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东汉时期的候审担保——五一广场东汉简牍“保任”解 被引量:2
作者 李均明 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期1-4,共4页
五一广场东汉简牍中有许多"任"、"保任"的记载,大多指诉讼或执行过程中对嫌疑人及罪犯的担保,主要担保其不逃亡或继续犯罪。担保人通常需要出具书面保证。相关记载对解决以往有关"五任"及"无任"... 五一广场东汉简牍中有许多"任"、"保任"的记载,大多指诉讼或执行过程中对嫌疑人及罪犯的担保,主要担保其不逃亡或继续犯罪。担保人通常需要出具书面保证。相关记载对解决以往有关"五任"及"无任"的讨论颇有帮助。 展开更多
关键词 简牍 保任 五任
宋代任官制度中的荐举保任法 被引量:4
作者 苗书梅 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第5期38-42,共5页
宋代任官制度中的荐举保任法苗书梅宋代官员选任权高度集中,而无论是皇帝亲自任命高级官员、宰相府堂除中上级官员,还是吏部铨注广大基层官员,都无法对全国几千乃至数万官员的品行和才能进行全面深入的了解,为减少任用过程中的失误... 宋代任官制度中的荐举保任法苗书梅宋代官员选任权高度集中,而无论是皇帝亲自任命高级官员、宰相府堂除中上级官员,还是吏部铨注广大基层官员,都无法对全国几千乃至数万官员的品行和才能进行全面深入的了解,为减少任用过程中的失误,在当时尚未产生从下而上选举制度的... 展开更多
关键词 任官制度 举主 改官 高级官员 保任 保荐人 宋政府 荐举制度 庆元条法事类 宋代官员
作者 张泽民 《中国高新技术企业》 1998年第3期62-64,共3页
至爱“福寿仙”呵护“小神童”──广州福寿仙保任务公司总经理张友生的心历路程张泽民谜一样的企业,谜一样的人一位下海的文人,为何在短短七八年内,变成一个饮誉海内外的新闻人物?认一个只有十几个人的小厂,凭60万元贷款,靠租... 至爱“福寿仙”呵护“小神童”──广州福寿仙保任务公司总经理张友生的心历路程张泽民谜一样的企业,谜一样的人一位下海的文人,为何在短短七八年内,变成一个饮誉海内外的新闻人物?认一个只有十几个人的小厂,凭60万元贷款,靠租赁厂房白手起家发展起来的工厂,为何... 展开更多
关键词 福寿仙 小精灵 研究开发 总经理 生物技术 保任 保健食 广州 艺术团 技术企业
作者 王晓洁 《船山学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第2期109-111,共3页
由于熊十力的修养工夫论源自于其本体论思想,而其本体论思想认为本体与心性是不即不离的,因而其修养工夫论便主要呈现为对于本心的认知与保任。具体而言,则主要包括自识本心、保任本心、断染起净、格物致知四个方面。所以,本文即立足于... 由于熊十力的修养工夫论源自于其本体论思想,而其本体论思想认为本体与心性是不即不离的,因而其修养工夫论便主要呈现为对于本心的认知与保任。具体而言,则主要包括自识本心、保任本心、断染起净、格物致知四个方面。所以,本文即立足于阐述其修养工夫内容与表现的基础之上,对其思想理路与特色进行相应的探析。 展开更多
关键词 本心 自识与保任 断染起净 格物致知
论企业目标管理与经济效益 被引量:1
作者 张武政 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1992年第3期94-95,共2页
振达铜材工业集团上饶市线材厂面对“市场难预测,生产难组织,资金难回笼”的三大困难,实施了“外抓市场保任务,内抓管理增效益”的管理目标,取得了显著的经济效益,提前一个季度完成了1991年各项经济指标。其中产值比上年同期增长36.89%... 振达铜材工业集团上饶市线材厂面对“市场难预测,生产难组织,资金难回笼”的三大困难,实施了“外抓市场保任务,内抓管理增效益”的管理目标,取得了显著的经济效益,提前一个季度完成了1991年各项经济指标。其中产值比上年同期增长36.89%,超本年计划33.4%,利税比上年同期的244.66万元增长3%,全员人均创利税6285.29元,资金利税率为25.79%。我们之所以能圆满和超额完成上级下达的各项经济指标,取得一定的成绩,关键是把企业目标管理与经济效益紧密地联系起来并踏踏实实地贯彻实施。 展开更多
关键词 企业目标管理 销售人员 经济效益 立式漆包机 保任 内抓管理 线材厂 荣誉称号 人均创利税 技术改造工作
《经济世界》 1995年第2期63-63,共1页
据国家物资部门提供的信息,一九九五年国家统配钢材任务初步确定总量为一千三百万吨,仍保持一九九四年的数量,今年上半年预拨的资源总量为五百五十万吨,个别企业上半年调出量有所调整。 今年上半年统配钢材的品种计划原则参照一九九四... 据国家物资部门提供的信息,一九九五年国家统配钢材任务初步确定总量为一千三百万吨,仍保持一九九四年的数量,今年上半年预拨的资源总量为五百五十万吨,个别企业上半年调出量有所调整。 今年上半年统配钢材的品种计划原则参照一九九四年上半年统配钢材品种计划下达,同时。 展开更多
关键词 钢材品种 今年上半年 调出量 物资部 Y点 步石 吴昆 品调 配钢 保任
作者 王彬 《简帛研究》 2019年第1期287-297,共11页
湖南長沙五一廣場東漢簡J1③:325-32涉及了一件百姓告吏貪墨的案件。通過分析這枚"君教簡",可知參與審理該案的官吏遷轉與臨時調用、兼任等情况,以及當時基層司法工作以事務爲中心的實態。木牘還記載了嫌犯"副"有&q... 湖南長沙五一廣場東漢簡J1③:325-32涉及了一件百姓告吏貪墨的案件。通過分析這枚"君教簡",可知參與審理該案的官吏遷轉與臨時調用、兼任等情况,以及當時基層司法工作以事務爲中心的實態。木牘還記載了嫌犯"副"有"任五人"的情况,并將"任"作爲文書附件呈上,説明"任"在取保候審時的作用,這與秦漢以來百姓比地爲伍的編制及基層官吏的工作空間有關。同時,考察此牘,還可以蠡測臨湘縣的丞、掾合議,并與各曹配合處理案件,復原了圍繞具體個案形成的司法程序。 展开更多
