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辽河口海域使用变化下的生态敏感性分析 被引量:16
作者 康婧 孙永光 +5 位作者 李方 袁蕾 齐玥 付元宾 马红伟 林霞 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期4722-4733,共12页
以辽河口作为研究对象,利用1990年、2000年、2007年和2014年遥感影像作为数据源,对海域使用变化下的生态敏感性进行了系统性研究:分析了围填海、养殖用海、工业用海等主要用海活动对河口区域生态敏感性的影响机制;建立了海域使用变化下... 以辽河口作为研究对象,利用1990年、2000年、2007年和2014年遥感影像作为数据源,对海域使用变化下的生态敏感性进行了系统性研究:分析了围填海、养殖用海、工业用海等主要用海活动对河口区域生态敏感性的影响机制;建立了海域使用变化下的生态敏感性指数(ESI),并分析其变化过程;最后借助ArcGIS空间分析法,获得生态敏感性空间分布状况.结果显示,1990~2014年辽河口区域海域使用面积由1990年的2977.32km^2至增加至2014年的3059.96km^2,主要增加类型为开放式养殖用海、围海养殖用海和工业用地,主要由开放海域、盐地碱蓬和泥滩转变而来.研究区人为干扰度呈上升趋势,2007~2014年间变化率较大;生态系统服务价值总体呈现减小的趋势,由1990年的4.65×10~9元减少到2014年的3.34×10~9元,人为干扰强度与生态系统服务价值呈现负相关系.海域使用变化下的生态系统敏感性指数由2001年的2.5增加到2007年的4.7,再增加至2014年的4.8.总体而言,近25a来辽河口区域生态系统敏感性对海域使用变化的响应程度不高.虽然近10a受到一定程度的人类开发利用活动的影响,但整个河口生态系统的所受的影响还不太强烈. 展开更多
关键词 海域使用变化 人为干扰度 生态系统服务价值 生态系统敏感性分析 辽河口
美国公共图书馆服务使用变化原因的主题分析 被引量:1
作者 胡吉明 杨宁巍 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期98-104,共7页
美国公共图书馆对民众的生活和工作具有重要作用,但近年来出现了较大的使用波动情况。本文以皮尤美国公共图书馆服务调研中用户陈述的使用变化原因为样本,基于质性分析工具Nvivo和SPSS Text Analytics对原因内容进行主题提取,借助Pajek... 美国公共图书馆对民众的生活和工作具有重要作用,但近年来出现了较大的使用波动情况。本文以皮尤美国公共图书馆服务调研中用户陈述的使用变化原因为样本,基于质性分析工具Nvivo和SPSS Text Analytics对原因内容进行主题提取,借助Pajek和VOSviewer构建主题间的语义关联网络并实现可视化展示,在对主题关联网络社区划分的基础上总结归纳当前美国民众公共图书馆使用习惯变化的原因。首先,儿童及青少年的教育、传统资源和服务以及便利性是增加公共图书馆使用的主要原因;而互联网和信息技术、家庭生活方式的改变及对电子资源和服务需求增多,是导致民众减少使用的主要因素。其次,信息技术的作用具有双重性,图书馆的免费网络服务和技能培训增加了其使用,而高收入和高学历用户也因信息技术的便捷减少了前往公共图书馆的次数。最后,公共图书馆应利用信息技术创新其无线和移动服务方式,丰富基于信息技术的教育培训和社区活动,增加不同层次的用户黏性。同时,本文发现使用习惯变化反映出美国民众的分层现象,未来笔者将展开民众属性特征与原因主题的关联分析,以期得到更加深入的研究结论。 展开更多
关键词 美国公共图书馆 服务使用变化 主题分析
作者 刘帆 施倩青 费鲜芸 《淮海工学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第2期82-86,共5页
基于SPOT-5和WorldView-2高分辨率遥感影像,采用面向对象的分类方法,通过多尺度图像分割,获取海域使用地物斑块;结合影像光谱特性、纹理特征等信息建立分类规则,提取海域使用信息,并通过空间叠置分析来定量分析研究区海域使用变化情况.... 基于SPOT-5和WorldView-2高分辨率遥感影像,采用面向对象的分类方法,通过多尺度图像分割,获取海域使用地物斑块;结合影像光谱特性、纹理特征等信息建立分类规则,提取海域使用信息,并通过空间叠置分析来定量分析研究区海域使用变化情况.结果表明,面向对象的多尺度分割方法有效提高了分类精度.该研究也分析了海域使用变化情况,研究区内变化主要集中在建筑用地的扩张上.该研究对研究区治理海洋有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 高分辨率遥感影像 海域使用变化 多尺度分割 GIS
我院中药饮片连续3年使用变化分析 被引量:7
作者 马丽君 王会丽 张丽霞 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2008年第10期733-735,共3页
目的:了解3年中我院中药饮片的使用特点及变化,为指导临床用药提供依据。方法:采用随机抽样法抽取3年处方共73285张,将处方数据输入微机,进行统计分析。结果:处方药味数以16~20居多,味数有逐年增加趋势;10g、15g及12g为单味药常用剂量... 目的:了解3年中我院中药饮片的使用特点及变化,为指导临床用药提供依据。方法:采用随机抽样法抽取3年处方共73285张,将处方数据输入微机,进行统计分析。结果:处方药味数以16~20居多,味数有逐年增加趋势;10g、15g及12g为单味药常用剂量,单位药剂量有增加趋势;处方药物结构变化不大,活血化瘀类药最常用;3年中使用频率居前10位的饮片略有不同,甘草使用频率均最高,其次是补血、补气、活血药;不规范处方仍然存在。结论:需要认真学习《中华人民共和国药典》,规范中药饮片使用;根据用药习惯、疾病特点合理采购、储存饮片,提高医院整体用药水平。 展开更多
关键词 中药饮片 使用变化 分析
进城购房农民家庭土地使用状况变化及相关政策建议 被引量:3
作者 张成玉 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期28-35,共8页
进城购房农民家庭生活方式的变化将影响其对农村承包地和宅基地的使用状况。利用对161户进城购房农民家庭的调查数据,研究其承包地和宅基地使用变化情况。对承包地的研究结果表明,没有老人的家庭更倾向于改变承包地用途,家庭收入高的家... 进城购房农民家庭生活方式的变化将影响其对农村承包地和宅基地的使用状况。利用对161户进城购房农民家庭的调查数据,研究其承包地和宅基地使用变化情况。对承包地的研究结果表明,没有老人的家庭更倾向于改变承包地用途,家庭收入高的家庭更倾向于改变承包地用途,购房地点离农村老家越远越倾向于改变承包地用途,户主在城镇有稳定工作的家庭更容易改变承包地用途。对宅基地的研究结果表明,进城购房农民家庭在农村建房成本越低越容易改变宅基地用途,无老人的家庭更容易改变宅基地用途。基于此,政府应鼓励农村集体经济组织为进城购房农民家庭承包地高效利用提供服务;赋能农村集体经济组织承接进城购房农民家庭退出的承包地和宅基地;允许城镇离退休老人返乡,激活农村土地要素市场。 展开更多
