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流域供水管理决策支持系统总体设计 被引量:11
作者 刘志辉 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期259-263,共5页
本文简要介绍了一个集流域信息、数据库管理、实时监测、水量预测、洪水预报、水库排沙调度、需水量计算、水土平衡、优化供水决策、系统在线帮助等多功能为一体的流域供水管理决策支持系统的总体开发设计思路。本系统紧密结合干旱区实... 本文简要介绍了一个集流域信息、数据库管理、实时监测、水量预测、洪水预报、水库排沙调度、需水量计算、水土平衡、优化供水决策、系统在线帮助等多功能为一体的流域供水管理决策支持系统的总体开发设计思路。本系统紧密结合干旱区实际 ,充分利用地理信息系统 (GIS)、计算机最新软硬件、知识库和先进的计算模型等高新技术 ,具有适应实时要求 ,界面友好直观 ,操作灵活方便 ,扩充性好和实用性强等特点。对流域供水、防洪、排沙、节水灌溉 ,水资源统一管理等方面具有较强的指导意义和实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 流域供水管理 决策支持系统 GIS 优化
跨流域供水商间联合定价博弈模型研究 被引量:1
作者 侯艳红 王慧敏 《人民黄河》 北大核心 2008年第1期47-48,50,共3页
基于供应链理论,按照完全信息动态博弈和不完全信息静态博弈两种情景,分别建立了基于供水能力约束的南水北调工程供水商与引黄工程供水商联合定价博弈模型,并给出了最优均衡解。通过对两种情景的比较,指出南水北调工程供水商和引黄工程... 基于供应链理论,按照完全信息动态博弈和不完全信息静态博弈两种情景,分别建立了基于供水能力约束的南水北调工程供水商与引黄工程供水商联合定价博弈模型,并给出了最优均衡解。通过对两种情景的比较,指出南水北调工程供水商和引黄工程供水商实现利益最大化的一个必要条件,即双方在竞争的基础上,建立一个信息共享平台,保证主要信息的共享,形成"竞争中合作,合作中竞争"的局面,最终实现"双赢"的目标。 展开更多
关键词 供应链 博弈 联合定价 跨流域供水 南水北调工程 引黄供水工程
作者 马亮 于文龙 《价值工程》 2021年第29期143-145,共3页
关键词 清水河流域城乡供水工程 水源地 水文地质条件
《大坝与安全》 2023年第3期36-36,共1页
据水利部长江水利委员会截至2023年6月10日,长江流域纳入联合调度的控制性水库,共腾出正常蓄水位以下约870亿m^(3)库容,可用于调蓄洪水,较设计防洪库容多165亿m^(3),总体完成年度消落任务。去年11月—今年5月,长江流域来水持续偏枯,电... 据水利部长江水利委员会截至2023年6月10日,长江流域纳入联合调度的控制性水库,共腾出正常蓄水位以下约870亿m^(3)库容,可用于调蓄洪水,较设计防洪库容多165亿m^(3),总体完成年度消落任务。去年11月—今年5月,长江流域来水持续偏枯,电站发电和中下游供水、航运需水较大,长江委统筹多方需求,调度长江上游控制性水库群有序消落,累计补水约386亿m^(3),平均增加中下游流量约2 200 m^(3)/s,抬高中下游水位0.5~2.5 m,有效保障了流域供水、航运、生态、发电等用水安全。 展开更多
关键词 长江水利委员会 正常蓄水位 防洪库容 用水安全 联合调度 消落 控制性水库 流域供水
嘉陵江流域干旱应急水量调度预案研究 被引量:4
作者 万群志 杨光 李翰卿 《人民长江》 北大核心 2014年第3期16-19,共4页
2006,2007年嘉陵江流域发生了大范围、长时间的干旱,造成了罕见的损失。由于缺乏统一的水量调度机制,流域内的水利工程难以充分发挥作用,因此,需要编制并实施嘉陵江流域水量应急调度预案。在分析嘉陵江流域水文资料、用水、水利工程建... 2006,2007年嘉陵江流域发生了大范围、长时间的干旱,造成了罕见的损失。由于缺乏统一的水量调度机制,流域内的水利工程难以充分发挥作用,因此,需要编制并实施嘉陵江流域水量应急调度预案。在分析嘉陵江流域水文资料、用水、水利工程建设情况的基础上,从调度原则、供水区域、水源点、调水线路、控制水文站、干旱预警指标、预案启动条件等方面,研究并制订了嘉陵江流域水量应急调度预案。预案规范了嘉陵江流域水量应急调度程序,明确了各部门的职责,可以更好地保障流域供水安全。 展开更多
关键词 流域供水 抗旱减灾 水量应急调度 嘉陵江
黄河河南段流域内外引水量调研分析 被引量:1
作者 李东 吕文星 +2 位作者 潘启民 黄福贵 卞艳丽 《地下水》 2020年第6期163-166,共4页
“黄河水资源公报”自1998年发布以来受到流域内外及各省区的高度关注,其中涉水如论证等项目其取水指标按照黄河公报有关资料核实,黄河公报自2009年起增加了黄河对流域外供水的数据发布,进一步让社会认识到黄河流域在社会经济发展生态... “黄河水资源公报”自1998年发布以来受到流域内外及各省区的高度关注,其中涉水如论证等项目其取水指标按照黄河公报有关资料核实,黄河公报自2009年起增加了黄河对流域外供水的数据发布,进一步让社会认识到黄河流域在社会经济发展生态环境治理的巨大贡献,本研究基于黄河流域内外的引水进行调查研究,将河南豫北地区的黄河大堤以外的引水作为重点区(黄河流域外即海河流域,黄河流域主要是金堤河与天然文岩渠流域),实际调研为基础,深入剖析引水、用水、退水,跨流域供水、向流域供用水,灌区跨流域供用水多因子因素的复杂关系,达到研究的目的。 展开更多
关键词 引黄水量 流域外供水 流域取、耗水量 黄河下游
