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我国古代酒类管理与防伪 作酒 禁酒 榷酒
作者 周立中 《中国防伪》 2004年第7期66-68,共3页
关键词 作酒 古代 类管理 防伪
酒樽考略 被引量:4
作者 陈定荣 《江西文物》 1989年第1期84-87,53-48,共6页
《古史考》载:“古有醴酪,禹时仪狄作酒。”可见我国有悠久的酿酒历史。在龙山文化遗址里已有陶鬶、鬲、斝等各类酒器出土,饮酒已很普遍。至青铜时代,酒器不仅装饰精美,而且形制繁富。名曰尊、罍、卣、盉、斝、觚、觥、觶、角、爵等,并... 《古史考》载:“古有醴酪,禹时仪狄作酒。”可见我国有悠久的酿酒历史。在龙山文化遗址里已有陶鬶、鬲、斝等各类酒器出土,饮酒已很普遍。至青铜时代,酒器不仅装饰精美,而且形制繁富。名曰尊、罍、卣、盉、斝、觚、觥、觶、角、爵等,并且已有储酒器、温酒器和饮酒器之分。古代注重礼仪,素以美酒招待宾客。所以,酒器的制作也很讲究,汉晋时期流行的樽器形制尤为尊贵。东汉李尤《樽铭》云:“樽设在堂,以俟俊乂。三山共承,雕瑑错带。”《孔融别传》载:“坐上客恒满,樽中酒不空,吾无忧矣。” 展开更多
关键词 李尤 古史考 历史 醴酪 仪狄作酒 汉晋时期 东王公 汉墓 青铜时代
古酒漫笔 被引量:1
作者 祖占魁 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 1988年第1期51-53,共3页
酒,是我华夏的一项重大发明,在我国有其悠久的历史,一般人认为酒是夏禹时仪狄制作的,“昔者,帝女令仪狄作酒而美,进之禹”(《战国策》),战国时史官所撰的《世本》亦有“仪狄始作酒”的明确记载。然而,西汉刘安在《淮南子·说林训》... 酒,是我华夏的一项重大发明,在我国有其悠久的历史,一般人认为酒是夏禹时仪狄制作的,“昔者,帝女令仪狄作酒而美,进之禹”(《战国策》),战国时史官所撰的《世本》亦有“仪狄始作酒”的明确记载。然而,西汉刘安在《淮南子·说林训》中认为“清醯之美,始于耒耜””。这是说酿酒是和农业同时开始的,它说明了酒的酿造早于夏朝。殷墟甲骨文中也屡见“酒”字。这些说明酒在我国至少已有四千年的历史了。 根据考古发掘的文物,更能说明我国酒的历史是悠久的,亦可证实我国古代文献中关于酒的记载是可信的。早在新石器时代龙山文化时期的遗址和墓葬中,出土的陶器里就有斝、盉等酒器,说明那时已把酒作为一种饮料了,晚于龙山文化的二里头文化(相当于夏代)遗址中,发现青铜制造的酒器有爵,陶制酒器有爵,觚、斝、角等。到了商代,青铜业有了一个飞跃发展,仅殷墟妇好墓的随葬礼器就有近两百件,礼器又以酒器为主,占全部青铜器的百分之七十,酒器的种类颇多,如,钦酒器有爵、斝、盉、角、觥、等,盛酒器有尊。 展开更多
关键词 殷墟妇好墓 二里头文化 殷墟甲骨文 考古发掘 仪狄作酒 《战国策》 说林 战国时期
作者 瞿路 《理论与实践(贵州)》 1994年第4期24-25,共2页
俗话说,“无节没有酒、无酒不成礼、无酒不成席。”在世界上,一年三百六十五天,天天都有人在欢度节日,天天都有人在宴宾接客,天天都有人在举行婚、丧、奠、祭仪式,天天都有人在进行交朋结义、庆功祝捷、家人团聚的活动,而这些活动都离... 俗话说,“无节没有酒、无酒不成礼、无酒不成席。”在世界上,一年三百六十五天,天天都有人在欢度节日,天天都有人在宴宾接客,天天都有人在举行婚、丧、奠、祭仪式,天天都有人在进行交朋结义、庆功祝捷、家人团聚的活动,而这些活动都离不开酒。酒,几乎渗透到人们生活的方方面面,人与酒已经结下了不解之缘。 展开更多
关键词 民俗文化活动 恶月 方朔 玄石 大诗人李白 微霜 天都 仪狄作酒 丧俗
作者 张演生 《文史杂志》 1990年第1期21-22,共2页
要想用三言两语说清楚酒在我国的起源,诚非易事。因为我国古代对酒的起源有多种多样的看法。《黄帝内经·素问》有段黄帝与岐伯关于制酒的对话:“黄帝问曰:为五谷汤液及醪醴奈何?岐伯对曰:必以稻米炊之,稻薪稻米者完,稻薪者坚……... 要想用三言两语说清楚酒在我国的起源,诚非易事。因为我国古代对酒的起源有多种多样的看法。《黄帝内经·素问》有段黄帝与岐伯关于制酒的对话:“黄帝问曰:为五谷汤液及醪醴奈何?岐伯对曰:必以稻米炊之,稻薪稻米者完,稻薪者坚……”。较为著名的则是仪狄、杜康酿酒说。仪狄是大禹时代的人,他因用谷物酿出好酒,而导制了中国第一条禁酒令。如此在《战国策·魏策》里,就可读到“仪狄作酒而美,进之禹,禹饮而甘之, 展开更多
关键词 稻薪 岐伯 醪醴 仪狄作酒 诚非易事 全兴大曲 古井贡
Pathogenesis and management issues for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 被引量:75
作者 Marko Duvnjak Ivan Leroti +3 位作者 Neven Bari Vedran Tomai Lucija Virovi Juki Vedran Velagi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第34期4539-4550,共12页
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has, although it is a very common disorder, only relatively recently gained broader interest among physicians and scientists. Fatty liver has been documented in up to 10 to 15 ... Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has, although it is a very common disorder, only relatively recently gained broader interest among physicians and scientists. Fatty liver has been documented in up to 10 to 15 percent of normal individuals and 70 to 80 percent of obese individuals. Although the pathophysiology of NAFLD is still subject to intensive research, several players and mechanisms have been suggested based on the substantial evidence. Excessive hepatocyte triglyceride accumulation resulting from insulin resistance is the first step in the proposed 'two hit' model of the pathogenesis of NAFLD. Oxidative stress resulting from mitochondrial fatty acids oxidation, NF-κB-dependent inflammatory cytokine expression and adipocytokines are all considered to be the potential factors causing second hits which lead to hepatocyte injury, inflammation and fibrosis. Although it was initially believed that NAFLD is a completely benign disorder, histologic follow-up studies have showed that fibrosis progression occurs in about a third of patients. A small number of patients with NAFLD eventually ends up with end-stage liver disease and even hepatocellular carcinoma. Although liver biopsy is currently the only way to confirm the NAFLD diagnosis and distinguish between fatty liver alone and NASH, no guidelines or firm recommendations can still be made as for when and in whom it is necessary. Increased physical activity, gradual weight reduction and in selected cases bariatric surgery remain the mainstay of NAFLD therapy. Studies with pharmacologic agents are showing promising results, but available data are still insufficient to make specific recommendations; their use therefore remains highly individual. 展开更多
