的句法语序效应:双音化动词(组)削弱了动性,宾语基本能够提前为话题,增强了汉语话题优先性类型特征;动词性双音化在历时发展中凝固了过程义和结果义,作格性增强,使汉语的词类交叉更为明显;动词性双音化蕴含一定的体意义,使汉语体系统更加完备;动词性双音化加强了汉语基本语言单位的可分析性。 展开更多
关键词 动词性双音 话题优先 作格化 分析性
汉语负面致使构式“X人”及其构式化研究 被引量:1
作者 刘华丽 《辞书研究》 2022年第3期96-106,共11页
文章指出,汉语负面致使构式“X人”指通过外在刺激或以X的方式引起说话人的负面消极情绪感受或消极的认知感觉。“X人”在中原官话、西南官话、胶辽官话、江淮官话、晋语、赣语、湘语、客家话等方言区较发达,在东南方言区不发达。其题... 文章指出,汉语负面致使构式“X人”指通过外在刺激或以X的方式引起说话人的负面消极情绪感受或消极的认知感觉。“X人”在中原官话、西南官话、胶辽官话、江淮官话、晋语、赣语、湘语、客家话等方言区较发达,在东南方言区不发达。其题元关系为<致事,感事,动作>,致事是隐含的外部论元,感事是内部论元,因此“X人”属于隐性致使构式。句法上大多可扩展为“X死/煞人”,受主观程度副词修饰和带极性补语。“X人”经历图式一和图式二两种演变,作格化和词汇化同步。作格化是“X人”构式化主要机制,从句法构式到词汇构式演变是类推动因起作用。 展开更多
关键词 负面致使构式 X 构式 作格化 类推
作者 王华 《现代语文(下旬.语言研究)》 2010年第1期9-11,共3页
普遍语法认为非宾格动词不能指派宾语,但在汉语中却有很多违反这一定律的句子,如何从理论上解释这一现象便成为了一个难点。本文综述了近些年四种理论对这一语言现象的解释,即固有格理论解释,格传递理论分析,轻动词理论解释和作格... 普遍语法认为非宾格动词不能指派宾语,但在汉语中却有很多违反这一定律的句子,如何从理论上解释这一现象便成为了一个难点。本文综述了近些年四种理论对这一语言现象的解释,即固有格理论解释,格传递理论分析,轻动词理论解释和作格化理论分析,以期读者对此语言现象有更深入的了解。 展开更多
关键词 非宾动词 固有 传递 轻动词 作格化
作格结构的认知语义探析 被引量:4
作者 席建国 陈建平 喻旭燕 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期20-23,共4页
作格结构体现一种静态事件模式,受事主题制约其谓元语义结构,形成谓元的跨范畴意义。作格结构的语义演化遵循:"受事主语(作格化"路径。一个动词作格程度的高低取决于其作格过程中的词汇化程度。作格结构句法和语义上是一个&qu... 作格结构体现一种静态事件模式,受事主题制约其谓元语义结构,形成谓元的跨范畴意义。作格结构的语义演化遵循:"受事主语(作格化"路径。一个动词作格程度的高低取决于其作格过程中的词汇化程度。作格结构句法和语义上是一个"结构—边界"统一体。 展开更多
关键词 结构 静态事件 受事主题 作格化
非宾格化与汉语非宾格动词的范围 被引量:5
作者 王国栓 《语文研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期22-25,共4页
文章认为汉语的非宾格动词研究存在着脱离语言共性和汉语实际的缺陷。文章首先分析了汉语非宾格动词研究中存在的问题,然后以《汉语动词用法词典》对相关词条的说明为基础,找出了汉语中能参与非宾格/使役交替的58个动词。文章还认为汉... 文章认为汉语的非宾格动词研究存在着脱离语言共性和汉语实际的缺陷。文章首先分析了汉语非宾格动词研究中存在的问题,然后以《汉语动词用法词典》对相关词条的说明为基础,找出了汉语中能参与非宾格/使役交替的58个动词。文章还认为汉语中不存在所谓的"作格化"现象。 展开更多
关键词 非宾 非宾动词 使役动词 非宾/使役交替 作格化
日语被动句研究——兼与汉语比较 被引量:5
作者 余弦 关春影 《天津外国语学院学报》 2010年第5期71-76,共6页
日语被动句通常只分为直接被动和间接被动,依照邓思颖对汉语被动句的分类,将日语被动句进一步分为直接长短被动句和间接长短被动句,同时根据作格化理论将日语里使用不及物动词的被动句称为特殊间接被动句。日语施事标记为「に」的被动... 日语被动句通常只分为直接被动和间接被动,依照邓思颖对汉语被动句的分类,将日语被动句进一步分为直接长短被动句和间接长短被动句,同时根据作格化理论将日语里使用不及物动词的被动句称为特殊间接被动句。日语施事标记为「に」的被动句和汉语"被"字句均可分为长短被动句。在日语被动句的研究中,对于受事和施事的认识还存在一定的问题,高丽的阶层说以及徐磊的第一人称不能充当施事的观点值得商榷。 展开更多
关键词 长短被动句 特殊被动句 作格化 阶层 第一人称
Effect of mechanical activation on alkali leaching of chromite ore 被引量:5
作者 张洋 郑诗礼 +2 位作者 杜浩 徐红彬 张懿 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期888-891,共4页
Mechanical activation was used to improve the extraction of chromium in molten NaOH.It is observed that the extraction ratio reaches 97% after leaching for 200 min when chromite ore is mechanically activated for 10 mi... Mechanical activation was used to improve the extraction of chromium in molten NaOH.It is observed that the extraction ratio reaches 97% after leaching for 200 min when chromite ore is mechanically activated for 10 min,but only 34% if not activated.Mechanical activation can decrease the particle size,increase the surface area,and enhance the lattice distortion.Further,the mechanisms for mechanical activation were exposed.The results show that the mechanical activation mainly focuses on chromite ore particle size decrease and the lattice distortion.The formation of aggregation weakens the strengthening effect of mechanical activation for releasing high surface energy. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical activation chromite ore LEACHING
A Solvable Decorated Ising Lattice Model 被引量:3
作者 SUN Chun-Feng KONG Xiang-Mu YIN Xun-Chang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期555-557,共3页
A decorated lattice is suggested and the Ising model on it with three kinds of interactions K1, K2, and K3 is studied. Using an equivalent transformation, the square decorated Ising lattice is transformed into a regul... A decorated lattice is suggested and the Ising model on it with three kinds of interactions K1, K2, and K3 is studied. Using an equivalent transformation, the square decorated Ising lattice is transformed into a regular square Ising lattice with nearest-neighbor, next-nearest-nelghbor, and four-spin interactions, and the critical fixed point is found at K1 = 0.5769, K2= -0.0671, and K3 = 0.3428, which determines the critical temperature of the system. It is also found that this system and the regular square Ising lattice, and the eight-vertex model belong to the same universality class. 展开更多
