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我国抗疟药使用原则和用药方案 被引量:18
《中国寄生虫病防治杂志》 CSCD 2002年第3期129-130,共2页
根据疟疾防治工作的需要和规范抗疟药物的使用 ,卫生部疟疾专家咨询委员会经多年调查研究与讨论 ,制定了《我国抗疟药使用原则和用药方案》,卫生部疾病控制司要求各地参照执行。为此 ,现将该司地寄处提供的上述方案的文本刊出 ,便于各... 根据疟疾防治工作的需要和规范抗疟药物的使用 ,卫生部疟疾专家咨询委员会经多年调查研究与讨论 ,制定了《我国抗疟药使用原则和用药方案》,卫生部疾病控制司要求各地参照执行。为此 ,现将该司地寄处提供的上述方案的文本刊出 ,便于各地卫生医务人员结合具体情况 ,科学地选择用药方案 ,做到合理。 展开更多
关键词 中国 抗疟药 使用原 用药方案
商标先用权“原使用范围”浅析 被引量:1
作者 魏琪 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2015年第5期59-62,共4页
商标先用权制度作为先使用人的抗辩依据,能够弥补商标注册原则引起的缺陷,体现利益均衡,为有一定影响的未注册商标提供更全面的保护,实现全局性的社会控制。为禁止权利滥用,体现注册原则第一性,商标先用权制度的行使应受到"原使用... 商标先用权制度作为先使用人的抗辩依据,能够弥补商标注册原则引起的缺陷,体现利益均衡,为有一定影响的未注册商标提供更全面的保护,实现全局性的社会控制。为禁止权利滥用,体现注册原则第一性,商标先用权制度的行使应受到"原使用范围"的限制。在对商标先用权的"原使用范围"问题进行讨论时,需要对一些前提性问题进行探讨。在此基础上,再对原使用范围的主体范围,客体范围,地域范围,商标使用方式以及使用商标的商品数量等各个方面进行具体界定,并指出举证方面的问题,以期将该制度更好地运用于实践。 展开更多
关键词 商标先用权 使用范围 合理界定 举证
商标先用权“原使用范围”界定 被引量:1
作者 刘孟坪 《宁波广播电视大学学报》 2019年第4期65-69,共5页
商标先用权是《中华人民共和国商标法》于2013年第三次修改时新增加的规定,由于规定本身的抽象性,有必要对其内容进行解释。本文聚焦于商标先用权的"原使用范围",结合立法目的、比较法、典型案例、学者观点等,对"原使用... 商标先用权是《中华人民共和国商标法》于2013年第三次修改时新增加的规定,由于规定本身的抽象性,有必要对其内容进行解释。本文聚焦于商标先用权的"原使用范围",结合立法目的、比较法、典型案例、学者观点等,对"原使用范围"进行解释。"原使用范围"界定的时间点是商标注册人注册商标的申请日。范围界定要考察使用主体、商品或服务类别、商标图样、使用地域几方面,经营规模则不在考察之列,不需要对商标先用人使用该商标的经营规模进行限制。 展开更多
关键词 商标先用权 使用范围 法律解释
商标先用权中“原使用范围”的判定研究 被引量:1
作者 冯远强 《黑龙江人力资源和社会保障》 2022年第16期92-94,共3页
原使用范围是商标先用权的核心要件之一,其判断标准应当予以明确。本文针对审判实践中关于原使用范围的定位和判定要素的理解偏差,研究确定具体的判定标准。原使用范围的定位应当是构成要件而不是限制要件,提前限制行权范围可规避先使... 原使用范围是商标先用权的核心要件之一,其判断标准应当予以明确。本文针对审判实践中关于原使用范围的定位和判定要素的理解偏差,研究确定具体的判定标准。原使用范围的定位应当是构成要件而不是限制要件,提前限制行权范围可规避先使用人与商标权人的冲突;原使用范围的判定要素应当包括使用主体、商品或服务类别、地域范围,但应进一步限定,而生产规模则无须列在其中。 展开更多
关键词 商标先用权 使用范围 判定困境 判定要素
作者 韩美美 《法学(汉斯)》 2024年第4期2665-2671,共7页
商标在先使用制度确定至今,商标法59条3款中“原使用范围”的认定仍是一个问题,且存在较大分歧。对“原使用范围”进行扩大或缩小的解释,会导致共存状态下商标权利的不稳定及商标在先使用主体和商标注册主体利益的不平衡。由于法律中对... 商标在先使用制度确定至今,商标法59条3款中“原使用范围”的认定仍是一个问题,且存在较大分歧。对“原使用范围”进行扩大或缩小的解释,会导致共存状态下商标权利的不稳定及商标在先使用主体和商标注册主体利益的不平衡。由于法律中对“原使用范围”具体规定不明确,引发了司法实践中对“原使用范围”认定要素不一,适用情形各异等问题。通过明确“原使用范围”的主体、地域范围及商品、服务类别三个具体要素,对原使用范围做出合理的规定,从而保证在先使用者和在后注册者的权利受到公平的保护。 展开更多
关键词 先用权抗辩 使用范围 商标共存
清末岭南医家对中医急症给药法的贡献 被引量:3
作者 赖文 李永宸 《中国中医急症》 2005年第5期464-465,共2页
清末广东医家罗汝兰所撰《鼠疫汇编》一书,于腺鼠疫等烈性传染病防治工作中继承和发扬前代医家经验,将大剂量急追多服作为常规给药方法,并对其使用原因、使用目的、使用方法和适用证作了明确的阐释,有效地降低了腺鼠疫死亡率,其给药法... 清末广东医家罗汝兰所撰《鼠疫汇编》一书,于腺鼠疫等烈性传染病防治工作中继承和发扬前代医家经验,将大剂量急追多服作为常规给药方法,并对其使用原因、使用目的、使用方法和适用证作了明确的阐释,有效地降低了腺鼠疫死亡率,其给药法的合理性得到实践证实。 展开更多
关键词 给药法 中医急症 岭南医家 清末 传染病防治工作 《鼠疫汇编》 医家经验 给药方法 使用方法 腺鼠疫 罗汝兰 大剂量 使用原 适用证 死亡率 合理性
对胰岛β细胞功能评估的再认识 被引量:44
作者 李光伟 《国外医学(内分泌学分册)》 2005年第3期164-166,共3页
文献中常用的胰岛β细胞功能指数包括某些金指标并不能完美解释糖负荷试验后血糖水平的变化。按照下述方式应用现行的β细胞功能指数可能更为合理:(1)多个(反映不同时相胰岛素分泌)指数的联合应用可能更为合理。(2)使用原始胰岛素分泌... 文献中常用的胰岛β细胞功能指数包括某些金指标并不能完美解释糖负荷试验后血糖水平的变化。按照下述方式应用现行的β细胞功能指数可能更为合理:(1)多个(反映不同时相胰岛素分泌)指数的联合应用可能更为合理。(2)使用原始胰岛素分泌指数的联合。(3)基于糖负荷刺激试验提出新的指数不仅能更好地解释血糖水平的变化,而且在高危人群预测糖尿病的发生方面更有效。 展开更多
关键词 功能评估 再认识 胰岛β细胞功能指数 胰岛素分泌指数 血糖水平 不同时相 刺激试验 高危人群 糖负荷 试验后 金指标 使用原 糖尿病 合理
人体解剖学双语教学在临床医学七年制的应用 被引量:1
作者 焦轶 韩卉 张铭 《四川解剖学杂志》 2005年第1期57-59,共3页
关键词 双语教学 医学七年制 人体解剖学 临床 传统教学方法 外语教学 国家教委 90年代 二十世纪 使用原 专业课
作者 边昊 《食品安全导刊》 2015年第9X期21-,共1页
通过介绍我国对食品添加剂行业的管理现状,同时从源头上阐述食品添加剂应该具有的功能与作用、范畴与原则,分析食品添加剂产生问题的过程与原因,提出了促进食品安全性的建议。民以食为天,食品工业的发展离不开人们对于食品的需求,世界... 通过介绍我国对食品添加剂行业的管理现状,同时从源头上阐述食品添加剂应该具有的功能与作用、范畴与原则,分析食品添加剂产生问题的过程与原因,提出了促进食品安全性的建议。民以食为天,食品工业的发展离不开人们对于食品的需求,世界各国对于食品添加剂都作了详细的规定。近几年来我国出现了数起食品添加剂引发的食品安全事件,例如苏丹红事件和三聚氰胺事件。因此。 展开更多
