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作者 张蕾 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第1期16-18,共3页
关键词 后金 归化城土默特 俄木 掌控
花海 印象俄木塘
作者 邓崇刚 《中国西部》 2015年第26期82-87,共6页
初识俄木塘,源自摄友间的一个传说。“俄木塘有个花海,大概有几千亩吧,说不准!”“不止吧,好像有一万亩。”“据说有三万亩哦!”拍摄的动力源自永不枯竭的好奇心。传说的数字让我和摄友们有了寻找的念想,啧啧赞美之词扰乱了我们的心思... 初识俄木塘,源自摄友间的一个传说。“俄木塘有个花海,大概有几千亩吧,说不准!”“不止吧,好像有一万亩。”“据说有三万亩哦!”拍摄的动力源自永不枯竭的好奇心。传说的数字让我和摄友们有了寻找的念想,啧啧赞美之词扰乱了我们的心思——非与花海来一次约会不可。正值端午,带上行头,出发吧! 展开更多
关键词 俄木 赞美之词 念想 金丝线 红原县 喃喃细语 花开花落 花毯 继续走 就这样
关于中俄林业投资合作研究 被引量:2
作者 马红丽 李文琪 《全国商情》 2015年第40期34-35,共2页
木材资源是国民经济发展的重要战略物资,对国民经济发展起着重要的作用。近年中俄林业投资合作取得了一些成绩,但双方投资合作较多处于森林采伐和简单加工的初级阶段,发展进程较为缓慢,而未来中俄林业合作将成为中俄两国合作的重要领域... 木材资源是国民经济发展的重要战略物资,对国民经济发展起着重要的作用。近年中俄林业投资合作取得了一些成绩,但双方投资合作较多处于森林采伐和简单加工的初级阶段,发展进程较为缓慢,而未来中俄林业合作将成为中俄两国合作的重要领域。本文通过分析中俄林业投资合作现状,得出双方林业投资合作存在的问题,进而从中俄两方角度提出对策,以促进中俄林业投资合作。 展开更多
关键词 林业投资 材资源 森林采伐 森林资源开发 林业基础设施 森林公路 综合保税区 简单加工 俄木 口岸功能
作者 张凤鸣 刘亚祥 《黑河学刊》 1992年第4期109-113,共5页
历史上,黑龙江省素以森林丰富闻名于世。但自十九世纪末沙俄修建中东铁路后,江省森林开始遭到严重破坏。由于中东铁路公司是掠夺江省森林资源的发端者,所以关于中东铁路公司掠夺江省森林资源的情况历来为人所重视。但是当人们谈到这一... 历史上,黑龙江省素以森林丰富闻名于世。但自十九世纪末沙俄修建中东铁路后,江省森林开始遭到严重破坏。由于中东铁路公司是掠夺江省森林资源的发端者,所以关于中东铁路公司掠夺江省森林资源的情况历来为人所重视。但是当人们谈到这一问题时,却往往只提1908年中东铁路公司与江省签订的伐木合同及据此合同划归公司的火燎沟、皮洛以和杈林河三个伐木地段,而对1912年中东铁路与江省增订的伐木副合同则很少提及,有的即使提到,也是一带而过。所以出现这种情况,可能与王铁崖编《中外旧约章汇编》 展开更多
关键词 森林资源 林河 王铁崖 省都督 火燎 一带而过 铁路界 李鸿 绰尔河 俄木
作者 孙林 《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1990年第3期42-52,60,共12页
西藏宗教文化,内容庞大,成份杂糅,造成研究上的一定困难。近年来国内外藏学家常从比较方法入手,解决了一些训诂考释等方法不能解决的问题,比较研究手段灵活,视野广阔,值得推崇。本文试以此方法为主,对吐蕃宗教文化中的方位观念的源流、... 西藏宗教文化,内容庞大,成份杂糅,造成研究上的一定困难。近年来国内外藏学家常从比较方法入手,解决了一些训诂考释等方法不能解决的问题,比较研究手段灵活,视野广阔,值得推崇。本文试以此方法为主,对吐蕃宗教文化中的方位观念的源流、特点等问题阐述自己一些看法,以就教于读者。 一、《阿毗达磨》中的“四天子理论” “四天子理论”是国外东方学家对亚洲流传的一类方位观念的称谓。最早为伯希和提出。后来石泰安、麦克唐纳女士在藏学研究领域也提到这种观念在吐蕃的流传问题,并有专门研究成果。他们认为,这种观念发源于印度,吐蕃流传的“四天子理论”(约九世纪后)乃是中亚伊斯兰作家与商人把印度的说法重新传播的结果。东方汉地类似思想对吐蕃似无直接影响。 展开更多
关键词 石泰安 藏学研究 阿毗达磨 宗教文化 道宣 子理论 《大唐西域记》 东方学 俄木 释迦方志
作者 齐木德道尔吉 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1994年第1期65-65,共1页
昭莫多之战以后的噶尔丹作者:齐木德道尔吉原载:《蒙古史研究》第四辑,内蒙古大学出版社原文:15000字昭莫多战后,准噶尔汗国噶尔丹博硕克图汗在极其困难的条件下,率领其残存势力,坚持同清朝的斗争。直至病死在阿察阿木塔台... 昭莫多之战以后的噶尔丹作者:齐木德道尔吉原载:《蒙古史研究》第四辑,内蒙古大学出版社原文:15000字昭莫多战后,准噶尔汗国噶尔丹博硕克图汗在极其困难的条件下,率领其残存势力,坚持同清朝的斗争。直至病死在阿察阿木塔台地方。作者利用《宫中档康熙朝奏折》... 展开更多
关键词 昭莫多之战 噶尔丹 康熙朝 古史研究 准噶尔汗国 俄木 朔漠方略 丹津 五世达赖 宰桑
细化整改措施 “地方病”得到治理
作者 陈柯江 《四川党的建设(农村版)》 2014年第7期27-27,共1页