关键词 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease METABOLIC
Role of transmethylation reactions in alcoholic liver disease 被引量:3
作者 Kusum K Kharbanda 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第37期4947-4954,共8页
Alcoholic liver disease is a major health care problem worldwide. Findings from many laboratories, including ours, have demonstrated that ethanol feeding impairs several of the many steps involved in methionine metabo... Alcoholic liver disease is a major health care problem worldwide. Findings from many laboratories, including ours, have demonstrated that ethanol feeding impairs several of the many steps involved in methionine metabolism. Ethanol consumption predominantly results in a decrease in the hepatocyte level of S-adenosylmethionine and the increases in two toxic metabolites, homocysteine and S-adenosylhomocysteine. These changes, in turn, result in serious functional consequences which include decreases in essential methylation reactions v/a inhibition of various methyltransferases. Of particular interest to our laboratory is the inhibition of three important enzymes, phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferase, isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase and protein L-isoaspartate methyltransferase. Decreased activity of these enzymes results in increased fat deposition, increased apoptosis and increased accumulation of damaged proteins- all of which are hallmark features of alcoholic liver injury. Of all the therapeutic modalities available, betaine has been shown to be the safest, least expensive and most effective in attenuating ethanol-induced liver injury. Betaine, by virtue of aiding in the remethylation of homocysteine, removes both toxic metabolites (homocysteine and S-adenosylhomocysteine), restores S-adenosylmethionine level, and reverses steatosis, apoptosis and damaged proteins accumulation. In conclusion, betaine appears to be a promising therapeutic agent in relieving the methylation and other defects associated with alcoholic abuse. 展开更多
N-acetylcysteine attenuates oxidative stress and liver pathology in rats with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 被引量:2
作者 Duangporn Thong-Ngam Suchittra Samuhasaneeto +1 位作者 Onanong Kulaputana Naruemon Klaikeaw 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第38期5127-5132,共6页
AIM: To evaluate attenuating properties of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on oxidative stress and liver pathology in rats with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into... AIM: To evaluate attenuating properties of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on oxidative stress and liver pathology in rats with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 (control, n = 8) was free accessed to regular dry rat chow (RC) for 6 wk. Group 2 (NASH, n = 8) was fed with 100% fat diet for 6 wk. Group 3 (NASH + NAC20, n = 9) was fed with 100% fat diet plus 20 mg/kg per day of NAC orally for 6 wk. All rats were sacrificed to collect blood and liver samples at the end of the study. RESULTS: The levels of total glutathione (GSH) and hepatic malondialdehyde (MDA) were increased significantly in the NASH group as compared with the control group (GSH; 2066.7 ± 93.2 vs 1337.5 ± 31.5 μmol/L and MDA; 209.9± 43.9 vs 3.8 ±1.7 μmol/g protein, respectively, P < 0.05). Liver histopathology from group 2 showed moderate to severe macrovesicular steatosis, hepatocyte ballooning, and necroinflammation. NAC treatment improved the level of GSH (1394.8 ± 81.2 μmol/L, P < 0.05), it did not affect MDA (150.1 ± 27.0 μmol/g protein), but led to a decrease in fat deposition and necroinflammation. CONCLUSION: NAC treatment could attenuate oxidative stress and improve liver histology in rats with NASH. 展开更多