关键词 食品添加剂 苏丹红事件 食品生产过程 不合格 使用质量 色香味 抗结剂 食物添加剂 计量范围 使用原
信息时代的商标共存规则 被引量:10
作者 罗莉 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期77-89,共13页
网络没有改变商标共存的制度基础,商标可以在网络中合法共存。对约定的商标共存和非约定的商标共存应区别适用禁止混淆原则。在非约定的商标共存中,市场的隔离应该是双向的。宜将界定在先使用的时间点从注册商标申请日推迟到初步审定公... 网络没有改变商标共存的制度基础,商标可以在网络中合法共存。对约定的商标共存和非约定的商标共存应区别适用禁止混淆原则。在非约定的商标共存中,市场的隔离应该是双向的。宜将界定在先使用的时间点从注册商标申请日推迟到初步审定公告日。仅注册域名不构成在先使用。网络商标在先使用人的市场疆域不覆盖整个互联网,其'原使用范围'可借助网络平台和产品来限定。网络中的商标在先使用范围不延及线下市场,在先使用人在线下的商标使用应限于为完成线上交易。 展开更多
关键词 商标共存 混淆可能性 先用权 使用范围 互联网
作者 巧儿 《中国科学美容》 2006年第6期92-95,共4页
经常听见有人说:以前我用某某品牌的化妆品效果不错,可为什么环境改变后再使用原来的化妆品皮肤就会明显感到不适?我的化妆品用完后都储存在冰箱里,可为什么使用时还是刺激皮肤…… 其实,你的皮肤正在遭受化妆品的严重威胁。
关键词 化妆品 威胁 环境改变 皮肤 使用原
Mechanism of mine water-inrush through a fault from the floor 被引量:9
作者 HAN Jin SHI Long-qing +2 位作者 YU Xiao-ge WEI Jiu-chuan LI Shu-cai 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第3期276-281,共6页
The mechanism of mine water inrushes in coal mines in China differs considerably from that in other countries.In China, most water inrushes occur from floor strata, where the water-inrush sources are karstic limestone... The mechanism of mine water inrushes in coal mines in China differs considerably from that in other countries.In China, most water inrushes occur from floor strata, where the water-inrush sources are karstic limestone aquifers.Our study describes the mechanism of mine water inrushes through a fault in the mine floor using principles of strata mechanics and the path of water inrush from an aquifer to the working face.A criterion to judge whether a ground water inrush will occur through a fault or not is also described, together with a case history of water inflow in the Feicheng coalfield, China. 展开更多
关键词 FAULT water-inrush MECHANISM Feicheng coalfield
Review on Physical quality Education 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Libin 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期39-41,共3页
Using the principle and method of quality education, this article first expounds the theoretical basis of physical quality education, and then analyzes the difference between the quality education and physical quality... Using the principle and method of quality education, this article first expounds the theoretical basis of physical quality education, and then analyzes the difference between the quality education and physical quality education. Second, the article has some discussion on the characteristics, structure and content of physical quality education, and finally raises the primary means of implementing physical quality education. 展开更多
关键词 quality education physical quality education goals APPROACHES
A Novel Scheduling Strategy for Crude Oil Blending 被引量:7
作者 摆亮 江永亨 +1 位作者 黄德先 刘先广 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期777-786,共10页
