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作者 魏洪刚 陈燃 谢渊 《地质找矿论丛》 CAS CSCD 2017年第2期295-299,共5页
金沙—仁怀地区发育较好的生储盖组合,具有较好的油气地质条件,但由于构造等作用导致该区油气保存受到不同程度的影响,使得保存条件成为该区油气勘探最为关注的一个重点问题。文章从盖层特征、断裂构造特征和热液活动特征等3个方面对区... 金沙—仁怀地区发育较好的生储盖组合,具有较好的油气地质条件,但由于构造等作用导致该区油气保存受到不同程度的影响,使得保存条件成为该区油气勘探最为关注的一个重点问题。文章从盖层特征、断裂构造特征和热液活动特征等3个方面对区内油气保存条件开展研究,并在此基础上将金沙—仁怀地区划分为3个油气保存区块:黔北隔槽式褶皱区、大方—安底低潜构造区以及构造热液破坏区。通过对不同区块内的保存条件综合分析评价认为,大方—安底低潜构造区内油气保存条件良好,且已发现较好的油气显示,表明该区块可能具有良好油气勘探前景,值得深入开展勘探工作。 展开更多
关键词 金沙—仁怀地 油气勘探 海相油气 保存条件 有利保存区 贵州省
日本的《古都保存法》 被引量:5
作者 王景慧 《城市规划》 1987年第5期23-26,共4页
关键词 保存 历史风貌 保存区 文物古迹 开发建设 日本 审议会 首相 地方政府 平方
伦坡拉盆地牛堡组砂砾岩致密化与孔隙成因 被引量:1
作者 郝景宇 马成宪 +2 位作者 李旭文 潘磊 肖继林 《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期11-22,共12页
依据岩芯、薄片、物性和扫描电镜等资料,开展伦坡拉盆地牛堡组砂砾岩储层岩石学及储集特征研究,着重从成岩角度分析了储层致密化因素,结合孔隙形成的有利因素,开展成岩作用和石油充注的关系及顺序研究,首次探索了储层孔隙的发育过程。... 依据岩芯、薄片、物性和扫描电镜等资料,开展伦坡拉盆地牛堡组砂砾岩储层岩石学及储集特征研究,着重从成岩角度分析了储层致密化因素,结合孔隙形成的有利因素,开展成岩作用和石油充注的关系及顺序研究,首次探索了储层孔隙的发育过程。结果表明,砂砾岩储集空间以残余孔隙为主,混积的沉积环境、较弱的抗机械压实能力和中晚成岩期碳酸盐的强烈胶结是导致储层致密的3大因素,酸性流体对易溶颗粒的溶蚀是次生孔隙形成的主要因素,石油充注是孔隙保存的有利因素,主要表现在石油充注使部分孔隙溶蚀扩大,并在孔隙周缘形成油膜抑制碳酸盐胶结;压实作用在浅埋藏阶段对储层的破坏较大,随埋深增大,酸性溶蚀、石英次生加大及石油充注发生,之后,早期碳酸盐胶结物形成,成岩中晚期含铁碳酸盐胶结物交代早期碳酸盐矿物,堵塞了大部分孔隙,晚期的构造挤压使储层形成裂缝。孔隙的形成经历了原生粒间孔隙形成,压实作用减孔,酸性溶蚀扩大孔隙,石油充注保护孔隙,碳酸盐胶结破坏孔隙等过程,石油充注较充分与碳酸盐胶结较弱的叠合区是孔隙保存的有利区。 展开更多
关键词 孔隙保存区 孔隙成因 致密化 砂砾岩 牛堡组 伦坡拉盆地
晴隆锑矿古油藏沥青及烃类包裹体的拉曼光谱特征 被引量:1
作者 刘路 胡煜昭 张贵权 《矿物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第S1期1107-,共1页
晴隆锑矿田位于南盘江—右江盆地黔西南坳陷,属于以中三叠世浊积岩作为区域盖层的南盘江油气保存区,在抬升剥蚀之前有良好的油气保存条件。矿区内出露的地层自老至新依次为:中二叠统茅口组灰岩、上二叠统大厂层火山角砾岩和凝灰岩、峨... 晴隆锑矿田位于南盘江—右江盆地黔西南坳陷,属于以中三叠世浊积岩作为区域盖层的南盘江油气保存区,在抬升剥蚀之前有良好的油气保存条件。矿区内出露的地层自老至新依次为:中二叠统茅口组灰岩、上二叠统大厂层火山角砾岩和凝灰岩、峨眉山玄武岩组和龙潭组煤系地层。锑矿体较靠近大厂背斜的核部,分布于花鱼井断层和青山镇断层之间,明显受北东向断层控制。晴隆锑矿古油藏则位于大厂背斜的西北翼,以峨眉山玄武岩组为主要储层,与沥青有共生关系的主要有黄铁矿、黄铜矿和方解石。 展开更多
关键词 古油藏 晴隆 锑矿 包裹体 峨眉山玄武岩 域盖层 保存区 断层控制 上二叠统 浊积岩
宝藏岩:让艺术进村 被引量:2
作者 潘博成 于雪 《中华手工》 2014年第10期79-81,共3页
将来的台北人会到宝藏岩踏青……在走那忽高忽低的石阶时,他会低头告诉牵着手的孩子:上个世纪50年代的台北人就住过这样的地方。说起台北,许多朋友会立刻联想到曾经的世界第二高楼"101大楼",但相信更多人并不知道,《纽约时报... 将来的台北人会到宝藏岩踏青……在走那忽高忽低的石阶时,他会低头告诉牵着手的孩子:上个世纪50年代的台北人就住过这样的地方。说起台北,许多朋友会立刻联想到曾经的世界第二高楼"101大楼",但相信更多人并不知道,《纽约时报》在2006年曾将一座山岗上的台北小村,与闻名世界的"101大楼"并列为"台北最具特色的景点"。这座小村便是宝藏岩。这里曾经是退役老兵自行搭建的违章建筑,这里曾经由六户人家发展到二百多户,这里曾经面临拆迂的危机。 展开更多
关键词 违章建筑 纽约时报 萧丽红 保存区 台湾师范大学 露天电影 农园 不知道 台湾大学 小型雕塑
作者 王莹 《风景名胜》 2008年第6期118-119,共2页
关键词 国家公园 大理岩 保存区 峡谷景观 公路 大理石 地形 清水 流域 景观
作者 王天浩 《云南档案》 2016年第4期1-1,共1页
2016年3月23日至24日,省档案局黄凤平局长一行专程督查华坪县档案馆新馆建设用地事宜和永胜县档案馆新馆建设推进情况。在督查过程中,黄局长与华坪县委书记李先祥、永胜县长冯忠就加快推进两县新馆建设用地事宜深入交换了意见,并实地踏... 2016年3月23日至24日,省档案局黄凤平局长一行专程督查华坪县档案馆新馆建设用地事宜和永胜县档案馆新馆建设推进情况。在督查过程中,黄局长与华坪县委书记李先祥、永胜县长冯忠就加快推进两县新馆建设用地事宜深入交换了意见,并实地踏勘了华坪县档案馆新馆建设的2个备选地址和永胜县新馆建设项目用地,与基层档案工作者座谈,查看了现有馆舍及库房,详细了解馆藏和业务工作开展情况。 展开更多
关键词 华坪 黄凤 永胜县 保存区 建设项目用地 建设用地 基层档案 实地踏勘 县委书记 档案工作
1例Ehlers-danlos VIA患者赖氨酸羟化酶基因新突变致赖氨酸羟化酶活性下降
作者 Walker L.C. Overstreet M.A. +2 位作者 Siddiqui A. H.N. Yeowell 阎小宁 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第9期20-20,共1页
The clinical diagnosis of a patient with the phenotype of EhlersDanlos syndrome type VI was confirmed biochemically by the severely diminished level of lysyl hydroxylase (LH) activity in the patient’s skin fibroblast... The clinical diagnosis of a patient with the phenotype of EhlersDanlos syndrome type VI was confirmed biochemically by the severely diminished level of lysyl hydroxylase (LH) activity in the patient’s skin fibroblasts. A novel homozygous mutation, a single base change of T1360 →G in exon 13 of the LH1 gene, predicted to result in W446G, was identified in the