释词是英语教学中重要环节。要做到简洁明了,准确达意,并非易事。举一个最显而易见的例子。“门”是人人知,天天见的物体,然而韦氏大辞典第二版给“门”下了这样的定义: The movable frame or barrier of boards, or other material, us...释词是英语教学中重要环节。要做到简洁明了,准确达意,并非易事。举一个最显而易见的例子。“门”是人人知,天天见的物体,然而韦氏大辞典第二版给“门”下了这样的定义: The movable frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges or pivots or sliding, by which an entranceway into a house or apartment is closed and opened; also, a similar part of a piece of furniture, as in a cabinet or bookcase.展开更多
文摘释词是英语教学中重要环节。要做到简洁明了,准确达意,并非易事。举一个最显而易见的例子。“门”是人人知,天天见的物体,然而韦氏大辞典第二版给“门”下了这样的定义: The movable frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges or pivots or sliding, by which an entranceway into a house or apartment is closed and opened; also, a similar part of a piece of furniture, as in a cabinet or bookcase.