关键词 进城购房农民家庭 土地使用变化 土地政策调整
基于新闻语料的日本天皇敬语使用变化研究——以昭和以来刊载于《朝日新闻》上的天皇发言为考察对象 被引量:1
作者 姜红 《日语学习与研究》 2012年第4期43-50,共8页
随着时间的推移和社会的变迁,日本社会的敬语使用也在发生着变化。由于敬语在日语语言及教学研究中占据着重要地位,诸多学者从不同的视角对日语敬语展开了研究,并积累了一些丰硕的成果。本文从敬语使用者的研究视角出发,选择了日本天皇... 随着时间的推移和社会的变迁,日本社会的敬语使用也在发生着变化。由于敬语在日语语言及教学研究中占据着重要地位,诸多学者从不同的视角对日语敬语展开了研究,并积累了一些丰硕的成果。本文从敬语使用者的研究视角出发,选择了日本天皇的敬语使用情况为研究对象,以昭和前期、昭和后期、平成初期为时间轴,从历时的角度考察日本天皇的敬语使用变化过程。同时,结合不同时期的社会历史背景,探明天皇的敬语使用与当时社会敬语使用规律的联系,进而对影响其变化的社会因素进行简析。 展开更多
关键词 日本天皇 皇室敬语 使用变化 尊敬語 謙譲語
作者 游玉宏 《地球》 2015年第4期106-107,共2页
关键词 能源使用结构变化 新城镇化建设 可持续发展
作者 刘爱娥 《解放军健康》 1998年第4期30-30,共1页
可贴是一种新型快速的止血消炎胶布膏贴,疗效肯定、使用方便,已成为千家万户的必备药物。但是,有人将它当作万能药,什么外伤都用。结果,不仅没起到良好的治疗作用,而且使伤情恶化。故需掌握正确的使用方法。掌握好适应证“创可贴... 可贴是一种新型快速的止血消炎胶布膏贴,疗效肯定、使用方便,已成为千家万户的必备药物。但是,有人将它当作万能药,什么外伤都用。结果,不仅没起到良好的治疗作用,而且使伤情恶化。故需掌握正确的使用方法。掌握好适应证“创可贴”主要用于一些小而浅的伤口,如切割... 展开更多
关键词 正确使用 创可贴 化脓感染 皮肤疾病 肌腱损伤 伤口感染 治疗作用 使用方法 伤口冲洗 变化使用
大渡河流域水电开发对区域气候的可能影响 被引量:3
作者 李艳 张倩倩 陈鲜艳 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期90-99,共10页
利用WRF中尺度天气预报模式,从拓宽大渡河整个干流的水体分布与改变单一水库(瀑布沟水电站水库)的水体覆盖两个角度,对比分析下垫面水体变化对区域气候的可能影响。结果表明:整个干流水体变化和瀑布沟水库水体加宽后所产生的气候效应类... 利用WRF中尺度天气预报模式,从拓宽大渡河整个干流的水体分布与改变单一水库(瀑布沟水电站水库)的水体覆盖两个角度,对比分析下垫面水体变化对区域气候的可能影响。结果表明:整个干流水体变化和瀑布沟水库水体加宽后所产生的气候效应类似,均表现为对水体附近区域的局地影响。年平均气温在水体附近区域下降0.2~0.4℃,冬季平均气温小幅升高,春季、夏季和秋季的平均气温降低;冬季、春季和秋季的降水量变化不明显,在河流两岸的年平均降水量、夏季降水量有所减少;相对湿度在水体区域微弱增加,平均风速变化不大。 展开更多
关键词 大渡河 水电站 土地使用变化 区域气候效应
作者 陈知虎 《液压气动与密封》 2019年第6期19-21,共3页
随着液压技术的发展,液压系统中执行元件--液压缸的生产与使用也越来越普及。因使用工况的变化,液压缸在经过一段使用后密封达不到预定使用要求,导致密封损坏漏油,归根到底有时是原厂备件密封选型设计时没有考虑到使用工况变化,导致液... 随着液压技术的发展,液压系统中执行元件--液压缸的生产与使用也越来越普及。因使用工况的变化,液压缸在经过一段使用后密封达不到预定使用要求,导致密封损坏漏油,归根到底有时是原厂备件密封选型设计时没有考虑到使用工况变化,导致液压缸故障发生。该厂出口下导卫油缸就是因原厂密封设计不当,导致后期使用时故障频发。该研究通过对原厂密封进行改型,到达后期正常使用要求。 展开更多
关键词 液压缸 使用变化 密封 改型
作者 惠文华 郭新成 《西安科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第3期324-327,共4页
利用多时相遥感图像进行土地利用/覆盖变化检测(LUCCD),其结果的精度受到很多因素的制约,而对图像进行空间位置配准时的残余误差就是其中最重要的因素之一。本文从统计学的观点出发,在对配准误差的分布特点进行统计分析的基础上,提出一... 利用多时相遥感图像进行土地利用/覆盖变化检测(LUCCD),其结果的精度受到很多因素的制约,而对图像进行空间位置配准时的残余误差就是其中最重要的因素之一。本文从统计学的观点出发,在对配准误差的分布特点进行统计分析的基础上,提出一种传统的变化矢量分析(CVA)与配准误差的分布特征相结合进行土地利用/覆盖变化检测的方法,并用某地区的多时相TM数据对该方法的有效性进行了验证。结果表明,该方法可以有效地降低漏检率和错检率,大大提高了变化检测的精度。 展开更多
关键词 土地使用便盖变化检测(LUCCD) 变化矢量分析(CVA) 配准误差
Effects of Vegetation Restoration on Soil Organic Carbon in China:A Meta-analysis 被引量:6
作者 GONG Li LIU Guohua +3 位作者 WANG Meng YE Xin WANG Hao LI Zongshan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期188-200,共13页
Vegetation restoration has been proposed as an effective method for increasing both plant biomass and soil carbon(C) stocks. In this study, 204 publications(733 observations) were analyzed, focusing on the effects of ... Vegetation restoration has been proposed as an effective method for increasing both plant biomass and soil carbon(C) stocks. In this study, 204 publications(733 observations) were analyzed, focusing on the effects of vegetation restoration on soil organic carbon(SOC) in China. The results showed that SOC was increased by 45.33%, 24.43%, 30.29% and 27.98% at