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作者 刘再明 《数学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第2期261-267,共7页
既含瞬时态又含稳定态的Q-矩阵的研究比较困难,目前国内外已有的结果不多,且大部分是在Q保守的条件下给出。本文对瞬时态非保守的矩阵Q.给出了存在Q过程的一个充分条件,此条件直接加在矩阵Q上,比较容易检验。应用本文结果,... 既含瞬时态又含稳定态的Q-矩阵的研究比较困难,目前国内外已有的结果不多,且大部分是在Q保守的条件下给出。本文对瞬时态非保守的矩阵Q.给出了存在Q过程的一个充分条件,此条件直接加在矩阵Q上,比较容易检验。应用本文结果,可直接导出[6]中主要结论的充分性的证明。 展开更多
关键词 瞬时 保守态 Q矩阵 Q过程
一种基于表达序列标签(EST)的新型目标分子标记技术——保守区域扩增多态性(CoRAP) 被引量:3
作者 熊发前 唐荣华 +5 位作者 庄伟建 蒋菁 钟瑞春 韩柱强 贺梁琼 李忠 《广西农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2010年第2期100-103,共4页
CoRAP分子标记技术是一种基于表达序列标签的目标分子标记新技术,具有操作简单、重复性高和特异性强等优点。该分子标记的原理是:根据表达序列标签来设计1个固定引物,根据大多数内含子内部的一段保守序列设计另1个随机引物,在退火温度... CoRAP分子标记技术是一种基于表达序列标签的目标分子标记新技术,具有操作简单、重复性高和特异性强等优点。该分子标记的原理是:根据表达序列标签来设计1个固定引物,根据大多数内含子内部的一段保守序列设计另1个随机引物,在退火温度为52℃的常规3步法PCR程序下,扩增产生偏向表达序列标签附近区域的显性或共显性标记。该分子标记可以作为SRAP、TRAP标记有效补充的目标分子标记新技术,在生物多样性分析、遗传图谱构建、重要性状基因标记、QTL定位及分子标记辅助育种等方面均有较大的应用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 保守区域扩增多性(CoRAP) 目标分子标记 表达序列标签(EST) 内含子多
大豆基因组保守序列及综合保守序列扩增多态性分子标记(ICSAP)的设计 被引量:1
作者 詹少华 韦传宝 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第36期13847-13850,共4页
采用VBA程序查找了大豆基因组保守序列——在基因组中出现次数较多的碱基序列片段,分析了这类保守序列的基本特性,在此基础上,设计了一种新型分子标记——综合保守序列扩增多态性分子标记。碱基数目越多,保守序列种类数和出现次数越少,... 采用VBA程序查找了大豆基因组保守序列——在基因组中出现次数较多的碱基序列片段,分析了这类保守序列的基本特性,在此基础上,设计了一种新型分子标记——综合保守序列扩增多态性分子标记。碱基数目越多,保守序列种类数和出现次数越少,从10个碱基到27个碱基,保守序列的GC含量先是逐渐增加,达到一个平台后又逐渐降低。碱基离保守序列3’端越近,出现A或T的可能性越大,碱基在保守序列中的分布具有非随机性。不同长度的保守序列具有明显的进化关系。筛选出10个碱基的保守序列和长度为8个碱基的填充序列用来设计引物,共得到566对引物组合。该新型分子标记有望在条带多态性、引物一致性等方面超越现有分子标记,同时具有成本低廉等优点。该研究旨在为基因组保守序列查找和分子标记设计方面提供新的思路,分析这些保守序列特性有助于进一步探索分子进化机理。该新型分子标记有可能在大豆种质资源鉴定和基因图位克隆等方面得到应用,同时该分析方法也适用对其他物种。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 基因组勘探序列 保守序列 综合保守序列 综合保守序列扩增多
略观国统区抗战小说风貌 被引量:2
作者 黄俊英 《社会科学辑刊》 1987年第4期82-87,共6页
多年来,对国统区抗日战争时期的小说成就评价,海内外学者一直持保守态度。尤其在国外,一些学者众口一词把抗战小说创作称为是新文学史上的“凋零期”、“倒退时代”,司马长风的《中国新文学史》即认为“新文学的小说,经过近二十年的摸索... 多年来,对国统区抗日战争时期的小说成就评价,海内外学者一直持保守态度。尤其在国外,一些学者众口一词把抗战小说创作称为是新文学史上的“凋零期”、“倒退时代”,司马长风的《中国新文学史》即认为“新文学的小说,经过近二十年的摸索,学步,抗战前夕,在技巧和风格方面刚趋向成熟,战云和烽火便掩袭了大地。正待结果的花朵,遂纷纷飘落。”历史的面目果真如此么?我们且看事实的验证。 展开更多
关键词 国统区 抗战初期 抗日战争时期 相持阶段 保守态 国民党政府 文艺工作者 海内外 新气象 抗战小说
作者 左东林 《企业经济》 1988年第1期48-48,共1页
许多国家的经济发展事实表明,不重视技术开发,积极引进新技术,是难以求得技术的进步的。比如英国对国外先进技术持保守态度,结果不仅新兴产业发展缓慢,而且传统产业的改造也缓慢了。而日本则在技术引进方面却取得了辉煌的成就。1967年,... 许多国家的经济发展事实表明,不重视技术开发,积极引进新技术,是难以求得技术的进步的。比如英国对国外先进技术持保守态度,结果不仅新兴产业发展缓慢,而且传统产业的改造也缓慢了。而日本则在技术引进方面却取得了辉煌的成就。1967年,日本从美国引进第一台机器人。仅二年时间日本就已研制成自己的第一台机器人。此后,日本仍不断从联邦德国、瑞典、挪威和英国引进机器人技术,并不断消化、创新。到1971年,日本反而开始向美国转让多臂机器人技术。1983年,日立公司又向通用电气公司转让微型机控机器人技术。现在,日本已发展成为头号机器人国家。 展开更多
关键词 机器人技术 引进工作 技术引进 传统产业 技术开发 保守态 通用电气公司 经济发展 日本 微型机
作者 笔耕农 《中外房地产导报》 1996年第7期35-36,共2页
香港有很多王,唱歌的有“四大天王”,在海上运输的有“船王”,但是,有谁知道专门经营铺面的“铺王”呢? 一、小富由俭,大富由天,大富小富都离不开铺面。 香港有句很值得玩味的话:小富由俭,大富由天,大富小富离不开铺面。乍一听似乎有些... 香港有很多王,唱歌的有“四大天王”,在海上运输的有“船王”,但是,有谁知道专门经营铺面的“铺王”呢? 一、小富由俭,大富由天,大富小富都离不开铺面。 香港有句很值得玩味的话:小富由俭,大富由天,大富小富离不开铺面。乍一听似乎有些偏颇,但细究起来也不无道理,在香港要想发达不能离开地产。 香港现在有两位红得发紫的铺王:一个叫邓成波,一个叫周南。他们两个当初都是穷得丁当响的人,后来靠微薄的积蓄炒起了商铺。 展开更多
关键词 香港 铺面 商铺 地产界 投资商 水湾 保守态 变老 戏院 周南
作者 高子剑 《股市动态分析》 2006年第47期26-26,共1页
关键词 期货交易 再创新 价差 行情 平仓 度转变 突破 保守态 持仓量 减少
看多不宜做多 短期仍将反复
作者 阮华 《股市动态分析》 2005年第47期57-57,共1页
关键词 交易平台 成交额 行情 中国股市 经纪业务 具备条件 证券法 保守态 违规行为 示范效应
作者 江晓云 《赤峰教育学院学报》 2003年第2期15-16,共2页
一、中学生产生心理障碍的原因首先,生理、心理发展不平衡。(1)物质生活水平的提高使当代中学生生理发育期提前,第二性征的出现比过去提前了1—2年,而相应的心理准备呈滞后状态。学校对性的保守态度使生理及心理卫生课减之又减、略之又... 一、中学生产生心理障碍的原因首先,生理、心理发展不平衡。(1)物质生活水平的提高使当代中学生生理发育期提前,第二性征的出现比过去提前了1—2年,而相应的心理准备呈滞后状态。学校对性的保守态度使生理及心理卫生课减之又减、略之又略,中学生只得从旁门侧道获取一些性知识,造成心理疾患,出现早恋、单相思、怀孕、出走等棘手问题。(2)步入中学后,中学生体魄发生了很大变化,已接近成年人,但其认知结构仍在发展中,心理上呈半成熟半幼稚状态。他们喜欢独立思考,但辨别是非能力较差,表现出见异思迁、盲目逆反、重哥们义气等。可见,进入中学生的思维领域进行耐心的心理疏导是很必要的。其次,社会环境的影响。改革开放,使人们的观念处于极不稳定之中,许多人将钱作为衡量人价值的尺度。在中学生中普遍出现两种心态:(1)学习无用,挣钱是真,他们寻找机会去实现其理解的"价值"。 展开更多