关键词 長沙五一廣場簡 司法運作 保任
《珠江水运》 1995年第5期20-21,共2页
在广西南宁造船厂厂长兼党委副书记叶时湘的心里,有这样一个既朴素又崇高的信念:把自己的理想和事业定位在南宁造船厂,心甘情愿为船厂的发展奉献一切!他是这样想的,也是这样做的。 1991年由于经营管理不善等原因,与南宁造船厂同甘共苦... 在广西南宁造船厂厂长兼党委副书记叶时湘的心里,有这样一个既朴素又崇高的信念:把自己的理想和事业定位在南宁造船厂,心甘情愿为船厂的发展奉献一切!他是这样想的,也是这样做的。 1991年由于经营管理不善等原因,与南宁造船厂同甘共苦十几个春秋,对船厂有着特殊感情的副厂长口十时湘看在眼里,急在心里。1992年5月,当厂长任命书摆在叶时湘面前时,他没有丝毫惧色,毅然出任。几年来。 展开更多
关键词 交通系统 劳动模范 造船厂 大肋骨 前时 年增长 南宁市 保任 产品销售收入 全员劳动生产率
Development from Right to Interfere to Responsibility to Protect
作者 Tian Jingnan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期371-375,共5页
Right to interfere applies to circumstances where human rights abuses occur. It did function well in early years, however, as time goes by, some defects emerge and introducing a new theory to protect humarL rights con... Right to interfere applies to circumstances where human rights abuses occur. It did function well in early years, however, as time goes by, some defects emerge and introducing a new theory to protect humarL rights conditions is necessary. Responsibility to protect evolves from right to interfere and overcomes the deficiencies inherent in its predecessor. But responsibility to protect is not a perfect system, and to improve it, some measures such as establishing a performance evaluation mechanism should be adopted. 展开更多
关键词 R sponsibility to protect right to interfere human rights international community
Compulsory Liability Insurance for Marine Drilling Platforms Pollution under Chinese Law
作者 XU Tie ZHANG Pengfei 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第6期356-363,共8页
Compulsory liability insurance has widely existed in the field of marine insurance. However, marine drilling platforms have always been excluded from this system in China. In view of the special legal nature of oil po... Compulsory liability insurance has widely existed in the field of marine insurance. However, marine drilling platforms have always been excluded from this system in China. In view of the special legal nature of oil pollution compulsory liability insurance for marine drilling platforms, this paper analyzes a number of issues related to oil pollution compulsory liability insurance, elaborates on the necessity for China to implement the system and makes some suggestions about the implementation of that. 展开更多
关键词 Marine drilling platforms oil pollution compulsory liability insurance.