soil depths of 0–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm and > 60 cm after vegetation restoration, respectively. Restoration from both cropland and non-cropland increased the SOC content. The conversion of non-cropland was more efficient in SOC accumulation than the conversion of cropland did, especially in > 40 cm layers. In addition, the conversion to planted forest led to greater SOC accumulation than that to other land use did. Conversion period and initial SOC content extended more influence on soil C accumulation as the main factors after vegetation restoration than temperature and precipitation did. The SOC content significantly increased with restoration period after long-term vegetation restoration(> 40 yr), indicating a large potential for further accumulation of carbon in the soil, which could mitigate climate change in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 soil carbon content vegetation restoration land-use change conversion period restoration approach China
作者 HUANG Fang, LIU Xiang-nan, XU Hong-mei, ZHANG Shu-wen, ZHANG Yang-zhen (Changchun Institute of Geography, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130021, P. R. China School of Urban and Environmental Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 13 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第1期50-56,共7页
Land use changes are regarded as landscape pattern change driven by many interactive natural and social-economic factors. Different combination of physical geographical elements induced the difference of spatio-tempor... Land use changes are regarded as landscape pattern change driven by many interactive natural and social-economic factors. Different combination of physical geographical elements induced the difference of spatio-temporal pattern of land use change. There are four physical geographical regions in Mongolian Autonomou County of Qian Gorlos of Jilin Province. Based on spatial analysis and statistical analysis, we conclude that the primary pattern of land use and the tendency of land use changes are all different in four physical geographical regions. During 1987 – 1996, the dominant land use change processes were from grassland or forest to arableland, from unused land to paddy and grassland to unused land. Though land use change is mainly affected by social and economic condition in short period, the composite characters of physical geographical elements controls land use dynamic process. The relationship between land use dynamic process and the character of physical geographical units differ in different regions. Possible human impacts on land use change are explored with application of buffer areas of series distance along main roads and radius around main settlements. A few models are built to describe the relationship between land use spatial change rates and distance to road and settlements. According to our result, the relationship with the proximity to roads was a negative liner function, with the change rate decreasing rapidly when moving away from roads. Within a distance of less 7.5km from main traffic lines, land use changes occur red more. The bulk of grassland was apt to be opened up for cultivation around the settlements and the transformation from dryland to paddy occurred within the distance of 1km away from settlements. 展开更多