关键词 中学生 心理障碍 发展不平衡 心理卫生 认知结构 心理疏导 矫正 保守态 生理发育 物质生活水平
Volume-conserved Twist Excited State of π-Conjugated Molecules
作者 孙钦超 刘建勇 +1 位作者 郝艳 杨希川 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期637-642,745,共7页
The excited state characters of HY103 have been studied by means of time-resolved photon emission (time-correlated single photon counting) and time dependent density functional theory calculations. The experimental ... The excited state characters of HY103 have been studied by means of time-resolved photon emission (time-correlated single photon counting) and time dependent density functional theory calculations. The experimental and theoretical results demonstrate that HY103 dyes undergo an efficient one-bond-flip motion after photoexicitation at room temperature, which leads to a very short lifetime of the normM fluorescence state, and a weak fluorescence emission around 670 am. However, when HY103 are excited in amorphous glasses at 77 K, the normal fluorescence emission is prolonged to nanoseconds time scale about 2 ns, and the fluorescence emission is enhanced. Furthermore, a new emission state is produced, which is characterized as a volume-conserved twisted (VCT) state. This is the first observation of a VCT state. The experiment indicates that the VCT motion of excited state of π-conjugated molecules in restricted environment can form a stable emission state, and the excited state character of π-conjugated molecules in restricted environment is complex. 展开更多
关键词 Volume-conserved twisted state Time-resolved photon emission PHOTOISOMERIZATION
Hidden Side of the Work: Culture War in the Movie Forrest Gump
作者 LAN Liang-ping 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第3期196-201,共6页
The current study explores how the ideological struggle is unfolded in the movie Forrest Gump (1994). Through a critical examination of the text structure of the plot and the language used by four main characters, i... The current study explores how the ideological struggle is unfolded in the movie Forrest Gump (1994). Through a critical examination of the text structure of the plot and the language used by four main characters, it demonstrates that conservatism has gained great victory over liberalism in the following way: Those with conservative values are highlighted repeatedly in a favorable way, while those who preach liberal values are frequently associated with tragic events, and ultimately, the latter all converted into conservatives in one way or another, which indicates a reconciliation between the two opposing ideologies. This study might shed light on how visual media can be geared towards political justifications, and bring audience to the level of conscious awareness of that effect 展开更多
关键词 ideological work discourse analysis culture war
作者 陶虹 《当代学前教育》 2007年第2期44-46,共3页
"瑞吉欧"对我国幼教一线工作者来说是个既熟悉又陌生的词汇。说它熟悉,是因为早在多年前就有幼教专家在报告中提及,瑞吉欧曾荣登一贯以保守态度著称的美国杂志《新闻周刊》选出的"世界十大杰出学校榜";说它陌生,是... "瑞吉欧"对我国幼教一线工作者来说是个既熟悉又陌生的词汇。说它熟悉,是因为早在多年前就有幼教专家在报告中提及,瑞吉欧曾荣登一贯以保守态度著称的美国杂志《新闻周刊》选出的"世界十大杰出学校榜";说它陌生,是因为瑞吉欧毕竟在遥远的意大利,关于它的办学理念﹑教学内容、教学形式……我们均无法近距离触及,只好雾里看花。 展开更多
关键词 瑞吉欧教育 儿童 幼教 权益 意大利 保护 办学理念 尊重 教学内容 保守态
Global patterns of species richness of the holarctic alpine herb Saxifraga:the role of temperature and habitat heterogeneity 被引量:1
作者 Lian Liu Xiaoting Xu +11 位作者 Lei Zhang Yaoqi Li Nawal Shrestha Danilo M.Neves Qinggang Wang Hong Chang Xiangyan Su Yunpeng Liu Jianyong Wu Dimitar Dimitrov Zhiheng Wang Jianquan Liu 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期237-252,共16页