For those refineries which have to deal with different types of crude oil, blending is an attractive solution to obtain a quality feedstock. In this paper, a novel scheduling strategy is proposed for a practical crude... For those refineries which have to deal with different types of crude oil, blending is an attractive solution to obtain a quality feedstock. In this paper, a novel scheduling strategy is proposed for a practical crude oil blending process. The objective is to keep the property of feedstock, mainly described by the true boiling point (TBP) data, consistent and suitable. Firstly, the mathematical model is established. Then, a heuristically initialized hybrid iterative (HIHI) algorithm based on a two-level optimization structure, in which tabu search (TS) and differential evolution (DE) are used for upper-level and lower-level optimization, respectively, is proposed to get the model solution. Finally, the effectiveness and efficiency of the scheduling strategy is validated via real data from a certain refinery. 展开更多
关键词 crude oil blending SCHEDULING multilevel iterative algorithm intelligent optimization constrained optimization
Small bowel perforation secondary to metastatic lung cancer with emphasis on the administration of erlotinib: a case report
作者 Zhang Zhongheng Chen Huijun Li Xuemin 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第4期244-248,共5页
Small bowel metastasis from primary lung cancer is rare. Once occurs, the metastasis may cause life-threatening complications, such as bowel perforation, obstruction and bleeding. We reported an 83-year old man who pr... Small bowel metastasis from primary lung cancer is rare. Once occurs, the metastasis may cause life-threatening complications, such as bowel perforation, obstruction and bleeding. We reported an 83-year old man who presented with small bowel perforation secondary to metastatic lung cancer after being treated with erlotinib for 2 weeks. We propose that the use of erlotinib may be associated with the small bowel perforation and precautions should be taken by clinicians in initiating edotinib for primary lung cancer when there is bowel metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 Small bowel perforation ERLOTINIB METASTASIS
Different modalities of arterial reconstruction in hepatic retransplantation using right partial graft
作者 Salvatore Gruttadauria Fabrizio di Francesco +2 位作者 Marco Spada Mariapina Milazzo Bruno Gridelli 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第26期3322-3323,共2页
Though split-liver and living-related transplantation are routinely performed,they are done almost exclusively for primary liver transplantation because of potential surgical difficulties.These difficulties are genera... Though split-liver and living-related transplantation are routinely performed,they are done almost exclusively for primary liver transplantation because of potential surgical difficulties.These difficulties are generally related to arterial revascularization,particularly if there is hepatic artery thrombosis.According to UNOS data,of the hepatic retransplantations performed between 1996 and 2007,only 8.7% were done using right or extended right grafts from deceased donors,and 14.3% using right grafts from live donors.Here we report our experience with 5 hepatic retransplantations in which right partial grafts resulting from conventional in situ splits,and one right lobe resulting from an adult-toadult living-related transplant,were successfully used with different modalities of graft arterialization. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic artery Liver transplantation Split liver Living related transplantation Hepatic retransplantation