作者 林伟哲 《广东水利电力职业技术学院学报》 2003年第3期62-63,共2页
根据深圳水库对港、深供水发展需要而建立的东深供水工程供水流域水文自动测报系统在防洪 等方面发挥着重要作用。本文主要介绍了东深工程全流域水文自动测报系统的最新组成情况及应用系 统状况。
关键词 供水流域 水文自动测报 东深工程 应用
跨流域水库群联合调度规则研究 被引量:3
作者 刘娜 李昱 +2 位作者 丁伟 徐博 张弛 《水资源研究》 2015年第3期216-227,共12页
在跨流域水库群联合调度中,引水规模确定后水库各用水户的设计保证率和允许发生的破坏深度呈现竞争关系。通常情况下不同用水户所允许发生的破坏深度是一个定值,在遭遇连续枯水年时会对供水保证率产生影响,本文针对这一问题,在制定... 在跨流域水库群联合调度中,引水规模确定后水库各用水户的设计保证率和允许发生的破坏深度呈现竞争关系。通常情况下不同用水户所允许发生的破坏深度是一个定值,在遭遇连续枯水年时会对供水保证率产生影响,本文针对这一问题,在制定调度规则时考虑优化破坏深度来提升供水保证率,以满足供水要求。本文以H水库-大伙房水库.碧流河水库的跨流域调水工程为例,分别以常规调度规则和优化供水破坏深度后的调度规则进行水库群联合调度,并对两种调度方案进行对比分析,指出两种方案的优缺点,为水库调度决策部门提供了一个新的调度思路。 展开更多
关键词 跨流域引水与供水 优化调度 联合调度图 破坏深度
精心组织积极协调 做好海河流域水资源调度工作
作者 王建刚 《中国水利》 2004年第5期37-38,41,共3页
关键词 海河流域 水资源 流域供水 水量调度 水源 供水安全 水质
作者 崔杰石 《东北水利水电》 2015年第4期31-32,共2页
阜新站以上细河流域,由于进行生态保护,关闭了沿河城市供水水源井。地下水位得到回升,细河枯季恢复天然径流。本文主要对关闭沿河城市供水水源井后的水资源利用情况进行了分析,主要包括多年平均降水量、多年平均径流量、多年平均浅层地... 阜新站以上细河流域,由于进行生态保护,关闭了沿河城市供水水源井。地下水位得到回升,细河枯季恢复天然径流。本文主要对关闭沿河城市供水水源井后的水资源利用情况进行了分析,主要包括多年平均降水量、多年平均径流量、多年平均浅层地下水资源量、多年平均浅层地下水可开采量和现状水平年水源工程供水量。 展开更多
关键词 水资源 外流域供水 分析 辽西小流域
作者 彭少明 +8 位作者 王煜 畅建霞 游进军 郑小康 尚文绣 常文娟 方洪斌 武见 王佳 《治黄科技信息》 2023年第4期7-8,共2页
1研究背景黄河梯级水库群调度具有高维非线性以及多目标、多过程等特征,加之影响调度的扰动因素多、作用机制复杂、控制难度大,水库群调度下流域供水、河道输沙、水力发电、河流生态等过程间存在复杂的竞争与协作关系,面临不同目标与过... 1研究背景黄河梯级水库群调度具有高维非线性以及多目标、多过程等特征,加之影响调度的扰动因素多、作用机制复杂、控制难度大,水库群调度下流域供水、河道输沙、水力发电、河流生态等过程间存在复杂的竞争与协作关系,面临不同目标与过程、单库与梯级、常态调度与实时扰动的矛盾,如何控制扰动、协同调度,实现“一水多用”提高水资源综合效益的一直是世界水利科学与系统科学交叉研究的前沿问题。 展开更多
关键词 梯级水库群 水利科学 水库群调度 河流生态 协同调度 流域供水 河道输沙 水力发电
黄河水资源利用相关问题 被引量:9
作者 李东 张学成 +2 位作者 高亚军 蒋秀华 刘东旭 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第9期43-43,45,共2页
计算河道天然径流量时,需要还原人类活动消耗的地表径流量。分析了区域耗水量与流域耗水量的区别:区域耗水量指蒸发、引用等,不能回归到地表或地下的水量;流域耗水量指引水量中不能回归干支流的水量;区域耗水量以属地用水为统计对象,不... 计算河道天然径流量时,需要还原人类活动消耗的地表径流量。分析了区域耗水量与流域耗水量的区别:区域耗水量指蒸发、引用等,不能回归到地表或地下的水量;流域耗水量指引水量中不能回归干支流的水量;区域耗水量以属地用水为统计对象,不考虑水的来源与去向;流域耗水量按河段统计,不考虑用水属地,只考虑是否从干支流引水。 展开更多
关键词 区域耗水量 流域耗水量 下河沿模式 流域外供水 黄河
作者 孙菁 《水科学与工程技术》 2014年第3期67-70,共4页
关键词 望亭水利枢纽 改造 设计 流域供水
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water Availability in the Yellow River Basin
作者 LI Ming-Xing MA Zhu-Guo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第4期191-196,共6页