patient’s full-length cDNA. This was confirmed in genomic DNA from both the patient and her parents, who were heterozygous for the mutation. This mutation was introduced into an LH1-pAcGP67 baculoviral construct and expressed, in parallel with normal LH1, in an insect cell system. The loss of LH activity in the mutated recombinant construct confirmed the pathogenicity of this mutation. Although not in the major catalytic site, this mutation occurs in a highly conserved region of the LH1 gene and may contribute to loss of activity by interfering with normal folding of the enzyme. 展开更多
关键词 赖氨酸羟化酶 突变体 生化检验 保存区 纤维母细胞 纯合子 接触反应 重组体 临床诊断 杆状病毒
《农家致富》 2019年第6期57-57,共1页
2月26日,新国家作物种质库项目在中国农科院正式开工建设。种质库设计容量为150万份,是现有种质库容量的近4倍。国家种质库是全国作物种质资源长期保存与研究中心。老国家种质库于1986年10月在中国农业科学院落成,隶属于作物品种资源研... 2月26日,新国家作物种质库项目在中国农科院正式开工建设。种质库设计容量为150万份,是现有种质库容量的近4倍。国家种质库是全国作物种质资源长期保存与研究中心。老国家种质库于1986年10月在中国农业科学院落成,隶属于作物品种资源研究所,总建筑面积为3200平方米,由试验区、种子入库前处理操作区、保存区三部分组成。保存区建有两个长期贮藏冷库。 展开更多
关键词 种质库 保存区
作者 杨明 《林业与生态》 2015年第5期10-10,共1页
湖南省林业科学院实验林场国家油茶种质资源库总面积33.34公顷,其中种质资源收集保存区20公顷、品种测定林5.34公顷、良种采穗圃8公顷。采集了全省2000余个单株的油茶及其近缘物种植物的枝叶、花果等,制作了3000份植物标本,同时拍摄了... 湖南省林业科学院实验林场国家油茶种质资源库总面积33.34公顷,其中种质资源收集保存区20公顷、品种测定林5.34公顷、良种采穗圃8公顷。采集了全省2000余个单株的油茶及其近缘物种植物的枝叶、花果等,制作了3000份植物标本,同时拍摄了上万张资源调查照片,对省内油茶资源及目前栽培情况、山茶属大量野生资源的分布及发展趋势进行了大范围考察, 展开更多
关键词 实验林场 林业科学院 种质资源库 保存区 山茶属 栽培情况 采穗圃 植物标本 种质资源收集 优良无性系
作者 YU Jun-bao, LIU Jing-shuang, WANG Jin-da (Changchun Institute of Geography, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130021,P.R.China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第2期186-191,共6页
Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis), a kind of endangered large-scale wader, is one of valuable and rare birds in the world. It has been indexed in China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals (Aves), China Data Book of ... Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis), a kind of endangered large-scale wader, is one of valuable and rare birds in the world. It has been indexed in China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals (Aves), China Data Book of Major Protection Wild Animals, World Red Data Book of Birds, State Trade Protocol of Endangered Wild Plants and Animals Species. The paper studies the amount, distribution, habit, growth and habitat of Red-crowned Crane in China in detail, systematically analyses the ecological environment feature of Red-crowned Crane breeding area, including the vegetation feature, the vertical distribution law of absolute humidity and temperature, some carnivorous food and herbivorous food for Red-crowned Crane. At present, the ecological environment of breeding area has been destroyed seriously by human activity. The area of marshland is reduced rapidly. A large area of reeds has been disappeared. The survival of Red-crowned Crane is threatened greatly. So it′s necessary to maintain the biodiversity of breeding area in order to protect Red-crowned Crane. . 展开更多
关键词 Red-crowned Crane nature reserve CONSERVATION ENVIRONMENT
Urban revitalization in historic urban residential quarter
作者 巴笑夫 董卫 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期102-107,共6页