关键词 land use change physical geographic region land use dynamic process effective coefficient cultural landscape variable
Formal Method of Service Oriented Functional Decomposition
作者 Nikoloz Pachuashvili Teimuraz Kiviladze 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第4期195-200,共6页
Main goal of this paper is to discuss specific problem which is occurring during the creation of modem complex soRware systems, particularly at the design stage. Many of modem architectural styles are promoting buildi... Main goal of this paper is to discuss specific problem which is occurring during the creation of modem complex soRware systems, particularly at the design stage. Many of modem architectural styles are promoting building composite software systems compounded with reusable and flexible units. Because of high speed of contemporary software system evolution which is related to initial process changes, it is very significant to have ability to do related refactoring tasks. Sometimes, when structure if software system is monolithic, modification process takes a long time and in worse cases it is impossible. On the other hand flexible composite systems are easy to govern. Our work is related to complex process decomposition into small simple sub-processes at the architectural level of designing stage. 展开更多
关键词 DECOMPOSITION service composition REUSABILITY functional concepts LATTICE
Land Use and Property Changes in Hungary and Poland after EU Accession
作者 Katalin Takacs-Gyorgy Tamers Erdelyi +2 位作者 Robert Magda Istvan Takacs Adam Sadowski 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第6期723-734,共12页
Land property in the post socialist countries was rebuilt in the beginning of the 1990s. The process went in different way in all of the post-socialist countries. The result of the privatization of agricultural land w... Land property in the post socialist countries was rebuilt in the beginning of the 1990s. The process went in different way in all of the post-socialist countries. The result of the privatization of agricultural land was a fragmented, direct or indirect smallholder ownership structure in most of the new member states of the EU. The land, partly or totally was given back to the owners and inheritors of land reforms following the war. It means that considerable proportion of the land is cultivated by tenants, the fragmented estate structure decreases the efficiency and the increasing rental fees further destroy the profitability and competitiveness of farming. Regarding to the competitiveness of agriculture, Poland showed a developing tendency after the accession, but Hungary suffers from serious problems. Applying descriptive statistics between the changes of land use and land ownership during the research relation analysis, emphasizing the effect in competitiveness of the land price and a land rent, the paper tries to identify the main differences and similarities in land use and property structure, and their effects on the agricultural competitiveness based on the FADN data base, since 2004-2007. 展开更多