关键词 N-ACETYLCYSTEINE Oxidative stress Non- alcoholic steatohepatitis
Is acute recurrent pancreatitis a chronic disease? 被引量:7
作者 Alberto Mariani Pier Alberto Testoni 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期995-998,共4页
Whether acute recurrent pancreatitis is a chronic disease is still debated and a consensus is not still reached as demonstrated by differences in the classification of acute recurrent pancreatitis. There is major evid... Whether acute recurrent pancreatitis is a chronic disease is still debated and a consensus is not still reached as demonstrated by differences in the classification of acute recurrent pancreatitis. There is major evidence for considering alcoholic pancreatitis as a chronic disease ab initio while chronic pancreatitis lesions detectable in biliary acute recurrent pancreatitis (ARP) seem a casual association. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane con-ductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutation, hereditary and obstructive pancreatitis seem an acute disease that progress to chronic pancreatitis, likely as a consequence of the activation and proliferation of pancreatic stellate cells that produce and activate collagen and therefore fibrosis. From the diagnostic point of view, in patients with acute recurrent pancreatitis Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) seems the more reliable technique for an accurate evaluation and follow-up of some ductal and parenchymal abnormalities suspected for early chronic pancreatitis. 展开更多
关键词 Classification of pancreatitis Acute recurrent pancreatitis Chronic pancreatitis Alcoholic pancreatitis Pancreatic stellate cells
Management Accounting Practices in the Portuguese Lodging Industry
作者 Luis Lima Santos Conceicao Gomes Nuno Arroteia 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第1期1-14,共14页
This paper aims to characterize management accounting techniques at the Portuguese lodging industry, identifying the techniques adopted and the determinants of adopting them and their adequacy for the decision-making ... This paper aims to characterize management accounting techniques at the Portuguese lodging industry, identifying the techniques adopted and the determinants of adopting them and their adequacy for the decision-making process. It is also a purpose to understand the extent to which the industry adopts the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI). The sample includes 35 hotels, which were analyzed in the years 2009 and 2010. Evidence is found supporting the fact management accounting is a tool incorporated in the daily management practices of hotels and useful to support the decision-making process. The proportion used of traditional management accounting techniques is higher than the proportion of use of contemporary ones. The adoption of these techniques is influenced by the fact of the hotels being subsidiaries of a multinational hotel chain, as well as by their annual turnover. In Portugal, there is a weak use of USALI. It is more used in the large hotels and in hotels with a foreign control. Management accounting supports hotels to improve their performance, thus becoming relevant to analyze management accounting practices used by them, particularly which instruments and techniques. In this context, this study, the first of its kind in Portugal, is justified with the increasing need for accurate and actual information of the accounting practices of the hotels operating in Portugal. 展开更多
关键词 management accounting lodging industry uniform system of accounts for the lodging industry(USALI) EUROPE PORTUGAL
Protective effect of alcohol consumption for fatty liver but not metabolic syndrome 被引量:12
作者 Masahide Hamaguchi Takao Kojima +3 位作者 Akihiro Ohbora Noriyuki Takeda Michiaki Fukui Takahiro Kato 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期156-167,共12页