The effects of contemporary climate,habitat heterogeneity and long-term climate change on species richness are well studied for woody plants in forest ecosystems,but poorly understood for herbaceous plants,especially ... The effects of contemporary climate,habitat heterogeneity and long-term climate change on species richness are well studied for woody plants in forest ecosystems,but poorly understood for herbaceous plants,especially in alpine–arctic ecosystems.Here,we aim to test if the previously proposed hypothesis based on the richness–environment relationship could explain the variation in richness patterns of the typical alpine–arctic herbaceous genus Saxifraga.Using a newly compiled distribution database of 437 Saxifraga species,we estimated the species richness patterns for all species,narrow-and wide-ranged species.We used generalized linear models and simultaneous autoregressive models to evaluate the effects of contemporary climate,habitat heterogeneity and historical climate on species richness patterns.Partial regressions were used to determine the independent and shared effects of different variables.Four widely used models were tested to identify their predictive power in explaining patterns of species richness.We found that temperature was negatively correlated with the richness patterns of all and wide-ranged species,and that was the most important environmental factor,indicating a strong conservatism of its ancestral temperate niche.Habitat heterogeneity and long-term climate change were the best predictors of the spatial variation of narrow-ranged species richness.Overall,the combined model containing five predictors can explain ca.40%–50%of the variation in species richness.We further argued that additional evolutionary and biogeographical processes might have also played an essential role in shaping the Saxifraga diversity patterns and should be considered in future studies. 展开更多
关键词 climate change Last Glacial Maximum niche conservatism range size water–energy dynamics
Spatial patterns and determinants of Moraceae richness in China 被引量:1
作者 Hua-Feng Wang Xiaoting Xu +6 位作者 Xia-Lan Cheng Yunpeng Liu Ao Luo Tong Lyu Wen-Long Wang Mir Muhammad Nizamani Zhiheng Wang 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第6期1142-1153,共12页
Understanding large-scale patterns of biodiversity and their drivers remains central in ecology.Many hypotheses have been proposed,including hydrothermal dynamic hypothesis,tropical niche conservatism hypothesis,Janze... Understanding large-scale patterns of biodiversity and their drivers remains central in ecology.Many hypotheses have been proposed,including hydrothermal dynamic hypothesis,tropical niche conservatism hypothesis,Janzen’s hypothesis and a combination model containing energy,water,seasonality and habitat heterogeneity.Yet,their relative contributions to groups with different lifeforms and range sizes remain controversial,which have limited our ability to understand the general mechanisms underlying species richness patterns.Here we evaluated how lifeforms and species range sizes influenced the relative contributions of these three hypotheses to species richness patterns of a tropical family Moraceae.The distribution data of Moraceae species at a spatial resolution of 50 km×50 km and their lifeforms(i.e.shrubs,small trees and large trees)were compiled.The species richness patterns were estimated for the entire family,different life forms and species with different range sizes separately.The effects of environmental variables on species richness were analyzed,and relative contributions of different hypotheses were evaluated across life forms