The traditional urban form in historic Ningbo has undergone many radicaltransformations over the past two decades. The relatively homogeneous traditional fabric of the cityhas been damaged and remodeled following mode... The traditional urban form in historic Ningbo has undergone many radicaltransformations over the past two decades. The relatively homogeneous traditional fabric of the cityhas been damaged and remodeled following modernized urban models. This paperaims at synthesizingurban renewal and conservation through examining the revitalization of a particular traditionalurban area. The case of the West Yuehu area of Ningbo is selected to show the planning approachesand proposals, constraints and contradictions regarding revitalization under this social transition.The methodology used in the research is divided into two parts: literature review and field study.The theoretical part of the research regarding urban conservation in China is based on literaturereview. The field study is conducted by the authors and groups of students from SoutheastUniversity. The complete methodology attempts to illustrate the dimensions of urban renewal byexamining the processes, conflicts and results of revitalizationof historic urban areas, consideringthe present changing socio-economic context. 展开更多
关键词 urban revitalization traditional urban areas CONSERVATION PRESERVATION
Effects of Grassland Degradation and Re-vegetation on Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in the Soils of the Headwater Area Nature Reserve on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,China 被引量:16
作者 SU Xu-kun WU Yu +3 位作者 DONG Shi-kui WEN Lu LI Yuan-yuan WANG Xue-xia 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期582-591,共10页
Both overgrazing and climate change contribute to grassland degradation in the alpine regions of China and negatively affect soil carbon and nitrogen pools. We quantified changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and tot... Both overgrazing and climate change contribute to grassland degradation in the alpine regions of China and negatively affect soil carbon and nitrogen pools. We quantified changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in black soil beach (BSB). We measured SOC and TN in severely degraded and non-degraded grasslands to calculate differences in carbon and nitrogen storage, and field survey results were extrapolated to the entire headwaters area of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (36.3xlos krn~) to determine SOC and TN losses from these grasslands. We also evaluated changes in SOC and TN in severely degraded grasslands that were artificially re-vegetated five, seven and nine years ago. Totally 92.43 Tg C and 7.08 Tg N were lost from the BSB in the headwater area, which was approximately 50% of the original C and N soil pools. Re-vegetation of the degraded grasslands in the headwater area would result in a gain of 32.71 Tg C in the soil after five years, a loss of 5.5a Tg C after seven years and an increase of 44.15 Tg C after nine years. The TN increased by 53.09% and 59.98% after five and nine years, respectively, while it decreased by 4.92% after seven years of re-vegetation. The results indicate that C and N stocks followed a "V" shaped pattern with re- vegetation time. Understanding plant-soil interactions during succession of artificially planting grassland ecosystems is essential for developing scientifically sound management strategies for the effectively re-vegetated BSB. 展开更多
关键词 Black soil beach Grassland degradation Soil loss REVEGETATION Alpine grasslands Soil carbonsequestration Soil nitrogen sequestration
Habitat suitability change of red-crowned crane in Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve 被引量:2