AIM:To investigate the effect of alcohol on the metabolic syndrome (MS) and fatty liver in Japanese men and women.METHODS:A cross-sectional study was conducted in a medical health checkup program at a general hospital... AIM:To investigate the effect of alcohol on the metabolic syndrome (MS) and fatty liver in Japanese men and women.METHODS:A cross-sectional study was conducted in a medical health checkup program at a general hospital.This study involved 18 571 Japanese men and women,18-88 years of age,with a mean body mass index of 22.6 kg/m 2.A standardized questionnaire was administered.The total amount of alcohol consumed per week was calculated,and categorized into four grades.Fatty liver was examined by ultrasound modified criteria of the revised National Cholesterol Educa-tion Program Adult Treatment Panel Ⅲ and the new International Diabetes Federation.RESULTS:The prevalence of fatty liver decreased in men and women with light to moderate alcohol consumption,whereas the prevalence of MS was not so changed.The prevalence of fatty liver of any grade in men was lower than that in those with no or minimal alcohol consumption.In women with light to moderate alcohol consumption,prevalence of fatty liver was lower than that in women with no or minimal alcohol consumption.By logistic regression analysis,the odds ratio (OR) for MS in women with light alcohol consumption was decreased to < 1.0,but this change was not clear in men.The OR for fatty liver was clearly < 1.0 in men with any level of alcohol consumption and in women with light to moderate consumption.CONCLUSION:Light to moderate alcohol consumption has a favorable effect for fatty liver,but not for MS in Japanese men and women. 展开更多
关键词 Alcoholic hepatitis EPIDEMIOLOGY Fatty liver Metabolic syndrome Alcohol consumption
Potential effects of L-NAME on alcohol-induced oxidative stress 被引量:1
作者 Hafize Uzun Gonul Simsek +6 位作者 Seval Aydin Ethem Unal Yesari Karter Nermin Karaturan Yelmen Suphi Vehid Asl Curgunlu Safiye Kaya 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期600-604,共5页
AIM: Nitric oxide (NO) is a highly reactive oxidant synthesized from L-arginine by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NO may cause injury through the generation of potent radicals. Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) ... AIM: Nitric oxide (NO) is a highly reactive oxidant synthesized from L-arginine by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NO may cause injury through the generation of potent radicals. Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) is a non-selective inhibitor of NOS. We aimed to evaluate whether L-NAME treatment had protective effects against oxidative stress in rats intragastrically fed with ethanol during a 4 wk-period. METHODS: Thirty-six male Wistar rats were divided into 3 equal groups: group 1 (control group-isocaloric dextrose was given), group 2 (6 g/kg·d ethanol-induced group) and group 3 (both ethanol 6 g/kg·d and L-NAME 500 mg/L in drinking water-given group). Animals were sacrificed at the end of 4 wk-experimental period, and intracardiac blood and liver tissues were obtained. Biochemical measurements were performed both in plasma and in homogenized liver tissues. Alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), malondialdehyde (MDA), NO, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione (GSH) levels were measured by spectrophotometry. RESULTS: ALT and AST in group 2 (62 U/L and 128 U/L, respectively) were higher than those in group 1 (24 U/L and 38 U/L) and group 3 (37 U/L and 81 U/L) (P<0.001 for both). Plasma and tissue levels of MDA in group 2 (4.66 μmol/L and 0.55 μmol/mg protein) were higher than in group 1 (2.65 μmol/L and 0.34 nmol/mg protein) and group 3 (3.43 μmol/L and 0.36 nmol/mg protein) (P<0.001 for both). Plasma and liver tissue levels of NO in group 2 (54.67 μmol/L and 586.50 nmol/mg protein) were higher