Reflection of the development of the national musicology in the college music education
作者 Zhang Yanjun 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期132-134,共3页
The national musicology was introduced into China from the western countries, so the Chinese scholars need to continue to absorb and draw lessons from the advanced western national musicological theories, and should c... The national musicology was introduced into China from the western countries, so the Chinese scholars need to continue to absorb and draw lessons from the advanced western national musicological theories, and should carry out the innovation base on the "used doctrine". According to China's national conditions and the characteristics of the cultures, improve the research methodology of the national musicology, so that the national musicology can have the Chinese characteristics. The national musicology is an independent basic discipline in the university education. In China, the music education and research work in colleges and universities has an important role in the inheritance and development of the national music. In this paper, combined with the present situations of the music education in colleges and universities, from the perspectives of the education and the research, the author expounds the ideas of the development trends of the national musicology in the music education in colleges and universities. 展开更多
关键词 National musicology music education in colleges and universities development and thinking
The Art of Authenticity: Constantin Stanislavski and Merleau-Ponty
作者 Robert F. Mullen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期790-803,共14页
Constantin Stanislavski's Russian acting system, further developed by contemporary methodological practices, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of the body as object-subject are compared to illustrate how simple... Constantin Stanislavski's Russian acting system, further developed by contemporary methodological practices, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of the body as object-subject are compared to illustrate how simple, learned techniques can assist in the production of authentic and transparent interrelational presence. Authentic presence requires three components: (1) honest exposition of a person's singular, essential being; (2) empathy towards the needs of other, distinct and separate from the self; and (3) mutual reciprocation, which means giving back or responding somewhat equitably to the other with whom the self is in communication, and accepting the same respondence from the other if afforded. The comprehension of Merleau-Ponty's ontology combined with Stanislavski's performance technique is uniquely suited to interpersonal communications in the 'real world'. Stanislavski's artistic vision demands an intensity of attentive involvement in order to achieve onstage authenticity. Merleau-Ponty provides supportive philosophical schematics, especially in his controversial but effective use of the expression 'flesh'. While this study may initially appear to focus on the artist, the development of interrelational skills is reliably applicable to anyone who desires to obtain a higher degree of authenticity in collaborative presence. 展开更多