作者 CAO Ming-chang LIU Gao-huan 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期141-147,共7页
Habitat loss and fragmentation are mainly associated with population decrease of endangered species and biodiversity loss. The habitat suitability maps of red-crowned crane (Grusjaponensis) in 1992, 1999 and 2006 we... Habitat loss and fragmentation are mainly associated with population decrease of endangered species and biodiversity loss. The habitat suitability maps of red-crowned crane (Grusjaponensis) in 1992, 1999 and 2006 were produced by using Ecological Niche Suitability Model (ENSM) in Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve (118°33′-119°20′E longitude, 37°35′-38°12′N latitude), Shandong Province, China. Based on the habitat suitability maps, the causation and change law of habitat loss and fragmentation of red-crowned crane were analyzed by selecting a series of landscape pattern indices. Results showed that due to scarcities of fresh water sources, habitat suitability of red-crowned crane in 1999 was inferior to that in 1992 and 2006 no matter whether human disturbances existed or not. Besides, human disturbance activities, especially road disturbances, increased rapidly during the period of 1992-2006. This worsened the habitat loss and frag- mentation of red-crowned crane, and led to degrading habitat suitability of red-crowned crane in 2006, compared with that in 1992. In conclusion, fresh water sources and human disturbance activities are the two main factors that drive the habitat suitability change of red-crowned crane. 展开更多
关键词 red-crowned crane Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve habitat suitability habitat loss habitat fragmentation
作者 Yang Zongkai Liu Wei +1 位作者 He Jianhua Chou Chuntung 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2005年第6期619-631,共13页
RIO(RED with IN and OUT) is the primary queue management mechanism proposed for assured forwarding in the DiffServ (Differentiated Service) framework. Although RIO can generally provide bandwidth guarantees, its queui... RIO(RED with IN and OUT) is the primary queue management mechanism proposed for assured forwarding in the DiffServ (Differentiated Service) framework. Although RIO can generally provide bandwidth guarantees, its queuing delay is sensitive to the traffic load. This paper presents a qualitative explanation for its origin. As a solution, an Adaptive RIO for Delay (ARIO-D) is proposed to provide guaranteed delay for multimedia traffic. Simulation results show that by trading loss for delay, ARIO-D can effectively improve the robustness of RIO under different and dynamic traffic, and provide stable and differentiated performance of queuing delay without any degradation in performance of throughput. 展开更多
关键词 Differentiated services Adaptive RIO (RED with IN and OUT) Delay guarantees
Pest Management in Museum Collections and Storage Areas (New ApproachmOnline Sensors for Pest Detection)
作者 Petra Stefcoa Michal Pech +3 位作者 Michael Kotyk Jaroslav Valach Karel Julis Jirl Frankl 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2014年第3期163-176,共14页