than in group 1 (34.67 μmol/L and 435.33 nmol/mg protein) and group 3 (27.50 μmool/L and 412.75 nmol/mg protein ) (P<0.001 for both). Plasma and liver tissue SOD activities in group 2 (15.25 U/mL and 5.38 U/ mg protein, respectively) were lower than in group 1 (20.00 U/mL and 8.13 U/ mg protein) and group 3 (19.00 U/mL and 6.93 U/ mg protein) (P<0.001 for both). Plasma and liver tissue CAT activities in group 2 (145 U/mL and 37 U/ mg protein, respectively) were lower than in group 1 (176 U/mL and 73 U/mg protein) and group 3 (167 U/mL and 61 U/mg protein) (P<0.001 for both). Meanwhile, erythrocytes and liver tissue levels of GSH in group 2 (4.12 mg/g Hb and 5.38 nmol/mg protein, respectively) were lower than in group 1 (5.52 mg/g Hb and 4.49 nmol/mg protein) and group 3 (5.64 mg/g Hb and 4.18 nmol/mg protein) (P<0.001 for both). CONCLUSION: Our findings show that L-NAME may produce a restorative effect on ethanol-induced liver damage via decreasing oxidative stress and increasing antioxidant status. 展开更多
关键词 Oxidative stress Ethanol-induced liver damage L-NAME
Preparation of felt-metal supported modified polyvinyl alcohol composite hydrophilic ultrafiltration membrane 被引量:3
作者 邱运仁 张启修 王帅 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第4期448-452,共5页
A novel technology of preparation of felt-metal supported modified polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) ultrafiltration(UF) membrane was invented, which could avoid the blockage of the holes of support layer and the leakage of ... A novel technology of preparation of felt-metal supported modified polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) ultrafiltration(UF) membrane was invented, which could avoid the blockage of the holes of support layer and the leakage of the casting solution through the holes of support layer. Felt-metal supported ferric sulfate modified PVA composite UF membranes were prepared by the innovative technology. The results show that the composite membranes are used to treat 1 000 mg/L oil/water emulsion at trans-membrane pressure from 0.25 to 0.45 MPa, the permeate flux is from 36 to 52 L/(m2·h), and the retention of chemical oxygen demand(COD) is over 92%. The composite membrane resistance increases with the increase of trans-naembrane pressure. 展开更多
关键词 polyvinyl alcohol composite membrane HYDROPHILICITY ultrafiltration~ modification polyvinyl alcohol composite membrane HYDROPHILICITY ULTRAFILTRATION MODIFICATION
Influence of Technological Operations in the Dissolved Oxygen Content of Wines
作者 Ana Catarino Sandra Alves Helena Mira 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第4期390-394,共5页
Oxygen plays a crucial role in oenology. The oxygen leads to changes in the chemical and sensory profile of wines. On one hand, the impact of moderate oxygen exposure of red wine has a positive effect in its colour, a... Oxygen plays a crucial role in oenology. The oxygen leads to changes in the chemical and sensory profile of wines. On one hand, the impact of moderate oxygen exposure of red wine has a positive effect in its colour, aromatic bouquet and mouth-feel properties. On the other hand, oxygen has a negative effect on white wine's quality, as well as the sensory and compositional levels. The purpose of this study was to quantify the dissolved oxygen in red and white wine, during different cellar operations such as racking, tartaric stabilization, filtering and bottling. The techniques that contribute most to the enrichment of oxygen in wine are: cold tartaric stabilization (2.29 mg/L, white wines), bottling (1.38 mg/L red wines and 1.11 mg/L white wines) and bag-in-box filling (2.47 mg/L red wines; 2.22 mg/L white wines). After identifying the most critical technical operations in wine making, preventive and corrective measures had to be taken to reduce the dissolved oxygen content of wines, as well as preventing their depreciation. 展开更多
关键词 WINE OXYGEN OXIDATION dissolution.