Malaria: Autophagy as a Potential Therapeutic Target
作者 Prati Pal Singh Purbali Chakraborty 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第7期298-306,共9页
Abstract: Malaria, where the causative agent Plasmodium is rapidly gaining resistance to practically all the antimalarial drugs in clinical use, requires the identification of new drug targets to enable the discovery... Abstract: Malaria, where the causative agent Plasmodium is rapidly gaining resistance to practically all the antimalarial drugs in clinical use, requires the identification of new drug targets to enable the discovery of novel, more effective and safer drugs to treat the disease. Advancements in molecular techniques have provided the proof of existence of autophagy in Plasmodium; however, its role(s) in malaria is only becoming to be understood. Nevertheless, some of the recently explored dimensions of autophagy in Plasmodium have indicated its fairly larger role in parasite survival and growth. But then, autophagy is also essential for host cell survival and defence. There is thus need to explore chemotherapeutic strategies to specifically target autophagy in both the parasite and host. This review focuses on autophagy pathways in Plasmodium and in host with a view to identify autophagy-related new drug targets for the discovery of novel antimalarial drugs. 展开更多
A Potential Weed Control Using Robotic Implement
作者 Kwang Ho Park Soo Hyun Kim +4 位作者 Young Kuk Kim Han Jong Joo Yoon Shik Hong Jee Hyong Kim Keun Mo Koo 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第5期473-480,共8页
The research was conducted to develop a robot that can navigate a paddy in between rows or hills which were transplanted by the machine transplanter with equal distance. An initial prototype robotic battery-type weede... The research was conducted to develop a robot that can navigate a paddy in between rows or hills which were transplanted by the machine transplanter with equal distance. An initial prototype robotic battery-type weeder was manufactured and tested to navigate and control weeds in rice paddy fields, but a speed was so slow, and thus second engine-type prototype was developed. A working acreage for weed control has been attained at and up to 0.8 ha/day. Small and young weed seedlings were uprooted and destroyed by passive devices in between rows as well as hills. This robot was smoothly navigated in between rows on behalf of the guidance under camera and sensor systems and control weeds with mechanical by the use of implements such as passive rotary weeders and then weeds would be cut and buried into the soils. Also muddy water was generated during operation which was none penetrated by light for weed germination to occur. The authors concluded that the robotic was an effective alternative implement to control weeds in lowland rice paddy as long as this tool was systematically introduced into the rice fields at three time intervals, viz. 15-20 days, 25-30days, and 35-40 days after transplanting of rice seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 RICE TRANSPLANTING weed control robotic weeder.
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