Common denominator and one of the goals in the "storage" of many, even different, commodities (agricultural, etc.) is their protection against invasion by biological pests; protection of objects of cultural herita... Common denominator and one of the goals in the "storage" of many, even different, commodities (agricultural, etc.) is their protection against invasion by biological pests; protection of objects of cultural heritage deposited in museums, galleries, archives and other institutions of a similar type is one of the specific case. The present article is an overview of basic (potential) biological pests of some "storage" commodities (with emphasis on the protection of objects of cultural heritage) as well as methods used for their detection. In the final section, a modular system of the ongoing assessment of the environmental characteristics of depositaries and exhibitions (including "biological") is briefly presented; its advantage is the possibility of on-line monitoring of the evaluated parameters (temperature, humidity, lighting, etc.) including the detection of presence of crawling and airborne insects. 展开更多
关键词 Protection of objects and buildings of cultural heritage monitoring protection against the dangers of biological damage internal environment sensors.
Social Services for Mobile Pastoralists: Cross-sector Strategy Based on "One Health"
作者 Mahamat Bechir Zinsstag Jakob +6 位作者 Mahamat Abdoulaye Schelling Esther Kessely Hamit Fokou Gilbert Moto Daugla Bonfoh Bassirou Tanner Marcel 《Sociology Study》 2012年第9期705-714,共10页
Mobile pastoralist communities in Sahel countries have serious problems of access to social services. Classic strategies for social services were always based on a single sector, focused on settled populations, and ha... Mobile pastoralist communities in Sahel countries have serious problems of access to social services. Classic strategies for social services were always based on a single sector, focused on settled populations, and hardly reached mobile communities. This paper aims to show a cross-sector approach as a part of solutions to provide social services for mobile pastoralist communities and describes the ongoing scaling-up process. The method used is based on a transdisciplinary approach which involves target communities and authorities in all processes through workshops and site visits. Interventions adopted the concept of "one health" benefiting of an added value of closer cooperation between human and animal health. This approach was tested with joint interventions between human and animal health, which provided access to health services for unreached communities and saved resource when compared with single sector intervention. Such approaches could be extended to other social services within cross-sector interventions such as the delivery of basic education in nomadic areas. Such a strategy was validated by the communities and authorities and was further transformed into a national programme after a series of six national stakeholders' seminars. The cross-sector intervention will provide a minimum package of services (MPS) without compromising the structural services. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile pastoralists integrated cross-sector approach TRANSDISCIPLINARY one health CHAD
《全明星》 2009年第7期85-85,共1页
1.进入本刊博客:http://quanmingxing11.blog.sohu.com。2.进入左侧'日志分类'中的'积分SHOPPING'。3.我们将会在SHOPPING中放入礼品,每个礼品单独一篇日志; 4.如您想得到某件礼品,且您的积分达到该礼品的积分要求,即... 1.进入本刊博客:http://quanmingxing11.blog.sohu.com。2.进入左侧'日志分类'中的'积分SHOPPING'。3.我们将会在SHOPPING中放入礼品,每个礼品单独一篇日志; 4.如您想得到某件礼品,且您的积分达到该礼品的积分要求,即可在该日志后面回复;因为每件礼品数量有限,我们将按礼品数量取最前面的回复者。 展开更多
关键词 SHOPPING 邮件正文 邮件主题 HTTP 花无缺 保存区 江苏无锡 在博 天后
作者 刘伯锋 可一 Helen 《全明星》 2009年第5期82-83,共2页
关键词 答题卡 一本 邮件主题 足球俱乐部 HTTP 邮件正文 花无缺 保存区 菲戈 在博
《全明星》 2009年第8期85-85,共1页
关键词 SHOPPING 邮件正文 邮件主题 HTTP 花无缺 保存区 江苏无锡 在博 天后
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