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长江经济带生态系统服务供需时空分异与平衡格局分析 被引量:17
作者 张平 朱翔 +1 位作者 贺清云 欧阳晓 《生态科学》 CSCD 2020年第6期155-166,共12页
为加强区域生态资产管理和实现生态环境的可持续发展,以长江经济带为研究区,综合运用格网、供需平衡模型和空间自相关分析长江经济带2000—2015年生态系统服务供需时空分异及平衡格局,并进行空间依赖性检验。结果发现:(1)研究期内长江... 为加强区域生态资产管理和实现生态环境的可持续发展,以长江经济带为研究区,综合运用格网、供需平衡模型和空间自相关分析长江经济带2000—2015年生态系统服务供需时空分异及平衡格局,并进行空间依赖性检验。结果发现:(1)研究期内长江经济带生态系统服务供给总体呈先增加后减少的变化趋势,共缩减115.34亿元,下降0.15%,其中,耕地的生态系统服务供给减少幅度最大,达338亿元。(2)2000—2015年生态系统服务供给的年际变化不太显著,但需求呈现阶段性增长,且两者都存在显著的空间异质性。高供给主要分布在长江中下游的湖泊湿地、京杭运河沿线及长江入海口;低供给主要分布在贵州中西部、四川盆地、川西北及川北、长江中下游平原及河流入海口附近。高需求主要分布在长三角、江汉平原、长株潭地区、鄱阳湖平原、成都平原,空间上具有明显“核心—边缘”的特点。低需求主要分布在各县市的建成区,空间上呈离散点状。(3)时间变化上,生态系统服务供需平衡格局总体变化不大,但也存在个别年份的明显变动。空间分布上,生态服务供需平衡格局主要以较高盈余区、一般盈余区、供需平衡区和一般赤字区这四种类型区为主。(4)15年间生态服务供需平衡关系始终存在显著的空间正相关,空间集聚显著,且集聚变化具有阶段性。2000—2010年莫兰指数逐年增加,空间集聚愈加显著;2010年之后莫兰指数大幅减小,空间集聚减弱。LISA聚类占比反映出生态服务供需平衡格局具有明显的空间不平衡性。因此,从生态赤字区、平衡区和盈余区三方面提出了相应的发展建议,为长江经济带的生态补偿与生态建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务 时空分异 供需平衡格局 空间自相关 长江经济带
作者 黄文庆 《粮食与油脂》 2004年第6期48-50,共3页
该文通过观察2003年9月到2004年4月美国cBOT大豆期货市场运行状况,从基本面研究世界大豆供需格局和美元走势,得出CBOT大豆期货中长期将随世界大豆供需平衡格局和美元见底回升而走价值回归之路;从技术面分析CBOT大豆高价区运行历史,短期... 该文通过观察2003年9月到2004年4月美国cBOT大豆期货市场运行状况,从基本面研究世界大豆供需格局和美元走势,得出CBOT大豆期货中长期将随世界大豆供需平衡格局和美元见底回升而走价值回归之路;从技术面分析CBOT大豆高价区运行历史,短期K线组合,及美国商品基金操作趋势,得出CBOT大豆期货短期将随南美大豆减产利好出尽和基金减仓行为步入阶段性回调。该文结论认为:可从2004年4月开始对CBOT大豆建立空头部位。 展开更多
关键词 CBOT 大豆 期货市场 供需平衡格局 空头部位
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Supply and Demand Balance of Water Supply Services in the Dongjiang Lake Basin and Its Beneficiary Areas 被引量:2
作者 徐洁 肖玉 +1 位作者 李娜 王浩 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第6期386-396,共11页
Water-related ecosystem services is a hot topic in ecological research. Water supply services are crucial to regional water cycles and water quantity balance. The Dongjiang Lake basin is a national priority river basi... Water-related ecosystem services is a hot topic in ecological research. Water supply services are crucial to regional water cycles and water quantity balance. The Dongjiang Lake basin is a national priority river basin in China where ecological compensation pilot programs concerning water resources and water supply services are top priorities for ecosystem service protection. We analyzed spatial and temporal patterns associated with generation and use of water supply services in the Dongjiang Lake basin using the In VEST model, socio-economic data and water resource data. We found that between 1995 and 2010, water yield in the Dongjiang Lake basin and its beneficiary areas increased before declining, varying 9350–12 400 m3 ha-1 y-1; average water yield peaked in 2000. The spatial distribution patterns of water yield during these years are similar, progressively decreasing from upstream to downstream with a remarkable reduction in surrounding areas of city clusters. Average water consumption of the basin and its beneficiary areas ranged from 2900–4450 m3 ha-1 y-1 between 1995 and 2010; the spatial distribution patterns of water consumption during these years are similar, dropping gradually from urban construction land to its surroundings with a stronger gradient between urban and rural areas. More water was consumed on both banks and surroundings of the lake. From 1995 to 2010, water supply fell short of demand for urban construction land and its proximity as well as areas along the lake. Water supply services were able to satisfy needs in other regions. The Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city cluster suffers from the most strained water supply. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services water supply services Dongjiang Lake supply and demand balance spatial and temporal patterns
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