Adsorption of Protein from Model Wine Solution by Different Bentonites 被引量:1
作者 孙喜房 李春 +3 位作者 武占省 徐小琳 任玲 赵宏生 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期632-638,共7页
The adsorption of protein from model wine was investigated under different temperatures, pH values, contact times, and concentrations of ethanol, by certain bentonites. The results showed that ethanol molecules could ... The adsorption of protein from model wine was investigated under different temperatures, pH values, contact times, and concentrations of ethanol, by certain bentonites. The results showed that ethanol molecules could broaden the protein molecules' channel to the interlayer of bentonite, and the maximum protein adsorption amount occurred under an ethanol concentration of 12% (by volume) and a pH value of 3.56. The increased single point Brunauer-Emmitt-Teller (BET) surface area (SBET) and adsorption pore volume (VAds) suggested a larger amount of active adsorption sites of the bentonite surface and a wider protein channel from the surface to the inner adsorption sites of bentonite, respectively. At the same time, higher methylene blue test (MBT) and swelling index (Sw) indicated that it was easy for the entrance of water and the absorbance of protein. Higher temperature was found favorable to eliminate more proteins and it took about 20 to 40min to arrive at the maximum adsorption. 展开更多
关键词 ADSORPTION protein model wine solution BENTONITE
Research on the Drunk Driving Intelligent Test System Based onμC/OS- II
作者 Bingguo Liu Yun Han Bing Zhao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期56-59,共4页
The article design the hardware system scheme using STM32F407 as the control core circuit, and designed the software structure of the system and application layer multi task and priority based on transplanted μ C/OS ... The article design the hardware system scheme using STM32F407 as the control core circuit, and designed the software structure of the system and application layer multi task and priority based on transplanted μ C/OS operating system. Aimed at that the traditional drunk driving detection system has low sensitivity and unable to distinguish diffuse alcohol sigmal interference. For accurate identification of pilot and crew alcohol concentration, the paper puts forward a driving intelligent identification wine system based on embedded μC/OS- II. The experimental results show that the detection sensitivity of the system has high accuracy rate, effectively prevent the purpose for the prevention of drunk driving, drunk driving has very good practical value. 展开更多
关键词 EMBEDDED alcohol sensor multi task II C/OS STM32F407
Production of microbial oils co-fermented by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum with Daqu distiller's grains 被引量:2
作者 李新社 陆步诗 唐伟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1738-1743,共6页
Abstract: Daqu distiller's grains were co-fermented as raw materials by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum to produce microbial oils, which can provide raw materials for bio-diesel development. The singl... Abstract: Daqu distiller's grains were co-fermented as raw materials by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum to produce microbial oils, which can provide raw materials for bio-diesel development. The single factor tests were used to investigate the effects of ratio of strains, inoculum size, culture temperature and culture time on the production of microbial oils. The best processing conditions were obtained by orthogonal test through measuring the content of microbial oils in product. The result shows that the microbial oils content of the co-fermented product under the ratio of Trichoderma.koningii to Trichosporon cutaneum of 1:1, the inoculum size of strains of 11% at 28 ℃ for 6 d is 7.15 g/L. It is shown that the production of microbial oils co-fermented by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum with Daqu distiller's grains is possible. The research provides a new idea for the reuse of Daqu distiller's grains and also provides a new way for the development of microbial oils. 展开更多
关键词 Daqu distiller's grains Trichoderma.koningii Trichosporon cutaneum CO-FERMENTATION microbial oils
Operation and Development of Grid-Integrated Jiuquan Wind Power Base
作者 He Shien Wind Power Technical Center, Gansu Electric Power Corporation Zhu Li 《Electricity》 2011年第1期38-42,共5页