The changes in hydrological processes in the Yellow River basin were simulated by using the Community Land Model(CLM,version 3.5),driven by historical climate data observed from 1951 to 2008.A comparison of modeled so... The changes in hydrological processes in the Yellow River basin were simulated by using the Community Land Model(CLM,version 3.5),driven by historical climate data observed from 1951 to 2008.A comparison of modeled soil moisture and runoff with limited observations in the basin suggests a general drying trend in simulated soil moisture,runoff,and precipitation-evaporation balance(P-E) in most areas of the Yellow River basin during the observation period.Furthermore,annual soil moisture,runoff,and P-E averaged over the entire basin have declined by 3.3%,82.2%,and 32.1%,respectively.Significant drying trends in soil moisture appear in the upper and middle reaches of the basin,whereas a significant trend in declining surface runoff and P-E occurred in the middle reaches and the southeastern part of the upper reaches.The overall decreasing water availability is characterized by large spatial and temporal variability. 展开更多
关键词 water availability VARIABILITY the Yellow River basin
Combined Heat and Power Design Considerations for the APR1400
作者 Michal Wierzchowski Robert M. Field 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第3期195-203,共9页
To date, nuclear cogeneration applications have been limited, primarily to district heating in Eastern Europe and heavy water production in Canada. With the current global price for oil and energy, this technology is ... To date, nuclear cogeneration applications have been limited, primarily to district heating in Eastern Europe and heavy water production in Canada. With the current global price for oil and energy, this technology is not economically viable for most countries. However, oil and fossil fuel prices are known to be highly volatile, and the Paris Agreement calls for a reduction in fossil fuel use. Under these circumstances, heat supplied by nuclear power may abruptly return to favor. To prepare for such a scenario, this study will investigate design considerations for a prototypical modem nuclear power plant, the Korean APR1400 (advanced power reactor 1400) (e.g., Shin Kori Units 3, 4, Shin Hanul 1, 2, Barakah Units 1, 2, 3, 4). Nuclear cogeneration can impact balance of plant system and component design for the condensate, feedwater, extraction steam, and heater drain systems. The APR1400 turbine cycle will be reviewed for a parametric range of pressures and flow rates of the steam exported for cogeneration to identify major design challenges. 展开更多
关键词 COGENERATION ENERGY HEAT nuclear energy steam turbine DESIGN pressurized water reactor APR1400.