The Current Analysis of Protection Path of Farmers' Rights and Causes
作者 Xinjie YANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期121-123,共3页
The problem of Chinese peasant in society is a very important issue in the process of China' s legal system; the farmer is very worthy subject of rights concern. The author believes that China has the right to protec... The problem of Chinese peasant in society is a very important issue in the process of China' s legal system; the farmer is very worthy subject of rights concern. The author believes that China has the right to protect their farmers in three main ways: private relief, public relief and gray channels, which play a major role in the private relief for farmers. For these channels, they are a unique reason; the rule of law should be the vision and balance for them to choose their own presence in China. 展开更多
关键词 Farmers' Rights PROTECTION RELIEF
Reflections on the Connotations of Ecotourism
作者 Zhang Meng Yuan Jun Wu Zhengzheng 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第2期67-70,共4页
As the most desirable option for sustainable development of tourism industry, ecotourism still suffers from lack of a clear-cut and widely accepted definition, posing many risks and threats in its practices. Based on ... As the most desirable option for sustainable development of tourism industry, ecotourism still suffers from lack of a clear-cut and widely accepted definition, posing many risks and threats in its practices. Based on collection and collation of various concepts and explanations of ecotourism both at home and abroad, this paper reflects on the current connotations of ecotourism in terms of four aspects, namely, objects of ecotourism, ecotourists, nature of ecotourism as well as the relationship between ecotourism and communities. In-depth analysis was performed in an effort to revise the misinterpretation of ecotourism and provide implications for ecotourism initiatives. The main conclusions and fruits of this article include: 1) The objects of eeotourism should go beyond natural, pristine, or even only primitive natural areas to including cultural resources together with their natural context which also deserve preservation. 2) Tourism operators, compared to tourists, have more leverage and hence should shoulder more responsibilities for conservation. 3) Ecotourism should serve as a principle to guide tourism initiatives towards sustainability, rather than merely a special tour package. 4) The theoretic foundation was laid for community participation in ecotourism. 展开更多
Integrated Welfare Systems and Disclosure: Approaching Emerging Issues
作者 Mafia Teresa Bianchi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2017年第8期371-383,共13页
The aim of this paper is to investigate the integrated welfare and disclosure by proposing emerging issues in the contemporary scenario. Thus, company welfare is represented as internal sociability; environmental prot... The aim of this paper is to investigate the integrated welfare and disclosure by proposing emerging issues in the contemporary scenario. Thus, company welfare is represented as internal sociability; environmental protection or innovation can be interpreted as external sociability, representing the uses of resources that a company does not incur costs, but demonstrates its health and social responsibility. Following a theoretical approach, the paper proposes as result a conceptual study introducing an updated literature analysis on the topic proposed of the integrated welfare systems and disclosure trying to point out emerging issues through a case study. Moreover, the research methodology is based on a qualitative approach and secondary sources in order to propose not only to scientific community a literature analysis. In this way, the implications of the research can be directed to academic communities and policy makers. The research question is the following: Which are emerging issues on the integrated welfare and its disclosure? 展开更多
关键词 WELFARE integrated welfare disclosure SOCIABILITY social responsibility social statements
Research on spirit and culture of the elderly life under the multiple responsibility
作者 Ni Qiang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期75-77,共3页
With the transformation of population age structure and the extension of life expectancy, China has entered a rapid aging period. With development of social economy and the social security systcn~ the elderly spiritua... With the transformation of population age structure and the extension of life expectancy, China has entered a rapid aging period. With development of social economy and the social security systcn~ the elderly spiritual and cultural needs is becoming more and more importantly. To the government, enterprise, society community, family and themselves, enriching the spirit and culture of the elderly life is a higher level of challenge. 展开更多