In this paper the author describes the current development of tbe 10-GW wind power base in Jiuquan, Gansu Province. The.future planning of the wind power base and the relevant power grid are also introduced based on t... In this paper the author describes the current development of tbe 10-GW wind power base in Jiuquan, Gansu Province. The.future planning of the wind power base and the relevant power grid are also introduced based on the assessment on the wind resources and the wind power operation with the grid. 展开更多
关键词 wind power base wind power integration wind power planning
Synergistic Action of Clonorchiasis,HBV Infection and Alcohol Consumption on Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma 被引量:2
作者 Shengkui Tan Xiaoqiang Qiu +4 位作者 Hongping Yu Xiaoyun Zeng Zengming Xiao Lequn Li Qiuan Zhong 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2009年第2期104-112,共9页
OBJECTIVE It has been recognized that HBV infection and alcohol consumption are two important risk factors for primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Recently, the role of clonorchiasis as a risk factor for HCC is ... OBJECTIVE It has been recognized that HBV infection and alcohol consumption are two important risk factors for primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Recently, the role of clonorchiasis as a risk factor for HCC is controversial. We aimed to investigate whether these factors increase the risk of HCC in Guangxi, China. METHODS A hospital-based, case-control study of HCC was conducted from July 2005 to July 2007. We enrolled 500 consecutive patients with HCC as an experimental group and 500 patients without tumor in liver as a control group. The risk factors that the patients were exposed to were assessed. RESULTS Comparing the risks of developing the HCC, we found out the following results. The risk of developing HCC for the patients with clonorchiasis was 5 folds of that for the patients without clonorchiasis (OR = 5.0; 95% CI: 3.1-8.1), and the risk for the patients with alcohol consumption was 3 folds of that for the patients without drinking alcohol (OR = 3.4; 95% CI: 2.3-4.9), and similarly, the risk for the patients with HBV infection was 21 times of that for the patients without HBV infection (OR = 20.6; 95% CI: 14.3-29.7). According to crossover analysis, there was significant interaction among clonorchiasis, HBV infection and alcohol consumption, with synergistic indices greater than 1. The etiologic fractions attributed to these interactions [EF (A × B)] are 0.7465, 0.5789 and 0.5506, respectively. CONCLUSION Clonorchiasis, HBV infection and heavy alcohol consumption are independent risk factors for developing HCC in our population in Guangxi, and as they can interact synergistically, the risk of developing HCC is increased. Data from this study may indicate new prevention strategies of developing HCC in high-risk individuals. 展开更多
关键词 primary hepatocellular carcinoma risk factor CLONORCHIASIS HBV infection alcohol consumption synergistic action.
Study on the Application of Time-Driven Activity - Based Costing in Hotels——Taking a Hotel as an Example
作者 XUE Dongye ZHAO Yang FENG Yu 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期80-82,共3页
The time-driven activity-based costing has received extensive attention from scholars both at home and abroad in recent years,which has been applied to the calculation of manufacturing operations and the cost of produ... The time-driven activity-based costing has received extensive attention from scholars both at home and abroad in recent years,which has been applied to the calculation of manufacturing operations and the cost of products.However, this approach is rarely introduced into the service sector.As to the hospitality industry, the profitability of the customer usually plays a decisive role in the business process.Therefore, this article takes the hotel service industry as the research point and allocates the costs of resources of each departments to customers according to time drivers.The focus of this paper is to calculate the costs of customers ,and then analyze the profitability of customers in order to take the appropriate marketing strategies to improve the hotel service industry Drofitabilitv. 展开更多
关键词 Cost accounting time-driven activity-based costing hospitality industry
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