关键词 Ising model square decorated lattice critical point universality class
Discussion on the Embodiment of the National Style in the Thorn Birds
作者 Mingming LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期38-39,共2页
In literary creation, the formation of style is a sign for if the creation of a writer is mature, which is an intensive reflection to the unique creative personality of the writer. There are many kinds of writer' s c... In literary creation, the formation of style is a sign for if the creation of a writer is mature, which is an intensive reflection to the unique creative personality of the writer. There are many kinds of writer' s creation styles, among which the national style is a very prominent level, which can very excellently reflect the cultural characteristics of a nation. The Thorn Birds, which was created by Australian author Lynn McCullough, has the characteristics of a very strong national style. In the works, the national style of Australia is very well reflected from the depiction of the natural environment, the composition way of the novel, and the shape of character image. 展开更多
关键词 The Thorn Birds National Style REFLECTION
论汉语动词量化性成分的句法和语言类型效应——以英语动词系统为对比 被引量:10
作者 刘晓林 王文斌 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期42-50,共9页
本文系统地阐述了汉语四类语法范畴—体标记、结果补语、趋向补语和动量成分—在汉语中整齐的分布和一致的语法功能,简要追述了它们的形成及其前贤对它们的构词和句法效应的探讨。在此基础上,本文从作格化的角度对比了汉英动词的不同表... 本文系统地阐述了汉语四类语法范畴—体标记、结果补语、趋向补语和动量成分—在汉语中整齐的分布和一致的语法功能,简要追述了它们的形成及其前贤对它们的构词和句法效应的探讨。在此基础上,本文从作格化的角度对比了汉英动词的不同表现,指出汉语动词带上四类语法范畴后,作格化成为一种十分普遍的句法现象,而英语允许作格化的动词数量有限;汉语动词在动量成分阙如的情况下,名量成分可完成动量成分的功能。汉语的句法结构对这四类语法范畴具有很强的依赖性,它们内在的时体特征和语用功能强化了汉语的主题突出特征,也加强了汉语的作格性。 展开更多
关键词 四类语法范畴 作格化 句法和类型效应 主题突出
Social and Cultural Transformations in Republican China
作者 Ronald Suleski 《History Research》 2012年第7期415-428,共14页
This article discusses four major transformations that took place in China during the Republican period from 1912 to 1949. The imperial institution fell and was replaced by a republican form of government. Changes in ... This article discusses four major transformations that took place in China during the Republican period from 1912 to 1949. The imperial institution fell and was replaced by a republican form of government. Changes in the writing style took place. The new colloquial style pulled people away from the idea of searching the past for answers to future questions. Popular culture changed. Men abandoned the queue and long gown, women forgot about footbinding. New technologies brought new ways of life to most Chinese and, surprisingly, many of the despotic warlords adopted telegraphs, railroads, and automobiles. By the 1950s, China had changed, but in a manner very similar to the rest of the world. In that sense China in the Republican period was in the mainstream of modern change. 展开更多
关键词 Republican China parliamentary system plain speech footbinding MODERNIZATION
Cultural Literacy and World Literature: A Case Study 被引量:1
作者 Catherine Miskow 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第10期938-943,共6页
How much more can be gained from a piece of World Literature when the reader is semiotically literate in the culture that produced the work? What are the implications of introducing the element of cultural literacy i... How much more can be gained from a piece of World Literature when the reader is semiotically literate in the culture that produced the work? What are the implications of introducing the element of cultural literacy into the teaching of world literature, and how might culturally contextualizing the narrative enhance the reading experience for those who may not be familiar with the national culture that produced the work? This paper examines these questions using as a case study The Tale of Genji (n.d.), a novel from llth century Japan and "La Troisi6me Jeunesse de Madame Prune" (1905), a French text set in Japan at the turn of the 20th century. Using examples taken from each writer's text, the author will show how a knowledge of both the target culture and the time period in which the work was produced can serve as a critical tool for analyzing the text; the former text shall be used to argue for an integration of a cultural anthropology element into the teaching of world literature, while the latter example shall be used to argue for the importance of contextualizing a text within its historical creation period. In concluding, the author shall examine the ways in which including an element of cultural literacy can lead to a truly interdisciplinary, trans-national, and trans-linguistic understanding of a particular literary text. 展开更多