and species range size groups.The species richness patterns were consistent across different species groups and the species richness was the highest in Sichuan,Guangzhou and Hainan provinces,making these provinces the hotspots of this family.Climate seasonality is the primary factor in determining richness variation of Moraceae.The best combination model gave the largest explanatory power for Moraceae species richness across each group of range size and life forms followed by the hydrothermal dynamic hypothesis,Janzen’s hypothesis and tropical niche conservatism hypothesis.All these models has a large shared effects but a low independent effect(<5%),except rare species.These findings suggest unique patterns and mechanisms underlying rare species richness and provide a theoretical basis for protection of the Moraceae species in China. 展开更多
关键词 hydrothermal dynamic hypothesis tropical niche conservatism hypothesis Janzen’s hypothesis MORACEAE environmental factor China
A taxonomic and phylogenetic perspective on plant community assembly along an elevational gradient in subtropical forests 被引量:4
作者 Ran Zhang Zhaochen Zhang +8 位作者 Kankan Shang Mingshui Zhao Jiaxin Kong Xin Wang Yuzhuo Wang Houjuan Song Oukai Zhang Xuan Lv Jian Zhang 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第4期702-716,共15页
Aims Biodiversity patterns along elevational gradients have been well documented.Yet,the variations of biodiversity patterns along elevations and their underlying mechanisms are still unclear.Integrating multiple face... Aims Biodiversity patterns along elevational gradients have been well documented.Yet,the variations of biodiversity patterns along elevations and their underlying mechanisms are still unclear.Integrating multiple facets of biodiversity provides novel insights into the mechanisms for driving community assembly.In this study,species abundance information was incorporated into taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity to reveal the ecological and evolutionary forces of plant community assembly along an elevational gradient in subtropical forests.Methods We selected 17 woody plant plots along an elevational gradient from 270 to 1470 m in eastern China’s subtropical forests.Both presence-based and abundance-based measures of angiosperm species were used to quantify taxonomic alpha diversity,phylogenetic alpha diversity,phylogenetic relatedness,as well as taxonomic and phylogenetic dissimilarity among these plots.And the relations between these measures and climatic and topographic variables were analyzed.Important Findings For both abundance-weighted and unweighted measures,we observed an overall increasing pattern for taxonomic alpha diversity along elevation,and distance-decay trends of taxonomic and phylogenetic similarity with increased elevational distances.However,there were disparity patterns of phylogenetic alpha diversity between abundance-weighted and unweighted measures.For phylogenetic structure,there was no significant trend along elevation.Both topographical and microclimatic variables were main drivers of diversity patterns and phylogenetic structure.Compared with unweighted measures,abundance-weighted measures were strongly related with the slope and stand basal area.Overall,our results prove that deterministic processes mediated by local species abundance imprint on plant community composition along the elevational gradient. 展开更多
关键词 community phylogenetics phylogenetic structure phylogenetic diversity beta diversity environmental gradient MICROCLIMATE phylogenetic niche conservatism
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