关键词 Land ownership and rental effects on tendencies EU
作者 含笑 《健康生活》 2003年第4期46-46,共1页
注意你的装扮 从事办公室工作的白领小姐,学会在各种场合装扮好自己的形象,不仅仅是为了个人的美丽,也是为你所谋事的单位的整体形象,更是为你在职业场上春风得意。因此,白领小姐应努力装扮好自己,让女人羡慕自己,让男人喜欢自己。
关键词 白领 小姐 办公室工作 职业场 整体形象 收腹挺胸 品格教育 服务台 变化使用 工作气氛
Abandoned Altitudes? Decrease and Expansion of Grassland in the Hinterland of Popayán, Southern Colombian Andes
作者 Andreas Haller Oliver Bender 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期123-133,共11页
Due to their ecological disadvantages, many mountain regions have experienced land-use abandonment and shrub encroachment on former grassland at higher altitudinal zones--especially during recent decades of urbanizati... Due to their ecological disadvantages, many mountain regions have experienced land-use abandonment and shrub encroachment on former grassland at higher altitudinal zones--especially during recent decades of urbanization. But does this trend also apply to the hinterland of urban settlements? By using the Southern Colombian example of Popay^n, a medium-sized city located in the Northern Andes, we can show that the landscape changes observed between 1989 and 2010 can hardly be related to agricultural abandonment. Hypsometric variations of land-cover change indicate that, until 2001, woods or shrubland expanded faster at the lower altitudinal range adjacent to the city than at the more remote higher zones. In contrast, after 2001 grassland areas increased on former woods or shrnbland at all altitudinal belts. Both periods thus present developments that can be interpreted as the result of land-use expansion below 2000 m asl and land-use persistence in the tierrafrla of the mountain city's hinterland. 展开更多
关键词 Land-cover change Land-use change Rural-urban linkages Northern Andes
作者 吕傲莹 《汉字文化》 2022年第8期26-28,共3页
关键词 乡镇 语言景观 语言使用变化
Microbial Community Changes Along a Land-Use Gradient of Desert Soil Origin 被引量:10
作者 WANG Bao-Zhan ZHANG Cai-Xia +7 位作者 LIU Ji-Liang ZENG Xiao-Wei LI Feng-Rui WU Yu-Cheng LIN Xian-Gui XIONG Zheng-Qin XU Jian JIA Zhong-Jun 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期593-603,共11页
Soil harbors remarkably stabilize bacterial communities at the phylum level. However, no two soils have exactly the same structure of bacterial phyla. The structure of microbial community is strongly influenced by the... Soil harbors remarkably stabilize bacterial communities at the phylum level. However, no two soils have exactly the same structure of bacterial phyla. The structure of microbial community is strongly influenced by the type of land-use through changes in soil attributes. Using high-throughput pyrosequencing and quantitative polymerase chain reaction techniques, soil microbial community structures were investigated along a land-use gradient of 100- and 27-year farmlands, a 33-year Pinus forest, a 28-year poplar