关键词 French literature Pierre Loti The Tale of Genji comparative literature Russo-Japanese War Japaneseculture cultural literacy
The Influence of Medialization to Legal Discourse Concerning Context, Media and Social Power
作者 Annikki Koskensalo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第6期302-311,共10页
Medialization has become like digitalization, rationalization, dynamization, globalization, pluralization, hybridization, and differentialization and is one of the buzzwords of modern Western industrialized societies,... Medialization has become like digitalization, rationalization, dynamization, globalization, pluralization, hybridization, and differentialization and is one of the buzzwords of modern Western industrialized societies, which are all together essentially responsible for structural change in communication. Medialization means the adaption of producers to media logics, media formats, and media routines & workflows. There are consequently and logically influences because of the dynamic process of medialization to legal discourse and genres, law, media, and social power. It has to be discussed if the logics, data formats, and routines & workflows of new media and information and communication technologies (ICTs) like social media are creating also a new generation of genres and novel form of legal discourses. Also, if social media will replace or complete old classic media (law of Riepl), the question of the relevance of law concerning new & social media has to be answered in close future. Lastly, if to the fore of social power, these new novel resources are actually framing for problem-based inquiries in law. There are big chances but also serious risks in cyberworld, their realities, and dangers. There actually exists an urgent call of action to theory building, development of methodologies, and empirical research. 展开更多
关键词 (self-) medialization DIGITALIZATION legal discourse CONTEXT MEDIA social power
Stock Market Reaction to ECFA Announcement in Taiwan Chemicals Listed Stock
作者 Ming-Chin Chin Jing-Jye Tzeng Wei-Ting Yu 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第8期706-718,共13页
Taiwan and China's Mainland signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) on 29th June, 2010. The ECFA is a landmark bilateral trade agreement that can make Taiwan a new gateway to China's Mainl... Taiwan and China's Mainland signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) on 29th June, 2010. The ECFA is a landmark bilateral trade agreement that can make Taiwan a new gateway to China's Mainland. However, the Taiwan Residents petrochemical industry would be very disappointed with the early harvest list as it excluded some critical export items. The purpose of this paper is to amend the understanding of the possible impact on petrochemical market after ECFA is enacted. The authors examine the cumulative daily response of stock prices to five announcements about the ECFA and evaluate the existence of the abnormal return. The authors use daily data from January 2010 to February 2011 to employ an event study approach. The empirical results suggest that the three ECFA announcement dates, as well as the signing date, show significantly negative abnormal return due to the prior positive cumulative response of Taiwan chemicals listed stock prices. This paper can provide the petrochemical industry manufacturer, owners, and investors with further insights into how chemicals stock returns react to a big event like ECFA. 展开更多
关键词 ECFA event study method abnormal return announcement effect
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