关键词 multiple responsibilities the elderly spiritual and cultural life research
Research on the path of medical service combination from the perspective of departmental cooperation
作者 YANG Huazhen 《International English Education Research》 2018年第3期59-61,共3页
As an innovative mode of social endowment, combining medical care with modern medical care technology and old-age service is an important direction of a series of social problems caused by the deepening of aging and t... As an innovative mode of social endowment, combining medical care with modern medical care technology and old-age service is an important direction of a series of social problems caused by the deepening of aging and the intensification of aging process in China. It is the inevitable choice for the development of Chinese characteristics for the aged. At present, with the continuous development of the combination of medical care and rehabilitation, the process of combination of medical care and breeding is slow, and the problems of inter departmental cooperation, high cost of resource integration and low service efficiency have emerged. The paper puts forward that multi head management of different responsibility management body is a bottleneck problem that hinders the integration of medical care. From the objective and subjective two points of view, the administrative system level barrier and the inter departmental interest game are the important reasons that obstruct the medical support and break through the estrangement of the Department and realize the cooperation. Then, according to the theory of large part system reform, the author boldly proposes the idea of establishing a new comprehensive functional department that specializes in the management of pension related affairs. 展开更多
关键词 medical service combination new pension service mode department cooperation bottleneck problem
Multiway Dynamic Trust Chain Model on Virtual Machine for Cloud Computing 被引量:1
作者 Jie Zhu Guoyuan Lin +2 位作者 Fucheng You Huaqun Liu Chunru Zhou 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期83-91,共9页
This paper sums up four security factors after analyzing co-residency threats caused by the special multitenant environment in the cloud.To secure the factors,a multiway dynamic trust chain transfer model was proposed... This paper sums up four security factors after analyzing co-residency threats caused by the special multitenant environment in the cloud.To secure the factors,a multiway dynamic trust chain transfer model was proposed on the basis of a measurement interactive virtual machine and current behavior to protect the integrity of the system.A trust chain construction module is designed in a virtual machine monitor.Through dynamic monitoring,it achieves the purpose of transferring integrity between virtual machine.A cloud system with a trust authentication function is implemented on the basis of the model,and its practicability is shown. 展开更多
关键词 cloud computing virtual machine trustworthiness measurement dynamic trust transfer
Minority Protection in Proceedings for the Settlement of Disputes Between Shareholders 被引量:1
作者 Nore Delang 《Sociology Study》 2015年第6期452-468,共17页
“A limited company is more than a mere judicial entity, with a personality in law of its own: Behind it, or amongst it, there are individuals, with rights, expectations and obligations inter se”. The competitive at... “A limited company is more than a mere judicial entity, with a personality in law of its own: Behind it, or amongst it, there are individuals, with rights, expectations and obligations inter se”. The competitive attitude of the member states of the EU (European Union), to become the most attractive for companies results in law reforms aiming at more flexible conflict between shareholders. Besides, the economic objective of avoiding a company's dissolution, the English, Dutch, and Belgian exit proceedings for the settlement of disputes between shareholders set up a social objective: protecting the interests of the minority shareholder of a private limited company. The paper consists of four chapters. The introduction lays out the necessity of buy-outs for shareholders of a private limited company. The first chapter describes the different facts justifying the buy-out of a shareholder on the basis of serious grounds. The second chapter presents the findings of a comparative research of the valuation of the shares transferred in an English, Dutch, and Belgian procedure. Finally, the conclusion summarises in which way the English, Dutch, and Belgian legal system protect the interests of the minority shareholder of a private limited company. 展开更多