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Supply and Demand Balance of Water Supply Services in the Dongjiang Lake Basin and Its Beneficiary Areas 被引量:2
作者 徐洁 肖玉 +1 位作者 李娜 王浩 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第6期386-396,共11页
Water-related ecosystem services is a hot topic in ecological research. Water supply services are crucial to regional water cycles and water quantity balance. The Dongjiang Lake basin is a national priority river basi... Water-related ecosystem services is a hot topic in ecological research. Water supply services are crucial to regional water cycles and water quantity balance. The Dongjiang Lake basin is a national priority river basin in China where ecological compensation pilot programs concerning water resources and water supply services are top priorities for ecosystem service protection. We analyzed spatial and temporal patterns associated with generation and use of water supply services in the Dongjiang Lake basin using the In VEST model, socio-economic data and water resource data. We found that between 1995 and 2010, water yield in the Dongjiang Lake basin and its beneficiary areas increased before declining, varying 9350–12 400 m3 ha-1 y-1; average water yield peaked in 2000. The spatial distribution patterns of water yield during these years are similar, progressively decreasing from upstream to downstream with a remarkable reduction in surrounding areas of city clusters. Average water consumption of the basin and its beneficiary areas ranged from 2900–4450 m3 ha-1 y-1 between 1995 and 2010; the spatial distribution patterns of water consumption during these years are similar, dropping gradually from urban construction land to its surroundings with a stronger gradient between urban and rural areas. More water was consumed on both banks and surroundings of the lake. From 1995 to 2010, water supply fell short of demand for urban construction land and its proximity as well as areas along the lake. Water supply services were able to satisfy needs in other regions. The Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city cluster suffers from the most strained water supply. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services water supply services Dongjiang Lake supply and demand balance spatial and temporal patterns
作者 赵萍萍 《人类居住》 2011年第3期42-42,共1页
墨西哥城水处理系统的发展特点是无法应对洪水和干旱灾害.该市的地下水资源被长期过度开采,每秒钟开采量达到19.1~22.2立方米,两个主要供水流域莱尔马河(lerma)和库兹马拉河(cutzamala)也存在同样的问题.如果不考虑全球变暖因素,预计2... 墨西哥城水处理系统的发展特点是无法应对洪水和干旱灾害.该市的地下水资源被长期过度开采,每秒钟开采量达到19.1~22.2立方米,两个主要供水流域莱尔马河(lerma)和库兹马拉河(cutzamala)也存在同样的问题.如果不考虑全球变暖因素,预计2005~2030年期间,墨西哥城人口将增加17.5%,而可用的水资源在2007~2030年期间将减少11.2%.如无意外情况发生,气候变暖将直接导致该地区降雨量减少,情况将变得更加严峻.那些在旱季或墨西哥城发生旱灾时就已经面临经常性供水短缺问题的用户将尤其受到影响.举例来说,在1980~2006年期间,81.2%受旱灾影响的人口居住在墨西哥城较为贫困的netzahualcoyot地区. 展开更多
关键词 墨西哥 地下水资源 干旱灾害 水处理系统 意外情况 短缺问题 人口 全球变暖 气候变暖 过度开采 供水流域 地区 立方米 开采量 降雨量 特点 贫困 居住 洪水 旱季
Multi-reservoir joint operating rule in inter-basin water transfer-supply project 被引量:9
作者 PENG AnBang PENG Yong +1 位作者 ZHOU HuiCheng ZHANG Chi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期123-137,共15页
The joint operation of inter-basin water transfer-supply(IBWTS)project can be more complex when there is joint water demand in multi-reservoir system and multi-importing reservoirs simultaneously transferring water fr... The joint operation of inter-basin water transfer-supply(IBWTS)project can be more complex when there is joint water demand in multi-reservoir system and multi-importing reservoirs simultaneously transferring water from exporting reservoir.In this study,a joint operating rule is proposed for the purpose of solving such complex operation problem.This rule is composed of a set of sub-rules,including hedging rule curves of virtual aggregation reservoir(i.e.equivalent reservoir)and other individual reservoirs,water-transfer rule curves of each individual reservoir,as well as some of important assisted rules.These assisted rules refer to allocation models for water transfer-supply.In the proposed rule,an equivalent reservoir is established to determine under what condition the water supply should be reduced and specify the total supplied water for joint water demand(i.e.aggregation method).Allocation models are developed to distribute the total transferred