在正风肃纪整治"9+X"工作中,马边彝族自治县研究制订"9+7"整改方案,细化明确116项整改措施,不仅碰硬整肃"公共病",一些长期困扰当地的"地方病"也得到有效治理。整治"两桌一走"直击&q... 在正风肃纪整治"9+X"工作中,马边彝族自治县研究制订"9+7"整改方案,细化明确116项整改措施,不仅碰硬整肃"公共病",一些长期困扰当地的"地方病"也得到有效治理。整治"两桌一走"直击"顽疾""民族地区嘛,喝点酒不算什么,打打麻将也正常。"这样的想法过去在马边部分干部中长期存在。有的干部甚至上班时间喝酒、醉酒,工作时松松垮垮、精神萎靡,一上酒桌就生龙活虎。酒桌、牌桌和"走读"问题严重影响工作的开展。 展开更多
关键词 马边彝族自治县 打麻将 最后一公里 民族地区 品鉴 乐山日报 民建镇 俄木 支付结算 县审计局
Effects of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Moisture Content on Seed Longevity of Shrubby Russian Thistle ( Salsola vermiculata L,) 被引量:1
作者 Abdoul Aziz Niane Paul Christiaan Struik Zewdie Bishaw 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第9期623-634,共12页
Salsola vermiculata is a highly palatable shrub and widely used in rangeland rehabilitation programs, but has short seed longevity. To identify the most cost effective storage method for S. vermiculata, experiments we... Salsola vermiculata is a highly palatable shrub and widely used in rangeland rehabilitation programs, but has short seed longevity. To identify the most cost effective storage method for S. vermiculata, experiments were carried out to test the effects of fruit bracts (wings), temperature regimes, seed moisture and packaging methods on storage life. Seed samples were removed from storage at monthly intervals for testing and towards the end of the experiments samples were transferred from hermetic to ambient storage conditions and tested for germination. Experiment 1 continued for 1,140 days, Experiment 2 for 720 days. For de-winged seed, high moisture content increased seed longevity, suggesting that desiccation susceptibility is one of the causes of limited longevity in this species. Most longevity regression lines of winged seeds had negative intercepts suggesting increase in germination resulting from gradual dormancy-breaking. Drying and packaging alone increased longevity by 7.6 and 3.8 times in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Samples kept at lower temperature and lower moisture treatments survived longer under ambient conditions. Increased longevity by drying and vacuum packaging alone can provide simple, cost effective and environmentally friendly options for rangeland rehabilitation programs. 展开更多
关键词 Salsola vermiculata L. seed storage vacuum packaging seed longevity probit analysis.