关键词 Company law settlement of disputes between shareholders social objective of exit proceedings unfair prejudice procedure fairness of the price for compulsory transferred shares reflective loss
Plant Protection: The Risk Mitigation of Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides Use Demands the Shared Responsibility of All within the Agricultural System
作者 K. Jtirgens A. Fink-Kessler +1 位作者 F. Keil K. Gotz 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期629-640,共12页
The widespread use of agrochemicals and its possible negative impacts on humans and the environment remains a highly topical and controversial issue. Of particular concern here are chemicals that can disturb an organ... The widespread use of agrochemicals and its possible negative impacts on humans and the environment remains a highly topical and controversial issue. Of particular concern here are chemicals that can disturb an organism's endocrine system. Referring to the precautionary principle, the objective of the research project start2 is to develop management strategies that help reduce possible risks for httmans and the environment of endocrine active agrochemicals. As an empirical basis we combined qualitative and quantitative methods and initiated two expert dialogues. Our findings underpin the well known fact that the use of agrochemicals is complex and dependent on more than the individual attitudes of farmers. Agricultural plant protection management is the collective product of a complex agricultural system, which encompasses treatment, marketing, industry and agricultural consultation as well as agricultural teaching institutions and relevant scientific disciplines. Successful management strategies for risk reduction in the context of hormonally active agrochemicals thus need to involve all actors within this system. The paper proposes a strategy that promotes participation by enabling learning processes among these actors. 展开更多
关键词 Plant protection endocrine disruptors agrarian sociology system analyses shared responsibility.
Discuss on Damage of the Reputation Right and Legal Responsibility
作者 Ying Li Shiying Zhu Jichao Liu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期72-74,共3页
The reputation is within the scope of personal fights, and the reputation of civil subject is protected by law. Identification of acts of defamation must be based on facts and law. If the perpetrator with a non-legiti... The reputation is within the scope of personal fights, and the reputation of civil subject is protected by law. Identification of acts of defamation must be based on facts and law. If the perpetrator with a non-legitimate means damages the reputation of the civil subject, with some impact, the actor should bear civil liability. Meanwhile, there are problems in right identifying defamation, such defenses, an identification of violation of corporate reputation, the reputation of the deceased identified violations and fi'eedom of the press, public opinion against the reputation of the finds, etc., whose solving is significant for practical guidance. 展开更多
关键词 Right Reputation Identification Key Component
Research on the Present Situation and Improvement Strategy of Water Conservancy Project Construction Quality Management based on the Quality Efficiency Equilibrium Theory
作者 Ren Jianfei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第12期13-16,共4页
In this paper, we conduct research on the present situation and improvement strategy of the water conservancy project construction quality management based on quality efficiency equilibrium theory. Water conservancy e... In this paper, we conduct research on the present situation and improvement strategy of the water conservancy project construction quality management based on quality efficiency equilibrium theory. Water conservancy engineering construction enterprises should refer to oneself circumstance, and the characteristics of the water conservancy project, determine the quality objectives of specific quality assurance plan and the related measures, clear implementation content, methods and effects. Strictly control the factors influencing the water conservancy engineering quality of many aspects, in the process of the water conservancy project construction, to establish a meet the requirements of the technical process and quality standards, operation procedures. Establish the strict appraisal system, continuous improvement and improve the level of construction technique and technology. Establish strict quality assurance system and quality responsibility system, each division, subdivisional work will comprehensively implement in place management to ensure the engineering quality. 展开更多
关键词 Water Conservancy Project Quality Management Quality Efficiency Equilibrium
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