forest, and a 21-year shrubland, as well as a native desert from which all cultivated systems were converted. The results revealed that the dominant phylotypes in the native soil comprised primarily of Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes, accounting for 〉 71.4% of the total bacterial 16S rRNA sequence reads. Changes in land-use led to a significant decrease in these dominant phylotypes down to 33.4%. In contrast, the phylotypes with low abundance, such as Acidobaeteria, Chloroflexi, Nitrospira, and Gammaproteobaeteria, increased sharply from 4.5%-5.9% in the native soil to 20.9% 30.2% of the total 16S rRNA gene sequences in the cultivated soils except for the soil from the shrubland. These contrasting changes in the major taxa appear to be correlated with the changes in soil attributes. For instance, bacterial and archaeal amoA genes were found to be 960- and 3 800-fold more abundant in the soil from the 100-year farmland than the native soil. The changes in numerically less dominant nitrifying phylotypes are consistent with soil inorganic nitrogen dynamics. Quantification of the 16S rRNA genes demonstrated that bacteria and archaea were about two to three orders of magnitude more abundant in the cultivated soil than in the native soil. Hence, land-use type affects the soil bacterial community structure, which has profound consequences on ecosystem function. 展开更多
关键词 AMOA ecosystem functions land-use type polymerase chain reaction PYROSEQUENCING
Land use in semi-free ranging Tonkean macaques Macaca tonkeana depends on environmental conditions: A geographical information system approach
作者 Cedric SUEUR Paul SALZE +1 位作者 Christiane WEBER Odile PETIT 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期8-17,共10页
Wild animals use their habitat according to ecological pressures such as predation, resource availability or tempera- ture, yet little is known about how individuals use their environment in semi free-ranging conditio... Wild animals use their habitat according to ecological pressures such as predation, resource availability or tempera- ture, yet little is known about how individuals use their environment in semi free-ranging conditions. We assessed whether a semi-free ranging group of Tonkean macaques Macaca tonkeana used its wooded parkland in a heterogeneous way. GIS and GPS were used to determine whether individuals adjusted their behaviors according to variation in environmental constraints over time of day and the course of a year. We demonstrated that social and resting activities occurred in high altitude areas and areas with a high density of bushes, whereas the group foraged in areas where the density of bushes and grass was low. In general, the animals used areas exposed to the sun that were not on a slope. Semi-free ranging Tonkean macaques seemed to behave like their wild counterparts in terms of activity budget, land use per activity and thermoregulation 展开更多
关键词 GPS GIS Temperature TOPOGRAPHY Activity budget Spatial autocorrelation PRIMATES
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