water into each importing reservoir and determine the water releases for joint water demand by each member reservoir of the aggregation system(i.e.decomposition method).And these models are integrated with a set of influence factors such as hydrologic characteristics,reservoir storage or vacant storage,regulating ability,water-supply pressure,and so on.The aggregation of multi-reservoirs and the disaggregation of water quantities are taken into a whole consideration to reduce the complexity in reallocation of water target storage or water release.Finally,the proposed rule is applied to the North-line IBWTS Project in Liaoning Province,China.The results indicate that the proposed rule can take full advantage of hydrologic compensation in basins and capacity compensation in reservoirs.Thus it can improve the utilization efficiency of water resources in system. 展开更多
关键词 inter-basin water transfer joint operating rule equivalent reservoir water-transfer allocation water-supply allocation
Water storage variations of the Yangtze,Yellow,and Zhujiang river basins derived from the DEOS Mass Transport (DMT-1) model 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO QiLe LIU XiangLin +4 位作者 Pavel DITMAR Christian SIEMES Elena REVTOVA Hassan HASHEMI-FARAHANI Roland KLEES 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期667-677,共11页
In general, China is short of water resources and some regions even experience a shortage of daily water supply. This could threaten the stability and economic development of the nation. A study on the water storage v... In general, China is short of water resources and some regions even experience a shortage of daily water supply. This could threaten the stability and economic development of the nation. A study on the water storage variations is especially important for the water management and storage prediction in three largest river basins of China, namely, Yangtze, Yellow, and Zhujiang, where the most dense population and leading economic regions are located. The satellite gravity mission GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) provides an opportunity to macroseopically identify water (or mass) variations in the Earth's system with a spatial resolution of 300-400 km and a temporal resolution of about one month. We use the first release of the DEOS (Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems) Mass Transport (DMT-1) model based on GRACE data to analyze water storage changes in the three river basins. The DMT-1 model consists of monthly solutions, which are computed using an innovative methodology. The methodology includes, in particular, the application of a statistically optimal Wiener-type filter based on full varianee-covariance matrices of noise and signal. This results in particularly sharp mass variation maps. Taking one monthly solution as an example, we compare the results derived from the DMT-1 model with ones produced with the standard post-processing scheme based on a combination of the de-striping and Gaussian filtering. The comparison shows that the DMT-1 model outperforms the other models and is suitable for the analysis of the mass changes in river basins. A subset of the DMT-1 solutions in the interval between February 2003 and May 2008 is used to estimate the secular trends and seasonal variations for the three river basins. The estimated trends show that the water storage of the Yellow River basin does not have significant changes, while the Zhujiang and Yangtze river basins have a large and statistically significant water storage increase. The estimation of seasonal variations demonstrates that the water storage variations in Yangtze and Zhujiang river basins are almost in the same phase. The amplitude of variations in the Zhujiang River basin is larger than that in Yangtze. No clear annual variations are observed in the Yellow River basin. The observed water storage variations generally coincide with the observations and conclusions presented in the hydrological reports of the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources 展开更多
关键词 GRACE DMT-1 water storage variation equivalent water layer thickness Yangtze-Yeilow-Zhujiang river basins secular and seasonal variation
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