Comparisons of carbon pools and economic profitability for managed ponderosa pine stands in Wyoming,USA
作者 A.Chatterjee S.Mooney G.F.Vance 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期482-486,524,525,共7页
A forest carbon (C) sequestration project was conducted to evaluate the economic incentives that would be required by landowners to engage in C trading under different management regimes. Costs associated with joint... A forest carbon (C) sequestration project was conducted to evaluate the economic incentives that would be required by landowners to engage in C trading under different management regimes. Costs associated with joint management for C sequestration and timber would be valuable for establishing sound forest C trading systems. In this study, we calculated the C yield and amortized value of three Wyoming, ponderosa pine stands. The management practices examined were, unmanaged, even-aged (regeneration after clear-cut) and uneven-aged (selectively harvested). Costs and revenues associated with three stands were converted into 2006 real dollars using the all commodity producer price index to facilitate a comparison among the net revenues of three stands. Net revenues were annualized using a conservative annual interest rate of 4.5%. Our even-aged stand bad the highest annual average C yield of 2.48 Mg·ha^-1·a^-1, whereas, the uneven-aged stand had the lowest C accumulation (1.98Mg·ha^-1·a^-1). Alternatively, the even-aged stand had the highest amortized net return of S276·ha^-1·a^-1 and the unmanaged stand had the lowest net return of S64·ha^-1·a^-1. On the plots examined, an annual payment of S22 for each additional Mg of C sequestered would encourage a change from uneven aged management to an unmanaged stand that sequesters additional C, in the absence of transactions costs. 展开更多
关键词 ponderosa pine Wyoming timber harvest amortized net revenue carbon sequestration
Fossil woods from the Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene of Heilongjang(Amur)River area of China and Russia 被引量:1
作者 Kazuo Terada Harufumi Nishida SUN Ge 《Global Geology》 2011年第3期192-203,I0001-I0005,共17页
Fossil woods were collected from the Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene beds distributed around Heilong- jang (Amur) River area of China and Russia. A total of 43 specimens were collected from Baishantou, Long- gushan, a... Fossil woods were collected from the Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene beds distributed around Heilong- jang (Amur) River area of China and Russia. A total of 43 specimens were collected from Baishantou, Long- gushan, and Yong'ancun in Jiayin, China, and 85 specimens from Zeya-Bureya Basin lying southeast of Blagoveshchensk in Russia. Selected specimens were sectioned and studied anatomically. The source deposits of almost all identifiable specimens belong to the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Taipinglinchang Formation and the Paleocene Wuyun Formation in China, and the Paleocene Upper Tsagayan Formation in Russia. Al- though the results obtained are still far from complete, the taxonomic composition of the fossil woods show marked stratigraphic differences between the two horizons beyond the K/T boundary in China. There is also a strong similarity in wood flora between the Wuyun Formation of China and the Upper Tsagayan Formation of Russia. All identified specimens from the Taipinglinchang Formation are Xenoxylon latiporosum, This is one of the stratigraphically younger records of Xenoxylon, which is a conifer morphogenus of uncertain affinity most common in the Triassic to Early Cretaceous. Only one specimen with possible derivation from either the Wuyun or the Maastriehtian Furao Formation in China was identified as Taxodioxylon sp. The Wuyun Formation yielded both conifers and dicotyledonous woods. The conifers include Taxodioxylon sequoianum of the Taxodiaceae, and Protopiceoxylon amurense, which is attributable to the extant genera Keteleeria or Nothotsuga of the Pinaeeac, both are at present endemic to China. At least two morphotypes of dicotyledonous woods were recognized, with one identified as el. Hamamelidoxylon , and the other diffuse porous wood is characterized by numerous heterogeneous rays. From the Zeya-Buleya Basin of Russia, Taxodioxylon sequoianum and cf. Hamamelidoxylon sp. were identified from the Upper Tsagayan Formation. The similarity of wood composition in both Wuyun and Upper Tsagayan Formations support lithological as well as biostratigraphic correlations proposed for the two formations. 展开更多
关键词 K/T boundary FOSSIL WOOD Heilongjang Amur Zeya-Bureya Basin
呼和浩特旧城的变迁和新城的兴建(呼和浩特史话之一章) 被引量:10
作者 金啓孮 《内蒙古大学学报(社会科学)》 1960年第2期11-24,共14页
关键词 喀尔喀 满族统治者 汗国 蒙古地区 驻防将军 多尔济 俄木 建州卫 噶尔丹 土默特
土默特蒙古金姓考 被引量:2
作者 金凤 金晨光 《蒙古学信息》 2003年第1期44-47,共4页
关键词 土默特 阿勒坦汗 古金 蒙古人 右翼三万户 孛儿只斤 俄木 金氏 理藩院则例 将军衙门
作者 庞天舒 《民族文学》 1992年第6期22-46,共25页
天神赐福俄木列俄木列的萨里甘死的那天,他家的栅栏里擅进一头迷失的白鹿。鹿儿的乳胀得这畜生用蹄子在墙旮旯刨了个洞。傍晚,嘎珊里的人坐在自家小院剥蚕茧时,全都在谈论这件事,说: "感谢佛陀妈妈,两个孩子又有讷讷了。"
关键词 俄木 恩都力 卡勒 两姊妹 八旗兵 力黑 乳胀 赛音 正白旗 袁崇焕
心系群众冷暖 真抓实干扶贫——记凉山农商银行派驻申普乡瓦依村“第一书记”马佩华
作者 凉山农商银行课题组 《邓小平研究》 2017年第5期155-156,F0003,共3页
马佩华,凉山农商银行越西支行综合管理部总经理,一名踏实肯干的少数民族(回族)农信人。2015年他肩负着精准扶贫"第一书记"的使命,被凉山农商银行派驻到越西县最边远、最贫困的彝族村——申普乡瓦依村"走马上任"。两年来,他想百姓... 马佩华,凉山农商银行越西支行综合管理部总经理,一名踏实肯干的少数民族(回族)农信人。2015年他肩负着精准扶贫"第一书记"的使命,被凉山农商银行派驻到越西县最边远、最贫困的彝族村——申普乡瓦依村"走马上任"。两年来,他想百姓所想,急百姓所急,解百姓所难,带领群众苦干、实干、巧干,精准扶贫取得了初步成效,得到了县委县政府的充分肯定。 展开更多
关键词 农商银行 综合管理部 越西县 农商行 评级授信 金融业务 农村信用 用诚 俄木 扶贫工作
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